Thứ Tư, 6 tháng 12, 2017

Waching daily Dec 6 2017

Hi, I'm a country moment spa in Navan which is at the end of Navan Road and

nearly at the corner of Colonial Road it's a beautiful older home it's white

on the outside it looks like a farmhouse and it's owned by Amanda Watson who owns

Country Moment Spa I come here for all my manicures pedicures facials and all

the other things that we ladies love to do I also would like to talk to you

about the village of Navan itself the village offers you Bradley's general

store where you can get groceries and your lottery tickets and your beer and

your wine and anything else that you forget to to get at the grocery stores

also the arena is here there's a vet here there's a pharmacy hear there's a

dentist here there's a barber shop so there's a lot of little things and

unique things in Navan most of the homes here are built on larger Lots they're

custom-built homes and I believe there's still a few Lots available so if you

want to build that home for you for yourself it's a great opportunity so if

you'd like more information about Navan and the surrounding areas please give me

a call and we'll talk about it or come for a drive on Sunday afternoon.

So remember real estate is all about you! Thank you.

For more infomation >> Visiting Navan Ontario - Custom Built Homes & A Wonderful Village - Duration: 1:11.


Siamo FATTI così MALE - le difese immunitarie (parodia) - Duration: 2:41.

For more infomation >> Siamo FATTI così MALE - le difese immunitarie (parodia) - Duration: 2:41.


Cycling Norway - Duration: 2:53.

Do you know that feeling of wanting to drop everything?

wanting to let go of what holds you in one place and...

jumping out of your comfort zone into something you never thought you could do?

I do. And I'd like to tell you about it.

I went to school, University, and immediately started working a full-time job

but dreamt about travelling with every look out the window.

I knew I wanted to answer that wandering feeling, I just didn't quite know how.

It couldn't be walking because it'd be too slow, and using a vehicle would make things too easy.

Not to mention the fact that everyone is doing that already.

I wanted my journey to be done by my own strength

and Tristan showed me how that was possible on a bicycle.

Leaving my job, apartment and routined life behind was definitely a scary choice

but sometimes it's best to judge by your intuition.

We chose Norway, cycled its coast, fjords and valleys for the better part four months

which made me discover that this is a very challenging way to move around.

It will rain, you'll get tired, it will be too hot or too cold.

I definitely thought of stopping more than once.

But travelling isn't meant to be easy, it's as real and challenging as anything else.

A bicycle will take you anywhere you want to go.

It can become your home in the long term.

It will teach you how to be strong and patient.

It will carry you up and down any mountain pass.

But most of all, this first few months of what I hope will become many more

have shown me that nothing is impossible.

Go fetch that dream!

For more infomation >> Cycling Norway - Duration: 2:53.


How To Run A Business While Traveling - Duration: 16:21.

okay so today is vlogmas and I want to know have you subscribed because we need

a thousand subscribers to get to the next point of YouTube so I'm sharing my

life and my business with you so that you can learn and I want you to get to

the next place that you're going in your business so please don't forget to

subscribe but without further ado what's Boston like and how it has it been going today? Well We are going to talk about that. Right Now!

look he is right there chilling. Look on is phone. Chillin Down There on his phone. Doing Nothing.

Maybe he should be checking up on the airplane? What's he doing: Facebook, Twitter.

Look this is how it always works out there me not: working working working

not working

okay so we're here in Boston Massachusetts we're waiting on the

bridge to come to down. So I figured I'd take some time to vlog. We had a great

flight nobody was sitting in our seat so that was nice. We had pizza and wine for

breakfast what was that at about 8 a.m. Pizza and wine so it is what one no it's almost 2

o'clock now so we're trying to check into our hotel and get situated before

we have to get ready for our meeting tomorrow with CVS so I will keep you

posted I'm excited to see what this room looks like because we have a terrace so

I'm super excited to see. I love balconies. Oh the boat the boat the boat

thank you

and we're in Boston. So we have our beautiful room, we'll save the best for last

So we have our fridge. Coffee Maker.

