Thứ Ba, 5 tháng 12, 2017

Waching daily Dec 5 2017

-I want to talk to you a little bit today about SlideShare.

In 2012, it was acquired by LinkedIn which is the preferred social media

platform for a lot of a B2B, that's business to business, companies.

Stay tuned.

I'm going to show you how I share my blogs and my videos all to Slideshare

to get more views on my content.

Hi. I'm Tricia Clements, Chief Fur Wrangler with

In this video, I'm going to talk to you about SlideShare.

SlideShare is owned by LinkedIn.

It is a great place for you to share your content.

Basically, repurpose that content onto just another platform

so you can get more eyes on your content.

One of the things that I like a lot about SlideShare

is that it's basically like a YouTube.

But instead of-- for videos, it's meant for presentations.

Originally, it was really meant for businesses to share

their presentations with either insight to the employees or to other businesses.

Now, it's grown to something even more than that with over 30 million

unique visitors every single month.

It is really a platform that is growing, and especially if you are a B to B company.

You really need to put your content on Slideshare.

It's not something that you have to create content specifically for Slideshare.

I'm going to tell you how you can take your blog and your videos

and share what you've already created and just put that quickly

on Slideshare to give you another place to share it so that you can get

more eyes on your content.

Basically, what you're going to want to do is take your blog post

and turn that into a PowerPoint presentation with numerous slides in it.

That can be a little bit tricky because you want to make sure that you can read it.

The thing that I found that really works the easiest for me is to use the snipping tool.

Just take a snip from your blog post and input it into your PowerPoint.

You're going to use this snipping tool.

Just go ahead and snip down to where you want that to be.

Save it.

I just like to save it in order as one, two, three, four.

That just makes it easier to remember.

You just need to remember where you left off the last time.

In PowerPoint,

you then just want to make sure that you have the same number of slides

that you have because you're going to go ahead and add those in as images.


Then you're going to go ahead and save your PowerPoint presentation.

You can take a look at it. Make sure that it looks okay.

Now that you have it saved, you're going to go ahead to SlideShare.

You're going to upload it.

Make sure the title description, the category,

the tags are all the same as your YouTube video.

Then make sure that you have it set to public so that everyone can see it

and it's not private where just you're viewing it.

Once you have it in, go ahead like I showed you in a previous video.

You can go ahead and edit it and add your YouTube video link to it.

I always like to do before slide one and publish it.

Then you can view it.

It says YouTube video inside.

Your first thing they see is your YouTube video.

Now, the one thing the reason that I did the snips from the blog

and not doing it a different way is because of this here.

A lot of times, if you try to take images,

it will be very, very blurry and they can't read it.

That is why I use the snipping tool so that you could actually read the presentation.

There it is, all ready for everyone to view.

The very first thing they can do is click on, of course, and watch your YouTube video.

Now that you know how to repurpose your blog, your presentation,

your video through SlideShare, I had a free download.

You can click the link in the description below.

It is my top 10 favorite places for you to share your contents.

Go ahead and click that link for the freebie.

It doesn't include things like the obvious Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram.

I have 10 completely different places that you should be sharing your content.

I'm Tricia Clements with

I hope you enjoy this video. Please click the like button.

Share it with your friends and subscribe. Thanks for watching.

I'll see you in the next video.

For more infomation >> Slideshare Marketing: How to Turn Your Blog into a SlideShare Presentation - Duration: 6:43.


Стихи для детей. Агния Барто. МЕДВЕЖОНОК НЕВЕЖА. Слушать аудиосказку с картинками онлайн 1080 HD - Duration: 3:57.

For more infomation >> Стихи для детей. Агния Барто. МЕДВЕЖОНОК НЕВЕЖА. Слушать аудиосказку с картинками онлайн 1080 HD - Duration: 3:57.


நடிகர் செந்தில் –ன் வாழ்க்கை வரலாறு அன்று முதல் இன்று வரை | Tamil News | Tamil Celebrities Biography - Duration: 2:15.

For more infomation >> நடிகர் செந்தில் –ன் வாழ்க்கை வரலாறு அன்று முதல் இன்று வரை | Tamil News | Tamil Celebrities Biography - Duration: 2:15.


Menghubungkan 2 Smartphone ke 1 Bluetooth Headset?? - Duration: 3:09.

For more infomation >> Menghubungkan 2 Smartphone ke 1 Bluetooth Headset?? - Duration: 3:09.



