Thứ Ba, 5 tháng 12, 2017

Waching daily Dec 5 2017

remember to give this video a thumbs up

and buy a diabolo to support the channel

and let's do this arm trick!

Diabolo Tutorial: Arm's Hook

I didn't find the name of this trick on the Internet

so I decided to call it "arm's hook"

It's simple and has no real prerequisite

but knowing the "around the arm" will give a better sense of space of the trick

and know how to do the inverse trapeze

also will help you to better control the exit

perhaps only by the intro you already have an idea of what's going on

but let's go

we will lift the right stick,

and turn the tip of it toward the right arm,

as if we were to make an orbit

then we pass the stick under the diabolo

throwing it back and forth, giving this nice turn around the arm

it'll end in the left backside,

so if we do a trapeze that same side we will end with an inverse trapeze

so we just throw it up or back to the string and finish the trick with style

a common mistake is to hit the stick in diabolo rather than catch it underneath

before throwing over arm

or do something stupid by the time of throwing it.

This tutorial helped you?

check the channel's shop and buy a T-shirt to support the project!

and if you want to see more tutorials or art-videos

click on the screen

I'm Lucas Abduch,

buy bitcoin

and I'll see you in a bit!

For more infomation >> GANCHO PELO BRAÇO - Arm's hook - 1 DIABOLO TUTORIAL - Duration: 1:32.


A renewed Passion For Uploading YouTube Videos / Why Uploading YouTube videos gives me the most joy - Duration: 7:37.

yo yo yo CPA strength here on location look where's my office there's my office

right there there's my office right here so we walked down here to Georgia

English Park sealed Siebe that sign available for sale can we see it see I

was there

okay now we got peoples

look at the view look at the view yeah this is kind of weird because we

got people around here and they're listening to me talk

but anyways oh I just want to come down here what I want to say I bet I came

back from vacation I'm trying to optimize my life I might have been a

little short the other day arm and I had like one of my one of my subscribers

that I loved John he said he was like he was like yo you scared me because you

said you're gonna stop with the youtubes it's like nah man I ain't stopped him

with the youtubes I was a little I was just a little depressed because my money

my income about dropped and about in like a month like it was it was really

good for me

but I was gonna like 10,000 views a day now I'm getting like 5,000 views a day

just because I guess the accounting is awful it's so pretty huh

but I I'm not gonna stop anytime soon because I was just doing you know I was

doing my number so I was doing a bunch of stuff I'm getting back in the groove

of things when I was up I was up in my office today but word is that it's a

boat Oh jet ski where's the jet ski shit where is the jet ski there they are

there's the jet ski so I was in my office today getting a bunch of stuff

done and I was count my money's up and now Doran CPA LLC is doing really good

I'm gonna make more this year well next year for sure I'm gonna make more than I

was at my job that I was scared to quit because it was stable income so there's

that but I wasn't like totally / totally / - oh there's that

son I don't like that son I wasn't totally totally overjoyed by

that when I was totally totally overjoyed by was that I got a message

Facebook message from somebody say me he he emigrated - he immigrated emigrated

to a new country and he watched all my accounting for beginners videos and

because of that and he's gonna keep on watching all my other videos and I

inspired him and I helped him get a job and so now he can stay in the new

country he's in and and you know I've been kind of like emotionally zero like

sometimes I get in my fields I eat my feelings a lot and all I'll tear up and

stuff and since I've been on vacation I really haven't been like that cognizant

of my feelings but that message the viewer that said that

you know he he appreciates my video so much a helping good job and it changed

his life and and and not so much even the accounting that helped him but vo my

hand was get my arms getting tired not so much the accounting that that helped

him but it was like my my lessons or whatever like like never give up and so

I don't know that just touched me and I was like yeah I mean there's no really

money involved in that because I'm not really selling anything I'm just giving

away my accounting knowledge giving away my knowledge I mean I make I guess

enough money for me at my other job I Dorn CPA LLC even though there was no

money involved in that I felt really good yeah I got I got

where's his motherfucker

well I got sidetracked with somebody

but yeah so I kind of after I read that comment I kind of broke down a little

bit and I was like yo this is what you're supposed to be doing you're

supposed to be helping people by telling your story by by sharing DC a blur and

you know you're you're where you need you're where you are you're doing what

keeps in your inside happy and you know I was trying I was totally off the

subject so I'm I'm reinvigorated with the youtubes and I'm gonna do I'm gonna

do daily I'm thinking next next tax season like a day one through however

many days like 120 of taxis and just do it every morning a real short one tell

you what I'm going to do that day and and how I'm feeling and this and that

and see how that evolves another thing is yeah I mean I was

thinking today when I was um when I was lifting weights doing my 20 set squats


you know it's no wonder you're single like you're just now liking yourself

like every relationship I had been doomed

I pretty much doomed them all because I don't even like myself I mean like how

they always say you know you can't love anybody else if you don't love yourself

when I'm finding that true so hopefully I can start loving myself and then find

someone else to love maybe that would be cool I don't know anyways this is long

enough video on location yeah I was nervous to take my camera out but I was

like fuck it you know I'm saying I'm a youtuber right so anyways this is CPA

strength like comment share subscribe and I'm out till tomorrow morning 8:00


For more infomation >> A renewed Passion For Uploading YouTube Videos / Why Uploading YouTube videos gives me the most joy - Duration: 7:37.


