Thứ Hai, 4 tháng 12, 2017

Waching daily Dec 4 2017

Sugar Doesn�t Just Feed Cancer Cells, It Produces Them

by Edward Morgan

Halloween and the holiday season are approaching.

That means lots of candy for some, a lot of desserts, chocolate, and sweets for others.

Though most of us are concerned about our waistlines during this time of year, your

weight should be the least of your worries.

High refined sugar intake has always had a strong correlation to tumor development in

cancer patients, but now there is evidence suggests that a high sugar diet can actually

cause cancer.

How Sugar Feeds Cancer Cells

Cancer cells uptake sugar at 10-12 times the rate of healthy cells.

The Positron Emission Tomography is one of the most accurate tools for measuring cancer


The 1931 Nobel laureate in medicine, German Otto Warburg developed a hypothesis that cancer

cells have a different energy metabolism compared to healthy cells.

Malignant tumors, according to Warburg, exhibit increased glycolysis in contrast to healthy

human cells.

How Sugar Produces Cancer Cells

The 2013-2014 Journal of Clinic Investigation released the results of an in vitro study

that analyzed the results of increased sugar uptake and oncogenesis (cancer creation).

The results demonstrated that increased glucose uptake had a direct and positive correlation

to the early phases of cancer cell production.

Moreover, a 1985 study on sugar and the risk of large bowel cancer found that patients

with high intakes of sugar.

One of the crucial mechanisms through which cancer is promoted through sugar is through

mitochondrial dysfunction.

Sugar burns very differently than fat does, which generates free radicals.

When free radicals damage the mitochondria of the cell, the nuclear DNA, and cell membrane

are also affected, leading to protein impairment.

Cancer is essentially caused by the replication of genetically mutated cells.

Mitosis is the means through which cells divide and promote tissue growth.

When the process of apoptosis (cell death) begins to break down, cancer occurs.

Obesity and chronic overeating have had a positive correlation and causation to the

growth and development of cancer cells.

According to the Canadian Cancer Society, being obese can cause changes in hormone levels,

such as sex hormones or insulin, which increase the risk of developing breast, colon or uterine


But don�t give fruit the boot!

The study takes into account the difference between refined sugar and naturally occurring


Refined sugars include table sugar and high fructose corn syrup that are absorbed by the

body when consuming processed foods, sodas, and baked desserts, namely added sugar.

Naturally occurring sugars in fruits are deemed less harmful, regardless of their glycemic


were more predisposed to the development of cancer than patients with lower intakes of


A prospective study published in 2006 found that high consumption of sugar and high-sugar

foods were linked to a greater risk of pancreatic cancer, and a different study showed similar

results for breast cancer patients.

Dr. Tony Jimenez hypothesizes that sugar from organic produce may not contribute to cancer

cell growth in the same way refined sugars do because human cells absorb left-spinning

molecules, which occur in fruits and vegetables, while cancer cells can only absorb right spinning

particles, which come from refined sugar.

What You Should Do

Sugar has been related to a multitude of health problems, including diabetes, heart disease,

stroke, immobility, elevated triglycerides and high blood pressure.

Cutting out refined sugars from soda and processed foods is a good start to decreasing your risk

of cancer cell growth, as well as those other conditions.

Consume your daily recommended amount of fruits and vegetables.

Ensure you are getting enough fiber, iron, and protein in your diet.

Do not drink fruit juices that have added sugar, and use natural sweeteners such as

honey or stevia, and avoid high-fructose corn syrup and genetically modified sugar or sugar

replacement such as aspartame.

Eat the right amount of sugar: for women, have no more than six teaspoons (25 grams)

of sugar each day, for men, have no more than nine teaspoons per day (37 grams); this equals

to 100 calories for women and 150 for men.

The majority of people in America eat over double that amount, averaging at around 22

teaspoons per day.

Hidden sugars: fructose, lactose, sucrose, maltose, glucose, and dextrose are all forms

of sugar you can find on the Nutritional Facts label on the back of your next meal.

Other natural sugars: Molasses, agave nectar, honey and maple syrup are natural sugars and

contain antioxidants that can protect your body from cancer.

But consume these in moderation, as they contain the same amount of calories as any other kind

of sweetener.

For more infomation >> Sugar Doesn't Just Feed Cancer Cells, It Produces Them - Duration: 5:57.





Đây là cách Bà Già Ấn Độ làm món bánh Pizza khổng lồ này 🤤🤤 - Duration: 16:44.

For more infomation >> Đây là cách Bà Già Ấn Độ làm món bánh Pizza khổng lồ này 🤤🤤 - Duration: 16:44.


