Thứ Hai, 4 tháng 12, 2017

Waching daily Dec 5 2017

Suti Channel

For more infomation >> Learn Colors and Numbers with Ice Cream Finger Family Nursery Rhymes Song for Kids Babies Toddlers - Duration: 3:19.



For more infomation >> МАСТЕР В ПОРЯДКЕ ДАРИТ ПОДАРКИ НА НОВЫЙ ГОД 🎁 КОНКУРС 🎉 - Duration: 3:19.


AZZMAN RETURNS - Highlights [Endorsed by both MARVEL & DC] - Duration: 10:11.

I'm gonna hack this game right now

I'm gonna put a reticle on the screen



there we go I've got a reticle



OOOHH! he vomited in my face

just what I always wanted

"actions speak louder than words"

(bangs desk like a frustrated unspecified person)

(this guy's strong)

(poor keyboard) *cry

"I'm really bad at video games"

(drops most expensiveest Dell keyboard in the world)

I'd say that one's plausible ** not a Yandere Simulator Myth

♯ dun dun dun-a-lun-dun-a-lun dun dun ♯

♯ dun-a-lun-dun-a-lun dun dun ♯

♯ blem blem blem blem blem blem ♯

♯ blem blem blem blem blem blem ♯

♯ la la la la la la ♯ (in super high pitch. don't dis my singing. I kill u!)

♯ gonna chop your butt-butt ♯

oh I thought you were gonna spin

that's why I didn't chop your butt, girl--


is it a girl or guy?

I don't know either way--

I wouldn't do you

I can't even read that shit

"middle of night"

"gonna die"

Smiley face ㋛

(super realistic KNIFE sound effects)

(feelin da beat)

(yup. he likes kanifus)

(I have a bad feeling about this)

(knife motorboat)

(knife metal music)

(Carcass' Heartwork remixed by AzzMan with awesome knife sound effects)

(Is AzzMan a headbanger?)



now that we have a headache and some nice music

let us

go and do some methodical exploration

I'm looting dead bums

I had fallen on my back and Gonta was right above me

breathing hard



he was.. uh.. raised by wolves

so he got to sound like a wolf

(r u okay?)


no that's a pervert's breathing

sorry I get the two mixed up all the time

get along with everyone else even though they're 3D

"Okay" in Japanese

"EEEE-AWWW" (immitates Oka Ruto)

I didn't tell you to be a donkey

someone got killed and there was no scream!

I told her to get along with everyone

(shock awe. Why you such a bad actor?)

Is that her version of "getting along"?

so this is my fault?

there was is an incident of school resulting in

people getting along too well where they stabbed each other to death

I was chopping when he was chopping

I guess an axe always beats

a little Bastard Sword

if only my sword had two married parents

today we have the exclusive privilege

of meeting with a real-life


ヤンデレ (Yandere)

Young Dairy

ヤンデレ (Yandere)

Young Dilly

ヤンデレ (Yandere)

Yun Daily

ヤンデレ (Yandere)

Yan..... Dairy?

(y u so stoopid)

(I think he gonna die)

oh they've gone back to work

these guys are such diligent workers aren't they

that's how you keep your panties warm

put them on your face and then you can

breathe for them that way when you put them on

your vagina doesn't get freezing cold


u da bomb

"what doesn't kill you only makes you stronger"

(what a dum bichhhh)


Nah, it's the same

okay we're doing good

doing good

no we're not

(y u laff. U liek dyin'?)

doing okay

doing okay

leave the light on

I like paying really high

electricity power bills


such happy music

♯ ready for death ♯

♯ ready to die ♯

♯ yeah yeah yeah I'm gonna die ♯

hey fellas

close the door

and let's put our finger in the socket

nope didn't work

we need the spoon to do that right

that's how you electrocute yourself

you get the spoon

shove it in the plug

Mino-Den Dual


it's very good

look how familiar I am with it

I'm very familiar with it

I don't show it much respect

ohhh look at the bulge in his pants

is it skewed to the side

his balls look crushed

I think that's why


kind of a bit annoyed

I wonder if that shop sells bacon

this place confusing

I'm not used to hanging out in mines

"the water kind of gross but I'm using a lot of soap"

why is it gross?

do I live in a city without any fresh running water?

is it pumped out of a well with a dead girl inside?

it's too confusing I clicked on the wrong person

go away!

