Thứ Hai, 4 tháng 12, 2017

Waching daily Dec 5 2017

Is this IU TV?

Oh, it's not, then I will keep my distance

Can I set my voice tone to average?

Today, I had a photo shoot for the calendar


Hello, I'm IU

Today, I had a photo shoot for the calendar

I had

I did


it was an indoor photo shoot

So I was worried that I can't show you a lot

But wow

There are so many

A wide variety of images of me were taken

You can expect them



Great work

Woo- it's done

Among the photo shoots for season's greeting

today's was the most expected one for me

Please look forward to it

For more infomation >> 아이유(IU) 2018 Calendar Preview - Duration: 1:40.


President Trump Completely Cleared By House Intelligence Chairman! - Duration: 1:56.

President Trump Completely Cleared By House Intelligence Chairman!

The fact that this is a story in the first place is completely ludicrous but just like

we all knew President Trump and his camp have all been cleared of any collusion with Russia

by the House Intelligence Committee!

The Democrats and mainstream media are going to have a terrible week after this one but

surely they will find up some other insane story to try and make Trump look bad.

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes made the announcement earlier today.

When asked if they had discovered any collusion between President Trump and Russia during

the election he responded very simply and in a way that not even the Democrats or lying

liberal media could twist.


According to The Hill:

"I'll give you a very simple answer: 'No,' " Nunes said.

"Up to speed on everything I have up to this morning.

No evidence of collusion."

Nunes was also asked whether he thinks there are elements inside the intelligence community

or FBI leaking information to undercut the Trump presidency.

"It's pretty clear that that's happening," he said.

"There's even been stories written about it in numerous newspapers talking about how

they said they left breadcrumbs around to hurt the Trump administration."

Hopefully this will clear the entire mess up so the country can move on and continue

to prosper under our rightfully elected president.

Leave this to the mainstream media to try and twist or try and throw doubt on the announcement

but the jury is out and they are just lying like they have been since Trump decided to


We can't let them do that so it is up to us to make sure that the message stays as

clear as Devin Nunes said it.


What do you think about this?

Please Share this news everywhere so our country can move on!

Scroll down to comment below and don't forget to subscribe top stories today.

For more infomation >> President Trump Completely Cleared By House Intelligence Chairman! - Duration: 1:56.


INDIA or CHINA - Which Country Is Better? - Duration: 10:02.

India and China are the two most populated countries in the world

Located in South Asia India is a seventh largest country by area

And it's the second most

populous country China sits at number one in terms of population and both countries house a third of the world's total population

How's it going? Everyone welcome back to another episode of FTD facts?

This is another which is better episode, India and China

It's gonna be real exciting and before we get into this episode guys

I want to know India or China, which country is better. Let me know down below

So we just talked a little bit about

population in the intro of this video and India's population totals 1.3 4 billion people

And it's the second most populated country in the world and the population density sits at 450 people per square kilometer

Now in China the population is at 1.4 billion people with a population density of

150 people per square kilometer in terms of land size area

India sits at 3.2 H 7 million square kilometers

which is equal to one point two six square miles and

China is at nine point five million square kilometers

Which is three point seven square miles and now since we got that out of the way now

I want to move on to life expectancy in both of these countries in India

it's at sixty eight point five years for males at sixty seven point three years and for females at sixteen nine point eight years and

the total life expectancy in China is

76 point one years with females being at 78 point one and the males being at 74 point one years

So they got a few years above India there

Let's take a look at the religion now from these two countries so in India

There's no favoritism by the state given to any sort of religion at all however neither India's Constitution

or its laws define any kind of relationship between religion and the state

So it's kind of unclear where India sits, but for the most part. They're considered a secular nation

But when we get into the specifics of what religions people follow in India 80% of the people follow

Hindu and in terms of religion in China the folk religion is at seventy three point five six percent of people

