Thứ Ba, 5 tháng 12, 2017

Waching daily Dec 5 2017

Colors Learn Paw Patrol funny cartoon for kids finger family song Nursery Rhymes

For more infomation >> Colors Learn Paw Patrol funny cartoon for kids finger family song Nursery Rhymes - Duration: 1:18.


Soccer Warm-Up Before Training - Duration: 3:54.

Hi this is Jason from best soccer tricks dot com. Today, I'll be showing you how to do

a great warm-up before practicing. So hope you guys like it.

Here it goes... So I'm going to start off warming up the upper body until the lower body.

It takes about five minutes but it warms up all the important parts of your body,

so you prevent injury and I really like this warm-up. So I'll show you guys how I do it.

Start off just moving your arms forward then bring them back a bit and

cross them. Then on your way back just do them up and down opposite arm with

opposite foot, then bring your arms across your body and twist your chest a bit and

then the arms a bit behind your head.

Now, I'm going to do some opening or closing

for the abductors. This is important because the abductors can easily get


[Soccer player doing a warm-]

and on the way back, you'll do it opening up the other way.

Try to make a nice ample movement so you warm it up good

Now, we're going to warm up a bit the quads doing heels to but. Try to do it quick

so you warm up nice and fast and you get ready for your practice.

[Soccer Warm-Up Before Training]

Now, on the way back, high knees for the hamstrings

[Soccer Warm-Up Before Training]

Now some karaoke. Just warm up bit of everything

[Soccer player doing a warm-up]

I like to do it on the way back also.

[Soccer training routine]

Now, we're going to do some knees to chest and you bring your leg out and then just

continue with some kicks and you can also do them straight or diagonal

to warm-up better and now do the kicks but backwards.

[Soccer player doing a pre-game warm-up]

Now I'm just going to jog back and then come back

backpedaling and finish off with sprint.

[Soccer player doing a pre-game warm-up]

So this was my warm-up. I hope you guys liked it, it's good to get the blood

flowing to prevent injuries to get you warmed up before practice. For more

videos subscribe to best soccer tricks dot com and thanks for watching guys,

hope you liked it.

[Best Soccer Tricks]

For more infomation >> Soccer Warm-Up Before Training - Duration: 3:54.


How to draw a CHRISTMAS TREE easy - Duration: 2:06.

How to draw a CHRISTMAS TREE easy

For more infomation >> How to draw a CHRISTMAS TREE easy - Duration: 2:06.


Snowman Finger Family | Christmas Song | Videos For Children | Christmas With Farmees - Duration: 20:36.

Daddy finger, daddy finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Mommy finger, Mommy finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Brother finger, Brother finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Sister finger, Sister finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Baby finger, Baby finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

For more infomation >> Snowman Finger Family | Christmas Song | Videos For Children | Christmas With Farmees - Duration: 20:36.


加拿大生活 VLOG 📚 大學生的一天 (eng sub) - Duration: 4:31.

Hello everyone! Today I'm goign to bring you along with me.

It's 9am right now,

and I'm getting ready for a meeting with my professor.

After the meeting, I need to come back and film a video.

Today is eventful (relative to other school days) so that's why I wanted to vlog.

I'm heading out now. Bye!

I didn't film my meeting with my professor.

But I dropped by my lab to run some experiments.

Then I went back to film.

Just finished filming and I'm now heading to my lecture!

Then I'll be heading out to study!

If I don't have time to eat, I usually just sit at the back of the lecture hall so I don't disturb others.

Then I'd just take notes while eating.

Right now we're at Green Grotto.

My friend and I are going to order some drinks, study, grab dinner, then head home later.

There's a lot of Green Grotto branches in Toronto.

Their food and drinks are mediocre, but the vibe here is amazing for studying!

It's really nice here!

Grass jelly > tapioca!

Me: I've been here many times. / Sam: It's my first time here.


Tastes like matcha powder + milk + water + ice.

I think it's alright. I like bigger tapioca balls.

These are so small.

It tastes like they used those milk tea powders to make this.

It's very dilute.

Time to edit videos and study!

I wasn't sure if I wanted to upload this video because

I feel like I didn't do much today.