(AzzMan is a pussy confirmed)

"there's a monster coming from the hole"

which hole?

this whole thing's a hole

this whole thing is a hole (homonym jokes are fun)

I don't know what happened

all the lights are off


(I think he pooped a little)

(Azz likes poop jokes?)

I don't know what I'm meant to do


let's get some air freshmen here dude

you're farting too much

"first-o kiss-a"


"ug. he-he-he"

"he-he-he" (imitating Evil AzzMan)

does my saliva taste like holy water?

I was just kissing a High Priestess

♯ do-do-do-do do do do-do ♯

it's just like a dance

a prom dance

with a really-really ugly girl

you just want to keep your distance

you know

are you dead?




oh thanks

"dash" did help


what the fu--K

I thought he was dead

he wasn't dead when he died

you can't rest in peace and make me rest in peace at the same time

you cheating game

♯ bump-ba-dump ba-bump ba-dump bump bum ♯

♯ asshole's coming asshole's coming ♯

yeah he's an asshole because he farts a lot


he got bad gas

that's why so angry

you ever had really bad gas?

it's painful

that's what this guy's problem is

that is a fun picture

it's a monster checking out our "oppais"

"oh my god"

"look at those things"

"I would so devour them with some...

...... (the sound of ghosts groaning seems to disturb AzzMan, interrupting his train of thought)

tomato sauce"

Uh... we're getting closer

almost there

oooooo bu-bu


(is us in pains?)

(100% genuine laughter)



(he sounds constipated now)

so close





(girly whimper)

"What does everyone think about us having lunch together?" (Rabi the rabbit asks in Japanese)

oh come on

we don't want to eat carrots

but sure


let's it's all eat carrots for lunch

come on guys the carrots are getting cold

oh wait

carrots are getting...


I hope it was carrot cake

I would have been happy with that

that's the kind of carrots that I like

I need another log guys

give me a log so I can get up to your side of the village

it's like there's lots of partying going on there

lots of fireworks and crap

Coconuts I'm spoken to you in a very long time

"whimper whimper whine"

oh that's why I don't talk with her

cuz she always whines it tells me not to look at her

hello Mr. Frankenstein

bye bye Mr. Frankenstein

(ghost groaning and crying)

awww I hurt his feelings

why am i knocking all the trees down?

am I trying to build it dam?

am I a beaver?

is this another girl that made a contract with the Devil?

she said "I want to fly"

and I--

"I want 'ha-ha's that hurt people"

oh, you're not spoiled you're just stupid

I need your help

tell me about food

do you like licking wounds?

はい Hai

"Russian tea loaded with jam"


if you can't give me some ointment

and good stuff like that

at least try to kiss it better

(alien tentacle slug sploshing sounds)

very sloppy

let's carry on

(can't touch that!)

oh fine you could do that one


we'll do one each

how do you how you like

you got lightning I got purple shit on my sword

purple shit's always better than lightning

なんだい (nundai?) (What is it?)


who's gonna die?


what the?!

do-do do-do

What the?!


(farting tractor sounds)

(I just don't know anymore)

oh yeah here we go


a different one

I got a different one--

I don't--


(r u fwustwated?)


(NPC says something Japanese that sounds like "pussy")

yea I'm a pussy

I do a special roll

it's the pussy roll

(imitating Sal)


I don't quite believe you

oh what da fuk?!


where is that meant to go from there?

what the--I don't understand

I was meant to bounce back

um... I won't jump forward or next time

I was like "well there's nothing to go forward to"

"so I'll jump on top of the boss's mouth and let him eat me"

"that sounds like a good plan"




look at this guy down there


"what happened?"

"It's raining men hallelujah"

"the only disability in life is a bad attitude"

well I have a fucking bad attitude

why can't I park in disability parking spaces?

(approving grunt)

I still don't get it

"the water's kind of gross...

...but that's what golden showers are

shaving foam time

you guys are so mean

come on I hope that dick dies

come on die dick

die dick





get away!