#LifeChangingPlaces: Thomasina in Mexico (Long Version) | Lufthansa - Duration: 2:20.

Who knows what they want to be at 18?

I definitely didn't.

I felt I should be doing something useful.

But I had no idea what it was gonna be.

My father already had a very precise idea about my future: tax consultant in London.

But from very early on I knew what I was doing wasn't making me very happy.

I took off to Mexico to travel.

To get out and feel freedom.

Mexico City was just alive and exciting.

It was a very novel feeling for me seeing so much culture and color and noise and excitement.

I spent my whole time going off, eating my way through the city.

Really colorful dishes.

Ingredients I didn't recognize.

Flavors I'd never tasted before.

And just wanted to eat everything that I could see.

Those first few days in Mexico City opened my eyes

to a whole new cuisine that I didn't know anything about.

I traveled much more.

I cooked with chefs, I went to market stalls.

I just learnt as much as I could.

I spent eight years trying to find something to do.

It took me quite a long time to discover I wanted to cook for living.

After I came back from Mexico, I was living my life.

Probably somewhere in the back of my mind

I kept thinking this would be brilliant,

this food will be amazing in London.

So I opened my own restaurant.

For more infomation >> #LifeChangingPlaces: Thomasina in Mexico (Long Version) | Lufthansa - Duration: 2:20.


Música Davi e o Gigante - Music David and Goliath - Duration: 2:17.

For more infomation >> Música Davi e o Gigante - Music David and Goliath - Duration: 2:17.



아름다운 여러분, 안녕하세요? This channel Let's go to Korea. My name is Marina and I am a teacher of the Korean language.

You I often ask: "Who is better to go to school, then to find a job? What are the most popular profession? "

You see, even if you now select the most demanded profile, not the fact that in 4 years, as long as you learn, it will still be in the top employment.

I believe that it is best to choose something that you're interested.

Then you have a big chance to become the best in its field - and this is more important than any rating.

But I made a selection of the most popular and prestigious professions in South Korea.

1. Majors relating to the business, always in demand!

Marketing, management, finance, business administration, banking - the choice is huge!

Korea, the company develops and conglomerates only grow and enter the international market.

2. Need a 100% guarantee of employment?

Choose Petroleum Engineering!

Program for gas and oil production.

Yes, there are in Korea ... and yes! They are in demand.

3. Closely on Earth? Dreaming of space?

Especially for romantics:

Aerospace, Engineering, Aviation Technology.

4. Computer Science

Programming, system administration, network security - dozens of popular specialties!

related to IT and computers.

5. Rare and unique specialty

Wine-making and viticulture in the northern part of South Korea.

Designing of sports cars.

The Korean auto companies.

Furniture design. Sports management.

Programming the computer games and mobile applications.


Landscape architecture and urban design.

Naturologiya. Sea captain.

6. Event Management, PR, Hospitality, Culinary Arts.

Often aimed at the Asian region.

and Korean cuisine.

7. Civil Engineering

Specialty with employment of 90% of the graduates!

8. You - "pure humanist"?

Select PR, graphic design, animation and fashion design.

By the way, fashion design in the last couple of years more and more gaining momentum

In Korea. Thanks, Seoul fashion week very soon (by Koreans forecasts)

will be one of the most important events in the fashion world.

All of them can be found in the SKY (Seoul, Korea and Yonsei University), and in separate specialized universities.

For example, if you are interested in design, fashion, go to 이대 (Ewha Womans University).

Or if you are an art people want to dance, to sing, to act, in 홍대

When choosing a university, remember that it is important not only to the overall rating, but the rating of your profile.

Since even in the steep high schools are a specialty, which is not very well taught there.

Where can I see the ratings of universities to the desired profile by you?

Of course I have collected them in a group Let's go to Korea in the topic "Korean universities"

(I leave a link in the description below the video).

I would like to advise you of one blogger about Korea.

Her name is Tonya, she lives in Korea, and she attended the courses of Korean at Seoul University.

After that she stayed in Korea and shares her impressions about it

So do not forget to go.

You can also click.

(I leave a link in the description below the video).

Thank you so much for watching. I hope for your Like and subscribe.

For more infomation >> THE MOST RELATED PROFESSIONS IN KOREA - Duration: 4:04.


Pirâmides Demográficas - Duration: 37:33.

For more infomation >> Pirâmides Demográficas - Duration: 37:33.


Weihnachtsgeschichte Teil 1 - Tag 3 - Adventskalender 2017 - Duration: 2:08.