But I wanted you guys to see how my daily school life is.

Honestly, I'm just studying most of the time and occasionally grabbing food with friends.

Hi, we just finished dinner.

We're heading home. Ok bye!

Here's a very normal day in my life. I'm going to go home, sleep, then wake up tomorrow to study again!

If you have exams coming up, I hope you get all A+s.

I'll talk to you next time!

For more infomation >> 加拿大生活 VLOG 📚 大學生的一天 (eng sub) - Duration: 4:31.


10 Bollywood Stars Who Went Through Extreme Body Transformation For Their Movie Roles - Duration: 4:43.

10 Bollywood Stars Who Went Through Extreme Body Transformation For Their Movie Roles

For more infomation >> 10 Bollywood Stars Who Went Through Extreme Body Transformation For Their Movie Roles - Duration: 4:43.


Trời Không Tỏa Nắng - NHA | lyric MV - Duration: 3:09.

For more infomation >> Trời Không Tỏa Nắng - NHA | lyric MV - Duration: 3:09.


Om Namo Narayana || Telugu Devotionals || Bhakthi Ranjani - Duration: 5:08.

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For more infomation >> Om Namo Narayana || Telugu Devotionals || Bhakthi Ranjani - Duration: 5:08.


Steve Earle & Lucinda Williams: You're Still Standing There - Duration: 3:54.

For more infomation >> Steve Earle & Lucinda Williams: You're Still Standing There - Duration: 3:54.


Matt Smith Reflects on Doctor Who's Devoted Fan Base - Duration: 5:58.

For more infomation >> Matt Smith Reflects on Doctor Who's Devoted Fan Base - Duration: 5:58.


مود noclip للعبة gta sa - Duration: 2:27.

For more infomation >> مود noclip للعبة gta sa - Duration: 2:27.


FUNNY CLIP.HÀI HƯỚC NHẤT THẾ GIỚI.Phì cười đau cả ruột với những tình huống hài hước NHẤT p23 - Duration: 18:44.

For more infomation >> FUNNY CLIP.HÀI HƯỚC NHẤT THẾ GIỚI.Phì cười đau cả ruột với những tình huống hài hước NHẤT p23 - Duration: 18:44.


Chatty December TBR & Channel Plans - Duration: 7:41.

hey guys it's Trina and today I'm going to talk to you guys about what my plans

for my channel are in the month of December and also like what my TBR is,

the books that I am hoping to read this month. so most of you know that I'm

currently pregnant with my first child and his due date is literally New Year's

Eve so he could come in December, he could come in January. I can't really

plan on it yet. I don't really know what's gonna happen. he'll come whenever

he wants to. but I'm in the last leg of this pregnancy, it's late in the third

trimester and I'm already so worn out. like I'm not sleeping well and so every

time I sit down to film a video it wears me out. I would love to be able to pre

film a bunch of videos to be able to just upload those throughout December

and January where I'm not having to do it like every week and I can just kind

of take a break and rest and prepare for him and then enjoy my time with him and

like my recovery and everything and not have to worry about videos because they're

already done. however, pre filming for me means I have

to do like several videos all at once and I am not able to physically do that

right now because it just wears me out too much. like this video, I'm gonna go

take a nap afterwards. like a five-minute video is wearing me out. and then

having to edit it, you know, and then having to caption it, and upload it. it's

a lot of time. you guys I know have always been supportive of me. I've never

had anyone say, 'no you have to keep making videos.' everybody, any time I have

mentioned this has always said you gotta take care of yourself, your health, your

family, and your mental health and those are definitely things that I need to

make a priority right now. if I can pre film some, those will be scheduled to go

up. if I don't however, there's probably going to be a

lack of videos. I think that it's just to the point where I have to make that

decision not to really worry about making videos right now, which means I

don't know if I'm gonna have a December wrap-up. I mean, I can't pre film that. I

have to wait till the end of the month to know what I've read and like I may be

like literally doing my wrap up in the hospital room if I'm trying to do it at

the actual end of the month so that's probably not gonna happen. I will do my

best to as soon as on the other side I can get back into making videos I will

definitely like tell you guys what I read in December. I'll maybe do like

December and January wrap-up and I will definitely

still be using Twitter and Goodreads and talking about the books that I have read

