Thứ Tư, 6 tháng 12, 2017

Waching daily Dec 6 2017

so you have a quote that I love I would

rather live in hard truth than ignorant

bliss yeah and you're really into

radical honesty and how does that play

out in your marriage how does that play

on your friendships yeah so in my

marriage I got very lucky I married the

most honest man I ever met so he is very

direct already so he actually has helped

me in that just very directness with

friends it's hard I had to make the

choice a long time ago when I first

started this work especially with lie

objection lie detection is a skill that

is a blessing and a curse a little bit

just because you see inconvenient things

right you see things you didn't expect

to see about yourself or know usually

about other people I think you see in

the personality matrix you see things

about yourself you might not like as

much but with lie-detection you try to

see things about other people that you

might not find as convenient so I yes I

find is convenient yes because what

happens is and this is what happened the

very beginning of sort of honing the

skill and leveraging it as I started to

see friends who were not only lying to

me but lying to themselves and I had to

make a choice was I either gonna have

fewer high quality friends or less

quality but more quantity friends and

this was right at that stage where I

also was trying to figure out how what

kind of friendship said I want to have

on social media and it's the same I


question that we all have to ask

ourselves I think of social media

friendships like cotton candy and I call

these cotton candy friendships so cotton

candy friendships are great these are

the people that you love seeing at a

party right you see them you're like oh

you do a squiggle you're so excited to

see them you know they're also the woo

girls you know woo you know you see them

and I get excited you read Tom's like I

don't know what that's okay I'm sure

you've seen it before and they're and

they're really fun to hang out with

there's a lot a lot of substance there's

not a lot of nutrition right you

wouldn't text them if you were going

through something hard you wouldn't you

know call them if something happened to

them but it's a fun exciting friendship

the thing is is you eventually need to

have a meal right like cotton candy is

okay every once in a while but if you

have too much

it your teeth begin to like rot from it

you know you're they ache from the sugar

and give you a sugar headache and so I

think that it's about what are the

friends that give you nutrition like the

brisket friends and then which of those

friends that are kind of the surface

ones and that was a big decision I had

to make you've talked about breaking up

with friends like so how do you sculpt

that garden of friendship it's so hard

so I think that adult friendships is you

know when you're a teenager everyone's

talking about like bullying and

cyber-bullying I think that as adults

this adult friendship issue is the next

sort of frontier of talking about how do

we court friends how do we build a

friendship when it's not romantic how do

we break up with a friendship when it's

been too long and the biggest thing that

happens with friendships is they do go

stale and it's a very weird thing to say

but there are people I'm sure you could

think of someone in your life where

every time their number pops up on a

text message you're like oh it's been a

while I better call them or you know you

see them out of convenience or out of

location I think those are the kind of

friendships that really drain you

there's actually a study that was done

on ambivalent relationships yeah this is

so interesting yeah I'm thinking about

ambivalence a lot so toxic people we get

it right we all understand that we want

to get rid of toxic people that's more

obvious the real danger I think is

ambivalent relationships so these

ambivalent relationships are the people

where either you don't know how you

stand with them so you don't know if

they like you or not and they're also

the people where you don't know if you

really enjoy hanging out with them or

not have you ever had that yes and

you're like is this gonna be fun was

that fun is this fun and I mean those

are the ones that take the more energy

there are also the more dangerous ones

because they tend to creep in and stay

in so the whole notion of frenemies I

find really really intriguing and this

is something certainly that I have dealt

with in my life and it was weird to me

how until I read that that it didn't

register why that would be so insidious

so what the study what the science says

they did a research study with police

officers and they asked police officers

to identify the amount of toxic people

in their workplace and the amount of

ambivalent people

and they found that the police officers

who had more ambivalent relationships

were sick more often had less happiness

at work and didn't like their job as

much then police officers who had toxic

people just just thinking about that for

a second and the reason for this is

because if you have a toxic person

boundaries are easy they ask you to go

out to lunch and you're like no thanks

right like you know it's a no thanks

where's if an ambivalent person asks you

out to lunch or ask your their birthday

party or you know ask you to work on

something it takes this mental energy

where you have this thing where you're

like oh like will it be good would I

rather eat alone at my desk or what I'd

rather have lunch with this person and

it wouldn't snot always easy that's an

incredible drain on our emotional energy

and if you're an introvert or an

ambivert an ambivert is someone who is

kind of splits between extraversion and

introversion your energy is finite and

our mental space is finite and this is

something that I did not realize until

much more recently I thought that mental

space was sort of endless right you

could learn forever you could think

about things forever but actually we

only have a certain amount of mental

time every day and if we're dedicating

that to trying to figure out if someone

likes us or not which is a very

important thing we all like to be liked

whether we admit it or not

that I think is a waste of mental energy

why would we want to spend it towards

that that's why I think I've let people

are more dangerous do you have a

checklist cuz I'm like thinking back to

the people that manage to become

frenemies in my own life it's kind of

scary how long it took me to be able to

put that label on them to like sort of

wake up to the fact that either they

always were or the relationship had

evolved to that like years right years I

know so I don't have a checklist it's

actually just one simple question all

right sir are you ever doubting that

they're really happy for you

wow that cuts right to the heart of it I

mean that's it and that that happens all

actually quite often like there are

these people who make these very

passive-aggressive comments where you're

like was that nice or was that mean if

you're ever questioning that that means

they are not truly happy for you or if

you have a piece of really good news

they really true good friend will mirror

and match that excitement with you

someone who's not as happy for you we'll

come in with dream killer questions you

know dream killers yeah dream killer

questions are when they

question your success they doubt the

success to think of all the negatives

and dream killers are not always bad

I have dream killers in my life and I

call them when I need someone to poke

holes in a business idea right like I'll

pitch them because they're great

practice but I know that they are not

the people that I go to and I have

something I'm truly excited about

something that's the only question you

have to ask yourself and it might be an

inconvenient truth like don't answer it

off the cuff like don't answer it really

quickly like try to think of all the

times in the last six months that you've

seen them and shared something did you

feel like they were as happy as you were

about your happiness yeah and this is

this is one of those things that has

made a big impact in my life because you

can very slowly especially in business

find yourself in a situation where you

don't know who to trust and I find and

maybe it's the psychic energy like you

were talking about emotional energy for

me and it it became a question of

emotional safety mm-hmm where when I

know you're my enemy I don't feel

emotionally vulnerable oddly enough even

though I know you may actively be out to

get me like I can handle that yeah yeah

it's when I'm like giving you my neck if

you will enough and every now and then

you actually take a swipe at it and

seems like oh yeah that's when you lose

sleep yeah like yes literally I'm you

and you sit in bed and you rerun all the

things they've said or you said you

won't worry about all the things that

could potentially happen you know we

talk about psychic energy I actually

think that we are this is gonna sound so

weird I actually think that we pick up

on more chemically than we realize

yeah talk to me about that okay so I I

don't believe in psychics I don't

believe in psychic energy but I do

believe that things happen beyond our

conscious awareness in this sense so

there was a study that was done that

looked at fear it's what they did is

they took participants they had them

wear sweat pads absorbent sweat pads and

run on the treadmill and the they

collected sweat from these people

running on the treadmill then they had

participants wear sweat pads and jump

out of an airplane for a first-time

skydiving experience okay so they had

sweat pads that were just treadmill

sweat pads and they had first skydiving

sweat pads

okay same

what but is it really then they had

participants in a lab sit in an fMRI

machines their brain was being scanned

and smell kind of gross both paths they

did not know what they were smelling

they had no idea what they were smelling

they found that when participants

smelled the fear sweat pads the

skydiving sweat pads their own fear

response activated in their brain so

that means that somehow I think that we

can smell emotions so if you are with

someone and they are either they do not

mean well for you or they are planning

on taking a swipe at your neck you

somehow smell that threat and even

though consciously your brain is going

you they didn't say anything they didn't

do anything their body language is okay

it seems all okay the other part of your

brain the animal part of your brain

which is firing in fear response or

threat response is going no watch out

and that's what keeps you up at night is

your conscious brain wrestling with the

unconscious part of your brain I think

that's when we talk about being psychic

or having premonitions I think that's

actually what's happening we're we're

smelling or picking up on things that we

don't even realize that's crazy and just

for clarity's sake when I said psychic

energy that means psychic like okay

that's yeah that is incredibly

interesting I was gonna add the other

aspect of this is like facial structure

there's a part in the book that had I'm

obsessed with did you were you able to

sort of see the faces were you able to

see him yes and I like to think yeah

then I'm like Jedi level at : slicing

cool okay just from the amount of

interviewing that I've done like I'm

totally obsessed with this sort of how

much and it scares me because I think I

actually have like I definitely have

resting bitchface let's start with that

yeah and then on top of that like yeah

when I would explain to people like what

thin slicing is hey you're walking in a

dark alley and you turn around and you

see like this little old lady and she

seems so sweet like you thin slice

immediately not a threat my brain

immediately used the example but if you

turn around and see me you're gonna get

freaked out and I thought I have like a

face that like I would been sliced

poorly like I would not thin slice my

self-made loving kind individual okay

okay so I don't think you're wrong

see and you're sorry so sorry I know

oh I'm not inconvenient truth but let me

explain why act why please okay so there

is some evidence and again we if there's

a lot of research needs to be done this

but I find it fascinating about in the

womb babies are exposed to mother's

hormones so that could be testosterone

that could be estrogen that could be any

any different variation of things and

those change or turn on different genes

in the baby so for example if a baby was

exposed to a lot of testosterone

prenatally they are going to develop

more masculinized feature both men and

women so we know a face is very

masculine if they have a very very

square jaw if they have the presence of

stubble if they have flat eyebrows and

or slightly hooded eyebrows that's your

face okay okay no no it's a it's a good

thing it's a good thing because it's a

very masculinized face so what you that

is a hundred percent right so in the

book I have computer graphics of

incompetent faces two competent faces

dominant not dominant faces two dominant

not competent to competent and then I

think it's trustworthy not trust with a

trustworthy so you fall very high on the

dominance scale so if someone turned

around you weren't in a back alley

you look very masculine eyes which means

that you have a lot of testosterone in

table clean men with more testosterone

are gonna be you know more powerful have

shorter temper all these things so it's

about the shape of your jaw it's about

the hooding of your eyebrows that and in

the presence of stubble and you wear

stubble yeah yeah so this is I think

this is a good thing and this is a good

thing does it help that if the little

old lady turns around and I and I

actually worry about it like I distance

my like if I find myself and I know this

woman it's kind of a heart attack she

turns around like so I'll start slowing

down or I'll walk like over to the side

and fast so she can see how yeah yeah

to do my neutral goofy face which let me

see it how is it it's like I got arched

