Thứ Ba, 5 tháng 12, 2017

Waching daily Dec 6 2017

Zach : Wow, Gimel! That's three kisses!

Eugene: No, that's not how it works!

Maybe I'll call him...'ma name you Porcupine

Zach [off-camera] : Very creative

For more infomation >> [zagene] what if i go? - Duration: 3:15.


Coconut Chiffon Cake | Southern Living - Duration: 2:04.

If there were ever a cake

that could be deemed the most southern,

most classic and most treasured layer cake of all,

the coconut chiffon cake would definitely reign supreme.

For a standard chiffon cake,

the normal method is to create a well

in the center of your dry ingredients

and then whip your wet ingredients into that well.

(calm music)

Eggs are used to help create air and fluffiness

in these cakes but oil kind of weighs them down.

So chiffon cakes tend to use

a little bit more leavening agents

to help them get an extra lift in the cake.

(calm music)

This recipe is so simple yet so divine

which is why it is one of our most popular recipes

for Southern Living.

It has been published over 40 times

since we fist published it in our December 1968 issue.

It's laced in a creamy coconut flaky filling

that's reminiscent of a cloud

which is the showstopper on any table.

(calm music)

This cake has crowned sideboards for over 100 years

in the south and for good reason.

It is so yummy.

(calm music)

For more infomation >> Coconut Chiffon Cake | Southern Living - Duration: 2:04.


Mega Man 11 ANALYSIS - Reveal Trailer (Secrets & Hidden Details) - Duration: 14:38.

2017 continues to be a banner year for video games despite the fact that every major release

has already come and gone.

To the surprise of many, Capcom is finally bringing back Mega Man in something more than

just another compilation.

Mega Man 11 is on its way with a new artstyle that stays true to Mega Man's legacy without

being another NES throwback.

And we're more than a little excited by this prospect.

But we want to know even more.

So it's time to bring out the old Analysis Machine with some help from our own Mega Man

guru, Ash Paulsen, to see what secrets and hidden details we can find.

Let's begin by looking at Mega Man himself.

Right away we can see that the interface for Mega Man hasn't changed too much.

There's his life bar on the left while the pink bar next to it is his weapon energy.

Usually this bar is hidden until Mega Man accesses a Special Weapon, but as we see later,

the pink bar is actually for Rush as its energy decreases when using the Rush Coil.

This could mean that Rush's abilities are available anytime Mega Man is in his default

form, and there might never be a need to switch to Rush specifically.

However, we never see any other variations of Rush during the trailer so we don't know

yet if different Rush abilities all use the same weapon energy.

This would also indicate that a different button is used to summon Rush since, traditionally,

the shoot button is what would be pressed.

It could work like some of the later Mega Man games where a separate button was used

to fire the Mega Buster while equipped with a Special Weapon.

There are some new additions to the UI though, and they seem pretty significant.

There's a large, faded gear above two smaller gears colored red and blue.

The large gear seems to indicate when Mega Man can use a brand new ability as we do see

it lit up at certain points during the trailer, including against the boss at the end.

Unfortunately, the trailer never clearly reveals how that gear lights up.

Is it determined by getting damaged, defeating enemies, a new collectible, or something else


We do know what it does though.

During that boss fight, Mega Man jumps over the spinning attack and then activates the


Flashing red and blue lights appear as Mega Man himself has a new bar appear above him

indicating how much longer he can use this power.

Unfortunately the game's logo pops up after that, preventing us from fully seeing what

this new power is capable of, but slowing it down shows us a bit more.

It appears that Mega Man can fire fully charged shots as fast as the normal Mega Buster.

We see him shoot one just before the title appears, which destroys the boss, while the

other two travel across the screen soon after the flash of light ends.

So it would appear that this power temporarily allows every shot Mega Man fires to be fully


But the Game Informer article throws a wrinkle into all of this.

There are two screenshots that also feature the Gears and Mega Man's new power.

One features a huge wall of fire while Mega Man stands on the right.

Interestingly, there are several after-images of Mega Man standing next to the real one

while only the Blue Gear is highlighted.

This could indicate that using only the Blue Gear will provide Mega Man a temporary speed

boost as that's what afterimages usually help denote.

The other image only has the Red Gear highlighted, and this is where things get a little crazy.

Mega Man is essentially in his Star Force outfit, right down to his Mega Buster looking

like Omega-Xis (Zis).

Blue lines surround him with multiple explosions going off so it seems to be an area attack.

But Star Force takes place in an alternate universe hundreds of years in the future.

It being here makes no sense unless some crazy crossover was happening which seems unlikely.

We think that both of these Game Informer images come from an earlier build of the game

as there's a border surrounding the Gears in these screenshots while the trailer doesn't

have that.

So maybe these other powers have been simplified to what we see in the trailer.

But if that's the case, why is there still a red and blue Gear?

Perhaps there still will be alternate powers, but we would be surprised if this Star Force

reference stays in the game, unless Mega Man can wear alternate costumes which admittedly

would be pretty cool.

