Thứ Ba, 5 tháng 12, 2017

Waching daily Dec 6 2017

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For more infomation >> Quẩy game cùng AnimeVn #8 - Chơi PUBG Mobile tay không giết địch bị hành :(( | Rules of Survival - Duration: 13:12.


BẦU CUA BỊP - Bầu cua bịp trên điện thoại - Hack game bầu cua tôm cá - Duration: 5:08.

For more infomation >> BẦU CUA BỊP - Bầu cua bịp trên điện thoại - Hack game bầu cua tôm cá - Duration: 5:08.


Hacer dietas engorda? Todo engorda - Vegano Vs. Salomon - Duration: 18:58.

For more infomation >> Hacer dietas engorda? Todo engorda - Vegano Vs. Salomon - Duration: 18:58.



yo what is going on guys it is your boy Yogge here and today I'm bringing you

guys another Call of Duty World War 2 video so guys today's gonna be another one of

those stupid videos basically I'm gonna be showing you guys how to open supply

drops and commend people what I having to go to headquarters in call duty World

War 2 is another one of those videos already made a video on this based on

how to you know equip that little outfit you get from their supply drops how to

find all of them and yeah so that helped a lot of you guys out so since then I've

been making videos like this and I realized a really really helpful that's

the main reason why I'm making them but I yeah if you guys are interested in it

stay tuned a video but first we gotta roll that intro alright guys so with the

latest update of Call of Duty Rover - we all know that in order for you to get

into headquarters you gotta press options in a load you in or you have to

press headquarters and they'll load you in and it shows a little multiplayer

logo and stuff like that and to be honest this was a habit of mine so like

I would be in a party with my friends and I'll just click options where I

would feel like I had to go back to the headquarters to open the supply shops

and commend people and basically what happened is obviously imagine you're in

the lobby with one of your friends and he's like oh my go up in the supply

drops clicks options if everybody gets kicked out imagine if you're in a really

really good Lobby with all news right you get you were like 30 and old last

match and then you press options and you get kicked out of that Lobby basically

I'm trying to prevent that from happening to you guys cuz it happened to

me way too many times and there was such a simple solution to it now it is pretty

simple guys is how these videos are but basically what you have to do is in the

bottom right that says supply to us right all you got to do is click it and

once you click it obviously you can see it shows you your supply drops your

zombie your rare zombie and then the quartermaster you can yeah you can even

go to the quartermaster without going into the the headquarter so you can do

whatever you need to right here grab your contracts look at the collection

see if you want anything you could do that alright here you don't need to go

to the headquarters and obviously I'm just gonna show you guys an example

right now so let's say let's say we're in a logger and I'm in here by myself

but usually when you click public match you're not gonna be looking at you know

all of this you're gonna be looking at the lobby so let's say we're in a lobby

right click are to go to the Supply Drop let's see what we get

there we go so it oh it shows a different um it shows the different

little animation to obviously doesn't drop is just you know normal screen

thing like black ops in advanced warfare was what there's a progress with the did

they just open them on screen that's what's exciting obviously cuz it doesn't

drop from the sky but so opening it and getting what you would have gotten even

if you were in headquarters obviously though obviously you're not gonna get a

social score because nobody's watching you so don't expect any of that now guys

to actually commend people you need to be in a lobby with other people

obviously so that's what we're gonna do right now I'm gonna see if I can oh here

we go so I'm gonna lobby right now with nine out of twelve people let's just do

this really quick you've gone somebody's name you move left or right you click X

to where you can see everybody's name I need to discuss before the game starts

click on their name and then right here it says come and play come in there you

guys just come in him now I'm relieved because I don't want to hop into a match

right now and increase my k/d now it's pretty fast but basically what you need

to do is I'll show you guys right here when you click on the person's name and

the lobby automatically goes to this it shows you know their gear and everything

right here I got to save your whatever bullshit you got my car my emblem and

then what you click on their name you can click X and it will give you the

option to commend them so basically basically everything you really need you

don't have to go into headquarters you want to commend people you can just

commend them and obviously they won't know it because you're not a

headquarters they'll know later because it shows that the level went up but this

is just for everybody else to know so you guys can commend other people that's

just a little thing that I really wanted to show you guys as well because I'll be

commanding people and they don't know cuz they don't know how to do it

hopefully just shows you guys how to do it maybe I'll make a separate video on

it so people get more attracted to it but yeah the main video will show you

how to open supply drops so guys that's basically it for the video hopefully

this helped you out again it's a really really small stuff but I was surprised

when I figured this out when one of my friends was like what you could command

people tug on headquarters and yeah obviously supply dress I've been no

that's just a beta but you know nobody really does that we all go to

headquarters but obviously since the update we need to find out different

ways to do it anyways guys hope you guys enjoyed if you guys see my shows you

like if the videos I make next a latina yeah

you like it better than the last bitch touch me there so last Hey

worked on like fast-track choking on their rape a choking no niggas are all

iced mochas up we don't see no Bob bricks you know where my block it

I hate when niggas try to hit hard like in the bitch the lanham up is really

their hurt I got famous but nig I still got her we photos resting

For more infomation >> COD WW2 HOW TO COMMEND PLAYERS and OPEN SUPPLY DROPS IN LOBBY - Duration: 4:50.


Obama Gives World Leaders Sick Islamic Ultimatum 24Hrs After Trump's Travel Ban Went Into Effect. - Duration: 4:54.

Obama Gives World Leaders Sick Islamic Ultimatum 24Hrs After Trump's Travel Ban Went Into


Over the past couple of weeks, Obama's Asian tour has been underway, where he's been

going around holding diplomatic meetings with world leaders as a civilian, which is a direct

violation of the Logan Act and a very serious federal crime.

Obama was first suspiciously seen with President Xi Jinping of China, where he then made his

way to France and India, claiming that the United States is suffering from a "temporary

absence of American leadership."

