Thứ Ba, 5 tháng 12, 2017

Waching daily Dec 5 2017

Okay, the lack of updates does not mean that we are dead. We haven't announced anything like "hey guys, the project is cancelled" or

"we've frozen the development" so rest assured that we are still very much alive and focused on the development of the game

Now, I'll give some insight on what we've been doing for the past year, what we are doing now and what we will do in the future

My name is Dreamy, I'm a lead developer of Ambient.White, and I'm here to explain what is going on.

First: What was the past year like for the project

Well for the past year, our team has attended multiple conventions such as Babscon, Galacon and some smaller ones

where we showed fresh, exclusive footage of the game, explained our vision and successfully attracted some very talented people into the team.

Additionally, we were quite active on our Patreon blog, making announcements almost every month

writing in detail about what's new, what's next, and even releasing two closed demos - one in April and another in June.

As for the development of the game, in a nutshell, we were mostly exploring gameplay concepts that would work for the game, doing game builds,

testing and experimenting until we were satisfied with it. As you might have figured out, it took quite a long time.

We made mistakes we learned from them

Then we made more mistakes, and we learned even more

Making games is hard, you know... if you know any stories about game development

you might be pretty familiar with the fact of how much time is wasted due to various mistakes.

This is especially true since we don't have much experience.

Sorry for being so vague, I just don't want to spoil anything until the project has been completed.

In general, we have been fleshing out the concept, adding minute detail and polishing up

situationally reorganizing schedules, and now we are much much closer to completion of the game.

The main reason is - we don't need to!

What? "Dreamy, what are you talking about?! Fans of the game need to know whats going on! They care so much about the project!"

I know

That's why I don't do many announcements

Ok let me explain

Consider what would happen if I made announcements every month this announcement would be

small, boring unless if I reveal spoiler content of course

so they will quickly become tedious and will only remind you of the fact that the project is not yet completed.

It's probably better if you forgot about the project and remembered about it just in time, when it's completely finished.

However lets imagine what if spoiler content was mentioned in update videos

then you would know everything about the game before it's even released!

We simply cannot leave you without the pleasure pleasure of fully experiencing a game

Moreover releasing trailers, videos, pictures and news about the game before the launch may result in situations similar to what happened with No Man's Sky, Watch Dogs

games like that

You know what I'm talking about

By the way, guys, as much as we would like to make every piece of our content look good and sexy

creating announcements like our last update video takes a lot of time and effort

to the point that it actually drags our attention from working on the game.

Not to mention, that by the time such an update video is complete

some of the content in it may even become irrelevant.

So, in a nutshell, we value the end result of playing the game as a whole, when it comes out

And we also believe it is unnecessary to make small, boring announcements; just to remind you that the game...

Unfortunately, it's not done yet

**HOWEVER, WAIT! **Before you say: 'Are you really dragging on the development for the purpose of getting more money on Patreon?'

Let me tell you - Hell NO! - if I had this goal, I would have used a completely different strategy

If I wanted to get as much money as possible from people, we would have gone with a similar strategy to those...

certain... development teams use...

To be fair, they are making a lot of money from donations, and are only increasing that amount with every game update they release.


it would seem that with a strategy like that... the actual game never gets finished.

We are A Little Bit Different

We put a high emphasis on quality to ensure a complete experience, that would pull various heartstrings

including love, hate

happiness and pain

To feel the spirit of adventure, and to get through the mental journey you never knew you wanted or needed.

We are doing our best to not just make a fun game

but to create a game that will make you think and feel

A Game that will stay in your heart for a long time like games and movies and cartoons

We have been inspired by


We want to believe that we are doing something special.

'But, Dreamy, if you try to create something perfect, you will, most likely, never finish it!!!

Will you ever actually complete the game we are looking forward to so much?!'

Yes. I, as well as everyone else, care about the game being completed and released as soon as possible

But then there is a question:

How complete is the game at this point?

Ambient White is a story-driven adventure game. So, the story, in this case, from start to finish serves as a skeleton for everything else:

gameplay, music, atmosphere, level design and so on

Everything is built around the story and storytelling

to make the player feel and experience the same kind of struggle the main characters are going through.

Why am I telling you this? To better explain the fact:

hey we've actually finished the story section of our game!

And this is quite an important milestone because since the skeleton the game is complete

we are able to flesh out levels, small details in them and gameplay

To you, this may sound like it should be done in, practically, no time

However, according to our current schedules, plans and our experience in development so far

it does, and will, take a lot of time.

So this begs the question

When is the game going to come out?!

Honestly can't make good assumptions guys

I hope it will be complete after half a year or so

We know how much it matters to you, and, obviously, it matters a lot to us as well

But again we are aiming for a good game and good games even with complete and experienced teams can take

years to develop

But still

Let me tell you one interesting thing here

We have been quiet for such a long time, but you guys haven't. You still have been reaching out

You are still, to this day, supporting us; you even understand the fact that we need time, and, judging from your comments and emalis

You seem to accept that

Seriously we can't be happier to have such a supportive and caring fanbase so

Thank you

Your comments and emails of support your donations reviews

encouragement fill

every hour of our work with inspiration and a wish to do better, to work faster, more efficiently and, most importantly.

You make every one of our days, every decision to get back to work instead of resting

Every line of code and stroke of the brush


So thank you a lot for your support!

And thank you for helping our common dreams, hopes and goals come true.

We'll keep on working, and we'll keep on getting closer to finishing the game we've all been waiting for

Oh, and to be clear, if we do make another announcement in next few months

it will either be related to an important milestone in developement

that is worth talking about, or some other news you will actually want to know.

Thank you for your attention and see you in the next update

For more infomation >> Ambient.Update #7 - Duration: 9:58.


Quick Word from Joyce - Duration: 0:12.




For more infomation >> Quick Word from Joyce - Duration: 0:12.


Sonic Forces Eggman Empire Propaganda English - Duration: 0:46.

For more infomation >> Sonic Forces Eggman Empire Propaganda English - Duration: 0:46.


