Thứ Hai, 4 tháng 12, 2017

Waching daily Dec 4 2017

Ingredients for Batter:- 1. 1 cup rice 2. 1 cup urad dal 3. 1 cup channa dal 4. 1 cup green moong dal

Ingredients for Handvo:- 5. 1 cup grated bottle gaurd 6. 1 cup grated carrot 7. 1 cup chopped beans 8. 1 cup peas

Ingredients for Handvo:- 9. 1 tablespoon besan (gram flour) 10. 1 cup vegetable oil 11. 1 teaspoon fresh lemon juice 12. 1 cup beaten curd

Ingredients for Handvo:- 13. 3 to 4 finely chopped chilli 14. Finely chopped coriander leaves 15. Finely chopped onion

Ingredients for Handvo:- 16. 1 tablespoon sliced coconut 17. 1 teaspoon grated garlic 18. 1 teaspoon grated ginger

Ingredients for Handvo:- 19. Salt to taste 20. 1 teaspoon cumin powder 21. 1 teaspoon sugar (optional)

Ingredients for Handvo:- 22. 1 teaspoon red chilli powder (as per taste) 23. 1 teaspoon turmeric powder 24. Pinch of cooking soda(1/3 teaspoon)

Ingredients for Tadka:- 25. 1 teaspoon mustard seeds 26. 1 teaspoon sesame seeds 27. 3 to 4 curry leaves

Ingredients for Tadka:- 28. 1 tablespoon sliced dry coconut 29. 1 tablespoon oil

For more infomation >> हांडवो | HANDVO - Easy to Cook Indian Gujarati Recipe By Surabhi Raghuwanshi - Duration: 7:21.


The History of & Changes to The Haunted Mansion | Disneyland - Duration: 11:56.

To fully understand the Haunted Mansion we're gonna need to head all the way

back to its beginning which, surprisingly enough, actually predates the park itself.

Now, the concept of a 'haunted mansion' had been something floating around at Disney

since pretty much the beginning of when Walt wanted to make a theme park. One of

the main reasons it's so hard to pinpoint an actual time when someone

first came up with the idea is because it had pretty much always been there in some

form or another. When the concept was first starting out the idea was for the

Haunted Mansion to actually be a walkthrough-style haunted house with

tour guides taking small groups of guests through the mansion one at a time. It

would still be almost another five years worth of development before the idea of

turning the attraction into a ride was even considered. The initial idea for the

attraction came from Walt who wanted a type of 'haunted' attraction somewhere in

Disneyland. Something that had a bit of a more mature theme and could entertain an

older crowd amongst the other more kid-friendly attractions. In it's early

stages there really wasn't any solid idea for the attraction itself, besides

it being a pretty standard haunted house. Instead, most of the focus was put on

designing its exterior facade. Some of the earliest pieces of concept art for

the Haunted Mansion or, as it was called back then, "the walkthrough ghost house"

were done by Harper Goff, one of Disneyland's main conceptual artists.

Originally the idea was to put the house on the parks Main Street, but on an

offshoot a little bit further back than the other buildings at a dead end.

This also somewhat tied into a few of Harper's earlier concepts that were now

a little bit more simplified. After that, a few different ideas were all

considered for how exactly the house should look, with other WED artists like

Marvin Davis and Sam Kim also pitching out their own ideas for its design.

Eventually they all came to an agreement on a 19th century Gothic style house on

a crooked path leading up from Main Street. However that idea didn't exactly

last for too long after Disneyland officially opened in 1955. Seeing as how

they didn't leave any room for their new haunted house attraction on or around

Main Street they now had to move it somewhere else in the park. After that,

the ghost house was then relocated to an unused area in Frontierland. From there,

the idea sat for a few more years without any real additions or

improvements. It wasn't until about 1957 the attractions concept was officially

picked back up. By that point Disneyland had been open for a few years and was

already very well-received by a majority of its guests. The obvious next step for

the park was expansion. A few months later, Disney began work on their newest

addition; a brand new section of the park by the name of New Orleans Square, the new area

would actually be a rethemed piece of the pre-existing Frontierland with a few

new shops and restaurants. But, if you remember from

earlier the ghost house was recently moved to Frontierland and more

specifically, the same part of it that would now become New Orleans Square. Once

it was decided that the mansion was going to be in the new section of the park, they

began to redesign its exterior to better fit the new surrounding theming. That task

was ultimately given to Ken Anderson who was an animator for the company

Anderson then drew up some new pieces of concept art for the facade now giving it

a more 18th century plantation style, mostly based off the Shipley-Lydecker

house over in Baltimore. Anderson's new concept for the antebellum style house

was then brought to Walt who, liked the design but wasn't a big fan of the

overgrown and dilapidated state the house was in. He didn't really like the

idea of having a run down and decrepit building anywhere within his otherwise

pristine park so, from that point on the decision was made to have the mansion's

exterior be well-kept and preserved while its interior would be old and run down.

Not too long after Walt approved the revised concept, construction began on

the mansion, alongside the rest of the New Orleans square expansion. Over the

next year, Disney constructed the mansion's facade and its surrounding

area. After Anderson had finished designing the exterior of the mansion he began to

focus his efforts as to what all was inside it, over the next few years he

drew up numerous pieces of concept art for various scene ideas he had come up

with. Over time and with the help of some of the other Imagineers on the project

those same ideas later turned into full-blown storylines for the haunted

house. One of the first ideas he came up with was to base the attractions

backstory off a character named Captain Gore; an ex-pirate who was forced to kill

his wife after she found out about his past. After that he was then haunted by

her until he eventually hung himself. Another idea was that the mansion was an

actual real-life haunted house. It wasn't until after Disney had purchased and

moved it from Louisiana to California, that he found out all the ghost stories

surrounding it were actually real. If you've ever been on the ride yourself

you'll know that a lot of these same ideas ended up in the final version of

it. The stories aren't as explicitly stated as they are here but, some of the

elements are there. In 1958, Ken Anderson left the project to work on the

upcoming Disney film; Sleeping Beauty. In his place, Walt brought an Imagineers

Rolly Crump and Yale Gracey. Together the two worked on new illusions and special

effects to be used throughout the attraction. Not too long after that, Rolly

Crump also began work on the attractions post show; a new concept he called the

"Museum of the Weird" which would be an exhibit showcasing different oddities

from around the world. Fast-forward about five years later to 1963 and the Haunted

Mansions facade as well as it's a new surrounding land were both finished in

terms of their construction. The only issue was that the attraction itself wasn't

anywhere near finished. For the most part, work on other projects

ended up getting prioritized over the mansion, and

continually pushed back its development. Namely the attractions Disney was

creating for the 1964 World's Fair. Things like the Ford Skyway, is a small

world and The Carousel of Progress. It wasn't until after the World's Fair was

finished that work really picked back up on the attraction. Around this same time

two more Imagineers joined on the project as well, those two being Marc Davis and

Claude Coats. Both of which were tasked with creating new story elements and

tying the pre-existing ones together. Sometime later that year the world got

its first sneak-peek of the Haunted Mansion on "The Wonderful World of Color", Walt Disney's TV show.

