Chủ Nhật, 3 tháng 12, 2017

Waching daily Dec 4 2017


let's get some blood flowing!

Yeah, this isn't helping.

Yeah, what a surprise that one didn't help.

For more infomation >> Do Calisthenics - Duration: 0:28.


Boss Life - Business Updates & What's Going Down This Week - Duration: 14:02.

what's up youtubers, socials, bosses -- it's Sunday

yay and that means it's time for another week and it's Christmas so this is the

best season for everyone to be getting things together well you should have had

things see it already this is like a big season for you if you're a business

owner there's tons of time for sales to be happening and for you to be preparing

that and this is a great season to get people warmed up to you even if they

don't buy from you right now meeting them now and getting them while they're

in that cheerful spirit and then leading into next year is a great time to build

relationships I have talked you all about a bunch of stuff that I have going

on to here today we would talk about business updates and what all I have

going on it's been a little crazy I'm trying to vlog every day for those of

you that don't know welcome to my channel I'm blogging brandi and I want

you to follow me on my journey the journey is the entrepreneur and I want

to help you on your journey so I had no business and branding social media I

have products that sell I'm working on my first book there's so much going on

right now but this week is so important that everybody subscribes because we're

going somewhere really really big I told everybody that we were going somewhere

and it's finally here we're going to CVS so this is really big

we went to Walmart back in I think June or July and started working with them

and for those of you that don't know I sold this energy patch it's an

all-natural product I'll put a link to it in the description below so you can

check it out it takes time to get into these retailers so you can sell them on

and it's so easy to get on to sites like Amazon and eBay and sell your products

I'm not gonna say it's easy depending on what you're selling but it's a lot

easier because you can troll a lot more getting into somewhere like Walmart on

you have to be invited or go through a longer process like just online getting

into retail is a whole nother ballgame so they had their own line division then

they have their retail division now we're going to CVS to meet with them

we've talked to a bunch of different retailers so what they do normally is

they'll bring you into a product category and I'll talk to you more about

this later this week but we're essentially going to sit for a product

category we're saying for travel area so it's for the small items and since our

product is obviously like really small and it can fit in small places they're

gonna put that as like a trial sauce in the travel areas so that's gonna be

exciting to see how that unfolds and these meetings are gone by like 20-30

minutes they're not very long they're just with the buyers themselves for the

store so and we actually have to pay money to go sit down with these people

but it's a long process and we've gone through your like a whole bunch of

paperwork and gotten all very information and it's just a lot to get

in with these people we're excited about that and I will hopefully be blogging

about that if you don't follow me on my social media those links are in the

description below on my Instagram I normally will share my stories

especially when I'm traveling a lot more and since I'm vlogging every day I'm

trying to do that what else do we have trying to reach a thousand subs I told

you so please subscribe o my RV situations I told y'all about my

dog well since I'm traveling my dog actually has to stay with my mom she's

taken care of my dogs thankfully and then one of them's going with us so we

just smuggle that one on the plane and take it with us cuz he's super small and

we can get by with him but other ones are just not really great at traveling

since my RV accident so I'm they're just not traveling there

it's a lot harder to travel with them on the plane and we're going up a plane not