The TV, Oh my gosh did you see the other big tv?

okay so we're in Boston it's been such a crazy day we left at like eight or nine

this morning no crap we left yeah we left we got to the airport at like eight or

nine this morning. Then we got to Boston it got a rental car and drive the hotel

and it's maybe 15-20 minutes from the airport and it took us almost two hours

to get here and that's in the middle of the day so I cannot imagine what the

rest of the week is like but got here and checked in so just trying to get

situated before our big meeting tomorrow for those of you that haven't followed

going to CVS and presenting our product so that's gonna be interesting I'll put

a link to that below the eight hour energy patch we are super excited this

is a very unique opportunity and we've worked really hard to get here well

actually Naveen worked really hard to get here so i just kind of pushed things

where they need to go but he did all the paperwork you know I'm same I just show

up and look cute talk and make shit happen so it's been a crazy ride and I'm

sure tomorrow it's gonna be way hectic and crazy I've had 70 phone calls and

some of you don't know that I did my cryptocurrency

webinar last week so I'll probably upload this in the tomorrow's the last

day that you can join I haven't promoted you to a whole bunch mainly because I

wanted to see if I could get people that were interested in it so we've had

several sign ups and I'm super excited for those of you that signed up this is

a special editions this round of people is my beta launch

and this is gonna be your first chance to get in and learn and so like we're

here staying in this hotel and we're in this really nice room and I don't even

know how much it costs I'd like never know but I know that we're paying like

we're getting four times or more on our money and I don't really know how to

explain that other than freedom as in if we go get a glass of wine it costs us

out-of-pocket two dollars but you would never see that because it's what we pay

behind the scenes for what we get upfront and I shared that with you in my

webinar but I'll put a link to it below and you can check it out we already did

the webinar so this is the actual signup process if you want to get in on the

signup process then yes it is important that you get in tomorrow because it's

going down on Saturday so Saturday we're doing the live training again but this

is for everyone that's you know ready to actually start doing what we're doing

so we got this hotel we're in like one of the nicest rooms we have a terrace in

the middle of Boston we had a terrace in the middle of New York City like this is

crazy I'm sure this room probably cost out the

bud I have no idea but we don't pay that on the surface I mean everybody else

thinks that's what we pay but we really don't pay that and that's what gives us

this lifestyle so we do have to come here we have to spend money but we have

to think of alternatives to how we spend our money and if you're gonna go and go

couponing why wouldn't you do something that's not necessarily couponing I don't

know I mean I can't convince you to do it it's just something that you want to

do but I'm telling you when people see what we do and they see how old we are

and you know we're sitting at the bar having

lunch or dinner at 3 o'clock 4 o'clock and we see people coming to sit down who

just got on other meetings you know they're talking about all of that

meeting so give me some bigger give me something to drink and we're thinking

man it sure is nice that we just got here we had dinner and a glass of wine

and it's only like three and you know we're gonna go upstairs and lay down and go to

bed for a little while another thing oh my gosh it's already

getting dark here at 4:30 what 4:30 in the afternoon it was pitch

black here. I'm not kidding I started reading about it and it's something to

do with the Sun and the earth and like some tilting stuff so I don't know it's

pretty cool that it gets dark and for those of you that don't know I get up at

4 a.m. so I get up because I love nighttime and nobody's awake I don't

know how about a workout here because tomorrow oh my gosh hopefully we'll be

back we have to go to Rhode Island tomorrow we have to drive like an hour

away which is probably gonna be like 3:00 because if it took us oh my gosh if

it took us two hours to get here and this was 20 minutes can you imagine an

hour is probably gonna take us like 6 hours to get there

I wanted to get on here and vlog with you because I promised that I would show

up and I'm trying to share the things that would go through in the business

and just what's going on you can see we still have a business that we run but we kind