As Obama tries yet again to take over as president with his illegal antics, he then slipped a

highly-disturbing demand into each of his speeches, proving once again that this man's

man mission in life is to further the religion of Islam.

Throughout Obama's presidency, he made it blatantly clear whose side he was on when

it came to radical Islam.

Obama's pandering antics would kick into high gear whenever there was a terror attack,

as he'd use his platform to lecture Americans to not act like bigots, while refusing to

even mention the word "Islam" or "Muslim" when speaking of the perpetrators.

Obama's long list of treason is too numerous to list, but included changing our military's

Rules Of Engagement, making it virtually impossible for our military troops to defend themselves

against Muslim terrorists, leading to the loss of countless American troops.

So it should come as no surprise that while Obama is parading around breaking federal

law in an attempt to overthrow Trump, that he'd return to the heart and core of his

presidency, which was furthering the mission of Islam.

During his stop in India, a country currently being ripped apart by radical Islam, Obama

took the stage and demanded that India's leadership "cherish and nurture" its Muslim

population, demanding that the country show "religious tolerance" for the very people

who are constantly attacking them.

From Economic Times:

India needs to "cherish and nurture" its Muslim population, which is integrated and

considers itself Indian, former US president Barack Obama has said.

It is an idea that needs to be "reinforced," he emphasized at an event of a media organisation

in New Delhi on Friday.

Obama said he emphasized the need for religious tolerance and the right to practice one's

own faith during closed door talks with PM Modi during his last trip to India in 2015.

Obama then went on an unhinged rant about Europe and the United States and these countries'

treatment of Muslims, where he said that Muslims are being exploited treated with "old tribal

impulses., ignoring the countless victims of Islamic terror due to his treasonous political

antics as president.

"There's a counter narrative taking place, at all times, but it's particularly pronounced

now," Obama began.

"You are seeing it in Europe, you are seeing it in the United States and something."

This level of cockiness is startling, even for Barack Hussein Obama.

Not only is he violating federal law by meeting with foreign diplomats as a civilian, but

he now has the balls to lecture the world on their treatment of Muslims in a time in

history where countless countries are suffering the devastating consequences of radical Islam.

Now that Obama's no longer plotting to dismantle America from the Oval Office, he's using

these world tours to try and gain back the power and influence he held as president,

where a former UN official revealed earlier this week that Obama is leading an active

and historic coup against President Trump.

While Obama's "Bash Trump World Tour" seems to be motivated out of his obsessive

jealousy of Trump holding the office he once had, former United Nations Ambassador John

Bolton revealed that there's something far more malicious at play, as he believes that

Obama is actively trying to overthrow Trump's Administration, and isn't hesitating to

break federal law to do it.

The Gateway Pundit reported:

Lou Dobbs and Ambassador Bolton discussed the latest developments in the Mueller witch

hunt and Barack Obama's latest tour across Asia to attack sitting President Trump.

"…this is the first coup d'état in American History," Bolton stated.

"It's a mini coup d'état but it goes right along with the idea that they (liberals)

should have won the election..They are trying to prove the administration is illegitimate.

With President Trump bombing the crap out of ISIS on a daily basis, unveiling new military

weaponry to decimate terrorists, and Trump ending the ISIS invasion of our country with

his recent travel ban, Obama is frantic to get his Muslim minions back on track for world


Now it makes perfect sense why Obama is pulling out all the stops to shut down Trump, where

he's even resorting to breaking federal law to get the job done.

Even though Obama is out of office, it's more important than ever to keep a close eye

on this treasonous clown, as he will not stop until his agenda for destroying America and

the West is fulfilled.

What do you think about this?

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For more infomation >> Obama Gives World Leaders Sick Islamic Ultimatum 24Hrs After Trump's Travel Ban Went Into Effect. - Duration: 4:54.


DAY6 "I like you(좋아합니다)" M/V - Duration: 4:15.

The days that go as my will

There weren't many

Actually, many didn't go the way I'd like

Feels like today might be one of them

It's concerning me

After I say this

I'm not sure if we can

Face each other again, smiling

Go back to what we were, I don't know

But still, I have to say this


I like you

I tried to hold it down

But I can't do this anymore

Took me a long time

To say this

I want to love


Your eyes are shaking

They're shaking my heart also

When this passes

I'm not sure if we can

Go back to the time

When we were casual

I don't know

Still, I have to say this


I like you

I tried to hold it down

But I can't do this anymore

Took me a long time

To say this

I want to love you

I've been crushing on you

Like this

But if you're not like me

Just say "I'm sorry"

That's what you all gotta do

I'll be fine

I like you

I tried to hold it down

But I can't do this anymore

Took me a long time

To say this

I want to love


For more infomation >> DAY6 "I like you(좋아합니다)" M/V - Duration: 4:15.


أغنية الحياة امل مع الكلمات تجعلك تذهب بعيداً بخيالك #امل_تألق_وارتقى - Duration: 4:14.

translate to English

Hope sparkles and rises

Such stars, it flies

In the middle of heart, it rend in blues

Hope sparkles and rises

Such stars, it flies

In the middle of heart, it rend in blues

I was alone in the path

In sorrow as prisoner I lived

Until I saw the flowers blossom here

Toward it, I ran

Its perfume, I breath

And my grief break, I felt

But my day didn't last long

Because Night appeared in the airs

And clouds covered everything in the range

I lower my head in despair

I sat and cried

Until breeze came to console me

I heard him says to me

Clouds will absolutely drive away

And sun in heart of darkness will win

Listen my advice and don't weary

Success is a working faith

Be confident of yourself and don't afraid

Don't say it's impossible

Or that's a fiction

Be steadfast and strong as the mountains

I look at the sky

I sank into this space

The clouds gone and show me the moon

Around him, stars appeared

I began with his love

He sparkles to me in shine and smiled

I felt safe in myself

I heard the violin tune

And time stopped for a moment

So I knew that our lives

Is just some of wishes

Built in our hearts like sentences

To achieve it , we need

Heart hopes, we repeat

Until our lives become a big day

To achieve it , we need

Heart hopes, we repeat

Until our lives become a big day

Hope sparkles and rises

Such stars, it flies

In the middle of heart, it rend in blues

For more infomation >> أغنية الحياة امل مع الكلمات تجعلك تذهب بعيداً بخيالك #امل_تألق_وارتقى - Duration: 4:14.