What's on my iPhone! Updated 2017 | Hashtag Zoe - Duration: 8:26.

hey guys welcome back to my channel so for today's video I have a what's on my

iPhone Updated 2017 for you I'm doing this video I think once before so that will be linked

down below that was a long time ago so just a quick warning anyway today I

haven't updated what's on my iPhone for you guys and yeah so without further ado

let's go ahead and get started with the video

so basically my case is an otterbox and I have a popsocket.

it's amazing please sponsor me popsocket I want my own line okay okay guys

so this is my home screen I have my mail which I should check I have my calendar

I have maps clock weather which I check all the time but it's always hot here in

LA reminders which I used a lot because I always forget things app store notes

face time and this folder I call it idk dude because this is just a bunch of

random stuff that I don't use so there you go and the one next to it is called

where you at though this sounds like my tracking stuff for like find my friend

things like that so that's just what that looks like I really I really like

the name of that one is it just me or do you guys also name your folders like

weird things I have more later on that are kind of funny too so keep watching

so going to the bottom of my phone I have a storage which I have two

notifications there I have my calls which I have 31 notifications there I

really need to look through who calls me I answered my phone just like well also

text I have 48 ok I'm sorry to the people who are cringing that I don't

open all my text messages but I do respond to my text messages those are

probably older like from a group chat that I haven't opened yet whatever I'm

gonna have my Safari app where i Google things then over on to the next side I

have photos and camera on top along with music and this app called steps and

today as you can see I've only taken 50 steps so it's fine but it's basically a

pedometer app and it's really cool so today I've only taken 50 steps but

usually when I'm like at school or like doing things obviously take more than 50

steps it's just Saturday today and that's all

I have to say it's Saturday you really think I went to on a hike

okay I'm going down and I have a female I have my youtube subscriber counter

subscribe then I have boomerang and lay out those are the two Instagram app

things I have my Starbucks app which oh my gosh I sound like such a basic white

girl right now but I love Starbucks and that's my app for it so there you go

then I have a house party which I don't use I should probably delete that then I

have snug which is an app that helps you figure out your Instagram feed and stuff

on stuff basically it you can see if a picture matches your feed or put your

feed in a certain way and I think it's really cool so yeah I'm not gonna open

it because they don't want you guys to see what pictures I'm gonna post on

Instagram you have to go to my Instagram follow me at hashtags only you can see

what pictures I post there next to that I have Twitter also follow me on Twitter

like I'm pretty lit on Twitter too yeah then I have famous birthdays guys I'm on

famous birthdays this is a big deal I've been on famous birthdays for a bunch of

months now and you should go boost me on famous birthdays I don't think it

matters for anything but it's really cool seeing myself on famous birthdays

like that's really lit like lit then next to that I have the YouTube studio

app which basically is the analytics side of YouTube but that's kind of

boring so that I have the YouTube app subscribe this videos like all me

promoting my social media then I have snapchat and also follow me on so much

here's my snap code and username also I have Facebook I don't really use

it for like personal things but I definitely go like my page on Facebook

what am i doing okay then I have Shazam because there's always those times where

I'm like listening to a song and I don't know what the song's called and I need

to know what the song's called so I can add it to my playlist which brings me to

my next app Spotify I love Spotify Spotify Premium is amazing guys highly

recommend because then you don't need to buy each song separately and you can

list to it whenever you want and I'm not

sponsored by Spotify do you really wish I was because it's like literally one of

my favorite apps um yeah if you guys want to um yes Spotify you can't my

Spotify user name is the same as my snapchat username also guys make sure to

follow me on Spotify so you can listen to what I'm listening to and my username

is relate to you then I have Instagram which obviously follow me on Instagram

guys like if you haven't already yet I know you haven't already so go follow me

on Instagram great my Instagram hashtag zuy anyway this is my Instagram and I

don't know I'm pretty lit on Instagram too so go follow me on Instagram if you

want then I have whatsapp which is basically like messaging and calls then

I have trailer which is so funny I make music videos and my friends there all

the time and it's honestly hilarious that I have musically guys make sure you

go follow me on musically I'm am user I'm just kidding I'm not amused I guess

I'm a muse I haven't musically you guys can go follow me on musically too if

you're into musically guys we have come to my favorite app Netflix

um I Wow okay Wow I watched Netflix way too often usually

I watch it on my computer or the TV but honestly your girl has to have it on her

phone also because you know if you're on like a long car ride you have to watch

Netflix I'm watching scandal right now so good it's a little intense sometimes

and I'm like whoa but it's great highly recommend go watch it on to the next

screen I have a folders here and the first folder up top is called you're

welcome can you guess why this is my photo editing app folder I have airbrush

facetune PicMonkey and this app called photo facetune a lot of people use it to

just make themselves look prettier and I'm gonna be honest I use it to lighten

the background of my photos for Instagram

like that's it like you know what I mean I don't alter my appearance I don't like

suckin my waistline in the bit if you do that it's fine I accept you but just

like it's not my thing you the next app is called school lol

there you go this is just things that I need for

school I have Slater if you guys know what Slater is I'm myself so

right now it helps you with homework sitting you know I also have

photo map again exposing myself it's fine

I have all the Google slides sheets and Docs here so that's cool and I purposely

spelled school wrong guy so you know how to spell school I know it's not decay

but I just thought it was funny but the next app is things that I don't really

go for at all so I called it um what and yeah I have the files

um app from iTunes or from Apple in there I have Dropbox and then bitmoji I

don't really use those apps so I just call down one because the next folder I

have is called live I have a you now live me and live lean in there you gotta

keep up with the You Nowers and the livelyers and the live meet then I have TV

and aside from Netflix I also use Prime videos and Fire TV

they're both Amazon actually I just realized that but then I have the Amazon

app just in case I need to order something from Amazon leave a comment

down below telling me your favorite app whether it be Instagram or Netflix or

Spotify or games I don't have games on my phone your games

no anyway guys thanks so much for watching and I'll see you in my next video

Hashtag Zoe

What's on my iphone Updated 2017

For more infomation >> What's on my iPhone! Updated 2017 | Hashtag Zoe - Duration: 8:26.


Igramo CS:GO - Duration: 3:31.

For more infomation >> Igramo CS:GO - Duration: 3:31.


Pracnes One - Mierda Real ft DeejayLalo (Beat x SicknessMP) (Video) - Duration: 2:20.

For more infomation >> Pracnes One - Mierda Real ft DeejayLalo (Beat x SicknessMP) (Video) - Duration: 2:20.


Top 10 Best Christmas Movies of All Time - Duration: 8:38.

Top 10 Christmas Movies Of All Time

Hello and welcome back to Most Amazing Top Ten!

I am Rebecca Felgate and I am really really really excited about Christmas.

Today we are talking about the Top 10 Christmas Movies of All Time….I am PUMPED.

PS….don't forget at the end of this video to hit the thumbs up button and tell us what

you hope Santa will bring you this year!

