Thứ Ba, 5 tháng 12, 2017

Waching daily Dec 5 2017

A lot of 3D Candy for Kids Learn Colors. 3D YouTube Educational videos for children

For more infomation >> A lot of 3D Candy for Kids Learn Colors. 3D YouTube Educational videos for children - Duration: 6:03.


What's on my iPhone! Updated 2017 | Hashtag Zoe - Duration: 8:26.

hey guys welcome back to my channel so for today's video I have a what's on my

iPhone Updated 2017 for you I'm doing this video I think once before so that will be linked

down below that was a long time ago so just a quick warning anyway today I

haven't updated what's on my iPhone for you guys and yeah so without further ado

let's go ahead and get started with the video

so basically my case is an otterbox and I have a popsocket.

it's amazing please sponsor me popsocket I want my own line okay okay guys

so this is my home screen I have my mail which I should check I have my calendar

I have maps clock weather which I check all the time but it's always hot here in

LA reminders which I used a lot because I always forget things app store notes

face time and this folder I call it idk dude because this is just a bunch of

random stuff that I don't use so there you go and the one next to it is called

where you at though this sounds like my tracking stuff for like find my friend

things like that so that's just what that looks like I really I really like

the name of that one is it just me or do you guys also name your folders like

weird things I have more later on that are kind of funny too so keep watching

so going to the bottom of my phone I have a storage which I have two

notifications there I have my calls which I have 31 notifications there I

really need to look through who calls me I answered my phone just like well also

text I have 48 ok I'm sorry to the people who are cringing that I don't

open all my text messages but I do respond to my text messages those are

probably older like from a group chat that I haven't opened yet whatever I'm

gonna have my Safari app where i Google things then over on to the next side I

have photos and camera on top along with music and this app called steps and

today as you can see I've only taken 50 steps so it's fine but it's basically a

pedometer app and it's really cool so today I've only taken 50 steps but

usually when I'm like at school or like doing things obviously take more than 50

steps it's just Saturday today and that's all

I have to say it's Saturday you really think I went to on a hike

okay I'm going down and I have a female I have my youtube subscriber counter

subscribe then I have boomerang and lay out those are the two Instagram app

things I have my Starbucks app which oh my gosh I sound like such a basic white

girl right now but I love Starbucks and that's my app for it so there you go

then I have a house party which I don't use I should probably delete that then I

have snug which is an app that helps you figure out your Instagram feed and stuff