For more infomation >> LE RAP DE SAINT NICOLAS - BELGUY - Duration: 1:50.


Samantha Bee Carved a Message into John Oliver's Last Week Tonight Desk - Duration: 4:38.

For more infomation >> Samantha Bee Carved a Message into John Oliver's Last Week Tonight Desk - Duration: 4:38.


Руки-Базуки и Ноги-Торпеды. Терешину - гг - Duration: 3:20.

For more infomation >> Руки-Базуки и Ноги-Торпеды. Терешину - гг - Duration: 3:20.


Что делать, если мужчина УШЕЛ - Duration: 10:54.

For more infomation >> Что делать, если мужчина УШЕЛ - Duration: 10:54.


The Surge: A Walk in the Park - Launch Trailer - Duration: 1:04.

Oh... Oh my god, Kev.

CREO World is totally awesome.

You so wish you were here right now!

Bobby will love it.

They've got his favorite comic book mascots

they even have a roller coaster...

Something happened.

There was a flash, it came from everywhere

and then...

everything went wrong.

People are falling dead

people going crazy.

For more infomation >> The Surge: A Walk in the Park - Launch Trailer - Duration: 1:04.


Finger Family Song with Pepa Pig Nursery Rhymes for Kids & Baby - Duration: 2:05.

Daddy finger, daddy finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Mommy finger, Mommy finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Brother finger, Brother finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Sister finger, Sister finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

Baby finger, Baby finger, where are you?

Here I am, here I am. How do you do?

For more infomation >> Finger Family Song with Pepa Pig Nursery Rhymes for Kids & Baby - Duration: 2:05.


Ford SYNC 3 - Οδηγός Michelin | Ford GR - Duration: 0:30.

For more infomation >> Ford SYNC 3 - Οδηγός Michelin | Ford GR - Duration: 0:30.


Jüdisches Leben in Salonika - Duration: 1:44.

For more infomation >> Jüdisches Leben in Salonika - Duration: 1:44.


News #140 Nepal 2018 / Carols by Candelight - Duration: 7:03.

Hello and thank you for coming to Friday Night Meeting.

My name is Leanne Riley and you're watching the YWAM Perth Fortnightly News.

As many of you know, YWAM Perth has a focus during 2018 on the nation of Nepal.

Here's Caleb to shine a light on the vision and goal for Nepal.

Let's go to Cait for the interview.

Hi, my name is Cait Fisher and I'm here talking with Caleb Brownhill, part of our base leadership

team, about YWAM Perth's focus next year on Nepal with our movement called Transform Nepal.

So, Caleb, how did this initiative really come into being?

How did God speak this plan?

Well, as a base we've had - we've had an interest in Nepal for many years, actually right back

to when our base founded some of our initial teams would go to Nepal.

Up until a point now where we're probably sending close to 200 people every year and

as we've done that we've built amazing partnership with church leaders and also YWAM centre leaders in Nepal.

And so we had a discussion and we had a chat with one of the leaders there, his name's

Dilli, and he talked about his passion to mobilise Nepalese young people to reach out

and see the nation.

And I got so excited and then we started talking about other things and other initiatives and

then some of our other leaders here contributed and added to that, there was just this sense

of witness that this was the way forward.

That's awesome.

So now, what does it look like for teams that will be heading there?

What would they be focusing on for Transform Nepal?

Well, as I mentioned, one of the things that has captivated our heart as a base is the

opportunity to partner with the Nepalese church and we want to mobilise Nepalese young people

to reach their own nation.

So we're gonna run youth conferences in each one of the 75 subdistricts in Nepal, and some

of these districts are just incredibly remote, you know, and then we also want to run seven

larger youth conferences in the seven states.

We also want to go in and distribute the Bible and we want to see mass Bible distribution,

whether that's through you know physical Bibles or through electronic copies of the Bible.

We want to do a lot of evangelism, door-to-door evangelism, and just sharing about God.

And so there's so many exciting things that we want to do.

That's awesome, that sounds like a lot of things that could go on and impact in different

areas of society.

How have you been finding the reception from Nepali leaders as you've been planning to go ahead with this?

Yeah, there's a lot of enthusiasm amongst Nepalese church leaders and also missions leaders in Nepal.

When our teams go up, they'll be working alongside primarily churches for the first three to

four weeks and if someone brings a team there's churches that are ready to receive these teams.