on those platforms. if you guys want to follow me there my links are in the

description. end-of-the-year list videos, like best books of the year, favorite new

authors of the year - those are my favorite videos to make my favorite

videos to watch and I am legit sad that I probably will not be able to make

those on time or accurately. so I don't really know what's gonna be happening on

my channel around the end of the year, the beginning of next year. like goals,

goals wrap ups and stuff like that, things that I've been really wanting to

do and looking forward to for this entire year, right now I'm just like I

don't know if I can do that. I really have no idea what my channel will be

looking like this month but I do want to tell you guys the books that I'm

currently reading. there are a bunch of other books that I would love to read by

the end of the year but right now I'm feeling kind of slumpy and I just have

so much else to focus on and then I didn't want to make a big TBR but I

still wanna give you guys some book content, let you guys know like I am

you know still reading. so instead of telling you guys all the books I want to

read I'm just gonna do like this what I'm currently reading. so first of all I

am currently between chapters of You're Welcome, Universe by Whitney Gardner. this

was a 2017 debut. I was really looking forward to it. I think it came out in the

spring and then like always I just procrastinated starting it and I do need

to read one more debut novel of the year to meet my yearly reading goal of

reading so many amount of debuts. so hopefully I can get this one knocked out

by the end of the year. it will complete a goal, I will have read another debut. I

am just over halfway through it already now. I'm now on page 163. I am really

liking it so far. the chapters are short, it's easy to read. the protagonist in

this book is an Indian-American Deaf character who does use sign language. she

gets kicked out of her school for the Deaf because she spray paints graffiti

over a slur that was graffitied on the wall against her best friend and so

she wanted to cover it up with something artistic but she got caught and she got

kicked out of her school. so now she is going to a mainstream school for the

hearing and she's the only deaf kid in her school and she's just

like acclimating to that and talks a little bit about how people are treating

her, she talks a lot about her different friendships and how they differ, and her

family life and I really really am enjoying this. so this is the first book

I'm currently reading and planning to finish in December. I'm also currently

between chapters of The Becoming of Noah Shaw by Michelle Hodkin. I'm buddy

reading this one with my friend Jordan from thejordanjournals. we buddy read

the entire Mara Dyer trilogy like I think it was a year ago or two years ago

now maybe, so we've always kind of been anticipating this book release and we

just kind of wanted to check it out. I'm just 52 pages into this book so I'm

not very far yet. I have started to remember things that I didn't love about

like the writing or that series in general but the chapters are short and

they're easy to get through and I do remember that Mara Dyer trilogy was really

easy to just fly through so hopefully this is a book that will kind of like

respark my you know reading speed and stuff because I've been feeling so

slumpy lately. but this is another one that I'm currently in the middle of and

hopefully will finish in December. and the third and final book that I'm

currently between chapters of is Obsidian and Stars by Julie Eshbaugh, which

is the sequel to Ivory and Bone. that was a debut of last year that I really

enjoyed. it is a prehistoric time setting following two characters that are very

much inspired by the characters from Pride and Prejudice. like if you like

Pride and Prejudice, that Lizzie and Darcy dynamic is definitely strong in

the first book but the Darcy character is the female main character in this

series and then Lizzie is the male main character in this series. I am actually

listening to this one on the audiobook and I am about 10% of the way in. I'm

about an hour into the audiobook and it's about ten hours long. I just have

the print copy because I had this first before I decided I think I'll check out

the audio book. I am finding the narration a little bit dull so far but

I'm not very far into it. I do like that this story is actually

from Mya's point of view and it's all third-person so far within the hour that

I've listened to, whereas the first book had a little bit of second person of an

element to it and it was from Kol's perspective. those were the three books

I'm planning to read in December. probably won't get too much more besides

these but hopefully I will of course. and whenever

I'm finished with these I will definitely write Goodreads reviews so

even if I don't make a timely December wrap-up or reviews or anything you can

check my Goodreads account to see what I thought of these books. so that's all I

wanted to talk about today. I just wanted to give you guys a heads up on what's

happening with my channel, where I'm at, how I'm feeling right now, and just

apologize if I don't get any videos up this month, and also let you guys know

what I am currently reading. so yeah that's all I really have to say. let me

know what you guys are currently reading or if you have any big plans for the end

of the year. I hope you guys all have happy holidays and a good reading month.

