Thứ Hai, 4 tháng 12, 2017

Waching daily Dec 5 2017

Suti Channel

For more infomation >> Learn Colors and Numbers with Ice Cream Finger Family Nursery Rhymes Song for Kids Babies Toddlers - Duration: 3:19.


AZZMAN RETURNS - Highlights [Endorsed by both MARVEL & DC] - Duration: 10:11.

I'm gonna hack this game right now

I'm gonna put a reticle on the screen



there we go I've got a reticle



OOOHH! he vomited in my face

just what I always wanted

"actions speak louder than words"

(bangs desk like a frustrated unspecified person)

(this guy's strong)

(poor keyboard) *cry

"I'm really bad at video games"

(drops most expensiveest Dell keyboard in the world)

I'd say that one's plausible ** not a Yandere Simulator Myth

♯ dun dun dun-a-lun-dun-a-lun dun dun ♯

♯ dun-a-lun-dun-a-lun dun dun ♯

♯ blem blem blem blem blem blem ♯

♯ blem blem blem blem blem blem ♯

♯ la la la la la la ♯ (in super high pitch. don't dis my singing. I kill u!)

♯ gonna chop your butt-butt ♯

oh I thought you were gonna spin

that's why I didn't chop your butt, girl--


is it a girl or guy?

I don't know either way--

I wouldn't do you

I can't even read that shit

"middle of night"

"gonna die"

Smiley face ㋛

(super realistic KNIFE sound effects)

(feelin da beat)

(yup. he likes kanifus)

(I have a bad feeling about this)

(knife motorboat)

(knife metal music)

(Carcass' Heartwork remixed by AzzMan with awesome knife sound effects)

(Is AzzMan a headbanger?)



now that we have a headache and some nice music

let us

go and do some methodical exploration

I'm looting dead bums

I had fallen on my back and Gonta was right above me

breathing hard



he was.. uh.. raised by wolves

so he got to sound like a wolf

(r u okay?)


no that's a pervert's breathing

sorry I get the two mixed up all the time

get along with everyone else even though they're 3D

"Okay" in Japanese

"EEEE-AWWW" (immitates Oka Ruto)

I didn't tell you to be a donkey

someone got killed and there was no scream!

I told her to get along with everyone

(shock awe. Why you such a bad actor?)

Is that her version of "getting along"?

so this is my fault?

there was is an incident of school resulting in

people getting along too well where they stabbed each other to death

I was chopping when he was chopping

I guess an axe always beats

a little Bastard Sword

if only my sword had two married parents

today we have the exclusive privilege

of meeting with a real-life


ヤンデレ (Yandere)

Young Dairy

ヤンデレ (Yandere)

Young Dilly

ヤンデレ (Yandere)

Yun Daily

ヤンデレ (Yandere)

Yan..... Dairy?

(y u so stoopid)

(I think he gonna die)

oh they've gone back to work

these guys are such diligent workers aren't they

that's how you keep your panties warm

put them on your face and then you can

breathe for them that way when you put them on

your vagina doesn't get freezing cold


u da bomb

"what doesn't kill you only makes you stronger"

(what a dum bichhhh)


Nah, it's the same

okay we're doing good

doing good

no we're not

(y u laff. U liek dyin'?)

doing okay

doing okay

leave the light on

I like paying really high

electricity power bills


such happy music

♯ ready for death ♯

♯ ready to die ♯

♯ yeah yeah yeah I'm gonna die ♯

hey fellas

close the door

and let's put our finger in the socket

nope didn't work

we need the spoon to do that right

that's how you electrocute yourself

you get the spoon

shove it in the plug

Mino-Den Dual


it's very good

look how familiar I am with it

I'm very familiar with it

I don't show it much respect

ohhh look at the bulge in his pants

is it skewed to the side

his balls look crushed

I think that's why


kind of a bit annoyed

I wonder if that shop sells bacon

this place confusing

I'm not used to hanging out in mines

"the water kind of gross but I'm using a lot of soap"

why is it gross?

do I live in a city without any fresh running water?

is it pumped out of a well with a dead girl inside?

it's too confusing I clicked on the wrong person

go away!

