Thứ Ba, 5 tháng 12, 2017

Waching daily Dec 5 2017

For more infomation >> AKHIYAN MILAWAN GI TE - 2017 PAKISTANI MUJRA DANCE Pakistani Mujra Dance In Wedding - Duration: 4:31.


Seal System guide (Tips and cautions) - Digimon Masters Online - Duration: 5:11.

For more infomation >> Seal System guide (Tips and cautions) - Digimon Masters Online - Duration: 5:11.


DIY Adorno navideño de Papá Noel o Santa Claus en goma eva, fácil y rápido - Duration: 4:50.

For more infomation >> DIY Adorno navideño de Papá Noel o Santa Claus en goma eva, fácil y rápido - Duration: 4:50.


Efe Koçyiğit Sosyete Yemeklerini Yorumluyor - Duration: 3:57.

For more infomation >> Efe Koçyiğit Sosyete Yemeklerini Yorumluyor - Duration: 3:57.


РУКА ВОДЫ / ХИРОМАНТИЯ - Duration: 5:26.

For more infomation >> РУКА ВОДЫ / ХИРОМАНТИЯ - Duration: 5:26.


Homekeepers - Steven Strang - Charisma Media "God and Donald Trump" Part 1 - Duration: 28:31.

For more infomation >> Homekeepers - Steven Strang - Charisma Media "God and Donald Trump" Part 1 - Duration: 28:31.


Maniac repo en Kodi - Duration: 7:47.

For more infomation >> Maniac repo en Kodi - Duration: 7:47.


'Hwayuki' Rilis Foto Cha Seung Won Dengan Setelan - Duration: 2:40.

'Hwayuki' Rilis Foto Cha Seung Won Dengan Setelan

Cha Seung Won 'Hwayuki' bertransformasi menjadi Woo Ma Wang, sosok yang memiliki aura unik.

Dalam drama baru akhir pekan tvN 'Hwayuki' yang tayang pada tanggal 23,

Cha Seung Won berperan sebagai Woo Ma Wang yang penuh karisma,

monster raksasa yang memiliki perusahaan entertainment terbesar di Korea.

Dibandingkan sebagai enterpreneur sukses, ia lebih dikenal sebagai selebriti.

Hal tersebut juga memicu munculnya harapan lain dari sindrom Cha Seung Won.

Karakter Woo Ma Wang dalam dua versi manusia biasa dan celestial telah dirilis dan memperlihatkan daya tariknya yang unik.

Cha Seung Won menggunakan topi yang menonjolkan kepribadian khas dengan toksedo biru di tengah hutan sambil berdiri.

Pemandangan indah yang dicampur dengan tumbuhan memberikan atmosfir misterius dengan perasaan yang mendalam atas jatuhnya raja surgawi.

Di dunia manusia, ia bertransformasi menjadi Woo Hee Chul,

CEO dari perusahaan entertainment terbesar di Korea dengan penampilan yang penuh karisma dan membuat orang lain iri.

Dari ujung kepala hingga kaki, penampilannya terasa mengagumkan dengan atmosfir luar biasa.

Penggunaan setelan berwarna mint juga tidak bisa digunakan oleh sembarang orang dan terlihat pantas dikenakan oleh Cha Seung Won.

Karakter Woo Ma Wang yang memiliki dua versi ini terasa lengkap dengan keunikan yang dimiliki Cha Seung Won.

'Hwayuki' adalah drama yang diangkat dari novel kuno,

eksorsisme romantis mutlak yang menggambarkan perjalanan Son Oh Gong (Lee Seung Gi) dalam mencari cahaya di dunia yang gelap.

Drama ini tayang perdana tangga 23 jam 9 malam.

For more infomation >> 'Hwayuki' Rilis Foto Cha Seung Won Dengan Setelan - Duration: 2:40.


Jennifer Dunn Terlihat Makan Bareng Suami Orang, Sarita Abdul Mukti Beberkan Fakta Mengejutkan Lain - Duration: 3:28.

Jennifer Dunn Terlihat Makan Bareng Suami Orang, Sarita Abdul Mukti Beberkan Fakta Mengejutkan Lain

Dunia maya dihebohkan dengan berita Jennifer Dunn kepergok makan bersama seorang pria.