eyebrows like it's read it like half

smile and I feel like such a dumbass no

no but I'm like I have seen put it so I

used to do Speech and Debate in high

school oh yeah and one time like I

crushed it I was so excited and I got

the review back and it was like dude

what is wrong try not to look so angry

and I was like what like I literally and

so I read it something about yeah

do you like put your head down and then

look up you look like a serial killer

yeah yeah I was like what so literally I

go I go in the bathroom I took my head

down and I look up yo yeah we do that to

a camera cuz that is it that is yeah

that's what I really that's intense I'm

like huh it's fine yes

so yet and but now you know why right

you know it's the shape of your jaw on

your face so you what you did is perfect

you optimized how you were naturally

wired right okay right so it's to show

me your when did you call it your goofy

silly face my goofy neutral face I see

your goofy Urschel face again okay okay

perfect okay can I explain why this

works okay so when we raise our eyebrows

up it is the universal sign of interest

or engagement for example if I were in a

bar and go you would know what I meant

if I were to be listening and be like oh

you would know that means I'm like

literally trying to see more right it's

it the invocation of that so with your

eyebrows up it changes the shape of that

hooded look right so when you're like

this this is a very high testosterone

when you're when your eyebrows are

hooded so when you push them up not only

does it show openness engagement

curiosity say hi it also takes away the

hooding and then you also slightly open

your mouth a little bit but also softens

your jaw so in a way that takes your

face and just makes it more open I think

this is something I mean this is

actually a very good thing because I

think it's part of the reasons why you

are so successful Wow

we like people who are very powerful who

have high testosterone we like it for

both men and women so your look shows

intensity it's

strength it shows power so never be

angry at how you are wired your genetics

how your face looks because that is I

think a huge contributor to your success

I feel that way with everyone we all

have things about our face about our

personality about our body about that we

don't like but I think that if we can

frame it as this has been an aspect or

it can be an aspect of our success

that's extremely important for example I

also have resting bitchface

so we could you could I could critique

myself the guy was critiquing you so I

should create myself as well so I have

resting bitchface and the reason for

this is because my features angled

downwards so at rest this is me at rest

right and I just look like terrible

right I'm just like I'm bored I'm upset

and that is because my lips when I when

they're at rest angles slightly

downwards and my eyes also angle

slightly downwards

even if I'm totally neutral they angled

down so I know that I can look very very

serious but it's also helping me because

I am a science researcher right like

it's very important for me to look like

I'm taking things seriously as I am so

when I want to be moron or engaged

you'll notice that I actually do my

makeup a very specific way I don't know

you if you can see my makeup so I go up

and I also put my shadow a little bit

above my brow bone a little bit above my

eye to bring my eyes up that is because

I know that's going to make me look a

little happier a little less sad a

little less intense so this is something

that I know about myself but I don't

think that that's a bad thing it just I

mean that I know I have to counteract a

little bit alright so I want to go back

to radical honesty so what does that

look like like what are you actually

saying to your friends in particular so

this means that instead of making up an

excuse I will just tell them the real

reason I don't want to do something so

for example a good friend of mine was

like hey I'm I have this networking

event that I'm throwing it's with a

bunch of women in Oregon I live in

Portland you should definitely come and

do a little speaking thing and it'll be

really great instead of me saying oh I'm

really busy all right I don't really I

don't have time for it right now I was

like hey I do terribly at really big

loud networking events you don't want me

there like I get really anxious like

it's really hard for me is there any way

that we could do a luncheon instead

we're like around a table where we can

like talk sort of in a more quiet

environment so instead of making up some

excuse I actually will tell them the

real reason why I do or don't want to do

something and then we try to work around


what does that look like at work at work

oh so we have a wonderful team so we're

about six people in our lab then we have

a hundred and twenty signs people

trainers so our trainers are body

language trainers they do my curriculum

and there are different cities around

the world so basically what this means

is we have a very direct task management

system so I think that is incredibly

important with your team to a know their

personality matrix so I know everyone on

my team their personality matrix and

also how they like to receive feedback

and how they like to brainstorm so for

example let's say that I have an idea

and I want to do a big brainstorming

session I like to brainstorm out loud

but I know that to my team members do

not so they might say to me if we're in

a big brainstorming session I'm like any

ideas any ideas and it's like crickets

they would say to me and they would have

complete permission to do so hey Vanessa

would there be any way that you could

write down these ideas give us about a

week to kind of prepare something and

then we could get back together next

Friday I'm not really ready to

brainstorm right now instead of having a

really lame drawn-out 50-minute session

work no one's really throwing around any

ideas so it's a much faster way to speak

to our natural orientations in the

workplace or on our team talk to me

about identifying primary values and

what they are so that you know how to

better deal with people yeah so I I was

always fascinated by motivation in the

workplace especially how do you motivate

a partner how do you motivate a

colleague how do you appeal to their

interests I talk about this in the book

a little bit I always thought that with

colleagues the biggest motivation was

money right salary perks bonuses I

thought that was sort of most the reason

why you work you hopefully work for a

little bit of passion as well but you're

getting sort of trying to pay the bills

and so I had one of my employees who was

doing an amazing job and I was like you

know what I'm gonna give her a raise and

a bonus she's been doing such a good job

so I it was I had to move around some

things budget wise but I really wanted

to show her how appreciative I was we

get together and

I say I'm so excited I mean I would love

to give you a raise and a bonus and she

was like thanks I was like that's it

that's all and then I discovered this

research on resource theory and so

resource theory says that every

interaction every relationship is a

transaction I know that sounds really

terrible but actually it's a very honest

very radically honest way of think of

looking at relationships and there are

six different resources that we all give

and take these are different in the love


this is resources one of them is money

and that's the one that we think about a

lot we talk about it a lot but what I

found out is this particular employee

her primary value was actually status

you find that out so when I when I

realized she was sort of Cheryl kind of

like a lackluster response she leads you

do the thing lackluster response you're

feeling a little something I feel


I actually feel terrible because I went

out of the way to make budget for her

and I also really wanted to thank her

for her amazing work and so when she was

like not happy I was like but you had to

read through not the lie but like she

was saying thank you yay negative

nonverbal right I was seeing so when

we're talking about nonverbal there's

either micro micro advantages or micro

negatives advantage micro advantages are

micro negatives don't give me an example

yeah so like a micro advantage is if you

ask a good question I would be like

nodding you I'd like smile I'd be like

oh that's great I'd widen my eyebrows

those are all micro advantages I'm

giving you to say I love that question

okay a micro negative this is what you

probably pick up on without realizing it

are all the things people do when they

don't like a question so maybe they lean

back maybe they make a right face maybe

they pinch their eyebrows together or

maybe they crinkle their nose up at you

they might turn their head away and bite

their nails those are all micro

negatives so I noticed that she wasn't

showing any micro advantages and a

couple of micro negatives which is the

exact opposite of what you would expect

if you just told someone that they got a

raise so I felt terrible I felt terrible

also because I was worried that she was

unhappy and did you notice it right


right there and then right in the moment

and now that I hopefully just taught

that to you guys I'm very curious if you

now start seeing them right away the

nice thing about a language is it

doesn't take a long time once you know

what to look for you see it all the time

though so I noticed it right away and I

was like oh okay well you know it will

be in your next month's paycheck and I'm

just so grateful thank you so much for

all your hard work I've really

appreciated your work and she's like oh

yeah it was my pleasure I love the size

people okay we're good but I felt

terrible because I was worried that she

didn't like her job because I was like

what else could be the reason what else

could be the reason I was like oh my

gosh she's thinking about quitting my my

neuroticism went crazy

my neuroticism was like she's gonna quit

she hates me she hates science people

right like I went all the way down that

route and so when I stumbled upon this

study that maybe I was looking into

motivation I was like reading a white

paper on employee engagement and

employee motivation cuz I was worried

about losing her I found that this

resource theory and I was like wait a


status and I started to think back to

the times which she showed a lot of

micro advantages and one of the times

was when we created an about our team

page and I put pictures of each person

on the page she was so excited she was

like oh and then they'll get a new


I can't wait like she showed me like 15

headshots she's like which one has the

best body language she was so excited

and I was like I didn't think much of it

at the time but I was like I wonder if

that status so I had a meeting with her

and I said radically honest I was like

you know I offered you a raise last

month because I'm so appreciative of

your work I don't know if that was what

you wanted is that what you wanted is

that if that if I want to show you how

grateful I am for you what way can I do

that for you here at work and she said

actually and I really have been wanting

a director role it's like great let's

talk about a director role let's get you

on a planner we look at titles so I

didn't realize that there was all these

other things like putting her name on

the website putting her in more YouTube

videos with me I didn't realize that

that was actually a huge give and so

easy for me to give because I am so

grateful for her and so for me like it

was like I was so thankful that we were

able to get very quickly very honestly

to what her value was I think this is

the big challenge is figuring out yours

and then also trying to figure out


person that you work with including your

friends and family so what's interesting

though is the biggest shock for me from

your book was how I felt like I had

never categorized myself in such a

clearer way yeah so what do you do when

the person doesn't know yeah so you are

their decoder I think that is the most

fun role that we can play in life so if

you have someone who is not as

self-aware right like they they don't

know they hadn't thought about it that

way you get this amazing gift of being

able to unlock for and with them I think

and that's a lot of responsibility but I

think that is one of the most amazing

gifts we can give our fellow human

beings what I would do if I were you I

would go through the series of Arthur

Aaronson 34 questions every couple

should answer so this is a really

interesting study that this researcher

wanted to find out how we get to love

and he found that there are three

different tiers of relationships so in

the first phase of a relationship we're

just trying to figure out interests so

it's like you know do you like that I

like that - what's your hobby and

personality traits that's the first

level that's also why I built the first

level the matrix - personality the

second level are values which is why the

next levels are around appreciation

levels and values so you're trying to

figure out you know where does this

person what do they mean what do they

stand for and the last one is how you

relate to them like how they're how your

relationships can match up so he

developed a set of 34 questions to ask

to take you through all three levels

through just these questions alone so we

actually have a list of them I can send

you a list of them you can we can do

them together if you want one day and

you actually go through each of these

converse your questions and they will

take you through not only you getting to

know yourself but also them doing a self

exploratory exercise it is the most

amazing two three five hours you will

ever spend with someone going through

these questions and that's I think how

we guide someone to self know themselves

that would be amazing we should put a

link to that in the show notes that

would be really really incredible and if

you can it's it's amazing to do them all

in one session but it's a lot especially