Walt Disney: "Marc, I want you to meet uh, Julie Reihm. This is Marc Davis. Julie is Miss Disney-

land Tencennial, and Marc Davis is the master in charge of our house of

illusions or uh, what do we call it?" " A Haunted Mansion" "Haunted mansion and

supernatural." From that episode, we can tell that effects like the stretching

portraits, the changing portraits, and the infamous Pepper's Ghost were all

established illusions that would eventually make their way into the mansion. Really

all there was left to do now was work out some of the attractions logistics and

they could begin construction on its show building and later debut the

attraction. But the Imagineers pretty quickly ran into a few issues. One of the

biggest problems they faced was capacity. You see, if the Haunted Mansion were

to be a walkthrough as Walt had originally intended, its hourly capacity

would have been extremely low. Only allowing a couple hundred people through

per hour and, in a park as popular as Disneyland was at that point, that just

wouldn't have worked. Now, this wasn't exactly a new issue, Disney had known that

capacity was going to be an issue as far back as to when Ken Anderson was still on the

project. Since then there had been a few different ideas on how they could convey

guests through the attraction that never really stuck. Mainly because of the fact

that Walt really wanted the attraction to be a walkthrough. In trying to keep

it that, Imagineers experimented with a lot of potential solutions. They

considered removing certain scenes, to moving the Museum of the Weird to the

front of the attraction so it'd now function is the pre-show, to even suggest

building a second identical walkthrough so they could, in theory, double their hourly

capacity but, after a while of being unable to find an effective work-around,

The Haunted Mansions developed stopped yet again. It wasn't until after Walt

Disney's death in 1966 that the Imagineers picked back up on the project,

now with the idea to turn it into an omnimover-style ride like the PeopleMover

or Adventure Thru Inner Space. Now that the Haunted Mansion was

officially a ride, all of its original scenes had to be redesigned to fit the

new track layout. Along that, and now that they had a better idea of

the space they had to work with, new scenes were also created, utilizing some

of the emerging technology like audio animatronics for example. But, as all

these new additions and improvements were coming about there began to be some

debate amongst the Imagineers over the attractions storyline. This of course led

to one of the most infamous battles of ideas in Imagineering history. Basically

what had happened was that WED was split into two groups the Marc Davis

group, who favored a more lighthearted and family-friendly ride and the Claude

Coats group, who pictured a darker and more scary experience for the mansion.

The debates went on for some time, with Imagineers on both sides arguing why

their version of the ride was better. However the two sides eventually reached

an agreement in 1967 thanks to Xavier Atencio to combine both ideas into the

attraction. Now the first part of ride would be the foreboding and scary

experience that Coats wanted while the latter half would be the more jovial

and light-hearted one that Davis had envisioned. After that, Atencio

revisited all the different backstories that the Imagineers had come up with

over the years, essentially combining the best elements of all of them into the

attraction. He also put together the final script for the ride's narration and

wrote the lyrics for "Grim Grinning Ghosts", the same song that later plays in

the graveyard. But, once all the planning had wrapped up, Disney began construction

on the attractions show building and subsequently installed all of its set

pieces and animatronics. By the time they were finished with all that in 1969 the

attraction was finally ready to be opened.

After over 15 years of development, Disney officially opened the Haunted Mansion on August 9th of 1969.

The mansion very quickly gained traction, and became one of the most popular dark

rides in the park and, for the most part, the mansion's popularity kept it from

being altered in any major way. Which is more than I can say for some other

classic Disney attractions from that same time period. By and large, the ride

we see today is near-identical to the same one guests first saw almost 50

years ago. However there have been quite a few changes or additions to the

mansion so let's go through those now. Keep in mind that what a ride is this

old there are gonna be countless minor changes throughout it, pretty minute

stuff like pictures on the walls getting changed or some set pieces getting moved

around, stuff like that is bound to happen quite a bit so, for this next

section we'll just be focusing on the bigger changes.

Sometime in the mid-1980s Disney added a night in the corridor of doors scene

towards the beginning of the ride, what most riders were unaware of was it was

actually a costumed cast member who would suddenly come to life. The new addition

proved to be very effective when it came to getting in a quick scare, so much so

that it had to be stopped only a couple years later, due to the fact of the knight

was either punched or had something thrown at him

on multiple different occasions. What we see now in its place is an

audio-animatronic knight that, really doesn't do too much of anything. The next

change can be found in Madame Leota's seance room. Besides the multiple

upgrades her projection saw over the years to make the illusion more

convincing, they also recently changed it so that her crystal ball is now floating as

opposed to just sitting on the table like it originally did. The ballroom scene

also saw similar changes in terms of its lighting effects and updated

animatronics sometime in the 80s but, nothing to noticeable or different

from its original version. Next up is the attic scene, in the Attic the main focus

point is undoubtedly the bride character. But, the animatronic itself has gone

through quite a few changes in the last couple of decades, being redesigned in

late 70s and again towards the end of 1995. Eventually she was replaced altogether

in 2006 with an entirely new character named Constance. The new animatronic also

came with an official backstory, that being, that she killed all of her

husband's with a hatchet. there also used to be some pop-up ghosts in the

attic as well but, those were eventually removed in 2006 alongside the original

bride. Another more minor change in the Attic was a shadow of a ghost playing a

broken-down piano on one of its walls. The effect was added sometime in the 90's

and was actually based off one of the original Ken Anderson concepts for the

attraction. Way back when it was still a walkthrough. However, the most infamous

change in the attic and, perhaps the entire attraction came in 2015, when

Disney added a character called the Hatbox Ghost, an animatronic figure whose

head would disappear and then reappear in the hatbox he was holding. the Hatbox Ghost

was actually an opening-day effect that guests back in 1969 we're

actually able to see before it got removed a few months later. Ultimately

they removed the Hatbox Ghost because the ambient lighting in the attic just about

always made both heads visible at the same time, and pretty much ruined the

effect. In more recent years, Haunted Mansion fans had become so interested in

the forgotten-about Hatbox Ghost that Disney ended up bringing him back just a few

years later. Now with new technology that made the effect work as originally

intended. Besides all those changes there really haven't been any other major ones

to the ride. A few upgrades to its lighting and animatronics in the

graveyard as well as some updates to its queue to better handle capacity but,

really nothing story-wise was significantly altered. Aside from its

yearly "Nightmare Before Christmas" seasonal overlay but, there's more than

enough change in that alone to warrant its own separate video so, expect that soon enough.

In reality, the Haunted Mansion hasn't actually been changed all that much,

especially when you consider how frequently other attractions from that

same era have been. And, it's not that hard to see why, the ride itself is

iconic. Nowhere at Disney or anywhere else are you gonna find an attraction

as interesting, creative and groundbreaking as the Haunted Mansion.

And on top of that, it's just a really entertaining ride everything from it's

really morbid backstory, to the weird characters, to even just the music make

it a lot of fun. At the end of the day I really do hope the Haunted Mansion can

continue its streak of remaining, pretty much untouched for at least a little while

longer. Just about everything in that ride is great enough on its own that I

think it's earned its spot is one of the best dark rides out there.

Oh, the Haunted Mansion's always been one of my favorites...

Hitchhiking ghosts...

Heh heh, I don't think so. ( ͡ ͜ ʖ ͡ )

For more infomation >> The History of & Changes to The Haunted Mansion | Disneyland - Duration: 11:56.


Video: Heavy downpours followed by winter blast - Duration: 2:37.

For more infomation >> Video: Heavy downpours followed by winter blast - Duration: 2:37.


Hanuman Birthday Celebration: Experience The Power of Hanuman's Blessings - Duration: 1:26.

Particularly, this Hanuman who is the Monkey God is tremendously powerful powerful.

And it's important that a proper knowledge of "The Monkey God" is necessary in order

to establish a connection with him.

So I have given instructions to the Pillai Center priests in India that this is the Mantra

that you should use.

This is how we can bring maximum presence of Hanuman for those who are sponsoring rituals

through AstroVed or through Pillai Center.