How to hack the game "Forge of Empires" - Duration: 1:17.

Add diamonds

To subscribe to the channel and the first learn about new hacks

For more infomation >> How to hack the game "Forge of Empires" - Duration: 1:17.


이달의소녀탐구 #229 (LOONA TV #229) - Duration: 0:55.

HaSeul: How about making a new name for us?

HaSeul: Like YeoSeul~ (YeoJin X HaSeul) HeeJin: HeeSeul?

HaSeul: HaJin? HeeJin: But HaJin's 'Jin' could mean HyunJin's name.

(If so...?) HaSeul:Right...

HeeJin: HaHee…

(For now, they decide to call themselves 'HaHee'!)

(HaHee trying to wear a cap, looks like a twin!)

HaSeul: Do I look like a painter?

(HaSeul is doing art on HeeJin's face like a real painter!)

(HaSeul is doing art on HeeJin's face like a real painter!) HaSeul: Hey, hold it~

(It looks so itchy...doesn't it?)

(Anyway, don't forget that you're watching Yves' photo shooting...)

HaSeul: Now Yves is doing a photo shoot, right?

HaSeul: And I've guessed like... HeeJin: Guess what?

HaSeul: why did her photo shooting start too late?

HeeJin: You mean 'late at night'? HaSeul: Yes!

HaSeul: She wore a white dress like a swan when she had a photo shooting last time.

HaSeul: At that time, bright outside!

HaSeul: But now, dark outside!

(LOONAVERSE which makes even members try to reason!) HeeJin: Oh~ there's something~ HaSeul: Coexistence between days and nights~

HaSeul: (Although she doesn't know what it is) Please looking forward to it!

(But.. what is this?) HaSeul: And we should leave now, right?

HaSeul: Oh! It's moving~

(LOOΠΔ TV PD is making the special wave effect...) HaSeul: It's moving!

For more infomation >> 이달의소녀탐구 #229 (LOONA TV #229) - Duration: 0:55.


Boulet Brothers DRAGULA Season Two: Episode Six - Duration: 50:16.

(eerie music)

(owl hooting)

(wolf howling)

- [Swanthula] Previously on Dragula.

- Hello, uglies.


- We want you to channel a scream queen.

(energetic rock music)

- You're taking time from us

when you're not prepared and ready for this competition.

Get your shit together.

- I will.

- Tonight, our ghouls are going to star

in their very own horror movie.

- Oh, oh! (screaming)

(laughing maniacally) (gasping)

- He's murdering my pussy!

- One of you really nailed it, and that is Biqtch Puddin'.


We want to know if any of you are rotten little liars,

and each of you are gonna take

those lie detector tests right now.

- Oh, bitch!

- Have you truly forgiven Biqtch?

- Yes.

- [Lie Detector Technician] She showed deception.

(energetic rock music)

(tense music)

(lively electronic music)

- [Dracmorda] Extend your arms as far as you can,

and make a big swinging ax movement.

That's right,

chop, chop, chop their heads off.

Chop, chop, and feel the burn in those biceps.

Now get those knives up, ladies.

Stab to the left.


Now stab to the right.

Back to the left.

Stab, stab, stab

and stab.

Stab, stab, stab,

and stab.

Now, kick, kick,

kick in all their ugly little faces.

Now bring your hands together in front of you

in a choking motion.

Hold this pose and squeeze your hands together

like you're crushing someone's throat.

That's it, good job.

Now we're going to run in place.

Pretend you just burned your enemy's house down

and you're just casually running from the cops.

Let's get that heart rate up and escape justice

all at the same time.

- That was a great warmup.

- Let's get to it.

- Let's get to it.

(energetic electronic music)

You know what's sad?

I mean, it's like no matter what we do for these girls,

they will never, ever be as fit and as beautiful as we are.

- God, I know, they're especially ugly this year.

You know, Abhora and Disasterina actually have

a little bit of hope, but James,

her face could stop a fuckin' train.

- And Biqtch, I mean, that snout of hers, it is a nightmare,

and not in a good way.

- They're so hideous, none of 'em are ever gonna get

a boyfriend, I'm telling you.

You know, Abhora even made one up.

- No! - Yes, she did.

She's all, "Oh, my boyfriend did this and that!"

Total fabrication.

- Sherry, no!

- [Dracmorda] Mm-hmm!

- Oh, that is sad.

(energetic music)

You know,

even though they are ugly and they deserve to be alone,

I feel kinda bad for them.

Like, I wanna do something nice,

make them feel pretty, or something,

even if it's, like, only for an hour.

- I've got it.

Let's give them a make-believe wedding.

- Oh, what a great idea, I love it,

with a cake and the gown and everything.

- No photographer.

I don't wanna damage any equipment.

(energetic music)

- Israel, get your fat ass over here!

Bring me that phone.

We have a wedding to plan. (laughs)

♪ Drag

♪ Filth

♪ Horror

♪ Glamour

♪ Dragula

♪ She's a killer

♪ Queen, Dragula

♪ She'll make you

♪ Scream

♪ Drag, drag, drag, drag, Dragula ♪

The winner of Dragula receives a cash prize of $10,000,

courtesy of, and the title of Dragula,

the World's Next Drag Supermonster.

♪ Drag, drag, drag, drag, Dragula ♪

(woman screaming)

("Wedding March")

- It's so-- - It was a lot this week.

I don't know-- - Crazy.

- [James] They put us through it last week

in the middle of the woods.

- I'm just sad they didn't give us a cup of tea with the T,

you know what I mean?

I really coulda used some--

- Wanna talk about some T?

They said we weren't fishy.

- I know.

- I thought we were pretty fishy last week.

