Thứ Tư, 6 tháng 12, 2017

Waching daily Dec 6 2017

Hello and welcome back to my channel today I've got a grocery haul for you

but not just any grocery haul a low-carb keto grocery haul full of quick keto

meals, tomorrow I am off to Sydney just me and my mum and I'm leaving my

husband at home with the kids and I'm really going for a couple of days but I

went out and found some meals and some foods that will make it really easy for

my husband to have low carb keto foods that I don't have to cook for him that

he'll be able to do himself I'll get into in a second though if you're not

already subscribed to my channel make sure that you subscribe to join the

yummy inspirations community and leave a like and a comment, letting me know what is

your go-to quick keto meal I look forward to reading your comments

and let's go see what I got today, I'll start with the fruit and veg as normal,

I got these baby cos lettuce, a favorite breakfast of my husband that he

cooks for himself is fried lettuce with fried eggs he likes to do it so when I'm

not making breakfast for him that's likely what he's gonna make so I've got

some lettuce for him and blueberries I may just steal some of those to take

with me on the plane I like to have a bit of a snack and I might actually film

in a bit of plane snacking ideas as well but I might pop some of these into a

little container to take with on the plane and and some veggies as well

the next few days we've got asparagus it's just still cheap and in season, I

tend to try and go whatever's in season what is cheap and just summer has begun

in Australia so asparagus are still around so took those and broccoli you

like sauteed broccoli just keeping it really easy and avocado, love avocado

with so many meals on the side it's just beautiful I know I'm kind of going all

over the place but I do have a method in my madness,

look at these blocks of chocolate they're on special at the moment $2.12 a

block which is so cheap so I've got two 90% and two 85%, when I make hot chocolates for

myself I do a row of each of these and some milk and it's so good and I may

also just steal one of these to take as travel snack as well, a nice 90 percent

have a row of that when I feel, it's a nice travel snack but it's also a

great snack for my husband while I am away and always topping up on my sour

cream and thickened cream which is the same as heavy or whipping cream if you're

in America and that is just the cream we use just for everyday making a creamy

sauce and our hot chocolate all kinds of uses as well as whipped cream to top our

hot chocolate with, I know I could whip it myself but yeah we've moved out of our

house I'm not in my kitchen and so it's just easier for me to use this whipped

cream and and kefir which my husband has loads of it yeah he makes up his protein

shakes and adds a little bit of kefir which we love it so it's beautiful

fermented yogurt so good, healthy probiotic and butter I know I'm

moving to Ireland and the land of Kerrygold but I'm so excited they've started

selling Kerrygold here and I like a little tiny bit, I love it for cooking,

it's so good it's a bit salted but it's just perfect and I'm so excited I'm

going to the land of Kerrygold and can't wait to see that all about fun

and moving on our eggs, happy to have eggs for breakfast, nice 12

free-range eggs they're great for any meal but yeah he'll make eggs himself

maybe eggs for the boys as well see how it goes

and onto the protein section that he's going to be enjoying so yep eggs that

we've got these grass-fed sausages and the same brand grass-fed burgers so he

can use those lettuce cups to make burgers usually I make myself I formed

them into patties but I'm just making it easy for him, easy quick meals, he's got

enough to see to with our seven and nine year old boys and just doing

last-minute preparation for moving so yeah burgers for him and salami he might

have some salami and eggs, salami for snacking just we just love this salami,

so that is a little grocery haul for today I hope you've enjoyed watching

this video of all of my quick low-carb keto meals, everything that

is going to turn into meals the next few days while I'm away and you can expect

some fun Sydney content the next few days I'm so excited I'm only going up

for a few days just me and my mom and but I'll get into all of that in the

next few days so thank you so much for watching make

sure that you leave a like and subscribe for more yummy inspirations and leave a

comment with your go-to quick keto meals, I look forward to reading your comments

and we'll see you again tomorrow for more vlogmas fun!

For more infomation >> Grocery Haul for Quick Keto Meals - Duration: 4:32.




The moon has been "conquered" by mankind the moment they stepped into it's rocky white

surface and raised the United States Flag.

It has since been abandoned and NASA has ceased the lunar missions for decades.

But many conspiracy theorists believe that the moon was never abandoned and that NASA

is hiding secret Lunar missions.

Others believe that the reason humans haven't been able to visit the moon anymore was because

it was already 'occupied'.

Many believe that the moon was colonized by extraterrestrial beings and that there's evidence

of alien structures on the surface of the moon.

Recently, strange objects were spotted on the moon that don't fit with the rock terrain.

These look like structures, with reflective sunlight shining on it's surface just like


People are starting to believe that the moon is either being mined by humans in secret

lunar missions, or that there's evidence of an alien civilization existing on the moon!

Which is which??

Watch the following video to know more!

See additional photos from the video footage.

The video link is below in our description.



#Palabradehacker con Óscar Navarrete - Duration: 3:54.

For more infomation >> #Palabradehacker con Óscar Navarrete - Duration: 3:54.


AdventElla 3 - Ima i dosadnih dana - Duration: 16:24.

For more infomation >> AdventElla 3 - Ima i dosadnih dana - Duration: 16:24.


Easy Soldering Method For Surface Mount LED's With Four Types Of Wires - Duration: 17:06.

today we're gonna work on some SMD LEDs we're going to solder some different

size wires to them and this is gonna be the first time I'm trying this so we're

gonna be doing this together so let's see how this works let's go I'm Tom

Kvichak and this is Toms Trains and Things this channel was created to help

other modelers who are in need of guidance in pursuing their dream of building a

model railroad and today we're gonna work on SMD LEDs and we're gonna solder

some wires onto them some different sized wires now I did that I took apart

that wall wart and we're gonna try to solder this wire onto it I haven't

really measured it but I know it's bigger than 30 gauge so it's somewhere

between 22 and 30 gauge I have some 30 gauge wire right here that I purchased

and from what the manufacturer says the insulation the coating on here you could

solder right on it and it works as a flux so we'll see how that works

it's called Temko MW 0071 it's 30 gauge red and soldered red round copper magnet

wire 155 degrees centigrade they always give you the reading in centigrade I

wish they'd do something in Fahrenheit because I I hate

converting that also we're going to use I have the green wire I think this is 22

gauge solid wire we're gonna try some of that and some red and black I think this

is 20 gauge I'm not sure I'll have to check it but we'll solder some of that

on there also so we have one two three four different things that we're going

to try to solder on those little SMD and if you're not familiar with the SMD in

this little package right there there was a hundred of them and right

now i took out four of them I put it on my workbench on a piece of

tape so it'll stay connected there so it won't move whenever we try to solder it

I also in another video and in an upcoming video we're going to do this

type right here and this is on a little film reel roll okay but okay these are

all on a tape together now they're divided into threes with a resistor on

it and you could cut it off and use them individually you know just the three

together or you could use the whole thing I think there's a can't remember

what they said there's 300 LEDs on here in anyway that's 300 LEDs on tape and

it's on 3m tape right on the back there and they give you a little line where

you could cut it off and solder your wires on to a little pad on there like

these wires are soldered on right there so that's in an upcoming episode so in

this one we're going to work on the there are three and a half by two point

eight SMD LEDs and I got them through Amazon for about a little under six

dollars for a hundred of them so that's a that's a pretty good price and we're

not going to worry about the resistors on this one we're just going to show you

how to solder it this is the first time I'm doing the soldering on those SMDs so

we're going to learn this together there's a little mark on the face of the

LED that I put on here and it's just a little diagonal that tells you what the

positive and negative side of the LED is and I lined them all up on this is the

negative side here this is the positive side right here now what I'm gonna do is

I'm gonna hit hit these with some liquid flux now I put some in a little jar

right here and I'm going to use the liquid on here

just on the soldering pads on the LEDs okay now I got a new soldering station

it's a digital temperature controlled station kay and I've never used these

before I've always used just a regular soldering iron but what I'm going to do

is I'm going to dab a little bit of solder on each one of these pads and

it'll see if I could do this with this iron right here okay

and that'll make it a little bit easier to solder the wire on all right I'll

turn this around the other way I'm not left-handed but we'll see how this works

and I'll show you a little bit more about this soldering station in another

video but this is the first time I'm really using it and this is the first

time I'm doing SMD LEDs this is the 22 gauge green wire right here and I'm

going to put this on here I'm going to put the wire back this way and I hope

between the two cameras that I'm using you could see something off of this well

my tape isn't holding it very well I do have it soldered but it's on there

pretty good but I can always trim off the excess on there I want to see if the

solder is on the way in there what I want to do put this back on here and

I'll come over here and I have pasted over here for the soldering iron itself

and for the wire so what I'm going to do is bring this one over here and that one