Okay, launching in to this list with a nice transitional Christmas movie, and a personal

favourite, we have the Nightmare Before Christmas at number 10.

This 1993 movie solves so many of my autumnal issues.

I always want to start watching Christmas films the moment it gets cold, but I don't

want my festive excitement to peak too soon.

The Nightmare Before Christmas is great because it is both a Halloween and a Christmas film,

which means that it is acceptable to start watching it early October.

This baby has a fresh rating of 94% on Rotten Tomatoes, it's undeniably a goodie.

9 - A Christmas Story I have to admit, I had never heard of this

film until I moved to Canada.

It seems like it is a huge favourite in North America while a lot of us over in the rest

of the world haven't heard of it.

I watched it last Christmas eve and it is an American classic indeed.

The story is about a kid who wants a BB gun for Christmas, meanwhile his parents get cheeky

leg lamp.

You have to watch it to understand it for yourself.

Rotten Tomatoes gives it 89%.

All aboard the Polar Express at number 8.

Oh this is a beauty isn't it!

An animated icy treat with the voice of Tom Hanks as the train conductor, the Polar Express

was released in 2004.

Visually stunning, this movie really feels like Christmas to me!

A steam train is pretty much my actual dream, too!

And, if that wasn't enough, Santa is even there!

Rotten Tomatoes only gave it a rating of 55….which I think is not fair.

This next movie IS Christmas to me.

I don't about the rest of you, but in the UK, this is always on on Christmas Eve, and

I sit around with my family, mince pie in hand, enjoying it.

I am talking about The Snowman at number 7.

We're walllllkkkking in the air!

The Snowman is actually an animated short of a Children's book.

It is just 26 minutes long, but packs all the festive punch of a Christmas classic.

The reason this 1982 film appeals to so many people is that we all know what it is like

to be a child who builds a snowman, and wants it to stay alive forever….

But we all know what happens to snow.

I really think it is beautiful, like a children's book come alive…which of course is what

it is.

Rotten tomatoes gives it 92% which is fair.

Okay, I totally get that our next movie isn't the best by any stretch of the film making

imagination, but it is a goodie anyway….

We have Jingle All The Way at Number 6 PUT THAT COOKIE DOWN!

There is one big reason this Christmas movie is awesome, and it stats with Arnold and ends

with Schwartzenegger.

We all know what it is like to be a child who really wants a certain toy for Christmas…

and I guess some of us know what it is like to be a parent afraid of disappointing a child

at Christmas.

This 1997 film is for adults and children alike, and I dare you not to laugh out loud

at how enjoyably ridiculous it is at times.

Rotten tomatoes gives it just 17 percent whichI think is a bit harsh.

It has stood the test of time and I try and watch it at least once each holiday season.

Coming into number 5, we have The Grinch.

You're a mean one, Mr Grinch…..

I love the Grinch.

Dr Zeus knows where it is at with a Christmas tale, and this 2000 on screen adaptation is

a visual stunner.

Whoville is pretty lols, and don't we all want Cindy Loo Who hair and a Grinch Christmas


The dog, too, the dog is golden.

I love how cheeky and sinister the Grinch is, and then his moment of realisation when

he starts to feel the true spirit of Christmas.

Rotten Tomatoes only gives it 53%, but like….

Come on!

Where is there spirit of Christmas?

ABSOLUTELY at number 4 - we have the one and only Muppets Christmas Carol

There goes Mr Humbug, there goes Mr Grim.

The Muppets Christmas Carol puts a fun and energetic spin on Charles Dickens' A Christmas


The 1992 movie is enjoyable, even 25 years after its release, and is filled with songs

to get viewers in the Christmas spirit.

I love Kermit as Bob Cratchit….I also love Marley and Marleyy…wooooo.

Rotten Tomatoes gives it 69%.

Coming I to number 3, we have Love Actually .


I love Love Actually, there are so many good stories in this one movie.

It is more of an adult Christmas film, which is cool as Christmas is for life, not just

for pre teens.

The 2003 movie is often billed as the ultimate Romantic comedy, which I can agree with.

It has tears, heartbreak, first loves, last loves, stolen kisses, snow flakes and mince


Oh, and a kid dressed as an octopus…which is a personal favourite.

It has 63% on Rotten Tomatoes, but I personally think Bill Nighy's performance alone deserves

more than that on its own.


!!!!! Will Ferrell's portrayal of Buddy the elf is infectious.

I am a big fan of Elf, I think the story is excellent and heart warming.

Not only do we get to enjoy sights of New York City and Christmas, we also get to experience

the NORTH friggin pole.

Zoey Deschanel also gives a great performance as Jovi, the mall elf.

The 2003 classic gained itself 84% on Rotten Tomatoes, which is pretty great for a Christmas


Finally, the big guns at number one, it isn't Christmas until you have watched Home Alone.

KEEP THA CHANGE, YOU FILTHY ANIMAL…..It is all about Home Alone for me!

This was Macaulay Culkin's finest moment, and his hands clapped around his face on the

cover of the Home Alone VHS, yes, VHS, is what I need to get in the festive spirit.

1990s movie Home Alone tugs at all of our inner kids that want to order pizza, play

games and dance around the house responsibility free all day.

Even the trap setting looked fun.


It is criminal Rotten Tomatoes only gave it 55%..... good job I made the list and they

didn't, hey!!!!

SO that was the top 10- best Christmas movies of

all time!

Do you agree with me?

Let me know!

LIKE ETC Thanks for sticking around to the end, why

not watch Awkward Family Christmas Photos and the Top 10 Worst Christmas gifts

For more infomation >> Top 10 Best Christmas Movies of All Time - Duration: 8:38.


Anitta - Music Evolution (2012 - 2017) Reaction - Duration: 10:23.

For more infomation >> Anitta - Music Evolution (2012 - 2017) Reaction - Duration: 10:23.


Elf on the Shelf | Short Horror Film | Crypt TV - Duration: 2:01.

- Babe, come over!

Pizza's almost here.

(doorbell rings) It doesn't matter,

I'm just gonna throw him in his room anyways.

Just get over here please.

Thank you.


(door slams)

Alright, bedtime twerp, let's go.

- What?

It's like 8:15!

- Sounds like bedtime to me, come on.

- I don't even have a bedtime.

Plus it's Christmas Eve.

- Hey, come back here you little shit.

Hey babe!

Get down there. - Brat.

- It's Christmas.

No one cares but me.

Just wish you were real,

and I could do whatever I want.

