Thứ Ba, 5 tháng 12, 2017

Waching daily Dec 5 2017

(Singing) I know my God has made the way for

me. I know my God has made the way for me.

ANNOUNCER: Let your faith speak through the words you choose.

Join Kenneth Copeland today on the Believer's Voice of Victory

as he shows that sowing faith-filled words produces a

harvest of victory. Now with today's message, here's Kenneth.

KENNETH: Hello, everybody. Welcome to the Believer's

Voice of Victory broadcast. I'm Kenneth Copeland.

And this is the joy time of the year, particularly

at the Copeland household and KCM and at EMIC. I

tell you what, it's a special time around here. And we want to

sow some really special gifts into your life, one every day

until Christmas. That's--ha-ha. Hey, that's nice, isn't it? Go

to the website, Hey, that's good. And, well, of

course, you can find out how to start receiving your--but, hey,

also download your study notes. You know what to do with that.

That's a good thing. You need those, yeah, particularly in a

study like what we're doing on the words and all the different

scriptures. A lot of scripture going forth here. And so you

need all of those. You need them all outlined and neatly placed

just like with Gloria and Pastor George and all the outlines on

prosperity. Hasn't that just been--my goodness, what a

glorious treasure trove that is. Words. (Laughs) Hallelujah.

Father, we thank You today for this broadcast. We open our

hearts and minds to You, Sir, to receive revelation from heaven

in Jesus' name. Amen. All right, let's open our Bibles once more

today to Matthew 12. And Jesus said this, He said, "A good man

out of the treasure of his heart bringeth forth good things: an

evil man out of the evil treasure bringeth forth evil

things. But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall

speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment."

He'll give account thereof--are you getting that? He'll give

account thereof in the day of judgment. Mm, mm, mm, mm. "For

by thy words thou shalt be justified, by thy words thou

shalt be condemned." Now, we've talked about that this is a

Word-created, Word-upheld environment. God said, and it

was. And He's upholding all things by the word of His power.

And then we found that death and life are in the power of the

tongue. Words dominate time. "Your words are stout against

me," the Lord said. "We have believed, therefore we have

spoken," the apostle Paul said. Ah-ha-ha-ha. Amen. Now,

I--before we get over into the New Testament side of this, I

want to talk to you from the book of Genesis, the 11th

chapter, if you'd turn there with me, please. Genesis 11, and

let's read the first nine verses there. Now, watch carefully.

Words--say it, "Words. Words." Let me say it again. "Words are

the most important things in this planet." And that makes the

Word of God the most precious thing in this planet because

He's given us His Words to put in our mouth to become our

words. And so when we speak, we speak in His power. Satan is

stuck with that because he can't--he can't get out from

under it. He can't--he doesn't have any power unless you give

it to him by what you say. When you say something that is on His

side of the ledger, then He can move right in on that because

that--those are His words. When you speak God's Words and make

those the words of your life, then the Spirit of God is moving

there. The angel--your angel that God's assigned you is

moving--can move in your life because you're speaking the

words of God. The Scripture said that Jesus spoke the words of

God. Therefore, God gave Him the--His Spirit without measure,

not because He didn't sin. He didn't. Praise God. But He

was--He ministered here as a man anointed by the Spirit of God.

He said, "I can do nothing of myself, I only say what I hear

my Father say, and I only do what I see my Father do." But He

only said what His Father said and He only did what He saw His

Father do, His daddy. That's right, His Abba. Now, let's look

at this then. In the 11th chapter of Genesis, "The whole

earth was of one language, and of one speech." I have a

reference in the cross-reference there, "Hebrew words." All

right. The whole earth was of one language and of one words.

"It came to pass, as they journeyed from the east, that

they found a plain in the land of Shinar; and they dwelt there.