went a little bit better okay and a little excess on there I could cut off

now I'm not going to put resistors on it on this video here I'm just doing a

demonstration for soldering right now so that was the green wire this is 22 gauge

solid wire so what we'll do on this side here I'll just put a little bit more

flux on that

I'll put that right there up against it

I have that one on put some flux on here it's easier for me to do it on the other

side than it is on this side here so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna try like

this right here okay

I got this is the 20 gauge wire stranded

take a look at it there okay that's two of them now we're going to take some of

this magnet wire I put it off to the side so it would be out of the way I've

never used this before and I'm just going to take a couple of pieces here

short pieces and this is 30 gauge magnet wire and this is what's on the coils

like I did on the thing on the wall wart but this is a smaller one then this is a

smaller one than what is on the wall wart now this one says the insulation on

it that's what the manufacturer says the insulation on there will be used as flux

so there's tip this a little bit and we'll take this and we'll see how right

they are and I'm just going to bend it just a little bit put it over here

not the prettiest thing but this is the first time that I am attempting this

with the magnet wire and the first time I'm attempting it with the SMD LED

okay now here is the 30 gauge wire now that is without stripping anything off

of it and it looks pretty good what you do on here I'm gonna move this

out of the way is just take your your blade and scrape it like this and then

you can use sandpaper or a file to get the excess off of it I'm going to take

that piece cut it in half there's downside and you don't take this

side here and what I'm gonna do is take one of these flat files and as I'm

turning the wire I'll file on there now you could put multiple LEDs on here in

your buildings or anything else they make these LEDs and different sizes dip

that in a little bit of flux on the pad

okay there we go next time I'll use a different kind of

tape to secure it well it's not the prettiest job and my hands aren't that

steady but I think we did it and I think you could see how you can do this now

those are good and sturdy on there so now we have four different wires we got

20 gauge solid or I'm sorry 22 gauge solid 20 gauge stranded

we got the 30 gauge magnet and wire and I'm not sure what to gauge this is this

is magnet wire and you can see that it is a lot larger than 30 gauge well we

had three firsts in this video that first time did I use that sought new

soldering station that I have and I'll do a video on that coming up pretty

shortly the first time I soldered on those SMD LEDs they're 3.5

by 2.8 millimeters and the first time I soldered magnet wires now I've had a lot

of experience soldering stranded and solid wires on track on switches on a

lot of different electronic components but that was the first time for me for

those three soldering experiences right there it's not too pretty and I'll show

you a couple of graphics back here but they'll get better every time you solder

you'll get a little bit better and they'll look a little bit prettier what

I got coming up I got another video on feeder wires I did a video some time ago

showing you how to solder feeder wires onto your track and on the bus wire

I have a few more methods that I'm going to show you on another video coming up

later on this week in another episode coming up I'm going to work on these

right here now I got these connectors for the tortoise switch machines and

these are a little bit better than the ones that I already have and what I

would like to do I'm still trying to look for a little circuit board where I

could put these in I found a board for the rj45 so this is

a breakout board which I'm going to solder in another video I'm going to

show you how to do that but what I was hoping to find was another board where

or I might have to have one made so all this complicated stuff that we have to

do but what I want to do is have these connectors here so I could plug it into

the tortoise which machine and I think I mentioned this in a couple of other

videos and use the cat 5 cable from my tortoise switch machine to the control

panel so I'll just have a little board with these two on there plug it up in

there and don't have to worry about anything just take a cat5 cable plug it

in here and then plug it in on my PS 64 were to control my tortoise switch

machine so that's another thing coming up in the near future we'll probably be

in January some time because December is kind of full already and I'm going to be

gone for a couple of weeks up to Maryland seeing my children and


For more infomation >> Easy Soldering Method For Surface Mount LED's With Four Types Of Wires - Duration: 17:06.


Minicoops - "Quiet Storm" (Official Video) A Mini Mix - Duration: 2:11.

I can't tell if this is the right door...

Knock again.

For more infomation >> Minicoops - "Quiet Storm" (Official Video) A Mini Mix - Duration: 2:11.


2018 Will Be the Biggest Year For Superhero Movies Yet - Duration: 7:58.

Superhero movies have been a major part of the cinematic landscape of 2017, with Logan,

Wonder Woman, and Thor: Ragnarok standing out from the crowd.

In 2018, it looks like the superhero genre will dominate even more, kicking off in February

with a slate of movies that will keep fans excited all year.

Whether you prefer the Avengers, Spider-Man, the X-Men, the Justice League, or even Pixar,

there will be at least one superhero movie for you next year.

Here are the movies coming out in 2018 that should excite any comic book fan.

Black Panther

Chadwick Boseman first debuted as the Black Panther in Captain America: Civil War, but

his first solo outing should give us a much more satisfying trip to Wakanda.

Directed by Ryan Coogler, the film clearly follows the pattern of Guardians of the Galaxy

and Thor: Ragnarok in allowing a visionary director to put his own spin on a Marvel movie

rather than adhering to a house style.

Black Panther's combination of high-octane action and visual splendor is like nothing

else we've seen on screen before.

Coogler is responsible for Fruitvale Station and Creed, both of which starred Michael B.

Jordan, and he'll re-team with his frequent screen star in this movie as well, with Jordan

playing villain Erik Killmonger.

The rest of the impressive cast includes veterans Angela Bassett and Forest Whitaker, alongside

popular up-and-comers Danai Gurira, Lupita N'yongo and Daniel Kaluuya.

From everything we've seen of Black Panther so far, we're in for a wild ride with his

pic hits theaters on February 16th.

The New Mutants

This X-Men spinoff looks to play up its horror aspects rather than resembling just another

ordinary superhero movie.

The original 1980s New Mutants comic series has always had one foot in the horror genre,

and this cinematic adaptation looks to capitalize on that thrill appeal.

The characters at the center are each marked by dark roots.

Magik is a demonic witch who literally grew up in Hell.

Wolfsbane is a werewolf.

Mirage is haunted by a demonic bear spirit that wiped out her family.

From the trailer, it looks like the movie is going to incorporate all of that and place

the characters in an unsettling institutional setting.

The X-Men franchise has had its ups and downs, but by far the best of its films has been

Logan, which had a much darker take than most.

Superhero horror tales aren't your ordinary popcorn fare, but who knows?

Maybe The New Mutants will usher in a new era altogether when it begins haunting the

cineplex on April 13th.

Avengers: Infinity War

No doubt, this is the event movie every Marvel fan has been waiting for since the MCU first

launched with Iron Man a decade before.

The Avengers, the Guardians of the Galaxy, Spider-Man, Doctor Strange, and more will

join forces to take on the ultimate threat to the universe in Avengers: Infinity War.

Thanos, who first appeared in the mid-credits scene of The Avengers, has been working in

the background in the five years since, gathering the Infinity Stones that will give him ultimate

power over space and time.

Now all of the heroes must unite to stop him from ruling the universe—or destroying it.

This is going to be an epic like no superhero movie before has been before, so count on

hearing a lot about that Infinity Gauntlet when this thing blasts into theaters on May


Deadpool 2

Although Ryan Reynolds was previously picked on for his first performance as the Merc with

a Mouth in X-Men: Origins - Wolverine, he was able to redeem himself as the character

in 2016's Deadpool.

The film became both the highest grossing X-Men movie and the highest grossing R-rated


It's that R rating that enabled the film to capture Wade Wilson's unique combination of

irreverent humor and extreme violence that made his comics so popular.

"This is a different kinda superhero story."