if you have someone who's more

introverted so I think it's very

important to respect people's natural

orientations so if someone is an

introvert that means they're going to

use less words and the average

it means they're more private and it

means they like to think through their

answers before saying them extroverts

usually don't want don't need any

thinking time before they four they

share in fact they tend to verbalize out

loud so you verbalize outwardly so if

you have an introvert I would highly

recommend some the questions ahead of

time so they can think about them it's

like a nice way to respect their

personality and or doing a few at a time

I love that yes what's one thing that

people typically don't know about

themselves do you think everybody should

know about themselves actually it's

something we briefly touched on earlier

we didn't get to talk about how you

self-soothe so everyone should know two

aspects of self-soothing the first is

when you are in anxiety whether you're a

high neurotic or a low neurotic do you

like to virt do you like to worry

outward do you verbalize your worry

or do you shut down and close down so

when I am very worried I like to be

alone with my journal

look I don't want to talk to anyone I

just want like think about it myself

we're another people like to worry with

others right like they like to talk

through their worry and that makes them

feel calm so that's the first thing is

how do you worry do you worry alone or

do worry with others that's going to be

very important so if you're in one of

those really terrible low points we all

hit those points you know exactly which

direction need to do is it out to drinks

with friends you know do you have your

your Brigade that you call or is it home

with a journal and a big glass of wine

those are two very different paths

that's the first thing and the second

thing is how can the people in your life

help you self sooth I think that I don't

if this might be more of a gender thing

I don't know a lot of females a lot of

women in my life

when they're very very anxious they

don't know how to ask for help

both logistically and emotionally what

do you mean how do you adjust so there's

two ways of asking for help and maybe my

women in the room will kind of this

feels familiar it used look so injury

yeah okay so when a woman is upset about

something and some men - usually there's

a logistical issue right like let's say

that it's in-laws coming for the weekend

and they get very stressed out there's

logistical issues but there's also

emotional issues they are different

they're very different in law example so

they're coming that's not adjusted

the emotional is break it down even more

more closely so logistical gotta get the

guest room ready got to do all the

sheets got it from the towel it's got to

clean the house so my father-in-law

doesn't critique it okay those are those

are logistical were able to think about

once he starts critiquing and they're

already in the house yeah but I'm with

you yeah yeah and women are all thinking

about that way ahead of times yeah and

then the for emotional worries might be

how to make sure that they actually like

the house how to make sure that we're

all gonna get along this weekend how to

make sure that we bring up that issue

about health that we really need to talk

about and how do we make sure that we

actually have a relaxing weekend and

it's actually a good time okay those are

eight issues that usually come up around

every video there's all different issues

but there are totally different ways

that we self-soothe so logistical how do

you who do you ask for help and how do

you ask for help right like is it going

to your husband or your kids or your

best friend and for emotional issues do

you want to sort of take a few moments

take a few hours meditate do your thing

go for a run you know eat really healthy

that day to get yourself in the right

mind space or do you want to go out with

friends have a really blow out night and

like kind of work out all your anxiety

before they come if you don't know that

you are going to set yourself up for

failure and you're also setting up the

people in your life for failure so the

biggest mistake that I think couples

fight about they have the same fights

over and over again is they need to ask

for help but they have no idea how to

ask for it and by the way if you don't

go through this that's how you get

complete breakdowns because they've been

just bottling it out they don't know

where to go right and that's how you get

someone who's like yelling and running

around before everyone shows up to try

to get things fixed when actually

they're really worried about the

emotional and the questions that you

just walked us through or the questions

they should be asking themselves yes so

it's very specifically whatever it is

and you do this when you're in a point

of calm right not when you're already in

the worry so how do I worry right do I

worry out loud do I worry by myself who

can help me and how can they help and

what are the differences between my

emotional and logistical worries because

they are different I mean if we know

that about ourselves we can then ask for

help in better ways and it sets up

everyone in our life

for much more harmonious relationships

yeah that's fantastic so most of what

we've talked about today is in your book

just amazing read this book but there's

one thing that I've heard you mentioned

which is a two-year study of doing that

happiness which you didn't talk about in

the book yeah do you have any nuggets

that you're ready to talk about yes so I

have been researching happiness for a

long time and that is because I have

always been intrigued by my own

happiness levels and I felt like I

always had a base point like I always

felt like you know I was sort of out of

set point in which I couldn't go two

points above or two points below that

set point and I wanted to know if there

was ways to hack happiness so we've been

studying happiness for the past two or

three years at our lab so I mean the

most important thing that I have learned

so far and I'm gonna put out more

research on this is this idea of learned

helplessness so there's this horrible

study it was done by Martin Seligman

it's a horrible can I share it yeah okay

well okay yeah so this study looked up

dogs and it put the dogs into a cage

with a mat that just very lightly

shocked them and so the dogs would get

on the mat and it would kind of shock

them very unpleasant experience they put

them in these cages with these shocking

mats and then they changed the cage so

there was a space next to the mat the

dog could move off the mat problem is

the dogs had been on the shocking mat

for a long time just gave up they never

went off the mat in fact they just sat

and took the shocks even though they

could move off the mat whereas the dogs

that didn't ever see them out before

immediately jumped off the mat I went to

the place that didn't get the shocks the

idea of this is that we end up learning

about our helplessness so when it comes

to happiness we might have learned a

pattern in college or in childhood or in

our 20s or when we were broke when we

were out of a job or whatever that was

and because even though the mats not

there anymore even though the shocks

aren't there anymore

we stay in the same position because

that's how we've always learned to be

and so when it comes to happiness

way more than personality way more than

decoding people I think that we can

absolutely change our entire happiness

orientation I think we can unlearn our

helplessness to learn to help ourselves

that sounds amazing when are you going

to start putting stuff out on that so I

have one course on that already it's


of happiness and it's like a it's ten

different steps that we've just started

learning about but I will give you one

just to start off with right now and

it's this it's call I call the skill the

chart of happiness so we end up thinking

that happiness comes with the big

vacation once a year or the big blowout

of things once every month we don't

realize that actually happiness comes in

these very very small moments every day

and actually that is those that happens

moments we have to savor

so that highly recommends for the next

few days sit down and make a chart of

everything that you do in your life down

to making a steaming hot cup of coffee

down to going for a run down to doing

laundry and then I want you to rank each

of those things on how happy they make

you and I don't mean like happiness like

euphoric I mean like happiness like

content with your life like I am content

doing this and this sounds crazy but

even like laundry or cooking something

we often think of as a chore can provide

a certain amount of contentedness if you

look at that look at it that way so we

to rate all of those skills and then I

want you to count up the number of hours

you spend on each of those skills every

day what you'll end up finding as you

end up doing what I call happy math

happy math is basically looking at the

fact that we end up spending the

majority of our week you know 90% of our

week doing tasks that rank as a one or

two or three not very happy on the happy

scale and we end up having these really

small once a week moments where we're

actually happy but really there are

these small little moments it's it's

having that amazing cup of coffee or

taking in your view from your window or

whatever these little small things those

minutes add up and I think it's about

slowly hacking how can you add in more

and more of those minutes here's another

kind of tip on the happiness stuff that

I just realized would be a really easy

one to try so other eye contact are

these little moments of happiness

there's also these little moments of

unhappiness but as humans we cannot help

but infect our entire life so you know

how when you're sitting at a red light

and you literally question your entire

existence about anyone that ever

happened anything yeah so you know

you're sitting in a red light and you're

like why do I sit in traffic why do I

Drive to work why do I do what I work

white am I doing this maybe

quit my job maybe I should move to

Hawaii maybe I should have a car like

that's like what happens you know so one

of the hacks that I have found works

really well is taking those small

moments and turning them into what I

call gratitude totems so a totem is like

a symbol or something to remind you of

something so I have a red light by my

house that I get stopped at every single

day it doesn't even matter what time of

day and I used to yell at this red light

I would curse at it and then I realized

wait a minute like this light causes me

so much unhappiness I have such a hard

time being grateful like every open

magazine ever says be more grateful who

has time to be grateful right like no

one has time to do that but now I have

time so whenever I am stopped at that

red light for the entire red light I

think about every single thing I'm

grateful for and now I get upset if I do

not hit it because I know that every

time pull up to that red light I have a

minute and a half just think about all

the things I'm grateful for check I got

my gratitude off I feel nice and good I

flipped a very unhappy moment for me

that makes me question driving and cars

and my life and turn it into something

that actually makes me very appreciative

that is brilliant

yeah all right where can these guys find

you online everything is at science at

so that's our lab and we do experiments

come play in our in our lab we always

have experiments running we love for

people to I think right now we're doing

a vocal power quiz I know yeah I'm not

gonna tell you what it is but you have

to go check it out it's very cool and we

are just very appreciative for all of

your support and comments so if you have

any feedback let me know awesome and

last question what is the impact that

you want to have on the world I want to

wake people up I think that my entire

job is to try to get people out of zom

being through social interactions I

think a lot of the times we have

conversations on autopilot we interact

with people on social scripts and so my

one goal the impact I wish I could have

is to wake people up out of their social

interactions so they actually have

quality conversations and quality

interactions and not just quantity it's


Vanessa thank you so thank you guys let

me tell you this is

somebody that you were going to want to

dive deeply into like I said earlier

when I started the book I was doing it

to make sure that I understood the

content so that I could come on and do a

great interview and it so carried me

away I'd literally want to say captivate

there but that's it is literally

captivating a book about becoming

captivating will arrest you it will stop

you because every bit of it and I felt

like the book was trying to teach me a

lot about other people but it was

teaching me so much about myself and I

am somebody that obsessively thinks

about self-awareness and where I'm at

what I understand about myself and my

natural impulses and what can be

overcome and what's not worth fighting

and this book

broke everything down and made it all so

easy to understand and if you really

want to have a good time drop her name

into YouTube and just watch the videos

one after the other after the other it

is the closest thing to being able to

literally just let something autoplay

every video that it selects that I've

ever come across

she is so good at explaining these

incredibly useful ways that humans are

you will find it infinitely useful in

all of the relationships in your life it

is gonna make you better it is gonna

make your relationships better it isn't

saying I can't recommend it enough

so please guys dive into that one and

this is a weekly show so if you haven't

already be sure to subscribe and until

next time my friends you guys enjoy

For more infomation >> I would rather LIVE IN HARD TRUTH than IGNORANT BLISS (One of the BEST SPEECHES EVER) - Duration: 38:46.