on stuff basically it you can see if a picture matches your feed or put your

feed in a certain way and I think it's really cool so yeah I'm not gonna open

it because they don't want you guys to see what pictures I'm gonna post on

Instagram you have to go to my Instagram follow me at hashtags only you can see

what pictures I post there next to that I have Twitter also follow me on Twitter

like I'm pretty lit on Twitter too yeah then I have famous birthdays guys I'm on

famous birthdays this is a big deal I've been on famous birthdays for a bunch of

months now and you should go boost me on famous birthdays I don't think it

matters for anything but it's really cool seeing myself on famous birthdays

like that's really lit like lit then next to that I have the YouTube studio

app which basically is the analytics side of YouTube but that's kind of

boring so that I have the YouTube app subscribe this videos like all me

promoting my social media then I have snapchat and also follow me on so much

here's my snap code and username also I have Facebook I don't really use

it for like personal things but I definitely go like my page on Facebook

what am i doing okay then I have Shazam because there's always those times where

I'm like listening to a song and I don't know what the song's called and I need

to know what the song's called so I can add it to my playlist which brings me to

my next app Spotify I love Spotify Spotify Premium is amazing guys highly

recommend because then you don't need to buy each song separately and you can

list to it whenever you want and I'm not

sponsored by Spotify do you really wish I was because it's like literally one of

my favorite apps um yeah if you guys want to um yes Spotify you can't my

Spotify user name is the same as my snapchat username also guys make sure to

follow me on Spotify so you can listen to what I'm listening to and my username

is relate to you then I have Instagram which obviously follow me on Instagram

guys like if you haven't already yet I know you haven't already so go follow me

on Instagram great my Instagram hashtag zuy anyway this is my Instagram and I

don't know I'm pretty lit on Instagram too so go follow me on Instagram if you

want then I have whatsapp which is basically like messaging and calls then

I have trailer which is so funny I make music videos and my friends there all

the time and it's honestly hilarious that I have musically guys make sure you

go follow me on musically I'm am user I'm just kidding I'm not amused I guess

I'm a muse I haven't musically you guys can go follow me on musically too if

you're into musically guys we have come to my favorite app Netflix

um I Wow okay Wow I watched Netflix way too often usually

I watch it on my computer or the TV but honestly your girl has to have it on her

phone also because you know if you're on like a long car ride you have to watch

Netflix I'm watching scandal right now so good it's a little intense sometimes

and I'm like whoa but it's great highly recommend go watch it on to the next

screen I have a folders here and the first folder up top is called you're

welcome can you guess why this is my photo editing app folder I have airbrush

facetune PicMonkey and this app called photo facetune a lot of people use it to

just make themselves look prettier and I'm gonna be honest I use it to lighten

the background of my photos for Instagram

like that's it like you know what I mean I don't alter my appearance I don't like

suckin my waistline in the bit if you do that it's fine I accept you but just

like it's not my thing you the next app is called school lol

there you go this is just things that I need for

school I have Slater if you guys know what Slater is I'm myself so

right now it helps you with homework sitting you know I also have

photo map again exposing myself it's fine

I have all the Google slides sheets and Docs here so that's cool and I purposely

spelled school wrong guy so you know how to spell school I know it's not decay

but I just thought it was funny but the next app is things that I don't really

go for at all so I called it um what and yeah I have the files

um app from iTunes or from Apple in there I have Dropbox and then bitmoji I

don't really use those apps so I just call down one because the next folder I

have is called live I have a you now live me and live lean in there you gotta

keep up with the You Nowers and the livelyers and the live meet then I have TV

and aside from Netflix I also use Prime videos and Fire TV

they're both Amazon actually I just realized that but then I have the Amazon

app just in case I need to order something from Amazon leave a comment

down below telling me your favorite app whether it be Instagram or Netflix or

Spotify or games I don't have games on my phone your games

no anyway guys thanks so much for watching and I'll see you in my next video

Hashtag Zoe

What's on my iphone Updated 2017

For more infomation >> What's on my iPhone! Updated 2017 | Hashtag Zoe - Duration: 8:26.


Igramo CS:GO - Duration: 3:31.

For more infomation >> Igramo CS:GO - Duration: 3:31.


Anitta - Music Evolution (2012 - 2017) Reaction - Duration: 10:23.

For more infomation >> Anitta - Music Evolution (2012 - 2017) Reaction - Duration: 10:23.


End of the World Book Tag [CC] - Duration: 8:53.

Hi everyone! My name is Frede and today I'm gonna be doing the End of the World Book Tag

in which i was tagged by Jessica and Christeena at gameoftomes

so thank you for that!

The first question is: An earthquake - earthquakes separate the ground

into multiple pieces. Favourite book with multiple perspectives?

It was really hard for me to decide on a book there,

like on just one book. Because I love multiple perspective books.

But I chose A Visit from the Goon Squad by Jennifer Egan.

This is a book that I had to read for uni sometime last year,

and it's basically first of all a multiple perspective book but you also have a non-linear narration.

So you have a set of characters who you meet at different points in their lives,

and you have different perspectives and it's fascinating. So you might have this one character

in, say, 2003. And she talks about her situation and other characters.

And then you have the next chapter and you have a character that was mentioned in this first chapter

in like 1993 or something. Like- and you just jump around in time and with perspectives,

so this is probably one of the best multiple perspective books that I've read so far.

Number two: An asteroid - you can see an asteroid coming before it hits.

What book did you see the plot twist coming way beforehand?

I'm not really so good at seeing plot twists coming. But a book that I found very predictable,

I don't know if you would even say that was a plot twist but a book that I just found extremely predictable

and just really didn't like, and it's ironic because it's also a book by Jennifer Egan and that was The Invisible Circus.

