Thứ Ba, 5 tháng 12, 2017

Waching daily Dec 6 2017

There was an idea... bring together a group of remarkable people... see if we could become something more... when they needed us we could fight the battles...

...that they never could.

In time you'll know what it's like to lose.

To feel so desperately that you're right, that to fail all the same.

Dread it, run from it. Destiny still arrives.

Evacuate the city.

Engage all defences and get this man a shield.

Fun isn't something one considers the balance in the universe.

But this does put a smile on my face.

Who the hell are you guys?

For more infomation >> AVENGERS INFINITY WAR Trailer (2018) 4K Ultra HD | Robert Downey Jr, Chris Evans, Josh Brolin - Duration: 2:44.


Energy Update We Have Now Headed Off The Original Great Fall! - Duration: 5:05.

Energy Update - We Have Now Headed Off The Original Great Fall!

by Anastacia-Blue Beyond,

We have NOW headed off the �original� GREAT FALL!

*This is sharing from a culmination of previous energy updates and anything further in what

is shared needs to be felt into as to what that is for each soul, of the Divine*

We are not able to �interfere� the lessons for souls that are needing to be learned by

themselves and the Divine ONLY.

The LETTING GO, while these are words one reads, this is deeper and bigger than JUST


As I have been sharing about LETTING GO for some weeks/months now.

It is more of letting go of a bigger bigger picture, another �area� or �level�

of this.

A deeper surrender of faith.

Where one feels in a �mess�, as things are not �organized� as they used to be.

To reach ones personal point of really really LETTING GO.

This is very difficult and is a process and a transition that is taking time.

It is letting go of CONTROL like no other.

There is something each of us or (more than one) that we have been �hanging onto�

that we are needing to LET GO of.

It could be �simple� things, like leaving doing washing or not making lunches as one

did, yet these are very important in letting these go as this brings through a massive

massive freedom.

If we go into another�s space when they are needing to feel all around them collapsing,

it is detrimental to us�we are no longer to self sacrifice for others close to us,

when we can see and feel they are struggling.

As we are not to sacrifice ourselves for others anymore�.if we do, it is sacrificing ourselves

and it is not our �place� to do so.

(See previous post on self survival not self sacrifice).

This is between souls and the Divine individually.


We are and now have headed off the original GREAT FALL!

As last night AEST there were dreams of this and there was like a very big significant

�crack� of energy that came through, that �rattled� ones energy.

Each soul is having different dreams of what this was/is for themselves.

I have written of this before, that we have come to this point before but we �didn�t

make it� then � BUT WE ARE NOW.

A snapping or breaking of a finality of an �older way� that is so much bigger than


Remember to keep oneself GROUNDED while we are processing so much overwhelm of energies,

as it has been overwhelm.

Grounding and balancing, continually.

The Australian Bush flower essence (ABF) that comes for this is PawPaw, which one can read

and feel and tap into their crown chakra:


For the assimilation and integration of new ideas and information, especially where there

is a tendency to feel overwhelmed by the quality and quantity of that information.

This Essence should be used when one is unable to solve a problem.

It will activate the Higher Self, where we have the answer to all our problems.

It will ease the burden of problems as it activates the intuitive processes to provide


Negative Condition:

overwhelm unable to resolve problems

burdened by decision Positive Outcome:

improved access to Higher Self for problem solving

assimilation of new ideas calmness

clarity It is REFLECTION TIME of our Mirror of self

as what we say about others, is about us.

They are in a space of the Divine with their souls journeys, that is none of our business!

If we go into others� spaces as we did and especially those close to us, it is self sacrifice

in doing so.

This is about SELF SURVIVAL.

Savour this journey, how ever tough it is right now and this year with all of these


As this time will pass.

As we are definitely moving ONWARDS and UPWARDS of bringing through a NEW DIVINE HIGHER HEART

for a NEW BIRTHING, like no other�as in times past, we did not �make it�



As always I am right here with you.

As all I share and bring through is as a template for humanity in linking our Spirit to our

Soul through our emotions from personal experience.

Much Unconditional Love, Truth

and Honesty

For more infomation >> Energy Update We Have Now Headed Off The Original Great Fall! - Duration: 5:05.


Trans Terminology 101 with Shaun Majumder | Web Exclusive | 22 Minutes - Duration: 8:31.

Tell me about you.

When I was born, the doctor assigned me female at birth, so I spent the first 15 or so years

of my life um, living as female.

What are some things and words that people use that drive you nuts?

When I say nuts, I don't - okay, this is getting really awkward.

No, but really.

I hear this one a lot: it's transgendered with an "ED" at the end.

Ah, yes.

And like, I see that everywhere, like, it's -

I've been guilty of that, I saw it today on my iPhone, when I typed in "transgen" I got

to "gen" and autocorrect came up "gendered."

Yeah it's used everywhere and it's like, mostly used in a totally innocent meaning way.

Of course.

Um, but it's just, it's sort of implies that we're like cis-gender people who like somehow,

like, fell in a vat of toxic waste and became transgendered.

Have you been transgendered?

Yeah - exactly.


What the hell is cis-gendered?

It's basically just like, cis-gender is anyone who isn't trans.

So am I cis-gendered?

Yeah, you would be cis-gender.

I would be a cis-gender person.



I've not been cis-gendered.

Unless you were transgender and became cis-gendered.

Some people use it because they think that you know, you can't be transgender without

having had any type of surgery and so they're like, you have to be transgendered.

I like your finger - like this as if it was a tool that you could use, it's like this

is how we're doing the surgery, there it is, done.

Yep, scalpel.


Transgender is the umbrella term, you say trans just like to shorten it.

It's fun.

It's hip.

It's cool.


Trans people.


Can you explain the difference between transpeople, drag queens, cross-dressers, and Mrs. Doubtfire?

Basically, trans people identify with a different gender than they were identified, that they

were assigned at birth.


Drag queens and drag kings dress as another gender um, in like an entertainment performance

type setting.

It's more theatrical.

Mrs. Doubtfire I would say that would be, crossdressing.

Okay - maybe break that down.

The difference between gender and sexuality.

They're not the same.

No, so like gender is totally like who you feel you are.

I feel that I am male on the inside.

And then sexuality is who you like, who you're attracted to.

It's not always - It's not always this.

Or this.


Or - That.

It's not always that.

Can trans people start this as their official handshake?

Well, that's a question people that lots of people love to ask, is, how do you have sex?

Like you just - like this.

What do you want people to know about you, that might surprise them?

