Thứ Ba, 5 tháng 12, 2017

Waching daily Dec 6 2017

You don't light your candle because you're only one

So you stumble around in the darkness searching for light

It's not enough to wait and pray for kingdom come

What's written in the stars is waiting for just one

Candle where's your light

If you don't shine then tell me who's gonna light up the world now?

Dreamer where's your dream

Remember you're not out there on your own

Holding back the night

Holding back the night

think they won't let you in

You tell yourself you can't win

But I believe in the fire inside of you

You have so much to give, it's the reason we live

One spark in the darkness comes shining through

Tears stream down my face as I walk my way back home

And stretch out my hand towards the sparkling stars

Candle where's your light?

There's a light that only you can shine

Dreamer where's your dream?

There's a light that no one can steal away from you

What's written in the stars is waiting for just one...

Candle where's your light?

If you don't shine then tell me who's gonna light up the world now?

Dreamer where's your dream?

Remember you're not out there on your own

Candle where's your light?

To light up the dark, where is your spark?

Dreamer where's your dream?

Holding back the night

So light up the night

For more infomation >> Candle feat. YUKA (moumoon) - Kat McDowell - Duration: 4:10.


Analysis "¡Podemos Bailar y tú también!" | VILLAINOUS / VILLANOS - Duration: 6:26.

Today we will make an analysis to the "Podemos Bailar"

Let's start

"Podemos Bailar" is the phrase that you get from the code hidden in the first "Video de Orientación para Villanos".

Upon entering the page we find the next image:

If this page we press the F12 key, it appears:

Among the text is the phrase "Men Without Hats".

It is presumed that this is the name of the organization that created the page and trying to overthrow Black Hat.

What to do next is make you click the hat.

We see three entries, the first one does not allow you access.

The 72 65 84 numbers can be found several times during the page.

It is an ASCII code and translates as "HAT".

So the first entry you can not get called "REPORT HAT".

The first entry you see is the one that says "LEEME".

Several words are not legible, we can not know exactly who wrote it, only that it was an agent of the alleged organization Men Without Hats.


We already know 72 65 84 means HAT, so there says "CODE HAT".

The next thing he says seems to be the message number, so we can assume that this is the first entry was written.

Moreover it contains very important information.

With this message we know who has been hiding codes in the recent "Video de Orientación para Villanos" is who created this website "Podemos Bailar".

Perhaps it is that has put the messages in the first short.

We also know that several agents involved and several of them seem to have infiltrated Black Hat Organization, or at least in its database.

And something to keep in mind is that apparently this web site will not be forever, as it warns that eventually will be removed to protect the identity of agents.

It seems, too, that information will be uploaded for short periods, so we have to be aware of the page.

One more thing, in the end says "If all goes well in a few months will achieve open the bridge and he…"

Do not know know what you mean, but "bridge" we can understand that maybe want to open a connection or entry somewhere.

Perhaps it is the "direct link" mentioned in the next messages.

The next thing to do is return to the top and this time click on the "REC DATA" option

They appear a "Check-in".

The "ENTRADA 01 - LIMÓN" refers to video analysis Limón Agrío.

Similarly, the "ENTRADA 02 - IMPOSTOR" refers to Nohyas video.

We can be assured that the following three entries are the videos that will Villains Guidance for the coming months.

So in total there will be five.

What we have to do now is to click on the first entry.

In the part where he says "LOS TENGO", the date 4 November appears, which is the day the first Video de Orientación para Villanos.

One such agent is Cooper sending this message.

Cooper reports that managed to access the mainframe through Black Hat Organization codes. That's what you mean, "I have them".

He mentions a woman named Wellis, which seems to try to infiltrate the mansion of Black Hat trusting that have poor security.

Wellis's mission is "to filter a direct link," this could be the "bridge" mentioned in the first message, but I can not tell.

In the message entitled "Prioridad" firm as a subject responds to the message CL Cooper.

Possibly he was sent on the same date as the previous message.

Apparently the future of the mission lies in how you go to Dr. Wellis to get the direct link.

But even if they have it planned not know how to remove it from the premises dela mansion Black Hat.

Therefore it should be understood that both Cooper CL will be like trying to find a way to save Dr. Wellis.

Now what you need to do is enter the second inning.

Here are just a message.

The date seems to say that is the December 3, 2002, but if we rely on the previous messages that were sent the same day the Video Orientation Villains climbed,

you may be going the same here and actually date is December 2, 2003.

We can not assure if you really spent a month previous to this message, do we know who is the writer, but we know he is a man,

so it could be Cooper, or very possibly the first message, the creator of the website.

When you say "I wish some of you stay active and have access to this page"

We suggests that something bad could happen to other agents within one message to another.

The mission should have been complicated.

Apparently codes had been lost but the agent's recovered.

We discovered that these codes are the ones hidden in the Vídeos de Orientación.

Apparently we will have the complete code when all the Vídeos de Orientación are uploaded.

The funny thing is that he tries to create a direct link, what had been the mission of Wellis.

Something must have happened to her.

By the way, on the part arrives can change the text,

but you can not enter enter numbers: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9.