And they said one to another, Go, let us make brick, and burn

them thoroughly. They had brick for stone, and slime they had

for mortar. And they said--and they said--and they said, Go to,

let us build us a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto

heaven; and let us make us a name, lest we be scattered

abroad upon the face of the whole earth. The Lord came down

to see the city and the tower, which the children of men

builded. And the Lord said, Behold, the people is one." They

are one. They're in agreement. "And they have one language; and

this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from

them, which they have imagined to do." As long as they're in

agreement, and as long as they're all saying the same

thing, there's no restraint to this. "Let us go down, and

confound their language, that they may not understand one

another's speech. So the Lord scattered them abroad from there

upon the face of all the earth: and they left off to build the

city. Therefore is the name of it called Babel," or confusion,

"because the Lord did therefore confound the language of all the

earth: and from there did the Lord scatter them abroad on the

face of the earth." Now, the only thing that could stop those

people is to change what they were saying because anything

they could imagine as one people--in agreement, anything

they could imagine, communicate it and agree on it, there's no

restraint to them. Whoa. Boy, that says it all, doesn't it?

Now, of course, you remember James 3:16, "Where there is

confusion--where there is strife--" See, this brought

strife and schism. "Where there is strife, there is confusion

and every evil work." When you're not saying what God says,

I mean, you've just licensed the devil to tear the house down,

particularly if you're fighting and fussing and in strife. II

Timothy 2, my, my, my, my, my, such an eye-opening scripture.

It said, "Those that oppose themselves--" they--and they're

opposing themselves in strife. "A man of God must not strive;

must be gentle, and apt to teach, and so forth," so that

perhaps God will give them repentance. What do you mean,

"perhaps"? They can't hear Him. They're too busy fighting one

another. They're not hearing God or they wouldn't be fighting.

They're not hearing God or they'd be in love with one

another. No, they're fussing and fighting, "You did this and

that." And the Scripture says, "Satan takes them captive at his

will." Why? Because of the words that are coming out of their

hearts and coming out of their mouth. Oh, my, my. Now then,

let's go over to the book of Numbers, please. And this is in

the 14th chapter of Numbers. Now, the size of the people, the

number of people is somewhere around 2 million people in this

desert; came out of Egypt--whoa, big time, man--came across that

Red Sea and began to dance and praise before God. And that's

the last time they praised Him in 40 years. Now, that'll open

your eyes. Praise words. Oh, anyway, here we go. I want you

to notice something here. Oh, well, "Caleb stilled the

people," in the 13th--in the 13th chapter, 30th verse. "Caleb

stilled the people before Moses, and said, Let us go up at once,

and possess it; we are well able to overcome it. But the men that

went up with him said, We are not able to go up against them;

for they are stronger than we are. And they brought up an evil

report of the land." Caleb and Joshua, two men out of 2

million, two men out of 2 million chose to speak what God

had said. God said, "I've given you the land." Caleb said, "It's

ours. God gave it to us. We're well able. Let's go over there

and take it now." Two million people could not overcome two

faith men because of their words. Caleb, the Scripture

says, was of a different spirit. Well, of course. It was the

spirit of faith. So now, let's go on down. Chapter 14, Verse 1,

"All the congregation lifted up their voice," all of

them, their voice. They were one voice. They were

in agreement. 2 million of them in

agreement together, "lifted up their voice, and

cried; and the people wept that night. And all the children of

Israel murmured against Moses and against Aaron: and the whole

congregation said unto them, Would God we had died in the

land of Egypt! or would God we had died in this wilderness!