Um, one of the main things that people think about like I've gotten this a few times, has

been like, "Oh so you're like a lesbian?"

And then I'm like - Oh right.

No, I'm not just really gay.

So gay that I like, transitioned, so that I would be straight, it's like, like to be

a lesbian you have to be a woman and like women.

And I'm, neither is true for me, so, like, people just assume that transgender is just

like a really extreme form of gay.

Yeah, so then how does that work?

So like, trans people can have any sexuality just like cis people, and it's like not at

all about who you like, it's completely about like who you think you are on the inside.

Others identified you as female before you were 15.

And then now you're like, living the life as a male.

Do you notice them treating you differently?

Like I went through a really awkward phase where no one was really sure, and then like

I was working an ice cream job at the time and people would like come up and be like,

"Hey boss" or something, and then I'd be like "yes that's definitely, that definitely means

they ID'd me right."

When you were a girl it was "Hi" and when you were a guy it's like "Hey."

Yeah, basically.

I'm like suddenly part of the club.

They used to like call me ma'am and I like would pretend that I -


Yeah, and I would pretend that I heard like "man" and I'd be like, yeah cool.

Yeah, yeah, right.

You do get treated differently and you kinda, I kind of watch myself like gain privilege

as like, I - Right - Is that why you wanted to become a

male because you wanted to make more money?

I actually have no feeling inside my brain about what gender I am, I just really wanted

like - what is it?

An extra .50 cents for the dollar?

I dunno.

What is the correct question to ask somebody if you don't know?

Yeah, so like, you can never tell for sure like, you can't just look at someone and know

they're trans, so you could ask: "How do you self-identify?" and then that leaves sort

of, if they feel safe coming out to you, they can do that, and if they don't, they also

don't have to, they can give you something else, like, "I'm Canadian" or...


So explain to me and Canada about the pronouns.

So um, there's obviously the ones that most people know.

He/him, she/her, so I go by him.

He/him, she/her.

So, and then you know there are trans people that don't necessarily feel that they fit

with either of the male or female label, and they are somewhere in between, or somewhere


Um, and so they will use a gender-neutral pronoun a lot of the time, and so um, the

one that I've come across the most is they/them, as like a singular pronoun.

Some people don't feel comfortable with they/them, and just really, it's the first step -

So why would they feel uncomfortable with even with the gender neutral, the they/them?

Well, a lot of people like to argue that they/them cannot be singular and that's grammatically


I see, so it's plural.

Yep, they love to fight on that.

Yeah, as a trans person it's your job to tell people what your pronouns are.


But it's also like, a cis persons job to maybe ask what your pronouns are if they aren't

sure instead of just assuming based on what you look like or -

What are some terminology that cisgender people use that is completely off limits?

The t-slur, which is "tranny" that's like a complete slur and it's not okay to use at


Tranny, bad, bad, bad, bad.

Yeah like some people will use it to identify for like their own self and like in a way

of kind of reclaiming the slur.

So that's like the, the n-word?


'Cause I'm a Newfie and that's a bad word.

And what about uh, when we use the term intersex?

So intersex is people who um, when they were born um it wasn't totally clear whether they

were male or female or maybe later on in life they realize they have like characteristics

of both male and female people.

You know I remember hearing a term growing up, hermaphrodite.

Yeah, that's not really used.

What is a hermaphrodite?

It used to mean - - It's a horrible word -

- Intersex but it's like not used anymore.


What's ally?

Ally is like anyone who is like an ally to the community, just a straight cis person

who - Me - I'd be a straight cis person -

Yeah, and you are an ally to - Where do I sign up to become an ally?

Um Do I have to apply online?

No, you're good, you just gotta, you just gotta accept everyone.


I just don't think human biology is ever perfect.

Yeah, like there's not just XX and XY.


There's like - stuff happens!

Yeah yeah yeah.

I think people feel uncomfortable 'cause they don't want to mess up.

Yeah, all that cis people really need to know is just like, just know which terminology

to use, it's like not super hard, you're allowed to mess up.


Just do your very best, and then yeah, that's.

Andrew, thank you so much for doing this.

It took a lot of balls.

I'm not gonna lie to you.

Oh boy.

Thank you.

For more infomation >> Trans Terminology 101 with Shaun Majumder | Web Exclusive | 22 Minutes - Duration: 8:31.



For more infomation >> CUENTAS DE WOLFTEAM GRATIS /REGALO CUENTAS DE WOLFTEAM 2017 - Duration: 4:43.


UNREST - Ep.3 - DayZ Village - Duration: 25:58.

Hello everyone, Rene here

The last episode started with a lot of unrest in and around the Village

When things calmed down, our goals came into view again.

Where was that foodtruck that was stolen?

After managing things a little bit in the Village

we went out again to save some stranded survivors.

that went on a mission earlier.

When we arrived there I got a call on the radio of the thief of the foodtruck.

and he told me that it was in Severograd.

and that is exactly where we found it.

We brought the meat back to the Village and that was actually the end of day 1.

Up to day 2.

I hope you enjoy.

Spawning into the Village is not always a wise move.

The Village could be under attack or people might think you're a hostile.

The best way of survival here would be to not log out in the Village.

I did spawn in the Village this time and I decided to not announce myself immediately

so I could see if something was going on and what everyone was doing.

the fact that some people are still sitting down and standing still means that there is

no immediate danger.

Also, there is a lot of mess on the ground.

I have to do something about that for sure.



"Hello, hey man, there have been some shots around here."

"Yeah, shots?"

"so eh, watch out."

"Coming from that hill, behind the pub."

"Okay, thank you."

"Eh, guys we have a problem."

"What's going on?"

"One of the trucks is gone, there were three trucks and now there is only two trucks."

"Yeah, yeah, they took one out on a mission didn't they?"

"Guys, one question, who is in charge here right now?"

"Are you closing the server..."


"Yeah, behind the pub behind the pub."

"On the mountain, on the mountain!"

"Behind the pub."

"Rene, I probably this isn't the time to say it but I'm a huge fan."

"Thank you sir!"

"What's your name?"

"Me too, me too, me too!"

"NeksukkaPOOC (?)"

"Thank you."

"and Varchar, and Vvarchar and Varchar!"

"Shall we flank him?"

"I don't know..."

"I don't know what he looks like, he could be anyone you know."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah."

"We need to wait until he shoots again."

"And try to find out who is shooting."

"I'm just here, I'm gonna flank right."

"Me too."

"There is a group of military dudes, they are flanking around but I think we need to

wait until..."

"until they shoot again."


"and we need to find out..."

