and sometimes it comes to people who through some apparent accident
accidentally lose everything that they thought they where life takes it away
from them strips you of all the things that you've
been hanging on to and then you are left with this bear I am a deep sense of
beingness aliveness or presence
everything has been removed from you
that works too or here it works in many different ways this in some places they
may not come to teachings like this
somebody may lose become a refugee lose their homes loss does it sometimes so
this is emerging now on a larger scale for the first time on the planet
thousands of years ago that realization came to one human being the first
flowering of human consciousness the first realization who I am beyond form
and it is quite possible that that person was a person whose existence on
this planet goes back into the legendary past we know even less about him than we
know about Jesus or Buddha and there's the legend in India of Krishna and
Krishna may well have been the first human to have realized that I mentioned
within and over time now the amazing thing is that some humans recognized
something in in him they recognized something of themselves in him but
didn't fully know that that was what was happening that they recognized something
of themselves a pure aversion an undiluted version of themselves
an unobscured version of themselves and over time they associated the formless
consciousness that was emerging with the form of the person and so the person
became a kind of God in people's eyes in people's thoughts but of course that
realization is the emergence of the formless it is not off a person of a
form it does not belong to any form it comes when the form becomes somehow
transparent is no longer obscured by the density of mental and emotional
structures and so that was perhaps the first flowering and then came others
here and there and gradually the possibility of this happening this
realization could not come on this planet until now for the simple reason
that the need for it was not there yet
they where preparations one could say almost for the shift in consciousness
the early flowerings prototypes exactly the same happened as I mentioned before
when flowers first appeared on the planet millions of years of plant life
without flowers and one day one plant developed a flower which is one could
see another dimension of plant life
thousands of years later another flower thousand years later two flowers until
finally suddenly a profusion of flowers all over the planet
our human evolutionary stage the way humans where we are now is coming to an
end the cycle of thought not that thought will not operate anymore but
humans are going beyond having to rely predominantly on thought they're going
beyond needing to derive their identity from thought and this is a momentous
event why is it happening now for the simple reason that it has to happen now
because the old consciousness is becoming increasingly dysfunctional
which is normal at the end of an evolutionary cycle things don't work
anymore and so even that is fine even the madness that you'll be witness on
the planet now and the witnessed in past centuries even the madness is good is
ultimately part of what is meant to be ultimately and part of it is also
recognizing madness as madness recognizing dysfunction as dysfunction
is equally important so let this this is an event that goes far beyond this room
because on the surface of things not much is happening here a person speaking
some people are listening
and yet it is part already of the transformation of human consciousness on
the planet not significant enough it is not what fit into the news usually
although it can happen it's happened but it's rare it's not to a large extent not
yet a newsworthy event all the ones this teaching was on the national news in
Canada but it's rare and they only gave it two and a half minutes but it's the
beginning so don't believe entirely don't believe that what you hear or see
on television is the entire truth and is the complete news of what's happening on
this planet there's a lot happening that is not being mentioned on the news and
what is not being mentioned on the news is more significant than that which is
mentioned beware of being drawn into reactivity when you watch events
happening in the world either interfered or into anger or into despair could
happen when you watch the news on television be there as a witnessing
presence compassionate that comes naturally with the witnessing presence
be there alert just as you watch the tree or the flower you can watch the
news or just as you sit with the past who is in pain and talking to you you
can watch the news in that way let it happen within a field of peace who is
going to bring peace to this world if not you and if enough people watch the
news with in a field of peace even the news will change it's all happening in
consciousness the collective dream of humanity is changing the collective
nightmare is changing we are waking up out of the collective nightmare to some
extent you could say that all of phenomenal existence is a kind of dream
but it becomes a more beautiful dream
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