Because I loved A Visit from the Good Squad so much I went to the bookshop after I finished it

and I looked if they had any books by her, and they did, they had The Invisible Circus,

and it was a really shit book. I think it was her first novel so I forgive her with that, I'm still gonna be trying

to read another book by hers. But it's basically about this girl who goes out to find her sis- not her sister,

her sister has died. But she kind of tries to find out what happened.

And it was just so shitty, I really hated it and it was really predictable.

Question number three: An epidemic - a disease that everybody seems to be contracting.

What book does everybody seem to be getting that you don't want?

I think for me that must be A History of Magic by JK Rowling.

And I've seen so many people get this book. And I'm kind of tempted to get it myself,

because I love Harry Potter but I've just been really annoyed with JK Rowling this year, last year,

so I don't really wanna give her even more of my money than I'm already doing.

So yeah, I'm not gonna buy that book.

Question number four: A tsunami - tsunamis flood everything. What book flooded your thoughts

and you couldn't get off your mind or stop thinking about?

This is another multi perspective book and it is Homegoing by Yaa Gyasi.

I read this at the beginning of the year and I think I read in in like two or three days,

I really flew through it. But every time I wasn't reading this book I was thinking about it.

And there are some characters that I'm still thinking about because it's just constructed so brilliantly.

Because you have these two kind of family lines and you have like you jump forward in time

and every time in every new chapter you find out what happened to the person before them.

Brilliant. I didn't like the last like three of four chapters, I think those could've like been left out or just

done better, but it was amazing and I kept thinking about these characters every time I wasn't reading this book

so this is definitely my answer for this question.

Question number five: Nuclear war - the battle of all battles between humans.

Favourite human fight in a book?

I don't read many books where you actually have fights. So I interpreted it in a way of also verbal fight.

And it's ironic that I just like talked shit about JK Rowling because it is a book by JK Rowling,

and it is the- oops [laughs] Jesus Christ. It's the Casual- A casual vacancy? THE Casual Vacancy by JK Rowling,

which I also read at the beginning of the year. And it's also a multi perspective book

and also kind of one of my favourite kinds of multi perspective books where you have a town

and you get different people who live there. I love that.

And there is this one scene, I can't remember the context exactly, but you have a woman

who just like recently moved to that town and she's dating some guy who's been living there for ages.

And his family has been living there for ages.

So he- they are kind of in a relationship but it's not really going so well

And she's having dinner with his parents and his parents are the worst.

And she is very different from them and she kind of- I don't even remember the context

but they kind of get into an argument and she and I think it was the father of the guy she's dating

are just like fighting and it was just written so well.

It was a really really well written dialogue. And yeah, I don't- I'm annoyed about JK Rowling as a person

but I think what she can do really well is writing dialogue. At least in this book.

So yeah, I thought that was a really well done fight between humans.

Question number six: Alien Invasion - Best Sci-Fi novel?

I'm not quite sure if I have an answer for that because I don't really read a lot of Sci-Fi

I have like three or four Sci-Fi novels on my shelf and they were all kind of mediocre.

But a Sci-Fi novel where I thought although the story itself was kind of mediocre

I liked the way that it was formatted. Illuminae by Jay Kristoff and Amy Kaufman.

I was- I was not overwhelmed and amazed by this story, I thought it was, as I said it was a bit boring,

and especially the end was just cheesy and I didn't like it. But I liked the way that this is done.

Like I mean, we've all kind of seen people talk about it.

It's like- here's actually text but you have like fun stuff in here.

And I've seen people say that they listened to this on audio which just seems so stupid to me

because kind of the point of this book is the way that it looks.

But yeah, I thought that although the story was maybe not amazing,

I've not read an amazing Sci-Fi novel yet so if you can recommend me a Sci-Fi novel that's good

and that's not YA because this is YA Sci-Fi and I was bored.

If you can recommend me Sci-Fi novel that's not YA, please do

because I would like to read some good Sci-Fi, I just haven't really come across any yet.

So yeah. But that's at least in was an interesting way to package a not so interesting story.