(AzzMan is a pussy confirmed)

"there's a monster coming from the hole"

which hole?

this whole thing's a hole

this whole thing is a hole (homonym jokes are fun)

I don't know what happened

all the lights are off


(I think he pooped a little)

(Azz likes poop jokes?)

I don't know what I'm meant to do


let's get some air freshmen here dude

you're farting too much

"first-o kiss-a"


"ug. he-he-he"

"he-he-he" (imitating Evil AzzMan)

does my saliva taste like holy water?

I was just kissing a High Priestess

♯ do-do-do-do do do do-do ♯

it's just like a dance

a prom dance

with a really-really ugly girl

you just want to keep your distance

you know

are you dead?




oh thanks

"dash" did help


what the fu--K

I thought he was dead

he wasn't dead when he died

you can't rest in peace and make me rest in peace at the same time

you cheating game

♯ bump-ba-dump ba-bump ba-dump bump bum ♯

♯ asshole's coming asshole's coming ♯

yeah he's an asshole because he farts a lot


he got bad gas

that's why so angry

you ever had really bad gas?

it's painful

that's what this guy's problem is

that is a fun picture

it's a monster checking out our "oppais"

"oh my god"

"look at those things"

"I would so devour them with some...

...... (the sound of ghosts groaning seems to disturb AzzMan, interrupting his train of thought)

tomato sauce"

Uh... we're getting closer

almost there

oooooo bu-bu


(is us in pains?)

(100% genuine laughter)



(he sounds constipated now)

so close





(girly whimper)

"What does everyone think about us having lunch together?" (Rabi the rabbit asks in Japanese)

oh come on

we don't want to eat carrots

but sure


let's it's all eat carrots for lunch

come on guys the carrots are getting cold

oh wait

carrots are getting...


I hope it was carrot cake

I would have been happy with that

that's the kind of carrots that I like

I need another log guys

give me a log so I can get up to your side of the village

it's like there's lots of partying going on there

lots of fireworks and crap

Coconuts I'm spoken to you in a very long time

"whimper whimper whine"

oh that's why I don't talk with her

cuz she always whines it tells me not to look at her

hello Mr. Frankenstein

bye bye Mr. Frankenstein

(ghost groaning and crying)

awww I hurt his feelings

why am i knocking all the trees down?

am I trying to build it dam?

am I a beaver?

is this another girl that made a contract with the Devil?

she said "I want to fly"

and I--

"I want 'ha-ha's that hurt people"

oh, you're not spoiled you're just stupid

I need your help

tell me about food

do you like licking wounds?

はい Hai

"Russian tea loaded with jam"


if you can't give me some ointment

and good stuff like that

at least try to kiss it better

(alien tentacle slug sploshing sounds)

very sloppy

let's carry on

(can't touch that!)

oh fine you could do that one


we'll do one each

how do you how you like

you got lightning I got purple shit on my sword

purple shit's always better than lightning

なんだい (nundai?) (What is it?)


who's gonna die?


what the?!

do-do do-do

What the?!


(farting tractor sounds)

(I just don't know anymore)

oh yeah here we go


a different one

I got a different one--

I don't--


(r u fwustwated?)


(NPC says something Japanese that sounds like "pussy")

yea I'm a pussy

I do a special roll

it's the pussy roll

(imitating Sal)


I don't quite believe you

oh what da fuk?!


where is that meant to go from there?

what the--I don't understand

I was meant to bounce back

um... I won't jump forward or next time

I was like "well there's nothing to go forward to"

"so I'll jump on top of the boss's mouth and let him eat me"

"that sounds like a good plan"




look at this guy down there


"what happened?"

"It's raining men hallelujah"

"the only disability in life is a bad attitude"

well I have a fucking bad attitude

why can't I park in disability parking spaces?