Setelah beredarnya foto-foto Jennifer Dunn makan bareng pria itu,

banyak warganet menduga Jennifer tengah menghabiskan waktu bersama suami orang.

Dalam potret yang baru-baru ini diunggah di salah satu akun gosip Lambe Turah,

wanita yang akrab dipanggil Jeje tampak tengah sarapan di sebuah restoran hotel.

Tak sendiri, Jeje kepergok makan semeja bersama seorang pria.

Dalam foto yang beredar, artis kelahiran 1989 itu tampak bergaya kasual.

Ia mengenakan celana panjang hitam dan jaket jeans dan wajahnya terlihat natural tanpa makeup

Sedangkan sang pria yang duduk berhadapan dengan Jeje tampak mengenakan kemeja warna putih.

Mereka pun asyik menyantap makanan di atas meja yang terletak di dekat kaca.

Sayangnya, potret pria yang ada di hadapan Jeje tak begitu terlihat jelas.

Meski begitu beberapa netizen menduga pria yang bersama Jennifer Dun ini adalah pengusaha bernama Faisal Haris,

suami Sarita Abdul Mukti.

Setelah hebohnya foto Jeje di akun gosip tersebut, Sarita Abdul Mukti pun angkat bicara.

Ia membenarkan bahwa sosok pria yang tertangkap kamera bersama Jeje memang suaminya, Faisal Haris.

Hal tersebut diungkapnya dalam unggahan Instagram story Sarita,

lagi rame di akun hosiip lambe turah yaa??

betul itu haris suamiku yg gak mau menceraikan dirikuuu, tulis Sarita dalam unggahan Instagram story tersebut.

Sarita juga mengaku geram sang suami tak juga sembuh, namun tak mau menceraikannya.

Padahal diriku mau nikah jugalaaah #eeh, lanjutnya.

Dahulu memang kabar beredar Sarita dan keempat anaknya sempat geram lantaran,

Faisal Haris disebut berpacaran dengan Jennifer Dunn.

Faisal Haris adalah seorang pengusaha sekaligus pecinta mobil Ferrari.

For more infomation >> Jennifer Dunn Terlihat Makan Bareng Suami Orang, Sarita Abdul Mukti Beberkan Fakta Mengejutkan Lain - Duration: 3:28.


'Two Cops' Episode 5 dan 6, Bromance Komedi Jo Jung Suk dan Kim Sun Ho - Duration: 3:44.

'Two Cops' Episode 5 dan 6, Bromance Komedi Jo Jung Suk dan Kim Sun Ho

Bromance dan komedi Jo Jung Suk dan Kim Sun Ho 'Two Cops' dimulai.

Dalam 49 hari, keduanya harus menjalin hubungan dan menyelesaikan kasus ini.

Dengan begitu Kim Sun Ho bisa kembali ke tubuh aslinya.

Dalam prosesnya, diharapkan bromance dan adegan komedi.

Pada tanggal 4, dalam drama Senin Selasa MBC 'Two Cops' episode 5 dan 6 menggambarkan tentang Jo Jung Suk (Cha Dong Tak) yang bertemu kembali dengan pembunuh Jo Hang Joon.

Pembunuh datang ke kantor polisi dengan pisau untuk membunuh Jo Jung Suk.

Arwah Kim Sun Ho (Go Soo Chang) melihat kejadian ini dan berusaha menyelamatkan Jo Jung Suk.

Sangat disayangkan ia melepaskan pelakunya. Tetapi ada yang aneh.

CCTV di dalam kantor polisi mati pada saat itu.

Selama pengejaran pelaku, Jo Jung Suk menghadapi kerumunan motor, ia dan Kim Sun Ho tiba-tiba lompat ke sungai.

Ia merasa menjadi target dan diancam oleh seseorang.

Setelah itu, ia mulai mencari tahu tentang kecelakaan lalu lintas yang terjadi di rute yang sama.

Ji Hang Joon yang mengejar mereka terbunuh sebagai target.

Dalam prosesnya, Jo Jung Suk dan Kim Sun Ho bertemu kembali dengan dramatis.

Saat ini, Kim Sun Ho masih berwujud arwah. Ia tida terlihat di mata Jo Jung Suk tetapi suaranya bisa didengar.