But speaking of fishy, I'm pretty sure

it had to have been Abhora that went home.

- It seemed like she was on the outs there.

- Yeah.

- She was caught in a deception.

- I know! - But then again, I feel

Erika didn't transform all the way.

Like, Abhora totally broke down the character.

- Abhora was a new person,

but Erika was just herself toned down.

She wasn't fishy at all.

- Yeah. - That's the thing.

- So it definitely is down between them two.

Victoria was there for the good old ride, I feel, honestly.

- She'll be here.

- Right, she'll light herself on fire again.

- I'm gonna put you on the lie detector.


Who were you hoping went home?

- Just based on energy in the room,

'cause I'm all about having a good time,

and it's not just because of her coming at me earlier,

it's just, honestly, Abhora.

- But that polygraph was so intense.

That room, everybody was on edge.

- Oh!

- Oh, look at Vicky!

- Look what the cat dragged in.

- Well, we knew-- - How are you?

- Hey, baby, welcome back.

We missed you. - How are you?

Missed you, ghoul.

- Give me a hug.

- We were expecting to see you.

- Oh, yeah?

- Yeah. - Yeah, for sure.

- Still, I was nervous as shit.

- But you came out of your box, they loved that.

They were waiting for that.

- And you were a woman.

- I felt good about last week's performance, so.

- So, do you think it was Abhora or Erika?

Who do you think it's gonna be?

- I really think it's Abhora.

I really feel like it's her.

The only thing that Erika said that was iffy

is the fact that they were like,

"Do you think you're gonna win this?"

And she said no, so,

that could be the one thing.

- I mean, if you don't think you can win,

you shouldn't be here. - Right.

- That's it, if you don't think you're gonna win this,

why are you here?

- Whoa!

- Oh, shit!

- Oh, my god!

- Oh, I guess it really does pay to lie.

Very unexpected.

I was disappointed not to see Erika return.

I thought she deserved another chance

when Abhora's been given so many.

- My video game sistah is gone, and Abhora's still here.

It's bittersweet, I'm sad to see Erika go,

but I'm excited what Abhora's gonna bring this week.

- Yeah, I was just as surprised as you are.

- So how are you feeling?

- When I got the call to come back,

I fell to the floor.

Like, I couldn't believe that they were

gonna give me another second chance.

I ran it over and over in my head,

and it just made more sense for Erika to stay.

I had packed up in my mind,

and then I just got that call and immediately,

right back into work.

So, moving forward, just the same fire as I came in,

but not with all the nasty, negative--

- Good, and no more fish, 'cause--

- (laughs) What do you mean?

I was so pretty!

- (gasps) Oh! - What?

- [Biqtch] Oh, my god.

- [Abhora] Yay!

- [Biqtch] Oh, hello!

- Hello, uglies.

- Hi. - Hello.

- Can you believe it?

You have made it halfway through!

- Yay!

- And as promised, girls, all of the pain and the torture

and the suffering is worth it.

I mean, honestly, for a couple of you,

we never would have guessed you could make it this far,

but you're all slaying, so congratulations.

- Let's move on to your challenge this week.

As you know, it's your gothic wedding challenge.

(shrieking) (clapping)

Tonight, you are going to be wed in the most gothic,

emo, and depressing wedding of the century,

and unlucky you, you are the bride.

- Yay!

- Now, we've challenged you to give us

your most gorgeous and glamorous gothic bride look,

and model it for us during the floor show.

You will also have to prepare a lip sync performance

to one of our favorite tracks from the Switchblade Symphony.

If you plan on taking one more step

toward the Dragula crown,

you need to be able to perform on stage.

This is the perfect opportunity to show us

that you can put on a killer show.

- Now, before we release you to finish your outfits up,

there is one surprise we have planned for you today.

It's come to our attention that maybe

one of our girls was cut too early.

(gasping) (tense music)

- Oh, shit.

- Oh, no.

- Maybe she didn't get a fair deal.

(tense music)

And we're going to bring her back right now.


- What?

- Dahli?


Please step forward.



- Shut up!

- I hate this bitch.

- Just kidding, she's not coming back!

She's dead, no worries.


- She is so dead!

- Oh, my god, did you see the way I hit her with that?

Anyways, look, it's just a little joke, okay?

She's not coming back.


- Oh, never mind, no, I'm sorry,

but there is a surprise.

Our hot, sexy friends at Dirt Squirrel

have given us all of these fabulous fans to play with.

(dramatic organ music)

And we thought what gothic bride would be complete

without an equally gothic hand fan to cool herself

during the ceremony?

So additionally, you have to customize

your Dirt Squirrel fan, match it to your floor show look,

and feature it on the runway.

- All right, girls, it's time to get

sad, lonely, and depressed.

- Run along, work on those bridal looks, and remember,

bring us the darkest beauty you can conjure.

(ominous music)

(tense screeching music) (static crackling)

(tense music)

- Oh, damn!

OCC fucked my face up good!

Look at this sparkle!

- [Victoria] Yas!

- Congrats, ladies, on making it this far, shit!

- Congrats yourself.

- Dude, they almost gagged me with the Dahli comeback.

I was shook!

- I got real queasy.

- Yeah. - It's true.

- I mean, she should come back, some people should go.

- I agree. - I was shooketh.

- I was ready to die,

just to fall flat face on the floor and die.

- Yeah, but I could tell who was really shook was Victoria.

- Why? - Why do you say that?

- Well, 'cause you guys, you know,

you had that thing happen on the lie detector.

Anything else you wanna get off your chest, any details?

- I mean, quite frankly, it's none of your fucking business

what I do behind closed doors.

It's not fair everyone's asking me about my sex life.

It's none of their damn business.

I didn't see you being fully open

with saying what you did with Erika, so why should I?

- I was open.

- You were deceptive twice, it said.

And you're calling her out for being deceptive once?

Where do you have the room to speak?

- 'Cause, like, everything came out in the end.

- I'm a big girl, I can take it.