Wherefore hath the Lord brought us into this land, to fall by

the sword, that our wives, our children should be prey? Were it

not better for us to return to Egypt?" Now, "Would God we had

died in the land of Egypt!" Now, they're thinking about going

back across that Red Sea. There ain't no way they're getting

back across that Red Sea. You can't do it. You can't walk

across that. It sure wasn't going to open up for them. "Or

would God we had died in this wilderness!" They kept saying

it. "We're going to die in this wilderness. We're going to die

in this wilderness. We are going to die in this wilderness. We're

going to die in this desert. We're going to die in the

desert! We're going to die in the desert. We're going to die

in the desert." Now, Verse 28, God said, "Say unto them, As

truly as I live, saith the Lord, as you have spoken in my ears,

so will I do to you." He had no choice. They said it. They're

His covenant people. They said it. He had no choice. It wasn't

His will. He's the--He's--God is love. They didn't--they didn't

believe He loved them. "Your carcasses shall fall in this

wilderness; and all that were numbered of you, according to

your whole number, from twenty years old upward which have

murmured against me." "You said it and now that's what has to

happen because I can't protect you. I can't go any further

because you said it." My, my, my, my, my. It is so--it's such

vital--let's go to the 90th Psalm. Psalm 90, this is a

prayer of Moses, the man of God. "Lord, thou hast been our

dwelling place in all generations. Before the

mountains were brought forth, or ever thou hadst formed the earth

the world, even from everlasting to everlasting, thou art God.

Thou turnest man to destruction; and sayest, Return, ye children

of men. For a thousand years in thy sight are but as yesterday

when it is past, and as a watch in the night. Thou carriest them

away as with a flood; they are as sleep: in the morning they're

like grass that grows up. In the morning it flourishes, and grows

up; in the evening it's cut down, and withered. We are

consumed by thine anger, and by thy wrath are we troubled. Thou

hast set our iniquities before thee." You see, he's crying out.

He's interceding for them and he's crying out before God. "All

our days are passed away in thy wrath: we spend our years as a

tale that's told. The days of our years are threescore and

ten; and if by reason of strength they're fourscore

years, yet is their strength labor and sorrow; for it is soon

cut off, and we fly away." See, he--God--Moses said--Moses said,

"Our years have been cut to 70," or at the most, 80. What was

happening? They were not getting out of that desert alone--alive.

No. 80 is the maximum. 80 was the maximum. "You ain't getting

out of here if you're ever--you're in that group."

Well, see, we've taken that 70 or 80 years and are still living

by it. Words. Everybody says that. Well, but now wait a

minute. God didn't say that. Moses was crying out, "Yeah, but

Brother Copeland, God said they died." No. They said they would

die in the desert, and God said, "Okay. It'll have to be as you

said." Oh, but now you go back to the book of Genesis and you

go back to 6--the 6th chapter of Genesis, the 3rd verse, "And God

said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he

also is flesh: yet his days shall be a hundred and twenty

years." Now, God said his days will be 120. That's what people

should be saying because that's what He said. And medical

science will tell you today, "The physical body should live

120 years." "Well, why doesn't it?" Well, what have you been

saying? Huh? Now, when you begin to say what God has said--now,

let me show you how the Bible is constructed. We're right there

next to the 91st Psalm. Let's just move over there to it. And

let's go down to the 16th verse. "With long life will I satisfy

him, and show him my salvation." Oh, isn't that wonderful? Yeah,

but now, what is long life? See, you and I don't have any right

to make our own choice of what long life is because He's

already said 120 years. So once He said--see, He said that in

Genesis. So that follows through to Revelation. He's never

changed that. He never came back and said, "Well, you know, I

mean--" No, no. He said, "The days of man shall be 120 years."

The New Living says, "his normal lifespan," which means you can

live more than that. But that's the benchmark right there,

at 120. So when He's--all of the food laws in the book of

Leviticus, everything that's on the side that you're not

supposed to eat is because it will affect that time span. So

He's already said it, see? The--all of those--the foods

that are the ones you--that you should be eating and not the

other, it's all based on that 120, and He had to make it a law

to them. They wouldn't do it any otherwise. But if you'd follow

it, then you could do that. Are you seeing what I'm saying here?