That's awesome.

If you're wanting to come and join, can you be coming from outside YWAM Perth with a team?

Yeah, absolutely.

Yeah, we've got lots of interest from other places, we've got other YWAM bases that will

be sending teams, we've got church-based teams that have shown interest in coming, and you

know through our partnership with the leaders there in Nepal, we can place a team and we

can, essentially whatever ministry focus the team would like to do we can probably match

it and we'd love for teams from other missions centres and also from churches all around

the world to come and join us as we partner with YWAM Nepal and the churches in Nepal

to reach their nation.

So when are the first teams going to be heading out to Nepal?

So, we have our first teams heading up to Nepal straight after Christmas.

And, yeah, they're heading up into the cold weather and they'll be spreading out across the nation.

Yeah, so really excited about that.

So how can teams come join us next year?

Well, it's really really easy actually.

We've got a new website that we've just switched on which is and it

lists some of the opportunities that I've talked about today and it has a really easy

way of registering as an individual and also as a team.

So, if teams, individuals would like to come and partner in that way they can.

There's also ways for those that you know feel really called to reach this nation but

don't have the ability to physically come to actually get behind some of the projects

through financial giving as well.

So, there's that link on the website.

So there's so many ways that people can practically engage and come and join the churches in Nepal

and the missions centres in Nepal in seeing their nation transformed.

That's awesome.

Well, thank you so much, Caleb.

So as you've heard, we'd love for you to come and join Transform Nepal next year.

If you'd like to find out more information, feel free to go to our YouTube video and click

the link below in the description box.

Thanks so much.

I'm so excited for what God is going to do in Nepal next year, and I can't wait to be part of the vision.

If you'd like some more information, you can check out our YWAM Perth YouTube channel.

Lastly, if you're ready to get into the Christmas spirit, you can join us for Carols by Candelight

on the 15th of December at 6:30 PM in Hyde Park.

We'll see you there, and thanks for watching.

For more infomation >> News #140 Nepal 2018 / Carols by Candelight - Duration: 7:03.


BREAKING: 'Sanctuary City' Mayors Going To FEDERAL PRISON… HELL YES!!! - Duration: 4:40.

BREAKING: 'Sanctuary City' Mayors Going To FEDERAL PRISON…


In the aftermath of Kate Steinle's killer being acquitted in a San Francisco court,

a Republican member of Congress is introducing a bill that would put an end to so-called

"sanctuary cities" once and for all.

As many are aware, an illegal alien by the name of Jose Garcia Zarate shot and killed

Steinle as she walked with her father on a San Francisco pier in 2015.

Zarate has a long criminal history, having been convicted of seven felonies and deported

five times, and was released by San Francisco officials shortly before killing the promising

young woman despite there being an ICE detainer on him.

The verdict in Zarate's case sparked nationwide outrage, and even caused the Justice Department

to issue a federal arrest warrant in relation to Steinle's murder.

Because of the utter foolishness of local officials being able to ignore federal law

with impunity, Indiana Rep. Todd Rokita is introducing a bill that would hold the feet

of sanctuary city officials to the fire.

In fact, if his bill passes, said officials would face a million-dollar fine and up to

five years in federal prison if they're convicted of harboring illegal aliens.

Can we get a hell yeah?

From Fox News:

Indiana Rep. Todd Rokita's bill is one of the most aggressive pieces of legislation

to date aimed at sanctuary city policies, going beyond the Justice Department's threat

to cut off grants to those jurisdictions.

"Politicians don't get to pick and choose what laws to comply with," Rokita told Fox


"Americans are dying because politicians sworn to uphold the law refuse to do so."

His "Stopping Lawless Actions of Politicians (SLAP) Act" would hold state and local lawmakers

criminally responsible for refusing to comply with federal immigration enforcement efforts.

The Republican's bill would subject violators to a $1 million fine and up to five years

in prison if they are convicted.


This will put these arrogant pukes right in their place.

Sadly, it's not just the Steinle family who had their lives torn apart by an illegal


Every year, countless American families are impacted by illegal aliens and the disastrous

policies within sanctuary cities and states.

Just on Friday, a man who had been deported from America at least 20 different times yet

somehow made it back in was convicted of sexually assaulting a woman in her Oregon home before

attacking another in a parking lot.