Buddhism is at fifteen percent and

Christianity sits at two point five three percent in China

So we knew these nations are big

They're powerful, and they have a lot of people in them, but what sort of money are they dealing with

The GDP in India is nine point four eight nine trillion, US dollars

And in China that number is twenty three point one two trillion dollars

And that works out to be sixteen thousand six hundred and twenty-four dollars per capita

The currency that China uses is a renminbi and India uses the Indian rupee

India's national debt works out to be one point zero nine trillion, US dollars

Interest per year is a seventy one point nine billion u.s.. Dollars, which works out to be two thousand two hundred eighty two

dollars per second of interest now China's debt totals at four point six trillion, US dollars

And the interest on that debt is one hundred and fifty three point six billion dollars per year

Which is four thousand eight hundred seventy three dollars per

Second of interest now when you look at China

and you take the population of 1.4 billion people and if you divide the total debt by the

Population amount the total debt per person is a little over three thousand US dollars

And if you were to take dollar bills and stack them up on top of each other with that amount of debt it would pile

Up to be five hundred and six thousand five hundred fifteen

Kilometers high and that works out to be one point three two trips to the moon. Okay now

This is probably one my favorite parts in these which is better episodes for countries when I mash up the military power

China is one of the most powerful countries

they ranked third place in the world and their available manpower seven hundred fifty million with a total military personnel of

3.7 million people in terms of aircraft they have

2955 they have six thousand four hundred fifty seven combat tanks and

1770 rocket projectors China has 69 submarines in their knavery

51 frigates thirty five destroyers thirty-five Corvettes

But only one aircraft carrier and the labor force in China is completely off the charts

Like it's so huge eight hundred and five million nine hundred thousand people

Now moving on to India so India has the third largest

military in the world in terms of active

Frontline personnel so not the most powerful just the largest

But when you put them on the scale of global military power they ranked fourth

India's total defense budget sits at fifty three point five billion dollars, but that's gonna go way up

India's Ministry of Defense says India will need two hundred and thirty three billion dollars to meet its arms and equipment requirements in eleven years

So that's gonna be more than

Triple what they're spending now on their military

But either way India still is an advantage because in late 2016

India completed its nuclear triad by adding a strategic nuclear submarine I&S Air Han in its military

India has become one of the only countries to do this

And if you're not familiar with the term nuclear triad well that refers to a country's ability to launch nuclear

Warheads from the land the sky as well as from the sea

Now when we look at their film and entertainment industry

Bollywood in India is of course a large part of the cinema in India in

2016 last year Bollywood earned two point four billion dollars u.s.. Cinema in China was introduced back in

1896 and China is a home of the largest

movie and drama production complex and film studios in the entire world the oriental movie metropolis and the


world studios and in 2010 it had the third largest film industry by the number of feature films produced in one

year in 2016 the total box office earnings in China was six point five eight billion dollars US

But with crossover and collaboration with Bollywood and Hollywood

happening a lot more frequently

Indian cinema is also a lot more in the limelight than Chinese cinema

now when we go back in history and take a look at some of the inventions and contributions by the

Chinese we see that China has contributed a lot to science and technology

Like some amazing achievements by the Chinese include the compass paper making the gunpowder

Printing and yeah these discoveries just naming a few of them had a huge impact on all the cultures throughout the world

But India has also had some amazing

Discoveries and inventions throughout their history as well like the invention of shampoo started in India as well as in the year

1780 we saw the first inventions of rockets started in India as well

And also these things right here, I don't know if you can see but like this thing here the button on my shirt

Yeah, buttons were also invented in India first, so there you go guys

That was your side-by-side comparison with these two giant powerhouse of countries

China and India

But before I get out of here

You will need to check out our facts about India video series where we dive deeper into the history and culture of

India we also have two dedicated videos on Chinese history and culture as well that you can check out the links are down below to

Those videos of course we couldn't fit all the information about India and China in this video, so we do have dedicated videos