Penampilan Jo Jung Suk yang tidak mempercayai suara Kim Sun Ho terlihat lucu dan mengundang tawa.

Tetapi ia percaya setelah mendengar penjelasa Kim Sun Ho yang berulang ulang.

Dalam waktu 49 hari, ia harus mencari tahu hubungan rumut Ryu Hye Rin (Miss Bong) yang sudah dijelaskan untuk dapat kembali ke situasi semula.

Kim Sun Ho berusaha untuk menemukan petunjuk demi Jo Jung Suk.

Ia berhasil menangkap segerombolan bikers yang mengancam Jo Jung Suk.

Tetapi pelaku aslinya tidak ada. Setelah gagal menangkap pelaku,

Kim Sun Ho meminta bantuan dengan lebih sopan.

"Aku akan menangkap pelakunya" kata Sun Ho dan meminjam tubuhnya.

Ia bisa memasuki tubuhnya karena mendapat izin dari Jo Jung Suk.

'Two Cops' memberikan keseruan dengan bromance komedinya.

For more infomation >> 'Two Cops' Episode 5 dan 6, Bromance Komedi Jo Jung Suk dan Kim Sun Ho - Duration: 3:44.


Immigrazione: la Corte Suprema Usa ha dato il via libera al "travel ban" di Trump - Duration: 2:49.

For more infomation >> Immigrazione: la Corte Suprema Usa ha dato il via libera al "travel ban" di Trump - Duration: 2:49.


Pojďme Hrát GOOKA 2: Záhada Janatris |38| - Oheň a Voda {CZ} - Duration: 10:04.

For more infomation >> Pojďme Hrát GOOKA 2: Záhada Janatris |38| - Oheň a Voda {CZ} - Duration: 10:04.






Youtuber with passion. - Duration: 1:37.

It often happens

to follow a nice video

on social media

What is there

behind the finished product?

Much commitment

taking a input

from the images created

from this creative virtuous

I will tell you that everything comes from an idea ...

the artist

when he has the inspiration

can not wait to realize the project

Work begins here

First of all, the choice of location

that is the inspiring element

which is the basis

to write a story

then there is the choice of the right protagonist

that will have to fully enter

in the theme

until it becomes an integral part of it


must enter a creative feeling

with the character

and transfer his charisma

in his collaborators on the set

You will be followed and you will do a great job

only if there will be mutual regard

and healthy respect

At the next video

Keep following us!

For more infomation >> Youtuber with passion. - Duration: 1:37.


Let's Play GOOKA 2: the Mystery of Janatris |38| - Fire and Water {EN} - Duration: 10:04.

I've forgotten to edit in a fade in here (and a fadeout on the end of the previous episode). CATASTROPHY.

And here's our navigator, Skineri.

So ... many ... invisible walls.

And there's a bad sand texture. (take a closer look)

a fireplace

Oh, you don't say.

a fireplace

One more time please.

a fireplace

Excellent. But are we sure?

I don't know why yet, but I'm making a fire.

I do now have a base for a fire.

I am NOT going near that bush!

I'm going to take some logs.

I don't even know why I am doing this.

Wood - some dried broken wood.

The wood is a little bit wet, but hopefully that won't be a problem.

... and it just started raining. Great. xD

The rain is quite funny, because the weather changes randomly during the game and we just go this. xD

I don't have anything to actually start the fire, though.

A weird bush - The bark on the bush is made out of small, needle-like scales.

I won't be able to get to the bush through here.

Into the Jungle - I won't go further into the rainforest, it's dangerous.

No natives as of yet, so we are not in the danger of skipping that sidequest yet.

What do I need to make that fire?

I can't read the fireplace's mind.

And I cannot use my fire spell on it, because of the game's absence of basic features and logic...

The camera is insane in this game.

The Captain is a real adventurer.

He thinks about the adventure we are going through at the moment, instead of the despair of all the obstacles in our path.

... like we do. We are missing something, I'm pretty sure of it.

I'm going to save just to be able to load the game and make the fire more quickly, in the case of the raining ending before me figuring out how to make the fire.

Because I sure despair, as I don't have a clue what to do next.

Collect candaralls - The captain has asked me to collect several candaralls, a kind of bug that heals surface wounds.