For more infomation >> Hanuman Birthday Celebration: Experience The Power of Hanuman's Blessings - Duration: 1:26.


Home of Infinite Possibilities - Duration: 3:35.

Hello everybody it's me

I had wanted to let you know that we have a brand new book out called

The Home of Infinite Possibilities and this book is based on a phenomenal class that

Gary and I did a few years ago and what we noticed from that class was that it

actually gave people the awareness of what committing to your life creates and

what actually having your own back and closing your back door to yourself and

and getting rid of the idea being able to leave yourself what that actually creates.

I found out surprisingly during this class I was

streaming it from Sydney that I was pregnant with twins and that was a

huge shock so I definitely remember this class. It was the perfect class to be in

for huge change in my life because it was all about committing to your life

and closing the back doors that you have and really getting in fully like jumping in

fully to you're living.

This particular class was actually the beginning of some different direction for Access and my sense is

because what it did is it gave people the the awareness of actually committing to their lives.

And for me personally this class was one of those game-changer classes.

The main conversation in that in that class was about committing to your

life and it really really was one of the first times I started looking at like

what being committed to my life was. I would say it was probably five or six

months later that I really actually chose it but it planted the seeds in my

world and literally like that year my income went from like 22,000

to 160,000 and I changed my relationship landscape.

I actually went out on my own. There was just a lot of life stuff that really changed for me.

This one is one we definitely want you

to know about it and so consider yourself invited to come to play,

to check it out and get the darn book and close your backdoor.

This class was truly a pivotal pivotal pivotal conversation in my life and what you can create.

What ends up showing up for you, what becomes possible for you to choose when

you are both feet in in your life and when you have a sense of what you would

like to create and you're willing to choose it.

So amazing like one of the most life-changing that I have ever taken.

So run jump go through hoops get the class.

What would it create in your world if you took theclass, watch the class, bought the replay, bought the book.

Okay I adore you, I look forward to seeing you in person and

having you have this book in your hands bye-bye

For more infomation >> Home of Infinite Possibilities - Duration: 3:35.


Jacob Banks - Unknown (To You) (Live On Late Night With Seth Meyers/2017) - Duration: 3:52.

For more infomation >> Jacob Banks - Unknown (To You) (Live On Late Night With Seth Meyers/2017) - Duration: 3:52.





The curvature of the earth can be demonstrated by looking across a body of water and observing

that objects at great distance dissapear over the horizon, even though the intervening surface

is "flat".

This has been observed for centuries by sailors at sea, but as most people today never have

the opportunity to sail the ocean a more accessible demonstration is needed.

Presented here are two land-based observations, using immense North American lakes as the

body of water.

In both examples, the far shore of the lake and the buildings thereon are over the horizon,

and in both cases the bottoms of those buildings are not visible, hidden by the curvature of

the earth.



See additional information from the video link in our article source link below in our




CYBERPUNK 2077 - State of development, Map of Night City [Stream discussion part 1] - Duration: 28:30.

Greetings, Earthlings! Welcome to the MadquenShow stream! Again! Here we go again


it's like the third or fourth part

and today we are again with with our usual

suspects the Triple-S League: Ashininity and Sybsidian, Hello Guys!

How are you doing?

very good today it's warm enough so that's good

"A Ciri refrence would be awesome" Syb, you said that, you can say it in a loud voice: Ciri reference

will be awesome, well I am quite sure that we're going to see Ciri as an

easter egg in cyberpunk, it will be pretty weird that we don't, even more considering

the scene of Witcher 3 where she mentions the world of Cyberpunk

I think it will be really interesting to see like the Ciri like in a bar fight, or like

shopping for clothes that's most likely where I would expect to see her

is like you're inside like a fancy clothing store and she's like

"Oh my god! What's all this!" it's like

I believe that being Ciri she wouldn't

be in a fancy clothing store, she would be in a fancy weapon store, like

"What is this? What is this!"

But she didn't bring any of those weapons back so

Because she couldn't afford, she didn't have Eurobucks

That's true, but it's like you're going to a steak restaurant

when you're hungry and you can't afford to buy anything that's totally different, so...

So, back back to the building, we were going to discuss cyberpunk 2077 so

I assume that everybody in here saw the video regarding the controversy of the

employees at CD Projekt RED and as you already know

we, along with the gaming community, we are doing a

I'm sorry, I said I'm THIIIIIIICK

We are doing supportive campaign to support the developers that are currently working inside Cyberpunk

2077 so

Please, tech guy, puts on the link for Twitter

so we have a link this way you can just press a button and you will sends a tweet to

CD Projekt RED to let them know that you support their developers and also

to let their developers know that you support them, because we always take for

granted their job and they really work really hard and they don't get enough praise

for everything that they do, for all the sacrifice and all the hard work and all

that they do for us because in the end they are the people that build the games

that we love so, yes, in here you have it, Legolevic just put "spread the message"

You Just need to click it and it will go to Twitter or if you rather you can say it

in your own words and I am sure that they are going to appreciate it

and there's quite a few of those tweets with the hashtag #WeCanWait a very

positive response that's really great to see we

I encourage everybody to take a minute and realize that gaming is not an easy job to

get into and there's a couple major things for one is the fact that

there's not a game studio in every city there's not even a game studio in every

major city in the world there's not even a game studio in every major capital

there's lots and lots of indie developers around the world who are

comprised of small teams but there's no

if you live in the East Coast and your studio goes out the window you might not

necessarily find a job that is gonna pay the same and be in your general area, it

might not even be on the East Coast you might have to pack

up and move your entire family and in your life out to the West Coast or to

Europe or to somewhere else or to, heaven forbid, maybe Canada because it's those

The frozen wasteland!

Canadian studios don't have a great track record right now those don't know

they don't probably not that's probably not somewhere where you want to be

they're hiring in Vancouver a lot right now from what I hear but it's just

that mentality that when a company goes down because of

mismanagement or because they bombed on the game or because they

threw in as many microtransactions as they thought

that they could get away with and that you couldn't do anything to stop it

because adding costumes to the game was gonna be like too stupid or or you know break the canon sorry

Sotty, EA rant

but still like it's a tough life and it's not always simple

there aare a handful of people who have been in the same job for 20

years but that's very much a rarity

Well that's part of the problem too, is that these developers are very fortunate to get where they are and

it could be easy for a company to take advantage of how competitive it is to

get in with the really good companies, not saying that's the case with CD

Projekt RED but an employee is highly motivated to stay with that

company because, for one thing, they're very fortunate to be there in the first

place but secondly, they're either I mean if their only other option is to

move to a different country or across the country it's not a very appealing option

So before we continue talking about that a good question

Fensistripplex is asking about cars: "Are cars confirmed in Cyberpunk?"

well we saw the job posting where they were looking for someone to make

the cars and the thing is that they didn't start full production mode

because as I said in the video the Cyberpunk team was

established in 2012 and the idea of CD Projekt RED was to develop both the Witcher 3

and Cyberpunk at the same time but they learned that

they couldn't do so without compromising the quality of those games and instead

of trying to do both at the same time they moved all the developers from

cyberpunk to The Witcher to finish the Witcher and to make it amazing so they

are not yet in full production mode which is kind of bad news for in one

hand but on the other hand means that there are a lot of features to include

in the game I suppose they didn't cover

this job position yet because that because they are not in full production

mode actually CD Projekt RED announced that the RED engine was fully operative

shortly ago so I believe that they are ready now to start into full production

mode and we are going to see all these job positions covered and one of these

job positions was programming the cars and I believe it's safe to assume

that we're going to see cars because the map is going to be so

absolutely huge that you're goint to need transportation to move

from one point to another that is not only fast travel

we expect to see also roads in this map because you going to need roads to have Nomads

so... what were you going to say? Excuse me?