We should also mention that the game has a subtitle in Japanese, The Gears of Fate, as

discovered by ProtoDude of Rockman Corner.

These gears might be what it's referencing.

And that's just the UI!

There's still quite a bit to cover here about the blue bomber.

For one, he has a slightly new animation for when he teleports into the level.

It's actually closer to what X does in Mega Man X4, X5, and X6 along with Marvel vs Capcom:


This could have to do with Capcom slightly redesigning Mega Man to be a little leaner

and cooler in Mega Man 11, but it's extremely unlikely that this has anything to do with

an actual connection between him and X.

In fact, Mega Man is looking pretty good.

His jump animation is just like it was in previous games and unlike Mega Man 9 and 10,

he actually has the charge shot and slide back in his arsenal.

The game is not just trying to recapture the feel of Mega Man 2, but Mega Man across the


And this also means that he can switch between his Special Weapons with the press of a button.

This also changes the color of his weapon energy bar, providing another quick way of

knowing which weapon you're using.

And the Special Weapon he switches to has the same design as the mystery artwork from

Mega Man Legacy Collection 2.

It was indeed a hint of things to come.

That design includes an enhancement to Mega Man's physical body rather than just a change

of colors.

This power allows him to summon 4 blocks in the air just above him to fall on whatever

lies ahead.

In this case, it takes out both the Picket Man, or Pickelman as Ash insists is the official

name, and the electrical hazard.

It appears to be a really potent Special Weapon and one of the best stone-based powers Mega

Man has ever had.

Even more intriguing is the fact that the Game Informer article claims that the attack

can be charged to increase the blocks' size and make them even more deadly.

While at first this seems to indicate that all Special Weapons can be charged, it may

be just this one weapon that can do it.

That's how it worked in Mega Man 2 with the Atomic Fire, Mega Man 7 and the Noise

Crush, and the Magma Bazooka in Mega Man 9.

In fact, we see that using the attack only takes one unit of weapon energy so it's

very likely that charging it also affects how much energy it uses.

And the evidence that only it can be charged seems to be further confirmed thanks to a

description of another Special Weapon that wasn't shown in the trailer.

This weapon transforms Mega Man's fist into a jackhammer spike, which is both powerful

and allows for a mid-air dash.

It ties into the design concept that they want each Special Weapon to have multiple

uses in the game.

So that's what Mega Man can do, but there's still quite a bit to see when it comes to

what he can pick up.

Items are scattered everywhere and the enemies can drop quite a bit.

In fact the first enemy, a returning Lyric from Mega Man 5, drops a Mega Man head for

an extra life, meaning that a lives system is indeed back.

Not only that, but the 1-Up design is new.

No longer is it the static 8-bit or 16-bit Mega Man face from all but Mega Man 8, which

itself only had an empty helmet, but a fully revolving 3D Mega Man head.

But the second Lyric drops an item too.

We can see a large weapon energy refill just before Mega Man grabs it.

And later, we see the small variation of the weapon energy pickup when Mega Man is fighting

the Pickelman.

Like the 1-Up, they rotate in place.

However, the life energy pickups, which follow the design from the NES Mega Man games from

2 forward, don't rotate but have the light flicker on and off.

Later we see that the small Life Energy pickup heals two bars of health, but never in the

trailer do we see the large variation.

Although the best healing item, E-Tanks, do put in an appearance.

There's no indication of how many E-Tanks Mega Man can hold.

Throughout the series it's usually either 4 or 9 so we'd suspect it'd be one of

those options here.

The final item we spotted is a bolt.

It's in small crevice next to a bed of spikes, which are sure to cause instant death if Mega

Man touches them.

This could indicate that Auto is indeed in the game along with his item shop.

However, this isn't a guarantee since some Mega Man games have had a shop with no connection

to Auto.

Either way, we can likely use these to purchase upgrades to Mega Man's abilities, E-Tanks,

extra lives, and perhaps other enhancements or power-ups.

Maybe this is how you get new Rush abilities or the Gear Abilities we saw in Game Informer

or, if that Star Force outfit is indeed a costume, where you can buy new costumes.

And it won't be like Mega Man 8 where there were limited bolts as the destroyed wheel

enemy also drops one.

It's just a matter of gathering enough.

Now we said that was the final item, but we're not sure if that's actually the case.

At one point in the trailer, we see this gear-like object.

It could be an enemy or perhaps a hazard that activates when Mega Man gets close.

But that never happens so we can't say for sure.

And it's even possible that this is a new power-up.

It never moves and the center just glows like the life energy pickups.

It's possible that it's a pickup related to the new Gear icon.

And that icon is blank at the moment despite Mega Man taking damage, which could have been

a way of lighting it up.

Perhaps this is what's used to access that power we saw.

Speaking of enemies, we see quite a few during the course of the trailer.

There's the returning Lyric from Mega Man 5 that we already mentioned along with a new

skull hammer enemy.

It appears that the charge shot that strikes the hammer damages it, but it's not enough

to be destroyed.