Question number seven is artificial intelligence - robots, computers, technologies taking over the world.

Favourite book you have read on any sort of e-reader?

I don't have an e-reader I only have my phone and my computer, so the only book that I read in its entirety

on an e-reader kinda thing was Ain't I a Woman? by bell hooks.

Which was a really good book but I can't compare it to anything else

because I've just not read anything else on an e-reader. Because that's just not really a format that I like.

But yeah, that's kind of the only book. And it was a good book so yeah.

And the last question is: end of the world movie - end of the world/disaster movies will continue to be made

in Hollywood just like book to movie or tv show adaptations.

What book adaptation are you looking foward to?

I'm not so much of a film person. I never have the nerve to sit down and watch a film,

I do like tv series and I would like to watch The Handmaid's Tale,

I've heard a lot of good things about this show. And I know it's been out for ages

but I just haven't had the opportunity to watch it. I'd like to see that but apart from that,

I'm not really keeping up with like upcoming adaptations. Because I'm just not really a film person.

But yeah, those were my answers for the End of the World Book Tag,

I think this is a fabulous tag and I'm going to tag Hélène at booksbyleynes,

Shamina, you don't have a channel name but you watch my videos so if you wanna do this tag do this as well,

and also Stephen at Alffbooks. So I would like you three to also do this tag

and answer these fun questions. And yeah as I said, do recommend me some good Sci-Fi

if there is anything that you think I should read maybe someday.

So yeah that was it for today, thank you very much for watching this video and I will see you in my next one. Bye!

For more infomation >> End of the World Book Tag [CC] - Duration: 8:53.


Stay Busy - Motivational Video 2017 - Duration: 5:40.

There's always success in failure

You just have to know where to look for it

and that means that's a learning moment

then you use that again and you make sure you don't make that mistake again

or don't allow that mistake to happen

just because it didn't workout the way you wanted it to take

that knowledge take those learnings and re-apply to a new direction

and there for you're going to get better

and it takes years of building up that kind of thick skin around you

but that's what it means to be resilient you just get up and

you keep going

if I can count the amount of times I was told no it

would amount I mean

just there was way too many times it made being told

yes that much better and so I created the mentality in my head

of taking no as

no not right now not no this isn't for you so no

didn't have a period it had a dot dot dot (...)