I can briefly rabbit trail from that

so the thing about the roads and and some people have been talking about the size of the

city that we kind of broke that a little while ago a lot of people forgot about

the roads in their calculation of how big cyberpunk is gonna be now there is

some flying vehicles but there's also ground vehicles and roadways in large

mega cities are actually quite large and intricate and there's gonna be a lot of

just humongous roads in the game that you're gonna be able to spend a lot of time on

so that that'll be really cool and we'll see hopefully we'll see

and this is speculation, that we will have some maybe some races developed for

both land and airborne vehicles really awesome

Well, if you like races

Do you think there will be fully drivable cars though?

I believe we should have fully drivable cars

My question with that is how do you

avoid it turning into just GTA V levels of destruction and carnage like

maybe that's

That's a good question, but I believe the police in Cyberpunk is able to deal with that

amd if they program good AIs for police I don't think that people can go as crazy as they did with GTA

Becaues in GTA you could go around killing police

but in Cyberpunk that's not a good thing to do especially if we're talking about

corporate police so they can create a system and this is totally speculating I

I really have no information about that, but they could create a system

if they intend to do an online that is similar to to the GTA 5 so they can have

users under control by using a IAs of police officers, both State Police and

corporate police, because they they can afford the big guns so they can you know

have people under control

mm-hmm yeah I just wonder if it'll be like

self-driving cars maybe that transport you around or if they'll actually be

drivable is there anything in the water?

I think there's gonna be both of those

is something we can assess

maybe you can hack the car to take control of it, that would be fun

That's definitely in the possibility

and I'll be awesome you have to electronically hack into them because a

lot of the future cars a lot of the like dedicated self-driving ones like the

taxis and stuff that are gonna come out and probably the third or fourth

generation they won't even have steering wheels and especially for some of the

flying vehicles, they'd have no flying controls. Either the ones that they're

working on right now for big cities like in Tokyo, they have no control system so

if you're... if your sky taxi, you know, heaven forbid has something bad happen

to it and it starts to lose control you're done for that's there's no

there's no grabbing the stick and trying to pilot it yourself. No, you're it's just

it's a... it's just gonna be it's gonna be one of those things where it's like

there's only one accident every like... You know, two or three years. But it's just

everybody hears about, you know, how horrible it was.

Actually one of the most

famous vehicles 2020 is one of what is called AV7 that I

mentioned several times it might be mention in my videos that is some sort of fortified flying

car and I believe that if you have an accident with this flying car must

probably the rest of it are going to suffer it more than you do and I believe

that this this car is going to be in the game mostly because it's the flying car

that the trauma team uses and if when you die you are not revived

with the trauma team I'm going to be really disappointed so I suppose that

this is going to be the way to say when you die in game and then reappear alive

that's the... What's going to happen in between is that the trauma team is going

to get to you but the one thing that I don't know how are they going to do it

is because I suppose that you are going to have some kind of in-game

currency to buy in shops and stuff and trauma team is really expensive so if it

was really, really well done in a sense of closest to the original maybe

you don't have enough money to afford

to revive again

then you die of permanent death.

I think that would make me really upset

tricky they they truck you down to the discount resurrection place down the

street where, you know, they stuff you full of paper and stuff just you know

fill in whatever is missing. Well, if you die in the middle of the

street the only thing you need to do before completely dying is speaking your

trauma team code and then break it and then in seven minutes they are there.

"Seven minutes or you have your money back." Seven minutes or your money back?

that's what trauma team says. Problem is if they are not there in seven minutes you don't need your money back

If you haven't watch the Cyber Psycho video which you should

Obviously because it's mine

A Cyber Psycho is someone that went a little crazy with implants and lost humanity and with the

last piece lost of humanity they may turn crazy and the Machine part of them

take control and when the machine part of a person takes control what happens

is is that they start to love the machines and hate the humans to make it

short which means that they started a killing spree but well, Night City Police

is ready to deal with that.

So that's the male cop that you saw in the trailer

The male cop is from the cybersquad. And I think I said Android earlier um and I should

have said cyborg cuz that's what she would she was, cybernetic implants

Yes, an Android is a robot 100% mechanical and looks like a human

well believe it or not I do know that because I too am a nerd

yeah I know that you are a nerd but maybe there's someone watching this stream who doesn't know

the difference. An Android is a robot that looks like a human.

I grew up on Star Trek The Next Generation

it was an enigma to me. Legolevic asks "Queenie, after the hard work you put on

the last video do you have any plans to work or something

as big in the future?" Well, I don't think that it will happen easily happen again in the

future let's find a story that I have such a strong personal interesting in

I mean it's going to be difficult if that happens. If I have a personal

interest on it I'm going to become really obsessive. And by the way, I mean

I'm really glad that people freaked out that i spoke with 43 developers but

to be completely honest my aim was a hundred and i felt a little disappointed

with myself that I didn't get to even the half of them. Because well, as you

know, there's an insane amount of people that were involved in The Witcher 3 so

I wanted to talk to every single employee, try to talk to every single employee

and there was after two weeks of intense interviewing everybody I-I started to

get a little crazy and I said "okay, I think, I think that I'm going to stop here"

But yes, to be completely honest I'm a little disappointed in myself

myself because I did not reach a hundred. Okay, but MadQueen, you interviewed like a over a

tenth of the company. That's-that's pretty impressive, roughly, and I mean

some of them were, you know, former employees but that said, for company

that's what was the latest employee count? Like four was a four hundred or is

it even more than that now?

In the studio, if you don't count other,

other employees that are not working on the games. But any manager wanted to talk

to me any person on human resources. I tried to reach them because I also

wanted the point of view and the only ones in human resources that will reply

to my request they gave me a typical statement and addressed me to PR. And...

I think they have to do that they we got the same runaround when we

tried to interview some Bioware employees at a convention we

were at I I think in a lot of cases I mean that's why they have a PR

department but ya know you did good. 43 is a lot of interviews. That's a lot of

people from within the company. So I'm actually surprised that your goal was a

hundred wow that's I would have taken you like

two three more weeks of people. Yes, yes. Actually my turnaround rate when I was

interviewing my first aim was the people that left when the Witcher 3 was finished

so i started there and my turnaround response was that's really high was

almost a 50% and i thought that i was going to be that lucky with the people

that were still working there but no. So I didn't get as much responses from people

that were that were still working on CDPR oh I'm afraid that although of course

else I am not exactly unknown journalists and it's really difficult to

trust on youtubers because about you know how usually how gaming youtuber

treats information. I believe that they made an incredible effort trusting me

because also I didn't have any similar job done in the past to show them like

"Well, I can do that" That's the way actually this kind of information I

didn't have anything to show they had they have to trust me blindly and some

they did I am so grateful for that also shocked because what they can lose

their jobs if I didn't do my job properly.