- I mean, protecting people's feelings is--

- No, no, what is it?


what did Erika say?

You're petty and you're tacky and your makeup is awful.

Nothing changed.

- So, like, I'm kinda curious,

you know, with the lie detector situation.

What's the T on that?

- These tests, they're not 100%.

- I mean, as far as we know, it's correct.

You could be lying to us right now.

We don't know if you're lying or not.

- I don't know if I was, like, second-guessing myself,

or it was a weird question, or if it was, like--

- Well, here, that's a fuckin' machine,

and you're a human being,

and we have to interact with each other,

so if you say it, then that's the thing,

like, you've forgiven me. - But you did mention

that you lied to protect Erika.

- Yeah.

- So, the machine wasn't wrong.

- [Victoria] And they use it in the CIA, so, like.

- And they only use the finger thing in the CIA,

not the whole three system, so.

- I forget the whole spiel, but--

- Yeah, girl, yeah.

I mean, come on, you could try to lie,

but when it's clear, it's clear.

- I'mma take Abhora's word on this, like, we're cool.

I'm not gonna trust some polygraph machine.

- No, I wasn't lying, Biqtch.

Really, I just wanted to make sure

that you were giving your best,

and not in an environment where there's this nasty energy

in one side of the room.

- Yeah. - Speak for yourself.

- 'Cause it goes both ways. - Yeah, speaking for yourself

you have a really negative energy,

and you haven't been providing your best to the show either,

so who are you there to parent someone

when you can't even take care of yourself?

- It sounds like you're reading from your own diary.

- Yeah, well, you know,

I feel like I'm back to a good balance.

That may change next week.

- I mean, we're halfway done.

If it's not changed by now, will it ever?

- Uh--

- You've gotten lucky.

I think you've gotten lucky that you're still here.

You're not gonna win Dragula.

- I'm giving my 110.

- What is 110 to you?

- Not checking my Instagram all the time, instead of--

- Okay, so us not sleeping for two days

to make our costumes, and then you throwing on

this prom dress that you spray painted

and wrote love's a lie on the back of it,

and it looks like (grunts) is trying?

- Yeah.

- Okay, well, try harder.

I was having it with Abhora's negativity today.

I was done, I did not wanna hear it anymore.

If you can't speak in a positive way about yourself,

shut the fuck up!

- Let it go, James, I get it.

I'm working on it.

I know that I'm not perfect, but I'm working on it.

- Disasterina, how you feel about this week, girl?

You lookin' cute--

- Yeah, you were top three last week.

Good job, Disaster!

- Well, I'm feeling, actually,

I think I have a good outfit, but it was just so tough

this week, just getting the performance down.

So I'm a little nervous and,

so, I'm gonna wing part of it to see how it goes.

- Hey, winging it is part of giving a good performance,

it's like improv skills.

I love Disasterina,

but I think she might be in trouble this week.

(tense music)

By the way,

Erika left me a note.

- Oh, really?

- It's not that kinda note, okay?

- Well, read it.


- Hi, ladies!

Unfortunately, this bottom was not able to reach the top.


Terrible. (laughs)

But I am so proud of all of you for making top five.

I learned and grew so much from each of you,

and you are not ready for the monstrosity I am bringing

into the real world.

Some advice for each of you, oh, god.

- Oh, no. - Yes!

- [Disasterina] Crumple it up now.

- I don't wanna hear a loser's advice. (laughs)

- We can all use advice.

- Vicky, you are my pick to win.

- [James] Oh, okay, well, except that advice.

- It's Vicky's pick to win too.

Don't be afraid to speak your mind.


- Yes?

- You are so smart.

Stay true to yourself. - Hmm?

- Yeah, that's kinda bogus, right?

- [Disasterina] What does that mean?

- James-- - It was that short?

- Yeah, just bye. (laughs)

- Okay, I work on it, Erika.

- Okay. (cackles)

James, you crafty bitch.

- Oh, thank you!

- Make sure the judges can see your humility

even more. - I'm so humble, always.

I'm the humblest.

- I'm the most humble!

- I'm the most humble.

I miss her, but I was a little shook when they asked her

if she was actually attracted,

sexually attracted to anyone in her family

during that lie detector test.

- Bitch, aren't you the one that has a rumor

about sleeping with your brother?

- I don't fuck my brother.

He fucks me. (laughs)

It's just a rumor, but we made it up ourselves.

We both have the same last name legally,

and we're best friends,

so we fucked with all the trolls online

and made them think that we sleep together.

- So he's not your actual brother?

- No, we've never even fucked, not once.

- Well, that's disappointing.

- Biqtch, you are filth personified.


Not today, but--

- Maybe.

- Make sure you give them even more glamour.


- I don't need anymore.

- Want me to read that one?

- I got it.

- Can you handle it,

emotionally? - Yeah.

Yeah, let me just get my tissues.

- Okay.

- Abhora, I am rooting for you so much.

Although I wanted to be in your shoes,

I know you're going to kill this next challenge.

Everything I said to you last week, it was all with love

because you're my sister forever.

Let everything that happened last week drive you forward

and channel it into becoming a better monster.

- [James] Aw!

- Love and hate you all so much,

(laughs) Erika Klash.

(sighs) I cannot believe

Erika went home over me.

If I don't win this challenge, I'm out.

This is it.

It's do or die.

You know what?

This competition

is not worth throwing away our friendship.

- (sighs) I mean, it was rocky before this, for sure.

- It was, but I've eliminated a lot of things in my life

that made it rocky.

- Well, I'm glad you finally came around.

It's nice to know that knocking on the door wasn't--.

- Again and again and again. - A waste of time.

- I don't believe Abhora's come around.

It's hard to believe anything you say.

It's hard to trust anything you say.

It's hard to call you a sister 'cause I don't think

you're actually a sister.

- When you speak, it sounds like you're trying

to convince yourself of whatever you're speaking of.

And it's just like, I can't believe it.

- I want to see positive Abhora.