thank you so much for watching, thank you so much for sticking with my channel

through this like transition period of my life, and thank you all for your

understanding and your support and just your friendship. and you know, maybe all

of this is being said for nothing. maybe next weekend I will have a burst of

energy and film 20 videos that will be all uploaded in you know in December and

January. so you know, fingers crossed maybe that will happen but I don't have

high expectations at the moment. I just wanted to give you guys a heads up but

thank you guys for watching and I will see you in the comments. bye!

[music only]

For more infomation >> Chatty December TBR & Channel Plans - Duration: 7:41.


Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - S02E13 - Episode Review - Duration: 4:56.

Welcome to Ranger Reviews, a webseries where we look at episodes of the tv show, Power

Rangers and then discuss it!

Today, we're exploring the seventy third episode of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers as

well as the thirteenth episode of Season 2, titled "Green No More Part 2".

We start this episode right where we left off: Tommy is being hunted down by Turbanshell,

but it lasts like two seconds before Tommy just kicks him in the face and then runs away,

hiding in a ditch.

Then, Tommy tosses Turbanshell down a hill, and there's just straight up two guys waiting

to catch the suit at the bottom.

What the hell, Power Rangers?!

Doesn't matter though because Turbanshell just flies back up and hits Tommy.

At the Command Center, Alpha and Zordon are cut off from the Rangers, and apparently,

the forcefield is compressing, getting to the point that the Command Center might implode.


Zedd mocks the five Ranger teens, and he says he's going to send them back without their

powers to witness the destruction of Angel Grove because he's evil like that.

At the park, Billy says they should get to his lab.

Back with Tommy, Goldar shows up and sends Turbanshell away to talk smack for way too

long before he just teleports a device in to show Tommy different fights he was in on

a flame TV that, for some reason, causes Tommy to collapse with… some sort of emotion.

At Billy's lab, Billy thinks he may be able to break through the forcefield to get in

touch with Zordon and Alpha when they see on TV that Turbanshell is giant again and

attacking the city.

On the moon, Zedd is talking about how great his plan is with the Dark Rangers… when

he talks to Goldar who is also there?!


Goldar is now with Tommy in the field, demanding that Tommy admits that he is his superior

before he sends him off into space with that device that caused a flaming TV to appear


Tommy says "you are… out of your mind!" and attacks, getting the device, and he just

kicks Goldar's ass without any powers whatsoever before he sends Goldar away.

Tommy decides he needs to contact himself in the past, and now, Tommy sees another Tommy

who… gives him…

another communicator?

For some reason?

He uses the one on his wrist anyways and teleports into Billy's lab when they get in touch

with Zordon and Alpha.

Alpha is teleporting Tommy to Zedd's Otherworld because only a non-Power Ranger can enter

it undetected.

Tommy shows up, scoops up the crystal and smashes it in front of the Dark Rangers, causing

them de-morph and disappear while Goldar is still standing there, clearly never letting

Zedd know what happened in the field.

Tommy returns, and Tommy says from touching the crystal, he can handle one more fight,

so it's morphin time.

So convenient.

The Rangers call out their Thunderzords, forming the Thunder Megazord before they try to fight

Turbanshell, who can apparently just go into shell and fly around now, knocking Black,

Yellow, Pink, and Blue out of their Zords, leaving just Jason to fight the monster with

Red Dragon Thunderzord in Warrior Mode, but that's apparently pointless too because

it just gets knocked down, reverting to its dragon mode.

Tommy is about to call out Dragonzord when Zordon says that Tommy needs to get inside

Turbanshell with intense heat, and have him be hit with intense cold on the outside?

Tommy straight up hides in a pile of watermelons and gets eaten by Turbanshell, and Tommy just

starts firing a damn laser in him.

This show is fucking weird.

Zack flips up onto a building, and he uses a hose that somehow freezes Turbanshell with

just regular water, which causes him to spit out Tommy who just falls onto the ground.