Captain Jack asks: "Will the

game be released on the current generation of consoles?" Well, we will

discuss about this in the future but I am not pretty sure if I want to discuss

the release date. Because I would like to be more respectful with the

marketing campaign that they are preparing and even though this is just

speculation, obviously we don't have any kind of information regarding the

release date. We all know what happened with The Witcher 3 when they had to move

the release date twice. So I don't want to create... I don't want to be part of the

problem of creating that kind of hype that would put the company in the same

problem that they were at the end of The Witcher 3. For this reason I believe that

I am not going to discuss in public anything related to the release date of

Cyberpunk 2077 at least until it is announced

Yeah, that's fair. Plus there's the... We don't want to encourage you

to get excited about a date that's sooner than you think

and getting you to get hyped about it then it gets delayed and you get upset

that it's been delayed and then, you know, you get the the kind of like "oh, it's

never coming out" and you kind of lose interest in it. We don't that happen and

conversely at the same time we don't want to say "oh, yeah it'll be out in five

years" and you go "five years? it's just that's too long" and you also you know

you give up because it's way too far away, and I just pulled that number out

of a hat for the express purpose of pulling it randomly out of a hat

Well, since we're talking about while you're looking at that, uh so David asks

"I was wondering if the size of the game may lend itself for areas that

seem very under populated or dead with nothing to do. I'm excited about the size but I worry"

That's about concern, I think-I think. -Yeah, you can answer that better

Yeah, yeah. Go ahead. ya I just had a thought about that because um I think

that's been a very common concern but yeah it all depends how they how they go

about it and I don't know I just finished playing Assassin's Creed

origins which is essentially it has an absolutely massive map I'm not sure if

it's all of Egypt but is a huge chunk with dozens of provinces many of which

you don't even visit when you're doing the main campaign and none of it that

there are areas of wilderness but none of it feels just dead and empty like

there's there's always something to grab your interests so if they do that if

they do something similar to that obviously very different style of you

know, location and setting. But if they do something like that it'll be

it'll really work with the with the massive size.

There are areas that are going to be

underpopulated and we can expect that because at least we will have two of them which

are the wasteland that I suppose that we're going to have the wasteland in the

game at least part of it not a lot because it's radiated and you could do

that that's what it has and the other one is the ground zero. For for those who

played the original tabletop game already know, for the rest

of you there was this thing going on that's called the fourth corporate war

that was a conflict between the Japanese manufacturer Arasaka and the American

manufacturer Militech and it took place in Night City. So the end of the

cooperate war was a campaign was a campaign that you played inside

cyberpunk 2020 so the end of that campaign is that you put a mini nuke or

not that mini in Arasaka's building in the center of the cooperate center in Night

City so a nuke exploded in the middle of Night City.

Obviously one of the...

One of the main consequences of that is that it's impossible to predict the map the

exact map of Night City. It's going to be absolutely.. huh

impossible to predict because we had an explosion inside and also Mike Pondsmith

mentioned that there was going to be a ground zero where this bomb exploded

and was going to be radiated. The thing is that he said that really early on

production and this is one of those things that may change with time so I

don't know if they change that and on the other hand you have the wasteland

that is also been mentioned that you were going to be able to enter into the

wasteland that also goes with the question that I can't remember who did

that I think it was Xenocore about the seamless map. Well, there's an

in Night City there are parts of the city that you can only go to using

transportation you can you cannot go by walking so I believe that this is what

they are going to use to change from one part of the map to another I believe

that inside of Night City everything is going to be seamless but there are some

parts like for instance the suburbs that you need the underground to to go there

but I think that it's going to be very interesting see how they currency makes

the difference there are different parts of the city because you have the

Coorporate Center then you have like the rest of the city then you have all the

combat zone then you have the suburbs and it's like everything is like an

onion with layers and layers and this is the version of the 2020 this is the only

thing that we know that they are not going to be based exactly on the

original tabletop game because as I said the city was destroyed but I believe

that the basic they're going to keep it in in the sense that we are going to

have a corporate Center and we're going to have a combat zone I would be really

disappointed if we didn't have a combat zone in the game with the booster gangs

so yeah I hope that this answers your question

The division... The one thing about the city is

that there's going to be all of these different sort of topographical areas

you know they're just gonna be a different types of areas of the city

it's not just gonna be you know an endless downtown skyscrapers everywhere

you know, it's not the same everywhere like and you know there are some some

games in the past where you've been in cities but it just looks the same

wherever you go that's it's not gonna be like that there's gonna be these

different areas like you said Ground Zero, you know, areas where things have

happened where the city looks different. Actually Night City is built this way: You have the posh

part of the city which is the Corporate Center

even though the original Corporate Center was destroyed and I don't believe

that the mega corporations didn't build another corporate center and then you go

out of the corporate Center and the farther you go the city starts to

degrade until you go to a part that is totally degraded that is a combat zone

so it needs to have this scale of degradation, a little bit more to

be a map that is that is canon with the original Night City so

it's it's going to be difficult that you find areas that look the same I believe

that in terms in terms of of creating of creating the map obviously if you circle

all the because it's like it's like a donut

if you circle all the combat zone and maybe some parts of it it's going to

look very close to to another parts of combat zone but it's a city with a lot

of layers it's a city with a lot of structures and if they do the job that

they the type of it that they are doing with Night City it's going to be fucking

amazing because they have a lot of options. How.. Right. How far does the lore go, like

does it end with 2020? Or is there more past that? It's more past that but the

thing is that it wasn't well-received because it wasn't great. -Okay. I'm thinking

thinking they are not they are not using it as canon but they are using the

events that happened in the lore after the 2020. Okay, I was gonna say that cuz

it's set in 2077 so there's 57 years of history that's

happened you know since the 2020 events so you know even if they incorporate the

events that happened according to the lore it seems like there's still a lot

of room for them to play with stuff and you know invent things that just make

the city very very interesting

For more infomation >> CYBERPUNK 2077 - State of development, Map of Night City [Stream discussion part 1] - Duration: 28:30.


Vlogmas #4 - Art advent calendar ft. Animal Crossing 🎄 - Duration: 3:46.

Hello everyone and welcome back to my channel. This is day four of December and

I'm getting ready to make another drawing for my advent calendar. So let's

see what's in day four. The first theme is 'gift', the second one is 'wreath'. The first

character is 'Beau', that's one of my favorite. And the second character is

'Peewee'. I finished the sketch, I usually don't film this because it takes me

quite a lot of time. This time it took me about 20 minutes. And I included

Peewee and Beau and the wreath and some gifts. And now I'm going to ink and color it, as usual.

The drawing is finished. I am a bit disappointed because I'm not super happy

with it. I don't think it's bad but I wish I did

things a bit differently. I think I should have done better. But anyway, this is it.

Thank you so much for watching, I hope you enjoyed and I will see you

tomorrow for another vlogmas video, bye!

For more infomation >> Vlogmas #4 - Art advent calendar ft. Animal Crossing 🎄 - Duration: 3:46.


Will be Vegeta Eliminated? Dragon Ball Super (analysis) - Duration: 10:12.

For more infomation >> Will be Vegeta Eliminated? Dragon Ball Super (analysis) - Duration: 10:12.


The Last Major Smallpox Outbreak in America - Duration: 6:25.

If you've ever played Oregon Trail,

you know human history is full of terrible diseases.

Thankfully, better hygiene and knowledge of how disease spreads

have turned many of these plagues into distant memories.

The most famous of them is smallpox,

because it was the target of the world's first vaccine

and the first disease to be eradicated.

The last major smallpox outbreak in the United States happened in 1947,

where the virus was unleashed on the busy,

people-packed streets of New York City.

But thanks to some good disease control, only 12 people got sick.

Which, considering that millions of people lived in New York,

is pretty impressive.

Smallpox is caused by the variola virus

and is named for the small, blister-like lesions

that form all over an infected person's skin.

Historians believe it originated at least 3000 years ago in northeast Africa

and spread across the world through trade, war, and colonization.

And wherever it went, it caused fevers, rashes, and death.

It was easily spread through coughing or sneezing up virus-laden fluids,

and nearly 30% of those who caught it died.