and so

if i given up back when the first time I said no I wouldn't be here

and so just you know not letting someone

dictate your future you believe in something so strongly and you wanna

do something so strongly who's going to tell you to not do it

I don't care how good you are

I don't care how talented you are

I don't care how much you work on yourself there's sometimes

things aren't going to go right

they just not gonna go right there's times

when anything can happen will happen Murphy's law will be

knocking at your door

why I don't know why that's called life

and you have to deal with it

sometimes your life will feel a slump

just like sports

some of the best shooters can't hit baskets at different times

in games

they get in a slump do they sit on the side lines

and say I just didn't hit a basket today

no they continue to execute

I suggest to you that if you're facing a challenge

don't stop stay busy

work your plan continue to do those things that you know you

will work for after you have evaluated yourself from the situation

continue to move stay busy stay busy stay busy

failure is part of life I mean

the difference for me though is I look at failure as a steeping stone to success

it's a speed bump I know I am going to fail

it's not failure if you learn something and so

gosh I've made so many mistakes I've screwed so many things up

but every time I do it just becomes

it becomes a way for me to explain to someone else what it takes

you know it's like here's what I am not I think I have

the ability to influence people because I talk about my failures I take about

all the things that mess me up but I show

people that I didn't let it stop me you shouldn't let it stop you

and I think that is really the secret there

not everybody work ethic is the same so

if you don't feel like up to that place right now

to run a marathon how do you start training for a marathon

by running by running more baby steps take

it as you can take it to grow to work those muscles

develop those muscles and if you are willing to go

through the pains and the ebs and the flows

and the new shoes and the blisters what ever you have to go though

to get to that goal you will run that marathon

but somewhere along the line you changed

you stopped being you you let people stick a finger

in your face and tell you your no good

and when thing got hard you started looking for something to blame

like a big shadow

let me tell you something you already know

the world ain't all sunshine and rainbows

it's a very mean and nasty place I don't care tough

you are it will be you to your knees and keep you

there permantly if you let it

you me or nobody

is going to hit as hard as life

it ain't about hard you hit it's about

you can get hit

and keep moving forward how much you can take

and keep moving forward

that's how winning is done

and now if you know what your worth and go out and get what you are worth

but you got to be willing to take the hits and not pointing fingers saying

you ain't where you want to be because of him or her

or anybody

cowards do that and that ain't you

you're better than that

guess what I discovered that happens to you in life

that you will go through things while you're going through them

you can not understand why it's happening to you

but after you go through it you get back and you look

at it and say oh

now I understand why I needed that lesson

did it ever happen to you

that that I could not understand it

but after I got though it

then I saw that that was preparing me

for bigger and better things

and as you go through the challenges of life

and you look at it and embrace what ever comes to you don't run

from it

step towards it don't try and duck it like most people do

see most people want to easy

easy come what easy go

see when you

go out what you'e going to deal with yo deal with it

the difficulties of it

when you handle those hard things close at hand

making those hard right now

that you don't wanna make

learning those things that you don't like to do

but you know that

in order for you to get where you want to go

this is one of those hoops you have to flip through

and i'm saying do what ever you've got to do do it because

of you don't life is going to going to whop you

until you surrender

and say okay alright alright alright alright alright

I cooperate okay I learn okay

you wearied me a out a long time

so if it is hard then do it hard

For more infomation >> Stay Busy - Motivational Video 2017 - Duration: 5:40.


Learn to Limit App Access in Windows 10 - Duration: 1:49.

- This is David Tucker, from,

and this is the Digital Parenting minute,

where you can become a better digital parent

in just 60 seconds.

Today, I'm gonna discuss how you can decide

what kind of apps your child can install and open

on your computer, using the parental controls

that come as a part of Windows 10.

Here we go!

(upbeat music)

Type 'family' into the Cortana search bar.

From there, select the option that says

allow family members to use this PC.

If you haven't added your children yet,

you can go back and review episode five

to see how to do that from this screen.

Select the option that says "manage family settings online."

This will open your browser to the family settings.

Under the child that you want to edit,

select the app, games, and media option.

First, be sure that the "block inappropriate apps and games"

option is enabled.

While this isn't a surefire solution,

it will protect your children from the most extreme content.

Next, scroll to the section called "Limit apps,

games, and media from the store."

Select the age of your child in the drop down box.

This will control game, app, and media access

on both the Windows and Xbox stores.

In the next section, you will see blocked apps and games.

You will likely see several apps already in this list.

If there is an app you would like to add to this list,

you can add it from the activity page,

which can be accessed by scrolling to the top and selecting

"App, games, and media," and then selecting "activity."

With these settings in place, you can make sure that

your child can't access content

on the Windows 10 computers and Xboxes

connected to your Microsoft account.

(upbeat music)

If you have a question or problem

that you would like us to address

in the Digital Parenting Minute,

reach out to us on our website at

For more infomation >> Learn to Limit App Access in Windows 10 - Duration: 1:49.


Kehlani - Honey (Lyrics) - Duration: 3:34.

Hey :P

For more infomation >> Kehlani - Honey (Lyrics) - Duration: 3:34.


The Visit to Maastricht | andthenIfellinlove Tales & Travels - Duration: 12:30.

Jesus, Phy. - What's wrong? - You grab your camera immediately. - Oh my god.

Good morning! Good morning. So you just heard church bells ringing.