This enemy can also form a platform though when it brings the hammer down, allowing access

to higher areas.

The skull motif also points to the return of Dr. Wily, whose concept art we did see

during the 30th anniversary livestream.

It could indicate though that Wily isn't trying to hide his intentions this time and

is instead returning to a more direct path to world domination.

Continuing on, there's also the Pickelman from the original Mega Man that we mentioned

a few times already.

But this is a good time to point out that the Game Informer article does mention the

fact that while there are returning enemies, 70% of them are brand new.

And we see this reflected with the new rolling enemies.

While the Pickelman is destroyed by the falling stones, these rollers are barely affected.

And that might be because they need to be shot through the small gap in the wheel.

And we see this in action earlier in the trailer when a charge shot hits it within that space,

destroying it instantly.

Finally, there's the cone enemy, which could be based on the Baccone from Mega Man 7, although

their behaviors are quite different.

This cone attacks by firing missiles from its head that Mega Man can shoot down.

This enemy, along with the Pickelman, actually ties into the mini-boss of the construction

stage that we saw before, during Mega Man's powered-up attack.

A construction vehicle is driven by a Pickelman while one of the cone enemies hangs out on

top shooting missiles.

Mega Man can destroy the cone, but another just drops down to take its place.

To defeat this boss, he has to aim for the cockpit, and there's a blink and you'll

miss it moment once you do destroy it.

You can actually see the burnt outline of the Pickelman just as the machine explodes.

It's an amusing little detail.

The other mini-boss we see splits into 4 segments that must dodged before shooting its face

portion as much as possible.

It's a little similar to Blocky from Mega Man 2 and the Big Pets boss from Mega Man


In other words, it seems the development team is digging deep for their inspiration before

adding a small twist.

These two mini-bosses also help confirm that these are two entirely different levels that

we see in the trailer, something further confirmed by the Game Informer article.

The first one's setting looks to be some kind of Aztec temple with the top of it possessing

eyes keeping with the robotic aesthetic.

Interestingly, while this could have been a way to have some kind of pyramid-themed

Robot Master like Pharaoh Man in Mega Man 4, this stage's Robot Master is actually

the one who gives the stone block weapon.

While we don't know this Robot Master's name yet, we do know an early version of his

name was Brick Man, but it has since been changed according to Game Informer.

In fact, an image was shown during the Japanese stream that showed off the title screen of

the game.

In it, we can see this Robot Master along with the other 7.

It's difficult to make out their themes based solely on their outlines, but we do

see the multiple difficulties Game Informer mentioned.

Plus we also know that none of the Robot Masters are female either based on that same article.

Returning to the levels, the gameplay doesn't stay outside of the temple for long.

Soon we see the interior with breakable blocks, falling blocks, and a blue aesthetic.

And it's definitely the same level as the contraptions on the front of the platforms

are the same as the ones outside.

All of this matches the look of what we'll call Brick Man and his power extremely well.

The other stage is more construction based yet digs into the earth making it feel a little

similar to Brick Man's level.

There are new hazards to watch out for though.

Along with its construction aesthetic, there are moving platforms that Mega Man has to


But the stage also hints at the possibility of multiple routes.

There's a hole in the wall where the platforms travel through in this scene.

From what we can tell, Mega Man can fit in there as well.

Would it be blocked off, leading to him getting crushed?

Or is this a different path or at least a secret room?

Unfortunately, we have no way to determine that.

Okay, we're almost done here, but there's still one thing we wanted to point out.

There's a lighting engine on display.

In this scene, we can see Mega Man's shadow move along the wall and even be segmented

thanks to a larger shadow.

It shows the level of detail that's already being attempted and with a year of development

left, the game will likely look better and better.

And we can't wait.

What we've seen so far has left us extremely excited as it pulls from across the entire


We'll be here every step of the way to see what Mega Man 11 has to offer us hungry fans.

Of course, if we missed anything, let us know in the comments.

Thanks for watching and be sure to subscribe to GameXplain for more on Mega Man and other

things gaming.

For more infomation >> Mega Man 11 ANALYSIS - Reveal Trailer (Secrets & Hidden Details) - Duration: 14:38.


STAR CITIZEN ► WELCOME TO THE 'VERSE with TomeOfEithne - Duration: 3:13:45.

For more infomation >> STAR CITIZEN ► WELCOME TO THE 'VERSE with TomeOfEithne - Duration: 3:13:45.


Hillary And Her Aides Lied to Anti-Trump FBI Agent and Look what Happened to Them. - Duration: 4:25.

Clinton And Her Aides Lied to Anti-Trump FBI Agent and Look what Happened to Them.

News breaks out about Hillary Clinton and her aides potentially telling lies to anti-Trump

FBI agent and now it's all becoming even more clear than it was before.

It's been a swing and a miss for the mainstream media every step along the way in the search

for a smoking gun in the elusive "Trump/Russia" conspiracy.