Claus! What's up you old sea lion?

Rudi, where are you?

Claus, sorry, I met Mike.

I don't care about Mike. Just for you, I drove to the Michel.

Wait, wait, wait. Just a moment, just a short moment...

You know Mike, don't you? Sandra's ex-boyfriend. Of Sandra who is just called Sandra because she used to eat lots of sand.

She ate sand?? Now listen, Rudi!

We've got a logistics business, the next delivery has to go to Italy and there is always traffic jam at the Brenner Pass.

We wanted to meet here and I am waiting for you again. We should have left an hour ago.


Where exactly are you parking?

Where am I parking? I thought you drive.

I can't drive, I've lost my license.

What? You also don't have a license?

And who is supposed to drive?

I've still got a flower to pick with him.

Can we go?

Honestly, Rudi, I can't understand that you still didn't get how christmas time works for us.

It's the most stressful time of the year.

You weren't at the meeting point yesterday so I had to go here to pick you up.

Together, we've been running our parcel delivery business for ten years now. Those surprises shouldn't happen anymore.

And you really know that I hate surprises!

Sorry Claus, really, I'll put it in my mind. The early bird serves first, we all know that.

That's true.

By the way, I'd really like to stop at Grand Canyon. Can we quickly go there?

Please! Please, Clausi, please! Please, please, pleasepleaseplease!

What's your problem?

Claus! Claus! Claaaauuuus!

Claus! Claus! Clausclausclausclausclaus. CLAUS!

Oh my god! You don't believe what has just happened to me. Time for a story!

For more infomation >> Weihnachtsgeschichte Teil 1 - Tag 3 - Adventskalender 2017 - Duration: 2:08.


The Secret of My Love | 我男人的秘密 | 내 남자의 비밀 - Ep.44 [SUB : ENG/CHN/2017.12.04] - Duration: 33:57.

Come in, Haerim.

A guest has been waiting for you.

A guest?

Who are you?

It's me, Haerim.

You said she took good care of you when you were

studying in the U.S. It's Yang Miryeong here for you.

Haerim was so good to me back then.

She was the only person I could think of.

Why do you look like that?

I'm pleasantly surprised to see an old friend.

Miryeong, why don't we talk?

Of course. I really missed chatting with you.

Let's talk upstairs.

That's the face my friend Haerim makes

when she's happy.

You're her mother, so you should know that well.

We must have very similar taste.

This is the bedroom I've always dreamed of.

What do you think you're doing?

What? That's what I should be saying to you.

Like you don't know what you did to me?

Attempted murder, abduction

and even false imprisonment.

So? So what is it that you want?

You know how they say

if you want to catch a lion,

you have to enter the lion's den.

Haerim, I came into this house to catch you.

You'd better prepare yourself.

I never abducted you or locked you up.

The person who imprisoned you wasn't me

but Jaeuk's mother.

That's even better.

This must be the safest place,

out of Jaeuk's mother's reach.

I'll have to crash here for a while.


Stop your lunacy and get out right now!

Do you really want to see me go crazy?

Should I run to a media company and say

Assemblyman Jin's daughter

attempted to murder, abducted and imprisoned me?

Your father has been flying high lately

thanks to his future son-in-law.

Should I end his political career right here and now?

What do you want?

I told you.

Let me crash in the room I've always dreamed of.

Luckily, your mom seems to like me a lot.

Say that again. Who's here?

Yang Miryeong is here.

She said she came to see Haerim.

Have you all lost your minds?

Why did you let that woman in here?

Hi, dad.


What's going on?

She'll have to stay with us for a few days.


I think you have a misconception about me.

It's too embarrassing to even mention

but I'm not a gold digger or anything like that.

I liked Director Kang Jaeuk on my own.

It was a crush. It was all just me.

I told Haerim everything and apologized.

That's right. I had misunderstood Miryeong.

Now that we talked it out and cleared the air,

I think we can become very good friends.

I'm all for it.

I really wanted to meet you, Miryeong.

I'm so happy you'll be staying with us.

To be honest, I was very nervous.

Thank you so much for being understanding.

If you don't mind, may I call you mother?

Of course.

If you're friends with Haerim,

you should call me mother.


we need to talk.

Get rid of her.

It's too late tonight. Get rid of her tomorrow.

Just for a few days.

Who knows what she'll go around saying,

if we kick her out?

Right now, we must calm her.

Does that woman have something on you?

Yes. You could call it that.


I think Jaeuk's mother

had been keeping Miryeong imprisoned

in case she tried to do something to Jaeuk.

She did?

Are you saying you knew about it?