The Zords are magically back online, and they reform the Thunder Megazord, quickly destroying


RIP you weird ass hermit crab.

At the Youth Center, all the Ranger teens, and Trini mentions that all the Dark Rangers

were sent home with no memory of what happened.

Speaking of which, they show up, and Kim says, maybe they just need some friends.

Jason pays for five sodas for the rejects, and somehow that was good enough.


I want this episode to be over.

The teens talk to Zordon who says that the Command Center is fine now because as soon

as Tommy shattered the crystal, they were freed.

Then, Tommy says that he'll miss everyone while he goes on school break, which is weird

because how does one become the only one going on school break?

Whatever, they put their hands together and leap into the air, saying "bye again, Tommy."

This episode is a pretty rough follow up to the first part.

I don't know what it is about it that's just… smashed together.


I mean, everything was just handwaved away, and there was no explanation for anything.

Plus, Tommy definitely never did anything that he did in the original message at all,

and things are just so weird.

So, Tommy is officially off the show again.

How will that affect the show next time?

Until then, may the power protect you!

For more infomation >> Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - S02E13 - Episode Review - Duration: 4:56.


Crown Princess Mary of Denmark and Prince Frederik of Denmark Very Love up during a Church Service - Duration: 2:25.

hello meet again on our showbiz gossip

video happy watching

The service took place on the first Sunday of Advent, Sunday December 3 2017

Princess Mary opted for an elegant grey wraparound coat, which she paired with trademark stilettos and a darkly-coloured hat

The Royal couple are especially busy in the lead-up to Christmas, with any number of festive appointments and get togethers before they head to Australia for Christmas

The church holds sentimental value for the Royal couple who were married in the Church of Our Lady on May 14, 2004 they held hands at one point (pictured) during the service

Princess Mary of Denmak attended a church service in Copenhagen to mark the 500th anniversary of the Reformation

Crown Princess Mary of Denmark carried flowers

The Reformation movement is being celebrated in both Denmark and around the rest of Europe

Princess Mary has worn this grey coat on a previous occasion - last Christmas, she and the family gathered in Aarhus for a Christmas eve service

Princess Mary has worn this grey coat on a previous occasion - last Christmas, she and the family gathered in Aarhus for a Christmas eve service

For more infomation >> Crown Princess Mary of Denmark and Prince Frederik of Denmark Very Love up during a Church Service - Duration: 2:25.


Europe's most fortified border is in Africa - Duration: 10:53.

If you zoom in to Morocco, you'll see a tiny wedge of land that stands out from

its surroundings. This little bit of land is surrounded by one of the most

fortified borders on the planet.

Right outside the border you'll find makeshift

forest camps, where people spend their days and nights evading the police and

preparing to rush the border, usually in large groups, with hopes of jumping over

and stepping foot on this land.

This peculiar scene plays out because this piece of land, while in the

continent of Africa, is actually a piece of Europe.

This small piece of land is called Melilla. It's one of two Spanish enclaves in

Morocco, marking the only borders that Europe shares with the continent of Africa.

Spain conquered Melilla in the late 1400s as part of its rapid global expansion.

This region of northern Africa changed hands many times over the

following decades, but Spain kept hold of Melilla.

Even in 1956, when the colonial

period was winding down and great powers were ceding their colonies, Morocco had just

declared independence, but even then Spain held onto its enclave.

Today, around 86,000 people live in Melilla and when you're there you might as well

be in mainland Spain. The city is designed with the distinctive Spanish

architectural style and residents speak Spanish. They pay in Euros.

You're only reminded that you're not in mainland Europe when you walk to the peripheries

of this city, to find one of the most fortified border walls on the planet.

A seven mile barrier with layers of protection

The first layer is a 20-foot metal fence, followed by a second fence with a

flexible top, which makes it harder to climb. Below this second fence you have

barbed wire netting, strong and dense webs, then comes another taller fence

with a flexible top section and more barbed wire. Then you're on the Moroccan

side where, you have a 6.5 foot ditch and then a double fence with

you guessed it, more barbed wire. There are lookout posts and every inch of the

border is monitored by video surveillance.