Ilana Glazer and Abbi Jacobson Share Their UCB Memories - Duration: 5:01.

For more infomation >> Ilana Glazer and Abbi Jacobson Share Their UCB Memories - Duration: 5:01.


🐺Wolfenstein II The New Colossus🐺[Walkthrough 👣]🅾Gameplay] [№ 11] 📺 PS4❞1440/ᴴᴰ⁶⁰ 📺 Deutsch 🅾 German - Duration: 38:37.

For more infomation >> 🐺Wolfenstein II The New Colossus🐺[Walkthrough 👣]🅾Gameplay] [№ 11] 📺 PS4❞1440/ᴴᴰ⁶⁰ 📺 Deutsch 🅾 German - Duration: 38:37.


Ilana Glazer and Abbi Jacobson Share Tips for Spotting Sexual Photo Shoots - Duration: 2:37.

For more infomation >> Ilana Glazer and Abbi Jacobson Share Tips for Spotting Sexual Photo Shoots - Duration: 2:37.


DIY Christmas Origami Projects - HGTV Handmade - Duration: 7:19.

Hi guys, I'm Karen Kavett, welcome back to HGTV Handmade.

So who works in an office and gets really bored during the day?

Well today I have two Christmas projects for you that only use stuff you probably already

have at your desk.

Let's get started.

First up we're going to make an origami bow and put it on an adorable Christmas card.

You'll want a piece of origami paper, or any lightweight paper that you have around.

Fold it in half horizontally and diagonally.

Then grab these two corners and pull them inwards so you get a square.

And now fold down your top corner and unfold the whole thing.

Now this part is a little tricky, but basically you want to repeat folding it down into a

square, only this time the smaller square on the inside should fold inwards.

And make sure that if your paper is one-sided, that the back of your paper is on the outside.

Then fold the top edges down on each side.

Now carefully open the whole thing up and press it flat, and you should see a small

square like this.

Grab your scissors and carefully cut the fold lines.

Now it's just a bit more folding, and there's not really much to explain here, just follow

along with what I'm doing on screen.

Once you've gotten to this point, grab a pencil to roll up the sections that are sticking

out and stick the tips into the center square.

You can use a bit of glue to make sure it's really secure.

And we have made this adorable paper bow.

You could use this when you're wrapping presents or you could make a cute card.

Just grab cardstock, a hole punch, a marker, double sided tape, and a glue stick.

Fold and cut down your cardstock to make a card.

And then use double sided tape to stick your bow right in the center.

Then color on one of your paper scraps with a marker.

Use a hole punch to punch out some polka dots.

Arrange your dots on the card and use a glue stick to glue them down.

And that's it.

I think this card is so cute and you can make it in just a few minutes using stuff you probably

already have at your desk.

Next we're going to make this cute little Christmas tree.

This time grab some green paper.

Once again fold it in half four times and press it down into a square.

Then fold each side of the square into the center to get a triangle shape.

Now you're going to open up each of those folds and refold them so the triangle is inside.

It's a little hard to explain but hopefully you can see what I'm doing on screen.

Now you should have a flat shape that looks like an accordion from the bottom.

Grab your scissors and cut off the bottom of the shape.

Then cut three lines into each side.

Now you're going to take each layer separately and fold tiny triangles like this and you

can see how it'll start to look like a Christmas tree.

Once you've done that for each layer, evenly space them out, and you have made a paper


To decorate it, grab cardstock, a hole punch, markers, and a glue stick.

Color a section with each marker on the cardstock and punch out your ornaments.

Use a glue stick to carefully glue them onto the tree.

To finish it off, cut a star from your yellow marker and glue that onto the top of the tree.

And now you have made an adorable little origami tree.

If you're really bored at work, you could make a whole forest of these in all different

sizes to decorate your desk.

I love both of these projects because they use materials that everyone has and I think

they both came out super cute.

So I would love to know in a comment if you ever do origami projects like this or what

else you do when you're really bored at work.

Make sure to like this video and subscribe for new DIYs every single week, and I'll

see you guys next time.

For more infomation >> DIY Christmas Origami Projects - HGTV Handmade - Duration: 7:19.



Just keep hearing the fucking numbers!

(robotish voice) It's a broadcast, Mason.

The numbers are a Broadcast.

(robotish voice) You've been brainwashed.





Let me just explain...

what is going on,

in case you've been living under a rock.

Basically, I am the cause of the "adpocalypse."

You may have heard of it.

"You know Pewdiepie is actually the cause of the adpocalypse"

"Pewdiepie singlehandedly ruined almost all of youtube"

That's right.

That was me.

Okay. I take full responsibility.

it's written ther-, I take full responsibility--

That was definitely me putting those ads

on those, uh....


That was me.

That was all me.

You're right.

Uh, sumimasen.

The adpocalypse basically leading to a ton of ads pulling out of YouTube,

and uhhh...

effectively a ton of our videos

constantly getting demonetized.

constantly the yellow symbol flying across..

the board.

You probably heard a ton of creators complain about this already,

Just want to make sure we're on the same page.

Now recently a lot of youtubers struggling with the de--

the demonetization,

have noticed a striking


"...When a video gets demonetized..

it gets a FRACTION of the views.

Does anyone else experience this?"

(ticking sounds)

"Once it's yellow, It is removed from any form of recommendation or trending"

(ticking sounds)

Even I, noticed this,

"I noticed this too, Make sense from a business perspective even though it's dumb as hell."

(more ticking sounds)

So basically, once the video hits yellow,

the views goes "hell"o

I mean, bye,

they go bye,

that's what I've noticed,

a lot of people did as well


but then YouTube--YouTube reply and be like

"Eh, no!

That's not the case!"

basically saying that

the yellow icon alone doesn't impact search and discovery

But, if the video is also not suitable for a wider audience,

then you might see a poor performance

So they're basically saying

"if a video gets to demonetized it has nothing to do with lower views


But if a video has...


Explicit content

Then it's not gonna get as many views

but your video is demonetized...

Because you don't have explicit content."

Ehhh, they're saying yes, and no at the same time.

It's like tennis.

It's a going back and forth.

(tennis sounds)

we--we aye--

we dodged around the issue."

(COD:Black ops) Gah,

just keep hearing, the fucking numbers!

The numbers!

What do they mean?

Now something recently,


very interesting came to light,

Thanks to a study

that showed that according to their analysis,

YouTube is systematically suppressing content,

that have limited monetization

or have been completely demonetized.

How did they notice this you ask?

Through the numbers!

(COD:black ops) Focus Mason!

We are out of fucking time!

The numbers what do they mean?

(COD:black ops) Keep hearing the fucking numbers!

Just want to point out,

This is a Swedish study,

So you know 100% how legit it is.

Now, YouTube have a hidden variable

called "Excluded_Ads"

in the source code of all videos with monetization enabled

You can access this variable by right-clicking and selecting

"view page source"

then simply press ctrl F

and search for "excluded_ads".

If your video is demonetized,

It will have one of the following key variables:

102, 104 or 109

(COD: Black Ops) Mason: "Oh my god,

the numbers are real!!"

Unknown: They've always been real, Mason!

Let's go and check this out,

let's go to my demonetize section,

which I also like to call

all my content!


Okay, okay, all right



there we go







keep hearing the fucking numbers

Now after noticing these numbers


started to try and figure out,

What are the numbers mean?

What are they mean?

Thanks to the channel "Nerd City"

the numbers so far that have been discovered


profanity and rough language

104 means

sexually suggestive content

109: sensational and shocking

113: tragedy and conflict,

115: sensitive social issues.

I don't know, okay.

People are still trying to figure it out

And if your video got demonetized

do help out

and share the cause.


what the study also discovered

was that videos that did get demonetised


Got less traction

than the videos that were monetized,

at least if they have lower viewership

So what our research shows

is that demonetized videos,

especially with lower viewership,

are less promoted than monetized videos with the same viewership

to a very great extent

Such a significant difference can only be caused

if YouTube is actively devaluing demonetized videos

using some sort of function

So videos with lower viewership can't compete against monetized videos

But as the views gets higher,

more and more videos are able to push through

despite with the evaluation

Thereby causing the visible pattern in the graph,

which otherwise would not exist.

so basically,


videos like mine

should technically push through

even if they do get demonetized,

but if you have a smaller channel,



you need some prior knowledge,

and if you watched my last video on AI

then you will easierly understand

this video

isn't that great?

because, YouTube...

the way YouTube runs, its recommendation system

and their Demonetization system,

is run through an AI

a deep neural network,

which we know what that is

It's a self-taught AI

which basically means...

it's not YouTube going

"hey! do this! okay, huh?"

It's a- it's a- it's a- it's a-


if people didn't fear AI before,

just think of how much I fear

the YouTube recommendation AI

There's basic- there--

There's document about this published-ized,

and it's actually really interesting

I love how advanced this is

especially if you go back,

because back in the day with--with the--

The reason for an AI to even exist to have recommendation videos

is because back in the day on YouTube

The only way you would find a video

was for searching the title, or the tags

Now people started to immediately

abuse this

by writing the exact same title

and the exact same tags as the video.

Remember boob girls--

Reply girls- sorry that's their name

They would basically show up in the recommended bar for popular videos

because they would copy their title and their tags.

So people started abusing

the system,

and it just didn't work anymore

and YouTube had to come up with something better

So it's really funny to me,

How this is, uh...they had--

this "advanced study" on neural networks.

It's thanks to boob girls

Thank You boob girls

now it's really interesting because uh--

A neural network needs a goal

an incentive.