I found out recently.

But I can understand her.

I'm sure she was worried

that Miryeong would harm Jaeuk's future.

Just a few days.

Let me convince her

while she stays with us.

Is that the wisest method?

It is.

Like you always said.

I should keep my friends close

and my enemies even closer.

This is a critical time for you.

We need to be cautious.


But just for a few days.

Why are you making such an evil face?

You're making your guest uncomfortable.

Just sleep here for tonight.

I'll sleep in the guest room.

You want to get rid of me, don't you?

You want to kill me and drag out my corpse, huh?


Will you die for me?

Not a chance.

People who have overcome death

will do anything to survive.

So? What do you want?

You keep Jaeuk.

He can't remember me anyway.

I don't need an empty shell.

But I have one condition.

What condition?

Tell your dad to give me 10 big ones.

Then I'll leave this country nice and quietly.

What? 10 big ones?

Don't be so shocked.

Isn't throwing money in people's faces your thing?

I'm letting you do it right.

I'll live here comfortably like it's my own house

and get along with your mom until it's ready.

You wanted to see me, father?

I was waiting for you.

Sit down.

What do you want to say?

I'm nervous.

I'll ask bluntly.

How do you know the woman, Gu Mihong?

That again?

If you keep this up, you'll worry me.

You make me wonder if you have dementia.

What was that?

You said the same thing the other day, father.

Han Jiseop is Gu Mihong's son, is he not?

Seeing the expression on your face,

you must have a lot to say.

I guess you saw it too.

Jaeuk and I...

Almost fainted when we saw this as well.

How could someone look so exactly alike?

Is Jaeuk a twin?

That's absurd.

If he were, why would I have brought only Jaeuk?

Definitely not.

It's all too perfect for it

to be a coincidence.


You paid off the loan shark for the mother

of Han Jiseop, who looks exactly like Jaeuk,

while Jaeuk was in a coma.

And then, Jaeuk woke up.

Han Jiseop, who looks exactly like him,

disappeared and went missing.

Father... What are you imagining?

If you didn't give birth to twins,

did Gu Mihong have twins?

Is Jaeuk even really your child?


This exact situation...

When I brought in Jaeuk as a newborn...

It's so similar...

No, it's exactly alike. You said the exact same thing.

You questioned if Jaeuk was really your son's child.

You broke your son's heart

as well as mine, remember?

Don't you remember how that ended?

No. I'm sure you remember only

what's beneficial to you.

Let me refresh your recollection right now.

You disowned your son.

And that lead to Jaeuk's dad becoming ill

and dying in pain.

You killed

Jaeuk's dad, the man that I loved!


I killed my son with my own hands?

These ridiculous delusions of yours

keep making you sick like that.



Call Inuk right now.

Right now.

You make ridiculous accusations

and persecute your innocent daughter-in-law.

That's why your heart is failing.

Why you...

You're being punished for killing Jaeuk's dad

with your delusions.

That's what you deserve.



Leave him.

What? The chairman will die

if we leave him like this.


Just leave him.

No. This isn't right.

He found out that you're Jiseop.


If that old man wakes up, it's all over.

Do you understand?

The door is open.

Maid, maid! Call an ambulance!

Maid, an ambulance!

Maid, ambulance!

What is going on?

Father is unconscious in his room.


Please call an ambulance.



We need an ambulance.

Our chairman has collapsed.


What happened?

Why did he suddenly get sick?

It was quiet, so I went in.

But he was already unconscious.


How did it go?

Is my father okay?

The surgery went well,

but given his age...

We'll have to keep monitoring him.

What? What do you mean, your grandfather fainted?

The surgery went well, so he'll wake up soon.

Don't worry too much.

I need to go.

I need to see him myself.

You must've been scared.

Is he alright?

All we can do right now is wait.

He's strong,

so he'll get through this.

Where's your mother?

She went home for a bit.

The executives' taste test is coming up.

We should cancel it, right?


He'll wake up very soon.

Even if he doesn't wake up before then...

We should keep it going.

He needs to make the final decision.

Why don't we push it off for a short while?


That is definitely not what he'd want.

We'll proceed as planned.

And be careful that word doesn't get out

about his condition.

I thought he'd live 100 years easily.

But I guess no one can defeat time.

I can't believe he collapsed so suddenly.

Same here.

He's doing well considering his age.


I want him to live much longer.

He'll shake it off and get up,

so don't be too discouraged.

I agree. I have faith in father as well.

Please keep it a secret for the time being.

It isn't the right time yet.

When Jaeuk is a little more prepared,

I'll go public then.



