Thứ Ba, 5 tháng 12, 2017

Waching daily Dec 5 2017

Hello everyone.

Welcome back to ForB's English lesson video.

My name is Richard and today I'm going to say a sentence and I'd like you to guess what I am saying.

Are you ready?

Keep at it.

Keep at it.

Keep at it.

Could you catch that?


Let's try that again but this time with a hint.

Keep at it.

Keep at it.

Keep at it.

Did you catch it?


This time I'll say it a little bit slower.

Are you ready?

Keep at it.

Keep at it.

Keep at it.

Could you catch it?


The answer is "Keep at it."

Keep at it.

Keep at it.

Alright. This means to keep trying and do not give up.


This has the consonant-vowel linking words.

So it sounds like "keep at it."

Alright, let's practice that together.

Please repeat after me.

Keep at it.


Now a little bit faster than that.

Keep at it.


Now let's do that faster than that.

Keep at it.


Now let's do that three times quickly.

Keep at it.

Keep at it.

Keep at it.

Good job!


Now you know what to say when you want a friend or someone you know not to give up and keep trying.


Keep at it.


My name's Richard and remember to please click like, share, and subscribe

and I will catch you next time.

For more infomation >> What is he saying?(55) (Listening Practice) [ ForB English Lesson ] - Duration: 2:11.


Funny Baby Girl Cleanup 4 How To Clean Up House And Do Daily Chores Games for kids - Duration: 13:49.

Funny Baby Girl Cleanup 4 How To Clean Up House And Do Daily Chores Games for kids

For more infomation >> Funny Baby Girl Cleanup 4 How To Clean Up House And Do Daily Chores Games for kids - Duration: 13:49.


28 North Korean 'ghost ships' found near Japan in November - Duration: 2:31.

In the past month, a number of fishing boats believed to be from North Korea were found

by the Japanese coast guard,… and the latest on Monday, three bodies were recovered in

northern Japan believed to be from an empty boat found a couple of days earlier.

Won Jung-hwan has more.

The Japanese coast guard said on Monday a Japanese fishing boat picked up a male body

floating off the coast of Sakata in Yamagata Prefecture,... and two more bodies at nearby

beach an hour and half later.

The bodies were heavily decomposed, but one had a lapel pin thought to be North Korean.

More gruesome discoveries were found during November, including eight bodies in a fishing

vessel that was washed ashore in northern Japan.

Several of the bodies were "skeletonized," indicating a long period had passed before

the vessel washed ashore.

The Japanese public broadcaster NHK reported on Tuesday that November was the month with

the most cases of so-called 'ghost boats' found near the Japanese coast.

Twenty-eight such vessels were found in November, breaking the previous record of twenty-one

cases in January 2014.

There have been roughly 60 cases a year since 2013, but a lot of cases were found in the

last months of the year as waters between Japan and the Korean Peninsula are known to

be rich fishing grounds during winter.


"In the winter season, due to its cold water, pollack and many other expensive fish are

found in the waters of the East Sea.

So North Korean fishermen are most active during this season, often sailing south of

the Northern Limit Line to fish illegally in the area."

But as North Korean fishing activity increases, the number of ships drifting toward the Japanese

coast increases as well.


"In order to increase the catches, each boat has many fishermen aboard, often exceeding

the ship's capacity.

So food becomes scarce and sometimes even oil runs out.

When that happens, ships drift away to Japan as winds and currents push the ships toward

Japan's northern coasts."

The increase in fishing activity may be related to a campaign pushed by leader Kim Jong-un

to boost fish harvests as a means of increasing sources of protein for the North, which continues

to fall short of food self-sufficiency.

In order to reach their quotas, the North Korean fishermen may be taking more risks

and venturing farther from their usual waters.

Won Jung-hwan, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> 28 North Korean 'ghost ships' found near Japan in November - Duration: 2:31.


South Korean Army to establish attack drone unit - Duration: 0:39.

South Korea's is one of the world's leaders in information technology, and its military

is no exception.

Starting next year, the South Korean Army plans to establish a attack drone unit.

Army officials say the drones will be used for surveillance deep in enemy territory,

including North Korea's nuclear and missile facilities.