If he's able to recapture that tone again in Deadpool 2, which features the first movie

appearances of Cable and Domino, the sequel should bring even more four-letter words to

the big screen when it bows into theaters June 1st.

The Incredibles 2

More than a decade has passed since Pixar's The Incredibles proved that not all superheroes

and villains have to originate in comic books.

The animated flick captured the tone and visual style of classic superhero comics and blended

it with a wholesome family comedy about finding the value in being different.

Given its success, an immediate sequel seemed in order, but it's taken 14 years for Pixar

to finally put The Incredibles 2 on the release slate.

The good news for fans of the original is that we don't have to worry about the characters

having aged in the off-time, which means, yes, Jack-Jack is still a baby who's making

a big old mess for those powerful parents.

Check it out on June 15th.

Ant-Man and the Wasp

2015's Ant-Man turned out to be a fun and successful superhero outing, but Ant-Man and

the Wasp looks to increase the intrigue by bringing in a second superhero in Evangeline

Lilly's character Hope van Dyne.

She'll be the first Marvel heroine to have her name in the title of a film, and even

though Lilly is playing the original Wasp's daughter, it's still exciting to see any version

of the Wasp join the Marvel Cinematic Universe at long last.

Count on this one to be fun and refreshing when it flies onto screens July 6th.


Not many details have emerged about this adaptation of the popular Spider-Man villain, and occasional

anti-hero, Venom.

However, we know that Tom Hardy is playing the title part and director Ruben Fleischer

will helm the pic.

Fleischer first proved he could effectively mix humor and violence in 2009's Zombieland,

so if that's the direction this film takes, it could be the Deadpool of the Sony Spider-Man


It's hard to imagine how you can introduce Venom in a film that doesn't include Spider-Man,

but hopefully they can divert attention from that problem with a deft script and plenty

of action.

We'll find out soon enough, as Venom arrives in theaters October 5th.

X-Men: Dark Phoenix

After all the time travel and continuity chaos of the last few X-Men movies, the ending of

X-Men: Apocalypse finally introduced a stable team of heroes who can move forward as a unit.

Dark Phoenix will pick up with that collection of heroes, but will immediately make them

face Earth-shattering chaos as Jean Grey's powers start spinning out of control.

There are also rumors that Dark Phoenix will take the X-Men into outer space, a setting

for many of their comics stories not yet visited in the movies.

If so, circle November 2nd, 2018, on your calendar twice because this one will be a


Untitled Animated Spider-Man Movie

When news was coming out about Spider-Man's arrival in the MCU, a lot of fans were disappointed

that it was Peter Parker appearing in Spider-Man: Homecoming rather than his successor in the

role, Miles Morales.

So, Sony has made an effort to appease those fans by making an animated Spider-Man movie

focused on Morales.

The character will be voiced by Shameik Moore, and while not many other details are out so

far, this movie is already sounding like it will be a lot of fun when it casts its web

on audiences starting December 14th, 2018.


Although Justice League certainly had its share of flaws, one of the more appealing

characters in the film was Jason Momoa's Aquaman.

And in just over a year he'll get his own movie to swim around in.

In it, Amber Heard will return as Mera who had a brief cameo in Justice League.

Patrick Wilson will play Aquaman's evil half-brother the Ocean Master, while Yahya Abdul-Mateen

is set to appear as co-villain Black Manta.

Meanwhile, Willem Dafoe plays the wise Atlantean Vulko, with Nicole Kidman and Temuera Morrison

as Aquaman's parents.

On top of all that, the movie's directed by James Wan, who's proven his merit with both

thriller and action movies.

So, count on Aquaman to make a splash when it lands in theaters December 21st.

"My man!"

Batman Ninja

Batman's seen and done a lot of things over his decades as one of DC's premier crimefighters,

but he's never undertaken a quest quite like the one he'll face in Batman Ninja.

This animated feature sees the Caped Crusader—along with the Bat Family and some members of his

rogues' gallery—hurled through space and time to medieval Japan, where they find themselves

in the midst of a battle between good and evil.

The animated project promises a fresh—and visually stunning—perspective on some of

the publisher's most venerable characters; so, look for it on Blu-ray and DVD sometime

in 2018.

Suicide Squad: Hell to Pay

The live-action Suicide Squad movie was something less than a home run for Warner Bros. and

DC, but the anti-hero group has been one of the publisher's best-loved creations for years,

and with the right adaptation, they could easily make a more successful jump to the


Maybe animation is the answer—and we'll find out in 2018, when Suicide Squad: Hell

to Pay arrives.

Little is known about this outing at present, but we do know that it will bring the Squad

into DC's Animated Movies continuity, marking their first foray into the animated universe

that also contains the Justice League and the Teen Titans.

Thanks for watching!

Click the Looper icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> 2018 Will Be the Biggest Year For Superhero Movies Yet - Duration: 7:58.


The Real Reason You Don't Hear From Ann Curry Anymore - Duration: 4:57.

Since her shocking exit from The Today Show in 2012, former co-anchor Ann Curry has been

keeping a relatively low profile.

In the wake of Matt Lauer's disgraced departure from the show, though, people are starting

to wonder whether Curry might still be available to co-anchor the popular morning program again

in his stead.

However, there's plenty of reason to believe that might not be in Curry's best interest

right now because, although she's been quiet in recent years, she's still been working

towards her own personal and professional passions.

Bitter goodbye

It's pretty common knowledge now that Curry left Today under dubious circumstances.

According to Brian Stelter's exposé, Top of the Morning, Curry was run out by executive

producer Jim Bell via "Operation Bambi," his three-part plan to:


persuade [Matt] Lauer to extend his expiring contract;


oust Curry; 3.

replace her with Savannah Guthrie."

Stelter also claims Bell fostered a "boy's club" atmosphere behind-the-scenes of Today,

which served to widen the existing personal and professional gulf between Curry and Lauer.

The plan apparently worked, and Curry tearfully bid the show farewell.

"They're giving me some fancy new titles" "We're going to do great work, I hope, and

we're being given the chance to do the work that most of us got into journalism to do."

Many believed her emotions during the announcement betrayed her true feelings and that she was

instead sad and angry over her forced exit from the program.

With that in mind, it's no wonder she snubbed Matt Lauer's 20th Anniversary celebrations.

Slowing down

Even before her devastating departure from Today, Curry revealed that a cancer scare

had her contemplating a serious career slowdown.

She told O Magazine:

"People close to me called me 'Curry in a Hurry.'

I was moving through life at 100 miles an hour trying to further my career and be a

great mom and make everyone happy."

After discovering a lump in her breast, Curry's doctor advised her to reevaluate her hectic


She started devoting more time to photography, and she started exercising and eating healthier.

A new series

Although she's not heading back to Today, as of right now, Curry will soon be back on

the air with a new six-part series for PBS called We'll Meet Again.

The show is expected to focus on some dramatic events from history through the eyes of people

who lived through them.

Curry said she was looking for a new way to do, quote, "meaningful journalism," and this

project allowed her the independence to pursue her passion.

That comment seems to align with other words she's shared about her disdain for the modern

landscape of broadcast journalism, as she's also said of that industry:

"It's easy to talk about what you think about something, but that's actually not what your

job is.

Your job is to not tell people what to think, your job is to tell people what they need

to know so they can make their own decisions."

She went on to slam the business in another interview, saying:

"I think we have reached a very sad moment in journalism, when it is clear that the work

is vulnerable to economic pressures, corporate interests, biased reporting."

It's not exactly a fake news hashtag she's presenting with those words, but it's pretty


Passion projects

Earlier this year, Curry also laid out what seems to be the overarching philosophy of

her life right now.

Recounting decades of covering tragic conflicts all over the world, Curry spoke about how

her work in journalism has inspired her to investigate the science behind the seemingly

evil acts of humans.

This study of the psychology and motivations behind horrors has led Curry to believe that

the pursuit of compassion is the key to combating the darkness.

Curry seems to be on a mission to evoke compassion in her life and through her work, and if there's

one thing TV ratings don't necessarily care about, it's compassion.

So, it's not a shock that Curry has distanced herself from the 24 hour-a-day news business


Time for a comeback?

In the wake of Lauer's stunning downfall, one of the predictable byproducts has been

the speculation that Curry must be absolutely reveling in his demise.