of try to offset some of our costs by couponing slice cryptocurrency I'm gonna

teach you how to do this so get in on the webinar putting that down below it's

totally a sales pitch we're just fine but if you want to learn then you would

want to get in on that so go check that out and come to the webinar what else do

we have going on it's dark here at 4:30 hopefully we'll get to see the Christmas

lights tomorrow I probably won't be vlogging maybe until Saturday but I'm

gonna try to keep uploading these every day if not I do have

some outsourcing videos that I made for you and they turned into kind of like a

series because I made them all in one sitting but it turned into like a long

series so I had to break it up and I already released one of them if y'all

don't remember made a video about how to hire and how we dropped like a hundred

thousand dollars so if you haven't seen that video I will hopefully be able to

put a link to that in this video but it's a lot of work to get these videos

up and add all these links and put all this stuff in here that I'm telling you

about so there's a lot of work that goes into uploading videos and when you're

uploading every day it's kind of hard to get all that stuff done which is why I

have a team of people who help me and so it takes time to train them and get them

ready and that's why I want to teach you about outsourcing and where to find your

people and how to hire them and just in general because it's so important I mean

how do you think that we could be here presenting to CVS and talking to them if

we weren't outsourcing what's going on I mean somebody has to be there to put the

orders out and call and take the orders oh and by the way we had a crazy number

of orders come in today it was I don't know a lot of orders but I looked at my

email when we lined it and there was like my inbox was full of order receipts

and can you imagine if we weren't there how we would ship those to somebody we

have to have somebody to do that and that's why I normally we have a

co-packer and we still do but if it's just the one-on-one

orders from the website we handle them ourselves so if it's large orders that's

when we reach out to our co-packer cuz it gets the price down really cheap and

it's very consistent because of the way that they do the packing I think I've

mentioned this to you before but I wanted to share that with you and these

outsourcing this outsourcing tutorial kind of F came up with because it's

stuff that struggled with and still struggle with every day

when I'm outsourcing and outsourcing means hiring an employee to help you out

and a lot of other things so don't think that outsourcing is bad or that it just

means that you're hiring big project teams it could be just Harding somebody

to come in and help you I know people that come in and have people help them

for like five hours a week and it's just one day awake but those people know what

to do so maybe it's you know filing receipts or it's just getting into the

motions you have to get into the motions of outsourcing and learn how to

outsource if you want to be successful those are gonna be coming up in the next

couple days so it's Tuesday so I think there's about four though so probably

put us through Friday and then on Saturday I'll be I'm feeling vlogging

again outsourcing this week is really important

hopefully I'll be blogging about the CVS stuff but I really want to put it all

together for you and you to be able to see like start to finish because I have

no idea what's going on. Tomorrow is the big day though so we'll see how it goes

it's gonna be hectic and I don't know we're gonna see how it goes so we'll see

and maybe I'll do something live this week that's a little tip if you need

some help when you're kind of pressed for time is to go live so we'll see how

that goes but I'm gonna get this video uploaded and ready for you tomorrow

maybe vlogging but probably letting you I'm talking to you about outsourcing so

these videos are pre-recorded by reporter didn't like this week so it's

not like they're totally pre-recorded I just didn't want to overload you with

like 45 minutes of video I will put those up rambling on because I'm so

tired which is why it's so hard to vlog every day come on Christmas but make

sure to subscribe for good vibes make sure to subscribe to hit my thousand

subscribers if you haven't already that's what we're trying to aim for with

just vlogmas stuff so I will see you tomorrow and I'm rambling on.

For more infomation >> How To Run A Business While Traveling - Duration: 16:21.



Good morning everybody, welcome to vlogmas day 4!

I have to be a bit quiet because Vito is still sleeping, he has a long weekend off.

It's 08:15 and I was going to have a workout at 9PM, go buy a Christmas tree with Nicky and then do some work.