You can not enter Q, Y, G, J, X, V in capital letters, nor the letters w, ñ, k in any way.

It is all I know so far.

I will keep you informed.

For more infomation >> Analysis "¡Podemos Bailar y tú también!" | VILLAINOUS / VILLANOS - Duration: 6:26.


Asi Aurt jo apko Nakara kar de gi - Duration: 2:29.

Asi Aurt jo apko Nakara kar de gi

Asi Aurt jo apko Nakara kar de gi

Asi Aurt jo apko Nakara kar de gi

Asi Aurt jo apko Nakara kar de gi

Asi Aurt jo apko Nakara kar de gi

Asi Aurt jo apko Nakara kar de gi

Asi Aurt jo apko Nakara kar de gi

For more infomation >> Asi Aurt jo apko Nakara kar de gi - Duration: 2:29.


Relaxing music - the Titanic song - Duration: 4:04.

For more infomation >> Relaxing music - the Titanic song - Duration: 4:04.


వేశ్యగా మారిన టాలీవుడ్ టాప్ హీరోయిన్ ఎవరు తెలిస్తే షాక్ | Unknown facts About Tollywood Star Actress - Duration: 2:41.

Unknown facts About Tollywood Star Actress

For more infomation >> వేశ్యగా మారిన టాలీవుడ్ టాప్ హీరోయిన్ ఎవరు తెలిస్తే షాక్ | Unknown facts About Tollywood Star Actress - Duration: 2:41.


Youtube - Duration: 5:23.

Hello, your welcome

We are studients of the high school "Prof. Ramón Berzunza Herrera"

Matutine turn

Our Team is conformed by: Valeria Aké, Carolina Ortega, Ariadne Pérez,

Yoselin Gómez, Guadalupe González, Angélica Pool

Benjamín Zubieta , Valeria Trejo and me, Estefania Poot

We hope that you like the video

Today we will talk about the importance of biodiversity

and loss of marine species.

After millions years of natural evolution

in the planet Earth there have existed and

have been formed diversity of species,

since microrganism,

to plants and animal that sorround the human being.

Encompassing marine

and terrestrial ecosystems.

The importance of biodiversity

It consist the condition that the natural areas are find,

is to say,

the preservation and care ecosystem

and the factors that are involved in the survival of species that inhabitat it.

And for its aesthic importance, this

consist in the visual enrichment which it is

obtained by smell, colors, behaviors, shapes among other.

The economic importance in the biodiversity is one of principal sources

of resources to produce products that we use in our daily life, nevertheless,

not only helps economy, but also increase the value of a property that is near to a protected area.

The biological importance is essencial for the planet's life because it provides

necessary goods, such as food or oxygen.

they provide raw materials that favor economic development, etc.

Did you know that 3

of the 8 turtles species that exist in the word live on the coasts of our states?

Of which the hawksbill turtle, white turtle and the olive ridley turtle are in serious danger.

We will talk

specifically about the loss of the hawksbill turtle.

The hawksbill turtle is a sea specie that it is found in critical danger of extintion.

This specie belongs

to the chelonians family that has 2 subspecies.

About the turtle's topic

is important to say that

in 2012, was registered one thousand five hundred twenty-nine nests.

One hundred sixty-nine thousand seven hundred fifty-seven eggs,

one hundred twenty-one thousand eight hundred twenty-three hawksbill babies turtles.

In more current figures it has registered

one thousand two hundred sixteen nests,

one thousand four hundred sixty-six eggs

and two thousand four hundred ninety babies,

in this, the period from

january to june 2013

As you can see the numbers are going down, and this is cause

of the excessive fishing of sea turtles, the pollution of their habitat, besides the removal of their nests.

Hey! That doesn't your eggs

Its shell is used to make various crafts, for being a precious material it can have too much demand and highs

prices, besides that they

hunt this turtle to make a divirsityof exotic meals.

Why is a problem? The turtle

is a specie, that like others, provides great benefits to nature

and its dissapearance would mean an imbalance in the common life.

Purify the sand on the beaches

Balances the population on the other organism, such as jellyfish and sponges

They're tourist attractions

Its dissapearance implies problems: economically,

it would cause negative impact on the economy of coastal areas and fishermen,

this is the main reason for this extinction.

Environmentally, its dissapearance would cause the appearance of pets

overpopulation of some marine species ore ven the disappearence of others

On the other hand, in the biological, as mentioned above,

would cause a total imbalance in nature.

Institutions involved in the care and preservation of this turtle:



WWF México

CEA (Centro Ecológico Akumal)

Flora, Fauna y Cultural de México A.C

Finally, we are clear now about why I's important the biodiversity so proposal of solution is:

Make of teams for the protection of the turtle

Be sensitive to the people about the protection of the turtle.

Make lews for protecting about the protection of the turtle and their preservation

If you liked the video vote our video and suscribe.

For more infomation >> Youtube - Duration: 5:23.


If function in excel basic calculation multiple conditions - Duration: 8:23.

If function in excel basic calculation multiple conditions

If function in excel basic calculation multiple conditions

This is a excel basic tutorial

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