Thứ Hai, 4 tháng 12, 2017

Waching daily Dec 4 2017

hey guys back with another video today like always I'm talking about my weight

loss journey and what I am currently doing or what I may have fell off doing

well I have some good news for you I haven't fell off doing anything I'm back

on doing the one meal a day 23 hour fast which is the intermittent fasting I'm

going to be doing that until I get to my max weight I have about 80 pounds or so

or more to lose and this is the way that I'm going to lose it healthy and also

it's going to help with my anxiety because it seems like my anxiety is

getting less and less every time I get on this diet it helps with my nerves you

know and that's mainly because the body generates new cells and it makes things

work correctly in the body when you're doing an intimate and fast because what

a fast is is detoxifying the body of all these toxins that don't allow the liver

to work properly and once the liver is working properly then the whole body is

working properly the brain the heart the blood your

kidneys your digestive system all the organs in the body can function and

absorb what it needs to absorb to function correctly and what it doesn't

need it goes out the other way so I was at the store today and I want to let you

guys know I'm gonna start doing like a journal and I'm gonna be doing a few

videos a day off of the day when something comes in my mind you know on

this weight-loss journey I'm just gonna pick up my head my head sets and I'm

just gonna get on the computer and I'm just going to track what I'm feeling

and what I can give to the public that can help you guys as well so you can

jump-start your weight loss journey but today I was walking past the window and

not only could I feel and these jeans that I've been wearing that like my only

pair jeans that I can probably fit in for the most part but I can see through

the silhouette through the window wow you were really slimming down your

thighs which are my problem areas that's where a lot of my fat migrates to it is

going away you are slimming down each day it just seems like you're getting

smaller and smaller and smaller and smaller and then when I do my one meal a

day I usually do an eating show video or some people call it a mukbang video and

the kind of eating show videos I do they asmar videos ASMR videos and the eating

sounds no talking so you only see my mouth and I'm starting to even see in

that area and also in my arms they're slimming out my jaw bone is

becoming more defined I'm seeing this day by day by day by day and I'm like

wow it is really amazing the power of the body and one thing I said that I

want to let the public know if you can honestly listen to your body and when it

says it's hungry if you know your honor our regiment and you're not gonna eat in

two three o'clock and afternoon like myself you have to conquer that hunger

if you can overcome letting the hunger you know be more powerful and what I

mean by that is when you feel hungry if you if you say I'm not gonna eat just

cuz I feel hungry you will lose away and you will lose it faster and a lot of you

guys will realize you don't have to be on a diet

because if you can control that hyung hunger feeling that's gonna go away in

like five minutes I was feeling a couple of minutes ago

before I did this video I was feeling hungry and I'm doing this video now five

minutes later and I don't feel hungry so if you can not let that overpower you

then your weight loss journey to being slim

and fit and healthy is just it's just it's arm reaches away your goal is

almost there I think that's a powerful thing if somebody can have self-control

and say I'm not hungry I just feel like I'm hungry and this is what I'm supposed

to eat this is my regiment here that I'm supposed to follow and I'm gonna only

eat when it's time for me to eat that hunger pain will go away you're not

gonna die if you feel hungry and it always passes you have to be strong it

wouldn't be a such thing as a diet or even way eating if we could control what

our minds are making us think so I don't want to make this video too long but

keep that in mind we control how we feel through the mind and when we're hungry

if we can over power the mind and say so what I'm hungry it's gonna go away in

five minutes that eating hunger pain then you can conquer your weight you can

get that under control and you can stay fit and slim and healthy for the rest of

your life so remember say no when you're hungry

don't let the hunger make you fat take control of that so with all that being

said please like this video please share the video and make it a favorite and

I'll see you guys in the next video bye for now



Alan Walker - Fade | Klip - Duration: 4:21.

For more infomation >> Alan Walker - Fade | Klip - Duration: 4:21.


Chrisley Knows Best | Season 5, Episode 22: Grayson Pitches His YouTube Gaming Channel - Duration: 2:17.

For more infomation >> Chrisley Knows Best | Season 5, Episode 22: Grayson Pitches His YouTube Gaming Channel - Duration: 2:17.


Alimentos que ajudam a combater o mau hálito - Duration: 5:53.

For more infomation >> Alimentos que ajudam a combater o mau hálito - Duration: 5:53.


Tutorial - How to display HWInfo sensors on Android display - Duration: 4:11.

Greetings everyone and welcome to the new tutorial.

In one of previous tutorials I've showed how to display game info on android display.

In this tutorial, I will show you how to display HWinfo sensor's on android display.

Info about your cpu,temp,voltage...

For this purpose we will be using program hwreceiver

Besides this you will need to have Hwinfo installed and configured,

you will need Hwinfo transmitter for windows.

and HWR apk for Android.

This is still unreleased version of apk so there are still some bugs with apk and also apk can crash.

