Thứ Hai, 4 tháng 12, 2017

Waching daily Dec 4 2017

How Can You Tell If You�re Being Spiritually Guided 14 Discernment Tools

I�m in Boulder, Colorado right now with Trevor Hart, leading a Sounds True event about

trusting the invisible forces of love to guide you in your life.

Yesterday, we spent all day talking about how we can invoke spiritual guidance, the

tools and practices that can help you receive guidance, and what gets in the way of opening

to this kind of guidance. Today, we�ll be focusing on the tricky topic of discernment.

As Sounds True founder Tami Simon pointed out yesterday, without discernment, we can

become flat-out delusional in our efforts to seek out spiritual guidance.

�What if someone sees seven butterflies,� she asked, �and he assumes that means he�s

supposed to get seven wives?� We laughed at her example, but seriously � Hitler thought

he was being spiritually guided to purify his race. Discernment is key.

Without clear tools of discernment, an attempt to seek out and follow spiritual guidance

can turn psychotic. After all, many schizophrenics think the television is talking only to them!

The only thing that separates the mystics from the sociopaths and psychotics is discernment.

We�ll be talking about many tools for discernment in today�s Sounds True program, as well

as in the 10 month Mystery School immersion Trevor and I will be teaching this year.

In short, there�s no simple answer to the question, �How can you tell if you�re

being spiritually guided?� In fact, the very question calls to mind a story Rabbi

Reb Zalman told about an enlightened master whose disciples were concerned about choosing

another spiritual teacher after he died.

The master told them to ask any prospective teachers a question. �Ask him what we should

do with our thoughts that interrupt us in meditation, that drag us away.

If he answers you, don�t take him as a teacher. It�s too facile to give such an answer.�

In some ways, discerning whether you�re receiving accurate spiritual guidance is similar.

If anyone tries to tell you they know for sure when they�re receiving clear guidance,

be skeptical.

With that disclaimer, here are some key questions you can use to double-check yourself when

you think you might be receiving spiritual guidance.

Keep in mind that no single one of these questions is adequate for discernment. Don�t interpret

your answers to all these questions literally. Use these questions as a prompt for your own

intuition and discernment.



Does this make you feel like you�re in prison, or unfettered? Is the cage door open or closed?

Do you feel the heaviness of the shackles or the lightness of being that comes with


Martha Beck writes, �The Buddha often said that wherever you find water, you can tell

if it�s the ocean because the ocean always tastes of salt.�

By the same token, anywhere you find enlightenment�whatever improbable or unfamiliar shape it may have

assumed�you can tell it�s enlightenment because enlightenment always tastes of freedom.

Not comfort. Not ease. Freedom.� If you feel like you�re being guided, does it feel

like freedom?


If you think you�re being guided to do something overtly cruel, insensitive or unkind, think

again. Don�t mistake kindness for people-pleasing though.

Trustworthy spiritual guidance is kind at heart, but it can also be tough love � complete

with strict boundary setting and ferocious love.

You may be guided to break a people-pleasing co-dependence pattern that may feel to someone

else like your new boundary setting isn�t as kind as usual. Check the kindness meter

in your own heart. Your heart will know.


This is a vitality check. True spiritual guidance rarely tells you to do something that makes

you feel dead inside. The rational mind, the fear-based inner critic or the task-master

superego may order you to do something that feels deadening, but spiritual guidance will



Your true nature may ask you to complete tasks that require you to hunker down and focus.

You may even feel a certain weariness after saying yes to a calling that puts you on the

front line of something big and scary.

But even if your body is tired, you will also feel a certain excitement, a rightness and

lightness of being, and positive flow of energy through your body. You may feel scared.

You may have butterflies in your solar plexus. But if you feel dread, you can be pretty certain

the guidance isn�t pure.


Even when spiritual guidance asks you to do something that requires a lot of energy, true

guidance will only ask you to do things that fill you with spiritual energy and do not

require you to give away all of you own personal energy.


This question, from Joan Borysenko and Gordon Dveirin�s wonderful book Your Soul�s Compass,

always help me breathe more easily when I�m discerning whether guidance is real.

As they discovered by interviewing priests, rabbis, Sufi masters, Christian mystics, sages,

intuitive, and gurus, spiritual guidance usually feels natural, efficient, easeful, peaceful

and graceful.


While spiritual guidance may often ask you to do things that feel crazy, common sense

is still a useful discernment tool. It certainly didn�t make sense when my spiritual guidance

told me to leave my job as a doctor ten years ago.

So as with all the questions, this question doesn�t work on its own. But if spiritual

guidance is asking you to do something that violates your common sense, slow down. Ask

for clarification and confirmation. If you�re not sure, it�s OK to ask for more guidance.


As with the �Is it kind?� question, this doesn�t mean your irresponsible 30-year-old

son won�t get his feelings hurt when you set a boundary and tell him he has to move

out of the house if he can�t contribute to the household as a mature adult.

It also doesn�t mean you may not be guided to hurt someone who breaks into your house

and is threatening your kids. It�s simply a prompt to remind you that if your guidance

is potentially dangerous or hurtful to someone else, double check yourself.