It should be three-strikes-you're-out, but the mainstream media is easily on their hundredth

swing and they still haven't hit anything.

There's no shortage of liberal scandals they could be covering.

Even the sexual abuse scandals plaguing liberals in Hollywood and Congress aside, there are

plenty of scandals in the non-sexual variety they could've covered.

Scandals such as the corruption trial of Bob Menendez in New Jersey would've been spectacular.

A nearly 1,300-word article in the New York Times on Menendez mentions his Democratic

political affiliation a total of zero times and the mainstream media largely ignored the

story outright.

Why would they tarnish the Democratic party they so solemnly stand for?

Then there's the story regarding ex-Florida Democrat Rep. Corrine Brown who was sentenced

to five years in jail for fraud and related crimes.

She attributed "racism" for her sentence, but more specifically "being a black women

with a mouth."

As we're reciting Democrat scandals, then we should mention another Clinton scandal

that includes some of her cohorts.

According to BizPacReview, the Mueller probe has tried to keep its pro-Hillary political

bias under wraps.

Now the cat's out of the bag.

Peter Strzok, the FBI agent who was removed from the Special Counsel for sending anti-Trump

text messages to a colleague, was known to have interviewed Hillary Clinton aides and

even the former Secretary of State herself during the FBI's investigation into her

use of a private email server.

But Strzok also oversaw the FBI's interviews of former National Security Advisor Mike Flynn,

Circa journalist Sarah Carter reported on Monday.

Flynn on Friday pleaded guilty to lying to FBI about his conversations with Russian officials

after the 2016 presidential election.

The news raises questions about both the FBI and the Mueller team's political biases.

The Clinton aides Strzok interviewed, Cheryl Mills and Huma Abedin, were also found to

have lied to the FBI–but were not charged as Flynn was.

Reports on FBI interview transcripts by the Daily Caller show that both Mills and Abedin

claimed to have no knowledge of Clinton's private email server.

"Mills did not learn Clinton was using a private server until after Clinton's [Department

of State] tenure," read the summary from the aide's interviews with Strzok."Mills

stated she was not even sure she knew what a server was at the time."

A summary of Strzok's interviews with Abedin states: "Abedin did not know that Clinton

had a private server until about a year and a half ago when it became public knowledge."

But their statements are contradicted by email transcripts from as early as 2010, which demonstrate

that both aides were aware of the server.

Abedin is lying, allegedly.

In a 2010 email sent from Justin Cooper, longtime Bill Clinton aide who helped setup the infamous

server, he wrote: "hrc email coming back – is server okay?"

In an email chain that both Abedin and Mills were part of, State Department official Stephen

Mull wrote that "Clinton's email server is down."

If Mike Flynn is facing charges for lying to the FBI, then why hasn't the same happened

to Hillary Clinton's aides?

Or even Hillary herself?

The FBI is playing politics and it's slowly becoming more clear which side their allegiance

is to.

Wouldn't it be in the FBI's best interest to remain neutral and serve the people of

the United States?

With so much going on in the world, the country does not have time for important law enforcement

and authority based programs to play partisanship.

In order to make America great, then America needs its top forces on the side of the American


Allow the citizens to be the partisanship while the forces that help keep the population

in order remain neutral.

That would provide a fair and just realm of trust and the proper ability to serve without

taking sides.

What should President Trump do about the situation?

Should he do anything?

What do you think about this?

Please Share this news and Scroll down to comment below and don't forget to subscribe

top stories today.

For more infomation >> Hillary And Her Aides Lied to Anti-Trump FBI Agent and Look what Happened to Them. - Duration: 4:25.



For more infomation >> DETERMINADOS EN ESTE DIRECTO - Duration: 1:20:17.


Fayose attacks Buhari for refusing to punish 'killer herdsmen'|NVS News - Duration: 1:55.

Fayose attacks Buhari for refusing to punish 'killer herdsmen'

Governor Ayodele Fayose of Ekiti State has accused President Muhammadu Buhari of refusing to take actions against killer herdsmen.

Fayose said this on Tuesday in a condolence message to those killed in fresh attacks in Adamawa state by alleged Fulani herdsmen.

"Today, my heart goes to the families of those people killed in Adamawa by herdsmen.

It appears that herdsmen have replaced Boko Haram in that State and one wonders why the president is always reluctant to take actions against the herdsmen," he said via his Twitter handle.

DAILY POST reports that suspected Fulani herdsmen had on Monday attacked two communities of Lawaru and Dong in Demsa Local Government Area, Adamawa State.

The attack came after a widely rumoured report of suspected Fulani herdsmen lurking in the area, Sunday night.

Fayose, who was in Adamawa, to commiserate with the state government, said Buhari had deliberately turned deaf ears to the excesses of his Fulani kinsmen.

For more infomation >> Fayose attacks Buhari for refusing to punish 'killer herdsmen'|NVS News - Duration: 1:55.



For more infomation >> TÁC DỤNG PHỤ ĐÁNG SỢ CỦA RAU NGẢI CỨU MÀ NHIỀU NGƯỜI KHÔNG BIẾT - Duration: 12:00.