So be careful to avoid problems.

When we open Hwinfo transmitter this IP address is important thing.

We will have to enter it on our Android device.

To enter it press small add server icon in the upper right corner and type in IP address.

When you are finished with typing press done then press save. Now, there will be server displayed.

To connect to the server long press on IP address and choose connect.

Now our Android device is connected to HWinfo.

In the upper right corner there is small + sign.

Press it to add some senors.

I will add 3 sensors for example.

Long press on sensor and choose settings.

For example i will choose core temp,

cpu socket temp,

gpu temp.

As you can see all sensors that we chosen is now displayed on Android device.

One important thing: Sensor refresh time is set to 1 second by default.

Delete this and

change it to 0.1 second.

When you change it sensors will start to refresh faster.

Apk is showing current value, minimal value and max value.

I dont know if you can see it since display is small. Ofc if you have bigger screen better for you.

When i owned G19 keyboard i had this all on the keyboard's display but since i dont have it anymore I wanted to try alternative way to show this Hwinfo sensors.

This is very useful during gaming when you want to check out your fps,cpu and gpu temp.

I hope you enjoyed watching this tutorial.

Support this video with LIKE,SUBSCRIBE to my channel.

Until next video. Salute.

For more infomation >> Tutorial - How to display HWInfo sensors on Android display - Duration: 4:11.


5 CARDS THAT EVERY FIFA PLAYER SHOULD BUY! 🤑 (FIFA 18 Investing) - Duration: 14:37.

For more infomation >> 5 CARDS THAT EVERY FIFA PLAYER SHOULD BUY! 🤑 (FIFA 18 Investing) - Duration: 14:37.


Abnormal Barber Prank | By Nadir Ali and Team | in P 4 Pakao | Nadir Ali Prank P4Pakao | - Duration: 8:12.

nadir ali latest new prank in p 4 pakao

nadir ali latest new prank in p 4 pakao

nadir ali latest new prank in p 4 pakao

nadir ali latest new prank in p 4 pakao

For more infomation >> Abnormal Barber Prank | By Nadir Ali and Team | in P 4 Pakao | Nadir Ali Prank P4Pakao | - Duration: 8:12.


নারীর অগ্রযাত্রায় যোগ হচ্ছে আরেকটি মাইলফলক ||Another milestone in women's advancement is being added - Duration: 2:03.

Another milestone in women's advancement is being added

For more infomation >> নারীর অগ্রযাত্রায় যোগ হচ্ছে আরেকটি মাইলফলক ||Another milestone in women's advancement is being added - Duration: 2:03.


ВИРУСНОЕ Видео Ютуба 2017! САМЫЕ ПОПУЛЯРНЫХ ВИДЕО на YouTube - Duration: 0:11.

For more infomation >> ВИРУСНОЕ Видео Ютуба 2017! САМЫЕ ПОПУЛЯРНЫХ ВИДЕО на YouTube - Duration: 0:11.


NO, THIS IS SEJUN! (VICTON crack pt. 33) - Duration: 2:46.

Oh, hello there

*I can't tell if he's saying "When did you come?" or "Did you come alone?"*

Have you eaten?

I've already eaten

Your love


*still don't know if it's 'alone' or 'when'*

Have you eaten?

I already ate

No, I haven't eaten

Ah, then the stream is disconnected (video shall end)

Remember me~ *HE's SO Cute HELp meH*

With who's permission did you come out of your poke ball?

Go back inside

[Chan obediently passes over his pokeball keke]

Go! Noooo~~

*they're such cute DORKS I LOVE THEM*

I'm nervous

Why would I be nervous?

I'm nervous without reason

I don't know why I'm so nervous

Is it because it's our first broadcast?

I guess I must still be a rookie

Thinking about how we were in this waiting room a year ago when we made our debut really makes us laugh

Seungwoo from a year ago was really the cutest

[November 9, 2016] [Seungwoo from a year ago, blankly staring at a wall keke]

I am really nervous. I am in the waiting room right now...

I feel like I can't talk

[Super nervous Seungsik from 1 year ago keke]

Since it's a shared waiting room, I assumed that we had to be quiet

Back then, we thought that we weren't allowed to talk

But now



Is this the Krusty Krab?

No, this is Patrick

HS: Of course not, it's chubby~

Is this the Krusty Krab?

No, this is Patrick!

Ring~Ring~ *why are they wiggling along I can't so cute stahp*

Is this the Krusty Krab?

No! This is Patrick!!

*pfft he stomped on Seungsik's foot*

The choreography!!

Is really hard!!!

HS: It's not?

It's not?

It's not?

It's not

Everyone has to go

[Now it's time to go to the Showcase location!]

I became a shaggy puppy, everyone

When I saw the music video, I thought that hyung came out looking really cool

Oh, really? (touched)

Nope heh


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