Survivors were often left blind, sterile, and disfigured by horrible pustule scars.

In the 20th century alone,

estimates say smallpox killed at least 300 million people around the world.

So basically, no one misses you, smallpox.

Still, early doctors realized pretty quickly that smallpox survivors

were protected against later outbreaks.

So as early as 2000 years ago, they developed the practice of variolation,

where they intentionally infected people

with material from survivors' pustule scabs to give them immunity.

Usually, that meant either scratching the scab into their arm

or crushing and inhaling it.

For the most part, that worked,

and was much safer than contracting the disease naturally.

But it still gave people many of the unpleasant symptoms,

and 1-2% of them died.

A breakthrough finally came in 1796 when an English doctor

named Edward Jenner developed the smallpox vaccine

which was also the first successful vaccine in history.

Instead of using smallpox,

Jenner's procedure used material from cattle infected with cowpox,

which is another, much milder disease

caused by a virus from the small family as smallpox.

He found that injecting someone with the cowpox disease

made them immune to smallpox, and called this process vaccination,

from the Latin word for cow: vacca.

The era of the vaccine had begun.

By 1947, thanks to vaccines,

smallpox was much less common in Europe and the Americas,

but was still widespread elsewhere.

Travelers could catch the disease

in places that didn't practice widespread vaccination,

and, along with their souvenir T-shirts, bring it home to infect their community.

That's what happened in New York City.

In March, a couple that had been traveling in Mexico returned home,

and, shortly afterwards, the husband developed a fever and rash,

and was soon hospitalized.

Unfortunately, doctors made several incorrect diagnoses,

and no one realized the man had smallpox

until he died and an autopsy revealed the truth.

At that time, the occasional case of smallpox wasn't unheard of in the U.S.,

but this time, others started getting sick.

So the city's health officials urged the entire population to get vaccinated.

But considering almost 8 million people lived in New York at the time,

it wasn't exactly an easy project.

Somehow, private labs, military reserves, and city officials

were able to supply 1.2 million vaccines within the first 10 days of the outbreak,

and people lined up around the block to get them.

Before the end of the campaign, at least 2.5 million vaccines were distributed,

and this event is considered one of our greatest public health achievements.

During the hype, there were periodic shortages of the vaccine,

which caused unrest and set the stage for scammers.

One woman even dressed as a nurse

and fake-vaccinated 500 people with water so she could impress a suitor.

Which is a strange and terrible way to get a date.

Thankfully, most of the shortages and schemes

happened after the outbreak was contained.

And by the end of it all, only 12 people were infected, and only two died.

The disease was primarily contained using ring vaccination,

where officials track down and vaccinate

anyone who had contact with confirmed patients.

This technique is particularly effective for viruses like smallpox,

because by the time someone has enough copies of the virus in their body

to become contagious, they're too sick to move around much.

After the New York outbreak,

there was only more, smaller outbreak in Texas in 1949,

where one person was killed,

but it was considered eradicated from the U.S. in 1952.

Then, in the 1960s,

the World Health Organization began its global eradication campaign.

Since vaccinating every single person

would be both expensive and really time-consuming,

officials began containing outbreaks

with the same ring vaccination technique that stopped the New York outbreak.

And after that, it was only a matter of time

before the disease became effectively extinct.

The last naturally occurring case of smallpox occurred in Somalia in 1977,

when someone traveled with two smallpox patients

and caught the disease himself.

And the good news is,

he made a full recovery and went on to dedicate his life to eradicating polio.

The final death from smallpox happened in 1978 after a lab accident,

but after that, it was all over.

And just to be safe, all remaining research stocks of the virus

are now kept in two restricted locations;

one in the United States and one in Russia.

Many countries keep vaccines in reserve to protect against any future outbreak,

but there hasn't been one for four decades.

And in 2018 the world will celebrate its 40th year with no deaths from smallpox.

Thanks to efforts like the massive vaccination campaign in New York City,

we turned what might have been the world's deadliest plague

into a historical footnote,

and I think most of us can agree that that's pretty awesome.

And now it's time for an exciting announcement!

We know that it can be hard to figure out what to get people for Christmas.

Or to figure out what you want.

So, we're trying out a new thing.

We've created a store with a limited list of objects

that we have in very limited quantity.

These are cool, weird things that will help you learn,

experiment on yourself, or display your enthusiasm for your universe.

It's called SciShow Finds.

And it's a little portal to some artifacts of this universe that we really love!

You're bound to have friends or family who would love these Mars socks,

trilobite fossils, or this super nerdy book that changed Hank's life.

We'll add new we find them.

And the new ones will replace these ones,

so all of these products are only available for a limited time.

And when you buy from SciShow Finds, you're also supporting SciShow,

which is awesome!

Check it out at

For more infomation >> The Last Major Smallpox Outbreak in America - Duration: 6:25.


How to Make The Best Chocolate Chip Cookies - Homemade Chocolate Chip Cookies Recipe - Duration: 2:57.

We're Adam and Joanne from and welcome to our kitchen.

Today we are making chocolate chip cookies.

One of my favorites cookies on the site.

They are crispy around the edges and chewy in the middle.

The best part is that this recipe makes a lot of cookie dough.

So you can make a whole batch and then freeze enough for another day.

That means you can have on demand cookies.

On demand cookies at any time!

So good.

Let's go make them.

Let's make some cookies!

We're using our stand mixer, but a hand mixer will work just as well.

For the dry ingredients, you will need all-purpose flour, baking soda and salt.

Just add them all to a bowl and whisk until blended.

Don't forget the full recipe is on the blog.

Set that aside then add room temperature butter, granulated sugar, brown sugar

and vanilla extract to the bowl of your mixer.

Turn on to medium speed and beat until the mixture looks lighter and fluffy.

Scrape the sides of the bowl at least once to make sure everything is being mixed.

Now add the eggs.

Turn the mixer onto low speed and beat for about 30 seconds.

It's okay if the eggs are not completely mixed in.

Turn the mixer to the lowest speed then slowly add the dry ingredients.

We like adding in thirds.

Scrape the bowl to make sure all of the flour is mixed in.

Then with the mixer on low, sprinkle in some chocolate chips — these are semi-sweet,

but dark chocolate, milk chocolate or a combination would be excellent.

We're ready to bake!

Drop 3-tablespoonful mounds onto a baking sheet lined with parchment paper (you can

also use a non-stick baking mat).

We're using our large cookie scoop, which makes this go really quickly.

To make the cookies look extra chocolatey press a couple extra chocolate chips on top.

Slide the cookies into the oven and bake until golden brown around the edges.

Let the cookies cool on the baking sheet for a few minutes then transfer to a cooling rack.

Don't forget, you can make the batter and freeze it for cookies another day.

We share our tips in the recipe on Inspired Taste.


Thanks for watching.

If you love this video we have lots more.

Make sure you subscribe to our YouTube channel and say hi on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.

We are @inspiredtaste

For more infomation >> How to Make The Best Chocolate Chip Cookies - Homemade Chocolate Chip Cookies Recipe - Duration: 2:57.


CBC NL Here & Now Monday December 4 2017 - Duration: 1:01:50.

For more infomation >> CBC NL Here & Now Monday December 4 2017 - Duration: 1:01:50.


Top 10 most Dangerous Animals in the World ✔ - Duration: 4:39.

For more infomation >> Top 10 most Dangerous Animals in the World ✔ - Duration: 4:39.


LOL Surprise Dolls Game with Colorful Play Doh Eggs, Shopkins, Princess Toys and DON'T GET SLIMED - Duration: 13:53.