"It does seem now that women all across this nation are rising up in ways we haven't seen

since the late 1960s."

Social media users, in particular, had all kinds of jokes about her probable reaction

to the news of Lauer's firing.

Columnist Eileen McNamara even wrote a piece suggesting that NBC give Curry Lauer's job

in order to, quote, "...demonstrate that you understand sexual harassment is only one manifestation

of the misogyny endemic to the news business."

Curry has taken the high road when commenting on the scandal.

She did indicate that she's still "processing" the specific allegations made about Lauer,


"I admire the women who have been willing to speak up both anonymously and on the record

… Those women need to keep their jobs, and all women need to be able to work, to be able

to thrive, without fear.

This kind of behavior exists across industries, and it is so long overdue for it to stop."

That's not a clear sign of her interest in returning, but it's also not a definitive

no, either.

Thanks for watching!

Click the Nicki Swift icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> The Real Reason You Don't Hear From Ann Curry Anymore - Duration: 4:57.


পটুয়াখালী রাজ্জাক বিশ্বাস হিজল গাছ থেকে সাপ ধরার এক্সক্লুসিভ লাইভ ভিডিও | Snake Master - Duration: 10:08.

Snake Master Razzak Biswash in Bangladesh

For more infomation >> পটুয়াখালী রাজ্জাক বিশ্বাস হিজল গাছ থেকে সাপ ধরার এক্সক্লুসিভ লাইভ ভিডিও | Snake Master - Duration: 10:08.


TokenPay ICO Review Analysis 100% BONUS First Round!!! - CEO Interview Webinar - FAQ - Duration: 28:18.

tokenpay ico review hello everyone I'm here live we're here live here with me that token pay CEO so

I'm just be here for any questions or anything that you have this is a session

we're about do about 20-something 30-something minutes in regards to do

our Facebook live so some people don't even know who we are and I just kind of

maybe give you a quick rundown of what we do so token pay essentially four

bullet points right we're the most secure privacy coin out there we're

different from all the other ones that we use a proof of stake that makes it

energy efficient cost effective so many benefits of proof of stake you see you

know blockchains like aetherium use brought a proof of stake now they forked

from that so that's really cool so hi how you listen hi Danny thanks a lot for

coming online really appreciate it the third feature is that we're the only

blockchain out there that's privacy and security focus that essentially

incorporates or integrates with a bank we want to purchase a bank and there's

many reasons for that you can have a millions and millions of US dollars with

the Bitcoin but to bring that into the actual bank it's and use that for real

world application is really difficult and so what we wanted to do is make it

extremely easy to do that and the fourth thing is we have a little bit of

credibility we know that we're working with a top developer he's an advisor the

lead developer verge sooner rock is our lead the lead the vibra former verge and

he's been auditing our blockchain and make sure it's up to standards we really

respect all of the work that he has done with verge and I think that's really

cool what he's done I think that's fantastic so when I say how to Danny I

think we've seen you in telegram really appreciate all your comments and

questions the most important thing is that we keep maintaining that level of

openness and community and having any questions

we actually have Josephus Eddie our CFO who's actually

joining us as well so say hi to him when you pass pass by so if you have any

questions whatsoever let me know hey Charlie hey Sean thanks a lot

John's online as well our chief marketing officer so any questions that

you have for him or me you know we'll try to answer them here I

will go through maybe some of the frequently asked questions and some of

the things of why we made decisions of what we did so we'll go from there so

we'll have our first question I'll go from there it looks like you're raising

funds to buy a bank what happens if that that does not go through so we think

that we'll have enough funds to to Ray to purchase the bank we have options

though we either purchase a bank integrate or form a new bank charter we

have several options that we've decided obviously purchasing a bank is the most

expensive but we wanted to do something where we purchased that back that had a

long history so that we were able to do a lot more integration and partnerships

faster because of that long history when you form a new bank takes a very long

time to develop these relationships and that's just the way the industry works

right so we're confident that we'll have

enough to purchase the bank or integrate we also have opportunities to maybe

integrate with several other existing banks so we can have potentially one in

Vanuatu that's privacy Jersey privacy focused or we can do in other countries tokenpay ico review

or other areas like leishan Stein potentially Switzerland so we can cater

to more customers globally sometimes that is a safer bet another question is

what exchanges will you start out on I think I missed another question I'll get

back to you we'll we'll try to get on to as many exchanges that make sense that

are secure as possible we see that there's a high demand for some of the

more popular ones some exchanges are out of our control that we cannot get on

it's based on voting based on the community or it's based on volume that

they determine so they make the decisions any exchange that we feel is

secure that we can purchase through the funds that we raise the token so that we

can go in and integrate immediately we will do that good question how long

after the ico TPA hits exchanges so I think the important thing is is how fast

the ico gets completed if it's done in day several minutes etc or it's done in

a week we have on a white paper and we're gonna stand by if the token sale

finishes in mid-december mid-january we will have about two weeks more or less

to essentially distribute all of the coins to everybody and their specific

wallets as well as start listing on exchanges and we'll do that in a very

methodical process we want to make sure that everybody has received their coins

that they decided to purchase and essentially once they're able to do that

we're comfortable we're able to move we do not want to put people in

disadvantages where one exchange is trading and certain people are trading

at a certain price and others are not and we think that's extremely important

and that's important that our team or customer service team basically goes in

and executes that so we can do it as best as possible how many will be sold

in the first tier it depends right there's a lot of factors so I think I

want to go into a few things so the number one thing is when we started

pricing this believe it or not Bitcoin was about two thousand dollars per

Bitcoin we had a much higher tier and then eventually Bitcoin got a pretty

crazy and we decided to change that tier to modify and then it kept on getting

out of our hands so we decided to increase bonuses and referrals so that

is one of the reasons why we did it but we also it's very important that we have

a network a decentralized network because proof of stake requires people

to actually be on it so that you can essentially create that decentralized tokenpay ico review

network it has we have no incentive us as a company to essentially maintain all

of these coins it just makes no sense whatsoever to do that okay so we're

encouraging as many people I'd rather have a hundred thousand two hundred

thousand people in the platform doing you know purchasing $200 $300 then five

thousand people purchasing ten thousand you know the math may not be working

right now but the point is is that we want to have as many people as possible

because that's the best way the proof of stake works to have a very strong

decentralized network okay yeah the price of that we're offering right now

is point O one BTC forty pay that comes out to about right now almost 120

dollars right there's ways to discount that

essentially if you look at it it's one one Bitcoin essentially about six

dollars or sorry one T pay it's essentially six to US dollars and

there's ways to get discounts to that one way is you purchase the bonus the

first week that gets it down to about three dollars the second is you can do

referrals if you refer people and they decide to purchase and essentially they

will be getting us a lower price so the more people you refer which helps us

because that helps the network and helps the race then the more the cheaper that

you can get it okay a well good question why do we set a ptc when we were

starting this and launching a BTC was extremely stable we did not affect that

there was going to be such a huge fluctuation with Bitcoin we did not want

to use it aetherium based a coin or to collect

etherium because we're not etherium based we didn't want to put a dollar cap

just in case we've had some maneuverability and flexibility and we

thought that was the best decision that's why we eventually ended up doing

the bonuses and the referrals to essentially offset some of the

fluctuations of Bitcoin yes yeah the exchange rate is six dollars

per T pay and then three dollars if you buy the first week we're only accepting

Bitcoin we cannot accept US dollars euro or British pounds there's a reason for

that you need to have a money exchange in order to do that and that's just the

law we have to comply with the laws that's the the way it is known that's

that's the way we're gonna accept it we're not accepting like coin we're not

accepting aetherium or any other coin because we are a bit coin based

blockchain and we want to maintain that we want to maintain the the foundation

of that and the spirit of that and I think that's extremely important but we

also know more people own Bitcoin they own it through places like coin base and

I think that's extremely important that we that we do that so first tiers are

120 dollars per coin yeah I'm not sure exactly what you're trying to ask our

first tier is 1000 preppin into bitcoins is what we collect to get to that tier

then a cent the next tier is about 3,000 and the last one is about 5,000 we think