I can't throw and back-up at the same time

I'm so inept

I should be a woman so I can multitask better

oh wow, he is so scary

pick words more carefully next time

otherwise I won't like you so much

my new girlfriend


is she crying

I don't know what's improper?

go away

you're just weird I don't understand you

what are you doing with the umbrella

I have an umbrella too

we have lots in common

let's not make babies

"stop-a" - Ebola Chan 2017

stop what?

"first-o kiss something-something-something"

the first kiss and I got ebola

I'm so unlucky


luk at dat butt

oh shhhh

I shouldn't'a kicked the bucket

that's what happens when you kick the bucket

you end up kicking the bucket

with a samurai's sword in your neck

I want to insult you actually

(a woman protesting too much)

it didn't seem to have any effect on you at all

you didn't seem to care at all

that's why you look so

grum- (AH!!!) -py beep beep

put out the lights you super ugly

don't worry about that

harmless mistake

I often get mistaken as a woman

I think I'd much rather be

very nimble and very quick

and have a really-really long dick



full of defence and heavy

fine oh just read the blog or watch Yandere Dev's update videos

ah yes that wise choice

it's always best to spoil the Final Boss

before the game is fully developed


(u so naaaaasty)

dude I'm gonna rock your world

I don't know I'm confused what

thundere. wut?

I can't put him in a little cubbyhole

actually I can put him in a pigeonhole

I can pigeonhole him

(why u laf? dat not PC!)

because he's so tiny

"I saw him" - NPC with scummy London accent

I saw him

I swear

tell mummy

she'll be hap- pleased with me

and bake me some pottige pie (WTF is pottige pie, Azz?)

For more infomation >> AZZMAN RETURNS - Highlights [Endorsed by both MARVEL & DC] - Duration: 10:11.


How to SAVE PETROL in Bike 100% Proven Results - Duration: 2:47.

Fuel Saving Addtive

For more infomation >> How to SAVE PETROL in Bike 100% Proven Results - Duration: 2:47.


Persons with Disabilities | SAMAA TV | News Package | 05 Dec 2017 - Duration: 2:57.

Every year, we celebrate the day of disabled persons.

But have we ever understood their sufferings?


To be in their shoes, I'll take a wheelchair to the streets of Karachi.

I aim to visit a few buildings to see what facilities they have for me.

This is, Shara e Faisal, Karachi's main thoroughfare.

The high-speed traffic stops me from crossing this bustling road.

To get to the other side, I need to work around other ways to reach there.

I see a pedestrian bridge, but there's no ramp in sight to get on this footpath.

There is absolutely no way to cross this ditch for a person using wheel chair.

So now I will get back on my feet and lift the chair to the other side.

This obviously remains impossible for a person with any kind of disability.

So here we are at the pedestrian bridge.

Again there's no ramp or escalator to take me up there.

Crossing any of such roads could be a nightmare if you are on a chair.

The only option, which I won't use, is to be on the road again and take chances while

the sign is red.

But that's dangerous and I am too tired as well.

So let's see if I can take some rest in a nearby park.

Hey Sir, can you lend me a hand.

As you can see, there is no ramp either.

This trip was definitely an eye opener for me.

You can't be on a wheelchair if you want to reach anywhere on your own in Karachi city.

Even I can't go and meet the ombudsman to explain him my ordeal.

His building, like the majority, has stairs that I can't climb on a wheel chair.

Is this some kind of a special treatment given to special people?

I leave you with that question.

For more infomation >> Persons with Disabilities | SAMAA TV | News Package | 05 Dec 2017 - Duration: 2:57.


UCLA EEB 109 - Dead Zones - Duration: 2:58.

Unusually heavy rains in the Midwest this year resulted in water in the Mississippi

and then more water here in

The Gulf and that resulted in that biggest dead zone in history in the US and that is difficult news for the fishermen who provide

40% of this nation's seafood underwater video we recorded yesterday afternoon shows the transition from life to death

Dead zones can occur close to the shore.

Farmers' run-off feeds them even more.

This causes a large algal bloom

Chokes life and turns home into gloom.

Diatoms and dinoflagellates are the makers of hypoxic beds. One's in red (Yeah).