To understand why this

barrier exists, you have to cross over into the Moroccan town of Nador and

then into the forest in the hills surrounding the enclave.

These migrants are mostly from sub-Saharan Africa and they all have

different motives for leaving their homelands.

They gather in these camps and

plan for the day when they'll try to cross into Melilla.

In response to this intense security, the migrants have

developed a technique that relies on overpowering the border guards with

strength of numbers.

The groups range in size, but are nearly always in the

hundreds. Most get caught right away on the Moroccan side where they face border

agents who are not shy about using force. Those who make it past the first few

layers, onto the Spanish section of the barrier are also thrown back immediately

or detained, but because of their large numbers a few will inevitably slip past

the guards. As soon as they put their feet on the ground in Melilla, they are

technically in Europe and are guaranteed certain protections under European Union law.

But they still have to run a hundred meters to an immigration center, where

they can be taken in and given protection from immediate deportation.

Arrivals to these enclaves came to a head in 2014, when Spain decided it was

finally time to double down on its effort to fortify this border. This was

mainly in response to the influx of migrants attempting to get into Europe,

fleeing from conflicts in Africa and the Middle East.

"Biggest wave refugees in modern history"

"hundreds of thousands of refugees"

"fleeing brutal violence in the Middle East"

"cross over European borders by the hundreds of thousands"

"in overcrowded boats, many drowning along the way"

Spain's response to this migration

crisis was to focus on the borders of its enclaves in Africa, redoubling the

efforts to keep migrants out of this little slice of Europe. The year after

the 2014 migration crisis, attempts to jump the fence dropped by 67%.

Spain didn't make these numbers drop on their own. One of the things you'll notice when

you look at this wall, is that Moroccan military and police are also guarding

this border. The year of the migration crisis, Morocco built these two extra

layers of barbed wire fencing.

"But authorities say dense new anticlimb mesh

stopped the latest to make the attempt in their tracks"

So why would Morocco

take the responsibility of building a barrier and standing guard at Spain's border?

Turns out they have real incentives to do so. Morocco has what's

called advanced status partnership with Europe, which gives them economic and

political advantages in trade and political affairs. The European Union

accounts for more than half of Morocco's international trade and the EU also

provides Morocco with billions of Euros in aid for security and development, so

the Moroccans in an effort to stay on good terms with their northern neighbor,

take on the job of protecting Spain's border. And they take their job very seriously.

Migrants had always had their forest camps right here, right outside the city on this hill.

This was their camp for years and this is the place where they used to regroup

and prepare a jump, until just a few months ago when the Moroccan military

set up an outpost up here.

Now the migrants can't return and they have gone

to find another refuge, which is on a hill 12 kilometers from here. Moroccan authorities

have started routinely raiding the camps.

But they don't deport them from Morocco, they have other less

resource-intensive ways of keeping these migrants from coordinating a large

enough group for a jump. The police were here for three hours this morning, they

basically came in and stole a bunch of stuff, they kind of disrupted these tents

and messed with these people's houses. They harassed the women in violent ways.

They basically came here just to flex their muscles and say you know we're in

charge, make sure you remember that.

About once a month the Moroccan authorities

round up the migrants and send them to other parts of Morocco that are far away

from Melillah, preventing them from gathering in a sufficient group to blitz the fence.

The Moroccan authorities are not concerned with keeping these

migrants out of Morocco, they're trying to keep them from getting to Europe.

They do in many respects, a lot of Spain's and Europe's dirty work, with respect to

blocking people whose interest is to cross.

Another thing you'll notice is

that everyone in these camps is from sub-Saharan Africa, basically countries

below this line.

All migrants face extreme difficulties in their journey to

Europe, but migrants from places like Syria have a much easier time just

walking up to the border and asking for asylum the proper way.

It's not an exaggeration to say that hardly any sub-Saharan African is able to do that.

They do have to resort to very dangerous methods, like scaling the

fences or hiding in vehicles or taking to the sea.

Spain did build a new

office to handle the influx of migrants, but not migrants from sub-Saharan Africa.

You might say well that's reasonable right? Everybody

knows there's a war in Syria, so of course it makes sense to presume that

Syrians are fleeing the war and they're refugees, they need protection.