(approving grunt)

I still don't get it

"the water's kind of gross...

...but that's what golden showers are

shaving foam time

you guys are so mean

come on I hope that dick dies

come on die dick

die dick





get away!

I can't throw and back-up at the same time

I'm so inept

I should be a woman so I can multitask better

oh wow, he is so scary

pick words more carefully next time

otherwise I won't like you so much

my new girlfriend


is she crying

I don't know what's improper?

go away

you're just weird I don't understand you

what are you doing with the umbrella

I have an umbrella too

we have lots in common

let's not make babies

"stop-a" - Ebola Chan 2017

stop what?

"first-o kiss something-something-something"

the first kiss and I got ebola

I'm so unlucky


luk at dat butt

oh shhhh

I shouldn't'a kicked the bucket

that's what happens when you kick the bucket

you end up kicking the bucket

with a samurai's sword in your neck

I want to insult you actually

(a woman protesting too much)

it didn't seem to have any effect on you at all

you didn't seem to care at all

that's why you look so

grum- (AH!!!) -py beep beep

put out the lights you super ugly

don't worry about that

harmless mistake

I often get mistaken as a woman

I think I'd much rather be

very nimble and very quick

and have a really-really long dick



full of defence and heavy

fine oh just read the blog or watch Yandere Dev's update videos

ah yes that wise choice

it's always best to spoil the Final Boss

before the game is fully developed


(u so naaaaasty)

dude I'm gonna rock your world

I don't know I'm confused what

thundere. wut?

I can't put him in a little cubbyhole

actually I can put him in a pigeonhole

I can pigeonhole him

(why u laf? dat not PC!)

because he's so tiny

"I saw him" - NPC with scummy London accent

I saw him

I swear

tell mummy

she'll be hap- pleased with me

and bake me some pottige pie (WTF is pottige pie, Azz?)

For more infomation >> AZZMAN RETURNS - Highlights [Endorsed by both MARVEL & DC] - Duration: 10:11.


❌💲 CR NOTICIAS – Resumen de Noticias– con Alex Backman (Dic 04 2017) - Duration: 55:33.

Please choose automated translation option in Settings

For more infomation >> ❌💲 CR NOTICIAS – Resumen de Noticias– con Alex Backman (Dic 04 2017) - Duration: 55:33.


How to SAVE PETROL in Bike 100% Proven Results - Duration: 2:47.

Fuel Saving Addtive

For more infomation >> How to SAVE PETROL in Bike 100% Proven Results - Duration: 2:47.


【絵本読み聞かせ英語朗読:字幕付き】長靴をはいた猫/The Booted Cat 【Japanese Fairy Tales in English】 - Duration: 6:47.

Once upon a time, a miller passed away leaving three sons.

The three sons received his inheritance.

But the miller was so poor that he just left them a water mill, a mule and a cat.

The first son received the water mill, the second son got the mule.

and lastly, the third son received the cat.

""Oh boy. Receiving a cat is useless.

How can I live without money?"" complained the third son.

""Please don't say such a thing, master.

Would you please make me a pair of boots and a big bag for me?

If you do so, I will surely be useful.""

The third son thought, ""Oh well,""

and he made a pair of boots and a big bag.

""Oooooh, they are very nice. Thank you my master,"" the cat said delightedly.

The cat soon wore the new boots and left for the forest.

On the way,

he got some carrots from the farmers, and put them in the bag.

He left it near a tree, and he hid to see what would happen.

There, a party of innocent rabbits approached the bag.

Then, Hop! Hop! They all were now in the bag.

""Well well, the king will surely be delighted with these rabbits.

I should present them to him.""

The cat knew that the king of this country loved rabbits.

He headed to the castle carrying the bag on his shoulder.

""Your Highness. This is a gift for you, from my master, the Marquis of Carabas.""

That was a fictional name.

There was no Marquis of Carabas that existed in the country,

but the king did not notice.

""I appreciate this. Well, I'd love to visit him to thank him.