Intermediate English - The Lion King - Expressions & Vocabulary! - Duration: 2:49.

Life's not fair is it? I...well I shall never be king...

and you shall never see the light of another day. And you... Didn't your mother ever tell

you not to play with your food?

It's a common trope that parents tell their

children not to play with their food so that you don't make a snowman out of

your mashed potatoes. Even though it is fun to make a snowman with your mashed potatoes.

What do you want?

I'm here to announce that King Mufasa is on his way.

When someone is on their way, it means they're coming.

You can also say I'm on my way to somewhere, like "I'm on my way to the pool,"

"I'm on my way to the store."

So you'd better have a good excuse for missing the ceremony this morning.

Now, look, Zazu. You made me lose my lunch.

Lose your lunch is an expression that commonly means...throw up. Scar literally lost his lunch

because the mouse ran away

Ha! You'll lose more than that when the King gets through with you.

When someone gets through with you, it means when they're finished dealing with you when they're finished talking to you.

He's as mad as a hippo with a hernia. Ooooh, I quiver with FEAR.

Now, Scar... don't look at me that way...HELP!

Scar? Hm, hm, hm? Drop him.

Impeccable timing, Your Majesty.

"You're Majesty," is something you say to a king,

or a queen, or a princess, or a prince. It's a way to show them respect.

For more infomation >> Intermediate English - The Lion King - Expressions & Vocabulary! - Duration: 2:49.


Responsibilities of a Host When Alcohol is Served - Duration: 1:04.

One thing that I think people need to be aware of is the host responsibility.


If you're hosting a party and there's alcohol there or people … I was at a party a couple

of weeks ago that they just had a table and people brought bottles of wine and what have

you and put on the table.

A host has a responsibility.

What the law is if they knew or should have known that a guest had too much to drink and

is driving and that debt guest goes out and causes harm to some unknown third person,

the host can be responsible.

For more infomation >> Responsibilities of a Host When Alcohol is Served - Duration: 1:04.


Holiday Safety Tips - Duration: 17:26.

Good afternoon and welcome to our broadcast today.

My name is Cindy Speaker and I have with me, Attorney David Daggett, Daggett Shuler Law

and I'm happy to have you David as always.

How are you?

Thank you, Cindy.

Good to see you.

Good to see you too.

We're going to talk- I guess I can say-

Go ahead.

When we do this over the internet, I guess I can say good to see you.

That's right.

Well, we're going to talk about holiday safety today.


Yeah, the holiday.

Can you believe the holidays are here already?

No, I can't believe it.

As I age, they seem to come faster and faster every year.

I know what you mean and I am totally not ready for it but I know that we'll enjoy it.

I love it.

It's a wonderful time with the family and that's the most important part.


Well, you tell your mom hello.

I will.

Well, let's start off and talk about when there's a lot going on there's school parties

and there's work parties and all kinds of parties, give us some tips on staying safe

in the community when you're attending these parties.

There's all sorts of safety issues.

There's safety in the home.

There's safety at parties.

The holiday time period seems to magnify the risks that we take and holidays are supposed

to be the best of times with family and friends.

In an instant, it can be turned to … by drinking and driving.

Unfortunately, in what we do for a living, all too often, we see lives that are just

shattered by one bad mistake and we see that.

We see that parties that get out of control, frequently, alcohol is served and many times,

it can become just literally a deadly combination.

I know that's an issue that's close to your heart also.

Your family has been a victim of drinking driver and so-


My father was killed by a drunk driver.



We need to continue to all pull together and work on these issues.

You mentioned a lot of issues and all of them could be an individual seminar in and of themselves.

I think that we need to provide ongoing examples and ongoing circle of encouragement and support

for our young people to have fun in safe ways and that doesn't necessarily need to be alcohol

at parties.

We've spoken before.

Unfortunately, again, one of the things that we see all too often is parents who, trying

to be friends with their underage kids, enable the drinking by buying the alcohol and hosting

the parties.

I don't care that you think everybody's going to spend the night or anything else.

That just is not a smart or a good combination.

That's number one.

Number two is us, adults, is we're all going to Christmas parties and you got to be careful.

I've got two daughters away at school and one of the things that I always advise to

everybody at a party, never drink anything that anybody else poured for you.

You don't know how much is in it and you don't know exactly what's in it.

The saddest of sad is we see somebody who might be trying to be responsible but some

of these sweet punches out of the punch bowl, somebody could put double the alcohol that

you think is in there and you're out of control before you know it.

I recommend staying away from the punch bowl, never taking a drink unless you poured it

yourself or somebody else did so you know exactly what it is.

That's a great tip.


It happens more than you would ever think.

It's interesting, we have here in town a foremost expert in the United States on teenage binge



When I speak to students, I always say, "You know why she's the foremost expert?

Because she sees it every weekend in the emergency room right here."

A lot of those, it's good kids, young people.