It's me, mother.

Haerim, did you hear?


I just came from the hospital.

You must've been very shocked.

You don't look well.

It's fine. Who cares how I look...

When father is lying in the hospital?

Be strong, mother.

Thanks, Haerim.

I need to be strong.

That way, father can wake up.

I'm sure things are tough for you already

but there's something I need to add to it.

What is it?

Go ahead and tell me.

Miryeong is in my house.

What? She is?

What should I do?

Miryeong came to me and is threatening me.

I couldn't think of a way,

so I made an excuse to my dad.

Drag her out.

Do whatever it takes to lure her out.

I'll take care of the rest.

Okay. I'll try that.

Anything else?

Did she say anything?

She demanded money.

She asked for 10 big ones.


That reckless little...

She's trying to cut her own life short.

She lacks all rational thought.


I'll go now.

The executives' taste test is about to start.

What did you decide to do about that

spicy seafood noodles place?

As you said,

I'll take care of Seora.

Please handle Miryeong for me.


I'm too nervous to go.

Don't be nervous.

Think of them as customers at the restaurant

and just serve them your spicy seafood noodles.

My heart is racing so fast.

I think I'll mess up.

Then I'll go with Seora.

What about your prep class?

Are you really not going to college?

Then you go.

Why can't you decide who goes?

Should I go?

True. Someone as beautiful as me

must go to get the points.

If someone with that face serves them,

the food will taste bad and we'll lose points.


Go with me. I'm high-class.

Okay, Seora?

Don't listen to her garbage.

Hurry up and go. Let's go.

I need to go too.

The chairman is sick with the flu and can't join us.

I will lead the taste test today.

The doctors said he must stay in the hospital

and rest for the next few days.

The chairman would like us to proceed

without delay.

Before you, are the finalists,

the spicy seafood noodles and rice noodles.

Taste them, and let us know which you choose.

You told mom not to be nervous.

Why are you shaking?

Am I? I must really want this.

I'm pretty nervous.

Is it over?

No. They're still tasting them.

Please wait a short while until we have the results.

You must be nervous.

I've never seen you like this.


This is your day.

What? What do you mean?

What is this?

Why is there chewed-up gum in my noodles?

What? That's so gross.

That can't be.

We're very careful and thorough

when it comes to hygiene.

What? Are you saying I chewed it and put it there?

I'm speechless.


Why was there gum in there?

I'm sure I threw it away properly.

I'm going to report you to the health department

or I'm going to press charges.

I'll post what happened all over the internet!

No. This is a misunderstanding.

There's no way something like that was in our soup.

We need to shut this place down!

Do you think I'll just take this?


How could I do that?

I'm giving your family an opportunity.

Kang Jaeuk isn't that patient.

After Seora brought her daughter and made a scene,

his image took a big blow.

The company image was harmed as well.

If you don't end it here, he will sue for damages.

He will sue for at least $1 million.

What? $1 million?

Okay. I'll try something.

I did it for our family.

It's the only way we'll survive.

(Final menu decision)

I thought the spicy seafood noodles were better.

I will now...

Announce the menu item

chosen for our franchise business.

The item that received your high praise

and the highest total points is...

None other than...

There's been a problem with Ki Seora's restaurant.

You'll have to hold off on announcing the result.

A problem at the restaurant?

What problem?

A sanitary issue.


My apologies. We'll have to postpone

announcing the menu item for

the Gangin Food franchise business.


You said we received the highest score.

Why is the announcement being postponed?

We're flustered as well.

You should go to your restaurant.

Sanitary problems are lethal.

Sanitary problems?

Let's go. Let's go and find out what happened.

What if the person who chewed this

suffers from a contagious disease?

There may be germs in it.

How could a chewed gum be in the noodles?

We're more shocked than you.

How did that terrible thing

get in there?

We're sorry. We'll compensate you somehow for this.

What? Do you think I'm doing this

to get money from you?

My stomach is churning

and I feel nauseous too!

We're sorry. We're so sorry.

We'll do our best to help resolve

the discomfort this caused you.

Please be gracious and understanding just this once.

How will you resolve it?

Will you sell this tiny restaurant?

Find out what happened at the restaurant

and report back to me.

Yes, sir. I'll let you know as soon as I find out.


Good job, Haerim.

You make me smile more than I expected.

Aren't we trying so hard?

You're older, so please help us out now.

Stop tormenting me.

Stay here comfortably,

for a very long time.

If you cover yourself with this much money,

who wouldn't look beautiful?

Yes? Come in!

I hope I'm not interrupting.

Not at all.