we have a higher level of degree of confidence to get a little bit past the

first year the second tier but we can't predict we've been getting a lot of

interest all over the world about all of this in regards to do you have to

purchase point on one yes we're having a minimum so again when we first started

it was about 60 $70 for 0.01 now it's gone 220 again this is why we increased

the bonus and why we increase the referral system so so yeah yeah right

now it's about 130 so whatever that is it's so that's that's correct

what is the opening price at the public eye you know I cannot speculate on what

that price is we have basically not pre-sold any of our coins this has been

100 percent bootstrapped by me and some partners to basically get this off the

ground so I do not know what the actual final price will be I can only

personally expect that it can go high but I cannot tell you that it will

I cannot speculate that it will and that's the fairest thing that I can do

will the transaction fees be the same as Bitcoin now and in a few years that's a

very good question the answer is it will not be as excessive as it is a Bitcoin

and that is because it is a proof of stake coin that's also one of the

reasons why a theory and other blockchains are starting to adopt proof

of stake the actual fee goes kind of burns so you can put a fee if you want

so that it goes faster but nobody benefits from those fees there is no

network so with proof of work you need to have a lot of miners and those miners

need to collect fees to be able to run the computers faster or push up one

transaction over the other in order to do that so if like you exchange

something for example on a coin base and if you don't put a fee or I think coming

base does even allow you put a fee there kind of a set as a low fee and that's

why it takes a long time for transactions to go through through coin

base but if you go to other exchanges or specifically with certain miners and say

I want to work with only you then you can get that transaction faster if

you're able to pay up but we feel that that's in stable and the whole point of

Bitcoin is to have low transaction costs not to have high friends actually cars

it costs and they're getting higher and higher you know I guess we thought about

that we thought was that a point of one 130

dollars was a pretty low enough number that I think and you would be interested

in we understand that there are some people that may not be able to afford

that however if you have friends and if you have people that are in communities

that are interested in Bitcoin and T pay token pay you can reduce that cost of

what you've actually purchased so even though you put in a hundred and thirty

and you're receiving at ipe through the referral bonus you're actually able to

reduce that cost and potentially even double your investment essentially to

some extent right what is the plan to RIT to raise awareness and demand for

token pace to become success in on a failure without any demand like many

other icos very good question that is the principal aspect of one of the four

points that I was kind of going into the third point is that we have a pretty

strong executive mannequin team our CFO is actually very experienced in the Mema

he actually doesn't on a daily basis in very large regional bank in Florida and

one of the things that we thought is we saw the weaknesses is there a lot of

great block chains out there but you don't have the business mindset to be

able to execute and I've built several businesses my first business was

actually an investment club when I was a teenager and my second invest business

sorry was a business in China I lived in China for about eight years built a

business there and I know how to execute I've been working with universities and

partners all over the world and I have that business mindset and my partner's

have connections with many many different types of industries and I

think that's really amazing that when you start to really think of the

consumer and merchant applications to all of this you can get it to expand to

a very broad level right so whether it's retail whether it's other types of

industries you know that's important so the one of the first things you put in

our roadmap is to do a merchant services API once we have a merchant services API

we're able to get businesses to start collecting and transacting and token pay

then eventually we'll start finalizing the bank infrastructure then after the

bank it's the exchanges that we want to put in and then the final thing is a

debit card that is a consumer and the last reach

that we want to do out there we believe that once people start transacting and t

pay through their merchant level through QR codes then that would be a much more

mass adoption than even potentially debit cards but we still see that there

is a demand and a product for that so we'll offer that as well okay so any

more questions I'm going to try to be here for about another 10 to 15 minutes

what's up Sean Davis how's it going Diana thanks a lot for joining on we

have about 87 people how come you by tomorrow I will actually

make a quick video pretty soon and actually upload into our tutorials and I

will send it through all the channels to show you it's extremely simple you log

into your account you put in the amount of TP you want to purchase you press

that T pay button and it'll show you a wall that I dress that wallet address is

specific to you that is a Bitcoin wallet address so you have to get your Bitcoin

wallet address and whatever amount of talk of Bitcoin you want to transfer

over to token pay you put that in there it does the transaction automatically

it'll show up as pending once it's confirmed by the Bitcoin blockchain it

will confirm on your account that you've received those coins okay so very simple

process it's basically two steps I want to make it extremely easy as possible I

will make a video to show everybody how it works we understand that there's a

lot of demand a lot of in sorry about that how to call come in let me see I

think I had another question here I want to get to it I have pick where my kill

mace wallet what needs to take place in order to PI t pay I just explained that

the what mentioned something about an exchange account yeah most most people

have Bitcoin in exchange like coinbase cracking Gemini so obviously if they

want to if they already have Bitcoin there they can immediately transfer some

people have Bitcoin stored in different wallets special 3d party software and

can easily do that as well so that's why I mentioned the exchanges is it possible

that all coins will be sold in a week I don't really don't know I mean we made

it enticing enough where people would be really interested we have a lot of

people registered we have a lot almost six thousand maybe seven thousand people

registered potentially maybe eight to nine thousand by tomorrow by tomorrow

morning so we'll see how it goes I hope so I mean I'm being as

as optimistic as possible but you know we cannot predict anything right now

yeah thanks a lot Lesley appreciate the dimension and yes sooner arc is a

fantastic advisor verges a fantastic blockchain we think that it's a great

community and we support it and there's plenty of things that we can work on

together we don't we don't see a lot of the block chains and other

cryptocurrencies out there as competitors at all we see them as

partners we think that at the end of the day if we all get together and work

together for the major solution which is to solve a lot of the problems out there

I think it's a win-win for everybody involved

how are you worried about website crashes everybody should be worried

about website crashes at least on our side I am really confident about our CTO

Carlos this is a guy that has seen it all done at all he's been working with

previously or even working with gaming companies and essentially they're used

to attacks at their website and heavy server loads etc we have plans in place

we are we do have CloudFlare in place as well which is one of the leading

industry companies in regards to detecting when something is going to

attack we have plans in place I'm confident that we will do well but you

know I hope we don't get attacked alright I have a few more questions uh

there's a lot of stuff here and I'd want to get through all of it actually I

don't have a system how can we get the wallet address okay so you will get a

bit uh when you login to register tomorrow you'll see a Bitcoin address

that's where you send your money and then once this whole token sale stuff

happens and finalizes what's going to happen is you're going to require to

download the token pay software whether it's the mobile version with Android

which is going to come out sometime this week or next week depending on Google

Play and how that's taking a while for them to to prove the process we don't

have iOS I'm really sorry I have an iOS as well but it takes time to find the

developer and they they're not really privacy oriented so people have to

consider that there is some level of privacy so we have to figure out how to

make that all work so we recommend everybody downloads the desktop wallet

and the Android wallet and you will produce a token pay wallet address that

is where we will send you the coins and you will be able to submit that once all

of this craziness of the token pay token sale period we will educate people once

we start to see the gist of we're coming to an end of the token sale and we will

educate as much as I can get our more webinars or conversations like this

we'll do live videos and zoom conference calls to show people how to do this we

understand it's extremely important that everybody understands how does the

furrow work referral system work very simple you have a link you can send it

to anybody that you want you can have advertise on a blog you can post with

your friends I mean there's so many ways they click on that link automatically tokenpay ico review