an RV and plus we don't have the RV because the bed fell off

we had a lot of issues with that so I'm dealing with that hopefully we'll get

that back when I come back or maybe some you know God unforgiving circumstance

will happen and it'll just disappear and I don't have to worry about it anymore

moving on I have all the holiday sales posted on social media for the company

working on the book email sales funnel trying to get an email sales funnel set

up for those of you that don't collect email addresses you should be collecting

them because that's the one way that you really can connect with your customers

potential customers one day because they're always checking their email and

I stress this all the time about getting email addresses maybe getting phone

numbers because text is the next best thing because people always check their

text messages except me I'm the worst like if you text me I may not taste you

that like ever I probably have oh my gosh 56

I have 56 unread text messages so sorry I am a busy woman I'm so sorry but I do

respond on social media and I actually have people that help me

I do have assistants so that's how I'm able to stay organized with my content

in my social medias because I'm not the only one handling it all is that I

actually have other people that help me with this so uh what was the other oh my

gosh this actually stressed me out I wish I would have logged about this on

the day it happened and I would strongly encourage you to vlog in the moment

because it will help you release your anger and it's way more authentic when

you go I can watch it later on first is logging about it later or at least write

some notes down in your journal if you can't vlog are thin and when you get to

a point when you can look back through that day and like oh you know this is

what having because normally the next day your emotions and sever like not the

same so it's not as funny employee attitude dealing with that so I was

gonna put out these videos they speak about outsourcing and I'm still might

put them out really want to vlog more and talk with

my hands that's probably really distracting

but it's so crazy and I only have like a few minutes to blog because I'm just

surprised for time and I don't want to be photo bombed right now because I

don't live here by myself you know I've better half and they'd

like to just watch TV and the football games on they're gonna come make noise

so employee attitude just this week has been I mean not just employee ID you

other people's attitudes periods but especially like employee or project

manager or people that you're working with it's so hard to work with them when

they have to pop off at the mouth or even you as the boss like if you can

then popping off the mouth and you pop off at your employee it's just not good

so just consider your attitude this week when you're going out into the world and

consider that your attitude rubs off on other people and that's my positive

motivation for this week is don't have a bad attitude I do have my videos planned

through Christmas that I'm still kind of like working around my system because

I'm still perfecting and for those of you who don't know I got literally

people travel last-minute so I mean we put these tickets I don't have a good

week ago so I never know when I'm leaving out of town and then I'm army

and there's so much going on right now I wish I could take you on this journey

and I'm still trying to fund my vlogging stick so that I can because I lost it

and that's totally not an excuse which is why I just said you know what I have

like a few minutes and we're just going to do this thing straight up today

because I have got to get this done and get it on YouTube

one for the algorithm and to most importantly is because I told you that I

was going to be showing up and this should be switched to like one for you

and two for the algorithm but both are very important so I'm just perfecting my

strategy right now on YouTube and my content and unlearn

some different ways that other people are filming their videos because I had

so much going on I wanted to do these vlogs everyday to try to incorporate you

and so today when I was sitting down planning it I was thinking I almost got

to the point where I had to stop and say okay you're pre-planning this content

but yeah you're supposed to be vlogging about what's going on so which one are

you doing are you vlogging about what's going on are you pre-planning your

content and what I think it should all be a mix I think I'm just trying to

adjust on my channel and seems like what people like and what they don't and one

of the things that I'm learning is before you really hit your first

thousand subs it is normally everybody in anybody that you can just get to

subscribe to you because it's just a really big deal on YouTube to hit that

next thing so if you think YouTube is kind of a job essentially and you're

positioning yourself on it and also that's another thing I'm working on

right now is positioning so if you check out my website I book things I'm working

on you'll see them start to change a lot and I've been testing different things

but one thing I've learned is when you first start out online and whatnot

people try to make you think like oh you should be really big and it should be

really hard for people to get in contact with you and one thing I've learned is

that's not really great because if you'll make yourself more accessible

like give people your email address yes you're gonna get thoughts and other

things and random people contacting you but if you'll position yourself let

people know kind of like what you do how to get in contact with you what your

skills are be on social media have a website with the information that people

can reach out to you and figure out exactly who you are what you sell how

they can benefit from you know talking to you in general because what are these

relationships with that you're having with people online you're essentially

building a network and a team of people that can help you execute things in

different ways so like I'm in video marketing and social media and I know a

lot about business branding I know a lot randomly about cutting hair because I

that was my first career I still have the license for that to say yes my

it's cosmetologist I traded stocks in the stock market and I do bit coining so

there's so much stuff that people do and that's kind of like how I'm trying to

position myself online is to be found by the people that don't want to be noticed

by so just look at yourself as if you were a customer or a new person finding

you and what questions they may ask I kind of tailor my stuff to what people

ask me so when someone asks me like what do you do and I refer them to my website

no I do take those things with a grain of salt because some people are just out

there to hurt people so I have got to go and the other thing that I'm gonna leave