Attack robots and drones will also be developed to keep South Korean troops out of harm's

way while inflicting maximum damage on the enemy.

The army is looking into mass-producing small drones that can carry one kilogram of explosives.

Officials say the small drones could attack in large numbers to take out enemy vehicles

and personnel.

For more infomation >> South Korean Army to establish attack drone unit - Duration: 0:39.


كيف تتوازن ◆ كيف تفهم و تتصالح مع الذات ◆ محاضرة رائعة جدا للدكتور ابراهيم الفقي - Duration: 14:10.

For more infomation >> كيف تتوازن ◆ كيف تفهم و تتصالح مع الذات ◆ محاضرة رائعة جدا للدكتور ابراهيم الفقي - Duration: 14:10.


The Tiny Voice in the Back of Donald Trump's Head: "You're Not Good at This Job" - Duration: 1:17.

For more infomation >> The Tiny Voice in the Back of Donald Trump's Head: "You're Not Good at This Job" - Duration: 1:17.


The Republican Tax Bill, Brooklyn Brewery Names Beer After Beyoncé - Monologue - Duration: 3:17.

For more infomation >> The Republican Tax Bill, Brooklyn Brewery Names Beer After Beyoncé - Monologue - Duration: 3:17.


ДЕНЬ3 🌟 ЛЕГО ФРЕНДС 🎁 ГАДКИЙ Я МИНЬОНКИ Распаковка сборка обзор игрушки Лего на русском Ginny toys - Duration: 3:42.

For more infomation >> ДЕНЬ3 🌟 ЛЕГО ФРЕНДС 🎁 ГАДКИЙ Я МИНЬОНКИ Распаковка сборка обзор игрушки Лего на русском Ginny toys - Duration: 3:42.


18 - The Niagara pole dance tutorial - Duration: 4:19.

Hello my friends . Today we are going to learn the Niagara trick.

Start by practising this trick on the lower part of the pole and only when you feel absolutely

confident about your leg grip and the overall technique – move to the higher part of it.

So, perform the basic climb and squeeze the pole between your legs the same way you do

it in the Crucifix: use your inner thighs, knees, shins and ankles to create a firm grip.

Pay your attention to the fact that your "back" foot has to be flexed (not pointed) – this

will ensure your safety while doing this trick; in order to make the pose beautiful and technically

correct bend the toes of your "back" foot as well.

Next, holding onto the pole with your hands, straighten and press your "front" leg

onto the pole with its inner thigh.

Stay in total control of the leg grip, keep squeezing that pole in between your legs and

do not move your pelvis away from the pole.

If you feel confident about your leg grip, then you can carefully take your hands off

the pole and clench them in front of it for further support.

After that you can start gently arching your spine (both in the chest and the lower back

areas) slowly leaning backwards and supporting this movement with your clenched hands at

the same time, so that if you lose the leg grip you will still be able to hold onto the

pole with both hands, which will minimize the risk of getting injured or falling off

the pole.

Now let's have a look at some mistakes that might cause slipping down of falling off the


It can happen due to several reasons: when you lean back too quickly and vigorously;

when you move your pelvis away from the pole; when your leg grip is not strong enough; or

simply because the condition or the type of your skin doesn't allow you to perform a

proper grip, in which case you can always use various magnesia and sports wax products

to improve it.

The following modification of this trick would be best done with a friend's help – you

need to open your arms to the sides and bring them slightly backwards, keep your pelvis

close to the pole and lean backwards with your spine.

Remember that in this variation of the trick there will be less arching of the back in

comparison to the first variation of it, because you will now be working with some extra weight

of your arms put behind your torso.

So please don't try to lean backwards as much as you did while performing the first

variation of this trick as it can be very dangerous.

In the future whilst mastering this trick with a friend's support you will be able

to lean backwards more, but you must not bring your upper body further backwards if you are

not 100% confident about your leg grip and the overall body balance even if there is

a person supporting you, because in case you do slip down and fall off the pole it will

not be just you who might get injured but your helpful friend, too.

Go slowly whilst perfecting this trick.

By the way, there is one absolutely safe way to practise this trick, which includes holding

onto the pole with one of your hands.

By doing so you will be able to lean backwards without being afraid of falling – the most

important thing here is to be holding onto the pole really firmly with your hand.