To be honest, I was waiting for you, mother.

Would you like some tea or some sweet fruit?

No. There's no need.

Talking with Miryeong will be even sweeter.

I like having sweet talks with you as well.

I'll let you two talk then.

I know this doesn't feel like home.

Are you comfortable?

You're being so kind and welcoming.

Even my own home isn't this comfortable.

The truth is,

I searched a great deal for you, Miryeong.

You did?

I thought you were my lost daughter.

Your lost daughter?

She's your age.

I lost her when she was 5.

Oh, my gosh. Really?

I'm home.

I see you're together.

Yes. Welcome home.

I know it's your room but you should still knock.

Mother and I were having a secret conversation.

You have plenty of time.

You haven't eaten, have you?

Come, Miryeong.

I'm starved. Let's go.

Send me some money.


Why is he home instead of at work?

Don't ask any questions. Please!


Why does he need money when he got a job?

Getting a job doesn't mean I don't need money.


Why is our family so poor?

I failed.

I failed the test. There was an error.

I can't get myself to tell my in-laws that I failed.

Send me the first month's salary.

I'll tell them the truth next month.

Yes, mom.

And keep this a secret.

Okay. Thank you.


What is wrong with the two of us?


I swear I wasn't trying to lie.

I got a notice that I passed

but it was an error.

I'm so sorry. I will move out.

You should've told me!

You should've told me, at least!

You must've been going crazy all by yourself.


What is wrong with us? Why are we like this?

Did something happen with you? What's wrong?

Don't you dare move out.

Why should you?

The first time is hard. It's easy the second time.

We already lied about our divorce.

We can pretend you're a civil servant.

I'm sure there's a way. Let's look for a way.


You should be at work right now.

The family can't see you, so leave.

If you're home at this hour,

even Haesol will notice. Hurry. Get out. Go.

Thank you, honey.


You startled me.

Don't sneak up on people.

Why are you standing there instead of going in?

Where are you coming from?

Why do you look so flushed?

I went to the lady to apologize.

The one who found the gum?

She has no intention of settling.

It's not like we poisoned it.

Why is she making such a big deal

about a piece of gum?

Are you sure

you didn't make a mistake?

What are you talking about?

It wasn't me. I never chew gum in the kitchen!

What are you on about?

I see you chew gum all the time.

You really didn't do it?

This is so frustrating.

I never chew gum in the kitchen.

Come with me! Come here.

This is so unfair.

I have another spot for keeping my chewed gum.

I chew it at least three times

and stick it here. Right here.

Ask Daera. She was with me.

She saw me stick it right here.

Stop accusing me!

Daera saw you?



Good job.

You're better at getting things done than I anticipated.

I did as you asked.

I'm so scared, I'm dying here.

If my mom finds out,

she'll kill me then and there.

What is it? Why are you barging into my room?

You did as you were told?

Mom would kill you? What did you mean?

I didn't mean anything. Get out. Get out of my room!

It was you, right?

You did it, right?

You put the gum in the spicy seafood noodles, right?

That's right, it was me. I did it.

This is all your fault.

This wouldn't have happened if you hadn't

harassed that man who looks like Jiseop.

They said they'd sue us $1 million for defamation.

They said if I didn't cut all ties between you

and Gangin Group, they'd sue us for that money.

What else could I do?

Should our entire family die because of you?

Who? Who said that?

Who was it?

I can't tell you.

Was it Jin Haerim?

I'm right, aren't I?

It's her doing, isn't it?

It's not.

I'm telling you it's not.

Stop right there!

It wasn't Haerim! It wasn't!

Hello, Ms. Wi.

I wanted to come and see the chairman.

I see. I'm glad you came.

Oh, dear. The chairman seems far worse

than I had thought.

But he's hanging in there.

You know how our father is.


That's right.

Where are my manners? This is Yang Miryeong.

Hello. But who is she?

You know me, right?

Who are you?

I guess not.

If you don't, there's no need to know the past.

The future is what matters.

I've agreed

to help mother for the time being.

I'm going to be her personal assistant.

I asked Miryeong to help me.

You made the right choice.

I was worried about you, since you're always alone.

Thank you so much.

Miryeong, was it?

I'll be seeing you often.

What are you doing?

How dare you barge into my office?

How am I to respond to this rudeness?

Did you order her to put something

into my mom's spicy seafood noodles?

Did you make my sister do it?

Tell me.

Did you do it?

Did you threaten her,

saying you'll sue for defamation?

I had her do it.

Haerim did nothing wrong.

I ordered her.

Kang Jaeuk, you ordered my sister

to put something into my mom's food?