you with is the reason I know I have to go is because when things are not where

I need them to be it's because things are not organized and I'm thinking oh my

gosh I've got to pack I don't have any clothes right now because we had to send

them to the cleaner the washer and dryers acting weird so this is also

last-minute and I've got it so much that I have to get ready and I have employees

that are you know Project peeps that are showing back up tomorrow I have people

that work for me Monday through Friday so I've got to get ready for them and

it's just been crazy I've got to catch up on social media and my comments on

YouTube and just get my life together before I go out of town if you have

questions about your business branding YouTube channel mindset whatever it is

about being an entrepreneur what are you struggling with right now let me know in

the comments below and make sure to subscribe for good vibes I know I've

said that like a million times at this point but subscribe subscribe subscribe

and I will normally subscribe back to you if you haven't figured that out yet

if you comment and you subscribe to me and like my videos then normally I kind

of noticed that and I might just be hitting you back and like in your videos

but please do not put hey I subbed you send me back check out my channel it's

not really how it works you just do that because you like me and you want to

subscribe to me and then I'm saying I really want to support this person and

subscribe them back so that's just how social media works it's like a social

network you know it's not like hey I like your shirt and then when they don't

say anything you don't say hey I said I like your shirt make sure you tell me

you like my shirt too kind of weird gotta go hope this helps you get

motivated this week I'm rambling on so totally I go it's light and I've got so

much to do and I get her before I and this is just you know so have a great

week I will see you tomorrow and I will be

vlogging again

For more infomation >> Boss Life - Business Updates & What's Going Down This Week - Duration: 14:02.


GER ]► Minecraft Infinity Evolved #003◄ [ - Duration: 2:11:49.

For more infomation >> GER ]► Minecraft Infinity Evolved #003◄ [ - Duration: 2:11:49.


The Keddie Cabin Murders (Killer Tales) - Duration: 8:36.

Most of us think we know what kind of people our neighbors are but every town, no matter

how small, has dark and violent secrets.

It doesn't get much smaller than Keddie, a Northern California resort community surrounded

by dense forests with a population of less than a hundred people.

In 1981, it became the setting for a gruesome quadruple homicide that is still officially

classified as unsolved.

But a closer look at the evidence reveals that the murderers may have gotten away with

the crime due to a botched police investigation and possible cover up.

This is the true story of the massacre in Cabin 28.

It's April 11, 1981 and 36 year old Glenna Sue Sharp is spending the evening at home

with her 12 year old daughter Tina, her 10 year old son Greg and 5 year old son Rick

as well as their 12 year old friend Justin Smartt.

They're watching an episode of The Loveboat and generally having a quiet evening.

They live in Cabin 28 in the small community of Keddie.

Located 7 miles north of Quincy, California in Plumas County, it was formerly a bustling

resort, but by the early 1980s the resort had been largely abandoned and the cabins

were being rented out by low income families.

The three bedroom cabin is a welcome break for Sue, who had been thrown out of her former

house by her abusive husband a year earlier and had been living in a trailer before moving

to Keddie.

Her oldest daughter Sheila is spending the night at her neighbor's cabin, like she typically

does on Saturday nights.

Sue's oldest son, 15 year old John, and his 17 year old friend Dana Wingate are trying

to hitchhike their way back to Keddie after spending the day in nearby Quincy.

They are last spotted on the road between 9 and 10:15 PM.

Back in Cabin 28, the young kids go to bed and Sue stays up watching TV.

Sometime during the night, two intruders enter the home.

They do so without force, either because Sue lets them in or because the door to the cabin

is unlocked.

The intruders bind Sue's hands and feet with appliance wire and gag her with a pair of

her own panties.

She is then stabbed repeatedly and also bludgeoned with a Daisy Powerline 880 rifle.

It's unclear whether Johnny and Dana are home at this time or whether they walk in later

but either way, they are both bound with medical tape and wire.

Dana is strangled to death by hand and bludgeoned.

John is stabbed and also bludgeoned.