The-- "Why do you say it like that?" Don't--don't--don't get

your gun out and start grabbing at me. I'm talking about words,

those words. That "120" will dominate your life if you will

allow it to. Now, I didn't catch onto it all that long ago, but I

saw through it. And the Lord said to me, "That is just as

much my word as, 'by my stripes, you were healed.'" Ha, and we're

out of time. And I'll be back in just a moment.

ANNOUNCER: We hope you enjoyed today's teaching from Kenneth

Copeland Ministries. And remember Jesus is Lord.

For more infomation >> What You Speak Is What You Get with Kenneth Copeland (Air Date 12-6-17) - Duration: 22:00.


Chris Leno ft. Sarah - Piece Of Love (Farot & Blake Tree Remix) - Duration: 4:38.

For more infomation >> Chris Leno ft. Sarah - Piece Of Love (Farot & Blake Tree Remix) - Duration: 4:38.


Robin Khaled † Crush† ⚡Official Video⚡ TuraTrapper - Duration: 3:08.

For more infomation >> Robin Khaled † Crush† ⚡Official Video⚡ TuraTrapper - Duration: 3:08.


Как привлечь внимание мужчины без слов? Техника «Липкий взгляд» - Duration: 1:22.

For more infomation >> Как привлечь внимание мужчины без слов? Техника «Липкий взгляд» - Duration: 1:22.


DIY ROOM DECOR! Top 5 DIY Christmas Decorations Ideas 🌷💕🌷 5-Minute Craft Christmas at home - Duration: 11:55.

Top 5 DIY Christmas Decorations Ideas

For more infomation >> DIY ROOM DECOR! Top 5 DIY Christmas Decorations Ideas 🌷💕🌷 5-Minute Craft Christmas at home - Duration: 11:55.


First Medal of Honor in Vietnam War - 12/5/1964 - Duration: 0:55.

Today in military history 1964,

Captain Roger Donlon is awarded the first Medal of Honor

for action in the Vietnam War.

On July 6th, 1964, Captain Donlon of the U.S. Army

was manning Camp Nam Dong near Laos and North Vietnam

when he and his Special Forces team were attacked

by the Vietcong.

He was shot in the stomach, but he stanched the bleeding

with his belt and a scrap of fabric and kept fighting.

He was wounded repeatedly but continued to fight,

launching mortar rounds and grenades

at the hordes of attackers.

When the battle was won, 154 Vietcong were dead,

along with at least 50 South Vietnamese soldiers

and Nung mercenaries and two Americans.

Donlon was evacuated to a hospital in Saigon

where he spent a month in recovery

before completing his six month tour with his men.

To date, 261 Americans have been awarded the Medal of Honor

for action during the Vietnam War,

at least 150 of them posthumously.

For more infomation >> First Medal of Honor in Vietnam War - 12/5/1964 - Duration: 0:55.


عــــــــاجل: الملك يقيم مأدبة عشاء على شرف رئيس الوزراء البرتغالي - Duration: 2:23.

For more infomation >> عــــــــاجل: الملك يقيم مأدبة عشاء على شرف رئيس الوزراء البرتغالي - Duration: 2:23.


Lucian X Jupe - Love & Leave (ft. Tim Moyo) - Duration: 3:19.

Lucian X Jupe - Love & Leave (ft. Tim Moyo)

For more infomation >> Lucian X Jupe - Love & Leave (ft. Tim Moyo) - Duration: 3:19.


Бутерброд с шпротами. Вкусный бутерброд за 5 минут. - Duration: 1:21.

For more infomation >> Бутерброд с шпротами. Вкусный бутерброд за 5 минут. - Duration: 1:21.


THIS IS HOME - A Film By The Faction Collective - Full Movie - Duration: 46:24.


What is home?

Is it a place?

A destination?

Or a feeling?

It could be something you imagine.

Or something you return to.

Somewhere you know better than anyone in the world.

A place you only share with friends.

A place that shapes you,

that defines you.

A place where you know the secret spots.


is there more to it than that?