(creepy laughter)

(creepy Christmas music)


(splattering and screaming)


- [Announcer] Watch new scary vids every Tuesday,

Thursday, and Friday.

For more infomation >> Elf on the Shelf | Short Horror Film | Crypt TV - Duration: 2:01.


The Housing First approach to homelessness | Lloyd Pendleton - Duration: 13:46.

What do you think would happen

if you invited an individual who had been living on the street

for many years,

had mental health issues

and was an alcoholic

to move directly from the street

into housing?

We had heard this was being done in New York City,

and it was called the Housing First model.

We wondered if it would work in Utah.

So to make that determination, we decided to create a pilot,

and Keta was one of the 17 chronically homeless individuals

we included in this pilot.

She had been on the street for 20-plus years,

had mental health issues

and was a severe alcoholic.

The first night in her apartment,

she put her belongings on the bed

and slept on the floor.

The next three nights, she slept out by the dumpster

near the apartment building.

With the aid of her case manager,

she moved back into her apartment

but continued to sleep on the floor for several nights.

It took over two weeks for her to develop enough trust and confidence

that this apartment was hers

and would not be taken away from her

before she would start sleeping in the bed.

Homelessness is a continuing challenge for many cities

throughout our country.

Our homeless population falls into three major categories:

those that are temporarily homeless,

about 75 percent;

those that are episodically homeless,

about 10 percent;

and those that are chronically homeless,

about 15 percent.

Chronic homelessness is defined as an unaccompanied adult

who has been continuously homeless for a year or more

or more than four times homeless in three years

that totals 365 days.

This small 15 percent of the homeless population

can consume 50 to 60 percent of the homeless resources

available in a community.

In addition, they can cost the community

20,000 to 45,000 dollars a year per person

in emergency services costs,

such as EMT runs,

emergency room visits, as many of you will be aware,

addictions, interactions with the police,

jail time.

Simply put, this small population costs a lot.

Based on this reality, the US government began an initiative in 2003

inviting states and cities and counties

to develop a plan to end chronic homelessness

in a 10-year period.

The state of Utah accepted this invitation,

and I was asked to lead this effort.

In 2005, we approved a 10-year plan,

and 10 years later, in 2015,

we reported a reduction in our chronic homeless population

of 91 percent statewide.


That's amazing.

When I began this process, and we began this process,

I realized that I had a limited understanding of homelessness

and the factors that impacted it,

and that I needed a fairly major change in my belief, in my thinking,

because I had been raised with the theory of rugged individualism

and "pull yourself up by the bootstraps."

That philosophy came from being raised on our family's cattle ranch

in a small town in the western desert of Utah.

On the ranch, you learned that nothing takes priority

over caring for the cattle,

something always needs fixing

and most importantly,

hard work makes the world right.

It was through that lens that I would see homeless people.

When I was a teenager, our family would go into Salt Lake City,

and I would see these homeless people -- "hobos" we called them then --

sitting around on the street,

and I would think,

"You lazy bums, get a job. Pull yourself up by the bootstraps."

After high school, I left the ranch,

graduated from college,

went to work for Ford Motor Company for several years,

then got a job at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints

and moved back to Salt Lake City.

During that employment, I had the opportunity to be loaned out

to the state's largest homeless shelter

to assist them in developing and improving

their financial and management capabilities.

While there, I became aware of a new approach

to dealing with homeless individuals

and drug addicts.

It was called the harm reduction model,

and it consisted of passing out clean needles and condoms.

And I thought, "Now that is one stupid idea."


"That's just going to encourage them to continue that behavior.

Just tell them to stop."

Several years later, I read some of the early 10-year plans

to end chronic homelessness

promoted by the federal government.

As I read through those plans, and I thought,

"Pfft! This is unrealistic.

You can't end homelessness.

There's too many personal choices and factors beyond our control."

My perspective changed, however,

when I attended a conference in 2003,

where I learned the reason behind the 10-year plan.

First was this small population of the homeless group

that was 15 percent and were very expensive.

That made sense

for a conservative state like Utah.

The second insight was learning about this Housing First,

or low-barrier housing.

There had been an agency in New York City

that had been inviting mentally ill homeless individuals

to move directly from the street into housing.

And they were also allowed to continue to use drugs and to drink,

just like we can in our homes.

They were, in addition, offered services -- not required to use them --

by on-site case managers

to assist them to adjust to their new living arrangements

and to stabilize their lives.

They were using the harm reduction model.

And despite my initial low expectations about hearing about this model,

they were having an astonishing success rate:

85 percent were still housed after 12 months.

The third insight

was the importance of developing a trusting relationship.

Because of the abuse these individuals have had

throughout most of their lives,

they hardly trust anybody,

and the clean needles and condoms and low-barrier housing

was a means to begin to develop a relationship of trust.


So as I flew home from this conference,

sitting in the plane looking out the window,

I realized that my understanding and perspective about homelessness

was shifting.

And as I stared out that window,

this very strong feeling and thought came to me

that if there's any state in the union

that could end chronic homelessness,

it was the state of Utah,

because there's an underlying feeling

and desire and willingness to collaborate to serve our neighbors,

including those who are homeless.

A new vision was becoming clear to me how this could be done.

Now, those of us that attended the conference said,

"Yeah, these models will work in Utah."

But when we got back home, there were many who said,

"Nah, those aren't going to work. They won't succeed here."

But there was, however, an affordable housing organization

who was willing to build our first 100 units.

But they had concerns about having 100 chronically homeless people

in one location.

To address that concern, we decided to create a pilot

to test that idea while we built the first 100 units.

We would use existing units scattered throughout Salt Lake City.

Then we debated:

Should we select fairly high-functioning homeless persons

or the most challenging ones we could find?

And this is where my background on the ranch came into play.

Back then, my mother cooked our meals

and heated the water for our weekly bath

on a wood-burning and coal-burning stove.

And after chopping wood for that stove all those years,

I'd learned to chop the big end of the log first,

when I had the most energy.

We decided to use the "big end of the log first" approach

and selected 17 of the most challenging,

difficult, chronically homeless people we could find,

because we knew we would learn the most from them.

Twenty-two months later,

all 17 were still housed,

including Keta,

who today, 11 years later,

is sleeping in her own bed

and is sober.

At the end of this pilot, one of the young case managers said,

"We used to debate up at our university classes

which theory of case management was the most effective.

Now our theory of case management is:

anything necessary to keep them housed."

We became believers,

and built hundreds of units over those next 10 years,

leading to the reduction of our statewide chronic homeless population

of 91 percent.