I probably shouldn't say kids but that they get lured into an unknowing situation and

either make a bad choice or an unknowing choice … with consequences.

That's why we have- I think peer pressure.

I think peer pressure comes into play in those instances.

That's the main focus of our Safe Sober Prom Night Program, is creating an atmosphere of

positive peer pressure with young people, so very, very, important.

I probably covered young people too much, covered adults.

One thing that I think people need to be aware of is the host responsibility.


If you're hosting a party and there's alcohol there or people … I was at a party a couple

of weeks ago that they just had a table and people brought bottles of wine and what have

you and put on the table.

A host has a responsibility.

What the law is if they knew or should have known that a guest had too much to drink and

is driving and that debt guest goes out and causes harm to some unknown third person,

the host can be responsible, okay?

That's interesting.

Did I explain that clearly?


I want to ask you this if I could.

How do you feel about that?

What do you think about that law?

I mean I have to tell you it kind of seems a little unfair because how do you know that?

Well, the standard is knew or should have known.


If you see somebody … What was the recent one that was in the news with the young man

who died at a college party or fraternity party?

Yeah, that's true.

Do I have that right?

They he had something like 19 drinks an hour or something like that and so, he didn't get

in a car and go hurt somebody.

It was another tragedy but assume he got in a car and left.

If that host knew or should have known, you know if the person's had 19 drinks, they shouldn't

be driving and the host can be responsible in that situation.

Well, it brings up a great point, to think about it if you're having … I'm sorry.

Go ahead.


We have a slight delay there but the same, a very similar standard applies to a business,

a bar or a restaurant that sells drinks.

Again, how do you know who's driving and that sort of thing but we had one not long ago

where we went down and tracked down credit-card receipts and you see that somebody has had

$49 worth of drinks over an hour's period of time and that when they sat down to have

the drinks, they laid their car keys on the bar so the drinks … One could assume you're

driving if you got your car keys and you're by yourself, right?

Right, sure.

$49 worth of drinks in an hour, it's something, one drink super expensive but this was beer,

that's too much.

The server knew or should have known.

When you say the standard is unfair, could there be a circumstance where the host doesn't

know that somebody is sneaking drinks or a minor is sneaking drinks?

Yes, but then you didn't have a way to know or should know.

I think the law is fair.

Okay I see what you're saying and frankly, that's what I was referring to, is I'm thinking

about if I had a party, there's no way that I would allow that to go on if I had any knowledge

of it.


The law doesn't require you to eyeball, count every drink with every person, have a breathalyzer

when they leave.

However, if I'm at your house and you see that I'm having a beer every 10 minutes over

an hour and a half and then I shake my keys and say, "See you later.

I'm going to go head down the highway," then, you knew or should have known and have

the responsibility to do something about it.

It's a great point because I think it makes us all more aware of the responsibilities

of being a host of a party.

I'm sorry I mentioned … My nose, I think I'm going to sneeze.

Well, that's okay.

There's all the leaves coming down.

You know what I mean?

I mean there's a lot of responsibility there when you host a party.

Sure, there is and there should be because the responsibility is to the innocent, unknown

person out there like your father.

That's one of the things where I'm … and I brought up your mother early on because

I just love her to death but that's one of the things that I think's so important about

what we do, is your mother with a house full of kids or five of you and your mom was uninformed

about what her rights would have been and she was left in a bad situation without the

financial compensation that she should have deserved-

That's exactly right.

… from the wrongful drunk driver and that was never investigated, so we don't know what

else might have been in that chain of conduct.

That's not fair.

I agree with you.

Bless her heart.

She had a rough road and she did it with a smile and a good attitude but if she had been

a little bit more informed and sought some help, potentially, it could have been a little

easier to her.

I hate to bring that- That's why I think-

I hate to bring that up but you and me have talked about that before, so I hope I didn't


No, not at all but I think that's part of what I enjoy the opportunity to do shows like

this with experts like you and you are an expert in these types of topics because the

thing is what my mom went through was very unfair and as you said, she was uninformed

and I think all too often, sometimes because of insurance companies and the way they operate,

people in these situations don't realize their rights and, so they are left as victims a

second time.


Yeah, absolutely.

Not to change the subject but we're seeing a lot of that right now with regard to life

insurance claims that are denied.

Is that right?


Uninformed, don't know where to go, they're trying to find some little tricky loophole

to deny the coverage and the poor retired couple who had been paying their premiums

their entire life, they don't know where to go, where to turn but I changed the subject.

Let me get back to holiday safety.

We focus on a lot of drinking and driving but there's a lot of other little things too.

For example, the number of house fires goes way up during the holiday season, why, because

the Christmas tree, Christmas candles, those sort of things combined with the dry air and

sometimes, you have a corner packed with presents and that sort of thing, so you need to be


You need to be careful stringing a bunch of … We saw a situation.

Somebody strung a bunch of extension cords together and stuff like that can cause a disaster.

We saw a situation once where a toddler pulled over a Christmas tree, can cause some pretty

bad damage to a toddler.