- I am, I'm bringing that back.

- Okay.

- And if you don't believe it, it's just because, like,

you're too busy to--

- It's true. - Sit down and

be my friend.

- Oh, oh, I have been more than

a friend to you, Abhora. - Okay, you've been my friend.

- I have given you so many pep talks

and so many inspirational things to tell you

and help you with yourself-- - Yes, yes, I--

- Being where you are in your life,

you should have more of your shit together,

but I have been a friend to you.

I've been a big fucking friend to you,

and for you to say that is so ungrateful!

Petty, and you're tacky, and she was right.

- I didn't mean that to come out like that.

It just hurts me when you say, like--

- The truth?

- Yeah. - Yeah.

(tense music)


- I don't know what to say because I know exactly

how it is to feel in your shoes.

They attacked me from the jump,

but they didn't know who I was.

- You wanna know what?

You know why we attacked you?

I feel awful about this, but it's all because of Abhora.

We all jumped on you because she told us

all this shit, all these awful things about you.

Then, getting to know you,

it was almost a complete switch in stories.

Like, she made us think you were a piece of shit.

My point is we came at you not knowing you,

and not understanding who you are,

but we're coming at you, Abhora, knowing you.

By now, the shit that we're telling you

should get across to you.

I am so sorry I was so rude to you, Biqtch.

I'm so sorry I was so mean to you,

'cause I fuckin' love you.

You're an amazing person, and you're amazing too.

Just start showing it. (snapping fingers)

- Yeah.


- Well, these young queens,

they got to keep their eyes on the balls

because they are losing track of the important thing here,

which is this could be a whole career for everybody, right?

I mean, all this arguing and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah,

who cares about it?

Focus on the important thing which is do the best you can

as a queen on this show.

It gonna take you really far.

All this drama, it goes over my head, I don't understand it.

I mean, I've got a little age on me,

and that's a little wisdom and a little experience,

and you all are

missing the big picture here.

I mean, it took me long time to get to this sort of place.

I just don't fucking care who is saying what about who,

and my advice, my unsolicited advice is shut the fuck up

and put the fucking makeup on,

put your fucking pantyhose on,

go out there and fucking slay,

but don't do better than me.


(dramatic tense music)

- Tonight, we join our ghouls in unholy matrimony

as they walk the floor show in our gothic wedding challenge.

- Additionally, we've challenged our killer queens

to prepare a lip sync performance

to one of our favorite songs by the Switchblade Symphony,

and to feature a customized hand fan

provided by our sexy friends at Dirt Squirrel.

(melancholic music)

- I am


- Darling, what's wrong?

(melancholic music builds)

- I am utterly


- No, you're not!

We have these fabulous guest judges here to keep you company

and help us judge this floor show,

including one of our best ghoulfriends,

screenwriter and director, Mr. Darren Stein.

Hello, Darren, so lovely to have you back.

- Lovely to be here.

- And our second guest judge of the evening,

she puts the hole in holy, BibleGirl.

- Hey, ghoulfriends.

- BibleGirl, you are a genius at marketing drag queens.

What are you looking for tonight

in our next Drag Supermonster?

- What I'm looking for is a goddamn bitch

who can sell a motherfuckin' T-shirt.


- Well, I hope our bitches can deliver,

'cause I'm sure this performance is just gonna be a mess.

Let's get on with the ceremony.

- Everybody, take your places.

Let's start the organ,

and let the floor show begin.

(tense screeching music) (static crackling)

(somber music with haunting vocals)

("Gutter Glitter" by Switchblade Symphony)

♪ Iridescent eyes of the seahorse rise ♪

♪ Treasure she loves, others despise ♪

♪ A shooting star shan't fall very far ♪

♪ Dim fireflies held in glass jars ♪

♪ April showers bring May flowers ♪

♪ Dazzling dust tossed in wind gusts ♪

♪ The trap door is open, the window half closed ♪

♪ The tapestry curtain vivaciously blows ♪

♪ London Bridge did fall down

♪ My fair lady nearly drowned

♪ What is the reason to lock her up ♪

♪ When already, she had such rotten luck ♪

♪ Bracelets of silver adorn my wrists ♪

♪ Candy kisses from sugar lips

♪ Candy

♪ Kisses me

♪ Kisses me

♪ The London Bridge did fall

♪ Down

♪ My fair lady nearly

♪ Drowned, my fair lady

♪ The London Bridge did fall

♪ Down

♪ My fair lady nearly

♪ Drowned

♪ London Bridge is falling down ♪

♪ Falling down

♪ Falling down

♪ London Bridge is falling down ♪

♪ My fair lady

♪ Take the key and lock her up

♪ Lock her up

♪ Lock her up

♪ Take the key and lock her up

♪ My fair lady

(tense music)

(fire crackling)

(bell ringing boldly)

(tense screeching music) (static crackling)

Well, that was one hell of a floor show,

wouldn't you guys agree?

- Yeah, somethin' else. - Completely stunning.

- I am feeling all kinds of ways about it,

so I really wanna hear what you guys have to say.

Why don't we start with Abhora?

- [BibleGirl] She certainly seemed like

she had the most fun.

- Did you love it or did you hate it?

- No, I loved it.

- I loved it too.

I thought she was not only gothic, but really punk rock,

and it was kind of like scraggly and a mess,

but that's what drew me right to it.

- Yeah.

- Yeah, execution-wise,

I thought she wasn't as sophisticated as the other girls.

I loved the look and everything,

but I was like, well, what's the story here?

- I felt like it was a mess,

but I know that you guys really reacted

to the punk rock spirit of it, which I appreciate,

but you can be punk rock and still be tight.

So, I'm totally confused.

- Let's talk about Victoria.

- Victoria brought it for me.

It was like high fashion editorial.

She gave me everything I needed.

I was completely, thoroughly gagged.

- She got too in her head.

She missed a lip sync cue, which I think set the tone

for her at the beginning.

Could have been even as deep as being so sub-conscious

that she may not have even realized

that she came off so in her head.