They work just like human beings,

if you know because you watch my video,

for example the MarI/O

self-taught AI,

which was an AI that taught itself how to play Mario,

It's incentive

which was named in this case, Fitness,

Was increased by walking in the right axis.

You see the Fitness increases,

That's his goal.

And then through trial and error

Mario improves, and can play the game better.


recommendation works in the exact same way,

or in at least a very similar


It's incentive is based on watch time.

The--the AI takes videos

that they think will increase the watch time

test it on a few people

Did it increase watch time?

a--if the answer is yes?

Throw it--you know, throw it--

here's ah here's the video to everyone

because it increases watch time on YouTube

This one was demonetised

Uh, Most likely uh- go away, ok?

and it's a really interesting solution to this problem

because if you solely based

video recommendation on likes,

then, controversial videos wouldn't make it

to recommended

But at least now we can better understand why

demonetized videos

doesn't get recommended

or why they don't get as many views

Becuase recommended is a huge part of our viewership

since YouTube has really thrown out the whole subscription

idea more and more out the window

because their goal is to increase watch time

That's what gonna give them better ads

and it makes sense

I will say Tom Scott did a video about this

where he explains how the YouTube algorithm works

He explains his thousand times better than I do

But I did find it really interesting

how he pointed out that the flaw in this AI

Which is, that

even though its goal is to increase watch time,

it can't determine what the quality of the video is,

it doesn't know exactly

What- what the video is about,

what -what does it contain?

And that's what it's been trying to do

now with the demonetization in picture

where--where the AI will scan the video,

it will scan the thumbnail,

we know there's technology to do this

We can use an example here.

Here's my thumbnail.

It's a person.

It's okay

It scans the title,

it scans the description,

the tags,

and the caption

to determine if the video is

monetizable or not,

because there's no way YouTube would be able to do this on all its content because

An- it- so much is uploaded on YouTube every single day

it needs an AI to fully function

But I found it really interesting how he points out

the flaw in AI.

It can't tell the difference between videos that are suitable for children

made with education in mind



trademark, infringing, unofficial efforts

it just knows

What kids click on

and what they watch.

so the YouTube algorithm promotes stuff that gets more watch time..

But it doesn't really know what it is

It can do its best effort, too,

And you can tell this is

Something that YouTube had to do last minute

because it recently came out

what people call Adpocalypse II,

and I'm not responsible for this one

Thank you.

Ads are pulling out now

because it was discovered that really creepy and disturbing videos were shown

and promoted to millions of kids

because it was picked up by the algorithm

and promoted to them

Tom predicted it,

it's kind of interesting

there was also a search result,

basically when you type in "how to..."

it showed up "how to have s*x with your kids"

it showed how to have sex with your kids.

It's weird.

Wasn't this video


Don't we all understand each other a little better?


What do they mean?

Only you can tell us what the codes mean.

I find it really interesting because this is what happens constantly,

Where Youtube

can't say what they're doing

because if they explain what they're doing

people are gonna abuse the algorithm

but it also leads to the effect of people discovering numbers

and trying to figure out what they mean

and they--we have every right to trying to,

like this is our job.

This is our livelihood

We depend on this,

having the videos demonetized is a huge deal

and especially as we've seen now for smaller channels

Obviously we as creators, need to work together to figure out all these things, but at the same time YouTube

They need to hide the information from us, but

in--inevitably leads to chaos

every single time

Who wins here?

No one.

That seems to be a common census in all my videos.

Now is a great time

if you want to support your creators

Buy their merch, support their patron,

especially if they are smaller

Hopefully the AI will improve

that's what they're saying

and that's how self taught neural networks work.

This has been PewDiePie

leave a like


hopefully we can get this to trending

if you share,


and watch the whole thing


watch it again


and again,

see this is what you really should be telling at the end of the video

Hey watch the video again,


you going somewhere?

Open a new tab

and click again!!


squad fam out.

we did it Kyle,

we got it

(the terminator rises)



For more infomation >> YOUTUBE'S SECRET UNCOVERED! - Duration: 13:20.


Matt Smith on Prince Harry, Prince Philip & The Crown - Duration: 5:08.

For more infomation >> Matt Smith on Prince Harry, Prince Philip & The Crown - Duration: 5:08.


WHO WORE IT BETTER? - Duration: 11:01.

Leave your entries in the sub reddit bros!(SKRATADAAAHH FLUORIDAHHH)

and I'll watch submissions

in the next episode of LWIAY.

Welcome to LWIAY, the brand-new original show that we're done episode

14!! Wow, time goes by fast when you're having fun. Isn't that right? At least I haven't done

379 of these. 14 is not such a bad number all the sudden...

Hope you enjoyed the original intro. It's made by Day by Dave. Thank you very much now

Let's go into the memes if you want to submit your meme, the link is in the description

Don't be shy I know you're sitting on a really good meme for a while now, and you haven't submitted it

How are you gonna become?

Anywhere in life if you haven't submitted to the PewDiePie submission yet clearly you're doing wrong things in life

You haven't gotten anywhere. This could be your hit

This could be your make it moment you could submit a meme. That would get upvotes on the pewdiepie subreddit

Do you understand the opportunities that I am presenting to you, okay?

This is not me taking content from you. This is me giving you

Opportunities you are welcome. I know I am a saint

I am the nicest guy ever nice guy PewDiePie Christian Channel. Let's go

Remember happy wheels this is it now feel old yet?

original content original game ideas

Be careful you call ugly in middle school. What do we got lost oh?

Very Nice..good old giggle

Only true PewDiePie fans will understand this meme okay only only

hardcore watch every single video everyday twice, to increase his watch time

Pewdiepie fans fam squads

post the dankest memes you can find the bros squad fam hold my beer

skrattar du

Yeah, this pretty much summarizes the whole reddit, good job everybody!

Can't tell if it's a good thing or if it's just sad.

Did you laugh or did you lose?

Hey, man, it's a simple question I still don't--

I haven't gotten a single person answering a second times the cha-


Well done, I need to do another green screen soon.. Let me let me do that for next time.

wait what the fuck

wait what the f**k???

Did you laugh or did you lose? I don't even get the meme. It's a loss meme you guys aren't ahead of me

I know hahaha, I understand the meme haha

I get it,

EA-- ee -- OH! I see it now!

*Laughs in Swedish*

Well done.. pft, poor EA I mean no, there's no poor EA..

Well-written structured original joke.. loss

It's kind of true, I don't know why it's funny don't think about it too much it gets weird

Do you ever look at stuff and wonder how he got there? It's been a tough year ok it's been

It's not been the best year for 2017 okay

I didn't let's just say I don't want to relive it.

Could this compete with Pewd's chair-- esscuse mehh


This chair is much BETTER



the chair is 399 -- and I'm --

Perfect holiday gift for you and your friends

"who wore it better--" pss

eugh, that's it that's a thick A$$

Stranger yung lean shirt, and I will not have you discriminate it for some sort of Disney product. Thank you very much

How would you even get in and out of that huh pathetic guys if I installed Windows 7 of?

32 bits 2 times will it become 64 bits help please yes, but it will also become Windows 14.

I don't think this was meant to be this dark

Shoot The Kids

Hang The Family

Frame Them All

Christian channel, please what no one no one saw --

Shoot the kids--

hang the family--

f r a m e D e m

graduating from MIT, watching all seasons of Rick and Morty--

understanding PewDiePie's stance on net neurtality

EUGH ehehe oh man--

I had to take the video down and correct myself because I was literally arguing agai- for net neutrality but

Accidentally against at the same time. It's a it's a complicated a lot of people don't understand

It's the kind of you laugh, or did you laugh?

Or did you lose kind of thing and not a lot of people you need to have a pretty much this level of IQ

Perspective on Pewds, what his parent think he does?

What his viewer thinks he does how to remove copyright claim 100% solved what Marzia thinks he does respect women

What the media thinks he does? This is a very accurate so far what the haters thinks he does PewDiePie spi--

That's actually true what he actually does--

Just read off how to videos good job everybody

rich female celebrities with hair like this have a

125 per chance I'm telling you how oppressed women are hey, I don't have that haircut anymore

hey, I'm not a wahmen

I respect them that doesn't mean.

Well, This is just science again. That's true. It's science its scientific

It must be hard it must be hard ok. Oh wait did

I just self diss damn it

While watching PewDiePie videos after a week watching PewDiePie's videos every day

Watching the video right after making it public so you managed to watch the original

before it gets demonetised

Yeah now now when I take a video down it just cuts up everyone like

Before you could finish the video even if I took the video down YouTube

2017 everybody not just me who pays the price now, huh?

How 'bout that

When you make a subreddit and your fans just use it to spam the same memes over and over again

I made some mistake fuck shit f**K

I made some mistake

shut the fuc- shut the fuc- shut the f- christian-

Be quiet, be quiet please. Net Neutrality got repealed recently

I was pretty bummed out about it, but I think whoever repealed it, was probably more happy to see it go then

I'm sad to lose it

No, no

You don't did he make this did shenanigans make this is this an original did he just meme his own mean I got layers boy

That's impressive end world hunger end world poverty sue kids for cheating

It was surprising how many of you actually thought they were fine to sue the kid.

Apparently I made another mistake there

The reason why he got sued was because he counterclaimed the video

Which the only option after that is to take legal action so really EPIC Games were just cornered

Oopsie I made a mistake again oopsy-daisy. No one cares, please keep watching

PewDiePie filming his- I never seen this meme oh, I never seen that one

That's really good

Never seen this meme never ever have I seen this meme, please keep posting it if you don't have a core message

That is making a positive impact on the planet what the fuck are you doing?

That's right Sorsha ok I'm making a positive impact. I can't even say it

East Coast West Coast

Please guys, please stop the Nazi memes. It's been eight months

They're gonna make another compilation okay?

They'll make a anniversary edition. I'm sure please stop.

how to reach the ten minute mark quality content get the door



*Trying to reach 10 minute mark*

Sorry I had to

Make a visit to the restroom. I'm sure my editor will just cut it out

Fuck you pewds. Love though I stopped slavery

I stopped the Nazis. I stopped apartheid I stopp-

That wasn't me why do everyone keep being so salty at me like oh it was your fault

Why are you complaining about demonitize? Am I the one that put the ads in the video? Oh yeah?