I think it's way too cold. So I'm going to do so work now, than go buy a tree and than do my workout.

Might do some work after because I probably won't finish in three hours.

So that's the plan today. Going to have some breakfast now, have a cup of tea, do some work and I'll see you in a bit!

I just wanted to show my outfit before I head off to get my Christmas tree, I just love this look.

I adore the hat with my logo. Slytherin sweater, which is always good, a warm coat, some boots and a legging!

I never knew there's so much choice when it comes to Christmas lights

There's way too much choice here and we're kinda missing or moms. I need to find a tree first.

Guys, I found a Christmas tree, turned out they didn't have the right one in stock. They only had one including lights, I want to put my own in.

This is all I got; some fairy lights. They didn't have any plastic baubles or a Christmas tree, because the one I wanted was sold out.

I might give it an extra try with Vito later today.

Hey baby

We've got a Christmas tree!

I finally found some plastic baubles! Let me show you before I head to the gym.

We're going for dinner later tonight, so I'm kinda in a hurry.

A white garland, a bow for on top, little hooks,

I thought these ones were quite cute.

The cat is already investigating it. Hey Burrie (A/N this is what we call him sometimes), what's all this?


And these little things

And I got some silver ones. With glitter and normal ones.

If you're looking for baubels, Hema got some cheap ones.

I also got these by the way.

This vlog is turning out to be quite a mess, sorry.

I quickly got onto my bicycle and going to do a quick workout now.

After that I still got some work to do and we might go somewhere for dinner tonight. Wish me luck!

I'm leaving you here by the way, I'm working out again tomorrow and I don't think you need to see me workout twice in one vlog! I'll see you in a bit.

I have to admit, that was a short workout, a small hour. But I did some triceps, abs as usual and my biceps.

Tomorrow it's once again time for legday!

There's this beautiful sunset going on and I hope I get home in time to do a little timelapse.

We shall see if I make it!

I was just in time! The sun is almost down now. Not sure what this is going to look like, but we shall see.

Burrie sit down

Good boy.

Put him down here. Where are you going put him next to me!

Ugh so much stuff.

Guys I'm going to stop vlogging for today, I'll see you guys tomorrow.

Dinner was great, as usual I ate too much. Got some work to do now, afterwards I'm just gonna watch TV and head to bed.

I'll see you tomorrow!

Good morning everybody! Happy Sinterklaas for those who celebrate it.

We don't actually celebrate it anymore but there's a school right next to the flat and I heard children singing this morning, which was nice.

Tuesday is a day where I do a lot, but mostly from home.

It's almost 08:30 now, I'm going to work for an hour and then hit the gym with Mandy.

Afterwards I'm going to do most of the housework, need to do some washing, the dishes and the litter box from our dear stinky Bubba.

Afterwards I'm going to do some work again. Hopefully we'll be able to decorate our tree today.

I'm not sure though, need to do some groceries as well and Vito plays handball tonight.

So that's the plan today, we shall see how it goes. Gonna have some breakfast now and work and I'll see you in a bit!

I'll have to admit, I didn't feel like going, but after an 1,5 hour workout, including cardio and leg day I'm feeling pretty good.

I'm going to get dressed and quickly ride my bicycle home, it's so cold and then start on my work!

It's an hour later now, and I'm going to stop this vlog here.

The last hour I did most of the housework, all that's left is the dishes and some groceries.

For the rest of the day I'll be working, after I've had some lunch and a shower.

Which isn't that interesting at all.

Tomorrow I got this great project for SchildersTV: Caravans that are build into art projects, used for multiple things such as weekend festivals!

Tomorrow evening we'll be decorating our Christmas tree, I'm so excited!

Thursday I'm doing interviews with Kronos and Delete, and Friday with Adaro.

Saturday I'm going to Aqua Bass. So the upcoming days are really exciting and of course I'm taking you with me!

Make sure you subscribe so you won't miss it and give that thumbs up if you enjoyed this.