- You know, it wasn't the best lip sync performance

I've ever seen, but at the same time,

I've seen her grow a lot since the first episode.

What did you guys think about James Majesty?

- [BibleGirl] Everything was perfect, but there was no fan.

- Mm-hmm. - Bingo.

- And that was one of the criteria

of this challenge. - There was no fan.

- I mean, I thought she looked amazing.

She was the poison bouquet.

I saw poppies and nightshade in James Majesty.

She was the poison death flower,

but too bad she didn't have a fuckin' fan.

Let's move on to Disasterina.

Once I was beyond the look,

I thought the performance was dull.

Even though she had every prop you could imagine

that would link to that song, it was very literal,

and it was very boring.

- Everything was happening, it needed some editing.

- She's gotten that critique before, like, edit, edit, edit.

She's got lots of ideas and it's usually, maybe,

a few too many.

- What did you guys think about Biqtch Puddin'?

- [Darren] The fan was pretty, the shoes were embellished,

they matched the lacy outfit.

- Ooh, you know Darren's gonna clock the shoes,

(mumbles) clock those shoes.

- I loved it.

When Biqtch Puddin' snapped her cape, that was drama.

- Agreed. - Agreed.

- Total drama.

- Okay, my two favorites, without a doubt,

were Biqtch Puddin' and Abhora.

- Again, with Abhora, I understand the punk rock energy.

You can be punk rock and not be a sloppy mess

that kicks your props all over the place.

At this point, how are we gonna pick a supermonster

that can't walk on a stage without falling down?

I mean that's ridiculous.

- [Swanthula] That's actually not true,

I don't agree with that at all. (laughs)

- Oh, really?

You think we should pick someone that can't stand up?

- No, I think you can fall all over the stage,

put it back together, and have people riveted

by the end of their chair,

wondering what the fuck is this bitch gonna do next--

- You can fall on purpose, but not accidentally

flipping all over your clothes and shit, that's silly.

- I think she recovered strongly, though.

- Yeah, Abhora had my eyes on her the entire time,

not because I was curious about what she was gonna do,

because I could not take my eyes off of her.

- But guess what, her face was white and her shoulders

and her upper body were pink.

Isn't that sort of a drag no-no?

- I don't know.

- Never stopped me from havin' an orange face

and a paleass body.


- All right, you guys, thank you so much for watching this

and judging this.

You guys were so fun last year,

it was a pleasure having you back.

- Awesome. - Oh, my god,

the pleasure's all mine.

- I need you guys to sharpen your nails

and get your knives ready 'cause you're gonna have to

shank a bitch in about five minutes, okay?

- [BibleGirl] Down!

- It's time to pass judgment.

(suspenseful music)

(tense screeching music) (static crackling)

(tense music)

- I have to say that this has been

the most difficult deliberation to date from either season.

It was very polarizing and so that you know right now,

right out of the gate, all of the judges did not agree,

but we had to make a decision, and we have.

So we're gonna go down the line

and give you guys some feedback,

some positive and some negative,

and we're gonna start with James.

- I was very happy with what you did,

but what I wasn't happy with is that your fan

did not manifest itself.

- It was there.

So, I had this brilliant idea of making it

so I could hide it in my costume,

but unfortunately, it hid too well for me.

It was just hiding.

- I understand, things like that happen,

but since that was a big part of the challenge,

that was a big no-no.

- I think you took a risk.

It wasn't the goth glamour I was looking for.

I think your makeup is sickening.

I mean, if it was judged by looks alone,

I mean, you would score one of the highest marks.

- I mean, I really, really love this look.

It just feels very organically you.

It doesn't feel like the garment

is wearing you by any means.

- I feel the most me right now

than I have the whole competition.

- Oh, that's great.

- I mean, it's all so perfect, the details are great.

It's so elaborate, and then we look at your heels,

and they're, like, scuffed up and dirty.

- Well, that's from this floor.

- Wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute!

- Yeah.

- Why is Biqtch Puddin's not scuffed up?


- I tried, I think--

- [Darren] It's okay, I mean, that's just a detail.

- Look, we can blame it on losing it in the cage skirt,

we can blame it on the dirty floor,

but these are things you have to look out for.

You get one shot at this,

and you either hit the target or you miss.

- Absolutely.

- Let's move on to Victoria Elizabeth Black.

- To me, this was like my goth fantasy.

I was in heaven or hell.

It was perfection.

- I saw you trembling, and I hate that

because I know what that feels like, and it'll go away.

You still, as a performer, you have grown

since you've been in the competition, which is great.

- Engagement with the audience, maybe, just a bit more.

I think maybe you were in your head

trying to catch your steps,

or making sure you weren't gonna eat shit,

which is totally understandable,

but I think eye contact a little bit.

- I found that you missed some of the lip sync.

Some of the words were just lost,

and I think it was just,

you were a little off for me tonight.

- It seems that the judges loved my outfit,

but I feel like my performance was lacking for them.

- Abhora, you were terrifying, which I loved.

The feathers, I was sort of like

what's happening with the feathers?

But yeah, it's a bird that's maybe died or injured.

- Abhora, how did you think your performance went tonight?

- I think that the performance was the strongest part.

It may have been a little sloppy,

but in Dragula, that's just how you get the job done.

- What I'm confused about is I can appreciate

the raw punk energy of what you were doing,

but there was a lot of mishaps, it seemed like,

or maybe there weren't, I don't know.

That's why I'm asking you.

Did you intend for your sign to be upside-down?

- No.

- No, and you didn't intend to fall either, right?

- No.

- Right, so,

that's where I have a problem.

How can I say yes, let's put this person forward

and make them our supermonster when they're falling on stage

and their props are backfiring and stuff?

- While I respect everything that Dracmorda just said,

I couldn't disagree more.

Your performance slayed me from moment one.

You are super punk rock and gothic.

I could not take my eyes off of you.

You're a hotass mess and I'm buying the ticket to your show

because I love it.