This is one of my favorite questions because it�s so expansive. What would love to do?

Sometimes love forgives unforgivable acts.

Sometimes love leaves. But there�s nothing more powerful in the universe.


Does your body feel contracted or expansive? Is it saying �Hell yeah� or �Hell no?�

When you consider what you feel you are guided to do, do you get a headache or feel nauseous?

Do you feel exhausted or enlivened? Does your heart light up?

In my experience, the trustworthy spiritual guidance doesn�t rush you unless someone�s

life is at risk. If you�re not clear, you can always ask the invisible forces of love

for confirmation.

Pray for another sign, a dream, a clear knowing or seeing or gut instinct. Slow down and get

quiet. Listen deeply. Pay attention. You will get your answer.

You just may not get your answer on someone else�s deadline. If you feel pressured to

rush, the answer is probably �Not yet.� Urgency usually stems from fear and scarcity.

But true guidance isn�t afraid and it�s ever-plentiful. There�s always enough.


If what you feel guided to do is coercive or controlling of someone else, pause. Love

doesn�t coerce or control.


This one is so important that I could write a whole blog post just about this. I met a

shaman who defended his sexual molestation of a client because he said, �I was being

spiritually guided to give her a sexual healing.� Bullshit.

I�m not saying that ethics are black and white or that you might be led into the grey

territory from time to time, but if you think you�re being guided to do something that

might be a blatant ethics violation, think again.


This one is HUGE and it�s not often emphasized in our busy, rushed culture. So many things

you might enjoy leave you feeling hyped up, manic, and on edge.

As one guy who lived on a wild game reserve in Africa told me when he was breaking up

with his girlfriend, �I used to think that the excited feeling I got when I was with

her was love.

But then I realized it was actually the feeling I get when I�m with an unpredictable wild

animal.� Sometimes what we interpret as excitement is actually a physiological stress

response. Choose the people, work, and experiences that cultivate relaxation responses in your

nervous system.


Sometimes we get confused because we think it�s a black or white answer we�re seeking.

But maybe it�s both/and. Sometimes the solution that resonates in your heart is a paradox.

Are you being guided? Do you have what the Quakers would call a �leading?� Run through

these questions and see if they help.

Also, don�t be afraid to seek out trustworthy guidance from therapists, spiritual counselors,

and reputable intuitive, energy healers and shamans. Often, they can help confirm what

you already know in your heart of hearts.

For more infomation >> How Can You Tell If You're Being Spiritually Guided 14 Discernme - Duration: 10:46.


WORLDS FASTEST QUICK SCOPE! - Fortnite Funny Fails and WTF Moments #18 (Fortnite Funny Moments) - Duration: 10:38.

Fortnite Funny Fails and WTF Moments #18 (Daily Fortnite Funny Moments)

For more infomation >> WORLDS FASTEST QUICK SCOPE! - Fortnite Funny Fails and WTF Moments #18 (Fortnite Funny Moments) - Duration: 10:38.


Top 3: Best Pages to Download Music and Youtube Videos 2017 | Explained | Without Programs - Duration: 7:14.

For more infomation >> Top 3: Best Pages to Download Music and Youtube Videos 2017 | Explained | Without Programs - Duration: 7:14.


Dhanu Rashi 2018 Varsha Bhavishya | Yearly Horoscope | Astrology in Kannada (ಭವಿಷ್ಯ) - Duration: 2:38.

Bhavishya Darpan 4U YouTube Channel

Yearly Horoscope

Dhanu Rashi 2018

Varsha Bhavishya

For more infomation >> Dhanu Rashi 2018 Varsha Bhavishya | Yearly Horoscope | Astrology in Kannada (ಭವಿಷ್ಯ) - Duration: 2:38.


Is it Too Late for Me? - Duration: 1:50.

So, this chastity thing sounds great, but is it too late for me

if I've already had sex or bought into the lies of the culture.

Chastity is not for perfect people.

And it's not even just for virgins.

Chastity is for everyone.

If chastity were for perfect people, I wouldn't be here today.

But the virtue of chastity is always about today.

The decision and choice I make in this very moment.

There was this story once, it's in scripture.

It's about a woman who was caught in an act of adultery.

These people, they caught her and they dragged her out into the middle of the town

and Jesus was there.

And these people asked Jesus, what should we do with this woman?

And Jesus, he looks at this woman, and he looks at all of these people in the crowd,

and he says, "Let the man without sin be the one to cast the first stone."

So all these people, they just start dropping their stones and walking away.

And Jesus, he looks at this woman, and he says something very profound.

He says, "They do not condemn you, and neither do I.

Go and sin no more."

And there are two things in this story that Jesus does that I love.

The first is that he completely forgives her of everything she's ever done in her whole life.

And the second thing he does is he challenges her to live differently.

He says, "Go and sin no more."

Because your sin doesn't define you.

Your weaknesses don't define you.

Your failings don't define who you are.

Chastity is about this present moment and looks towards the future with a lot of hope.