I'm really enjoying these 'daily' vlogs so far, although I've never done something like this before.

I hope you're all enjoying these vlogs too, I'll see you tomorrow!

For more infomation >> THE SEARCH FOR A CHRISTMAS TREE! - Duration: 8:10.


Saunders vs. Lemieux Preview - Duration: 0:31.

JIM LAMPLEY: This... should have some fireworks.

MAX KELLERMAN: That was a fight-ending shot.


ROY JONES JR.: He's really landing some big ones here.

KELLERMAN: David Lemieux is a devastating puncher.

LAMPLEY: David Lemieux is fulfilling his billing.

These are hard, gutting punches.

JONES JR.: Oh, good hook.

KELLERMAN: Boy, was that a shot.

Oh! Oh! Oh!

LAMPLEY: Perfect left hook.

JONES JR.: It doesn't get any better than this, guys.

For more infomation >> Saunders vs. Lemieux Preview - Duration: 0:31.


Blue Whale Game (Re-Upload) Type of Blue Whale Players | Dream vs Reality | Bangla Funny Video 2017 - Duration: 7:37.


For more infomation >> Blue Whale Game (Re-Upload) Type of Blue Whale Players | Dream vs Reality | Bangla Funny Video 2017 - Duration: 7:37.


Horizon Zero Dawn: Der Soundtrack im White-Vinyl-Edition-Boxset - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> Horizon Zero Dawn: Der Soundtrack im White-Vinyl-Edition-Boxset - Duration: 0:58.


Ukhamampi - The owl - Duration: 4:19.

For more infomation >> Ukhamampi - The owl - Duration: 4:19.


[LYRICS] Avicii ft. Sam Smith - The World Is Yours (Unofficial Music Video) - Duration: 3:16.

Let's pray There is more than we know

As the countryside clears And cities fall off the world

The world is yours

Let's pray It doesn't bring you to tears

As the people who walk In their unusual fears of the world

The world is yours

I'll stay Forever a day to Keep you safe as its so unpredictable

I'll pray That this is the way as the earth falls You know the world is yours

Our days Are losing their light

And the only safety is to stand up and fight For our world

The world is yours

Our days Are darker than stone As the people think

That this is their only home but the world The world is yours

And I can show you That we come into the tides

They'll knock us down but we'll survive Only with you in my arms tonight

I'll stay Forever a day to Keep you safe as its so unpredictable

I'll pray That this is the way as earth falls You know that the world is yours

I'll stay Forever a day to Keep you safe as its so unpredictable

I'll pray That this is the way as the earth falls You know that the world is yours

For more infomation >> [LYRICS] Avicii ft. Sam Smith - The World Is Yours (Unofficial Music Video) - Duration: 3:16.


Star Wars: l'échec du combat Anakin vs Obi-Wan - Duration: 9:14.

For more infomation >> Star Wars: l'échec du combat Anakin vs Obi-Wan - Duration: 9:14.


RINDU AYAH AZ ZAHIR Live Tanjungkamal Bersholawat | MFA Sholawat Channel - Duration: 8:27.

For more infomation >> RINDU AYAH AZ ZAHIR Live Tanjungkamal Bersholawat | MFA Sholawat Channel - Duration: 8:27.


3 ep da série Card do Naruto - Duration: 8:16.

For more infomation >> 3 ep da série Card do Naruto - Duration: 8:16.