I highly recommend

watching them again the links to those videos are down below and learn more about the history and culture of India as well as a

History and culture of China in closing although tensions, surrounding the so called line of actual control

which separates India from China has really increased in recent days there has really been no extreme attacks from either sides because

Of this China and India have both historically been and perhaps can still be seen as the centers of

civilization in Asia up in Northeast Asia and some Southeast Asian countries

Historically are influenced by Chinese culture and that can easily be seen

similarly Indian culture could be traced in many South and Southeast Asian countries don't forget guys

You can follow me on Instagram of course link to that is in the video description and of course

Let me know before you leave. What country. Do you think is better, India or China?


Thank you guys so much for watching and don't forget to check out more of our which is better episodes

We have a playlist here with all of those videos for you

And don't miss our India and China facts videos you guys have been awesome, and I'll see you real soon in another video

For more infomation >> INDIA or CHINA - Which Country Is Better? - Duration: 10:02.


Common Wrongly used English phrases – Free English Speaking Lessons | Speak Fluent English - Duration: 11:39.

For more infomation >> Common Wrongly used English phrases – Free English Speaking Lessons | Speak Fluent English - Duration: 11:39.


Yemen's ex-president Saleh shot dead - Duration: 1:58.

Yemeni rebels have killed their onetime ally and former president Ali Abdullah Saleh,...

as they gained the upper hand in days of fighting with his forces for control of the capital,


Ro Aram has the details.

Saleh's death has thrown Yemen's nearly 3-year-old civil war into unpredictable new chaos.

He was reported to have been killed by Houthi rebels on Monday in an attack south of the

capital, Sanaa, as he tried to abandon them in favor of a Saudi-led coalition.

Saleh's death was announced by the Houthis and confirmed by two of his associates and

a Yemeni government official.

However, the exact circumstances were unclear.

Until recently, his loyalists had been fighting alongside the Houthis in a war against the

current president, Abdrabbuh Mansour Hadi.

But a dispute over control of Sanaa's biggest mosque on Wednesday triggered armed clashes.

In a televised speech, the Houthis' leader hailed Saleh's death as a victory against

the Saudi-led bloc and a failed conspiracy of betrayal and treason.

Meanwhile, Hadi's forces, trying to take advantage of the collapse of the alliance, announced

they would march on Sanaa.

But even without Saleh's loyalists, the rebels remain a powerful force and it is unclear

how much the break with Saleh weakens them.

A major question now will be whether his loyalists - and tribes that support him - can rally

to fight the Houthis after his death.

Hopes of peace in the proxy war in Yemen between Saudi Arabia and Iran is now likely over,

with bloodshed expected to continue.

Caught in the crossfire....the capital's civilians...

Witnesses say their bodies, along with those of the fighters, litter the streets as no

ambulances were able to reach the area.

The International Committee of the Red Cross said at least 125 people had been killed and

more than 230 people injured since clashes broke out on Friday.

Ro Aram, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> Yemen's ex-president Saleh shot dead - Duration: 1:58.


Nuclear experts suggest Hwasong-15 missile may be able to avoid interception by THAAD - Duration: 1:45.

North Korea launched its most powerful missile to date last month,... and according to a

U.S. arms expert, that missile might have the ability to use decoys to help it evade

the THAAD missile defense system, posing an even greater risk to the rest of the world.

Park Soyun reports.

North Korea's latest missile launch last month was the most powerful to date, demonstrating

that North Korea has the technology to reach anywhere in the United States.

But as well as that, North Korea's Hwasong-15 missile could have the capability to carry

decoys due to its increased size.

According to Michael Elleman, a senior fellow for missile defense at International Institute

for Strategic Studies, the enlarged Hwasong 15 has a warhead and the second stage propeller,

which is considerably bigger than the previously tested missile, leading to concerns that the

Hwasong-15 could carry simple decoys to deceive the US missile defense system.

However, Elleman further claimed that it was uncertain whether North Korea tested its ability

to avoid the THAAD defense system in the recent missile test.