He is one of thousands of illegals who commit sexual crimes against U.S. citizens every

year, yet for some reason liberal states do nothing to keep people like him out of the


It's not just sexual assault that's the issue, either.

According to reports, at least 13 Americans are killed daily by illegal aliens drinking

and driving.

For those keeping count, that's nearly 5,000 preventable deaths in our country a year.

When it comes to drugs, some 43,000 illegals are convicted of drug-related offenses every


Shockingly, roughly 60 percent of all federal prosecutions in America are related to immigration-related

crimes, as Pinal County, Arizona Sheriff Paul Babeu knew all too well during his tenure.

"Pinal County has followed the trend of the majority of counties across the United

States, so we have seen most of our major crime statistics drop during the past few

years," he previously stated.

"The one area we have not seen drop — which has seen dramatic increases in fact — is

crimes tied to illegal immigration."

"Our high-speed vehicle pursuits have rapidly increased each year from 142 in 2007 to 340

such incidents in 2010," Babeu continued.

"Marijuana seizures have spiked from a low in 2008 of about 19,600 pounds to over 45,500

pounds in 2010."

"My deputies are telling me more and more that they are apprehending guns and high tech

communication equipment from cartel operatives," he concluded.

Of course, Babeu's comments were from a couple years back, but the point remains the

same – illegal immigration has an overall negative effect on our country, regardless

of what the left tries to tell us, so it's long overdue for sanctuary city officials

to be held accountable for allowing it to persist.

We have laws for a reason.

If you're not going to follow them, you should be held criminally liable, just like

the rest of us.

Make sure you keep pressure on your representatives to get this bill passed through Congress.

We need it now more than ever.

What do you think about this?

Please Share this news and Scroll down to comment below and don't forget to subscribe

top stories today.

For more infomation >> BREAKING: 'Sanctuary City' Mayors Going To FEDERAL PRISON… HELL YES!!! - Duration: 4:40.


The Secret of My Love | 我男人的秘密 | 내 남자의 비밀 - Ep.45 [SUB : ENG/CHN/2017.12.05] - Duration: 33:48.

(Episode 45)

What are you up to?

How dare you come to me?

Is there a reason why I can't?


Do you want to abduct me and lock me up again?

Haerim lured me out and threw me into the reservoir.

Then when I barely made it out alive her future

mother-in-law abducted and imprisoned me.

You two are exactly the same.

I don't let you get away with it.

I heard you were delusional.

You seem to be having one of your crazy dreams.

Kang Jaeuk.

The Kang Jaeuk at Gangin Group

is not Jaeuk, right?


Did you think I wouldn't recognize Jaeuk?

You could fool everyone else but not me.

Chief Director Kang Jaeuk...

Is he that errand lady's husband?

That errand lady was insisting he was her husband.

Is it your turn now?

Where's Jaeuk?

Is he dead? Did he die?

At least tell me that!

Did he die?


You care about Jaeuk.

I give you that.

But what can you do? He doesn't remember you.

I'm sure it's shocking but accept it.

Cure yourself of your delusions...

If you value your life.

Just wait.

I'll tell the world what you people did.

I'm sorry for making you wait.

Where did you go? You didn't say anything.

I had to use the bathroom. Let's go.

It's me, Mr. Ju.

Put a man outside Haerim's house.

If Miryeong leaves the house, grab her.

Are you insane? What are you doing?

Still, how could you do something so despicable

to food that people eat?

Did anyone get sick?


You brought a child to the office

and made me look like a scumbag

who left his wife and child.

This is nothing in comparison. And yet...

You wanted to work with our company?

Still, how could you do that?

If you didn't want us,

you never should've nominated us

to be a candidate in the first place.

You're right.

It's a shame.

Director Kang.

Please be professional.

Do you plan to ruin an important project

due to a personal grudge?


That's enough, Seora.

Please leave for today.

We can't just ignore this.

Director Kang must officially apologize,

and set things straight.

Let's go.

Come out.

Why didn't you tell me

that you work in the same department as Haerim?

I was looking for the right time.

Did your department plan the taste test?


If that's the case, was our spicy seafood noodles

nominated to be the franchise menu item...

Because of you?

Not at all.

I found out after the fact.

Is your suspicion

that Director Kang Jaeuk is your husband...

Completely gone?

Yes. Completely.

Do you know Director Kang Jaeuk well?

Well... A little.

Was he always that cold and ruthless?

If that's how you saw it...

I guess so.