"Like maybe we need a couple of people to rush in immediately."

"Because we need to find out what he looks like."


"Do you know how many there are?"

"Well, I just heard one shot, so I imagine it's one for now."

"Did someone die because of that shot?"

"I imagine someone did."


"Does anyone know if that's friendly fire or not?"

"I mean..."

"No, I don't think so, I don't think so, I don't think so!"

"I don't think it's friendly."

"Okay, I see someone running in the field from left to right."


"There are people going at it."

"Okay, he has an orange backpack."

"I hit him!"

"He ran across that hill."

"Where is he, where is he?"

"He is being chased by a guy to the right, I think he is with the tan backpack."

"Tan backpack seems to be friendly."


"Hey guys, hey guys!"


"Yes, yes?"

"Did you see anybody?"

"Orange taloon backpack, I hit him once."

"He ran down this hill somewhere."

"Yeah, orange taloon backpack."

"I think he had a Winchester of some sort."

"There has been shooting in the Village, I think we need to go back."


"He might've got in the Village, I don't know."

"Yeah, could be."


"Yes, it's me!

Yes, it's me."


"Yes, yes."

"What's happening guys?"

"I don't know we saw a guy with an orange taloon backpack."

"He was shooting I think, I hit him once."

"Yeah, I got f*cking shot.

I got shot and I broke my legs."

"Oh hey René!

It's me from yesterday, the guy that robbed the truck."


"Hey, nice to meet you."

"Are you alright?

I heard you got killed yesterday as well in the Village."

"Eh, I never got killed, they tried killing me and I escaped."

"Oh okay."

"Who needs a saline?

Come here."

"Cheers René!"

"No worries."

"Maybe we can like, are the tents all full or something?"

"Because these backpacks, they look a little silly."

"Maybe we can pile of backpacks."

"Yeah, yeah, good idea."

"René you're back man?"


"What's going on there?"

"F*ck, I don't know, lots of shooting."

"I've shotten a few assailants, I've shotten a few."



"Eh, I told you about that guy that was trying to siege power yeah?"


"Yeah, everyone that was here than has agreed he is blacklisted."

"So he isn't allowed back."

"and there were two attackers up on the hills earlier with Mosins and Winchesters and they're

dead now."

"What is happening here?"

"He tied me up and fondled me, just ignore it René."

"I did...

I didn't fondle you, I was checking your prostate!"

"I was being a good Samaritan."

"He's the nurse isn't he?"

"Can you please stop force feeding me please!"

"...Nurse, maybe not the nurse."

"Eh, can you help me clean up the place a little bit?"

"Like eh, grab some ruined stuff, ditch it outside the walls."

"If there are backpacks, dump them at that tree over there."

"Put the rest of the supplies in the tents."


"Alright, I took care of it."

"What the f*ck!"

"Why did you shoot him?"

"I got permission to do that, don't worry."

"He's been force feeding me worms."

"... they died of poisoning."

"and to prove it, there is two in the fire here."

"He's fed a bunch of people worms and it's just gonna use a lot of charcoal tabs."

"He's been doing it to all of the Australians."


"Ah, okay."

"I actually he."

"Only the Australians.

When we robbed off, he said we're gonna have a problem."

"Yeah, he tried to do this with me too, did you warn him?"

"You should warn these people first."

"Eh, well we told him before he should just back off but..."

"Yeah, it's a shame."


"I just thought, I'd turn it around so there is some light here."

"Oh okay."

"Can I borrow a car?"

"Eh, what do you need it for?"

"I need to pick up my friend."

"Where did he spawn then?"

"Around Svetlo."

"Svetlo, okay if you can go there and then go to hidden military base at Kamensk and

grab all the ammo..."

"from there and put it back in there car and bring it back, that would be great."

"alright, watch out for the car."

"Okay, careful!"


"It's a shotgun!"

"...Mosin ammo?"

"Yes, eh no."

"Did you hear where it came from?"

"It sounded like up there."


Here here, here!"


"Guys, where did the shot come from, where did it come from?"

"Here here!

There is, there are two dead guys here!"

"Yeah, yeah."

"What the f*ck?"

"Did they kill trade?"

"I'm afraid so."

"Keep an eye out though, keep an eye out, let's circle around!"

"Don't stand still, don't stand still!"

"What, what guns do they have?"

"AKM and AKM I think."

"Both AKM?



"I heard a."

"Oh no, one shotgun."


"Okay, yeah, I heard a shotgun and an AKM so I imagine they traded."

"Okay, open the gate."

"Yeah, yeah."

"What are you doing?"

"Hahaha, f*ck me!


Hahaha, that was really wild!"

"Ah I have to get in then yeah?"

"All, the wheels are broken."

"My bad..."

"That's crazy, I've never seen that before."


"Hello René."

"Hey, how is it going?"

"Hey René!"


"Why is there a dead guy over here?"


"More vigilante justice?"

"Oh boy..."

"What happened here?"

"I didn't hear anything."

"Oh shot!"

"Wow, I heard that, I'm getting in the roadhouse."

"It's warm to touch, this just happened guys."

"His shoes are ruined I mean."

"Was he in the truck?"

"Oh, maybe he got out of the truck."

"Oh more shots!"



"Maybe that guy, they are shooting at the truck so I think we need to have a party going

out there!"

"I'm going out there, can you keep an eye on the camp guys?"

"Chrislet, I'm going with you."


"I think he might be shooting at the truck."


"He's shooting from the left up the hill, it sounds like."

"Yeah, yeah."

"I think the most important thing is to find out if the truck is okay

and the guy in the truck."


"Oh there is a guy here."

"He's aiming.

He's a black backpack."

"I see him, I see him."

"I don't know if he's friendly or not."

"Do you recognize him from the camp?"

"Eeuh, I don't recognize him."

"No me neither."

"Okay, I'm walking, I'm going to walk up to him can you cover me?"

"Wait, I see the truck!"

"The truck is on the right, he was aiming at the truck!"


"Hey guys."


"There is a guy with a black drybag, he seems hostile."

"Alright, I can't see him o.."

"He's down, he's down."

"in front, nicely done."


"I'm hit!"

"Okay, I'm gonna push him."

"That guy is unconscious, he's not dead."

"Where is he?"

"Eh, he's behind a tree, he was 20 meters in front of us."

"Is that you René?"

"Yes, yes, he was at the house."

"Next guy is at the house somewhere."

"On the main road!"

"He's down."

"I got him!"


"I'm gonna see if my friend is okay, I'm gonna see if my friend is okay."

"Yeah, I got him."