How to turn on dark mode in iOS 11 - Duration: 2:14.

For more infomation >> How to turn on dark mode in iOS 11 - Duration: 2:14.


Kinder lernen Tiere - (Teil 4) Meerestiere für Kinder - BuBu TV Kinder - Duration: 2:28.

For more infomation >> Kinder lernen Tiere - (Teil 4) Meerestiere für Kinder - BuBu TV Kinder - Duration: 2:28.


Kinder lernen Tiere - (Teil 8) Tiergeräusche für kleinkinder - BuBu TV Kinder - Duration: 3:44.

For more infomation >> Kinder lernen Tiere - (Teil 8) Tiergeräusche für kleinkinder - BuBu TV Kinder - Duration: 3:44.


4 dec. 2017: Actualizare profetică – Titlurile de ştiri ale vremurilor de sfârşit - Duration: 8:57.

For more infomation >> 4 dec. 2017: Actualizare profetică – Titlurile de ştiri ale vremurilor de sfârşit - Duration: 8:57.


Watch Live TV on Android Mobile For Free /700 Sa Ziada TV Channels Wo Bhi Free - Duration: 9:27.

Watch Live TV on Android Mobile For Free /700 Sa Ziada TV Channels Wo Bhi Free

For more infomation >> Watch Live TV on Android Mobile For Free /700 Sa Ziada TV Channels Wo Bhi Free - Duration: 9:27.




The people behind the YouTube channel BPEarthWatch have revealed that a huge object that is not

a meteor has entered into the atmosphere of Earth on December 2.

BPEarthWatch monitor meteor radar data that is incoming and then delivers facts about

it and up to now they have done a good job doing so.

In the video, the operator of the channel explains that when objects or meteors hit

the upper atmosphere of the Earth, they have signatures that are picked up electronically

by a VHF transmitter and a receiver system.


The system then bounces a signal from the ionosphere of the Earth, and it can identify

the ionization trail of an object that is incoming, and this can then be converted over

to data that is tangible.

BPEarthWatch has said that the signal they received on December 2 did not have Sporadic

E, which is a false signal that is found only in the summer months.

They said that what was seen was something very different and it was very big and had

come in very slowly.

The operator of the channel said that it was something that would not be classed as being

normal and they were not sure what it was.

They went on to say that there had not been any meteors around that were so big and which

would come to Earth with a signal that would last as long.

There has been some talk about the fact that the radar echo heard might have been down

to the launch of a rocket or perhaps it was a UFO.

The video below allows you to hear what the radar echo sounds like, a frequency noise

that continues on for some time.

The graph shows the spikes in the sound frequency undulating up and down.

Another video shows the sound some 30 minutes later from the previous video, and this one

has narration over the top.

They go on to explain that the sounds and graph on this video are considered normal,

and it is meteors or objects in the upper atmosphere of Earth and is shown as an ionization


The voice goes on to explain that the other video differed from this one and they have

never seen it before.

See additional info from the video link in the article source below in our description.



Kinder lernen Tiere - (Teil 1) Die coolsten haustiere der welt - BuBu TV Kinder - Duration: 4:42.

For more infomation >> Kinder lernen Tiere - (Teil 1) Die coolsten haustiere der welt - BuBu TV Kinder - Duration: 4:42.


Korea expresses regret over Japan's insincere implementation plans to set up Hashima Island ... - Duration: 2:49.

Back in 2015, Japan's Hashima was listed as a UNESCO world heritage site.

A move deemed controversial as the island is where Koreans were forced into hard labor,

practically slavery... during world war 2.

While Tokyo vowed to takes steps to ensure its dark history is highlighted and explained

to visitors... it downplayed the horrific abuses.

Lee Ji-won has the full story.

Japan finally seemed to be keeping its promise to UNESCO by revealing its plans to set up

an information center to address the history of the Meiji Industrial Revolution sites,...including

Hashima Island,... but the Korean government says it sees straight through Tokyo's plan.

Seoul's Ministry of Foreign Affairs expressed its regret on Tuesday over Japan's implementation

report on helping visitors understand the "full history" of the sites.

Citing the agreement Japan made to have the island listed as a world heritage site, the

Korean government urged Japan take appropriate measures quickly and sincerely.

In 2015, Japan had promised UNESCO that it would establish information centers and take

appropriate measures to address its forced labor of Koreans on the island and commemorate

the victims.

