Thứ Ba, 5 tháng 12, 2017

Waching daily Dec 6 2017

Zach : Wow, Gimel! That's three kisses!

Eugene: No, that's not how it works!

Maybe I'll call him...'ma name you Porcupine

Zach [off-camera] : Very creative

For more infomation >> [zagene] what if i go? - Duration: 3:15.



For more infomation >> DETERMINADOS EN ESTE DIRECTO - Duration: 1:20:17.



For more infomation >> TÁC DỤNG PHỤ ĐÁNG SỢ CỦA RAU NGẢI CỨU MÀ NHIỀU NGƯỜI KHÔNG BIẾT - Duration: 12:00.


hot boy feet and soles - Duration: 2:25.

For more infomation >> hot boy feet and soles - Duration: 2:25.



Beets or beetroots history stretches back thousands of years and have long been associated

with sexuality, and as an aphrodisiac.

Nowadays they're more often added as a salad ingredient, and in soups and pickles; their

versatility is amazing.

Today I'm going to tell you 5 health benefits of beets and why they should be a regular

part of your diet.

1. Heart health: Beet fibre helps to reduce cholesterol and triglycerides by increasing the HDL or

good cholesterol level.

High levels of triglycerides increase the risk for heart related problems so eating

beets is a good defence, and conditions like heart attacks and strokes are less likely

to developas beets help in preventing cardiovascular diseases.

2. Cancer prevention: Eating beetroots can be one of the usefulmeans to prevent lung, skin

and colon cancer.

Other studies have discovered that beet juice slows down tumour development.

3. Respiratory problems: Rich in vitamin C, beetroots help to prevent asthma symptoms, and also

boosts the immune system by fighting free radical damage.

It does this by stimulating white blood cell activity, which is the body's main line

of defence against foreign bodies, andviral, bacterial and fungal toxins that can result

in a wide range of infections and illnesses.

4. Aphrodisiac: Beets were considered an aphrodisiac or sexual booster by ancient Romans.

Beets contain significant levels of boron, which is directly related to the production

of sexhormones.

This can lead to a boost in your libido, increased fertility, sperm mobility improvement and

an altogether relaxed outcome in the bedroom.

5. Boosts energy levels: Beets are high in natural nitrates, which convert to nitric oxide in

the body.

Nitric oxide is known to expand the walls of blood vessels so you can enjoy more oxygen,

more nutrients, and more energy.

So are beets good for you?

Yes, they are very good for you.

Packed full of antioxidants, and various essential vitamins and minerals, their health benefits

are undeniable.

For more infomation >> 5 HEALTH BENEFITS OF BEETROOT - Duration: 3:27.


VLOGMAS 2017 | DAY 5 : RECLAIMING WHAT IS MINE - Duration: 3:22.

Yeah as the time has come for me to start vlogging this day number five, and I'm putting up a fake tree

Which oh you guys I went from having a gorgeous like fluffy

Was my LED lights in the corner over there, but a gorgeous fluffy real tree, and I looked at the crap

I forgot to vlog it for you guys, but the crack went about an inch into it

It didn't go all the way through but the tree wasn't producing any SAP so therefore

I just said you know what I don't even want to we could try to keep it

But if it dies like a week before Christmas. We're going to go through this stress. Let's just put this fake tree up. It's fine

You know the spirit of Christmas is

Basically friends and family. It's not about the tree book. I can make this tree look pretty

I've done it before so this is a nine-foot tree. You can see it up almost ceiling

And I'm just gonna fluff it and I'll show you guys when I'm done

This is my tent

All right you guys so I look completely crazy right now my hair first my rich are atrocious

but I just got out of the shower because

I'm exhausted I spent all day editing these Christmas cards editing like putting them together because this is another bachelor

I'm sending out. This is the final bachelor. I'm sending out so if you do not get one this time

I'm definitely going to be doing it next year

And I'll probably do something like through the year for who knows I'm always coming with ideas

But I'm gonna mail goes out tomorrow morning. I was gonna drop them to not eat in the box, but

I'm one of those people I'm like nervous that some like juveniles gonna like drive by and like throw their drink into the thing and

Then I'm gonna be like my car's got fucking Road, so I'm gonna go ahead and end the vlog here

I know this is another short one, but I'm trying to get this Christmas crap put together you guys today the tree was returned and

Look they gave the money back, but now this this other tree is so skinny, but it's nine feet tall

But you know what it's fine, I'm gonna deal with it I'm stopping a little, baby

I want to let you guys know that also I have decided the fate of my viewers voice Channel

I know I mentioned it yesterday in my video. I believe or maybe the day before

but a

Lot of people want me to do drama videos because I used to do drama videos if you followed like the Nina and ready two

Days, and all about where I would really take time and put effort into these videos

I mentioned with the viewers voice

I'm gonna bring it back, and I'm going to I don't know how many videos

It's gonna be leaked cuz I'm doing the live stream over there as well

But we shall find out as it goes along and I'm gonna start it actually with the video that I told you guys about

On our live stream my main show where Laura Lee allegedly got me fired from

Impressions Bambi so that's gonna be our first video back in the drama game. It's gonna be on the viewers voice

It's not gonna be on my main channel

I'm going to split everything up so you have my vlog in my main channel with like the fun happy videos

and then you have my

Quirky little drama videos over there, and it's definitely good reason. I'm sorry. I hope you guys subscribe

It's down at the top of the description, and I'm getting literally

I'm gonna be doing giveaways on every channel within like the next two weeks. It's gonna be crazy, so I love you guys

Thank you guys so much for supporting my vlogmas

I am actually very

Excited about it because it's getting me into the habit of recording every day and vlogging I know I suck at it right now

But we will get better I'm like shaking like

I don't fuck you know so I love you guys, and I'll see you guys in my next video. Bye

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