Now, who are homeless people?

Many people just want them to go away, to disappear,

not disrupt our lives.

Through this 10-year, 11-year process, I gained many insights

of why people become homeless.

One of those insights came to me a few years ago

when I was visiting with our medical outreach team.

These are our frontline workers

that go out and visit the street homeless and the prostitutes

to check on their medical health.

One of the team members mentioned

that eight of the prostitutes had given birth to 31 children

that had become wards of the state.

They also shared that some of the pimps were their husbands,

and worse yet,

their parents.

These prostitutes,

in their late teens, 20s, early 30s,

were expected to earn enough money a day to support

a hundred-dollar-a-day heroin addiction,

their living expenses

and their pimp.

And with unprotected sex, they were paid more,

and predictably, this would lead to a pregnancy.

Children born under these circumstances many times end up becoming homeless.

And it's not helpful to look at those born under those circumstances,

or a parent that makes their child a drug addict at age seven,

or a generation of babies born through drug addiction,

and not feel some despair.

For me, I believe every person is of value,

no matter who you are.

And it's not helpful to look at somebody with this start in life

and blame them for where they are.


No one grows up saying, "My goal in life is to become homeless."

And that's the beauty of the harm reduction and Housing First model.

It recognizes the complexities of the different factors

that can shape a human life.

These models meet people where they are,

not where we are

or where we think they should be.

The pilot we did with our 17 taught us many lessons.

When people have been living on the street for many years,

moving back into housing

requires lots of things to learn.

And Donald

taught us some of these transition lessons.

His case manager asked him why he had not turned up the heat

in his cold apartment.

Donald said, "How do you do that?"

He was shown how to use a thermostat.

The case manager also observed

that he was heating the beans in the can on the stove,

like he had done over the campfires for many years.

He was shown how to use pots and pans.

We also learned that he had a sister that he had not seen in 25 years,

who thought he was dead.

She was happy to learn otherwise,

and they were soon reconnected.

Hundreds of people like Keta and Donald are now housed

and reconnecting with their families.

Also, many of our communities are incurring

fewer emergency services costs.

I have learned over and over again

that when you listen to somebody's story with an open heart,

walk in their shoes with them,

you can't help but love and care for them

and want to serve them.

This is why I'm committed

to continuing to bring hope and support to our homeless citizens,

who I consider to be my brothers and sisters.

Thank you.


For more infomation >> The Housing First approach to homelessness | Lloyd Pendleton - Duration: 13:46.


This Is What The Royal Family Actually Eats - Duration: 4:11.

So you think that fancy Michelin restaurant you visited last year is the pinnacle of opulent


Think again, common folk.

Perhaps unsurprisingly, the British royal family enjoys an utterly unique gastronomic


It's not just the bizarre magnificence of their meals that proves fascinating, but also

the day-to-day quirks each of them insists upon.

And then, there's stuff like the fact that they're not allowed to drink tap water.


It's a strange life.

No shellfish allowed

If you've ever hit up the oyster bar, then you've indulged in something the royals aren't

allowed to touch.

They're banned from crab, lobster, shrimp and the like, for the simple reason that it's

just too much of a risk.

Shellfish are a notorious source of food poisoning and the royals' rigorous schedule means that

risking being out of commission for any period of time is a serious no-go.

Of course, rules are meant to be broken.

Not by the Queen, of course, but Prince Charles is known to indulge a little from time to


Tap water pass

It's common when traveling abroad to be warned against drinking the local tap water.

Parasites and bacteria found in untreated water can lead to a host of illnesses and

diseases, including travelers' diarrhea.

In the past, the Queen has visited Oman, the UAE, Thailand, Nepal, Morocco, Bahrain, Kuwait

and a host of other countries with less than perfect water conditions — and that's just

the Queen.

With that in mind, it's probably no surprise that tap water is on the list of things they're

not allowed to consume abroad.


Yep, garlic is, in fact, banned from Buckingham Palace — and all just because the Queen

utterly forbids it.

According to John Higgins, a former chef at the palace, nothing could ever be served with

the stuff.

The theory goes that this is to avoid garlic's most potent side effect: Bad breath.

And this doesn't just go for the Queen, either — her palace-wide ban means the whole family

goes sans-garlic, solely to avoid any awkward garlic-based interactions with guests, visitors

or foreign dignitaries.

Keeping it healthy

If you follow the royal family closely, you've noticed that the Queen is seemingly immortal.

At the age of 91, she's still active, enthusiastic, and maintains a significant presence in the

public eye.

Among other things, it's probably fair to assume her longevity comes down to her insistence

on healthy eating.

According to former palace chef Darren McGrady, the Royals are generally a healthy group of


Both the Queen herself and Prince Philip are into eating well, while he says Prince Charles

went, quote "organic before organic was even invented."

The latter, as well as his late wife Diana, kept to a rigorously healthy diet and mostly

ate foods from fresh ingredients — from bread and pasta, to ice cream and even mayo.

No starch lunching

One of the quirks revealed by McGrady is that the Queen enforces a strict 'no starch' rule

when it comes to her own lunches.

Not only that, but she's also got a preference for eating sandwiches - usually cucumber,

salmon or egg and mayo - without the crusts on when she entertains lunchtime guests.

Mousse and mangoes

So what, then, does the Queen like most?

Chocolate — with chocolate mousse being a particular favorite for the monarch and

her family.

According to Higgins, you can expect plates to come back clean if mousse is on the menu.

The Queen herself is also incredibly fond of mangoes, to the point where she always

knows exactly how many are being kept in the fridges at Buckingham Palace.

It's fitting, then, that "coronation chicken salad with mangoes and almonds" was invented

for the occasion of her ascension to the throne in 1953, and was served at her celebratory


Royal farming

Spoiler: the royals aren't down to hit the local Tesco for their weekly shop.

Instead, the vast majority of the ingredients used in their meals comes from their own estates.

Carolyn Robb, who was personal chef to Charles and Diana, explains that the royal couple

enjoyed game that was hunted by Charles personally, while they'd also grow their own fruit and

vegetables for use in daily meals.

Lamb would come from the lambs they themselves kept, milk came from their cows and even mushrooms

were picked wild from their own land.

The Queen herself frequently eats beef, venison, pheasant, and salmon that has been reared,

caught or hunted on her own lands at Sandringham or Balmoral.

No foodie Queen

Perhaps most surprising of all, is that the Queen really doesn't care that much about


According to McGrady, she's the type who eats to live rather than lives to eat, and often,

when alone, prefers a meal of grilled or poached fish with some vegetables or salad.