While nothing had been done for the past two years,... Japan on Monday announced it will

set up an information center on the Meiji Industrial Revolution sites in Tokyo by 2019.

But this sparked even more criticism among Koreans,... as the plan of setting up a center

over one-thousand kilometers away from Hashima Island is seen as an insincere, reluctant

move made to seemingly comply with UNESCO's recommendation.

Moreover, with Japan planning to include the overall history of the industrial revolution,

and stories of Japanese workers,... the move is seen to downsize the hardships faced by

the Korean laborers.

From 1940 to 1945, between five hundred and eight hundred Koreans were forcibly taken

to Hashima Island to work for little pay and hardly any food.

Meanwhile, as if to further deepen the historical dispute, senior Japanese politicians made

a visit to the controversial Yasukuni Shrine on Tuesday.

Local media outlets reported that the visit was supposed to be made back in October, but

was delayed due to the House of Representatives election.

Despite criticism from Korea, the U.S. and China,...

Japanese politicians continue to visit the shrine,... with many, including Tokyo's Prime

Minister Shinzo Abe, sending ritual offerings to honor the country's war dead, which includes

Class-A war criminals from World War II.

Lee Ji-won, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> Korea expresses regret over Japan's insincere implementation plans to set up Hashima Island ... - Duration: 2:49.


Essence of Murli 06-12-2017 - Duration: 7:11.

Om Shanti !

Today's Murli Date Is 6th December 2017

( Sweet Sweet Baapdada has given us knowledge of world cycle. The story of beginning, middle and its end )

( Baba has also given us knowledge on three aspects of time. In other words Baba has made us, 'trikaldarshi' )

( Plus Baba has revealed to us secrets of 84 births )

( So lets hear what sweet sweet Baapdada has to say in today's Murli )

Essence: Sweet children, remember the Father and the cycle

There is no need to say anything through your lips.

Simply remove your hearts from this hell and you will become ever free from disease.

( When we remove hearts from hell, we start thinking positively and such people are not prone to suffer from bad health )

Question: What advice does the Father come and give you children directly in order for you to make your reward elevated?

Answer: Children, everything you have is now going to finish.

Nothing will be of any use. Therefore, like Sudama, create your future reward.

The Father has come directly and so you should use everything you have in a worthwhile way.

Open a hospital-cum-college through which many can benefit.

Show everyone the path. Always continue to follow shrimat.

Essence for dharna: 1. Become completely pure in this final birth, and stay in remembrance of the Father alone.

Remove your heart from this impure world. ( When impure world is not attractive, why not stay in rememberance of father and new world ? )

2. Become a spinner of the discus of self-realisation.

Open a hospital-cum-college and benefit many.

Take shrimat from the Supreme Surgeon at every step.

Blessing: May you be aware of your title of "A spinner of the discus of self -realisation" and thereby become a conqueror of Maya and free from looking at others.

At the confluence age, the Father Himself gives you children different titles.

Keep those titles in your awareness and you will easily be able to stabilise in your elevated stage.

Your intellect should not just speak about it but you should set yourself on that seat.

Let your stage be according to your title.

If you have the title of a spinner of the discus of self- realisation in your awareness, then you cannot look at others.

To be a spinner of the discus of self-realisation means to be a conqueror of Maya.

Maya will not then even have the courage to come in front of you.

No one can stay in front of the discus of self-realisation.

Slogan: Experience the stage of retirement and give others this experience and all games of childhood will finish.

To the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now-found children, love, remembrance and good morning from the Mother, the Father, BapDada.

The spiritual Father says namaste to the spiritual children.

We spiritual children convey to spritual Baapdada, our love our remembrance, our good morning & our namaste namaste

Om Shanti !

For more infomation >> Essence of Murli 06-12-2017 - Duration: 7:11.


நடிக்க வாய்ப்பு வேணும்னா தன்னுடன் படுக்கையை பங்கு போட சொன்ன இயக்குனர் கொந்தளிக்கும் ஜோதிகா தங்கை - Duration: 1:57.

For more infomation >> நடிக்க வாய்ப்பு வேணும்னா தன்னுடன் படுக்கையை பங்கு போட சொன்ன இயக்குனர் கொந்தளிக்கும் ஜோதிகா தங்கை - Duration: 1:57.


Consumo de vídeos online - Fernanda Doria - Conecta Imobi 2017 - Duration: 2:54.

For more infomation >> Consumo de vídeos online - Fernanda Doria - Conecta Imobi 2017 - Duration: 2:54.



For more infomation >> ЖЕЛЕЙНЫЙ МЕДВЕДЬ ВАЛЕРА ИГРАЕТ В ГТА 5 ОДИН ПРОТИВ ВСЕХ (GTA 5) - Duration: 14:47.


Bala Nagamma Part 1 || Burrakadha || MusicHouse27 - Duration: 22:58.

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