They're the same but so different.

His character, the way he speaks, his eyes...

Why did you do it?

Why did you say you did it when you didn't?

I couldn't let her attack you.


Don't look at me like that.

I had the same thought.

You put it into action for me, that's all.

Thank you.

I see how you truly feel now.

Stay out of it and back off.

I'll take care of it going forward.

No. If you get involved, you'll only aggravate them.

Seora may think this is her chance

and go out of control.

I'll fix it. I have an idea.

Daera did it? Not Mihong?

That's right. Daera was paid by that Jiseop look-alike

and put chewed gum in your spicy seafood noodles.


What's this? Daera was the culprit?

I'm going to...

Mom! Mom!

What's this? Have I been cleared?

- Daera. / - You of all people...

Have no right to complain to me.

I told you. This happened because of you.

Are you saying you did that to mom's food

because of me?

How many times must I tell you? Yes.

What do you mean?

You messed with my food because of Seora?

What do you mean?

Kang Jaeuk's fiancee

brought a written complaint,

saying they'll sue Seora for defamation.

What? A complaint?

Do you know how much they were demanding?

It was $1 million!


$1 million?

Those people are insane.

How could people that rich demand $1 million

just because she mistook him for someone else?

What thieves.

All I did wrong was fix the problem Seora caused.

They asked me to make sure our restaurant

doesn't sign with their company in exchange

for dropping the suit.

What's the big deal about putting in some stupid gum?

How could you do this?

Just tell them to sue!

Tell them sue however much they want!

- Jinja... / - Mom!

Have you lost your mind?

Are we rich?

Still. How could you do something

so disgusting to my food?

You call yourself my daughter?

You are incredible.

You can't say a peep to Seora,

who caused trouble and made this mess.

But you attack me when all I did

was protect our family?

Even still, I can't condone

doing something like that to my food!

You may think my spicy seafood noodles

is nothing special,

but to me, it's my flesh and blood.

It's my baby!

I don't care if it was my child

who did that to my spicy seafood noodles.

I can't forgive you!


A tree with too many branches are bound to break.

That's why they say happiness come

from not having children.

We were so happy we were signing

with a big company.

What is this?

You're always the source of the problem in our family.

This wouldn't have happened if you weren't here.

So? Do you want me to disappear?

I'd be ever so grateful.

It's not too late to go find your birth parents!

What was that?

Birth parents?

Does that mean Seora is not their real child?

Mommy's here. Mommy!

Hi, Haesol.

Mommy, do you want to see my drawing?

I drew daddy, and my teacher complimented me.

Doesn't it look just like him?

It does. It looks just like daddy.

Why do I feel so much tension in the house?

Did something happen?

No, of course not.

Let's go.

Let me ask you something bluntly.


Is Seora not your real daughter?

W-Who said that?

Why are you stuttering?

W-Who's stuttering?

I'm just flabbergasted.

Then what? She is your daughter?

Of course she is!

Don't you go around saying something so heinous.

What is wrong with you?

If I'm wrong, just say so. Why get mad?

What's his problem?

What do you want to know?

Was it really you who ordered to have something

put in the spicy seafood noodles?

I admitted it.

What more do you want to know?

My brother Jaeuk wasn't this disgustingly low.

If you were in my shoes,

would you want to work with a woman

who did that to you?

What does it matter?

You're not Seora's husband Han Jiseop anyway.

You're Kang Jaeuk.

It's not like you have anything to hide.

That only applies to a good boy like you.

You know me.

I have a temper.

If you really gave the order,

you'll have to be accountable.

Grandpa is unconscious.

The chairman's seat is vacant.

You know I can't devote all of my time on this.

I have a pile of reports awaiting my approval.


Get to work.

Were you...

Also there

when grandfather collapsed?


When I got home,

he was already unconscious.

Mother was flustered and was panicking.

Then why didn't you call an ambulance...

Until after the housekeeper came home?

It's not that we didn't call an ambulance

until she came home.

She came home as we were

about to call an ambulance.

Is that so?

Now, Miryeong showed up and is driving me insane.

You need to help me out.

Let go of this world already.



Haerim got caught?


He did?



I thought you were good but you got caught

and threw Jaeuk into the mud too?

Jiseop, what were you thinking?

Don't tell me you have feelings for her.

You came.

Go home and get some rest.

I'll stay with grandpa.

What right do I have to go home and rest?