10 Minutes SPLIT Stretches - Duration: 9:20.

Hi everyone, welcome to Lazy Dancer tips I'm Alessia, today because it's very highly

requested we're gonna be working on our splits stretches. Sit down on the floor

on your mat on your rug or wherever you want and lets work those splits.

here we go let's start we are going to have few stretches for our splits so first thing

I want you to do is have your feet right in front of you again and do not sit at

the back feel the two little bones, come up straight point your feet from here

put your hands behind your back and we're gonna go, open up in butterfly

and back in, cramp in my feet, don't know why and I think I haven't had enough

water probably today,

and up, you can even go through the Demi point warmup

well should be already warmed up, but keep using those hips and out in out

in out in keep those two hands at the back, sustain so you've got the right

posture back in from here slightly wide and we're gonna go in out in out because

we've got to work the opposition as well as the en dehors

and in back again Demi point or pointed feet out in out and keep the lower back

nice and strong in out in out in out in slightly apart, in up in up in up in up

again up in, careful at the feet, yeah don't let them roll

funky make sure that you always find the floor the floor because otherwise you

get injuries around your ankles and knees and we don't want that

from here one leg in one here in front of you the other one out wherever it is

comfortable from here we're gonna go push it in turn it out in to join the

other one turn out to the side and every time we come to the side we push up in

push to the side in push to the side again push to the side in push to the

side change around other way again say hello to the knee push to the side we

lift ourself up in push to the side in push to the side and in push to the side

one more push to the side from here you want to go same leg, keep it there

completely parallel, 90 degrees in front of you from here what I want you to do is

stretch down push up ah and stretch down push up up

keep this back knee as straight as you can push down down straighten up and

down down straighten all up you change around you've got the other one in front

again push down down you straighten it up and down down and up up and down down up

and down down up up release have a moment give it a good massage again feet

together from here one leg out one leg out wherever you can get to do not try

to push it and again your feet should be right in front of you not turn in, think

of Barbie if you're over here push with your hands at the back to sustain your

back stay there from here I want it to go flex your feet

and point flex your feet and point and flex your feet and point and flex your

feet and point again flex and point and flex and point and flex

and point and flex and point again from here you've done this left one hand up

you stretch to the side from there you flex as the foot you straighten the

foot you flex the foot you strengthen the foot you flex at the foot you

straighten the foot and flex again and we come up we go to the other sides we

go flexes the foot straighten the foot flex the foot straighten the foot as

long as you're not down the back keep pushing forward straight flex the foot

straighten the foot and and out come back up again push up here push up hands

in the front flex both feet go down a little bit wherever you can and push it

down and lift and down and lift and down this time I want you to lift keep your

knees up flex your feet if you're over here is absolutely fine if you're over

here even better it doesn't matter your own time wherever you can get to it's

fine we need to work on it and take your time

from here twist keep your flex knees from here keep the hip on the floor and

try to go towards your foot stay there stay there come back up turn

to the other side and go towards your foot keep that keep

this hip on the floor find the twist find the twist keep your abs engaged do

not let them go keep your abs engaged keep this knee to the back opposite knee

to the back and come back switch around there is always one side that is nice

and sweet and the other one that is not so sweet

keep the opposite knee open come back up turn oh go to the other side keep

breathing come back have a moment have a shake

have a shake shake

do the things do the wobble

wobble LOL

give yourself a good massage and keep doing whatever

you're doing because you're doing great Bravo!

thank you very much guys for

watching I really hope you feel SuperDuper nicely stretched out if this

is your first time watching don't forget to subscribe and to check out Lazy Dancer Studio

for exclusive workouts otherwise I'll see you here next time on


For more infomation >> 10 Minutes SPLIT Stretches - Duration: 9:20.


🌟 ДЕНЬ#4 🎁 ЛЕГО ФРЕНДС ГАДКИЙ Я МИНЬОНКИ Распаковка сборка обзор игрушки Лего на русском Ginnytoys - Duration: 4:10.

For more infomation >> 🌟 ДЕНЬ#4 🎁 ЛЕГО ФРЕНДС ГАДКИЙ Я МИНЬОНКИ Распаковка сборка обзор игрушки Лего на русском Ginnytoys - Duration: 4:10.


КАК РАНО ВСТАВАТЬ ПО УТРАМ - ГЛАВНЫЕ СОВЕТЫ ЭНЕРГИЧНОГО УТРА. Как проснуться утром бодрым. - Duration: 8:31.