He emphasized that Hwasong 15 was not a modified version of Hwasong 14, but a completely new


The U.S. missile defense system consists of a complex system of radar stations and interceptors.

It's supposed to detect an ICBM as soon as it's launched, but it isn't always able to

detect every missile and fails to destroy every target missile during tests.

In response to the North's latest test, the United States is searching for a new site

along the west coast of the U.S. to deploy an extra THAAD battery.

Park Soyun, Arirang News

For more infomation >> Nuclear experts suggest Hwasong-15 missile may be able to avoid interception by THAAD - Duration: 1:45.




Merrry Xxxxxxxxxxx


xxxxmas , and a verry warm welcome

To todays video

Today, we are going to put on the fanciest nerd gloves

The fastest reflexes and

And the best...errr.... weapon skins

one can get in the whold

Because! we are going to jump

Together with Elliot from Battlefrontupdates

and check out what he got in a package from little meee....

And we are going to see that now.

Hello everybody, my name is Elliot or Battlefrontupdates

And today we are going to open up a present from PStaffan

I have ofcourse also a rhyme here i will read

I accually have, this one I got last year from PStaffan's christmas present

it has really come to use

a bit of keys and what not

And i have upgraded my sweather this year from the moose sweather

an accually star wars christmas sweather

in which i am really happy over

but lets see here, we do the rhyme then

Here we have a nice PStaffan (Santa)

And a Reindeer i think it is.. yeah ofcourse

If you feel yourself on the light side one day

can theese be good to have, scrub and lather freely when you take a shower or having a bath, yeah the choice is yours


*more mumbles*

So it sounds like it is...

Light side make me think it's some kind of lamp..

but "lather".. Could it be a lamp that you have in the shower? or what?

the Light side one day

lather freely when you shower or taking a bath

or maybe a sponge with lamps in it, i don not really know

Something with light and something that you could have in the shower

Something waterproof i'm guessing, well i hope so, *hehe*

So lets open the present and see if my guess is fairly correct

or if iäm compleatly out cycling

what is this...?

Smart to tape them toghether like this so that you cant

see what it is from the outside

I can see that it says Star Wars anyway so he must adapted the gift for me this year too.

let's see now..

there now..

*mumbles lets see what this is*

Darth Vader and Stormtrooper Soap on a rope

Check this out

It's soap as i understand it with Darth Vader and Stormtrooper obviusly

Soap on a rope, yeah its..

But what did he mean with...

Ah, if you feel yourself on the "light side"

Light side of the force, why didn't i think of that

Although he should had written the dark side, since this isn't the light side.. (NOTE:NO, you are supposed to clean the light side off by using the dark side soap ;) )


It will probably be useful, smart

smart with the ropes so you dont have to put them on the floor.

since it could be a bit crowded

on the faucet

with all the bottles and so on

so a Big thanks for them PStaffan, really appreciated

I hope all of you have a really great continuation in December

And of course a Merry Christmas


Just think about getting a nice body lotion, creamy

Soap (Tvål in swedish)

Soap then, that you could

rub all over when you feel

"now i have been a bit on the light side" i better take my

Darth Vader and rub it all over my little body

So it becomes compleatly Darth again

Yeah, And if you didn't knew it

it about time for a new Star Wars movie , it has soon premiere

and i'm going to see it and it's going to be soo good.

oooohhh it itches on the stomach

Oh that was good

Alright, we take a look at a Rhyme i say

Hello and welcome back to the Rhyme cabin again

You who likes to drink alot of punch,

here you get a large bouwl

thats a really good rhyme and something that is really good

thats what i think anyhow...

that it's a good rhyme

And now we are going to have a Rhyme for tomorrows youtuber

the person maby dont thyme on Malt

but i'm pretty sure the person eating Palt (raw potatos mushed)

Thats a good rhyme, yould you figure out who it is, write a comment.