I didn't even know my father-in-law was sick.

You should go home and sleep.

You can relieve me at night.

- Go see him. / - Mother.

Weren't you with him

just before he collapsed?

The housekeeper said

he was asking for you urgently.

That's right.

When I got home, I heard he was asking for me.

I was feeling really unwell, so I went to my room and

took something for my headache. When I came out,

he was unconscious.

If I had checked on him sooner,

that wouldn't have happened.

It's all my fault.

I did that to your grandfather.

It is what it is.

I'll let you go. I'll go after seeing him.


You always hated hospitals.

Why are you lying here?

What happened?

Where's his medicine?


Could he not take them because they weren't here?

The chairman's medicine?

Yes. Didn't you see his medicine in his room?

It's in a white bottle.


I haven't seen it.

Okay then. I'll leave you to it.

Who threw this away?

This tonic...

Why don't we say you got it made for him?

I feel like he'll drink it

more diligently if we say you

got it made for him.

Is that okay?

Grandpa, are you taking the tonic diligently?

You've been fooled, you idiot.

That oriental medicine doctor must be a quack.

I drink it every day but I don't feel anything.

Inuk came by?


He was in the chairman's room,

then asked for his medicine.

His medicine?

It's still here.

I guess he didn't look this far.

Is grandpa making any progress?

I don't know if it's good news or bad but he isn't.

Like I said, if that old man wakes up, we're through.

He can never wake up.

You don't...

Plan to do something to the chairman, do you?

There's no other way.

You can't do that. That's a crime.

You can't.

Are you lecturing me now?

Don't be confused.

We're already accomplices. We're in this together.



Are you afraid?

Don't worry.

If that old man leaves on his own before then,

I won't need to do anything that dangerous.

You just be careful of Inuk.

He seems to be digging into

what happened the day he collapsed.

We're surrounded by enemies.

If we can get past this hurdle,

we'll get our chance.

Don't let your guard down and stay alert.


I'll be careful.


I heard you took the fall

for what Haerim did.

What were you thinking?

I thought you'd be pleased.

Aren't you?

You can see right through me now.

That's right.

You need to make Haerim yours.

That way, even if she finds out who you really are...

She won't betray you.

You did good.

You did good.

I'll feed myself.

Eat this too.

The beef just melts in your mouth.

Top grade Korean beef really does taste different.

Does it? You should eat up too.

Of course. I'll eat until I burst...

I'm eating plenty.

Why aren't you eating, uncle?

Auntie marinated the meat herself,

just for you. Eat some more.

Yes. You said you were coming home early today,

so Miryeong and I went grocery shopping ourselves.

That's right. I took madam shopping and

grocery shopping too. Doesn't the beef taste good?

Haerim, come with me.

Yes, dad.

Uncle seems to be in a bad mood today.

Maybe he had a bad day at work.

It must be because of me.

I'm sorry. I know I'm being rude but

I'm so shameless.

I'll leave as soon as I find a place to live.

Don't say that. Make yourself at home.

I like having you here.


Rahui, do you feel the same?

Yes, well... I'm happy if my aunt is happy.

Mother, please eat some more.


- You too. / - I will.

How long must I see that woman in my house?

I'm sorry.

Please give me a few more days.

The more I see her, the more vulgar she seems.

I'm worried that strange rumors will spread.

Talk to Jaeuk's mother and get rid of her!

I will.

What are you doing? Have you no manners?

You're so cheap.

Will this wear out just because I put it on?

How long do you plan to stay here?

The moment I walk out of this house,

Jaeuk's mom will lock me up again.

How could I possibly leave?

You wouldn't leave if you were me, would you?

There's an errand lady that I know,

whose husband supposedly

looks exactly the same as Jaeuk.

Have you heard?

I've heard.

Isn't it strange?

The errand lady's husband went missing

and Jaeuk woke up immediately after.

Two men look alike.

The one who was dying wakes up

and the healthy one suddenly disappears.

Isn't that fishy?

Maybe it's because you live an inferior life.

Your imaginations are inferior as well.


Stop being pompous and listen to me.

Do you know about the scar on Jaeuk's back?

What are you trying to ask?

What? Don't tell me you haven't seen him naked yet.

Check tonight.

See if he has a scar.

If not, he's the errand lady's husband.


Are you bitter just because

Jaeuk doesn't remember you?


get your act together.