"He's on the left."

"Yeah, I."

"Harry, I killed him, I killed him, I killed him!"

"Eh, I think René killed him.

Good job René."

"Nice, there were two guys."

"Two guys here."

"I legged him."

"Nice one."

"Okay, I'm gonna care of the Zombies, don't be alarmed."


"Hey, nice job man!

Thanks for saving me!"

"No worries."

"All good."

"There is a guy running up the hill but I think it's Jasket"

"I got legged and I barricaded myself in this house but yeah."

"Ah good job man!

Glad you're safe."

"I'm just glad you guys teamed up and yeah came down."

"Hehe, yeah."

"Okay, let's eh...

I need you guys protection and we need to try and get this truck out."


"I'll give some cover."


"All the wheels are f*cked."

"I will still try to get it out though."


"Okay, are you still willing to go on the mission Phoenix?"

"Hey, car behind us!"


"Ehh, yeah, but the truck is a bit laggy to use."

"Where are you going?

He's in front of us."

"Hey guys."

"Where are you heading?"

"Hey René, I'm taking the car to Kamenka, I'm gonna do an ammo run."

"Okay, sounds good."

"I think I will go with you guys."

"Can you guys maybe, if you don't want to take the truck, can you bring it back to camp?"

"We need to find some new wheels for the truck as well."


"Okay, thanks."

"Okay, go go."

"Good luck..."

"What's up sexy?"

"Hello, hello."

"So what are your names again?"

"Micheal, Chisslet."

"Oh Micheal."


"Yeah, it's me dude."

"Kerbo and Chisslet, okay cool."

"Are you THE Kerbo?"

"I am THE Kerbo.


"Hehe, nice to meet you!"

"I didn't realize, I saw you a couple of times already."

"But I didn't connect it for some reason."

The unrest of day 1 was also very present at day 2.

We now knew that we had to keep fighting.

Because those hostiles would probably keep coming back.

We needed to find more ammo and more supplies

to be able to live in our newly created society, that we call the Village.

It gives us a goal and a purpose.

and I hope that one day.

We can live there without needing to defend ourselves all the time.

"Hello anyone there?"

"Wait, there is someone on the radio.

"'Hello this is René on the radio."

"How is it going?"

"Can you hear me?"

"Hello, yeah René!"

"How are you doing man?"

"I'm good where are you?"

"I'm near, Novodromidsk."

"Looking for Cache, I don't know if you meet Cache."

"Sorry, what are you looking for, Cache?"

"Looking for a guy named Dash."

"I met him yesterday."

"Oh, you went out with the truck right?"

"Yeah, yeah, with the Bus, and we came with a v3s."

"Okay, is the truck still okay?"

"Are you okay?"

"We're coming to Kabanino right now."

"I'm not really sure..."


"Why not?"

"Why not, what happened dude?"

"Are you still there?"

"Okay, no contact anymore."

"It was the guy, he went to pick up his friend in Novodromidsk and after that he would go

to Kamensk."

"To gear up as well, to get loot back from the tents."

"Oh yeah?"

"and we need to shout, we need people to shout out if there's like hordes of animals."

"Is that a player on our right?"

"Hello, bye bye!"

"There is a guy behind us."

"There is?


"Behind us."

"Oh you're getting out?"


"Hey guys."

"Hey, how is it going?"

"Hey, what's your name, oh Nooova!"

"Oh René it's you!"

"You where just on the radio!?

Did you get killed?"



"In Novo?"

"Kamensk, Kamensk."

"... and we ran into people from the Village and they just shot at us."

"There is a guy behind you."

"One of them survived."

"One of them survived but he had no..."

"Wait up."


"Hello boys."

"How is it going?"

"Eh, just got killed in Novy."

"In Novy?"




"Well, stay safe sir."

"Sadly we don't have place anymore in the car, but eh."

"Should we give Noooova the Rack?"

"Eh yeah, of course."

"By the way, the car is still outside Kamensk."

"Yeah, here you go."


"It had no battery and no spark plug."

"Thank you man, I appreciate."

"Here, is eh... is another box."

"The ammo in it should be good."

"Thank you René."

"Yeah, no worries."

"Good luck man!"

"I'm gonna try to get to the Village on foot."

"Sorry you died."


"Yeah, see you!"

"Haha, in the boot!"

"Okay, we can go."

"When I'm zoomed in the game runs so much smoother in a car, what is going on."

"Can we run him over?"

"I'm sorry but the temptation is too high."


"No, we cannot!"


"Oh he's gonna do it himself."

"Unless he throws himself under the car haha!"

"He threw himself under the car he's dead!"

"What a moron!"


"I tried to stop and go away from him, oh my god!"

"What is going on with him; I got what I wanted!

He was so excited!"

"... Yeah, I saw that too."


"I hope that's desync."

"Looks like we're running."

"I think he crashed."

"In fact..."

For more infomation >> UNREST - Ep.3 - DayZ Village - Duration: 25:58.


Shannon From Redwater, AB | $10 Oil Change - Duration: 0:24.

Hey my name is Shannon.

I live in Redwater

I came here for my $10 Oil Change

And I got a free cup

And Washer Fluid

Perfect. You've been here how many times?

I don't know

More then once



And your going to go where for your next oil change?


And who's your favourite sales person here?

Rig Ready Pam

For more infomation >> Shannon From Redwater, AB | $10 Oil Change - Duration: 0:24.


BRUDER TOYS Bridge construction | Truck and crane action video for kids! - Duration: 12:04.

Bruder toys | Bruder truck | World of toys | Construction toys

For more infomation >> BRUDER TOYS Bridge construction | Truck and crane action video for kids! - Duration: 12:04.


How long do you have to sleep on your back after breast augmentation - Duration: 6:07.

Hi, this is Dr. Hourglass, and welcome to another video in our channel Wonder Breasts.

Today we are going to discuss: How long do you have to sleep on your back after breast augmentation.

In this channel we discuss everything related to breast surgery.

Welcome back!

Breast augmentation surgery is a major operation.

It involves cuts on your breasts and the placing of foreign objects called implants inside your breasts.

The nerves, glandular tissue, skin, muscles, and blood vessels will be injured during the surgery.

As a result of the surgical trauma, patients are required to go through a complete recovery process.

The primary recovery phase comprises of the first two weeks following the operation.

During this period, you will be required to avoid sleeping on your front because

your newly augmented breasts will be injured from the pressure.

Instead, you will be encouraged to sleep on your back.

I always advise my patients to take sufficient rest for the first two weeks after the surgery.