Now Cat, please inform the Marquis of Carabas that we will be visiting him.""

""I shall, Your Highness.""

The cat returned home in a hurry!

""Master! Master! Where are you? Oh, here you are!

Now you should go into the river and pretend as though you are drowning.

Now, quick quick.""

""What is going on, Cat?""

The third son, of course, did not understand the situation at all,

but he followed the cat's instruction.

The cat then shouted,

""Oh no! Oh no! My master, the Marquis of Carabas is drowning.

His clothes have been stolen! Please save him! Save him now!""

""What are you saying!?""

The third son was now very confused.

At that time, the king was passing by and he heard,

""Someone! Save the Marquis of Carabas! Someone must find some clothes for him!""

The king was surprised as he heard this,

and soon ordered his servant to save the fictional Marquis of Carabas.

Meanwhile, the cat ran to the farmers working in the fields.

""Hey, you there. Who owns your fields?""

""A wizard owns them, Mr. Cat.""

""No. From now on, these fields belong to the Marquis of Carabas.

Do you understand?

If someone asks you, you must answer the owner is the Marquis of Carabas.

Otherwise, I will eat you!""

The frightened farmers said,

""Of course, we will say that.. Please do not eat us.""

There, came the king.

""Hello, farmers. Who has the fields around here?""

""The Marquis of Carabas does.""

""Wow. The Marquis of Carabas even has such a huge land.""

The king was impressed.

Meanwhile, the cat continued running, and running, and he found a magnificent castle.

""I see, this must be the lady wizard's castle. Well, well. I will get this castle for my master.""

The cat went inside the castle.

""Lady Wizard. I came all the way here to meet you.

I would like to serve you, my great wizard.

Could you please make me your servant?"" asked the cat.

""You wish to be my servant? Very well! Be my servant.""

""Thank you very much.

By the way, my great wizard.

I heard that you could change yourself into anything.""

""Sure. I will show you if you want.""

Then, the wizard changed herself into a lion in an instant.

""Wow, that's surprising.

But I am sure that you cannot be a small mouse, even though you are a great wizard.""

""What are you saying? Becoming a mouse? Ha, that is a piece of cake!""

Next, the lady wizard changed into a small mouse.

""It's now or never!""

The cat easily jumped on it and swallowed the wizard who had turned into a mouse.

Then, there, the king's horse carriage arrived.

The cat went to the gate and bowed to the king.

""Thank you for coming all this way. This is my master's castle, Your Highness.""


The Marquis of Carabas even has such a splendid castle!""

The king was deeply impressed.

He had a daughter.

The king decided to have his daughter marry the Marquis of Carabas,

and this was the story of how the poor third son married the princess.

It was all thanks to the cat, and everyone lived happily ever after.

For more infomation >> 【絵本読み聞かせ英語朗読:字幕付き】長靴をはいた猫/The Booted Cat 【Japanese Fairy Tales in English】 - Duration: 6:47.


The Graduation Video (Extended Cut) - Duration: 8:26.

Hey guys, louder!

3-1, oi!


Nice, nice!

Thr- 3-1!

(Audible beatboxing)




Let-let Niyaz edit ah. Give him a hard time editing.

-Wait-wait wait! No, no! Wait! Wait!

Ya sia! -No, no, Niyaz, niyaz


Ear rape

Mr. Billy you should better come back

If you don't come back, I'm gonna... -Find you

I'll... I'm gonna find you, wherever you work at

We're gonna wrap your car, Mr. Billy


Direct, direct, direct!


Again ah, again

1, ah... 1-3 lol

(laughter) - 3-1 oiii!

Then start second part -Let's clap it man!

(Monotonous) Oh 3-1 you so fine, you so fine

It's "Oh Hillgrove you so fine" ok?

Ok, we'll start again

Oh Hillgrove, you so fine, you so fine you blow my mind, oh Hillgrove, eh, eh

Oh, Hillgrove, eh, eh!

One more time, let's go!

Ok, this part right...

Woah, WOAH!