when they go through the website and they click register that your code will

show up automatically obviously the user has the choice to you

know remove that code or not I cannot control that

but that is how it works it's obviously to everybody's benefit I guess to

continue to do that referral network if they want to receive free token pay and

part of the process okay it's right now 100 percent so if somebody purchases two

thousand to pay t pay they will receive the 100 percent bonus which is two

thousand and then the person that referred to them will just get one

hundred percent based off what they purchased which is the two thousand so

essentially it's six thousand token pay that's actually distributed on one

transaction right so if one person purchases they get four thousand and

then the other person referred gets the two thousand okay I'll go through all of

this yeah it would be awesome okay thanks for your vote Leslie appreciate

it what exchanges do you recommend to buy BTC you know every change is

different I know for some countries so much changes are better than others I

know Gemini is very good in the European region I know coinbase is very good in

the US region so it really depends on on what's comfortable for you some of them

have processes to verify to take a little bit long as to others I have

Kraken Kraken personally and coinbase so you could use either one of those

skin you only buy with Bitcoin tomorrow you can you can use it use dollars again

I answered but the answer no we cannot use collect US dollars you

can only collect with Bitcoin philosophical reasons but also legal

reasons why we cannot actually receive dollars for Bitcoin yes

actually Shawn yeah we are going to have these live these live calls regularly

it's important to retransplant we will have different people on explaining

everything that we're doing as best as possible I've been working nonstop on

all of this and I have not done this earlier not because I did not want to do

it earlier it's because I've been focused on so many aspects of all of

this whether it's the operations integrating stuff whatever it was it

just is just a lot of work ok so I apologize for not doing it earlier but I

promise that I will do personally more of these regularly ok appreciate it

let's see you're trying to see if again we're how do I link my desktop wallet to

the website account ok so what's going to happen is once you've downloaded the

desktop wallet you will see the token pay wallet address you can actually see

how that works now with the tutorials if you can see where to get that wallet

address when you log into your account there's gonna be a bar there where

essentially you will copy and paste your token pay wallet address and you copied

it pasted there and just submit we will have it so that once you submit it that

would be the final version unless you know we're trying to determine how many

times somebody can choose we're doing this for security reasons so it's

extremely extremely important that when you download when you download without

wallet and you have that wallet address that you do not lose your passwords if

you've encrypted it I mean it's extremely dangerous that if you lose

your passwords you will lose all your coins if you have them transferred ok so

it's extremely important that you understand that ok I hope that answers

the questions how many total phasors we have three tiers total amount of coins

that were selling is fourteen point two five million coins so yeah that answers

that answers that question what is the minimum purchase it's point on one

Bitcoin to purchase what is it between TP and verges TP an offshoot of urge or

doge doing dogecoin dark actually do each point dark is bridge they converted

a few years ago and great name they changed it to verge the main difference

between us and verge I will say right now is proof of

work versus proof lipstick they still have a very strong mining community and

mining pool to basically mine verge we decided to do a proof of stake well

blockchain we think that that's extremely embedder and inefficient we

also have some other features we have the secure integrated chat as well I

think what the difference is this verge is sticking to a certain type of message

and we're definitely more on the business side and growing it to have a

you know a mass more more mass adoption more commercial appeal I don't not sure

if they're more interested in that that's up to them I do not know what

they want to do okay so maybe you can ask us in Iraq and other team members

okay so does Blue Diamond card have mastercard support no we don't

officially have mastercard support but the bank that we're acquiring does have

a MasterCard agreement so what we are in talks with talking to MasterCard and

Visa to essentially integrate but we're not there yet it takes a while I think

they want to see more attraction I think that's fair enough and I think the way

that we show traction is through the merchant services API the integration of

the bank having that exchange in place and then once that's done they'll be

able to see the level of execution that we're able to do and I think that's

extremely important to have I think any business when they start to do things

like this they want to see you know I'll see you when I believe it I think that's

fine I think that's totally normal so when we get there we'll have it okay

what time does the sales start tomorrow Eastern Time it'll start at 10:00 a.m.

Eastern Standard Time okay so hope hope you're all there I don't have a system

can I keep it on your site to like get a system because I'm using an iPhone you

mean the coins themselves yes if you do not if you have purchased token pick

coins and you still do not have the wallet address submitted we will hold

those coins with us on we'll give you a timeline it's gonna be hard for us to

keep it forever until you give us a wallet address but it's extremely

important to try I cannot promise you that I can get you an iPhone iOS within

the next month or so we will do whatever we can to make sure

we we can do it I have an iOS it'd be nice to have it but I also like my

desktop so I mean I live in breathe working on my laptop all the time okay

let's see market price I don't know what that will be when it comes out I tokenpay ico review

mentioned a little bit to this do you store your coins offline yes we do store

our coins offline we do not have them online but the user when you decide to

purchase deep it you can't choose between whether you want to cold storage

them or you know put them on the exchange once you put an exchange you're

basically whenever you put coins in exchange you are essentially releasing

your rights to ownership of that coins to certain extent and what I mean by

that is if that exchange gets hacked for whatever reason the exchange has no

repercussion I mean it's it's it's really hard and it's really not a fun

situation to be in without happening with a couple of other

coins where they had in the third-party wallets and other exchanges in the

exchange got hacked and what we know what are gonna do and whose fault was it

was that the developer was at this and it's it's the best thing to do is that

whenever your transaction in token pay you should maintain it in a your desktop

wallet within our wallets as best as possible and nothing else but eventually

if you want to start trading and you know transacting through exchanges you

know consider that that is the the risk my advice you should only put in your

exchange what you think you should use for X amount of transactions that you

decide so if you want to purchase something that's $50.00 worth then only

do that that's $50.00 worth and keep it there the rest you should maintain on

your desktop slash wallet also to take advantage of the proof of stake rewards

it needs to be on the desktop so if you want to be able to receive the 5%

rewards which is essentially if you run your computer on 24/7 for seven days a

week for the whole year you have to have your computer on in order to receive

those awards that's because you're participating in the decentralized

network so you know they can consider that right it's like putting in a

savings account right and then whatever you're using exchange is like putting

cash in your wallet essentially if you lose your wallet and your monies tokenpay ico review

that's pretty much it so just want to kind of clarify all that okay okay so so

yeah I think I think that's about it I think we've got enough questions if

there's any more let me know I'll stay on for another minute or so so let's see

yeah so we're ready for tomorrow we have a whole team tomorrow I'll see if I can

do some live updates tomorrow before and after it's definitely very stressful but

I think we have a strong team in place that is able to kind of go out and

execute and do all of that we're really confident the way it will do a fantastic

job again we are extremely open and transparent so just send us a message we

have we have essentially a customer support team in place to help out with

questions sometimes I personally reply to the actual questions so we do it okay

so if you're having a problem with a Mac the only thing I don't know when you

downloaded the Mac we just did a refresh update on the Mac downloading so try to

download it again I try to download it again and see if it works if you have a

problem send us the crash report it's very simple just go and send a

screenshot of what that crash report is it shouldn't be any right now there is a

new update of the Mac wallet so it does work on your semmen Mavericks as well

and it'll Capitan so please let me know okay all right Gillis thanks a lot for

your question are there tutorials for the purchase I will make one I will put

it available on live on our website through the wallet tutorial section so

people can see it I will put a link also at the top and during the process so

people can see how that works I will put it in within a few hours just want to

finalize a few things make sure everything's good and then yeah then

I'll put it out there we'll share it on social media and then we'll go from

there okay all right well thanks a lot everybody appreciate your time and see

you tomorrow okay all right thank you bye

For more infomation >> TokenPay ICO Review Analysis 100% BONUS First Round!!! - CEO Interview Webinar - FAQ - Duration: 28:18.


Top 5 Scariest Kids You Won't Believe Exist - Duration: 4:22.

Hey youtube im court mcginley and welcome back to the most amazing top 5.

Before we get started I want to know whats the scariest thing you've ever done.

Let me know your answers down in the comments.

Also make sure you subscribe to out channel if you havnt already and give this video a

big thumbs up.

Alright lets get started on our list of the top 5 scariest children you wont believe exist.

Coming in at our number 5 spot we have--William York- for this one were going all the way

back to 1748.

At 10 years old William was imprisoned for the murder of Susan Mayhew who was 5 years


One morning the 2 children got into an argument so Willam took a knife and began cutting her

wrists- arms and thighs all the way down to the bone until she blead out.

York was convicted under a code of law that required the death penalty.

Obviously the judges in charge of this case were not prepared to kill a small child even

if he did commit a horrific act.

It was also assumed that failing to convict him would make other 10 year old boys think

they could murder girls and get away with it.

The execution ended up being delayed time and time again until 9 years later I 1757.

And at this time William was actually pardoned and admitted into the Navy.

In at number 4--Jordan Brown- At the age of 11 Jordan did the unthinkable when he killed

his fathers 26 year old fiancé by shooting her in the back of the head.

But as if that wasn't bad enough at the time she was also 8 months pregnant.