This variation can be performed with your toes pointed, which makes it look better.

Remember to do the trick several times on both sides.

So, today we have learnt the Niagara trick.

Wish you the best in your trainings.

Share your results and achievements using the hashtag #poledream_online . See you soon.


For more infomation >> 18 - The Niagara pole dance tutorial - Duration: 4:19.


Ejen Ali | Episode 5 Part 2 | Misi: Blueprint (Mission: Blueprint) | English and Indonesian Subs - Duration: 5:04.



What is going on?

Agent Rizwan, duck!

Watch out!




[grunts in pain]





What happened?

Get back...

...that blueprint...




Huh? What was that?











Rizwan's condition is stable, but he needs to rest for now.

How is this possible?!

Our enemies seem more prepared.

With every move we make, they're constantly one step ahead!

It's like they already know our plans. As if --


Someone has leaked out information.




Why is she still here?!


Eesh, Comot!


Hold up.

What's that in her mouth?


this was that cockroach earlier!



Throw it, throw it far, far away!



There's a camera!


I thought it was a REAL cockroach!

[horrified noise]



They're monitoring us!

What should we do, General?!

Jenny, use that camera's signal to obtain the original location of its transmitter.

The transmitter's signal has been deactivated,

but I can get the location of its most recent transmission,

which is at...

The Cyberaya harbour.

Check the security footage in that area!


nothing suspi - hey!

This is looped footage!

General, they've hacked that area's CCTV cameras!

The I.R.I.S.'s blueprints takes some time to be decrypted.

They might still be there.

Your mission this time will be to track them down and get back I.R.I.S.' blueprints.

Agent Bakar, the detailed plan will be sent to you.

The risk is too high to explain it here.


We don't have Agent Rizwan this time around.

Maybe this can help.

[surprised chuckle ]


You went through all the trouble!

Ooooh, what's this?



Okay, let's go!


Hey, where'd she go?

Ali! What are you waiting for?

Okay, okay!

For more infomation >> Ejen Ali | Episode 5 Part 2 | Misi: Blueprint (Mission: Blueprint) | English and Indonesian Subs - Duration: 5:04.


7 hábitos que ajudam a melhorar a assimilação de cálcio - Duration: 8:42.

For more infomation >> 7 hábitos que ajudam a melhorar a assimilação de cálcio - Duration: 8:42.


Top 5 des chutes LES PLUS SPECTACULAIRES! - Duration: 2:29.

For more infomation >> Top 5 des chutes LES PLUS SPECTACULAIRES! - Duration: 2:29.


4 conselhos para potencializar sua fertilidade - Duration: 8:42.

For more infomation >> 4 conselhos para potencializar sua fertilidade - Duration: 8:42.


Tournament 6: MGaruda 4 Glaive Atomic VS GZeus 7 Meteor Atomic - Duration: 3:19.

I think I owe you guys an explanation

The thing that happened here was that galaxy zeus has way better teeth

and seven makes it aggressive enough to burst maximum garuda

even if its launched first as we saw in the extra clip

. I know that in the second clip garuda survived in same conditions

but that depends on how hard you launch the beys

In the third clip even if you don't hear or see it I launched garuda a bit more softly

and that ended as spin finish for galaxy zeus

So, if you launch like a madman maximum garuda will be the one bursting

and if you don't launch maximum garuda like a madman galaxy zeus will win

I see no reason to launch galaxy zeus that has better teeth and more aggressive disc softer

Next time we have Foxers shadow orichalcum four glaive atomic

against anonymous drain Fafnir 4 glaive atomic

But first, lets have a quick look on Jimmyjazz 39s youtube channel, the link is in the description as always.


For more infomation >> Tournament 6: MGaruda 4 Glaive Atomic VS GZeus 7 Meteor Atomic - Duration: 3:19.


[WancoBeads] How to make Santa Claus - Duration: 25:13.