This is one team's journey

to see if we can find out.

I think growing up in the mountains they say you can either

love the weather

or suffer.

Yeah growing up in Montana was great.

Good snow, good tree skiing.

We've got the coolest mountains around.

We call them the foothills of the Canadian rookies.

It's right where they start getting big.

cliffy and fun.

My name is Adam Delorme and,

this is home.

My name is Antti Ollila,

and this is home.

I think you should just do one front flip for the boys.

I'm not that good at front flips!

You'll be fine.


I would say Alta is pretty unique,

because it's set in big mountains.

But there is so many

like rollers and jumps

that all the skiers coming out of Alta have a pretty

playful style.

And for me being a big mountain skier

I've learned a lot from kids jumping and playing around Alta

and I've tried to implement that a bit into my big mountain skiing:

trying to find cliffs that have trickable takeoffs,

or things like that.

My one favorite part about Little Cottonwood

is driving into my house,

is right where the big granite walls get all steep and it's like,

just a gateway into paradise, basically.

Every time I get home it's like,

hell yeah, this is sick.

My name is Johnny Collinson

and this is home.


Is there any better place than home,

to pass down your knowledge?

To share your passion?

Imagine knocking at someone's door.

Someone who would welcome you,

and show you how it gets it done at home.

My name is Daniel Hanka

and this is home.

If you grew up in the mountains, you don't have the same mentality as

people that are growing up in a town.

I don't want to say that it's bad or good

in a certain way but it's really...

As you grow up in the mountains,

your decisions are always,

winding around the conditions in the mountains.

It's really the mountains that are shaping the skier.

I think you have this playground at home, that is really

building you and building your own style of skiing.

So it's definitely, yeah, shaping yourself.

Also growing up in Zermatt,

I'm a skier since I was 3 years old.

And then having that access to the mountains as an alpinist

shows you the huge potential you have as a skier and

of course

you start on a small slope, you're jumping around in the ski area

but then you see the Weisshorn or the Matterhorn,

and I think it's human being that you want to go further,

and the top here are those 4000 meters peaks.

And I just want to ski them.

My name is Sam Anthamatten

and this is home.


what is home then?

Someone once told me

"You never really reach home.

But when you find yourself on a perfect path,

the whole world can looks like home, for a time."

Born more from who you are and where you want to be.

Not always just dictated by your environment.

It's a state of mind.

Constantly shaped by the people you meet,

the friends you make.

We are The Faction Collective

and this is home.

For more infomation >> THIS IS HOME - A Film By The Faction Collective - Full Movie - Duration: 46:24.


Review Survival Clock Emak ITA +SUB - Duration: 2:10.

Hello Guys!

Welcome to my new video

I'm Perceval and today we are here

with a Review

a simple but beautiful Review

that will be upload probably before


Day in wich i sayed that i'd restart to make videos

the protagonist of this Review will be a Survival Clock

and in this survival Clock there are some Survival gears incorporated

that can help in an Emergency Situation

For first there is

a beautiful whistle

a beautiful whistle that work great

and for this i wont try to use it

After this,we have a Compass...

...a thermometer...

(it is an interesting gear in my opinion)

...a Fire Steel...

...and a little knife that can be used

as a scraper and

as a striker for the fire steel

after this

other gear that i haven't nominated

but that they are obvious

are a Clock

the principal gear

and this beautiful paracord

of a nice color

the Survival Clock

i think that it works great

it was a good purchase for his price

and also nice

i've bought it on Amazon

and his price was 14 euros

So,the review ends here

Bye Bye

Au revoir!

For more infomation >> Review Survival Clock Emak ITA +SUB - Duration: 2:10.


Seal System guide (Tips and cautions) - Digimon Masters Online - Duration: 5:11.

For more infomation >> Seal System guide (Tips and cautions) - Digimon Masters Online - Duration: 5:11.


DIY Adorno navideño de Papá Noel o Santa Claus en goma eva, fácil y rápido - Duration: 4:50.