McGrady recounted a story in which he'd asked whether the kitchen equipment, much of which

still remains from the 1800s, ought to be replaced, and was told that the money was

better spent on new horses and saddles.

As far as the Queen herself is concerned, big eating is strictly kept to official occasions

— of course, if you were living her high-profile life, you'd probably want a low-key snack

now and again, too.

Thanks for watching!

Click the Mashed icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> This Is What The Royal Family Actually Eats - Duration: 4:11.


Meatzilla's Pizza Burger | Food Network - Duration: 1:17.

For more infomation >> Meatzilla's Pizza Burger | Food Network - Duration: 1:17.


Dagmar Koller: Pikantes Geständnis: Sie hat ihren Mann betrogen! | CELEBRITIES und GOSSIP - Duration: 3:53.

For more infomation >> Dagmar Koller: Pikantes Geständnis: Sie hat ihren Mann betrogen! | CELEBRITIES und GOSSIP - Duration: 3:53.


End of the World Book Tag [CC] - Duration: 8:53.

Hi everyone! My name is Frede and today I'm gonna be doing the End of the World Book Tag

in which i was tagged by Jessica and Christeena at gameoftomes

so thank you for that!

The first question is: An earthquake - earthquakes separate the ground

into multiple pieces. Favourite book with multiple perspectives?

It was really hard for me to decide on a book there,

like on just one book. Because I love multiple perspective books.

But I chose A Visit from the Goon Squad by Jennifer Egan.

This is a book that I had to read for uni sometime last year,

and it's basically first of all a multiple perspective book but you also have a non-linear narration.

So you have a set of characters who you meet at different points in their lives,

and you have different perspectives and it's fascinating. So you might have this one character

in, say, 2003. And she talks about her situation and other characters.

And then you have the next chapter and you have a character that was mentioned in this first chapter

in like 1993 or something. Like- and you just jump around in time and with perspectives,

so this is probably one of the best multiple perspective books that I've read so far.

Number two: An asteroid - you can see an asteroid coming before it hits.

What book did you see the plot twist coming way beforehand?

I'm not really so good at seeing plot twists coming. But a book that I found very predictable,

I don't know if you would even say that was a plot twist but a book that I just found extremely predictable

and just really didn't like, and it's ironic because it's also a book by Jennifer Egan and that was The Invisible Circus.

Because I loved A Visit from the Good Squad so much I went to the bookshop after I finished it

and I looked if they had any books by her, and they did, they had The Invisible Circus,

and it was a really shit book. I think it was her first novel so I forgive her with that, I'm still gonna be trying

to read another book by hers. But it's basically about this girl who goes out to find her sis- not her sister,

her sister has died. But she kind of tries to find out what happened.

And it was just so shitty, I really hated it and it was really predictable.

Question number three: An epidemic - a disease that everybody seems to be contracting.

What book does everybody seem to be getting that you don't want?

I think for me that must be A History of Magic by JK Rowling.

And I've seen so many people get this book. And I'm kind of tempted to get it myself,

because I love Harry Potter but I've just been really annoyed with JK Rowling this year, last year,

so I don't really wanna give her even more of my money than I'm already doing.

So yeah, I'm not gonna buy that book.

Question number four: A tsunami - tsunamis flood everything. What book flooded your thoughts

and you couldn't get off your mind or stop thinking about?

This is another multi perspective book and it is Homegoing by Yaa Gyasi.

I read this at the beginning of the year and I think I read in in like two or three days,

I really flew through it. But every time I wasn't reading this book I was thinking about it.

And there are some characters that I'm still thinking about because it's just constructed so brilliantly.

Because you have these two kind of family lines and you have like you jump forward in time

and every time in every new chapter you find out what happened to the person before them.

Brilliant. I didn't like the last like three of four chapters, I think those could've like been left out or just

done better, but it was amazing and I kept thinking about these characters every time I wasn't reading this book

so this is definitely my answer for this question.

Question number five: Nuclear war - the battle of all battles between humans.

Favourite human fight in a book?

I don't read many books where you actually have fights. So I interpreted it in a way of also verbal fight.

And it's ironic that I just like talked shit about JK Rowling because it is a book by JK Rowling,

and it is the- oops [laughs] Jesus Christ. It's the Casual- A casual vacancy? THE Casual Vacancy by JK Rowling,

which I also read at the beginning of the year. And it's also a multi perspective book

and also kind of one of my favourite kinds of multi perspective books where you have a town

and you get different people who live there. I love that.

And there is this one scene, I can't remember the context exactly, but you have a woman

who just like recently moved to that town and she's dating some guy who's been living there for ages.

And his family has been living there for ages.

So he- they are kind of in a relationship but it's not really going so well

And she's having dinner with his parents and his parents are the worst.

And she is very different from them and she kind of- I don't even remember the context

but they kind of get into an argument and she and I think it was the father of the guy she's dating

are just like fighting and it was just written so well.

It was a really really well written dialogue. And yeah, I don't- I'm annoyed about JK Rowling as a person

but I think what she can do really well is writing dialogue. At least in this book.

So yeah, I thought that was a really well done fight between humans.

Question number six: Alien Invasion - Best Sci-Fi novel?

I'm not quite sure if I have an answer for that because I don't really read a lot of Sci-Fi

I have like three or four Sci-Fi novels on my shelf and they were all kind of mediocre.

But a Sci-Fi novel where I thought although the story itself was kind of mediocre

I liked the way that it was formatted. Illuminae by Jay Kristoff and Amy Kaufman.

I was- I was not overwhelmed and amazed by this story, I thought it was, as I said it was a bit boring,

and especially the end was just cheesy and I didn't like it. But I liked the way that this is done.

Like I mean, we've all kind of seen people talk about it.

It's like- here's actually text but you have like fun stuff in here.

And I've seen people say that they listened to this on audio which just seems so stupid to me

because kind of the point of this book is the way that it looks.

But yeah, I thought that although the story was maybe not amazing,

I've not read an amazing Sci-Fi novel yet so if you can recommend me a Sci-Fi novel that's good

and that's not YA because this is YA Sci-Fi and I was bored.

If you can recommend me Sci-Fi novel that's not YA, please do

because I would like to read some good Sci-Fi, I just haven't really come across any yet.

So yeah. But that's at least in was an interesting way to package a not so interesting story.

Question number seven is artificial intelligence - robots, computers, technologies taking over the world.