No, you're right. I did I undercover uploaded a bunch of okay. I mean let's get really with me now

You know what fuck you fuck you it's a Power Move by the media because they canceled my TV show okay

They're like. Aye, YouTube does whatever we tell them

Bunch of losers let's keep striking, okay, if YouTube kept my show the ad pocalypse would never have happened

YouTube is the fault stop blaming me sexy hiking with feet of fire. That's awesome Killian Wagner

That's awesome. Thank you very much

That's so dope that's perfect for like a phone background

And we are hitting the final page where the top memes are all

Located. This is the top percent of the 1%

Let's watch original content Fridays with PewDiePie

Let's play oh, I see I'm jumping all over it you're never gonna. Let it go huh?

Me while watching a new pew-

Marzia, why is she doing that?

What is she doing

I've never ever seen her do this. What in the world I respect this meme as a Swistian when you spend three hours

Photoshopping a meme to get five up votes

Yeah, well you need to promote your memes, okay?

It's not just about you got a network for the memes and this one made it somehow

So I don't know listen if you want to make it to the top

You gotta work for it alright the PDP's submission reddit is one of the finest subreddits of all time

It doesn't get better than this it doesn't get better when you're too broke to buy a game

So you just watch people play it on YouTube. This is a microaggression. I think this is a microaggression

Okay, just because you're an african-american gentleman doesn't mean that you have any less access to

Monetary gains new you laughs you lose. Demonitize


Yes, that was good well done, you know what you get a you get an

b64 in review what the fuck

please submit your memes for the next one don't forget to leave a like

this is a family-friendly Christian channel, so do tell all your kids to subscribe watch the video three times and

Get it to trending come on come on. I haven't seen a single one of my videos get to trending in 84 years

Please, squad fam out.

For more infomation >> WHO WORE IT BETTER? - Duration: 11:01.


Director Rian Johnson Reveals First Word of Star Wars: The Last Jedi - Duration: 1:04.

For more infomation >> Director Rian Johnson Reveals First Word of Star Wars: The Last Jedi - Duration: 1:04.


E N O U G H ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! - Duration: 11:28.

You think I can't beat...

This easy game?




How many times have I died?


OH that's right

He hasn't died

Oh, oh look at--

Look at him!

He's doing it...


I wonder how.

It's not like I've done this

a million fucking times...

by now.

*soft laugh*

Oh, you cheeky bastard. Huh?

You thought you could...

do a little...

(???) on me?

Can you fuck off?

If you think this game is hard...

Then I'll tell you what;

You might want to check your

privilege there, buddy.

If this game was life,

this game would be...

s t r a i g h t w h i t e m a l e.

Oh, shit


Let's go to the fucking place...

where dreams are died-- *nice grammar*


Dreams DIE here.

Oh look!

Mr. Orange we meet again.


Goodbye Mr. Orange.


Oh Jesus


This bit sucks so fucking much.

I'm legit just sick of it.




That was not easy you fucking idiot,

listen to me.


all right,

watch this.

Acceptance Of Consequences




I'm out of mouse space *This is where he knew...*

what the f- *He fucked up.*

DO I DO?!!



Do I need a hanger ship for my mousepad?!

I ran out of space.

What do I do?

What the fuck mouse?!

I'm adding an extra

because this is ridiculous.

This mountain makes no sense, by the way

Fuck you.

you know what fuck off pace

Get me back up

Stop sliding, please


double mouse

strat clearly doesn't work.




Slow- *slides off*

Oh god


I don't know how people do this, bit.

I just don't understand it

I keep sliding down no matter what I do

and I don't have that big of a mouse mat.

I'm sorry

So I'm gonna have to go with the (???) strat

(???) strat doesn't work

No keep falling.

I don't care


You make the worst fucking mouse pad

I've ever seen.

How can you fuck up a mouse pad?

It's not that fucking hard.

This fucking bit...

*Fucking bit... Kinky.*

Can suck my fucking--

Keep falling keep falling. *hint of malice*

I dare you.

(Extreme noises up ahead)

*The usual violent cat that hisses at you*





*Crazed laughter with a spice of relief*


Wow everybody!

He did it!!!

He did it!!!



You thought I couldn't do it?



Go away Edgar.

Oh, okay

All right.

I get it.

Oh, it's gonna be hard now because you--


fuck off


Hey a little thumbs up

isn't that cute?

oh now--now it's when the game really gets hard pewds

Now it's when to b--

Fuck Off.

Thank you...

thumbs up.

Thank you.

I think I'm actually stuck with it

oh wow

that is a

Tiny little thumb



You tried to scare me,

but I don't get scared


Not sure how to do this bit,


Oh no

hey hey hey hey thumbs


Oh, this time is gonna be easy.

I done it once before

should be easy to do this again, man

Yeah, boy.

I'm coming up

I want the world to know

you gotta let it show


I'm coming up

I want the--*gibberish*


I want the world to know *DEMON CHILD VOICE*

you've gotta let it show *AHHHHHH*

*Is that demon child... Masturbating?



What once seemed impossible,

is now extremely doable!

Just like your mother! *horns blazing*

*Laugh of a corrupt nobleman*

Hey tiger.

Listen here.

I ain't got time for you.

while making this game;

"How--can we make that, can we make it steeper?


Let's make it steeper"


Mr. Thumb

We meet again!

It's been written

Mr. Thumb

Why did you do that?

That is just stupid

Keep falling

I fucking dare you

you know what?

you know what?

see if I give a shit

keep falling

you think I care?

You think I fucking care?

take me back.

Take me back all the way

Can't even--


Oh no, I keep--

shut the fuck up

I'm back baby.



You thought I was gonna go away did ya?

You thought I was gonna fucking go--


That's fine

Not a big deal at all.

Ahh, you messed that fucking shit up.

Getting a little sweaty now... HAHA


Come on bitch

What you got?


What you got?

Bish show me.

Bish show me what you got.





Oh... You like Happy Meals

on McDonald's?


I bet you doooo

Edgar, sit the fuck still

It's like I'm--uuhuhuhuh

enough distractions


Do you like Happy Meals




Listen here.

I don't care.

You need to go--

you need to go Edgar.

You need to go.

I'm not your dad

fuck off

Okay, I don't have to pay child services for more...


this bit sucks so much

that I could become a titty dispenser *Uhhh wut?*

you know I'm saying? *No...*

Grab the rock *bow chicka bow wow*

move it slow *I see what you did there poods*

No, no no no

no no no no

It is fine.

You try again.

Little pewdiepie

Just try again


poodie friend


You've done this many times

you can do it again

You can do it again pewds

Just believe

you got your friends,


their waiting for you to do it


Come on poods,


we want you to do the thing

Please just do the thing

*His tongue sure is big...*

Oh, I'm doing it.

Ah, I'm out of mouse space

I'm out of my mouse--

I am leg--

not joking

I am at the edge



but I'm at the edge of my--

I'm using my hand now.

Oh, it does not work




I'm back!!! *We slowly witness Felix go coco*


*He is dying inside you know?*

you thought I was gonna quit, did ya?

Oh no no no no

I'm not just some casual

Little youtuber

who's like

"oh dis game is very hard,

Oh, I feel so angry

Well cuz the game is a little more trickier than I'm used to

so I'm so angry"

Oh, that ain't me, man

no no no no no

that ain't me, man

That ain't me

That ain't me man

that ain't me

that ain't me


alright everybody

Don't go too slow

cuz you'll run out of mouse space



mai wa--

I'm--I'm out of mouse space

I'm out of mouse space

I'm not joking

I'm not joking

put it down,

put it down,

put it down,

put it down,

put a down,

put a down

put it down (x5)

Oh! How nice everybody?


He's killing it, everybody

we're watching live poodiepie

fucking suck the...

Okay, Wow!


it's great commentary coming from Pewdiepie

He does this for a living

He says

Wow incredible

hello little Catty kudu katta


you want some of this?


Don't extend your arm.


Do not extend your arms

cause you'll flick yourself out

And that's what he wants you to do

do not do that

do not do what he wants you to do


aye yae yae yae

careful there, buddy


You being--be real

hey you gotta be...

Fuck you,


how about that?

fuck you

Do not extend

do not extend your arm, Felix

aye, ay, ay, ay,

Mr. Pussycat

do you wanna--

Nahnahnahnah nah fam

you're leaning the wrong way

oh, no no no no

there you go.

Ay holmes



catch it.

Catch it.

Catch it


oh you thought I would die

oh, no, no

do not extend

the arm

Don't extend

suck a dick.

Oh don't even fucking try to do that

don't extend the fucking arm

Ay Mr. Thumbie

oh, that's gonna push me down isn't it?


oh, Okay, okay,


Okay, everybody! *Omae wa...*

Okay! *Mou shindeiru!*


N A N I ? ! ? !

You think this is funny?

For more infomation >> E N O U G H ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! - Duration: 11:28.


James Franco on Making The Disaster Artist - Duration: 5:45.

For more infomation >> James Franco on Making The Disaster Artist - Duration: 5:45.


The Penta: Korea All-Stars - Duration: 2:48.

For more infomation >> The Penta: Korea All-Stars - Duration: 2:48.


Guest Host Chris Pratt & Chris Stapleton Sing "(I've Had) The Time of My Life" - Duration: 4:58.


























































>> Chris: CHECK, CHECK.













>> Chris: OOH.





























>> Chris: THE LIFT?



>> Chris: I CAN'T.








For more infomation >> Guest Host Chris Pratt & Chris Stapleton Sing "(I've Had) The Time of My Life" - Duration: 4:58.


DONALD TRUMP SECRET VIDEO - YLYL #0012 - Duration: 10:04.

You laugh-

you lose!

The rules...

they're simple.

You laugh-

you lose


Do you understand?

You get it?


Then, let's go!!

You laugh....


Was that a... dog?

And a fence?

Oh, he's trying to jump over it- I get it

heh heh

I was like, 'what is happening'

Aww, poor dog

Just wanted to jump the fence. You almost had it buddy, you almost-

Okay, moving- moving on. I did not laugh, so far have not laughed...


What do you like about Batgirl?

I'm actually really enjoying this Black Canary storyline.

I LOVED Black Canary.

Hey there! What's in the bag?

huh? *wtf*

I'm from geek TV and today, we're talking to local comic fans and finding out what they're purchasing. So what's in the bag?