Be aware of your Christmas decorations, your Christmas lights, all those sort of things.

Great tips.


The other thing that we're seeing a lot of, and it happens every year, is a spike in crimes.

Now, a lot of them aren't violent crimes but they're present in purse snatchings at shopping

centers in malls, in the parking lot, so just simple basic things.

Park under the lights.

Make sure you have a lighted route to walk.

If you have any problem or any concern, most vendors will have extra security in the shop

in turn, whatever.

They'll get somebody to escort you to your car or you can get another person who's

a patron to escort you to the car.

You just need to be on heightened alert and heightened common sense in those situations.

Likewise, around your home, home break-ins go during the holidays because the bad guys

know there's Christmas presents under the tree, that sort of thing.

The number one thing, not everybody can afford alarm system and those sort of things.

Those are all good but the number one thing that my police officer friends tell me is

that the bad guys don't like lights.

They don't want to be seen, so pretty cheap, you can get motion detector lights that you

can put up yourself just around the outside of your house and that is very … Those motion

detector lights, very inexpensive insurance during the holiday season.

You just have to have a heightened awareness, heightened common sense and make sure you

do the simple little things and that cuts down the vast majority of holiday time criminal



Those are all great points.

Very helpful.

Child safety, we covered some of that, crime, drinking and driving.

What other issues do we need to cover?

I think you covered it all.

I mean that's great information and things you don't always think about.

If we all do all that, I don't want to go through all this list and have everybody on

red alert, so that you don't enjoy the joy of the season.

What you want to do is do some of these things in advance and use good common sense and good

caution so you can enjoy the joy of the season.

I wish happy holidays to everybody.

Please be safe.

Stay smart.

If you want to contact us for tips, I think we … Do we have tips on our website?

We have tips on our website.


Yeah, or you can send me an e-mail or call us, 336-724-1234.

Unfortunately, we have some expertise in holiday safety because we've seen, unfortunately,

the bad side of holiday safety.

Right, yeah.

Well, David, thank you so much for being with us today.

I appreciate it.


Thank you.

Yeah, the important topics.


I hope you have a great holiday and- You too.

Look forward to talking to you again.

Don't forget to tell your mom I said hello.

I won't.



All right.

Take care.


Those of you watching, if you have questions, comments, you can put them right on this page

and we'll respond to that.

Thank you all.

Have a great holiday.

For more infomation >> Holiday Safety Tips - Duration: 17:26.


hot boy feet and soles - Duration: 2:25.

For more infomation >> hot boy feet and soles - Duration: 2:25.


SAY NO TO LAST MINUTE DATES! - Duration: 1:58.

Hi I'm Kiru.

And this is QuestionKiru.

I'm an actress who loves to talk, and today is Flirty Friday.

I got a question about accepting a date last minute and I thought I would share.

When it comes to romantic natures of the heart I always say the same thing.

Do not ever accept last minute dates.

It just doesn't make sense and you communicate the wrong message to your intended partner.

We teach people how to treat us so if you accept a last minute date you are teaching

that person it's ok I can come last.

Last minute date means last, so last on your call log, last to be invited to events, last

to be texted, last for everything.

"Oh don't worry about her", or "Don't worry about him.

We can do it last.

They accept everything last."

And it also looks like well you've nothing else going on.

And quite frankly that is no-one else's business but your own.

So my advice to you is please do not accept last minute dates.

You are a priority.

I'm not saying that the person has to go and wait, and think about maybe they have

to start with you two weeks in advance or two months in advance before they can get

to you.

That's unreasonable.

But they do have to give you at least a day or two's advance notice . It's only courtesy

and it's what you require so that you are valued in the relationship that you might


Or just with the person in general.

It's just a good policy to follow in my opinion.

Alright I hope you enjoyed the message and thanks for watching.

Bye bye.

For more infomation >> SAY NO TO LAST MINUTE DATES! - Duration: 1:58.


Catching Crab - Amazing Girl Catch A Lot Of Crabs By Hand - Duration: 7:11.

Catching Crab - Amazing Girl Catch A Lot Of Crabs By Hand

For more infomation >> Catching Crab - Amazing Girl Catch A Lot Of Crabs By Hand - Duration: 7:11.


Holiday Decorations and Safety Concerns - Duration: 1:09.

The number of house fires goes way up during the holiday season, why, because the Christmas

tree, Christmas candles, those sort of things combined with the dry air and sometimes, you

have a corner packed with presents and that sort of thing, so you need to be safe.

You need to be careful stringing a bunch of … We saw a situation.

Somebody strung a bunch of extension cords together and stuff like that can cause a disaster.

We saw a situation once where a toddler pulled over a Christmas tree, can cause some pretty

bad damage to a toddler.

Be aware of your Christmas decorations, your Christmas lights, all those sort of things.

For more infomation >> Holiday Decorations and Safety Concerns - Duration: 1:09.



Beets or beetroots history stretches back thousands of years and have long been associated

with sexuality, and as an aphrodisiac.