The victims suffer blows from at least two hammers, a steak knife and a butcher knife.

The steak knife had been used with such force that the blade was bent at a 25 degree angle.

For an unknown reason, the intruders leave the three small boys sleeping in the bedroom


Even more mysteriously, Tina is taken from the cabin.

The next morning, Shelia Sharp returns to the cabin in order to fetch clothes for church

when she walks in on the crime scene.

Horrified, she runs back to her neighbor's cabin and alerts them.

Sheila and the cabin's matriarch, Zonita Seabolt, rush across the street to Cabin 25, where

the resort owner lives.

Together they contact the Plumas County Sheriff's Office.

Sheila, Zonita, and Zonita's eldest son Jamie return to Cabin 28.

They go around back and knock on the boys' bedroom window.

To their surprise, the boys are completely unharmed.

Jamie helps Greg, Rick and Justin out of the window and then goes up the back stairs.

He finds the back door open, but the cabin is silent and empty apart from the dead bodies.

The police arrive and find bloody fingerprints on a bottom post of the stairwell leading

to the backdoor, blood on the door handle of Sue's car, stab marks on the walls of the

living room, and a large amount of blood splatter.

The intruders had cut the phone cord in the girls' bedroom but they hadn't taken anything

from the cabin, ruling out the possibility that it was a robbery.

Curiously, Sue's body is the only one covered with a blanket.

In the garbage can of a nearby general store, police find bloody tissue, a red-handled pocket

knife, a cardboard box with blood on it and bloody toilet tissue twisted at the end.

Three years after the murder, fragments of Tina's skull and bones are discovered by a

bottle collector searching for antiques in a remote area called Camp 18 near Feather

Falls, CA.

Suspicion quickly fell on two men: Martin Smartt, who was a neighbor of Sue's living

in Cabin 26 with his wife Marilyn and "Bo" Boubede, whom Marty had met at a VA hospital

where he was being treated for PTSD.

Martin, Bo and Marilyn were questioned after the murders and according to their statements,

they had stopped by Cabin 28 on the day of the murders in order to invite Sue out for


She declined their invitation, so they went to the bar without her.

At the bar, Marty became angry over the music that was playing and all three of them went

back to their cabin.

Marilyn claimed she went to bed shortly after, Marty said he made a phone call to the bar

to complain about the music once again and then headed back there with Bo.

Marty was reportedly a friend of Plumas County Sheriff Doug Thomas and was rumored to have

lived with him for a short time, although Thomas has denied both claims.

There's rumors that the Sheriff also told the two men to get out of town.

Bo had lied to the police about being a former officer, which may have been part of the reason

the police were so lenient when questioning him.

In a bizarre twist, he attempted to shift the blame to Justin but police never seriously

believed that a 12 year old could have committed the murders.

Marty also made a strange unprompted claim that he was missing a hammer with a blue handle.

Years later, in 2016, a hammer matching that description was found by a man metal detecting

near the site of the murders.

The Department of Justice eventually gave the men polygraph tests that they seemingly

passed, however the nature of the tests and the reliability of the agents has also been

called into question.

The DOJ was also contacted years after the murders by Marty's therapist, who said that

Marty had confessed to killing Sue and Tina because Sue had been encouraging Marilyn to

leave him, but this was another thread that was left unexplored by the agents.

After Tina's remains were discovered, but before they had been identified with dental

records, the sheriff's dispatcher received an anonymous call.

The tape was never admitted into evidence and was only rediscovered recently at the

bottom of a box in a unopened envelope in the investigation's files.

Justin's recollection of the event has wavered throughout the years.

It's believed that he had possibly witnessed the murders, but had either blocked out the

memory of the attackers identity due to emotional trauma or was being purposefully misleading

in fear that his stepfather would harm him.

He gave descriptions of the suspects while under hypnosis and even gave a detailed account

of the murders which he claimed to have seen in a dream.

The final damning piece of evidence that was recently discovered was a letter written by

Marty to Marilyn shortly after the crimes.

It read:

Marilyn claims not to remember reading the letter but has confirmed that the handwriting

belongs to her husband, who passed away in 2006.