To you that wasn't too long, and

that time it wasn't too long where we heard the bells, but oh my goodness this

morning at like 7:00 it kept ringing. At some point I was like: holy cow when is

it gonna stop? - Bla bla bla... - But seriously... It rang not just like 10 times it was like 30

times. - Yes, but that's for people that have to go to church, but I'm not sure if these people have to go to church at 7 AM. - Yeah. We have to figure out whether people go to church at 7 a.m. or

not. But it rang a lot, and every half-hour it only goes once, and every

whole hour it goes more.

all right so we're gonna go eat breakfast and I was in church another

piece of bread and this is what happened because you know me in charge all thank

you no thank you I know hey is it a yes

anytime I edit I see your freaking middle finger

we have seen that by George songs I'm a radio it's German of a sudden I do not

speak German are you guys okay so we figured out where to park

Mickey's driving us Jay's helping us figure out where to park me oh they're

like she did know Eddie today touch my lips touched my lips three touchy get it

should I be buying

so park our car an hour walking towards the center of my street and

this little fYI in this part of the Netherlands people don't speak with the

loud that people in the north of another and speak with make sure you speak with

a doctor fate or so I thought I would tell you cuz Mickey flick off with your

pullup and middle finger I wanted to say I wanted to say a curse word but I

didn't so what I noticed and my stick they're really working on the road a ton

and I just looked into this little side street and it's just old

buildings with greens growing all over it. I think that's so cool looking.

Oh my goodness! The "pepernoten" factory?! So for those of you that are

like 'what the heck' are "pepernoten", they're Dutch cookies, and people always eat them during Sinterklaas.

They have so many! Oh my gosh!

These are like the traditional ones.

They have a ton! Oh my gosh, caramel? What? "Tompouce"?! "Stroopwafel" flavor.

Oh, taaitaai. YUM

You just saw some water. I walked up here together with Jay. - What water is this? - I don't know what this water is called.

Maas... Maastricht. - Oh yeah. Makes sense. We wanted to see what was up on that bridge. Aw, cute.

And we left his little shopping area which by the way looks adorable. The trees look

like fall because it's autumn, and the buildings look pretty, and the stones are

all old school.

We're gonna enter the church, and I don't think I can talk to

you, so I need to be quiet. But yeah, we're going to a church.

Stop flicking off my viewers!

What is going on here is an awkward modeling shoot. - Love it! - And it's my turn now.

After that shoot we got hungry, and therefore... - Not true. Thirsty! - Oh thirsty... I'm just kidding, so

we are on this little square that looks adorable by the way. Let me

actually show you a little better. And there's a little statue as well of a

mother with kids as you can see. Oh, it's not focusing very well.

You can kinda see.

And there are some leafs that fell down. This looks really cute.

Apparently the side streets of Maastricht are really fun and cozy, and there's a

ton of vintage stores; although, none of us have found them yet.

They almost close. - Oh really? Look at this... What time is it?

Almost 5 PM. - The shops close at 5:00 PM?

It's almost 5:30 PM. - Why not six? Don't they

usually close at 6:00 PM? If not nine? Also....

I'm pretending to be quite warm, but it's not really that warm. Oh, cute. All of a sudden

there's this. Oh wow! That's so adorable. I don't think you can

actually see things very well. I feel like it's kind of blurry. Um.. but yeah. I

definitely should have considered bringing a jacket that's not too hot, but

I have... - Right or left? - Left. - What are we doing? - Left looks cute.

'Cause... What was I saying? Yeah, it's

not too warm, and it's not too cold; although, just walking around in just a

sweater is not warm enough for me. 'Cause I'm a wuss....

... when it's cold.

You're walking on the road, you know? - What do you guys think of Maarstricht so far?

Well, do you see that people from Maastricht how rude these girls are? They don't like your city too much.

I do like it though.

Where we are now, this afternoon there was a little marketplace. Oh wait, there

still are a few left. A lovely building up there...

So yeah, we're just exploring Maastricht. I really like it. I would definitely go back here.

Explore some more. Maybe visit some museums as well.

I'm flashing my face real quick, so you can actually see me. We walk into the

house, and this is what we walk into: cozy lights up there and a heated chimney.

Since I burnt the bread this morning, I have to prove myself into that I can actually

cook some bread into the oven, or bake some bread. We are making a little snack-em

dinner. We have nachos with cheese and sour cream or creme fraiche

whatever... We got Camembert. We got nacho... or not nachos. What the heck?

Avocado. No, what the heck? Guacamole. We also have the salad from yesterday still...