But the flip side of that, the presumption that people from countries

where there isn't like a live war, that you are reading about in the newspapers,

the presumption that people from those countries are not in need of

international protection, is a very dangerous presumption.

The world is experiencing a record number of refugees and displaced people. While some

countries have opened their doors to let these people in, many are responding by

building walls, but this won't stop them from coming. No matter how dangerous the

journey, the people in these camps will keep trying.

That's the six episode of Borders, I hope you've enjoyed this series. Today we also

launched the on-site experience for all six of the Borders stories, with graphs

and charts and visualizations to kind of go a little bit further into some of

these stories. I'm gonna leave a link here where you can go see that and thank

you for being a part of this journey.

For more infomation >> Europe's most fortified border is in Africa - Duration: 10:53.


É impossivel ter pescado isto... It's impossible I have fished this... - Duration: 8:02.

hi guys

I am doing the video now

because in the morning when I arrived it was dark

and got worse image quality

so let´s go

today the day will be dedicated to Zander/Walleye

and with a big surprise

come with me and I hope you like

this is a fish

here he is

this is the fish

you saw in the fish finder

here he is

I do not know if you can see but he is hooked in the assist hook

from here you can see better

first fish


small one

but is another fish

beautiful fish

and release

It's true, it seems summer don´t you think?

but we in November

day 18 or 19 of November

almost christmas

We should be in the winter and raining and wind.

but that's what you see

people on the water

in November... this is strange

here he is

better fish

another one

beautiful fish

and there he goes


is anybody there?

someone want?

offer for the first to write in the comments: I want the Ribworm

from now on we will have small offers in the middle of videos

to ensure they have activated the bell and receive the notifications and be the first to see

who write in the first place will win the lure that fish the 3 Zanders/Walleyes

and a great lure to Zander/Walleye this winter

when I think I've seen it all

after all not seen

I do not do it on purpose

I'm just very lucky

ho my god, look at this


he will escape

not yet

this is a big bass

another bass with yellow eyes


easy ... easy ...

you deserve a nice photo


it's amazing

this is very rare

but is soooo fun

when we go fishing and we do not know what we're going to catch

Barbel in spinnerbait is my first

I fished with lipless,cranks,jerks

everything you can imagine

he is well hooked

even more with a Barbel like this

so, so, so beautiful

another time the Bass is not a Bass

but I don´t care, look at this

let´s release

For more infomation >> É impossivel ter pescado isto... It's impossible I have fished this... - Duration: 8:02.


Color Song I Spy | Learning Street With Bob The Train | Word Play | Videos For Children by Kids Tv - Duration: 1:00:45.

Hi kids!

Guess who's here

Yes it's me bob...

Join me for learning street with bob

Hey kids!

Yay! Bob is here.

Bob is here.

A fun little game We shall play It's called I spy

I spy I spy

A fun little game We shall play It's called I spy

I spy I spy

A colour I shall pick More clues I shall give A guess you must take I spy I spy

I spy with my little eye Something bright and yellow!

The day is incomplete without it And the night cannot have it

The yellow canary?

Ummm... a yellow daffodil?

It's that round ball in the sky the sun shining bright.

And now on to the next clue I spy I spy

I spy with my little eye Something blue and square It goes up and comes down Doesn't move much around

Is it the seesaw I see?

Or the blue ball going bonk bonk

It's the blue window on the wall Lean too much, and you can fall.

And now on to the next clue I spy I spy

I spy with my little eye Something red and rad. It's round and fun to play Even in the month of May

The red bucket in the sand?

That red balloon in the sky?

Well… yes. You got that right. It is the red balloon.

I spy with my little eye Something green green 'Whoosh whoosh' it goes light as feather really thin

Those green leaves on the tree?

That green blanket on a string?

It's that green kite flying high to catch it, we must try but let's move to the next clue I spy I spy

I spy with my little eye Something brown and yummy It feels so good in tummy You can never say no to it

A loaf of bread?

Lots and lots of honey?

It's that delicious chocolate which I'll share with all of you

So open your mouths wide and let it simply glide.

Hope you had fun today kids. I spy with my little eye, a new game and a whole new bunch of colours for next time!

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