Bo Boubede died in 1988.

It seems as though the Keddie murders are closer than ever to being solved and maybe

one day soon there'll be justice for Sue Sharp and her family.

If you're interested in learning more about this case, I highly suggest visiting,

where you'll find a lot more details and in-depth discussion of the case.

If you liked this video, please subscribe to Crypticc for more.

For more infomation >> The Keddie Cabin Murders (Killer Tales) - Duration: 8:36.


Look in Key Hider - Duration: 0:28.


Pretty much a genius move on my part to hide this here.

Note to self, buy key for this.

For more infomation >> Look in Key Hider - Duration: 0:28.


Feirinha Mágica - Talking Fruit 2 | Câmeras Escondidas (03/12/17) - Duration: 6:21.

Welcome, children. Come here.

Look what a beautiful and wonderful farmers market. Let me introduce you.

We have tomato there. See?

From this side here we have watermelon

We have melon and pineapple...

I would like you to help me sell the fruits

There are going to be a lot of people here to buy fruit today

You will sell each fruit at R$ 5

Every fruit you sell, I'll give you the money

Very cool, no?

Will you help me?


So I'll be right back!

Stay there

Look at the tomato

Sweet and delicious

It's very cheap

R$ 5!




Hey! What is this mess?

What is this noise?

Here, here!

All right?


Hi, Guilherme! How are you?

Do you like melon?


Why not?

I'm sweet

Hello, girls! How are you?


How are you? Glad you arrived here at the farmers market!


All right, kids?


I like watermelon

I love watermelon!

I like to sing rap

Today is a special day, it's a happy day!

Here in this farmers market is pure magic

Guys, I need to talk with you

Come here

Do not let customers buy us

Can I trust you?

Promise you're not going to sell us?



Promise, Laura?

Can they take your brothers?

My brothers can

Has customer coming

A man arrived

People is coming

Silence! Silence!

Hi, how are you?


Is the farmers market here?


Here we have watermelon, pineapple

Melon and pineapple?

How much?

R$ 5!

What a beautiful melon

I think I'll buy...

This one, no!

Why not?

But a like this melon, I will buy

This one is bad and sour

Let me see

This fruit is rotten


Do not let her take me!

Is rotten

Look at her. She's crying

No, watermelon does not cry

I liked this pineapple


Why not?

Do not let him take me, guys

Is it sour?

But I liked this one! I will buy


Why not?

Because we love these fruits

Do you love them?

We put it here unintentionally

Help me!

Do not let him take me

He is squeezing me

I'll buy this one

Not this one!

Why are you selling? What do you want to buy?

Ice cream

Ice cream?

I'll make a proposal for you

I will pay R$ 20 for each fruit

R$ 10 for each fruit


How much this one?

This one is more expensive

How much? I pay!

R$ 10? I pay!

No! No!

Are you going to sell me for only R$ 10?

I pay R$ 30!

Not to sell me!

She's going to make a lot of money, but do not sell me

Hold this money

Look this money!

You can buy a lot of things

One of each


Do you accept R$ 100 for a fruit?

You can buy a lot of things with this money

Get her out

Go away!

I have more money

This pineapple has fleas

Can I see?


Hey! Help me! Help me!

Catch him

Help my friend!

Ask if the woman farted because it smells strange here

Girl, you farted here?


I'm not going to buy anything else


It's really stinking here

You lost the sale

You saved me!

Give us a hug?

Give me a hug, Nicolas

Thank you!

Thank you! Now, you can buy ice cream with the money

Bye, kids

She's going to cut us

He arrived

Hello, kids!

Everything ok?

Did you sell enough fruit?

He arrived

All right?

You didn't sell anything...

The fruits are wonderful and you didn't sell anything


You sold a lot of fruit

Very cool!

Boy, this money is mine!

The woman wanted to take this rotten fruit


Let's get a knife and check it out

No! No!

Want a piece for you?

I want this one

But I will cut this one!


Let's cut in half

This fruit has blood


Let's go, Laura!