Don't freak out after you're married.


do you think I'm that stupid?

I'm more skeptical than you

and I checked much more than you did.

Stop writing your cheap novel and go to sleep.

Why that little...

If I leave her alone...

Jaeuk's identity will be revealed in no time.

How do I get rid of her?

I'm only 29 years old. I'm in the prime of my life.

I have many dreams but no money.

I have a lot of time but no job.

They say the world is big and has much to be done.

Why don't I have anything to do?

I want to work too.

Mr. Ban Seonghae?


Here's your lunch.

Pardon? Me?

I didn't order it.

- Didn't you get the text? / - Pardon?

That's right. I got a text.

I sent it. Don't just sigh.

Make sure to eat.

I think you'll be fine if you wait a while longer.


Before I picked up this job,

I used to read people's fortunes a little bit.

I was pretty well-known.

I was popular for being so on-point.


I see gold in your near future.

You aren't far off. You will have great luck very soon.

Great luck?

Wait a little bit.

You'll be swimming in money soon.

Enjoy your lunch.

I'll swim in money?

Where should I eat this, anyway?

I hope the chairman likes this kimchi.

Where's my head?

What happened here?

Where's the kimchi I made this morning?

Did it walk away?

This much makeup is perfect for the chairman.

Who is it?

I helped the chairman home

a few days ago when he wasn't feeling well.

I wondered how he was doing. I was worried.

Please let me in.

The chairman collapsed, so he isn't in.

What? He collapsed?

So? Did he pass away?

Did he die?

He had surgery but he hasn't woken up yet.

Come back another time.

Hello? Wait. Hey!

When unlucky people trip, they fall into a field of poop.

I thought I could turn my life around

by marrying a rich man,

and he collapsed?

But then again, my life has always been cruddy.

(Complaint for Defamation)

What is this?

Isn't this a complaint for a lawsuit?

That's right.

It's the complaint that we're preparing

against Ki Seora for defamation.

It states the damages we're demanding.

Are you saying you'll demand damages from me?

We'll drop the case.

But let's also forget the gum incident.

We'll compensate the victim who

had the spicy seafood noodles.

We'll make sure you aren't harmed any further.

How easy.

You used the complaint to threaten my sister

and made her put garbage into our food...

But you want to bury it.

What do you mean, threaten?

Watch what you say.

I simply made an offer.

An offer?

Haerim is right.

I was never threatened.

She mentioned the lawsuit,

so I offered to do it myself.

Get out of my sight, right now.

Daera, please tell the truth.

Don't be afraid,

and tell the truth.

How can I be any more honest?

What she said is true.


Come here. Let's just die together.

Die. We'll both die.

Get over here. I have no reason to live

after having my child do something like that to me.

- Stop it. Stop it. / - Get over here.

All of this began because of

Seora's outrageous mistake.

From Director Kang Jaeuk's perspective,

it's only natural that he wouldn't want to work

with someone who mistook him for her husband.

Even still. How could you do something

so despicable to food?

Your daughter Ki Seora

made that unavoidable.

Of course,

we believe we are partly at fault

for asking for something like that to be done.

That is why I'm here.

What will you do?

Please decide.

Either accept my offer, or...

Or what?

We'll go to court.

You can sue us

for asking someone to taint your food.

And we'll sue Seora for $1 million

in damages for defamation.

Oh, right.

Then the person who actually

put the gum in the soup, will be accountable.


Do it then.

Let's go to court.

Even if she is my daughter,

she should pay for her sins.

Let's do it.

Are you saying you'll abandon me?

But still, honey.

Are you insane?

It's suicide to fight a conglomerate.

You'll lose for sure.

She's always like this.

Seora creates the mud,

and I get thrown into it,

while she gets out clean.

Why? Why must I always be hurt

because of Seora? Why?

- Jinja... / - Why you. Get out here.

Get out!

Mother, why are you doing this to her again?

What did she do wrong?

Just hit me instead.

I can't live in this house!


Then let's do this.

Tell your chief director who ordered it

to apologize to me himself.

I can give in on other things

but I need to hear his apology.

In person?

There's one more condition.

Our mom has more pride

in her spicy seafood noodles than anyone else.

I want to revive her reputation

that was tainted by this incident.

Let her spicy seafood noodles be judged

completely fairly,

without any personal feelings getting involved.

I'm sorry. I was too careless.


I'm the one who asked too much of you.

I don't deserve this.