What a good rhyme

It's not everybody that can Rhyme soo good as my little

Rhyme cabin man can do

do you want to see battlefrontupdates channes

well then, you have his channel here.

and do you want to see more

santas, trolls and other fun things

well then you have my channel right here

Dont forget to write a comment, that is always fun.



VCAM(브이캠) EP.13_VAV Season Greeting Event - Duration: 6:34.

BaRon - He is our Simba. Simba! 它是我们的辛巴. 辛巴!

Ziu - He seems hungry? 肚子饿的眼神?

Lou - A hungry human can always sense someone else's hunger!!! 果然饥饿的人能够轻易察觉出他人的饥饿感!!!

Ziu - Someone told me that both of us looks alike. Do you think so? 有人说我和辛巴长得很像. 真的吗?

BaRon - Yes! 有像!

Ayno - Today BaRon looks fresh! 今天BaRon哥看起来很清新爽朗!

BaRon - Tell me you like me~~~ 告诉我你喜欢我~~~

Ayno - Try to do that "Come and catch me" scene! 你试下做那个 "来抓我"!

BaRon - Come and catch me~ 快来抓我~

Ayno - Gotcha! 抓到了!

BaRon - Save me! 救命啊!

Ayno - Which one is Lou's face??? Where is it? Lou的脸在哪儿呢??? 在哪儿?

Lou - Here! 在这里!

Ayno - I don't know who is talking now! 到底是谁在说话啊!

Ace - Spike!!! 击球!!!

Ace - Fly higher! Higher! 高一点! 再高一点!

Ayno - I will try to go inside! 我要尝试躲进里面!

Lou - Ayno is trying to squeeze himself into it! Ayno在努力把自己塞进去!

Ayno - I like to play football but other members don't really like it. 我个人喜欢足球, 但是成员们似乎不太喜欢.

See! All the big kids are playing with a small ball~ 看吧. 一群大小孩在玩一个小球呢~

St.Van - Please take as much as nice pictures~ Thank you~ 今天的拍摄就拜托各位了~ 给我们拍多一点漂亮的照片哦~

St.Van - Speak louder! Our fans are all here! 说大声一点! 粉丝们都在呢!

Ziu - It feels good to be able to interact with you all closely. I tried to take picture of our members too. 可以近距离和粉丝们见面感觉好开心. 我也试着给成员拍照哦.

It's really fun. Ou fans even teach me how to take picture! 这样一起进行拍摄非常有趣. 粉丝还教我呢!

Lou - Simba did a good job today too~ 今天我们的辛巴也辛苦了~

Ziu - Simba, good job~~ 辛巴, 辛苦了~~

Lou - He refuse to kiss you~ 看来它不想亲你~

Lou - How you feel today? 今天感觉如何?

Jacob - Today? Great! 今天? 感觉很好!

Lou - Describe more~ 什么呢~ 说明一下~

Jacob - Our fans are great! 粉丝们很棒, 很好!

Jacob - I love you! 我爱你!

Lou - Thanks all of you who attended and take pictures for us. 谢谢大家为我们拍摄.

Ziu - Today season greeting shooting is so much fun. I hope we will have similar event in future. 今天能够和VAMPZ一起进行拍摄, 真的好有趣. 如果以后也有类似的活动就好了.

VAMPZ! Good job! I love you! You all worked hard today~ Simba too~ 各位VAMPZ! 辛苦了, 我爱你们! 辛巴也辛苦了~

Ayno - I was little bit sad because we can't meet with our fans often during broadcast recording… 本来还因为打歌的时候不能和粉丝们多见面, 还觉得可惜呢...

I am feeling great​! Hope there's more similar event like today! Please come and join us more in future~ 希望以后会有更多像今天一样的活动, 感觉很棒的一天! 下次有机会也要来参与哦~

St.Van - Thank you. We enjoyed today so much. 谢谢大家. 今天是很开心的一天.