Your breasts will be sutured and closed after the procedure; however, sleeping on your front

will apply undue pressure to your breasts that have just been operated upon.

As a result of the pressure, the incisions may open up.

In case the incision opens, your breasts will be exposed to potential infections.

The wound opening will also trigger bleeding that will further expose you to many complications.

On top of that, your breasts will be more inflamed, bruised, and swollen.

If the pressure is intense, it can even injure the already traumatized tissue, muscles, and skin.

Sleeping on your front during the first two weeks may also trigger intense and prolonged pain and discomfort.

At the end of the first two weeks after the intervention, your body will complete a major part

of the healing process, and most of the surgical trauma will subside.

The incisions will heal and the scar formation will start.

The tissues and muscle will repair and relax.

Furthermore, any prolonged pain and discomfort after the operation will disappear in the first two weeks

following the surgery.

After two weeks, you will feel better and your body will be relaxed.

This means you are now ready to sleep on your front.

However, you must still be careful initially because sudden pressure to the breasts

can trigger complications.

You should go about it slowly and carefully.

In this video, we discussed: How long do you have to sleep on your back after breast augmentation.

Next week we will discuss: Abdominal swelling after breast augmentation.

Remember to comment below, share this video, like this video, and subscribe to our channel

for more information, here at the Wonder Breasts channel, only on YouTube.

Also, you can log on to our website,

for more information about your procedure and to see amazing surgical results.

Remember to log on to our Hourglass TV for more information about your surgical procedures.

On Monday we have Bootyman for everything related to buttock enhancement procedures.

Tuesdays: Wonder Breasts where we discuss topics related to cosmetic breast surgery.

Wednesdays we have Star Bodies. If you want to have a star body log on to our Hourglass TV.

Thursdays: Hourglass OR you're going to see me doing live surgeries with before and after pictures.

Also Shoddy where we discuss cases that require cosmetic surgical revision.

And Friday SuperHourGlass for topics related to have that Hourglass figure that you want.

And finally live broadcast surgeries every day of the week on Facebook live, Periscope and SnapChat.

All these and more in the Hourglass TV!

For more infomation >> How long do you have to sleep on your back after breast augmentation - Duration: 6:07.


Vice President Mike Pence Tells The United Nations: NO MORE MONEY! - Duration: 5:20.

Vice President Mike Pence Tells The United Nations: NO MORE MONEY!

The United States has for decades paid the lions share of the money that the United Nations

uses for all of its pet projects and now the Trump administration is saying we will "do

it ourselves without you!"

The United States is the largest donor to the United Nations, contributing about $611

million this year to the regular budget of more than $2.5 billion.

Washington also contributes more than $2 billion annually to peacekeeping, and hundreds of

millions more to programs, including the U.N. Children's Fund (UNICEF) and the World Food


In a speech this week, Mike Pence was happy to announce that the Trump administration

was no longer going to rely on the United Nations to be the only ones in charge of giving

out funds earmarked to aid persecuted Christians in the Middle East.

The Veep made the announcement at the Solidarity Dinner for Christians in the Middle East,

which is an annual gala held by the In Defense of Christians in Washington, D.C.

Previously, under the Obama administration, funds that were meant for humanitarian efforts

were given over to the United Nations, with over $1 billion in funding entrusted.

"My friends, those days are over," said Pence to the crowd.

Now, the funding that once went to the UN will be given to faith-based organizations

who will be in charge of distribution.

"Our fellow Christians and all who are persecuted in the Middle East should not have to rely

on multinational institutions when America can help them directly."

Pence said that it was his "privilege to announce" that Trump has ordered the State

Department to halt the funds, saying that their "ineffective relief efforts" will

be themselves relieved and handed to Americans who will provide support more directly.

It is a step, and now they need to just defund the United Nations entirely.

Trump is heading in that direction.

Earlier this month we wrote about the Trump administration's decision to remove its

membership from the UN'S Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organizer UNESCO.

The country will be officially withdrawn on December 31st, with Trump citing their "anti-Israel


In April of this year, we announced that Trump was looking to end American funding of the

United Nation Population Fund, which has been linked to the Chinese one-child policy which

ends in many women undergoing abortions instead of suffering breaking the law.

This aligned with the executive order he signed in January that brought back the "Mexico

City Policy" which governs American money paying for abortions overseas, which was updated

to allow Rex Tillerson to expand that policy to every country that receives American health


Donald Trump's bid to slash funding for the United Nations would make it "impossible"

for it to continue its essential work, a UN spokesman has said.


The United Nations has been worthless, and quite frankly an enemy to the United States

in many ways.

It is a hotbed of socialism and communism.

They give terrorist nations a seat on the security council, need I say more?

Upon arriving at the United Nations in January, U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki

Haley said she would be looking at what is working and fixing what is not.

"Anything that seems to be obsolete and not necessary, we're going to do away with,"

Haley warned.

As MOST of it is not working and obsolete, get rid of most of it.

The Federal Government cannot micromanage…. the UN REALLY cannot micromanage.

The UN must go!

what do you think about this?

Please share this news and scroll down to Comment bellow and don't forget to subscribe

Top Stories Today.

For more infomation >> Vice President Mike Pence Tells The United Nations: NO MORE MONEY! - Duration: 5:20.


Conor McGregor & Rita Ora Get Dragged Over 'Date Night' Tweet - Duration: 2:27.

For more infomation >> Conor McGregor & Rita Ora Get Dragged Over 'Date Night' Tweet - Duration: 2:27.


Florida Man Blames 'Random Black Guy' After Setting Girlfriend's House On Fire - Duration: 1:38.

For Complex News, I'm Natasha Martinez.

//// A 19-year-old Florida man has been charged with three counts of attempted first degree-homicide,

one count of first degree arson, and possession of liquor by a person under 21.


Because he was upset his girlfriend was moving and decided to burn her house down while she

and her family were inside.

Jose Bernando Rosas Madrigal first threatened his girlfriend over snapchat and then doused

his girlfriend's Polk City residence in lighter fluid after googling house burning methods.

What makes it worse is that he tried to get away with it by telling detectives a random

black guy did it.

When questioned, Madrigal told police that he was 25 minutes away, at his mother's home,

when he heard about the fire.

However the surveillance video shows otherwise.

His truck was spotted on camera at the his girlfriend's family home.

When he tried to explain the video he told detectives he drove past the home a few times

after he and Scott had an argument.

The third time he drove by, he noticed a fire burning in the front yard and didn't know

what to do, so he just left.