Starts off when fertilizers rich in phosphorous and nitrogen

enter in (the)

Rivers, then trickle down outta the mouth

Into Oceans where the phytoplankton all are chilling out Phytos take and grow, and grow, 'til they block the light out

But as the phytos dine, its not all fine

Dead zones can occur close to the shore Farmer's run-off feeds them even more This causes a large algal bloom Chokes life; and turns Home into Gloom

Now all the nutrients are expunged Evening respiration makes O2 plunge Now the phytos die from starvation Sink to the bottom for decomposition

Bacteria eats phytos and takes deep O2 Increases acidity with CO2 No escape from the suffocation in the deep blue

All the fish close-by, start to die

Time to stop our careless, selfish deeds Listen to what mother nature needs Be mindful where fertilizers run Otherwise, humanity is done

Dead zones affect more than helpless fish Coastal zones have one last dying wish Be mindful where fertilizers run Otherwise, humanity is done

For more infomation >> UCLA EEB 109 - Dead Zones - Duration: 2:58.


Samsung ML-1660 - Stan materiałów | DRUK-POL [Napisy PL] - Duration: 0:55.

For more infomation >> Samsung ML-1660 - Stan materiałów | DRUK-POL [Napisy PL] - Duration: 0:55.


How To Make Parallax Photo Effect with Photoshop - Duration: 7:25.

Hi guys, welcome back to my channel

This time I will telling you how to create PARALLAX effect with photoshop

first you please do the selection on the part of the object that want to be separated from backgroun

if it is in the selection

click Refine Edge

apply on the hair part, or other elaborate and delicate parts

Press Ctrl + click on the new layer

to the duplicate the results of the selection earlier

and click back on the background layer

open video dust effect that has been downloaded

drag layer group on video to photo document

Thank you so much for watching guys

don't forget to Like, Comment, and Subscribe

For more infomation >> How To Make Parallax Photo Effect with Photoshop - Duration: 7:25.


Bruges is triggering activity on the Richter scale | #secretsofbruges - Duration: 1:56.

So, here we are on the rooftop of Concertgebouw Brugge.

It's beautiful, as you can see.

It's exclusive, as well. Normally, people aren't allowed up here.

Yes, you can see city hall.

This building was built on 5,000 springs,

so that gives it a better acoustic situation.

So, if we all jump up at the same time,

it's as if we make an earthquake happen.

Maybe we can try it together? Okay.

Three, two, one.

Did you feel the vibrations? - Yes.


It is, in fact, true that this magnificent building rests on 5,000 springs,

and that it works wonders for the acoustics during the concerts and performances

that take place here.

It's not just the interior that's very impressive.

In this tower, you can enjoy modern art by Luc Tuymans,

Carl De Keyzer and Dirk Braeckman.

And of course panoramic views of the three historic towers: the Belfry,

the Saint Saviour's Cathedral and the Church of Our Lady.

But again, the most impressive events still occur inside the building.

That is where the magic happens.

For more infomation >> Bruges is triggering activity on the Richter scale | #secretsofbruges - Duration: 1:56.


Smashbox Photo Finish Foundation Primer Radiance: First Impression - Duration: 7:52.

everybody welcome back to my channel so today's video is a high-end product

review if you'd like to see that then please keep on watching make sure you

subscribe to my channel hit that notification bell I upload a video every

single day of the week and I don't want you to miss any so lets gonna get

started so this week's high-end product review on a budget of course is the

Smashbox photo finish foundation primer and this is radiance it has hyaluronic

acid I did get this in my November birch box and I I'll be honest I've tried

Smashbox primer before and I wasn't a huge huge fan I don't like the super

silicone II based foundation primers they kind of make everything slip and

slide but I wanted to give this a try I do have a funeral to go to today so I'm

gonna be trying this out and I'm gonna be pairing it with a matte foundation so

I'm just gonna go ahead so it looks really really pretty a little bit on the

back of my hand it's very very pretty

it's really not a cent to it so I'm just going to go ahead and leave smooth

doesn't fill as silicon-based as the other foundation primer from Smashbox

they've give it nice glow

things are crazy today but you know yeah so look I'm gonna go ahead and pair this