Let's create more unforgettable memories together in future! 我们以后也要一起制造更多难忘的回忆!

BaRon - First of all today is so much fun! We will use today picture to make 2018 calendar! 首先今天真的很有趣! 我们会用今天拍摄的照片制作2018年日历嘛!

It's going to be a very meaningful calendar for me, each picture will remind me of today. 明年一个月一个月地翻日历的时候, 看着每张照片回想起现今天的时刻, 真的特别有意义!

Ace - Receive my positive energy!!! 让我给大家发"气"!!!

For more infomation >> VCAM(브이캠) EP.13_VAV Season Greeting Event - Duration: 6:34.


SIMULATOR in Get square MOUSE Pet Escape ROBLOX escapes cartoon game for kids - Duration: 8:47.

For more infomation >> SIMULATOR in Get square MOUSE Pet Escape ROBLOX escapes cartoon game for kids - Duration: 8:47.


National Assembly to vote on government's 2018 budget - Duration: 3:00.

We start with the long-awaited breakthrough at South Korea's parliament.

After rival political parties on Monday reached a tentative agreement over the budget for

next year,... the revised bill will be put up for a full-floor vote today.

Three days late,... but it seems the budget bill is on course to get the green light.

For more,... we connect to our political correspondent Kim Min-ji, standing by at the National Assembly.

Kim Min-ji,... we hear the budget vote has been delayed?

That's right, Mark.

The National Assembly was supposed to vote on the 2018 budget proposal during a plenary

session this morning.

However,... the parliament's budget committee is still fine-tuning the details of the proposal,...

so as of now it seems vote will take place later in the afternoon,.. or in the evening.

((The plenary session however convened as planned -- where lawmakers voted on subordinate

budget bills.

The meeting has adjourned for now,... and will resume once the proposal is ready.))

In order for the budget to pass,... it requires majority support.

The ruling Democratic Party of Korea is short of a majority with 121 seats,... so cooperation

from the opposition is essential.

The budget vote comes three days after the legal deadline of December second came and


The three main political parties reached a tentative agreement last night,... which came

after marathon talks.

The main opposition Liberty Korea Party said despite the compromise, they are still opposed

to key contentious issues.

Yes, in fact, the agreement came after grueling talks lasting days -- and there had been quite

a few sticky points.

Walk us through the compromise they reached on Monday.

Well, the most contentious issue had been the creation of public sector jobs.

The ruling party had initially wanted to add more than 12-thousand,... while the opposition

demanded the figure be slashed.

Rival parties finalized the figure at 9,475... and that the labor force in the public sector

also to be redistributed.

Another area of contention was the 2-point-7 billion dollars to be set aside for small

companies to cushion the fallout from next year's hefty minimum wage hike.

Rival parties agreed to keep the budget as it is for 2018,... but said the cash support

will be changed to indirect forms, like tax cuts."

The stability fund for 2019 cannot exceed the figure set aside for next year.

For child benefits and basic pensions,... the rival parties agreed to have the programs

start later in the year,... as well as change the criteria for those eligible.

As for the much-disputed tax reform proposal -- they agreed to raise the corporate tax

rate to 25 percent... for businesses with taxable profit of more than 300 million dollars,...

instead of the 200 million proposed by the government.

That's basically the gist of it,... now we will have to wait what decision the parties

actually make.

Back to you.

For more infomation >> National Assembly to vote on government's 2018 budget - Duration: 3:00.


PM Lee orders ministries to reassess safety of fishing vessels following accident - Duration: 0:53.

Prime Minister Lee Nak-yon has expressed his condolences to the families of the 13 people

who lost their lives last weekend when their fishing vessel capsized after colliding with

a tanker off Korea's western coast.

He ordered relevant ministries to fully take care of the matter.

(Korean) "The oceans and fisheries ministry and other

related ministries should reassess whether rescue plans are properly executed, and if

not, come-up with contingency measures to deal with such accidents."