He denied starting the fire and said he saw "a random black guy," light the fire and

flee the scene.

Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd said of the incident,

He planned this in advance.

He Googled how to burn the house, he mixed the combination and poof, he set it on fire.

And poof, we put him in jail.

Madrigal had sprayed flammable fluid all over the yard, in front of the father's bedroom,

and on vehicles parked out front.

It's also being reported that he drew a heart shaped symbol in flammable fluid closest to

his girlfriend's bedroom.

///// That's your news for now, for more on this and the rest of today's stories subscribe

to Complex on YouTube.

For Complex News, I'm Natasha Martinez.

For more infomation >> Florida Man Blames 'Random Black Guy' After Setting Girlfriend's House On Fire - Duration: 1:38.


Ultimate Succulent Propagation Technique (Based on Experiment, Unexpected Results) - Duration: 9:53.

Hi, this is Sheila, and today I'm so excited to share with you this "What?!"

moment…"I didn't expect that?!"

moment and "something like this" moment with my succulent propagation experiment.

So, here you go!

To get these cute and lovely succulents real fast, I conducted 4 sets of 4 experiments

on the most popular leaf propagation technique.

So, at the end of this video, you will be equipped with the ultimate leaf propagation

technique ever!

For the first batch, I placed samples indoor by a window where it is getting light with

no sun exposure.

One batch is getting misting every 2 or 3 days.

One is getting drip watering with the same interval.

Do take note that the soil is just about one third of an inch deep, so water dries out

real fast.

One is totally not getting any water at all, and the last one is inverted in a tiny bottle

with water inside.

Experiment Number 2, is with the leaf propagation outside getting partial sun for about 1 hour.

And same thing, one batch is getting misting every 2 to 3 days, one is getting drip watering,

one, with nothing at all, and one is inverted in a bottle.

Experiment number 3, is succulent leaf propagation in a very dark room, with the same watering


Let me just show you how dark this room is.

I guarantee you that you'll be surprised with the results of this experiment.

If you were able to guess how this experiment turned out, please comment it down below.

Experiment number 4, is simply them chilling in the shade.

Nothing special, in the shade, air flowing, regular daylight, with no sun exposure and

again, same watering options of misting, drip watering, no misting and inverted in a bottle.

And now, let me show you how leaf propagation is done.

So, one of the major keys to a successful leaf propagation is plucking the leaves out

cleanly with no tear on the tip of the leaf that connects to the stalk.

You will find that sometimes, the skin of the stalk or the stem would come off with

the leaf.

That is still considered a clean cut, as long as the entire tissue of the leaf is intact.

What you don't want to happen is that a tissue of the leaf will be left behind sticking

to the stalk.

That leaf will not propagate at all.

You can easily pluck it off or twist it or wiggle it from side to side and it comes off


An opening, like a wound somewhere in the middle of the leaf does not stop it from propagating

at all.

It's the tip at the axil being intact is what's important.

Here is a very striking example of what I'm saying!

This guy has a wound in the middle.

I'm totally clueless as to what has happened to him, but we gotta hand it to them…these

succulents are equipped with such awesome evolutionary arsenal that they are such great

survivors…as long as you don't drown them…hahaha which reminds me that my next video is about

watering…and in that video, I'll be sharing the best ways to water your succulents and

I'm also sharing with you some very important pros and cons about misting, which is a highly

popular way to water them.

So, do remember to hit that subscribe button and please remember to hit the bell icon after

'cause you don't wanna miss any notifications, 'cause I don't have any schedule.

Unfortunately, I don't have a fixed schedule as to when I can post my videos.

In fact, I also had to buy a new laptop 'cause I broke my laptop.

I actually accidentally poured watered onto it.

So, I broke my Mac and I had to buy a new one.

Okay, so I guess, you've seen enough on how plucking is done, so let's proceed to

the next step, which is laying them on soil.

Here, I'm using my steamer tray, which I never use.

I totally love this, because conveniently, it already has drainage holes on it.

So, if you want your succulent to grow in there a bit and not repot them sooner, you

can definitely do so, and just give them their time to grow.

Here, I'm just adjusting the size of this coffee filter paper to cover all the drainage

holes and you can use whatever container you want, like this plastic bowl, or breakable

bowl, or maybe something like this!

That was fun!

And then, it's time to put cactus soil.

You can put a thin layer, about half an inch to an inch of soil.

And then start laying your leaf propagation on top.

And while I'm laying out this leaf propagation, as always, today, my reminder to you is to

learn to appreciate people.

Appreciate little things, like little tasks that are done well.

If you see a stranger doing their job well without supervision; oh, especially without


Say a nice word.

Appreciation goes a long way, with our loved ones and people we don't know.

And sometimes, those kind words of appreciation can trigger great inspiration and could potentially

change lives for the better.

And you can do it.

Don't leave it up to them.

We all can help make this world a better place.

And it is all up to us, me and you.

Okay, we're back!

And now, here's a very short and easy leaf propagation in a bottle.

Simply fill up the bottle up to the neck area.

You can definitely use a syringe to do this to prevent spills.

And then place the leaf and that's it.

It's done.

And you can even do this and it's done!

Real fast, simple and easy.

And now, here's the result of the experiment!

So, the first one to grow roots are the leaf propagation in the very dark room.

Are you surprised?

They started sprouting roots on Day 10.

And that's regardless of the watering.

In fact, even the one that did not receive any form of watering sprouted.

But that's not the highlight of it all!

So, because although they were the ones to grow roots in a very rapid rate, they were

growing very fine roots.

The best result came from the leaf propagation in a regular room, and the things is, the

biggest growth is coming from the one that's inverted in a tiny bottle.

In fact, I had to take her out of the bottle because she was growing too fast.

I might not be able to take her out if I would still leave her for 2 days more.

The second biggest of the pack is the one who did not receive any water at all in the

regular room by a window, or well, I say window, but it's actually my sliding glass door.

And then, all the rest sprouted, but well, a little later and are less than half the

size of the leaf in the bottle.

So as a conclusion, based on this experiment, the ultimate propagation technique is leaf

propagation in a regular room, by a window, well, or a sliding glass door, inverted in

a bottle with water in it.

So, do put in the comments down below what you think.

What methods are you using?

I would like to hear your thoughts on this?

I feel like this is a highly successful experiment.

I would definitely love to hear from you.

And if you are propagating on a larger scale and you don't have tiny bottles, your next

best option is on soil, within the same spot, by the window, and without watering or misting.

And as I've said, you can use whatever you want, and it could be something like this!