I was caught too easily

and put you in a bad spot.

It's okay.

These were gifts.

Just take them.

May I really?

But if I need help again later,

help me then.

Anything. Just say the word.

Daera, you seem to hate Seora

much more than I had thought.

You can't understand unless you've experienced it.

Do you know why I'm the scapegoat in my family?

My real sister Seora died of pneumonia,

and that brat joined our family

when my parents were in despair.

Then Seora replaced your dead sister, is that it?

That's right.


Was Seora an orphan?

Who knows?

She couldn't remember anything

when she came to our house.

She didn't know her name or her parents.

She was hit by a bike.

Did you say a bike?

My dad hit her with his bike.

That's why he brought her home.

A bike?

Are you okay?

Little girl, are you okay?

What happened?

Can anyone help?

I need to go.

I'll be in touch.

- Do you feel sick? / - I said to get out!

Sorry? Oh, okay.

Why were you in Haerim's car?

What were you talking about?

What is that?

Don't tell me

you did that for her because she bought you gifts.

Don't jump to conclusions. It's not like that.

Haerim, we need to talk.

It can't be.

Miryeong is Yeorim.

You saw the DNA test result. What are you imagining?

(The Secret of My Love)

You've never seen her before?

Is there a reason why I should know her?

Not yet.

What do you mean?

Make him sleep forever.

A will?

If he passes away now, Inuk will benefit.

You must find the will.

Grandfather was investigating mother?

He was looking into what she was doing.

Did you have to do that?

Why should I put on an act?

An act?

Why? Do you know this person?

Just for today.

Why not? You have me.

There's something I must do.

Why does it have to be you?

You shouldn't have shown up in my life.

For more infomation >> The Secret of My Love | 我男人的秘密 | 내 남자의 비밀 - Ep.45 [SUB : ENG/CHN/2017.12.05] - Duration: 33:48.


Paçoca's first time out - Duration: 1:30.

Heyy! Hiiii! You again!

It's Paçoca's first time out

And I'm babysitting her again

This park is so niiiiice! Uhuuuuu!

I'm gonna teach you a trick

Like this?

Yeah... Almost...

Like this!

I don't wanna play anymore


WAIT! Who is this?

I'll keep my distance

Let's plaaaay, Tangooo

No, I'm chasing sticks

But I'm here! Play with meeeee

Get off, kid

AAAHHH! I hate adults

So, was I a good babysitter?

I would rather go out alone

For more infomation >> Paçoca's first time out - Duration: 1:30.


Лакомство для собак Trixie Кальциевые косточки с уткой - Duration: 0:55.

For more infomation >> Лакомство для собак Trixie Кальциевые косточки с уткой - Duration: 0:55.


Shopping : la France s'invite chez vous - Duration: 3:02.

For more infomation >> Shopping : la France s'invite chez vous - Duration: 3:02.


Armin van Buuren Teaches Dance Music | Official Trailer - Duration: 2:00.


[MUSIC] "I want to be in that moment."

So we've used a human voice as a synthesizer.

There's pads coming there.

There's all sorts of excitement going on.

You want to suck the crowd into that moment.

Now it comes-- the payoff.

Everything in dance music revolves around the kick drum.

It's your guidance.

It's the holy grail.

When you roll off all the low end,

it just adds to the transience.

If your kick is not working, it won't rock the crowd.

You'll find that out the hard way.

So I've done a gain automation of my tracks, 3 dBs softer.

So that's an arrangement trick to tell people, OK, guys, It's

coming, it's coming, it's coming.


So that's how you build a drop.

I started to DJ in this really, really small club.

Sometimes I even had to bartend while I was spinning.

I put on my new song, and then nothing

happens on the dance floor.

So you go back into the studio, until it's perfect.

Are you ready to do a couple of takes?

[SINGING] She woke up in the morning.

I want to create a track completely from scratch,

especially for this MasterClass, with my good friend, Benno.

Keep it at the same note.

You want to make it shorter?

Well, let' see.

Let's try and see.

It was really my passion, you know, making little mix tapes

for my friends.

I'm still that little kid, you know.

That hasn't changed.

If that passion is real, it will come across.

It's about you.

You are your own sound.

If you're standing behind the decks, and you're shining,

and you're having an amazing time,

it will have an effect on people.

You can get there.

Trust me.


I'm Armin van Buuren, and this is my MasterClass.

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