Candaralls - These small arthropods are seemingly used by the warriors to heal wounds.

They have big mandibles, ten legs and they expulse a secrete with healing properties, says the book of Mohar.

They live on the diet of mainly nut pulps, and sometimes on the leaves of some plants.

Fine. I'm stuck now.

The rain is only graphical, it has no actual effect on the gameplay. Which is going to be funny for the fire scene.

Of course if this game wasn't retarded, I could have used a dagger with some stone to make sparks, but alas I cannot,

as daggers are weapons and due to the lack of a drag and drop system, using the dagger just puts it into the weapon slot.

I have been stuck for far too long, so I am going to actually use the walkthrough. I'm pretty sure it's something very stupid...

"use the chest"

I've tried opening the chest before (as I have commented on), but the game didn't allow me to select it as an object. I'm glad I've looked...

Everything is soaking wet. But the tinderbox looks fine.

I wish I could use a mouse to select objects...

a Tindebox - such a simple item that is so handy.

Ah, the fire caught right away! And the smoke is going in the direction of the bush with wild wasps.

He's using a short sword in the cutscene, instead of the Telostion we have equipped.

If I put that bark on my boots, I should be able to climb that palm tree with ease.

Good on Gooka, being able to make fire in heavy rain.

Fun fact: I was actually able to do the same thing, in an archery competition.

Because I had over 120 kilograms in the past, my lungs have a much higher capacity.

I'm able to blow air out for 2 minutes straight.

So I'm pretty much some kind of a blacksmith's bellows.

I should really record myself making a fire with my bellowing lungs and put it on youtube, it is a sight worth seeing.

Wait, what the fu*k am I doing up here? That's what happens when I talk to much. :D

Bark - there are hard thorns on one side.

Let's do this.

Now the game reminds me of Horké Léto 1 (Hot Summer 1). Just graphically a lot worse.

Brrgh ... I have never seen anything more vile in my life, but I have what I need.

... and he's a judge.

A coconut - a cut coconut. There are candaralls inside. I am not going to make sure they are....

Captain, here are the candaralls.

Excellent... good job.

Hey sailor, get those to all the ones that are wounded.

Psst! Everybody be silent!!! Gooka, take an inconspicuous look towards the rainforest...

Let me handle this, I'll find out what they want.

He broke his neck! THEY'RE ROBOTS!

For more infomation >> Let's Play GOOKA 2: the Mystery of Janatris |38| - Fire and Water {EN} - Duration: 10:04.


Free Elf Challenge | 7 Days of HP Giveaways [CC] - Duration: 2:22.

Hey, YouTube, it's Kathy. Happy Bookmas. As you might have guessed from the

title, I'm here to do the Free Elf Challenge. If you're wondering what the

heck that is, it's part of these 7 Says of Harry Potter Giveaways, which is

being hosted by some lovely humans, and essentially this challenge is to put on

as many articles of clothing in one minute as possible. Because we all love

Dobby .I mean he is a great character. I watched Vanessa's announcement video -

Paper Faerie on YouTube - and she was a little disappointed that she didn't get more

than ten articles of clothing on. Here's where I think she went wrong: she decided

to not put on any extra pants. She just went for shirts, and although I can

totally understand, because I hate moving my camera set up, and I don't know if things

look proper because I don't have a viewfinder, I think I'm gonna include

pants and that might get me past ten. So give me a second to move this around and

we'll see how many articles of clothing I can put on in a minute.

One of the reasons I don't stand up for my videos is I don't have a full height tripod.

So I put one minute on the timer; let's see how I can do. In three, two, one, go!

[racing music]

[timer alert]

It is a lot harder than it looks. I agree with you, Vanessa - the boobs

totally get in the way of this challenge. I also gave up on shirts because I - yeah, boobs.

I did to get a couple of pairs pants. I think I got 13; let me double-check.

[same music as before]

13. I'm happy with 13. I was born on the 13th, so sure. Be sure to check out the

7 days of Harry Potter Giveaways and I will see you tomorrow for more Bookmas. Bye!

[outro music]

For more infomation >> Free Elf Challenge | 7 Days of HP Giveaways [CC] - Duration: 2:22.



This video/giveaway is SPONSORED by Royal Talens




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Ecoline Brushpen

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