Don't be weighed down by your past, by your sins.

It's never too late to start over, and it's never too late to choose the virtue of chastity.

For more infomation >> Is it Too Late for Me? - Duration: 1:50.


Gaming YouTubers NEWS OVERVIEW #2 (20.Nov.2017 - 03.Dec.2017) - Duration: 4:17.

Two weeks are up, so it's time for the second

edition of my Gaming YouTubers News Overview!

I'm humaldo and I'll give you a quick overview

of what was going on with my favorite Gaming

YouTubers in the last 14 days!

Let's start with SpawnWave, who provided us

with daily news from the gaming industry,

as usual. To go into all the news in detail

would go beyond the scope of this video, visiting

his channel on a daily basis is a must for every gamer anyway.

Apart from the daily news

coverage, he did an Axiom Verge Unboxing for

the Nintendo Switch and we learn that you

can already hack the Playstation 3 quite easily.

Mr. SpawnWave - Does anyone know his real

name? - is also concerned about the possible

Ataribox controller and he deals with the

D-Pads of the Switch Joycon and the Switch Pro controller.

He also plays Gear Club Unlimited,

Mantis Burn Racing, Worms W. M. D, Portal Knights,

The Nine Parchments Demo, and Resident

Evil Revelations 1 & 2. Nice job, as always.

This time I actually wanted to also include

Jim Sterling in my report, but his output

is simply too high to go into it separately here.

He has published 17 videos in the last

14 days, focusing on the EA Microtransaction controversy,

Net Neutrality and the usual

Steam Rants.

I again recommend a daily channel visit.

BeatEmUps is happy about the Nintendo Switch

version of Skyrim and he has made a nice live-action

video for it. He also has finally passed the

100.000 subscribers mark on YouTube, congratulations!

In an impressive unboxing video, he opens

packages he has received from fans, then recommends

which switch games to give away this Christmas

and which ones to avoid, and he helds Episode 9

of the "Everything's Taken" podcast

together with Erek Ladd.

MetalJesusRocks recommends gaming pillows,

his cat almost steals the show, and he and

his crew are at the Portland Expo,

where they go hunting for the cheapest game with the

highest metacritic score. He also introduces

10 forgotten games that deserve a successor

and presents his GOG collection.

The focus of Boogie2988 has been again on

EA, Microtransactions and the Battlefront

2 Lootbox-Gate, as well as on a cyberbullying

case in the Magic The Gathering Community,

for which he has to justify himself in another video.

PewDiePie has also played a lot of games again,

so he's still struggling through Getting

Over It, then he's testing user-generated

levels of his own project Animal Super Squad, (short: A.S.S.)

he plays a round of Gang Beasts, gets cyber bullied

in the VR application VR CHAT and

he's taking a look at the upcoming Horror Title Scorn.

He also finally talks about Net

Neutrality and the Epic Games VS 14 year old

Fortnite-Cheater-Kid Lawsuit controversy.

AlphaOmegaSin hasn't released any new videos

since last time, but I visited Blunty who

by the way has a very small dock, namely the

3rd Party Switch Dock from Nyko. He also talks

about to his "It Made Me Sick" Skyrim video

and amuses himself about the haters who fell

for the Clickbait title without watching the actual video.

Finally he gives a possible

outlook on what Fallout 4 could look like on the Nintendo Switch.

And so we're again done with my current

Gaming YouTubers News Overview, you can

find all the mentioned videos in this playlist here.

How did you like the video and what do you think of this series?

Am I too fast and should

I take more time?

Should I introduce more or different YouTubers,

and if so, which ones?

Please write it in the comments section, that would be awesome,

since I am currently trying

out new formats and perform some experiments

on my YouTube channel,

your feedback is especially important!

I am humaldo,

and I thank you for watching!

See you next time!


For more infomation >> Gaming YouTubers NEWS OVERVIEW #2 (20.Nov.2017 - 03.Dec.2017) - Duration: 4:17.


Drawing High School Learn How to Draw School Colors Picture Coloring Book School Coloring Page - Duration: 12:50.

For more infomation >> Drawing High School Learn How to Draw School Colors Picture Coloring Book School Coloring Page - Duration: 12:50.


Монограмма: Вышивка буквы цветами - Letter embroidery Monogram - Duration: 8:40.

For more infomation >> Монограмма: Вышивка буквы цветами - Letter embroidery Monogram - Duration: 8:40.


模様編みA-28【かぎ針編み初心者さん】編み図・字幕解説 Crochet Pattern / Crochet and Knitting Japan - Duration: 16:02.

For more infomation >> 模様編みA-28【かぎ針編み初心者さん】編み図・字幕解説 Crochet Pattern / Crochet and Knitting Japan - Duration: 16:02.


Kanya Rashi 2018 Varsha Bhavishya | Yearly Horoscope | Astrology in Kannada (ಭವಿಷ್ಯ) - Duration: 2:42.

Bhavishya Darpan 4U YouTube Channel

Yearly Horoscope

Kanya Rashi 2018

Varsha Bhavishya

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