(im fuked)

(oh shit oh shiiiiiii-)

uh *swallows*

It's called brother-sister

That's awesome! And what is that about- like a brother-sister crime-fighting duo?


It's about a brother and a sister... that-



Brother sister, it's a nice little crime-fighting drama-... this guy's a

-legendary troll. "As a small group of protesters prayed, hundreds waited for tickets to the unveiling of-

"- an 8-foot tall bronze statue."

This is so fucking good. "I'm just excited to see my Lord and Savior Baphomet represented in such glorious Italian stone-"

"-I'll do hope his eyes gaze upon me and that my allegiance is recognized. I don't know- notice me senpai, notice me."

In this glorious in tallien stone represented in such glorious italian stone


Satan's pretty cool. No. There's no way this is real. Are you kidding me?

How did this make it- how did this make it through to news

I don't know, satan's pretty cool, I guess

Christian Channel, I do not I do not support this message by any means okay?

It's like you can't have one without the other you know. Oh my god. There's more?

Cement and covers this man, and only supreme light will wash my body clean

But how could that light possibly reach me with the thick clouds of indecency

That's surround my poor soul? so I carry my wrongdoings on my back like some kind of tormented hiker lost in the hills of

misfortune looking desperately for that peak to rescue him from the valley of depraved habitual self-pleasuring but again

I find nothing except for sweaty devastated loneliness. He goes on for a full two minutes

To be fair she did get three strikes, let's count them okay?

You get one two three, and you're out. Okay? Thank you. All right this next one's an actual outtake

I remember this Donald Trump was here taping something called Donald Trump secrets for us

And we asked him to start the bit by just pouring himself a glass of water

That's all we asked him to do and here's what he did

You didn't think of that did you?

Alright? Is that okay with you?

You like it or not, but true that is an option

You didn't think I was gonna do that did ya?

He's so proud of it, too

I've seen this one holy shit. That's fucking wicked

Come on it doesn't even have the tags on it

What are you screaming like a little child for okay? I would never scream like a little child. This is not a funny meme

So dumb no way I'm laughing at this

Shut the fuck up goddamn it. "I don't like him putting chemicals in the water

that turn the fricking frogs gay"

Oh, hell yeah

"fight for your life"

Let's get slippy in here. Hey slippy, what are you? What do you think of this?

What he is saying is true. A long time ago, my village was full of nothing but

heterosexual frogs and toads and


one day Hillary Clinton dumped toxic chemicals into our local water source and all of us

including me

slippy the Frog became gay. that's great

Did you just flip me off

Moving on.

oh, Russia

You know- you know someone who's asked him like "Hey, dude do something that looks important."

Is it the reebok or the nike?

You're looking a little rough around the edges

Some are just disappointing when you laugh at them.

My god finally one that made me laugh, okay

by that we're gonna end this episode of another episode of the first episode of

skrattar du förlorar du

Thank you guys for watching really appreciate all the likes

Can we hit a lot of likes on this one? Can we get it to trending?

That would be great

Because it'd be impossible

For more infomation >> DONALD TRUMP SECRET VIDEO - YLYL #0012 - Duration: 10:04.


We Need To Talk About The Disturbing Exploitation Of Kids On YouTube... - Duration: 7:18.

Sup you beautiful bastard hope you're having

fantastic Thursday

fantastic Thanksgiving

Welcome back to the show whether you are watching this to escape your family or your this is actually this would be a weird one

To show your family where you get some of your news that's because today is a weird disturbing one

But it does kind of fit in the theme of

Thanksgiving about family unfortunately

It doesn't seem to be about a good

families the reason for that is this kind of an update in addition to a story we covered last week about

Really really inappropriate content on YouTube that was geared towards children

We saw a lot of animation and live-action of characters hurting each other doing weird sex fetish stuff together

Characters eating poop tricking each other into drinking each other's pee need a recap of that and that whole Elsa gate thing

I'll link to that video down below, but in that video

I mentioned Child Exploitation said that we would get to that as well because that is also a very big issue

There's a good number of people that have a different idea in general what they think about Child Exploitation

Some people have a low bar of just having a channel that is that is focused on a child or children

That by itself is exploitation to that I say I understand where you're coming from the mindset there

But I don't that that's I think too low a bar that bar includes channels like ryan toysreview

Which is a massively successful channel?

And they were accused of biting a brought him onto the show met the family met the kid that that child that child is having

A blast making those videos that child wants to make the videos far more than the parents it is new silly family stuff in their

Videos now if at any point one of the kids in a video doesn't want to do it

They still have to do it boom that's exploitation. You could argue. That's abuse at that point

You're essentially forcing a child to work reason

I mentioned that kind of channel that's geared towards children is because what we're about to compare it to is

Oh my god channels

We saw on YouTube like toy freak eight million Plus subscribers millions and millions of views on

tons of video and the videos included things like the father

terrifying the daughters filming them while they were in the

Bathtub and shower of them spit up food or force feet up or having pretend to be babies

There's one video where it looks like the girl peed or they just try and make it look like the girl peed on her so

I would you embrace a pee fetish video with your family like I've seen the reports that he's done interviews

And he said you know he's trying to follow a trend.

That's your family

How could you put a video out of one of your daughters

Peeing on the other even if you just insinuate to ensure the wet spot on one of your children after

Does that how do you think this is going to affect them mentally?

And I'm so tired of parents that do this, and they're like the kid says it's okay

You're the parent you're putting your child a minor in a position where they're incentivized to go along with whatever you say

it's why I say I

Understand where people come from where even if a channel is just focused on a child

They think it's messed up for videos like this or the DaddyO5 situation. We've talked about in the past

It's like come on when you find a lot of these inappropriate videos

It does feel like many of them are just copying one another

They're they're doing the same thing but but taking just a different character

Or a different person these are your daughters also keep in mind. It's not just Greg Chisolm there

There are a ton of accounts and weird

Genres the report that came out from a BuzzFeed around this they talked about Greg what they also talked about just the genre of

Children acting like babies the videos that got featured there were then removed and in fact one of the reasons

I mentioned this isn't just to say that there is a problem

Just like many of these other outlets have been doing

But it's also to point out that YouTube is listening and doing something about it right now Greg Chisolm

the toy freaks channel got shut down YouTube also saying in a statement this week in the last week we

Terminated over 50 channels and removed thousands of videos under these guidelines. You've also said in a recent announcement

They're going a step further to block comments on a lot of these videos with young kids you have a lot of inappropriate sexual

or predatory comment Jim said they're getting even more aggressive here where they're just going to turn off the comments in general on videos where

They find that adding across the board we have scaled up resources to ensure that

Thousands of people are working around the clock to monitor review and make the right decisions across our ads and content policy these latest enforcement

Changes will take shape over the weeks and months ahead as we work to tackle this evolving challenge

That's fantastic

But hopefully YouTube realizes that this is not just a moment in time

This has to be a change moving forward even after all those channels were shut down videos were removed

It's still very easy to find very troubling videos

There's some channels that are debatable and they shouldn't be compared one to one that being kind of like young gymnast channels

some of those

Channels seem to include. Just little girls that like gymnastics, and it's like hey

I learned a new movie, then there are those channels

But the the camerawork zooms in like in a way that I can't show you in this video

and I wouldn't want to sometimes they seemingly go out of their way to wear less clothes in the video the

Thumbnails are incredibly troubling you also have channels like Lady Diana that seem to show children in trouble constant little kids tied up

There's kidnapping fake torture channels like mr.. Tisha you have a scary clown

That's like kidnapping a kid I seems to

Advertise pain and discomfort for children giant ant bites child another one of the kids bleeding from his good mind

It's not the case for every kind of video, but some of the videos that we're talking about here

End up getting monetize

And that's without even going into the weird random shit that pops up if you search webcam videos

We got channels like seven fabulous teen and this channel might sound familiar because a while ago Daniel Tosh on his show tosh point-o he

Pointed it out

Yeah Videos like the naughty elf on show where this teenage girl gets an elf on the shelf

And then it kidnaps her then dragging and taping her

Unconscious body against a wall the Elf on a shelf then eats the marshmallow in slow motion

And this is a channel that on

It's about page says is a parentally control moderated shadow the parents are responsible for all uploads once again

I'm not making this video to shame YouTube. I acknowledge that they are trying

They are trying a lot more than it seems they have for a while

But making a video on this for a few reasons one to acknowledge that YouTube is trying and they will need to

Continue to try moving forward. This is not a moment in time. You are just playing a ton of catch

They are currently trying to do something so I want to give them props for that because it's very easy to complain

I also want to acknowledge good chain the second is to showcase more channels and and to remind

friends and family of children kids can still come across things like this YouTube can try

And I think they will try their best to stop stuff like this because it is in their best interest if channels like rainbow rhymes

They have a 25 minute video

Beautifully in the middle of this video that seems to be for babies a plane crash is killing all of purple bears friends

This is another channel called a mental ATT vit once again a lot of these channels follow the same theme this channel

Also has a naughty Elf on a shelf video obviously the biggest difference here

Is that an even younger child is taped against the wall guy videos like this with the title wound with knife?

Giant right from beginning the kids crying thumbnails where there's a hand

Closing and on a nose another where it looks like a car is about to run over her where her face is all bandaged up

And she's bleeding there's always going to be something that slips through the cracks, so don't let YouTube kids

Don't let the YouTube app be your child's parent at the very least just try and keep an eye on

What they're watching and when you see something that's really messed up

Flag away YouTube is a massive website the reason they're talking about trying to perfect their

Algorithm to find it to not just rely on human beings is because there's just so much content

And if anything it's good to see that there. There are some issues that it's not really a partisan issue

I've seen people on the left and the right

Calling this out because everyone wants just to protect the kids that is we're gonna end today's show I of course do want to pass

a question offs you

With these stories coming out does it doesn't make you

Concerned about YouTube kids you feel like it falls more on YouTube or the parents in general

I'd love to know your thoughts on this story remember if you like this video like what I'm trying to do on this channel hit

That like button if you're new here hit that subscribe button so if you missed the last philip defranco show you want to catch up

Click or tap right there to watch that well if you want to see the newest behind the scenes vlog click or tap right there to

Watch that lot so that's it of course as always my name's philip defranco. You've just been phill'd in I

Love yo faces, and i'll see you next time

For more infomation >> We Need To Talk About The Disturbing Exploitation Of Kids On YouTube... - Duration: 7:18.