For more infomation >> LOL Surprise Dolls Game with Colorful Play Doh Eggs, Shopkins, Princess Toys and DON'T GET SLIMED - Duration: 13:53.


Testa Spalle Ginocchia e Piedi | Filastrocche In Italiano Per Bambini | Canzoni In Età Prescolare - Duration: 1:15:48.

Heads Shoulders Knees and Toes knees and toes

Heads Shoulders Knees and Toes knees and toes

Eyes ears and mouth and nose

Heads Shoulders Knees and Toes knees and toes

Heads Shoulders Knees and Toes knees and toes

Heads Shoulders Knees and Toes knees and toes

Eyes ears and mouth and nose

Heads Shoulders Knees and Toes knees and toes

Heads Shoulders Knees and Toes knees and toes

Heads Shoulders Knees and Toes knees and toes

Eyes ears and mouth and nose

Heads Shoulders Knees and Toes knees and toes

For more infomation >> Testa Spalle Ginocchia e Piedi | Filastrocche In Italiano Per Bambini | Canzoni In Età Prescolare - Duration: 1:15:48.




BY Rachelle Barron Knight,

There is something wonderful happening on this planet right now.

Many of the old ways are coming into question, systems are collapsing, relationships are

dissolving, more and more questions are being asked and people are beginning to feel increasingly

wary and restless.

The consciousness of humanity is growing and people are beginning to take notice.

Do you recognize yourself in that?

If you do, then you are being called now to wake up.

Just like everything else, consciousness evolves and we humans are no exception to that.

We astrologers have known about it for a long, long time.

Many believe that as of December 21, 2012, we are in the new age, the Age of Aquarius.

This is a time of great change and radical evolution.

This is a time of consciousness growth and greater spiritual awareness.

Some will go with the flow of these changes, eager to evolve while others may find themselves

lost, confused and alone.

If you are in the latter group, then this article is for you.

The following are signs that you are beginning to feel the call of evolution and you are

starting to wake up.

These are in no particular order.

If you experience a great many of these, then you are surely being called to drop all of

the things in your life which no longer serve your greater purpose and to take up a new

path, a path of self-discovery and universal understanding.


You feel a sort of emptiness about the way society is telling you to live.

You get a growing sense that all of the things which you were told would bring you happiness

are actually bringing you misery.

You realize that the things which are advertised to you are for empty and meaningless things.

The new car, the pumpkin spice lattes, the new smart phone, the latest Netflix binge

worthy series, they all seem rather empty and useless to you.

You seek more sustenance for your life.


You have a gnawing feeling inside you that something is changing.

You may not be able to explain it, but something inside yourself tells you that you have changed.

You are no longer the same person you have always been and you are beginning to see that

you lived behind a veil.

You are beginning to see that who you really are has yet to come to the surface.

But that is all changing now.


You have a growing need for more transparent media.

If you have never really been one to keep up on things, you might find yourself suddenly

interested in learning more now.

Or you may have already been interested in current events, but your interest now has

expanded to include information from sources you may have previously dismissed, such as

conspiracy theories and alternate media sources.

You are giving secondary sources of information a fair chance now.

Before you may not have cared too much about what the media was telling you, but now you

are looking at it with a raised eyebrow.

You no longer mindlessly take what it tells you and subconsciously make it your opinion.

You seek transparency from your media and news sources.

You are willing to research and listen to more than one source before you draw your

own conclusions.


You are gaining a healthy skepticism about the systems.

You are questioning the validity of many of our old systems.

You find yourself questioning the government, the financial system, the education system,

the media and entertainment industry, the professional sports industry, the healthcare

system, and the religious systems.

You are beginning to realize that they are no longer serving the needs of the many, only

the needs of the privileged few.


You have a growing interest in things of an occult nature.

You feel a need to know more about things which might have frightened you before, but

now seem to be a plausible and beneficial source of knowledge.

Perhaps you are drawn to the earth religions of old such as Wicca or Druidism.

Perhaps you feel a need to study astrology, numerology, palmistry and the like.

Or perhaps you are beginning to look further into the hidden mysteries of the universe.


You have a greater concern about your health and the food you eat.

You are listening to your body more.

You realize that what you do for your body makes a real difference to your mental health,

not just your physical health.

You feel a desire to give your body more nutritious food and a desire to exercise it more simply

because it likes to move.


You feel a calling toward nature.

You find urban environments to be rather loud and intrusive.

You find you feel a slight repulsion by tall buildings, concrete and traffic.

You might have a strong desire to take a walk in the woods, go camping or just spend more

time in nature instead of being in the urban area.


You feel a growing need to be more environmentally aware and active.

You begin to notice how many people are neglecting even the simplest things they can do to help

the environment, such as using a trash receptacle.

You have a greater awareness of your carbon footprint and want to take action toward being

more environmentally responsible for yourself.


Your old friends seem different to you.

Your friends no longer seem that interesting to you.

They seem to be too caught up in the dramas of their lives, unable to focus on more important


You find it all to be rather petty and ostentatious.

You seek higher quality friends and more meaningful relationships.


You begin to notice more synchronicity in your life.

You see signs around you, waking you up to a message you may not yet understand.

Such as noticing whenever it says 11:11 on the clock or people making remarks like �perfect

timing� or �what a coincidence� to you.

You begin to notice that things are not just happening by chance, but by some unknown design.


You seek authenticity and no longer want to participate in superficial things.

You begin to notice more and more when people are not being completely honest with you and

you feel a need to get away from them.

You have a growing desire to be authentic yourself and you seek others who are willing

to be authentic with you.

You no longer desire to be part of a superficial life.


You feel a deep sadness at the state of the world and want to make it a better place.

You begin to realize that the world is really suffering, not just around you but all over

the world.

Your heart opens to their pain and you feel compassion for them.

You feel a desire to do more for others and to help ease their suffering.

You take on a service to others attitude rather than a service to self attitude.


You have a deep yearning to understand the meaning in your life and a desire for spiritual


You know that you came here for a reason and that there must be some purpose to you being


You may feel a need to visit a spiritual advisor or counselor.

You may find yourself suddenly interested in spiritual things you never considered before.

You may decide to follow a new spiritual path.


Your intuitive abilities have increased.

You may notice that your intuition is increasing, that you suddenly know things without a reasonable


You might get little feelings, nudging you to take action and if you follow it, you are

happily surprised to discover the answer to something you didn�t even know you�ve

been asking.


Your creativity is itching to be released.

You feel a desire to be more creative, to get your hands busy.

You may wish to do more arts and crafts.

You may feel a need to create something that tells a story.

You may feel a desire to learn a new artistic skill.


Your sleep patterns have changed.

You find that you no longer sleep the same amount of hours or the times your body wishes

to sleep have changed.

You may find a growing need to take a nap during the day to help you recharge.


You are losing the desire to worry about things you cannot control.

You feel the need to pick your battles more carefully.

You realize that you cannot fix it all and are more willing to let go of the things which

upset you.

You realize that they are not worth you feeling bad over because you cannot control them,

you can only control yourself.


You have an increased willingness to compromise and find peaceful solutions.

You no longer feel the need to defend or argue over petty things.

You look now for harmony and you often find yourself being the peacekeeper, reminding

people who learning to work together is the only way to live peacefully on this planet.


You begin to feel a deeper connection to all life.

You feel a greater awareness for all the life around you.

You think about the animals, the plants and of course, other people more often.

You take their needs into consideration before taking action which might affect them.

You feel the connection to life and the universe and you understand that even though you are

but a tiny piece of it, what you do as an individual holds considerable significance

for the greater whole.