And lastly, if you love the messages that I send in each of my videos, do send it to

your loved ones, and hit the subscribe button.

And before I go, just a reminder, we all can make this world a better place.

This is Sheila again, with Succulent Fame.

So, do try it!

For more infomation >> Ultimate Succulent Propagation Technique (Based on Experiment, Unexpected Results) - Duration: 9:53.


THE GOOGLE BUNNY - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> THE GOOGLE BUNNY - Duration: 0:59.


Installing Long Wheel Studs - Racing Tech Tip - - Duration: 1:07.

What's up everybody? This is Ryan with our here to show you a Tech Tip.

When installing long wheel studs, put away your hammer!

This is an easier way of installing long wheel studs.

We run long wheel studs because we like to run wheel spacers.

Use a 3/4" flange nut basically as a spacer for the wheel stud.

Tighten the lug nut it'll actually pull that wheel stud out into the grooves

Make sure you have a strong impact with a charged battery.

You'll want to make sure that your socket is deep enough for the long wheel studs

You will then be able to see if the wheel stud is flush on the back of the hub. Racing Tech Tips

For more infomation >> Installing Long Wheel Studs - Racing Tech Tip - - Duration: 1:07.


Tesoro (A Capella) | Video Musical | Barbie™ y los Delfines Mágicos - Duration: 1:33.

For more infomation >> Tesoro (A Capella) | Video Musical | Barbie™ y los Delfines Mágicos - Duration: 1:33.



oh wow hey guys and welcome back to my channel so today I will be doing

swatches and reviewing colourpops and newest highlighters they luster dust loose

highlighters and now these are part of colourpops like holiday 2017 collections

so these highlighters are $7 USD each which is a very good price for a

highlighter in New Zealand Dollars I think they ends up being like $12 ish

which is still really cheap and I'm not gonna complain about that

however colour pops been like dropping stuff like it's hot like left right and

center and but when I saw that they had these new highlighters I felt like I

really had to try them solely because they are completely new for colourpop in

their formula and because they are loose highlighters so I thought I would swatch

them all for you guys wet and dry because apparently wet they do give it

kind of different you know Shine look to them and I also want to compare them to

some of the most popular highlighters -

yeah when I compare them to some of their most popular highlighters umm

wisp and flexitarian which are two of my absolute favorites yeah if you want to

see that stay tuned is yeah just just do it right now so the holidays come in a

little box just like this one it's got little sparkles on it because it's their

holiday collection so they're trying to make it a bit festive anyway so you take

it out of the box and this is the color in know me think it's know me not just

know yeah there's a nice it's know me and it comes in this little container um

which I feel like you get quite a lot of product and it's a lot bigger than I

actually expected I thought it was gonna be really tiny and so it's a good decent

size but yeah I guess we'll go gets who go get we'll get straight into the

swatches okay so this first one is gnomie it's obviously being quite popular

because if you go on colourpop's website at the moment it's actually sold out

already and this is the lightest highlighter shade so if you are paler

and this will be the shade for you because some of the other ones are quite

like they're quite deep so Gnomie is also kind of like a champagne

kind of highlighter and with silver glitter in it so just tip some into the

lid oh it's not coming out very easily it's not coming out okay so I'm just

taking this a bit more we kind of flat shader brush I think it's a foundation

brush but it'll do the trick for this what picks up easily from what I can

tell it's not solely loose powder it's got a little bit of some sort of fixture

in there to keep it all together so I'm just gonna swatch it oh oh oh that is so

glittery so as you can see it is a very pretty champagne color

the next loose highlighter shade in the collection is called aura voir and so

they described by aura voir as a kind of golden peachy highlight with gold

glitter and I feel like this is a really good one I feel like kind of a medium

tan color or if you just like mean you've got a fake tan at the moment oh

it is very peachy oh I'm excited to try this okay so I'm gonna do this one right

underneath you know me oh no that one again is a very nice pearlized finish

it's definitely more pinky your pinky Goldy undertones

it's actually really prettier I feel like I like that one more than Gnomie

just because of its really pretty color lastly we've got the color dewdrop which

is the darkest highlighter in this whole shebang and it's a bronzer a highlighter

with silver and gold glitter so I'm quite intrigued to see what this one

looks like this one is very dark I think if you have a date to skin tired just

want to look really beautiful or if you didn't use this one eyeshadow probably

okay so I'm just gonna swatch that one underneath

oh it's pretty definitely a lot deeper it's not as dark as I thought it was

gonna be like I would say that that is actually quite wearable from what I

originally thought it was gonna be.I just have to say with flash these highlighters look

incredible they just shine it so beautifully it's just amazing so next

I'm going to swatch them with a wet brush I'm gonna use the colour-pop rose

quartz crystal priming spray I figured that

what better product to use with a colourpop highlighter than a colourpop priming

spray and so I'm just gonna spray the brush yeah she's wet that's what she

said ha ha ha ha so I'm gonna go back in with Gnomie the

only thing I'm finding is it's really hard to get out of the actual container

and enter the cap okay and I'm just going to

oh I thought it was supposed to apply nicer what I've immediately noticed is

that applying it wet it actually has got a little bit patchy yeah almost like

it's not as smooth as it should be compared to the original know me it's a

little bit more pinky the pink has really come out with the with the

wetness however yeah it's it's not a smooth

smooth as it thought it was gonna be a lot smoother and you know you know just

like smoother as a whole thing and it's just not so confused ok so this is aura

voir swatched wet I'm gonna be honest it's kind of

happened again that one was a lot worse it's just very

patchy and not as that highlighter look that I'm really going for that's really

sad ok I'm gonna do one more swatch with dew drop oh that one's pretty over dew

drop is beautiful I feel like you can see that one that one's not patchy at

all I'm gonna be honest the products just come out a lot nicer in that

container as well that one's even nicer than it's dry swatch the dry swatches

for the first to gnomieand aura voir way nicer than this watch was wet

because they just there was a hot mess so overall basically got a noticed is

that they're very difficult to get out of the container solely because it's a

bit of adhesive to them and so they're not just low so they don't really come

out of the holes very well in the container did I show you that yeah so

they've just got these like nine little holes and it just doesn't come out very

easily but yeah I just want to really quickly compare them to a swatch of wisp

and flexitarian just to kind of show you the consistency and

kind of shrine that they give in comparison I feel like wisp is quite

similar to aura voir from what I've noticed so I'm just gonna

do a quick just in between oh yeah wisp and aura voir are very very similar

the only differences are aura voir just has a lot more glitter in it so that's what