For more infomation >> DIY Adorno navideño de Papá Noel o Santa Claus en goma eva, fácil y rápido - Duration: 4:50.


Godziny Szczytu Sezonu quaza - Prolog - Duration: 3:00.

For more infomation >> Godziny Szczytu Sezonu quaza - Prolog - Duration: 3:00.


Fishing WILD SUBMERGED Florest with Land Rover - Duration: 7:43.

good morning

it's freezing

today I will fishing with a friend Pedro Fonseca

sh$t I dropped the microphone

today I will fish with Pedro, you'r there in the dark

I'm passing a transition phase

for now,I will not fish for predatores

but you will know how, soon

let's setup the material, and fish in a submerged florest

and show you something different, fishing with boilies ( home made )

let's see

the kind of fishing we are doing

do you see this ?

all this sticks in the water

we are fishing near them

where the fish is confident to eat

I wish you could smell it

it's hand rolled, then cooked for like 4 minutes

the boilie goes here, and we stop with a stopper

something really basic, look so beautiful

they will suck it and get hooked

when you ear this, it's good sign

Pedro: don't slack it

Pedro: don't push to much

Pedro:it's really stuck isn't it ?

It's really stuck

Pedro was able to remove from the obstacles

the net is not here

Pedro: it's a good barbel

still with the boilie hooked

this one wasn't anywhere.. what a hookset

sorry for being so agressive

he must be exausted

You know what this remindes me ?

the prisioners asking for food in the jail

Pedro: you'r going to let drop the plate


this is going to melt ?

Pedro:this plates can handle 1000º temperatures

Pedro: oh #$% I'm burning

nice, pull it from the obstacles

Pedro: was stucked

30 minutes, first run

it''s a shame to photograf such a small carp

it's done another fishing day

we got 4 runs and 2 fishes landed

we were expecting more

worst was if we didn't land any fish

soon I will explain the reason why I'm not fishing for predators

it's for a good reason, and you will know it

thanks for watching

stay awesome

and cya next time

For more infomation >> Fishing WILD SUBMERGED Florest with Land Rover - Duration: 7:43.


Какой-то топовый вдиос - Duration: 4:46.

For more infomation >> Какой-то топовый вдиос - Duration: 4:46.


Efe Koçyiğit Sosyete Yemeklerini Yorumluyor - Duration: 3:57.

For more infomation >> Efe Koçyiğit Sosyete Yemeklerini Yorumluyor - Duration: 3:57.


The Muppets did 9/11 - Duration: 2:06.

(playful music) - [Narrator] Hiya kids!

Today's video is brought to you by the numbers nine,

and eleven, as in--


The Muppets have raised generation after generation,

with their TV antics, and beloved films.

One you might remember is,

A Very Merry Muppet Christmas Movie,

which features a scene where Kermit the Frog

is visited by an angel, and wishes that he was never born.

- I wish I had never been born!

- [Narrator] This poofs the Frog into an alternate reality,

where he never existed, and his friends are much worse off.

The icing, being a visit to Miss Piggy, who,

without Kermit, has devolved into a crazy cat lady.

Hey, look at that, it's the World Trade Center.



(laughing) Well, well, that's strange.

So, in the universe where Kermit was never born,

the World Trade Center would still exist in 2002.

But we're not implying that the Muppets

somehow caused 9-11, are we?! (laughing)

(ominous music) That's exactly

what we're implying, think about it.

Bert showed up in a pro-Bin Laden protest,

in Bangladesh, a mere month after 9-11.

We laughed it off like it (bleep) baby cake.

But what if they were telling us something?

What if they've always been trying to tell us something?

The Muppets have had their pilly, felt hands

in countless national disasters, that I will now count.

Elmo and Sadam, Elmo and the Unibomber.

Big Bird and the (bleep) Challenger explosion, kids.