Beads abacus 4mm orange 26 Beads abacus 4mm transparent 27 Beads abacus 4mm brown 9 Beads abacus 4mm dark brown 10 Beads round 4mm black 2 Nylon string 0.23mm(dia.) 120cm 1

At first, Add 5 beads(brown, transparent, transparent, brown, brown) to red nylon string

It crossed in the last addition beads(brown)

The number of beads that are in a ring is 5

Add 4 beads(brown, transparent, transparent, brown) to blue nylon string

It crossed in the last addition beads

The number of beads that are in a ring is 5

Add 4(transparent, transparent, brown, black) to red, cross

The number of beads that are in a ring is 5

Pick up 1(brown) in red

Add 2(transparent) to blue, cross

The number of beads that are in a ring is 4

Pick up 1 in blue

Add 3 to red, cross

ring (5)

Pick up 1 in red

Add 3 to blue, cross

ring (5)

Pick up 1(brown) in blue

Add 2(transparent, black) to red, cross

ring (4)

Pick up 1(brown) in red

Add 3(brown, transparent, transparent) to blue, cross

ring (5)

Pick up 1 in blue

Add 3(orange) to red, cross

ring (5)

Pick up 2 in red

Add 2 to blue, cross

ring (5)

Pick up 1 in blue

Add 2 to red, cross

ring (4)

Add 3(orange, transparent, transparent) to blue, cross

ring (4)

Pick up 3(brown, transparent, transparent) in blue

Add 1(transparent), cross

ring (5)

Pick up 1 in blue

Add 2(transparent, orange) to blue, cross

ring (4)

Pick up 2 in blue

Add 2(orange) to red, cross

ring (5)

Add 3 to blue, cross

ring (4)

Pick up 3(transparent, transparent, brown) in blue

Add 1(transparent), cross

ring (5)

Pick up 1 in blue

Add 2(orange) to blue, cross

ring (4)

Pick up 2(transparent, orange) in blue

Add 1(orange), cross

ring (4)

Pick up 2 in red

Add 3(orange, transparent, orange) to red, put the tip of the hat

ring (5)

Pick up 2 in red

Add 1(orange) to red, cross

ring (5)

Pick up 1 in blue

Pick up 1 in red

Add 1(orange), cross

ring (4)

Pick up 2(transparent, orange) in red

Pick up 2(transparent, orange) in blue, cross

ring (4)

Add 4(orange, dark brown, dark brown, orange) to blue, cross

ring (5)

Pick up 1(orange) in blue

Add 2(dark brown, orange) to red, cross

ring (4)

Pick up 1(transparent) in red

Add 2(dark brown, transparent) to blue, cross

ring (4)

Pick up 1(transparent) in blue

Add 2(dark brown, orange) to red, cross

ring (4)

Pick up 2(orange) in red

Add 1(dark brown), cross

ring (4)

Pick up 1(dark brown) in blue

Add 3(orange, dark brown, orange) to red, cross

ring (5)

Pick up 2(dark brown) in red

Add 2(dark brown, orange) to blue, cross

ring (5)

Pick up 1(dark brown) in blue

Add 2(dark brown, orange) to red, cross

ring (4)

Pick up 2(dark brown, orange) in red

Add 1(dark brown), cross

ring (4)

Pick up 1 in blue

Pick up 3 in red, cross

ring (4)

put a hand

Pass the red nylon string to the position of the hand

Pass the blue nylon string to the position of the hand

Add 1(brown) to blue, put the left hand

Pass the nylon string to the position of the buttocks

Add 1(brown) to red, put the right hand

Pass the nylon string to the position of the buttocks

Tie the nylon string

After connecting, through the nylon string to 2 or 3 beads

Cut a little pull state the nylon string

It was completed

Use the 3mm of acrylic beads

For more infomation >> [WancoBeads] How to make Santa Claus - Duration: 25:13.


Senior UN official visits North Korea for first time in 6 years - Duration: 2:16.

For first time 6 years, a senior UN official has traveled to North Korea for a diplomatic


Observers will be looking to see whether the rare trip could pave the way for further talks

with Pyongyang... despite the regime's latest missile provocation.

Kwon Jang-ho reports from the Unification Ministry.

Jeffrey Feltman, the United Nations' Under-Secretary-General for Political Affairs, headed to North Korea

from Beijing on Tuesday.

The UN announced that he will be staying for four days, and will meet with several senior

North Korean officials, including foreign minister, Ri Yong-ho, and vice-minister Pak

Myong Guk.