During Tuesday's Cabinet meeting,...

Prime Minister Lee noted that safety measures for fishing vessels were reinforced in 2015

after a boat capsized off the coast of Jeju Island, killing 15 people.

Meanwhile,... the body of one of the two people unaccounted for -- the captain of the fishing

boat -- has been found at a nearby beach.

For more infomation >> PM Lee orders ministries to reassess safety of fishing vessels following accident - Duration: 0:53.


Korea's smartphone data prices highest among world's major economies - Duration: 0:44.

South Korea's smartphone data bills are the most expensive among the world's 41 major


That's according to the latest Digital Fuel Monitor report, released by Finnish consulting

firm Rewheel at the start of this month.

The report measured the price of smartphone plans with at least one-thousand minutes of

usage during November.

Korea's prices were the most expensive at nearly 16 U.S. dollars per gigabyte of 4G

smartphone data,... whereas the same about of data cost less than 50 cents in Finland.

Rewheel's report also highlighted Japan, Canada, and the U.S. as having excessive data prices.

For more infomation >> Korea's smartphone data prices highest among world's major economies - Duration: 0:44.


Korea's current account surplus hit US$ 5.72 bil. in October - Duration: 1:33.

South Korea's central bank has released its preliminary data on the nation's current account

for October.

The surplus contracted sharply on-month due to a decreased surplus in the goods account

and an increased deficit in the service account.

Kim Hyesung has the details.

South Korea's current account surplus in October only managed to hit five-point-seven billion

U.S. dollars,... less than half the twelve-point-three billion dollar surplus recorded in September.

Exports of goods fell to 44-point-four billion dollars from 54 billion,... while goods imports

dropped to 35-point-eight billion from 39 billion dollars in the space of a month.

The Bank of Korea attributed the drop to fewer working days in October due to the 10-day-long

Chuseok harvest holiday.

The service account deficit hit a record high of three-and-a-half billion dollars in October,

mainly due to a spike in the travel account deficit.

During the Chuseok holiday, some two-point-two million Koreans traveled abroad,... up nearly

20 percent on-year,... while the number of foreign visitors coming to the country slumped

over 26 percent to one-point-two million.

In particular, the number of Chinese tourists almost halved on-year due to China's travel

ban over South Korea's deployment of the U.S. THAAD anti-missile system.

On-year, however, exports and imports in October increased by three percent and five-point-six

percent, respectively, continuing their growth streak.

Kim Hyesung, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> Korea's current account surplus hit US$ 5.72 bil. in October - Duration: 1:33.


Japan setting up Hashima Island info center in Tokyo, breaking pledge to UNESCO - Duration: 2:17.

Japan's Hashima Island was controversially listed as a UNESCO world heritage site in


But the island has a dark history unknown to many.

It's where hundreds of Koreans were forced into slave labor by the Japanese during World

War II.

While Japan promised to take measures to help visitors understand the site's full history,...

Tokyo's insincere and tricky attitude is coming under fire.

Lee Ji-won has more.

Japan finally seemed to be keeping its promise to UNESCO by revealing its plans to set up

an information center to address the history of the Meiji Industrial Revolution sites,...including

Hashima Island,... but the Korean government says it sees straight through Tokyo's plan.

Seoul's Ministry of Foreign Affairs expressed its regret on Tuesday over Japan's implementation

report on helping visitors understand the "full history" of the sites.

Citing the agreement Japan made to have the island listed as a world heritage site, the

Korean government urged Japan take appropriate measures sincerely, and quickly.

In 2015, Japan had promised UNESCO that it would establish information centers and take

appropriate measures to address its forced labor of Koreans on the island and commemorate

the victims.

While nothing had been done for the past two years,... Japan on Monday announced it will

set up an information center on the Meiji Industrial Revolution sites in Tokyo by 2019.