She was found dead 45 minutes later by her 4 year old daughter.

The gun that was used was an Easter gift given to Jordan by his father.

Because the shooting was fatal and took 2 lives he was additionally charged as an adult.

But attorneys looked over the case and decided to send him to a juvenile detention center


Then 3 years later he was tried as an Juvenile.

Realistically he should have received a life sentence without parole- but due to his age

he got a lower sentencing.

Coming in at number 3--Mary flora bell- Mary is noted as the worlds youngest female killer.

Mary grew up in a mentally unstable household with an alcoholic mother and absent father.

According to UK authorities at the age of 11 Mary was apprehended after she tried to

strangle and suffocate a 4 year old little girl by filling her mouth with sand.

Luckily she escaped.

During questioning she was asked why would she possibly do such a thing?

Mary replied by saying she did it solely for the excitement and pleasure of killing.

Sadly her next victims would be so lucky.

A year later she strangled and killed a little boy and then a few months later she strangled

a 3 year old and left him near an abandoned house.

She would later return to his body and carve an M into his stomach.

She was then sent to Juvenile prison.

Years later in 1980 at the Age of 23 Mary was released from prison under a new identity.

Then 4 years after that she had a daughter.

She later won a court ruling to keep her and her daughters identity anonymous.

So currently she would be around 60 years old.

And she could be anywhere.

At number 2--Jesse Pomeroy- Jesse is the youngest person to be convicted of a first degree murder

in Massachusetts.

At the young age of 11 Jesse captured and tortured 4 young boys.

He was then sent to reform school.

He was suppose to stay there until the age of 21.

However after only a year and a half he was let our early because of good behaviour.

But people would soon learn this was a big mistake.

It was right after this at the age of 14 he started to kill kids.

He first kidnapped and killed a little girl – leaving her body in an ash heap at his

parents store.

Shortly after that he killed a 4 year old by mutilating and almost decapitating him.

Police suspected Jesse was behind the killings so they brought h8im in for questing when

asked if he killed the kids he responded with a cold and unemotional- I suppose I did.

Jesse was sentenced to be hanged but the governor refused to sign the death warrant.

So he was sentenced to life in prison.

He was there for decades until he passed away in 1932.

And in at number 1--Jon Venables and Robert Thompson- now this one just makes me sick-

back in 1993 these two 10 year old boys saw little 3 year old James Bulger walking with

his mom at the mall.

When his mother wasn't looking they grabbed James.

They did absolutely horrible and unthinkable things to him- such as- beating him- throwing

bricks at him- threw him to the ground and piled stones on top of his head- and even

sexually violated him with batteries.

After they were done they lift his little body on the train tracks with the intent for

him body to be cut in half once the train ran over him.

2 days after the murder his mutilated body was found on the tracks.

Security cameras at the mall were checked and it showed the 2 boys leading James out

of the mall.

Neither boy took responsibility- they both blames each other for the crime.

The two 10 year olds were found guilty making them the youngest convicted murderers in modern

English history.

They were sentenced to custody until they turned 18.

They were then released on parole under new identities so that they couldn't be tracked

down by a vengeful public.

Well there you have it that's our list of the top 5 scariest children you wont believe


Thank you so much for watching and ill catch you in the next one.

For more infomation >> Top 5 Scariest Kids You Won't Believe Exist - Duration: 4:22.


Z ft. Trippie Redd - Top Of The Key - Duration: 1:51.

I want friends in the industry To help me get what I need

I don't want enemies I don't want casualties

I just want currency And women from over seas

And cars that I'd never need And brothers from our little history

We go in a hundred deep We lions and they are sheep

But sheep got a set of teeth Not tryna see none of my n*ggas bleed

We will attack if that's what you seek Not one of my n*ggas weak

Snipers all in my team Like Steph..

Top of the...

Key, key, key, key, keyyy Yeah, yeah, yeahhh

Top of the keyy yeahhh Keep staring at meee

Yeahhh Top of the keyy

Top of the key yeah Keep staring at me

You know I'm at the top of the key

I want friends.. in the industry To help me get what I need

I don't want enemies I don't want casualties

I just want currency And women from over seas

And cars that I'd never need And brothers from our little history

I wanna see Italy You wanna be friends with me

Money and women empowering me The most important to me

Except for my family And n*ggas I knew from around the street

Tryna be on tv Flexing with n*ggas that's in the league

I wanna be in the lead...

For more infomation >> Z ft. Trippie Redd - Top Of The Key - Duration: 1:51.


Tech English | Prepare for IELTS, TOEFL & TOEIC Test Online - Duration: 6:14.

I hope you are ready to describe some stuff, because that is exactly what we

are going to do today! this article about the best tech gifts. you're going to get

some great tech vocabulary, but we're really going to emphasize some of this

great descriptive vocabulary! how to talk about and describe things. thank you so

much to the patrons who support this channel! make these videos possible, and

allow them to be free on YouTube. once you become a patron you will be getting

this video! to go more in depth about the article and some more strategies for

describing and talking about things in English. other than that, you know that

you got to click the three dots down th– click the three dots, so you can read

with me! the article today comes from CNBC, "Here are the best tech gifts for

people who travel all the time" by Todd Haselton. we're gonna skip the intro

and go right to the description of some of these tech gadgets. so here we go! Bose

QuietComfort 35 series II. I included the Bose QuietComfort 35 series II, noise

cancelling headphones, in my best gadgets guide of the year, but I have to include

them here as well. I bought the original set and love the updated model, which

includes a button with a dedicated Google assistant. you still get the

comfortable headphones and carrying case, an optional 3.5 millimeter headphone

jack cord, support for Bluetooth connectivity, and more–but also the

option to ask Google whatever you want! so long as your phone is connected.

they're steep in price, but beloved by frequent travelers, including me! you know

we got some great vocabulary here, so let's review! becoming much more popular,

noise cancelling whatever. means it cancels noise. a gadget is a tech device.

almost always a personal tech device, something that you can carry with you or

use at home for personal use. the PlayStation, Xbox, headphones, your

phone! these are all gadgets, tech devices. when we talk about headphones, it's a set

because technically there's one side and the other side. so a set really means a

couple. this is the series II of this headphone, which is the new model. when we

talk about tech stuff, the model is the series or edition. so when the

new iPhone comes out next year, that will be the new model. if a tech device has

something dedicated, it means it serves a specific purpose. to do one thing. so the

old, the series I did not have a dedicated button for this feature. so on

a tech device if something is dedicated, it is to do a specific thing. a carrying

case is what you carry your stuff in, so many tech devices have special carrying

cases. just little pouches or sleeves to help protect your device when you are

not at home. also I guess when you're storing it, when it's not in use.

a headphone jack– this right here is the headphone jack. and Apple has started to

remove those, and here these headphones are Bluetooth. that means they connect

wirelessly. so they don't even need the cord. and they don't need to be plugged

in, into the jack. connectivity means that something can be

connected. these headphones have bluetooth connectivity. it means they can

connect to something. and in this case, they connect through bluetooth. I'm sure

your phone also has Wi-Fi connectivity, and probably a few other types of

connectivity. if something is steep in price, it means it is very expensive!

that's a steep price, an expensive price. now about describing things, you'll

notice here that when we describe things we always use "it' here headphones are

plural so we use "they" however we never use he or she when talking about objects,

only for people and animals. so the author is saying they are– okay let's

look at another gadget, RavPower File Hub Plus and wireless travel router.