The visit was first said to have been discussed on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly

in September, but not confirmed until recently.

(English) Reuters 1246 "The visit is a response to a long-standing

invitation from the authorities in Pyongyang for policy dialogue with the U.N.

We were able to confirm the visit last Thursday, November 30th.

It will be a wide ranging discussion.

I'm not going to go into any detail, but it will be a wide ranging policy discussion."

The spokesperson added that the Under-Secretary will meet with the UN diplomatic corps, as

well as staff from the 6 UN agencies working there, as well as visiting some UN project

sites himself.

It's the first time a senior UN official has visited the reclusive state since the former

UN aid chief, Valerie Amos, visited in October 2011,... and it comes as tensions have renewed

after Pyongyang test fired its latest, most powerful ballistic missile yet last week.

In response, U.S. President Donald Trump had threatened more unilateral sanctions, but

so far, no new UN Security Council resolution has been forthcoming.

But the South Korean government has welcomed the move, and expressed hope that it can lead

to more significant talks.

(Korean) "Through Under-Secretary General Feltman's

trip, we hope North Korea receives the international community's message to stop its provocations

and threats, and return to the path of meaningful denuclearization."

Kwon Jang-ho, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> Senior UN official visits North Korea for first time in 6 years - Duration: 2:16.


Congrats for Being a Youtube Star in Korea, My Daughter! - Duration: 5:39.


It's a little special day

I'm meeting Andrea's father

let's go


I'm tryna decide which food can be better for him

You're not shooting me, are you?

No, I'm not

On the way to meet Andrea,

I came across with Sola

You don't come in

That's a huge story

If the weather is this cold,

how are we supposed to survive?

For more infomation >> Congrats for Being a Youtube Star in Korea, My Daughter! - Duration: 5:39.


Ejen Ali | Episode 5 Part 1 | Misi: Blueprint (Mission: Blueprint) | English and Indonesian Subs - Duration: 7:55.


Miss, how are you?

Didn't you miss me?

You okay?

This is just an ant's bite! Hehe.




[surprised grunt]






Miss! DON'T GO!

[Invisible birds chirping]

[saddened meow]


[startled meow]

[angry meows]

AAAH! [pants]

Aw, Comot!

Why didn't you wake me up?!

Uh --

[frustrated noise]

[sighs in relief]

Viktor, have you done yesterday's homework?

Not yet, but it's due tomorrow, right?


But I've finished it~


I don't even need to ask you to know if you've done it or not.




You're not allowed to bring cats to school!

Huh? There's a cat?


Aww, how wonderful!

Aw, how fluffy!

- C'mere, cutie! - I wanna see!

[scared meow]

- Hey, don't run, c'mere! - Not through the tables!

Catch it!

[Horrified yelp]

My homework!

Where you gonna run?

Hah -- hey!

[clears throat]

The teacher!

Teacher, look!

Ali brought a cat!

That's not allowed, right, Teacher?

You think this is the vet's?!

Comot, you wait here.


[sad meow]


Where IS that cat?

Hey, Ali!


[frustrated sigh]


Uh -- it wasn't me!

This is the work of...


[stomach growls] - Ugh... - Meow.


For me?

Where'd you get this chocolate?

Ali, have you seen my...

Your what?


Give it baaaaaack!

[whistles innocently]


After him!

Go over there!

Where do you think you're going?




[war cry]


It's so tiring having a cat like this.

That's normal.

My younger sibling at home also acts like that.


Your penalty of TIDYING THE LIBRARY.

Have you done it or not?

What penalty?


Hey, can you look after Comot?

Sure, no prob.


Where'd she go?

Can't you go one day without causing a ruckus?

It wasn't me!

It was Comot!

[horrified scream]

[pathetic whimpering]



Uncle, what is it?

Ew, capture it!

- Huh? - Hm?

We're not going to just LEAVE it here!

[annoyed sound]

This is all because YOU always bring food in HERE.




Comot, stop!

[panicked screaming]







DEY! [echoes]

What is going on?!

Nothing important, General.

Everyone here? Listen closely.


These guys!

Dos and Trez.

These two were the ones responsible for stealing I.R.I.S. the other day.