THIS KID IS GETTING SUED *and you'll never guess why* - Duration: 11:24.

If there's one thing that makes me really angry.

*swedish inner hulk*

It just makes my blood just wanna go and...


I just wanna scream!

*hulk gasm*

it's cheaters

I don't--I don't like em

I don't like em *unknown gibberish* I don't like cheaters

*more hulk gasm*

But no one

dislikes cheaters

As much as Epic games.

I thank you Epic games

For your noble deeds.

You may have heard the story.

"Epic games is suing a 14-year old for cheating in Fortnite, and his mother is fighting back".

Hell yeah.

Epic games.

This is Epic games, and this is haters,

Sue you. I'm gonna sue you.

Suing you left and right

That's great

that there's Epic games is suing this 14 year old and all

but do they know?

Have they confirmed if it's Clara or not?


Wait what the fuck?


Hold on


Give me one second


Let me just message this girl.

Give me one second.

Why the f*ck is this on my computer right now?

Where is this?

How do I close this?

Yo rock I need some help because I don't know what I'm looking at right now

What the f*ck is that?


I bet it was Clara.

That son of a sneaky, sneaky snake.

That sneaky snake.

Clara always coming in with her cheats.

Now. If you haven't played Fortnite.

It's a battle royale, uh, type of game

good old fun.

And, uh, people like to cheat in it.



Yeah, dude.

Yo he just stopped and medded and

literally now there's a fight right in front of him

that he--there's no vision of whatsoever


instant headshot again

Anoth--And he just shot at somebody that you couldn't even see.

Uh, Yep another one,

another one, yeah, he's a hundred percent

fucking cheating.

Oh my god. I'm fucking recording this shit.

Is that Clara?

that's cl--that's--that's--I think that's Clara

now don't get me wrong I-I-I

Don't understand why you would cheat?

and that's not me making some.

I don't understand how someone could possibly cheat in the game

It's more like

How fun is it to?

Just watch the computer play the game for you, like

you're not playing the game if you're cheating in a first-person shooter

And you're being an asshole,

okay, you're being an ass so stop cheating.

That's right.

Family fr--

nice guy PewDiePie

telling you here, right as it is now

don't cheat in video games.

Cheating is a huge problem for

fortnite and, uh

So what does epic games the creator of fortnite do?

they make a statement.

They made a statement on their website saying that they're gonna strike down on these cheaters.

They're gonna. They're gonna

They're gonna get them. They didn't say how though

They said

"We don't want to give too many clues about what we're doing

but we're going to roll out tools"

epic games just going like


ehhh, we're not--we're not gonna give too many clues,

how we're gonna stop these cheaters

but, ahhh, we got--we have some ideas

about a week later,

it comes out that Epic sues Fortnight cheaters for

copyright infringement

It seems a bit weird to sue someone

cheating for copyright infringement

like that's how they strike down on them

But apparently I might be wrong

I don't really understand the whole coding bit,

but they're (the cheaters) changing

the coding

Which they don't own the copyright to

and they're not allowed to do that

so that's copyright infringement

I don't...I don't

how do you mod then?

what's--what's modding then? is modding illegal?

Uh, in their legal document though, they

They wrote, "cheats give a cheater power to do or see things that other players cannot

for instance a cheat might enable a cheater

to see through solid objects,


or make moves other players cannot,

such as a spin

followed by

an instant headshot to another player".

I'd never thought

I'd see a 360 no-scope being described in legal terms

well done, Epic games

Literally any online game will lose players

if it gets infested by cheaters

It's statistically proven every time that cheaters drive players away

and for good reasons

No one likes to play with the cheater

It's--it's not fun

their approach to this was to

sue these players

to stop people from cheating

people are saying they're making an example out of these people

both defendants face up to

$150,000 statutory damages

for copyright infringement

Now I've seen arguments on both side of this saying

This is ridiculous

Even by game publisher standards

ban the offenders and move on

if your game is easily broken

it's on you

but then I have the other side of people saying

Good. You know, we don't like cheaters.

They're ruining the game

I'm glad they are striking down on them.

It's a very

Divided topic

and that's what we discuss here on the PewDiePie channel

the thing though that this comment, eh

Isn't taken into account

is that Fortnite is a free-to-play game

You can't just ban the player

They're just gonna make a new an account

and that's what was happening with one of the cheaters

is that they made new accounts over

and over and over and

That's why they finally decided okay.

We need to stop these guys

Now then it came out

through a document sent by the mother of one of the cheaters

that he is

14 year old

there was a plea sent to the jer- uh- judge from the mother who...

People speculate as a lawyer,

and she makes a pretty good case against Epic Games actually

she basically states that Fortnite needs

a legal parents consent for minors

And that she never gave this consent

epic games also claimed that they lost

profit because of cheaters

and that they are to blame for that

But she's saying there's no way you can actually prove that

She says that it's wrong for them to go against the players

instead of the websites

distributing the cheats

and she's also pointing out that her son's name

publicly was mad--was made public

and that's against Delaware laws,

so she makes a pretty good point.


so you might think okay

Well Epic Games, you know they overreacted they--

$150,000 that's just stupid. Okay.

It's a fourteen-year-old kid,

but you go to the...

The fourteen-year-old's channel

And it has quality-quality content



just the finest

there's him

cheating in GTA 5

I pressed y and I flew out of the car and smoothed across the ground

into the bush

alright, alright, say whatever you want

he's not even back

Alright. Yeah. We officially proved that you're the hacker man

How to mod COD BlackOps on Xbox.

storage and then a hover over--

All right now once you booted up guys wanna click on the new authors

And he also made a response video

to the lawsuit which is

It's hard to empathize with the guy.

Yo, what's going on guys, Sky Orbit here

in this video guys

This isn't a modding video, so this is just gonna be talking about my a lawsuit with epic games,

so yeah, uh,

Let's get started


So what happened was I was basically cheating and uh...

The game Fortnite, and I'm pretty sure all of you know this

really good that he just admitted it

Well done!

You know I downloaded a sheet from the internet

unknown cheats taught me--

He promotes the cheating website... *inner facepalm*

fucking hell, this guy's an idiot

Well Fortnite cheats are fucking everywhere

you can get them from any place, anytime, anywhere

now in this lawsuit, Epic games is basically

Saying that I coded a cheat

and I was selling it and

I admitted to me making the cheat

Which I never made that cheat

I never coded the cheat

I never sold the cheat

It was free to public.

you could actually get it on

If you guys know that website is

it's basically just downloading hacks.

It's a free hack

You can get it from anywhere.

So basically he was streaming himself cheating

showing that he was cheating

telling players

Where to download the cheat and how they can cheat as well.

Pretty scumbag thing to do

Epic's response to this was basically

"Epic is not okay with ongoing cheating or copyright infringement from anyone at any age."

I don't really understand

How its copyright infringement eh...

Feel free to educate me on that

there was another legal document filed

From Epic Games where they quote the cheaters saying uh...

"New (Now) method is exposed Epic Eat my ass."

Defendant posted in...

Defendant posted his

Circumvention method to the cheat providers discussion channel

so that other cheaters could use it

and bragged "Now method is exposed."

"Epic eat my ass."

Also one of the other cheaters is

a moderator and member of...

so it doesn't look great for the kid

it really doesn't

I don't think he deserves it think when you're 14

you do a lot of dumb shit and

downloading a cheat

and having your parents having to pay $150,000

that doesn't really seem fair to me

Even if you want to set an example...

I cheated when I was a kid at games

I cheated in tibia where basically the game would play itself

But that felt like I'm--

I'm cheating the the game

not other players

you could argue that it was

but it's different to me in a first-person game

Cuz you're ruining the game for cheating it.

I don't understand why you would

but kids like to do it

uh, but I can't say that I don't understand, why kids don't do it

kids are stupid

I think epic is uh- doing the right thing

to strike down on cheaters.

I absolutely do

but at the same time

I don't think this is gonna stop cheaters.

Strike down on the websites distributing the cheats

focus on having counter measurement

to the cheats.

I'm sure they've already working on that


They own the engine

it shouldn't be impossible

to figure some system out.

There's always gonna be cheaters


this just seems like a whole mess to me

And the kind of case where just everyone loses

The kids parents are gonna lose money and time and effort

and epic games are gonna lose some of their PR

at the end of the day

no one likes a cheater.

I don't like cheaters either

Don't cheat

because cheating is bad

You heard it here first

What do you think?

Leave a comment down below.

Who is right?

Epic Games?

14 year old kid?

Let me know in the comments

and as always...

Don't cheat because your...


Just don't do it

Leave a like. *thumbs up*

For more infomation >> THIS KID IS GETTING SUED *and you'll never guess why* - Duration: 11:24.


Jimmy Kimmel Catches Up with BB-8 - Duration: 3:06.

For more infomation >> Jimmy Kimmel Catches Up with BB-8 - Duration: 3:06.


Here We Come | All-Star 2017 - League of Legends - Duration: 1:31.

Uzi- Hot Hands

Look at Vayne

She turned back! Nice!

Wow, Oh my God

Mystic is down!

brTT- The Comeback Kid

Robo can stop him...

Go brTT! Go Dioud! Double Kill!

There it is! Ace!

Quadrakill brTT!

IgNar- Playmaker

The team's gonna have to meet him on the other side

The cleanse comes out- OH!!!

He's fishing for Nukeduck- OH!!!

Faker- The Demon King




Ziv- Supernova

E and Flash! Oh!

Solokilled Marin! What?!

Slam Dunk kills Lee Sin, hits the Q


Sneaky- The Man, the Meme, the Legend

So much pressure put on Cloud 9, they lose the--

Oh my God he stole the Elder Dragon!

That definitely--

Oh wow! Deadly Flourish! Sneaky!

Levi- The Hitman

Knocked back with Unraveled Earth, but so much damage!

First blood for Levi!

Archie still alive, Stark Flashed

Kill comes from Levi!

Thaldrin- Kaptan

Thaldrin, will he also get the infernal drake? He did!

Fear applied to Thaldrin, Move comes with the flash

Thaldrin still alive!

All-Star 2017 | December 7-10 | Watch at

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