Is that what you're saying?

That's right.

Haerim simply followed my orders.

Why? Why did you do it? Why?

Because I didn't want your family's restaurant...

Being affiliated with our company.

(The Secret of My Love)

Where's Jaeuk? Is he dead?

Cure yourself of your delusions,

if you want to live a full life.

Do you know Director Kang Jaeuk?

- A little. / - Was he always that cold and ruthless?

This wouldn't have happened if you weren't here.

Do you want me to disappear?

Find your real parents!

Seora was an orphan?

She couldn't remember a thing when she came to us.

- She was hit by a bike. / - A bike?

Weren't you with grandfather

when he collapsed?

If that old man wakes up, we're through.

We can't do that. That's a crime.

We're already accomplices together.

For more infomation >> The Secret of My Love | 我男人的秘密 | 내 남자의 비밀 - Ep.44 [SUB : ENG/CHN/2017.12.04] - Duration: 33:57.


Кто Ты из Ютуберов по Знаку Зодиака. Новый Гороскоп ВидеоБлогеров. Узнай свой Ютубовский Гороскоп - Duration: 5:00.

For more infomation >> Кто Ты из Ютуберов по Знаку Зодиака. Новый Гороскоп ВидеоБлогеров. Узнай свой Ютубовский Гороскоп - Duration: 5:00.


Tag 4 | Don't do it - Duration: 4:35.

For more infomation >> Tag 4 | Don't do it - Duration: 4:35.


Trip to Canada - Duration: 1:36.

*Sound Effects*

* Going up the Skylon Tower*

* Going down Skylon Tower*

*Going across the Rainbow Bridge*

*Say goodbye


For more infomation >> Trip to Canada - Duration: 1:36.


Threesomes: Real women reveal why they love group sex - Duration: 5:19.

Threesomes: Real women reveal why they love group sex

They say threes a crowd, but more than a third of Brits would like to have a sexual encounter with two people at the same time.

Kinky Brits topped a poll of six countries, with 36% saying they would consider a threesome while in an exclusive relationship.

It is probably no surprise that British men are, on average, more up for a group encounter, with nearly half of them saying theyd give it a go.

However, a whopping 19% of women said they would also enjoy getting down and dirty with more than one person. Real women opened up to about why they love sharing their bed with an extra person.

"I like kissing girls, and I love boobs" Jen One woman revealed that she was curious to know how a threesome would work. Christina said: "I decided to try it because I was curious what another woman would feel like.

I was also very curious to find out how two female energies can play together with one male energy. To my surprise, it was very comfortable and playful." While another enjoys torturing and teasing guys with other women.

"I like girls anyway, but I probably wouldn't have a solo encounter. I like kissing girls, and I love boobs, said Jen.

I love having a partner in crime to tease and torture a guy until he becomes a wanton animal and then giving him exactly what he wants.".

Melissa, who now has threesomes on a regular basis, says she agreed to the first one because she was feeling bi-curious. "My boyfriend and I decided to have a threesome as a mutual decision.

I was feeling bi-curious and well. hes a man, she said.

We now have them on a regular basis with the same girl, and sometimes mix it up and have them with a guy too! Our communication has never been stronger and our sex life is so much fun. GALLERY: SHRINK-WRAPPED COUPLES .

While Cerridwen said it was the perfect way to experience sex with other people without breaking up with her childhood sweetheart.

She said: "At 20, when I first heard the world bisexual, and realised it described me, it was like Christmas, New Years and the Fourth of July all rolled into one.

My husband was perhaps equally thrilled when he realised our Sunday girl watching expeditions could morph into something more hands on.

It took a couple of years for us to seduce one of our dearest woman friends into our bed, but it was well worth the wait.

My husband and I were so young when we first got together (17 and 18), it seemed logical to explore polyamory so we could explore being with others, yet stay together. It worked well for us.

The fact that we often liked the same women made it easy."  .

Laura experienced what it is like from the other side as her first experience was with a married couple. She said: "Mine was with a married couple I am great friends with.

It was a running joke with us for a couple years about having a threesome, but that was honestly all I thought it was.

One night after a festival in the Florida Keys (where there had been plenty of day drinking!), we decided to go back to their house and have a few more.

Suddenly we began talking about it again, and they both looked at each other and seriously asked me if I wanted to that night.

I was very hesitant, but the thing that made me do it was that the girl asked me. She not only asked me, but she encouraged everything during the act, so it made me feel much more comfortable.

There is no jealousy between us since we are all good friends, which is very rare when two of the participants are married.".