What To Do About Your Awakening

First of all, relax.

You may not realize this, but your thoughts are extremely powerful.

The more you worry and fret over things, the more things you will create in your life to

worry about.

Whenever the anxiety of it gets to you, remind yourself that all of your personal experiences

are really only happening in your mind.

Yes, they may seem to be external, but really it is your perception of them which make them

real to you.

It is your emotional response which determines your experience of it.

Your emotions play a very important role in how your life plays out and the sooner you

learn to use them to guide you, the better your life will be.

Learn to meditate.

Meditation is extremely beneficial in many different ways.

Not only does it aid in stress reduction, but it also brings clarity and peace of mind.

It can do wonders for your anxiety as it teaches you how to get your mind off of the things

which make you feel bad.

The more you do this, the more you will understand that you have all of the answers you will

ever need right inside of you.

If you are new to this, try some guided meditations to get you started.

There are many different types from which to choose, just find one that seems interesting

to you and try it.

Seek the counsel of other like-minded individuals.

With the internet, we have instant, global communication available to us, so there is

no excuse not to connect with others.

Do some searches for websites, forums and chat rooms for people who have the same interests

as you do.

Or if you are feeling so inclined, start a group where you live and invite others to

come and talk about the things you are interested in.

You can start a spiritual book club or join someone else�s.

Connect with others who are also waking up and seek the wisdom of those already awakened.

Watch thoughtful and inspirational documentaries.

There are a great deal of documentaries available to assist you in your spiritual growth and


Here are some recommendations.

Drop or decrease all the negative influences in your life.

These will only prove to slow you down if not prevent you from seeking your inner truth.

This could mean something as simple as cutting out television or social media, or it could

mean something as drastic as no longer hanging out with people who drain you and make you

feel bad about yourself.

Spend more time in nature.

Instead of going home after a long day of work, take some time to stop by the park and

take a stroll.

Or take a weekend camping trip, away from all electronics and other distractions.

Take time to sit quietly and observe the beauty of nature.

Meditating in nature is one of the best ways to get in tune with your own natural rhythm.

Seek knowledge and understanding.

Do some research, read more books and talk to others who know the topics you are exploring.

Stop wasting your free time on frivolous and empty things.

This is time you could spend learning and growing as an individual instead of wasting

time doing something which doesn�t fulfill you.

Remember, time is your most precious commodity, use it wisely.

Other Things You Can Do To Help Your Awakening

Stop negativity, practice positivity.

Spend less time on social media.

Pick up trash in public spaces.

Take hot baths with epsom salts.

Go to the park and walk barefoot upon the earth.

Carry helpful crystals with you.

Some suggestions: onyx, amethyst, clear or rose quartz and citrine.

Put away your cell phone and pick up a book.

Stop or cut back on television, even the news.

Don�t worry, people will alert you to anything important.

Cut back on your sugar intake, seek natural sweeteners instead.

Avoid artificial sweeteners!

Take a walk around your neighborhood and wave to your neighbors as you pass.

Notice your consumption habits and donate or get rid of any excess stuff you may have

lying around.

Volunteer for a worthy cause.

Start a garden and learn to grow and cook your own food.

Walk or take your bike instead of your car whenever the opportunity arises.

Spend more time with your children and pets.

Practice more arts and crafts.

Accept that you are here with a higher purpose and that you are on the path to your greater


No matter how these earth changes may be affecting you personally, the fact that you are reading

an article about waking up is a very good sign.

For it means that we are well on our way to making a new and improved world, because you

are already waking up.

This is important because we are going to be seeing more and more changes in the years

ahead and the world is going to need people who are awake and aware of what is happening

around them.

Although it may be rough on some of us, awakening to the truth of our existence is vital.

We are on the precipice of great, global change and the more awake we are, the easier the

transition will be on us.

Be well and know that you are embarking on

the most important journey of your life.

The new earth awaits us.



[#03] Grand Conte de Noël - Le Parallèlisme des Skis - Duration: 3:16.

For more infomation >> [#03] Grand Conte de Noël - Le Parallèlisme des Skis - Duration: 3:16.


PLT LED Area Light Fixture - Duration: 5:00.


Hi, I'm Paul Coppage with I want to share with you today this LED shoe box fixture we call it

from Precision Lighting and Transformer or PLT.

This is a hundred Watts of LED power

generating 12,500 Lumens, so just think about a lot of light.

It offers 5000 degree Kelvin or very bright white light with high visual acuity.

If you were to compare that with something warmer like what you might find in your house, a yellower type

of light, this is a bright white type of light.

In addition, it has a type 3 distribution, which if you're like me a while back doesn't mean a lot

but let me tell you about it. With this fixture, it's normally designed, I'm going to turn it around this way,

to go flat or parallel with the ground

kind of like this and this part rotates down and mounts on a pole.

We'll talk about this slip footer more in a second, but with a type 3 distribution

light is thrown forward and out to the sides.

And none of the light, or not very much the light, I should say, goes behind the pole so this type of fixture is really

good this light distribution type is good for perimeter lighting.

So you could set this on the perimeter of your parking lot something like that and the forward throw is

going to light up your parking lot really really well.

There's other types of fixtures that we're coming out with later called type 5 distribution.

And that's more of a round type of distribution so you put those in the center of a parking lot.

This is for perimeter lighting best.

All right something else we're talking about the slip footer. This is a really neat device.

It has aiming angles of I think 15 degrees and what most people do they put this at a 90 degree angle

so that your light can be horizontal with the ground and get the right type 3 distribution.

Sometimes though you'll find some places, like I've seen them at Brahms or someplace like that

where they'll have the fixture aiming at an angle so you have even a farther distribution than just this type right

here so this type of slip footer mount allows for that type of action.

The slip footer mounts on

standard two and three-quarter inch tenon, which if you're into the maintenance into stuff

you'll recognize that that is the most common size

tenon that this fits onto. So you got the poll

and you got a two and 3/8 inch tenon. This mounts right on top of it like that.

You got your wires hooked up together.

What is that, I guess your ground, your neutral, and your live.

And it all works out really really well. So you mount this on there, then you rotate it

so you get it in the right direction and

this is going to provide great light for a long time.

50,000 hours is the average rated life and if you take into account

maybe 12 hours a night.

This should be a good 5, 7, 10 years without a difficulty off of this one fixture. Think about that for a moment

compared to what we've had on the market for so long, metal halide, those lamps might only last

15,000 to 20,000 hours and then there might be other difficulties with the ballast burning out.

With LED technology, it is so sweet. It's just you put it up and you forget about it.

So this is an awesome product to consider when you're purchasing lighting for your areas outside.

One thing I didn't mention yet, is that this product is also rated with Design Lights Consortium

or DLC. It's listed on their qualified products list or QPL

which means that after you pay a really low price on our website for this product

you should be able to contact your utility and if they are having a rebate program going

then you'll get even more money back on this product. It's just a great

very financial making good sense offer to pursue.

Let's see, one other thing I hadn't mentioned is that this thing is rated for operation in

113 degrees Fahrenheit temperatures, which means it can get that hot outside.

Thankfully it's not usually that hot at nighttime unless maybe you're in I don't know Arizona or something like

that and this thing's going to be a performing like a champ without any difficulties at all.

No adverse effect to the light output nor life.

That is about all I can think to share with you about this product. It's a really good one.

I think you'll be really pleased when you get into this.

I didn't mention Samsung chips

but regardless that's another good quality feature of this product that will serve you well for many years to come

If there's any other questions that you have about this awesome LED shoe box. Please contact our sales professionals at

Thank you so much.


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