you're looking for with a bit more glitter if you want that kind of

comparison that's perfect for year I would say flexitarian is quite similar

to gnomie just because of its lightness I guess

so I'll just do another okay so if like Styrian is a lot lighter than no me so

if that's something you're used to wearing yeah so the difference just

between those ones that are already very popular color pop highlighters it's just

that the glittery finish compared to a pearlized satiny kind of finish I'm just

gonna apply one of them on my face because I've not put highlighter on

today solely because I want to test this out a little bit and I think I'm gonna

grow up and gnomie because my makeup I don't want to bronze highlight that's

not the look I've gone for today I'm gonna get another foundation brush from

Bella I don't know what they I just got them in a really big pack of brushes so

again I'm just gonna take a bit on my brush hey let's go

oh wow

this is like strobing central if you're not into a very blinding highlight

that's probably not for you but if you're like me and you are then heck

yeah jump on this ship because it's sailing yeah so definitely if you're

looking into buying these highlighters just decide what colors for you fork out

seven dollars and you will be blinding people on the streets and if that's not

the life you want to live then I don't know what is - anyway so if you liked my

thoughts and opinions on the new luster dust loose highlighters from colourpop

let me know below if you like this video please give it a thumbs up and subscribe

below if you use these highlighters I want to know what you think of them

because personally I think they're pretty like sick otherwise that is it

for this video and I will see you guys next time bye

For more infomation >> COLOURPOP LUSTER DUST SWATCHES + REVIEW - Duration: 9:28.


The CS WASH Project - Murr Lagoon, Papua New Guinea - Duration: 5:31.

For fifty years, World Vision has been partnering with communities around the world.

Providing access to clean water, improving sanitation and hygiene.

Through the Australian government's Civil Society Water, Sanitation and Hygiene fund,

World Vision is working to improve quality of life for communities in the Western Province of Papua New Guinea.

At World Vision's base of operations in Daru, Papua New Guinea

field staff coordinate services and support for the Fly River region.

Murr Lagoon is situated two hours boat ride north, along the Fly River

and service providers find it difficult to access, due to the community's remoteness.

So, when we first got to Murr Lagoon back in 2014, there was nothing. People were just surviving.

The village was all like a forest. You couldn't even recognise that there was a village here.

There was no safe water supply, no one had a toilet, people were defecating in the bush.

Several houses, households would have at least one toilet

and then up to 10 to 15 people would be sharing that same toilet.

World Vision's project baseline survey in 2015 found that:

Only four percent of people had access to safe water.

Zero percent of households had a basic toilet.

Nine percent of households had handwashing facilities.

And there were no female representatives on local committees.

So, we came in there and we engaged the community,got to know them, they got to know us.

We had a number of meetings and we tried to tell them about what this Healthy Islands was all about

and the type of people we needed to come into this team, it had to be a mixture of men, women, youth.

21-year-old Inga is one of six Change Agents chosen by the community.

She received training from World Vision in basic WASH principles and the Pacific Healthy Islands concept.

Now Inga helps to monitor developmentprogress

and plays a leading role as the community continue to build a healthy environment.

One or two people that really stood out as change agents and she was one of them.

So, I was one of them nominated by the villagers.

I feel so happy that because of me, I went for the workshop and I came back and I taught them.

Their role is to help identify what do they need to do to become a healthy community.

So, they help them come up with that and develop a plan.

From the way the community was before we intervened, this is a totally different place now.

It's a new village now.

At this moment now, we are not having sick. We used to have malaria and those, diarrhoea, now no.

At our baseline survey, no one had an improved toilet.

Following the Healthy Islands motivation, people went a built their own toilets and now we're over 50%.

Economically speaking, these people are very poor.

You see all their toilets; they're using all bush materials to develop them.

World Vision has invested in improving local WASH infrastructure

by providing five 5000 Litre water tanks for rainwater harvesting for the school and aid post.

And community construction of accessible, gender specific toilets, for the school and aid post.

Most importantly, with guidance from the Change Agents, the community has led their own change.

A follow up survey in 2017 found that since the Healthy Islands motivation,

now, 100 percent of people have access to safe water.

53 percent of households have a basic toilet.

45 percent of households have handwashing facilities.

And 100 percent of local committees include female representatives.

We believed that in this project, we always believe that the people had the mind power.

The power and the strength is with the people.

The beauty of the CS WASH theory of change,  

doesn't matter if you're in an urban area or in the remote area of PNG,

building the capacity of the community so they can ensure of a good WASH service.

We give them an idea, it's themselves that they use their own initiative how to design and how to use it.

Through the DFAT Civil Society WASH Fund,

we've been able to enact these changes and make these improvements in the community.

It's been fantastic.

Now with my own eyes, I see that these things are now coming up.

I see with my eyes that people are now doing that, doing the things what we told them to do.

As Change Agents, the responsibility is on us to carry on the project, over here.

With ongoing support from Inga and the other Change Agents,

the Murr Lagoon community can continue to leadtheir own development towards a healthy future.

For more infomation >> The CS WASH Project - Murr Lagoon, Papua New Guinea - Duration: 5:31.


This Texas Tailgate Honors Cousin Mike's Legacy | Southern Living - Duration: 1:49.

(rock music)

This tailgate crew and event

has started over 11 years ago.

My cousin Mike, who passed away from cancer,

his last dying wishes were to get all his buddies together

and start tailgating.

In his memory, we have taken the funds

and have created a college fund for Samantha, his daughter.

Everything is all donations.

Food, drinks, and everybody here that's working it.

Everything is donated.

There's always happy, friendly people.

There's great drinks.

We have people coming from out of the country.

We have the largest spot that they allow us to have

and we fill it every game with about 300 people a game.

Here at Mike's tailgate crew,

we're known for our food.

I'm preparing a feast for about 300 people today.

We have Fletcher's corn dogs,

we obviously have Barbecue.

We have chicken, we have quail.

This morning I had biscuits and gravy.

Anything you want we have.

It's the best barbecue.

He does the best ribs.

Well, we also make something,

we call it the spicy, cheesy, bacony, buttery potatoes.

Some people just call it potato salad.

We've been written up in a lot of journals.

This tailgate is family oriented.

Everybody just comes together

and has a great time and celebrates

just the town that we're in and the team that we support.

We have the same people that come every home game.

I haven't missed a tailgate since I was like four.

I've been coming so long that I actually learned

how to count by watching the cheerleaders do flips.

It's a place that always feels like home

and you're automatically family when you walk in.

Hook 'em horns.

Hook 'em horns.

Hook 'em horns!

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