This morning, they have once more broken into the M.A.T.A. facility.

What have they taken this time?


I.R.I.S.'s blueprints.


they're able to create I.R.I.S. too?!

Not as simple as that.

But with the blueprints, they'll be able to examine I.R.I.S.'s inner mechanism.

Inner mechanism?

What do they want to do?

We still don't know -

There must be an evil plan!

For the sake of safety, I.R.I.S.'s blueprints have been broken into two parts, which have been stored in two separate cryptodrives which have been isolated.

They have succeeded in obtaining the first cryptodrive.

So the second cryptodrive is now in danger.

Agent Rizwan will be leading the mission to move the cryptodrive from there before our enemies do.

The security systems have been upgraded to prevent this cat from -

[surprised noise]


Whoops -- uh --

Sorry, General!

She sneaked in and followed me here!

This is a secret location that is tightly guarded!

There is no way she could've sneaked in!

She's...a little special, General.

Stop this nonsense;

this is NOT the vet's!


Act immediately!



You can't come, Comot.

You've caused a lot of trouble for me today.

[saddened meow]

For more infomation >> Ejen Ali | Episode 5 Part 1 | Misi: Blueprint (Mission: Blueprint) | English and Indonesian Subs - Duration: 7:55.


ਜਿਨ੍ਹ੍ਹਾ ਮੁਹਬਤਿ ਇਕ ਸਿਉ & ਓਇ ਸਦਾ ਸਦਾ ਜਨ ਜੀਵਤੇ | Bhai Ravinder Singh Delhi - Duration: 13:26.

ਮਃ ੫ ॥ Fifth Mehl: ਮੁਆ ਜੀਵੰਦਾ ਪੇਖੁ ਜੀਵੰਦੇ ਮਰਿ ਜਾਨਿ ॥ See, that only one who has died, truly lives; one who is alive, consider him dead. ਜਿਨ੍ਹ੍ਹਾ ਮੁਹਬਤਿ ਇਕ ਸਿਉ ਤੇ ਮਾਣਸ ਪਰਧਾਨ ॥੨॥ Those who are in love with the One Lord, are the supreme people. ||2||

ਸਲੋਕੁ ਮਃ ੩ ॥ Shalok, Third Mehl: ਇਹੁ ਜਗਤੁ ਮਮਤਾ ਮੁਆ ਜੀਵਣ ਕੀ ਬਿਧਿ ਨਾਹਿ ॥ This world perishing in attachment and possessiveness; no one knows the way of life. ਗੁਰ ਕੈ ਭਾਣੈ ਜੋ ਚਲੈ ਤਾਂ ਜੀਵਣ ਪਦਵੀ ਪਾਹਿ ॥ One who walks in harmony with the Guru's Will, obtains the supreme status of life. ਓਇ ਸਦਾ ਸਦਾ ਜਨ ਜੀਵਤੇ ਜੋ ਹਰਿ ਚਰਣੀ ਚਿਤੁ ਲਾਹਿ ॥ Those humble beings who focus their consciousness on the Lord's Feet, live forever and ever. ਨਾਨਕ ਨਦਰੀ ਮਨਿ ਵਸੈ ਗੁਰਮੁਖਿ ਸਹਜਿ ਸਮਾਹਿ ॥੧॥ O Nanak, by His Grace, the Lord abides in the minds of the Gurmukhs, who merge in celestial bliss. ||1||

For more infomation >> ਜਿਨ੍ਹ੍ਹਾ ਮੁਹਬਤਿ ਇਕ ਸਿਉ & ਓਇ ਸਦਾ ਸਦਾ ਜਨ ਜੀਵਤੇ | Bhai Ravinder Singh Delhi - Duration: 13:26.


THE BABYS......JESUS ARE YOU THERE: 0:59 - 1:24 - Duration: 0:26.

♪ I don't believe in nothing no more ♪

♪ Can't find the truth ♪

♪ I just need to score ♪

♪ Don't give me Hare Krishna ♪

♪ Keep it to yourself man ♪

♪ Stand back ♪

♪ Get back ♪

♪ Do you believe in Jesus? ♪

♪ Is he there? ♪

♪ Is there a God above? ♪

♪ And does he really care? ♪

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