I'm excited. Also... we have wine and some Hertog Jan, but the wine I want to show

you because it's really good. Alpaca wine from Chile. Really lovely wine. Yum yum yum yum yum yum!

Yum yum yum yum yum yum!

Look at this!

We're gonna watch a movie, and Jay, can you tell us what movie we're gonna watch? - Bros before hoes. - Bros before hoes.

That's where we're gonna be watching. - I still have macaroons! - Oh my gosh, yes! We just had a lovely snack-em

type of dinner, and it really filled me up like crazy. I'm really happy with

the purchases of today. Better, wait, let me show you 'cause why the heck not. You

know? Okay how am I gonna do this? - How about not? - How about I am? - How about not? - Okay, this is

what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna just throw this on the floor here. Make a mess. BAM

Oh my god, Phy, but we want to watch a movie now. - Yeah I know, but I thought we were gonna make tea. - That's boiling now. - Oh yeah, that's true.

Okay, so I got... let's do this fast... I cannot do this with one hand, but I'm

gonna go for it anyways. Uh I got a jumpsuit that you can totally not see

Ah, Jay! Oh my gosh. - We're trying to find the right TV lighting. - I got a jumpsuit. Really

cute. It does... definitely doesn't do its justice in this lighting and not on, but

that's okay. Got a cute cardigan: pink, kind of

crop top-ish. Really adorable. Got another cute cardigan. Really soft. Long

style. Kind of baggy, but I love it a lot, and then I got this super flippin' soft

v-neck sweater that's like crazy soft and purple and

creme or tan or white. Whatever this color is. Oh it's so soft. I love it. Um so

yeah, that's what we got today, and it is time for the church bells to ring. For us

to go to bed, and I wish you a lovely day, and I will see you tomorrow.

So slaap lekker!

For more infomation >> The Visit to Maastricht | andthenIfellinlove Tales & Travels - Duration: 12:30.


[TAB] Emotional Melodic Guitar Solo 3 by Stel Andre - Duration: 4:42.

This is Guitar TAB of Stel Andre's song "Emotional Melodic Guitar Solo 3".

Let's practice and play this beautiful song together !

For more infomation >> [TAB] Emotional Melodic Guitar Solo 3 by Stel Andre - Duration: 4:42.


Doraemon (1979) - Exaggeration Camera - English subtitles [HINDI AUDIO] - Duration: 10:42.



Listen Gian!

Do you really want to live this high?

This is nothing! This is easy!

AAAAAAAAA! (Tarzan voices)

Gian! Be careful!


Ahhh! You are wonderful Gian!

Did you take my photo?


Don't keep looking at me for nothing! Take the photo!



I am ready.... you jump!

Let me see!

Hey, how is it?

You took a good photo!

Haha! This is great!

Now the next pose!


It is good! Paste it!

As you wish!

It is Done!

What are you doing?

Hey you came at the right time

This is my cool guide photo album... see how cool it is!

I am looking so cool!

All of these photos are taken by me

I did all of them so easily! I can do harder stunts too

I am happy I took these photos from my camera

And this one! I could see the whole neighbourhood! I am incredible hahaaahah

I took this photo too

See nobita, this one too!

I held this fish myself!

I took this photo too

I am amazing hahaahahhaaha

Did you know we needed 3 hours to take these?

Aren't they wonderful?

Why, isn't my camera wonderful?

What did you say?

I meant the model is beautiful too! Right Gian?

Yes you are right!

Hhahahahah! These are not amazing!


So Nobita can you do it?

Yes, of course


(tells full story).......And I told them I can do it


You promised them without even asking me?

You should know about your abilities!

Please say this doraemon! Help me!

Or else.... I will get trapped


Please doraemon! Please do something!

Huh! You cry well!

Exaggeration Camera!

What does this gadget do?

He always takes advantage of me

No! No Doraemon! I will always be thankful to you!

This camera has one ability of maximizing photos!


Jump from that window!


Yes it's ok!

This looks so high!

This photograph is so cool!

That's why this camera is special

Shall we take more?

Yes let us go outside

Yay! I will make my own album!

Nobita wait a minute!