9-11 was a Muppet caper!

- We should be ashamed of ourselves.

- Yeah.

- [Narrator] But now, we have the proof.

Our hands are up their assess, and we are balling our fists.

You need to calm down!

You want to know what the Rainbow Connection is?!


That's from Genesis 9:11, read between the (bleep) lines.

(computer crackling)

For more infomation >> The Muppets did 9/11 - Duration: 2:06.


Attraktive Körpersprache in Clubs - Duration: 5:11.

For more infomation >> Attraktive Körpersprache in Clubs - Duration: 5:11.


Teaching Kids About Money - Can Kids Make Money? - Duration: 10:44.

Would it be really empowering to you to know that your kids can handle and make

and create with money? I'm Lauren King Gilson, mother of eight children, twelve

grandchildren, as well as a financial professional and someone who's worked

with families for lots of years around money

and I'm excited to share with you great creative ways that you can involve your

children in making money and teaching them how to use money.

So have you ever watched your kids like just like squander money or maybe you have a child

who won't save money or won't spend money at all. I've had a live eight kids so I

have a lot of variety of personalities with children and money but I also have

some really fun things that I've learned to do with my kids to really teach them

about money so I want to share some of those with you but to start out with,

I want to just share a couple of stories because I think it illustrates how

powerful what we do in our families and with our kids, how long-lasting those

experiences can be. So I have a really good friend who I hike with and I asked

her the other day because she's very good with her money and she keeps track

of it and I mean she tends to be kind of that way anyway but I said,

share with me your first experiences about money with your family and so she

said when she was twelve years old, her parents came to her and said, "Hey we'd

like to kind of show you our family budget and just let you be a part of it."

And so they did, they showed her everything that was going and then they

invited her to come in and help manage that and as a 12 year old, she was like

so inspired. My parents have all this confidence in me and so for her, it

was just like this really big ego boosting thing and what it instilled

with her was this belief that managing and being involved as money was fun and

it meant she was responsible and good so it just had a really really positive

impact on her that continued with her into adulthood. And then I have my

husband who kind of had a little bit of an adversarial relationship with his

mother to begin with and tends to be a little bit more

spontaneous and a little bit more of a spender with his money and he got his

first job at 14 and got paid and went and spent his money and the next morning

went to his mom and said, "Hey I need money for lunch." And she said, "No you have

your own job now." And he was like, "But I spent all my money." And so she said,

"You're going to sit down and you're going to count for every single penny that you

spent." Well some of that's his personality some of those is like

relationship with his mother but that was such a negative experience for him,

that tracking and all that to him and somebody was trying to control them,

it was just a really negative experience that followed him into his adult life

with money. So what we do with our kids and how we interact and handle money

with them will have really does set a tone for how they're gonna handle their

money. Now I mean, as parents we have our own ways of doing money and they might

not always be a fit for our kids and I have definitely seen that with my

children, I have some who are cautious and who are very careful and then I have

others who are not and they get to learn lessons kind of through the hard way.

So let me just share with you some of the things that I've done to expose my

children because I don't know that they're actually really

managing their money well because they're all in the process of learning

but I just want to share with you some things that I've learned and some things

I've done to expose my children to money conversations and money principles.

So one of the fun ones is, I have jars for them and so they have in their jars

allocated the areas where they need to spend their money or where they

save or spend everything to me is its spending, it's when are you going to spend

it because it's a different mindset in approaching money. So part of that is

that I want them to save for what their needs are, have some extra money so

that they have that spontaneous spending that's available for them. I want them to

be in the habit of sharing and giving and donating so that they are grateful

and in that place of service all the time and then also ways to build their

skills and their mindset and their skill set and so I have them set up their jars

accordingly and on the front of all the jars it says,

"I'm a money magnet" So one of the really fun things that we do, I do with my kids

and my grandkids anytime anyone finds money, they go "I am a money magnet"