with a matte foundation so I'm gonna go ahead and go put that on I'll be back in

a little bit to show you the finished look and kind of give you my first

impressions and my thoughts okay so I just got done putting on my

foundation and I used my Rimmel stay matte foundation and I also concealed

underneath my eyes with the Wet n Wild photo focus concealer and I have to say

guys I am absolutely loving this Smashbox photo-finish

radiance foundation primer so I love matte foundation but it can look a

little dry especially this time of year and so I've powdered underneath my eyes

a little bit using my covergirl advanced radiance powder but my face isn't set

besides my under eyes and guys I am just really really shocked at this beautiful

radiant glow that is coming through the foundation it's Matt I'm not shiny like

my t-zone my forehead or anything but it just looks really really healthy and

glowy but like a natural kind of glowy I'll be honest I was not expecting much

from this Smashbox photo-finish radiance foundation primer I was like

okay I've tried the clear one and it's I don't like it it's too silicone II it

makes everything slide around it makes my pores look really big but this my

pores don't look really really big around my nose okay even that dry crusty

pimple that's actually heling up finally it doesn't look bad

nothing is exaggerated usually I'm thinking a radiance primer it's going to

exaggerate fine lines that's going to exaggerate pores it's gonna exaggerate

texture but it did not do any of that it just looks really really pretty looks

really really glowy and natural and the foundation and concealer went on

beautifully it it's not sliding around I mean okay like I said it's my foundation

isn't set it's like it's not transferring off really really really

beautiful foundation primer like I said I don't like the original

the photo-finish the clear one but this the radiance one is absolutely beautiful

so I still had it on the back of my hand and as you can see as it dried down

there's not like really glitter or anything in it it's just a very fine

amount of shimmer and on the skin it just looks absolutely beautiful really

really really really pretty I really really like it really really gorgeous so

yeah the Smashbox photo finish foundation

primer and radiance is really really beautiful I especially think this time

of year I have combination skin and usually I'd be really scared to try

something like this but it is really really nice but I think if you have dry

skin you would absolutely love this I think if you have normal to combination

skin I think you would really really love this it goes beautifully with a

matte foundation I honestly don't know with my skin type and the kind of finish

that I like I don't think I would pair this with like a radiant or dewy finish

foundation but pairing the radiance primer with a matte foundation gave the

most beautiful beautiful look to my skin I really really liked it so I will

definitely be continuing to use this I will put in the description box down

below how much a full size of this is like I said I did get this in my

November Birchbox and I'm actually really surprised really really stunned I

really really liked it it turned out beautiful really really gorgeous and

yeah I will definitely be using this up I have the original just the regular

photo finish silicone one I've had it for like a year and I've maybe used it

twice because I just liked it that much this I can definitely see I can happily

see it using it every single day it's just really really gorgeous I really

really love it very very pretty so yeah definitely a big thumbs up for me like I

said in my last week's high end you know review is I'm wanting to kind of get

into some high products but it's going to be I've got

them for very inexpensively how you can get them for a lot less than you would

pay I get Sephora Ulta or even free so this getting this it is 0.25 fluid

ounces I definitely do think you know this is a great little trial size from

Birchbox I do see this lasting a while because I used about the size of a pea

and it just turned out so pretty but you guys thank you so much for watching I

hope you enjoyed this video if you did then please go ahead and give it a

thumbs up make sure that you share this video we'd love to get the word out on

the smash box photo finish radiance foundation primer if you're like me and

you've tried the original and it wasn't your cup of tea I do think that you

would enjoy this turned out really really beautiful you guys can also

follow me on my other social media my Twitter and Facebook is a bunch of glam

babe and my Instagram that came out make up and I will see you guys tomorrow for

another video it's a tutorial it's on extremely extremely cheap makeup so

you'll definitely want to come back and watch that one I'll see you guys

tomorrow bye

For more infomation >> Smashbox Photo Finish Foundation Primer Radiance: First Impression - Duration: 7:52.


Im Einsatz: Mercedes-Benz beim Weihnachtsbaumtransport - Duration: 3:36.

Today I have organized a very special vehicle for myself – an old MB Trac.

Because today I am in a Christmas tree plantation in the Upper Palatinate,

to see how Christmas trees get to the nation's living rooms.

So I am going to accompany Thomas Bösl, the owner of the nursery.

Hi Thomas! Hi! It's nice and green all around us.

How many trees do you have in your nursery right now?