Favourite book you have read on any sort of e-reader?

I don't have an e-reader I only have my phone and my computer, so the only book that I read in its entirety

on an e-reader kinda thing was Ain't I a Woman? by bell hooks.

Which was a really good book but I can't compare it to anything else

because I've just not read anything else on an e-reader. Because that's just not really a format that I like.

But yeah, that's kind of the only book. And it was a good book so yeah.

And the last question is: end of the world movie - end of the world/disaster movies will continue to be made

in Hollywood just like book to movie or tv show adaptations.

What book adaptation are you looking foward to?

I'm not so much of a film person. I never have the nerve to sit down and watch a film,

I do like tv series and I would like to watch The Handmaid's Tale,

I've heard a lot of good things about this show. And I know it's been out for ages

but I just haven't had the opportunity to watch it. I'd like to see that but apart from that,

I'm not really keeping up with like upcoming adaptations. Because I'm just not really a film person.

But yeah, those were my answers for the End of the World Book Tag,

I think this is a fabulous tag and I'm going to tag Hélène at booksbyleynes,

Shamina, you don't have a channel name but you watch my videos so if you wanna do this tag do this as well,

and also Stephen at Alffbooks. So I would like you three to also do this tag

and answer these fun questions. And yeah as I said, do recommend me some good Sci-Fi

if there is anything that you think I should read maybe someday.

So yeah that was it for today, thank you very much for watching this video and I will see you in my next one. Bye!

For more infomation >> End of the World Book Tag [CC] - Duration: 8:53.


Stay Busy - Motivational Video 2017 - Duration: 5:40.

There's always success in failure

You just have to know where to look for it

and that means that's a learning moment

then you use that again and you make sure you don't make that mistake again

or don't allow that mistake to happen

just because it didn't workout the way you wanted it to take

that knowledge take those learnings and re-apply to a new direction

and there for you're going to get better

and it takes years of building up that kind of thick skin around you

but that's what it means to be resilient you just get up and

you keep going

if I can count the amount of times I was told no it

would amount I mean

just there was way too many times it made being told

yes that much better and so I created the mentality in my head

of taking no as

no not right now not no this isn't for you so no

didn't have a period it had a dot dot dot (...)

and so

if i given up back when the first time I said no I wouldn't be here

and so just you know not letting someone

dictate your future you believe in something so strongly and you wanna

do something so strongly who's going to tell you to not do it

I don't care how good you are

I don't care how talented you are

I don't care how much you work on yourself there's sometimes

things aren't going to go right

they just not gonna go right there's times

when anything can happen will happen Murphy's law will be

knocking at your door

why I don't know why that's called life

and you have to deal with it

sometimes your life will feel a slump

just like sports

some of the best shooters can't hit baskets at different times

in games

they get in a slump do they sit on the side lines

and say I just didn't hit a basket today

no they continue to execute

I suggest to you that if you're facing a challenge

don't stop stay busy

work your plan continue to do those things that you know you

will work for after you have evaluated yourself from the situation

continue to move stay busy stay busy stay busy

failure is part of life I mean

the difference for me though is I look at failure as a steeping stone to success

it's a speed bump I know I am going to fail

it's not failure if you learn something and so

gosh I've made so many mistakes I've screwed so many things up

but every time I do it just becomes

it becomes a way for me to explain to someone else what it takes

you know it's like here's what I am not I think I have

the ability to influence people because I talk about my failures I take about

all the things that mess me up but I show

people that I didn't let it stop me you shouldn't let it stop you

and I think that is really the secret there

not everybody work ethic is the same so

if you don't feel like up to that place right now

to run a marathon how do you start training for a marathon

by running by running more baby steps take

it as you can take it to grow to work those muscles

develop those muscles and if you are willing to go

through the pains and the ebs and the flows

and the new shoes and the blisters what ever you have to go though

to get to that goal you will run that marathon

but somewhere along the line you changed

you stopped being you you let people stick a finger

in your face and tell you your no good

and when thing got hard you started looking for something to blame

like a big shadow

let me tell you something you already know

the world ain't all sunshine and rainbows

it's a very mean and nasty place I don't care tough

you are it will be you to your knees and keep you

there permantly if you let it

you me or nobody

is going to hit as hard as life

it ain't about hard you hit it's about

you can get hit

and keep moving forward how much you can take

and keep moving forward

that's how winning is done

and now if you know what your worth and go out and get what you are worth

but you got to be willing to take the hits and not pointing fingers saying

you ain't where you want to be because of him or her

or anybody

cowards do that and that ain't you

you're better than that

guess what I discovered that happens to you in life

that you will go through things while you're going through them

you can not understand why it's happening to you

but after you go through it you get back and you look

at it and say oh

now I understand why I needed that lesson

did it ever happen to you

that that I could not understand it

but after I got though it

then I saw that that was preparing me

for bigger and better things

and as you go through the challenges of life

and you look at it and embrace what ever comes to you don't run

from it

step towards it don't try and duck it like most people do

see most people want to easy

easy come what easy go

see when you

go out what you'e going to deal with yo deal with it

the difficulties of it

when you handle those hard things close at hand

making those hard right now

that you don't wanna make

learning those things that you don't like to do

but you know that

in order for you to get where you want to go

this is one of those hoops you have to flip through

and i'm saying do what ever you've got to do do it because

of you don't life is going to going to whop you

until you surrender

and say okay alright alright alright alright alright

I cooperate okay I learn okay

you wearied me a out a long time

so if it is hard then do it hard

For more infomation >> Stay Busy - Motivational Video 2017 - Duration: 5:40.


Get right with God, pray with others for revival, and be available to be used by God. - Duration: 1:45.

For more infomation >> Get right with God, pray with others for revival, and be available to be used by God. - Duration: 1:45.


Yoice your opinion NOW! Make that content! - Duration: 1:52.

to seeing them again do you need your own creativity Michael back to lead the Eagles

on the subject for not electing of his patients topics anyways on the stage at the few who

do you mind if you want to give voice to painting twenty minutes on the peaceful wanted to do

it now see two minus two win at Disneyland he's no where to look exactly like the teaser

from his opinion and to my mind an article with the idea but I wanted to meet tomorrow

to see the updates maybe in ten months old think this was a piece to do but I was thinking

these sturdy now it's ok but it's okay if you make something how people felt something

on intense maybe in ten months you think this was a steal it's going to be ok it was me

I would rather do something like this been thinking maybe I should do this maybe tomorrow

look for any mall to see but you know what I was just enough to make on to make it all

the law relating to the stupidity someone who disagrees with joy it's to do it now when

you feed it passes inside of you may choose to give to one like it saddens me down the

smaller all had a meeting tomorrow would have been releasing the CEO might think of myself

holy crap I should warn you now thing is he does to people is good at making right now

at the moment but you know it's okay it's okay I would still leave this beauty into

your home or YouTube channel and Emma's maple butter you up and I were to take lessons from

his past it was making it and maybe he she has been a bit of a few just twenty genetic

change opinions of the few mini state maybe tomorrow I will visit cleaner to clean a half

but now I might disagree this but I think was in grade eight and a strong two reasons

For more infomation >> Yoice your opinion NOW! Make that content! - Duration: 1:52.