I recommend carrying your own wireless travel router wherever you go. this one

lets you pull in the hotel internet, either corded or wireless, and create

your own Wi-Fi hotspot. it also lets you skirt any rules on how many gadgets a

hotel lets you connect to the internet at once. this model includes an SD card

reader for streaming stored movies and TV shows to your smartphone or tablet. as

well as a 6,000 milliamps battery that will charge up most phones one or two

times. all right so we have a wireless travel router. the router is where your

Wi-Fi signal comes from. to pull something in when we talk about getting

a signal or service, means just to get. to receive. so he says

you can pull in the internet Wi-Fi. it would be more common, more typical to say,

"to get" or or "to connect to" the Wi-Fi. instead of pull in. you can also say pull

in, as in to get someone's attention, or to be drawn to something. it pulled me in,

I was very drawn to it. to skirt something, especially rules and

regulations, means to avoid, to bypass. to not have to obey. so if you skirt a law,

it means you avoid or bypass it. you circumvent. that could be legal or

illegal! to skirt something. you can skirt someone's anger, when you avoid their

anger. it's a nice word slightly more formal, but I definitely recommend you

learn it! because otherwise we are not talking about this, a woman's skirt that

she wears! this is an SD card. to stream something is not to download. it's what

you do on YouTube, you're not actually downloading the content. you're basically

transmitting and receiving the data without downloading the entire file to

your computer. and to buffer is when you are loading for these streaming services.

that's what Spotify is. Spotify is streaming online music. so what I want

you to do, to start describing things more naturally, is to give me a

description of your favorite gadget in the comments. tell me what it is, what it

does and some of its unique features. what it does that other devices can't do,

or don't do as well. give me your descriptions in the

comments and I will give you some corrections ASAP! if you have any other

questions, comments or suggestions, definitely throw all those down in the

comments too! It was great talking to you, I'll see you soon. buh-bye!

For more infomation >> Tech English | Prepare for IELTS, TOEFL & TOEIC Test Online - Duration: 6:14.


What Does She Have Do With Dinossaur | #VHSreview - Duration: 2:56.

For more infomation >> What Does She Have Do With Dinossaur | #VHSreview - Duration: 2:56.


Z ft. Post Malone - What Have I Sold - Duration: 2:44.

What's good yeah..

What have you sold yeah What have you sold yeah yeah

Is it the money that's making you hungry Or is it the lack of a soul yeah

Stories untold yeah yeahhhh Stories unfold yeah yeahhhh

Are you afraid of making a family Because of the life you chose yeah

Life on the road yeah yeahhhh Longing for home yeah yeahhhh

When I am home These people are grown

And drowning alone Seeking the life that's known yeah

So I'm.. back on the road yeah Back on the road yeah yeah

Back on the road yeah Back on the road yeah yeah

You won't ever see me coming I'm too subtle with my cunning

Maybe one day we'll stop running Hating, faking, under loving

But it's hard you know Too much arsenal

Way to comfortable We can change it all

What have you sold yeah What have you sold yeah

Is it the money that's making you hungry Or is it the lack of a soul yeah

Stories untold yeah yeah Stories unfold yeah yeah

All of these ladies are tempting with babies Like what is a life on the road yeah

Living unknown yeah yeah Longing for home yeah yeah

When I am home These people are grown

And drowning alone Seeking the family, the life on their own yeah

So I'm.. back on the road yeah yeah

Back on the road yeah yeah Back on the road

Back on the road Back on the road yeahh yeah

Back on the road..


Back on the road yeahh

What have you sold..

Back on the road..

What have you sold yeahhh

Na na naaa na naa naaaaaaaaa

For more infomation >> Z ft. Post Malone - What Have I Sold - Duration: 2:44.


[ GER ]►Overwatch◄ - Duration: 1:13:29.

For more infomation >> [ GER ]►Overwatch◄ - Duration: 1:13:29.



For more infomation >> MY 10 MUST-HAVE FOR CURLY HAIR GIRLS - Duration: 9:44.


Die cut vs. Kiss cut stickers - Duration: 0:53.

These are die cut stickers, and these are kiss cut stickers.

Both are printed on the same thick, durable vinyl,

and they both look exactly the same when applied to a surface.

So what's the difference?

Die cut stickers are cut all the way

through the vinyl and paper backing to fit

the shape of your design.

This makes for a great-looking sticker

even before it's applied to anything.

Kiss cut stickers are only cut through the vinyl.

They keep the paper backing intact.

This makes it a little easier to peel

and helps protect your sticker.

The paper backing can be printed on or left blank.

Ordering custom stickers from Sticker Mule is easy.

Simply upload your artwork, and within 8 hours,

we'll send you a free online proof that

shows exactly how we intend to die

cut or kiss cut your stickers.

You can request changes for free until you're happy.

For more infomation >> Die cut vs. Kiss cut stickers - Duration: 0:53.


12 - Estocolmo - Oslo Fagottkor - As Viagens do Gerson - Duration: 6:54.

For more infomation >> 12 - Estocolmo - Oslo Fagottkor - As Viagens do Gerson - Duration: 6:54.


All HELL Breaks Loose As Trump Uncovers Obama's Covert Order To Agents To Take Out His Entire Family - Duration: 4:25.

All HELL Breaks Loose As Trump Uncovers Obama's Covert Order To Agents To Take Out His Entire


Just because Obama is out of the White House, it doesn't mean that his nasty talons aren't

fully embedded in Washington D.C. as his team of "spies" keep infiltrating Trump's

administration to do his dirty bidding.

As Obama operates his "shadow government" from the headquarters of his D.C. mansion

just 3 miles from the White House, there's still believed to be around 30 "leakers"

who have infiltrated Trump's administration, where they continue to take classified government

intel back to the liberal media.

While Trump is no doubt watching his back now more than ever, he was never prepared

for one of his top military generals and trusted advisors to also be one of Obama's spies.

Trump just learned through a CIA official what this Obama spy has illegally been doing

for months through an illegal covert operation, and now all hell has broken loose at the White


Obama has been relentless in his pursuits to take down President Trump ever since our

new President took office, where he even managed to get one of his Muslim operatives a job

in Trump's Homeland Security for a brief period of time.

Trump's Deputy National Security Adviser Dina Habib Powell was discovered to not only

be a Muslim, but good buddies with Hillary Clinton and Obama's former Iranian Muslim

Brotherhood advisor Valerie Jarrett as well, who was reporting everything she knew back

to the liberal media.

Trump promptly fired Powell after discovering she the one behind Obama's coup, and the

series of leaks coming from the White House.

While President Trump has been extremely careful lately to vet members of his inner circle

after being stabbed repeatedly in the back, now we're learning that his very own National

Security Advisor and top military General, H.R. McMaster, is also an Obama operative

who has been working secretly with Obama for months, even authorizing illegal surveillance

on President Trump.

This latest scandal that's ripping through Washington D.C. was just unearthed by CIA

officer John R. Maguire, who revealed during a recent intelligence-gathering operation

that McMaster was the individual this entire time authorizing illegal surveillance on President

Trump, including Trump's entire family and also Steve Bannon.

Maguire revealed that McMaster was one of the members of Obama's inner circle for

eight years, saying that the military general has been using a burner phone to send information

of his unlawful surveillance to an outside source.

What's even more chilling is that this intelligence that was gathered by McMaster was then sent

straight to a surveillance facility in Cyprus that is owned by George Soros.

The Intercept reports:

Maguire told at least two people that National Security Advisor H.R. McMaster, in coordination

with a top official at the National Security Agency, authorized surveillance of Steven

Bannon and Trump family members, including Donald Trump Jr. and Eric Trump.

Adding to these unsubstantiated claims, Maguire told the potential donors he also had evidence

H.R. McMaster used a burner phone to send information gathered through the surveillance

to a facility in Cyprus owned by George Soros.

Now Trump has finally had enough, and is launched a spy network of his own in order to combat

Obama's spies who keep managing to infiltrate him.

He's now looking to hire Blackwater founder Erik Prince and John R. Maguire who will then

"provide CIA Director Mike Pompeo and the White House with a global, private spy network

that would go around the U.S.'s official SWAMP-INFESTED intelligence agencies," The

Gateway Pundit reported.

This would be a huge blow to Obama's shadow government, as Trump's own private spy network

would be able to circumvent the FBI and CIA; both agencies that have become corrupt and

politicized under Obama with the appointment of ardently anti-Trump judges and directors.

This would allow Trump to oust these infiltrators without the interference of any crooked members

of these agencies working to bring him down.

It's absolutely insane how Obama is still managing to destroy our country through the

minions he's implanted all throughout Washington D.C. Subversion of a sitting president is

a very serious federal crime, and no doubt General McMaster will soon be answering for

his crimes against our President as more information about his treasonous scandal comes to light.

What do you think about this?

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