For more infomation >> КАК РАНО ВСТАВАТЬ ПО УТРАМ - ГЛАВНЫЕ СОВЕТЫ ЭНЕРГИЧНОГО УТРА. Как проснуться утром бодрым. - Duration: 8:31.


Schnee an Flynachten (6 Tür #Flynachten) - Duration: 1:24.

For more infomation >> Schnee an Flynachten (6 Tür #Flynachten) - Duration: 1:24.


GIVEAWAY WINNER ANNOUNCEMENT! #2 (Watch to see if you won!) - Duration: 3:26.

For more infomation >> GIVEAWAY WINNER ANNOUNCEMENT! #2 (Watch to see if you won!) - Duration: 3:26.



For more infomation >> НЕОБЫЧНЫЕ ЗАРЯДЫ ПАТРОНЫ И БОЕПРИПАСЫ - Duration: 10:02.


How to Photograph Bridesmaids at a Wedding: Breathe Your Passion with Vanessa Joy - Duration: 3:30.

Welcome to this episode of Breathe Your

Passion here on AdoramaTV, where we are

going to show you behind the scenes of

'How to photograph bridesmaids at a


Photographing the bridesmaids is one of

my favorite parts of the day, because, hey

I get to hang with all of the girls. My

goals for photographing during this

photo session is to get a few different

photos of them all together, as well as

each of them individually, and then each

of them with the bride. Very similar to

my goals for the groomsmen.

But in addition I'm usually focusing on

a few other details as well, since

bridesmaids tend to have other little

details like flowers, dresses, jewelry

hair. Lots of things for me to photograph

which looks great in the album, but also

adds to the details if I'm going to

submit this wedding for publication.

First I have them do something easy, all

standing in the line, and trying to make

sure that they all look good. The quick

way I get all the bridesmaids, and a nice

flattering pose, is to have them all turn

towards the bride, then lean on their

back hip. This will immediately put them

in somewhat of an s-curve, which just

helps make the body appear more

flattering, as well as turn them to the

side which will help slim them down as

well. I first have all of the girls look

at me on camera, and then ask them to

engage with each other. Just having them

smile, laugh, talk to each other, and if

they don't do this naturally, tell a joke

or two, or even mimic the way I want them

to laugh, a very absurd overreacting

type laughter. Anything that gets a true

genuine smile! From here I like to change

up the pose, to make it a little bit more

dynamic. A nice easy way to do this is by

turning one or two of the girls in a

different direction, or having them

alternate their flowers, high, middle and

low. Anything that breaks up the pose so

it's not completely symmetrical. Often

I'll ask the bride to take a few steps

closer to me and then change my aperture

to one that will give me a more shallow

depth of field, allowing me to focus on

the bride, still having her girls in the

background, but they are out of focus. I

love photographing the bride and her

details here, because the background of

all of the bridesmaids dresses looks

absolutely beautiful. From here I'll

quickly photograph all of the girls with

the bride alone, and then ask them to

step over to the right, while I

photograph each of them individually.

It's more of a goal of mine to

photograph the bridesmaids individually, than

say the groomsmen, because the

bridesmaids are both usually going be my

future brides! While the groomsmen aren't

typically thinking about that in that

moment, even though I'm photographing

groups. I'm typically using a longer lens

either my 85mm f/1.2 or my 50mm

f/1.2, because I absolutely love

the compression in the image. The entire

time my second shooter is also

photographing from the sides with the

longer lens like the 135mm or the 70 to

200mm. He or she is getting great little

candids and close-ups of a couple of

girls together, or girls individually,

which will look great in the album, and

add to the candidness of the photos that

I know my brides and grooms want. I hope

this has been helpful and inspiring and

you have a few different new tricks to

use on your next shoot with bridesmaids.

Make sure that you hit the subscribe

button below, and I will see you next

time here on AdoramaTV

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