But this sparked even more criticism among Koreans,.. as the plan of setting up a center

over one-thousand kilometers away from Hashima Island is seen as an insincere, reluctant

move made to seemingly comply with UNESCO's recommendation.

Moreover, with Japan planning to include the overall history of the industrial revolution,

and stories of Japanese workers,... the move is seen to downsize the hardships faced by

the Korean laborers.

From 1940 to 1945, between five hundred to eight hundred Koreans were forcibly taken

to Hashima Island to work for little pay and hardly any food.

Lee Ji-won, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> Japan setting up Hashima Island info center in Tokyo, breaking pledge to UNESCO - Duration: 2:17.


China's foreign minister urges all parties to abide by UN sanctions on North Korea - Duration: 1:52.

China's top diplomat is urging both North Korea and the United States,... to abide by

actions within the framework of the United Nations... to ease rising tensions on the

Korean Peninsula.

While calling for the full implementation of UN sanctions on Pyongyang,...

Wang Yi also took aim at Washington's unilateral measures... targeting the North.

Yu Joonhee reports.

China's foreign minister Wang Yi on Monday,... called on all countries to abide by UN Security

Council resolutions... regarding the North Korean nuclear issue.

Wang, speaking to reporters after a meeting with his Mongolian counterpart... said it

was regrettable that all parties involved... failed to capitalize on China's appeals to

ease tensions.

Wang made it clear... that China was strongly opposed to North Korea's nuclear and missile

programs,... and had fully implemented all relevant UN resolutions on the matter.

He said it was the international duty of all UN members... to strictly adhere to decisions

made by the Security Council.

(Mandarin) "China has always resolutely opposed North

Korea ignoring UN Security Council resolutions in pushing for the development of nuclear

missiles, and has always strictly and comprehensively implemented every UN resolution by the letter."

However, he also took aim at Washington's unilateral sanctions targeting the North,...

saying any measures that lack international legal support... could undermine the execution

of UN resolutions.

Wang said China was opposed to any action... that could aggravate tensions on the Korean

Peninsula... while calling for a return to dialogue.

China and Russia have continued to push their "dual suspension" proposal... of mutual de-escalation

by both North Korea and the United States.

It proposes the U.S. and South Korea stop holding joint military drills in the region,...

in exchange for Pyongyang's freezing of its nuclear program,... which was previously rejected

by the Trump administration.

Yu Joonhee, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> China's foreign minister urges all parties to abide by UN sanctions on North Korea - Duration: 1:52.


x86 Assembly - Part 14 - Setting Project Properties - Duration: 2:43.

Hey Everyone, I am Vikram Salunke and welcome the next video of x86 Assembly course.

In this video we are going to set project properties because from next video, we are

going to convert C program to the assembly language.

So, let's get started.

As we have seen earlier I am using Windows XP on VMWare and this is my Visual C++ 2008

Express Edition.

Let's click on File -> New -> Project -> General -> Empty Project -> Stack1 and Solution Name

should be Stack1 then click on Ok.

Right Click on Source File -> Add -> New Item -> Visual C++ -> C++ File -> Stack1.c -> Add

Why we need to set project properties?

Now a days, compiler uses code optimisation and all and because of that compiler will

generate very complicated code.

So, it will be very hard to beginner to understand that assembly code.

So what will do?

We will set up a few compiler options and based on that it will generate simple and

easy to understand assembly code and we can start our journey into it.

For that Right click on Project -> Properties ->C/C++ -> General -> Debug Information Format -> Program

Database (/Zi) Code Generation -> Enable Minimum Rebuild

-> No Enable C++ Exceptions -> No

Basic Runtime checks -> Default Buffer Security Check -> No (/Gs-)

Advanced -> Compile As -> Compile as C Code (/TC)

Linker -> General -> Enable Increment Linking -> No

We have done all the settings Click on Apply -> Ok

That's what I had planned for this video.

From the next video we are going to write a C Program and we will look at it's assembly

code using a Debugger.

Thank you :)

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