because that money is coming to their life so what I want them to know is that

money flows to them and to be grateful and so anytime they find it, that's what

they do they hold it and say "I'm a money magnet" and so on these jars, it says,

"I'm a money magnet" That's teaching them that money does flow and that money is

attracted to them because we often have really weird messages around money and

repelling money instead of being open to receive it. So this is one of the things

that we do, I just have them put their money here so that they can see it

because there's something fun about visually seeing it but it also helps

them to put it into categories that are important to them and help them to

manage it. Now another thing that we've done is if families is find all kinds of

opportunities and ways we can make money as a family and make money as a part of

our family culture so we've done fun things like, we've done firework stands

where we sat down as a family and said, okay we're gonna do this project, let me

decide what we're going to use the money for, we're going to decide if we're going to,

we've done it where it was like, we're going to do this project, we're going to take

all the money and we're going to go to Disneyland or we've done projects like

Christmas tree stands where it was like, okay we're going to take this money and

we're going to divide it up and we decide how much everyone needs and the

important part is that everyone gets a part to play but they're paid according

to what they contribute so it's not an equal pay sharing and it's a,

if you equal work, you get equal pay but it's teaching them that they are

entitled to the fruits of their own labor but not the fruits of other

people's labors and so but gives them the opportunity to do that. Like when we

were doing running phone books and delivering phone books, the younger kids

sat in the car and took the plastic off and put it into the bags and then the

other kids ran and some drove cars so it's just finding ways as a family that

we can create money together where everyone is allowed to contribute and

everyone has that opportunity to earn and that's really important for kids,

most kids are like super excited about the possibilities of earning money and

so if we are teaching them by giving them opportunities, we can do that and

that also as a parent helps us to be aware of things that are opportunity.

We've done crazy things, you've done buy, you know, glaser swords and go out to the

fourth of July and sell them for a dollar. So there's just all kinds of ways

away you can always be teaching and encouraging your children to be creative,

to manage, to learn, to accept money and to expect money and to be grateful for

money and then more than anything else as a parent, watch how you talk about

money, watch your beliefs and what you say around money because what you do and

what they hear from you is going to have more influence over them going forward

than anything else. Phrases like "We can't afford that."

instead of saying "Well we choose to do this with our money." Those kind of

phrases tend to create scarcity in our children so the whole conversation, even

my kids know today is like, "Mom I need forty dollars. What can I do?"

We don't ever have never handed out money to our kids, they know they can come with

an idea like, "Hey mom, if I mow the lawn, will you pay me X?" or "Hey mom, if I change

all the circuits and the electrical circuits in the house will you pay me X?"

And so the conversation is, I don't need money, it's mom this is what I'm willing

to do and we negotiate. I always try to negotiate the

price because I want them to feel value. I know the value of the job but then I

want to teach them to also learn, not only that they have value but that the

market has a limit on what those values are and so it we always try to pay them

in accordance to the market value but also giving them that opportunity to

value themselves and learn that they get to create and they get to choose

how much they get paid within that, so it teaches them to just be creative to

honor themselves but to be street smart and business smart that there are some

jobs that just are only worth X amount of dollars. So those are just some of the

ideas that we have done to teach our children about managing money and then

once again, I mean, every kid is so different and personalities are so

different, the best thing we can do as parents is to watch. First of all, how are

we managing our money, how are we talking about money, what's the culture in our

homes around money, are we teaching independence, are we teaching a good work

ethic, are we teaching them correct business and employ a principal.

So they know how to work hard, they don't feel entitled but also that you

feel really empowered, that they have that ability to create and using their

minds and their skills and their intuition that they can actually value

and create and have the money that they need. So hopefully, you're ready to take

your family into some exciting adventures around being entrepreneurs,

making money and having some fun with kids and money.

Thanks for watching, make sure you subscribe so that you can great get

future videos and I would love to hear of any ideas that you have to share with

others about how to make money with your kids.

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