Nowadays they're more often added as a salad ingredient, and in soups and pickles; their

versatility is amazing.

Today I'm going to tell you 5 health benefits of beets and why they should be a regular

part of your diet.

1. Heart health: Beet fibre helps to reduce cholesterol and triglycerides by increasing the HDL or

good cholesterol level.

High levels of triglycerides increase the risk for heart related problems so eating

beets is a good defence, and conditions like heart attacks and strokes are less likely

to developas beets help in preventing cardiovascular diseases.

2. Cancer prevention: Eating beetroots can be one of the usefulmeans to prevent lung, skin

and colon cancer.

Other studies have discovered that beet juice slows down tumour development.

3. Respiratory problems: Rich in vitamin C, beetroots help to prevent asthma symptoms, and also

boosts the immune system by fighting free radical damage.

It does this by stimulating white blood cell activity, which is the body's main line

of defence against foreign bodies, andviral, bacterial and fungal toxins that can result

in a wide range of infections and illnesses.

4. Aphrodisiac: Beets were considered an aphrodisiac or sexual booster by ancient Romans.

Beets contain significant levels of boron, which is directly related to the production

of sexhormones.

This can lead to a boost in your libido, increased fertility, sperm mobility improvement and

an altogether relaxed outcome in the bedroom.

5. Boosts energy levels: Beets are high in natural nitrates, which convert to nitric oxide in

the body.

Nitric oxide is known to expand the walls of blood vessels so you can enjoy more oxygen,

more nutrients, and more energy.

So are beets good for you?

Yes, they are very good for you.

Packed full of antioxidants, and various essential vitamins and minerals, their health benefits

are undeniable.

For more infomation >> 5 HEALTH BENEFITS OF BEETROOT - Duration: 3:27.


VLOGMAS 2017 | DAY 5 : RECLAIMING WHAT IS MINE - Duration: 3:22.

Yeah as the time has come for me to start vlogging this day number five, and I'm putting up a fake tree

Which oh you guys I went from having a gorgeous like fluffy

Was my LED lights in the corner over there, but a gorgeous fluffy real tree, and I looked at the crap

I forgot to vlog it for you guys, but the crack went about an inch into it

It didn't go all the way through but the tree wasn't producing any SAP so therefore

I just said you know what I don't even want to we could try to keep it

But if it dies like a week before Christmas. We're going to go through this stress. Let's just put this fake tree up. It's fine

You know the spirit of Christmas is

Basically friends and family. It's not about the tree book. I can make this tree look pretty

I've done it before so this is a nine-foot tree. You can see it up almost ceiling

And I'm just gonna fluff it and I'll show you guys when I'm done

This is my tent

All right you guys so I look completely crazy right now my hair first my rich are atrocious

but I just got out of the shower because

I'm exhausted I spent all day editing these Christmas cards editing like putting them together because this is another bachelor

I'm sending out. This is the final bachelor. I'm sending out so if you do not get one this time

I'm definitely going to be doing it next year

And I'll probably do something like through the year for who knows I'm always coming with ideas

But I'm gonna mail goes out tomorrow morning. I was gonna drop them to not eat in the box, but

I'm one of those people I'm like nervous that some like juveniles gonna like drive by and like throw their drink into the thing and

Then I'm gonna be like my car's got fucking Road, so I'm gonna go ahead and end the vlog here

I know this is another short one, but I'm trying to get this Christmas crap put together you guys today the tree was returned and

Look they gave the money back, but now this this other tree is so skinny, but it's nine feet tall

But you know what it's fine, I'm gonna deal with it I'm stopping a little, baby

I want to let you guys know that also I have decided the fate of my viewers voice Channel

I know I mentioned it yesterday in my video. I believe or maybe the day before

but a

Lot of people want me to do drama videos because I used to do drama videos if you followed like the Nina and ready two

Days, and all about where I would really take time and put effort into these videos

I mentioned with the viewers voice

I'm gonna bring it back, and I'm going to I don't know how many videos

It's gonna be leaked cuz I'm doing the live stream over there as well

But we shall find out as it goes along and I'm gonna start it actually with the video that I told you guys about

On our live stream my main show where Laura Lee allegedly got me fired from

Impressions Bambi so that's gonna be our first video back in the drama game. It's gonna be on the viewers voice

It's not gonna be on my main channel

I'm going to split everything up so you have my vlog in my main channel with like the fun happy videos

and then you have my

Quirky little drama videos over there, and it's definitely good reason. I'm sorry. I hope you guys subscribe

It's down at the top of the description, and I'm getting literally

I'm gonna be doing giveaways on every channel within like the next two weeks. It's gonna be crazy, so I love you guys

Thank you guys so much for supporting my vlogmas

I am actually very

Excited about it because it's getting me into the habit of recording every day and vlogging I know I suck at it right now

But we will get better I'm like shaking like

I don't fuck you know so I love you guys, and I'll see you guys in my next video. Bye

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