There are around 5000 in this area, and a total of 30,000 or so.

Today I'm allowed to choose my own Christmas tree, and even cut it down myself.

What is it that makes the perfect Christmas tree?

It should be symmetrical, not too great a distance between the rows, a well-formed top and crown.

Is there an absolute bestseller?

The bestselling type is still the Nordmann fir.

Well, let's go and find a beautiful one for me!

Ah, here it comes now, on the MB Trac!

Now let's insert the tree into its net.

I'll show you how to operate the lever and get the tree into the net.

There, your tree is ready to go.

Yeah! The first Christmas tree I've cut down myself.

We're in the yard again this morning,

as Thomas's Christmas trees are being trucked to the main distribution center.

This is a large dispatch center for Christmas trees in Regensburg.

My tree is also amongst them. We're waiting for the Atego now, so the trees can be loaded.

The Atego is loaded – so now it's off to Regensburg.

The trees are distributed throughout Germany from here in Regensburg,

but also personally selected and taken away by end customers.

Horst Niesner is the operator of this Christmas tree center.

Hello Horst! Tell me, what exactly is the Christmas tree center?

The Christmas tree center provides a link between the growers of Christmas trees

and the businesses selling Christmas trees all over Germany.

What do you think makes for a really good Christmas tree?

A Christmas tree should be untreated, with no pesticides, and only cover short distances within Germany.

Is the tree an essential part of Christmas for you?

The Christmas tree is the centerpiece of the Christmas celebrations.

Absolutely! I completely agree, and while these beautiful trees are making their way to peoples' living rooms,

I'll take my tree home myself to make sure.

Right my dear Sarah. Your tree has arrived. We can load it onboard together.

Yeah! And that's how the tree will also get to my living room.

And you, bye now!


I hope you enjoy decorating it!

For more infomation >> Im Einsatz: Mercedes-Benz beim Weihnachtsbaumtransport - Duration: 3:36.


The Wall - A Christmas Miracle (Episode Highlight) - Duration: 3:59.

For more infomation >> The Wall - A Christmas Miracle (Episode Highlight) - Duration: 3:59.


龍珠中那些無視戰鬥力差距的神技能 小林都能熟練運用其中三招 - Duration: 5:06.

For more infomation >> 龍珠中那些無視戰鬥力差距的神技能 小林都能熟練運用其中三招 - Duration: 5:06.


How to Make a Red Velvet Christmas Cake | RECIPE - Duration: 3:20.

For more infomation >> How to Make a Red Velvet Christmas Cake | RECIPE - Duration: 3:20.


Exercise Vocabulary | Important Words for Working Out - Duration: 9:55.

So today, we're going to teach you guys some vocabulary words.

And showing you guys words that you can use

when you're working out next.

As you can see, I'm working out really hard.

I'm very strong.

Whoa. Let's go. Let's go.

And I am killing it.

Today we're out and about.

And we are about to do a fun workout.

So today we're going to teach you guys some new

vocabulary words related to working out and exercising.

First, the types of exercises we're going to do today...

It's mostly just some calisthenics.

And those are general exercises that are kind of like

gymnastics that you do on your own.

So we're going to do some of those too because they're

pretty simple and easy, and you can do them outside.

And it's a nice day, so that's what we want to do.

But, before we start our exercises, we need to stretch.

Are you going to stretch for us?


Yea, yea, yea, yea.

I'm going to try

What is that?

I don't know, but it looks cool.

This is...this is funny.

They're so far away.

Now, we're going to warm up with some jumping jacks.

So first we're going to start out with a little run.

But there are different types of runs depending on how fast you want to go.

So the first type of run we're going to do is jogging.

And jogging is running kind of at a slower pace.

An exercise that most people do when they go out running.

They usually go out jogging.

A little bit slower than like a fast run.

But it's still a run nonetheless.

Is that 5 miles?


The next one is a sprint.

And the sprint is a really, really, really fast run.

Like as fast as you can go.

And it is not meant for longer distances.

It's just meant for really short distances.

But going as fast as you can.

As if somebody was maybe chasing you.

So super, super, super fast.


One thing we've been trying to do lately is

get more exercise, and get outside, and be more active.

So that's part of the reason why we are doing this lesson.