Thank you, Laura!

You didn't help to sell this fruits...

Thank you, Laura!

Bye, kids!

Thank you again!

Bye, guys

You are great salespeople


I wanna kiss too

Very cute

See you!

For more infomation >> Feirinha Mágica - Talking Fruit 2 | Câmeras Escondidas (03/12/17) - Duration: 6:21.


Lil Lonely - Fck That (prod. Jules Blum) - Duration: 1:48.

Lil Lonely - Fck That (prod. Jules Blum)

For more infomation >> Lil Lonely - Fck That (prod. Jules Blum) - Duration: 1:48.


Star Captain: The Lost Keys - GEICO - Duration: 0:48.

They came out of nowhere, sir!

How many of 'em?

We don't know. Dozens.

All right! Let's teach these freaks some manners!

Good luck out there, Captain!

Thanks! But I don't need luck, I have skills...

I don't have my keys.

(ON INTERCOM) All hands.

We are looking for the Captain's keys again.

They are on a silver carabiner.

Oh, this is bad.

As long as people misplace their keys,

you can count on GEICO saving folks money.

Fifteen minutes could save you

fifteen percent or more on car insurance.

Oh, hi.

When I'm not busy saving the galaxy I like to watch funny videos on the GEICO channel.

Just click the button to subscribe.

And, uh, click over here if you want to join me on an interactive adventure.

Please, I hate being alone.

For more infomation >> Star Captain: The Lost Keys - GEICO - Duration: 0:48.



For more infomation >> HỒN MA CÔ ĐÀO HÁT - CHUYỆN KINH DỊ CÓ THẬT - Duration: 14:27.


Meditate - Duration: 0:28.


[deep breath]

[breaking sound]


Seriously, dude!

Forget it.

For more infomation >> Meditate - Duration: 0:28.


Describe What You See #001: ANSWERS ~ An Able English creation ~ Improve your English - Duration: 1:41.

Welcome to Able English

Be inspired.

Improve your English and become more Valuable.

The other day I asked you guys to describe in the comments what you saw

you guys did great

Today I'm going to give some descriptions of what I see

when I watch this video

feel free to repeat after me so you can improve your pronunciation

first let's do a simple description

I saw a man cut a piece of bread.

Okay, let's do a description with a few more details.

I saw a man cut a piece of bread using a small knife with a yellow handle.

Here's a description with more details

I saw a man cut a round piece of bread in half using a small knife with a yellow handle.

Make sure to check out Today's Homework

At Able English, it's our pleasure to help YOU speak better English.

Have a wonderful day!

For more infomation >> Describe What You See #001: ANSWERS ~ An Able English creation ~ Improve your English - Duration: 1:41.


Freak Out - Duration: 0:28.

Uh I hate this stupid ship!

And this stupid key! And this stupid outer space!

Outer space is stupid!

Nah it didn't help.

For more infomation >> Freak Out - Duration: 0:28.


Retrace Steps - Duration: 0:32.


Yeah what a surprise that one didn't help.

For more infomation >> Retrace Steps - Duration: 0:32.


Lebih Mudah Kirim Ticket via Member Area Jagoan Hosting - Duration: 1:21.

For more infomation >> Lebih Mudah Kirim Ticket via Member Area Jagoan Hosting - Duration: 1:21.



For more infomation >> TRẺ HÓA LÀN DA CẤP TỐC NHỜ HẠT MÍT MÀ NHIỀU NGƯỜI KHÔNG BIẾT - Duration: 16:13.


Ask Computer - Duration: 0:30.

Computer, scan the galaxy for my keys.

Galaxy scan initiated.

This just takes a second.

Scan will complete in 83 years, 6 days, 7 hours, 42 minutes.

Okay then.

Probably time to upgrade.

For more infomation >> Ask Computer - Duration: 0:30.


Give Up - Duration: 0:47.

Well, no shame in quitting.


Might as well get comfortable, right?


I thought being a space captain would be such a cool job,

but it pretty much sucks.

Should've listen to my old man and been a space dentist.

Space dentists get all the babes.


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