Happy Humans - The Blind Burger Taste Off - Duration: 3:16.

if you took the sole of a shoe and put it on the grill

You'd have this

There's a strong pickle flavor

Does that work? I don't know.

I looked over and then I realized like I'm not gonna see anything

I think this burger is from Burger King

I'm gonna say...


I think it could be Wendy's also


It doesn't feel like a square patty so I'm going


It's thin but it's tasty

good hand feel

sort of tastes like it came from my mother-in-law's kitchen

think this is the McDonald's Burger

I would say

A Mickey D burger

I definitely think it's Burger King

In fact, I know it is

It's charcoal-ey

Maybe Burger King

I also am pretty sure it's from Burger King

(indistinguishable noises)

Actually that's pretty good

yeah that's a good burger

Five Guys

Right away we got the double patty

that's a standard

It's thick

it's not really greasy

That's not a fast-food burger

I definitely think it was five guys

I'm thinking Sonic

I like it a lot but I don't know where it's from. I can't figure that one out

It's from the tray in front of you, Fran, on the left

Five Guys

That's probably where it comes from. It's really good

Five Guys has good burgers

I know what that one is

it's probably Carl's Jr.

It's like a pillow, like a comfortable friend

it was saucy

kind of like a puff

I think this is McDonald's

I'm gonna say this is Wendy's

I think this burger is from Mickey D's

Mickey D's yeah I don't think there's any doubt about that

Probably be made to like a fool, but that's my that's my take on it

Ah, that explains it

Found the pickle

Burger King was second so I'm not disappointed.

I normally like that

But Five Guys was head and shoulders above

Head and shoulders

Are you going to eat that by the way?

You're not getting my burger

I feel like I ought to be able to tell the difference between Wendy's and McDonald's

I'll trade you, three for one.

I'm calling your mother-in-law

give me that burger or I'm calling your mother-in-law

(singing) Have it your way, Have it your way

At Burger King

For more infomation >> Happy Humans - The Blind Burger Taste Off - Duration: 3:16.


Proof for Flat Earthers - LOTR Prequel?! - Duration: 4:41.

Can anyone guess what we're talking about today based on the shirt?

Hi everybody, I'm Amanda the G and Amazon is making a prequel to the Lord of the Rings.

This is something I heard about and then multiple of you contacted me in various ways to tell

me 'hey, guess what's happening!'

I'm kind of...nervous.

There's not a lot of information yet released about this series, so I was going to hold

off talking about it until then, but forget it, we're talking about it now.

The Tolkien estate has evidently decided that they want more money or whatever, so they

decided to go ahead and create a package and offer it to different companies between 200

million and 250 million dollars.

Although the money has not actually been released, the exact amount, I'm going to assume that

it was 250 million dollars considering they went with Amazon.

So the Tolkien estate gets their nice 250 million dollars along with whoever else is

helping them put this together and they said that they have the rights to, you know, stream

the videos, I'm sure, and also produce a prequel.

And Amazon jumped on this because yes let's capitalize on nerds again!

And the thing is, there are people that will watch it and will have absolutely no problem

with it no matter what it is because they really don't care.

And then there are people like me.

I know they want to have something that's probably akin to Game of Thrones, and they're

probably going to put as much money into it as is put into Game of Thrones.

And they're probably going to be spending millions and millions of dollars every year

to produce this series which has I don't know how many seasons it's going to do.

I don't know what's gonna happen and I'm kind of nervous.

And here's why.

There's already a prequel to Lord of the Rings!

It's fucking called the Hobbit.

We already bastardized that on screen.

Then on top of that, there's a prequel to the Hobbit!

How much of a nerd are you?

Do you know this?

Do you know this?

It's the Silmarillion.

Is this series going to be the Silmarillion?

Is it going to be the Hobbit?

Is it going to be the 60 years that happen between the Hobbit and the Lord of the Rings

where essentially nothing happens?

Bilbo goes and visits his friends.

Some people build some armies.

But nobody even really knows that the ring's been found yet.

And hobbits eat.

And Aragorn walks around.

And Gandalf walks around.

So I'm afraid that they're gonna take this time to add in discord that isn't there between

characters and do stupid shit like remove discord that is there and have things like

elves and dwarves gettin' along!

If it's that 60 years, what are they really going to do with it?

And if they do the Silmarillion which has so much there, are they just gonna make a

bunch of shit up or are they actually gonna use the work?

What if they put those stupid Rosegobel rabbits, whatever the hell that was, back into it?

Or make more clumsy elves?

This is not the way things happened people!

And I know you're gonna tell me that the Lord of the Rings and the whole Hobbit and everything

isn't real, but do you really know that?

The end of the Lord of the Rings is the dawning of man which could be the beginning of our


Ok, it's written, it could be real, it even explains why the Earth is round!

At the end of the second age, Aru removed Aman from the Earth, split it in two, made

what was left of the Earth spherical, and then created a path that breaks away from

the curvature of the Earth to go up to Aman for the elves.

There was a whole reasoning behind that, and a lot of stuff that led up to it, which we

don't really need to get into here, but maybe they will in the series!

And then maybe flat Earthers will finally realize that the Earth is fucking round and

if you don't believe it from the science, maybe you'll believe it from Tolkien and the


This went to a really weird place.

Am I gonna watch this?


I don't want to buy Amazon streaming service just to watch something that's probably going

to piss the shit out of me.

So it may be one of those that I watch on someone else's account, or with friends, or

later when it's released and I know how shit it is.

That's it on my rant on the prequel to Lord of the Rings that Amazon is doing, for now,

because there may be more once it's actually produced.

If you liked this video, click the like button and subscribe to my channel, I make a new

video every Tuesday and Friday.

Thank you guys so much for watching.


Are we ever gonna see Tom Bombadil?

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