It's some good exercise. Feeling healthier already.

I'm just here for the show.

For the entertainment.

I should be doing fitness videos and not teaching English.

I think you should stick with teaching English.

So sometimes people do a series of workouts of the same exercises.

And that's called the circuit.

So they just do the same exercises in the same order.

Multiple times.

And many times they use these...

these kinds of machines like I have behind me.

This one is nice because it tells you how to do the exercises.

These machines are a little strange.



Exercises in a row.

And then you repeat them a few times.

And then that's your workout.

Only ten more.


One and a half.


That's not one and a half. It was two.

Just a few more minutes.

A few more minutes?

It's tough.

Ioana is going to complete the circuit.

So one of the more standard exercises would just be the pushup.

So let me demonstrate.




That was three.

Ioana was not happy with my sit-up.

So she's going to demonstrate.

Do you always laugh when you do sit-ups?

No, it's just harder than I thought.

I'm done.

You're done?

So what's a crunch, Wes?

It's a little similar to a sit-up.

You're working out the abs.

Okay, so Wes is going to drop it like it's hot now, and show us how to do a squat.


Let's see

Work that booty.

A squat.

Now 30 more.


There you go.

Professionally done.



Tuck your tailbone in.

Like that?

I think so. I think that's straight.

And lift your abs.

Am I straight?

Take your belly button towards your spine.

That's what the yoga person says.

There we go. This is a plank that Wes is holding.

Trying to hold.

Trying to hold. It's a very good ab exercise.

You have 20 more seconds.


Is that the plank or a pushup?

It's a plank.

I thought you had to be on your elbows.

No, this is a different way to do it.

Try to push up while you're down there.

Just try one.


What was that?

What exercise is this?

It's...I don't know.

This is uh...this is a lunge.

Well doesn't it feel tiring?

It looks something like this.

It kind of hurts my knees which makes me think I'm doing it wrong.

So Wes is going to us how to do a burpee.

And a burpees is like...

It's a mini-mini-workout because you do...

It's a series of moves that you do in one exercise, I guess.


So it's a jump, and a push-up, and something else.

Go. Yea, I'm ready.

It's pretty cool. Do you feel...

Was it amazing? You did three.

I'm done.

So you pull yourself up on the bar.

So show us how it's done Wes.

You've got to...


You've got to smile.

You've got to get to fifty.

So a chin up is when you just reverse your hands

and you pull yourself up from this side.

Which one's harder?

Is this the harder one?

They're both....

They're both pretty easy.

That was a chin-up.

Do it again. Do it again.

For the camera, of course. For stock footage.

Good job.

So that is your workout vocabulary.

We hope you learned a few new words

and maybe some new exercises.

Or maybe you had a good laugh.

And in the comments below, why don't you let us know

what type of exercise you like to do in order to stay healthy.

And please, if you enjoyed this video, both like and share it.

And, as always, thanks for watching and we will see you next time.


For more infomation >> Exercise Vocabulary | Important Words for Working Out - Duration: 9:55.


마이닝 인터뷰 #2 '소마'가 보낸 거칠고 치명적인 러브레터 - Duration: 3:38.

For more infomation >> 마이닝 인터뷰 #2 '소마'가 보낸 거칠고 치명적인 러브레터 - Duration: 3:38.


Volvo Trucks – Why does this Volvo FH strike the perfect note? – "Welcome to my cab – light" - Duration: 1:16.

Here's a truck and its driver in perfect harmony.

Welcome to Hans Brolsma's cab,

a Volvo FH with I-Shift and 520 horsepower.

Used specifically to transport the instruments

of the North Netherlands Symphony Orchestra.

Hans is the brains behind the rebuilding and styling.

As you can see, the truck is painted in gold, black and red,

with airbrushed motifs of orchestra instruments and musical notes.

The interior is completely remade in the same style,

with musical notes on the roof.

The dashboard with brown details was painted by Hans himself.

Leather-covered seats, brown cushioning and leather-covered floor

complete a formidable ensemble.

Hans has been a driver for 34 years and the truck is his hobby.

He loves how easy it is to drive his Volvo through the city

when unloading for the orchestra's concerts.

All in all, Hans Brolsma's cab strikes just the right note.

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