For more infomation >> Threesomes: Real women reveal why they love group sex - Duration: 5:19.


Wattrelos : alors qu'ils portent secours à une jeune femme, les pompiers se font violemment agresser - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> Wattrelos : alors qu'ils portent secours à une jeune femme, les pompiers se font violemment agresser - Duration: 1:13.


Simi, Adekunle Gold & Reekado Banks Join #EndSARS Campaign, Share Bitter Stories|NVS News - Duration: 1:25.

Simi, Adekunle Gold & Reekado Banks Join #EndSARS Campaign, Share Bitter Stories

Nigerian singers, Simi, Adekunle Gold & Reekado Banks have joined the trending #EndSARS campaign.

The celebrities shared their bitter stories and experiences in the hands of the SARS operatives!.

See tweets :.

For more infomation >> Simi, Adekunle Gold & Reekado Banks Join #EndSARS Campaign, Share Bitter Stories|NVS News - Duration: 1:25.


De la chambre à coucher à l'Assemblée, la bataille de la pilule (extrait) - Duration: 0:56.

For more infomation >> De la chambre à coucher à l'Assemblée, la bataille de la pilule (extrait) - Duration: 0:56.


Learn street Vehicles For Kids Toddlers And Babies | Learning Vehicles | Jeep Ship Airplane Trucks - Duration: 1:12:36.

Old MacDonald had a farm,E-I-E-I-O. And on his farm he had some chicks,E-I-E-I-O.

With a chick chick here, And a chick chick there, Here a chick, there a chick, Everywhere a chick chick,

Old MacDonald had a farm,E-I-E-I-O.

Old MacDonald had a farm. E-I-E-I-O And on his farm he had some dogs. E-I-E-I-O

With a Woof Woof here, And a Woof Woof there. Here a Woof, There a Woof, Everywhere a Woof Woof!

Old MacDonald had a farm. E-I-E-I-O

Old MacDonald had a farm. E-I-E-I-O And on his farm he had a pig. E-I-E-I-O

With an Oink Oink here, And an Oink Oink there. Here an Oink, There an Oink, Everywhere an Oink Oink!

Old MacDonald had a farm. E-I-E-I-O

Old Macdonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O And on his farm he had some horses, E-I-E-I-O

With a "neigh neigh" here, and a "neigh, neigh" there ,Here a "neigh" there a "neigh"Everywhere a "neigh, neigh"

Old Macdonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O

Old MacDonald had a farm. E-I-E-I-O And on his farm he had some cows. E-I-E-I-O

With a Moo Moo here, And a Moo Moo there. Here A Moo, There a Moo, Everywhere a Moo Moo!

Old MacDonald had a farm. E-I-E-I-O

Old MacDonald had a farm. E-I-E-I-O And on his farm he had some ducks. E-I-E-I-O

With a Quack Quack here, And a Quack Quack there, Here a Quack, There a Quack, Everywhere a Quack Quack!

Old MacDonald had a farm. E-I-E-I-O

"We are the Finger Family!"

Daddy finger, daddy finger, where are you?  Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Mommy finger, Mommy finger, where are you?  Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Brother finger, Brother finger, where are you?  Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Sister finger, Sister finger, where are you?  Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Baby finger, Baby finger, where are you?  Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

For more infomation >> Learn street Vehicles For Kids Toddlers And Babies | Learning Vehicles | Jeep Ship Airplane Trucks - Duration: 1:12:36.


Trial | Shay Able - Duration: 1:13.

Judge, jury and executioner.

Judge, jury and executioner.

Judge, jury and executioner is how she views her family, strangers and friends.

Some of these people that told her they had her back until the end.

Family passes judgment on her for old mistakes silently and tell her not to worry.

Then when she least expects it she hears their direct words pour out the mouths of strangers

from the jury.

Judge, jury and executioner.

Judge, jury and executioner.

Executioners are the worst.

Their serpent forked tongues hisses untruths in her ear.

Whispering "No, the pain will not hurt" as the guillotine comes near.

Friends are the real reason most girls hearts become cold

Because she tells them real secrets hoping they will never tell a soul.

As women, our peers are our true executioners because of envy and greed.

She wants my man.

She doesn't want me to succeed

She wants my spot.

She doesn't think I have got what it takes

To notice the difference between a real friendship and a fake.

Judge, jury and executioner.

Judge, jury and executioner.

For more infomation >> Trial | Shay Able - Duration: 1:13.


♛ HAIRSTYLES TUTORIAL COMPILATION DECEMBER 2017 ❤️ Part 16 ❤️ - Duration: 9:30.


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