Woah, shoot -Wtf leh left right centre, centre

Woah, shit!

Ayo, ayo, what the fuck is that you-

(screeches of autism)

Ehhhhhhh, what the- (background laughter)

Oh, my gooooooooood...


Are you serious? Jesus chr-

Look at them like, why? Why? Why are they here?

-Ehh, you guys want to go first? -Umm... guys, I don't know what is happening right here!

-Umm... guys, I don't know what is happening right here! -Hi, hi

-You guys want to go first? -I don't know what is happening!

Same also, oh my god

No problem!

-I don't mind to be honest, but I have a 10-minute... -If you want to do 24 hour challenge...


Eh, you know what to say anot? -I dunno!

I like how I just zoom in all the way lol

Ahhh, wide angles...

Shut the fuck up ah

Ok, I'm gonna write a script (...)

Hehe niyaz face

You're Justin Bieber lol

Come on ah Bieber, come on Bieber

baby baby baby oooooooooooooo

Dance! Dance! Dance! (Laughter)

That voice crack tho!

Huzzah! Ok! Ok! Come down!

That one pain already!

For more infomation >> The Graduation Video (Extended Cut) - Duration: 8:26.


UCLA EEB 109 - Dead Zones - Duration: 2:58.

Unusually heavy rains in the Midwest this year resulted in water in the Mississippi

and then more water here in

The Gulf and that resulted in that biggest dead zone in history in the US and that is difficult news for the fishermen who provide

40% of this nation's seafood underwater video we recorded yesterday afternoon shows the transition from life to death

Dead zones can occur close to the shore.

Farmers' run-off feeds them even more.

This causes a large algal bloom

Chokes life and turns home into gloom.

Diatoms and dinoflagellates are the makers of hypoxic beds. One's in red (Yeah).

Starts off when fertilizers rich in phosphorous and nitrogen

enter in (the)

Rivers, then trickle down outta the mouth

Into Oceans where the phytoplankton all are chilling out Phytos take and grow, and grow, 'til they block the light out

But as the phytos dine, its not all fine

Dead zones can occur close to the shore Farmer's run-off feeds them even more This causes a large algal bloom Chokes life; and turns Home into Gloom

Now all the nutrients are expunged Evening respiration makes O2 plunge Now the phytos die from starvation Sink to the bottom for decomposition

Bacteria eats phytos and takes deep O2 Increases acidity with CO2 No escape from the suffocation in the deep blue

All the fish close-by, start to die

Time to stop our careless, selfish deeds Listen to what mother nature needs Be mindful where fertilizers run Otherwise, humanity is done

Dead zones affect more than helpless fish Coastal zones have one last dying wish Be mindful where fertilizers run Otherwise, humanity is done

For more infomation >> UCLA EEB 109 - Dead Zones - Duration: 2:58.


డెంచర్స్ ను ఎంతకాలానికి మార్చుకోవాలి | Dencher Teeth | Denchers | Dencher Repair | Dental Tips - Duration: 2:27.


For more infomation >> డెంచర్స్ ను ఎంతకాలానికి మార్చుకోవాలి | Dencher Teeth | Denchers | Dencher Repair | Dental Tips - Duration: 2:27.


HonCon Jared/Misha- Influencia (Sub.español) - Duration: 7:57.

For more infomation >> HonCon Jared/Misha- Influencia (Sub.español) - Duration: 7:57.


How To Make Parallax Photo Effect with Photoshop - Duration: 7:25.

Hi guys, welcome back to my channel

This time I will telling you how to create PARALLAX effect with photoshop

first you please do the selection on the part of the object that want to be separated from backgroun

if it is in the selection

click Refine Edge

apply on the hair part, or other elaborate and delicate parts

Press Ctrl + click on the new layer

to the duplicate the results of the selection earlier

and click back on the background layer

open video dust effect that has been downloaded

drag layer group on video to photo document

Thank you so much for watching guys

don't forget to Like, Comment, and Subscribe

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