Uhhh! This happens always!

Mom always stops me from having fun

Come here for one minute

What happened?

Go and sit on your study table!

Now listen to me carefully! Do a drama that you are studying!

and hold pencil in your hand

Nobita come here fast!

Wait a minute... I am coming!

Hey! What are you doing?

Nobita do a task for....

It's me -Doraemon! It's you!


The thing you are seeing is true! Nobita is studying!

But I wanted to send him for my work!

Now that he is studying I have to do the work myself! :(

What type of photo do you want to take?

Let's see

Take a photo of me climbing the wall

Let us make this even more exciting! Stand in a good pose!

Pose? But that's hard for me!

You can stand with some help too! ok?

Like this!

I am very small!

Standing like this with the help of the wall is easy

Stop laughing at me and take your photo! Understood?

Is this ok?

Wow this is wonderful!

Doraemon you are so good!

Not soooo good!

Next? uhmmm???

with this rock


This is so light!

Give a good pose! This is a weak pose!

Ok.... Like this?

A little more!



Little MORE!

I am looking so strong!

Next with this tree!


I will amaze dad too!

Nobita! see this puppy!

But this is just a small puppy!


We have done it!

Yay! My album is ready! Yay!

It's good isn't it Nobita?


This is good!


Wow! Woah -Wow -Amazing


These are so good!

Yes that is true!

I took these photos just for time pass!

No one can be compared to you!

You are the best!

Yes I know that!

How did Nobita do all this?

I think something is wrong! What do you say Gian?

I think so too!

Is this a work of doraemon's gadget?

Let me tell you that you are amazing Nobita!

Shizuka I will tell you a thing!

Just wait for one minute! I will come with my camera!

Gian and Suneo must be amazed right?


They were amazed.... seeing respect for me in their eyes I became so happy!

Hmm! This is good!

Doraemon can you give me your camera?

Huh? Again?

But I want to take just some photos of Shizuka!

I know she will become happy!

Come on doraemon give me already man!

Give me please!

You will never be improved Nobita!


Don't use it carelessly!

Ok! Bye!

From where do we start?

Yes! Found it!

Kid... can you please let us use your tricycle once?



Shizuka drive this!

Huh? No nobita!

Come on! Start riding it!

Nobita I am feeling very shy!

Do it fast

Huh! Wow this is so good!

Thank you!

You are so good Nobita!

This was nothing!

Shizuka I am happy you liked it!

I understood it!

This was the miracle of the camera!

I have to accept your camera is amazing!

The thing is.... uh... Suneo... uh

I knew it that something was surely wrong!

Yes! You betrayed us!

Nobita did you think you could make us dumb and escape so easily?


Stop Nobita

Leave me -Stop Nobita -I said stop


Doraemon help!

Nobita you cannot escape


Come back Nobita you coward

Doraemon help me

I warned you earlier only!

Why are you inside?

If you have courage come out!

Doraemon do something

But what will I do?

I think I should help you

Look! What the stone has done to Nobita which you threw at him!

Now say sorry!

This all happened because of you two!

Now he cannot come out of his house till 2 months!

but that is not my mistake


You are still here?

Nobita is hurt so much and you are not sad at all

and moreover you are wislingh

This is not so serious!

It is fine if you say sorry to him

I think this is also the work of that camera


For more infomation >> Doraemon (1979) - Exaggeration Camera - English subtitles [HINDI AUDIO] - Duration: 10:42.


'El oscuro pasado de la Reina Letizia', viraliza teorías de hace casi una década - Duration: 4:40.

For more infomation >> 'El oscuro pasado de la Reina Letizia', viraliza teorías de hace casi una década - Duration: 4:40.


Install Git on Ubuntu 16.04 | Almost Engineered Tech, Ep 4 - Duration: 0:54.

The first thing that you'll need to do is open a terminal window and then enter sudo

apt-get update.

If you are prompted for your sudo credentials, enter them at this time.

Then you'll need to do sudo apt-get install git.

And if it asks you click yes or hit "Y"at the prompt.

It will install git and all of its dependencies that are required

to run git.

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