Your energy is electric, you're like a wild-fucking-animal,

and I'm there for you.

- I'm with her!

(Abhora cackling)

I think you are so cool, so punk.

The upside-down sign, it still came across just fine.

- For me, it was like, I'm sorry,

I don't mean to interrupt you,

but we talked about the upside-down thing.

It's like, did she mean that, did she mean that?

And it was like, who fuckin' cares?

- Personally, I think an audience would care

if your sign is upside-down.

I thought you got scared

and you were gonna fall off the stage.


I thought you were terrified,

I thought you were second-guessing yourself,

and I really thought you were gonna fall off the stage.

I don't know, that's just how I read it.

But, like, you know, we all have opinions, right?

- Yes, we do, that's why there's more than one judge.

Okay, let's move to Disasterina.

Disasterina, I did not think you could look this gorgeous.

If anything, the performance was a little boring.

I felt that maybe you got caught up in the props,

and they kind of dictated your entire energy.

- You know, your lip sync was a little not perfect,

I guess I would say.

Yeah, and I just think it was maybe not as interesting

as things I've seen you do before.

- For me, it veers a little bit into Renaissance Faire.

I mean, there's a lot going on.

It's kind of Purple People Eater-esque.

You have the horns, you have the keys,

you have the butterfly, you have lights in the back.

I mean, there's, like, a lot going on.

- I've got 85 hit points.


Don't mess with me.

(Biqtch shrieking)

Level nine, level nine.

- Bitch!

- Let's see if she can make that saving throw tonight.

- I like her off-hand weapon.

I like her main hand weapon. - It's gorgeous.

Yes, yes!

- I'm a level 10 sexy gothic glamour bride.

(sassy grunting)

- Maybe you could edit certain accessories down,

in terms of it being almost too literal with the song,

and I mean, you're fun, you're fun.

I really like you. - Thank you so much.

I appreciate it. - Thank you.

- All right, Biqtch Puddin',

I love the strangulation marks.

They're done very well.

I love that when you came out, powder came off of you

like you have been a corpse for a million years.

Your face really sparkled.

It was just enchanting to watch you,

and I think you nailed all the details.

I think you did a great job.

- Best performance of the night.

You had fun with it.

You know, this is a very gothic song

that you found the humor in.

- And look at that dance moms fan she has to match.

- Yes!

Dirt Squirrel will be very happy

to see how lavishly you bedazzled their work there.

- Why don't we take a look at all of your fans, actually?

- Yes!

- Very creative.

- They're all amazing. - Mm-hmm.

- They actually are gorgeous.

James, it's a shame that that didn't come out

during the performance, it's beautiful.

Look at the time that went into that too.

So I wanna rewind and remind you what I said

when we first sat down, that this was the most difficult

deliberation that we've had to date in either season,

and then I wanna rewind even further

to the first episode when I said we do what we want.

We're going to live by that mantra

and we're gonna do what we want tonight.

So, without further ado, we're gonna go down the line

and say Disasterina, you look amazing,

but your performance was lacking,

and it was a very performance-based challenge.

You're up for extermination tonight.

(tense music)

Victoria, you look stunning.

You're like an undead queen.

Your look is 10s across the board.

Your performance, although you've come a long way,

we really applaud the progress that you've made.

You're safe.

James, you're stunning.

It was interesting to see you perform.

You missed the fan.

You're also up for extermination tonight.

- I can't believe it, I thought I was going to win.

I thought I was gonna be in the top,

and because of a fan,

I fucked myself over.

- Which brings us to Biqtch and Abhora.

Biqtch, I think, universally,

everybody loved what you did tonight.

You took a big risk, and for that,

I think you should be rewarded.

You are safe, you are not up for extermination tonight.

Which brings us to Abhora.

Abhora, I want to congratulate you

because you have won this challenge.


- I think I'm having a stroke.

- I needed this.

I needed this.

- Does anybody have a cigarette right now?

- I don't think Abhora shoulda won for that piece of shit.

- I don't think Abhora should have won

for lighting a bouquet on fire.

- I need a fucking Xanax.

- Your performance was completely polarizing

with the judges.

Half of us thought it was the best thing we saw tonight,

and there was no other option but to crown you

the winner of this challenge,

but the other half thought that it was trash,

and it fell short of the mark.

This doesn't diminish the win at all,

you are the winner of our gothic wedding challenge,

but you are also up for extermination tonight.

(tense music)

You could potentially go home because for some of us,

your look missed the mark, it was sloppy,

and your overall performance

wasn't delivered professionally.

Hope that makes some sense.

- [Abhora] Yeah.

- Abhora, the judges like what you did tonight,

and you did win, but I can tell you right now,

there's no way we will crown you

the next Drag Supermonster

if you don't clean your performance up.

There is absolutely no way we can send someone out

to perform around the world falling on stage

and havin' their props turn upside-down.

- So Victoria and Biqtch, once again, congratulations.

You guys are in and you can leave the stage.

Thank you both.

(pensive music)

- Aren't you guys supposed to be slapping each other?

This is Dragula.


There you go, that a girl!

Kill or be killed, ladies!

- So that means the three of you,

James, Abhora, and Disasterina,

you three are up for extermination tonight.

(tense music)

- [Dracmorda] One of you has come to the end of the line

in this competition, and it's going to take

a terrible test to find out which of you

is tough enough to remain here.

- Weddings can be very stressful.

Many times, the bride gets right to the alter

and catches a case of cold feet.

And tonight, the three of you are gonna find out

exactly what that feels like.

- We're going to rip off your heels

and submerge you in tubs of ice.

The goal is to see which one of you can overcome

your cold feet and stay in the tub longer than the others.

All three of you will be submerged at the same time

right next to each other,

so it'll be very obvious who rises to the occasion.

- We will then consider how well you did

in the extermination, your looks for tonight,

and how well you performed in the floor show

to decide which of you goes on,

and which one of you meets your end.

(tense music)

(tense screeching music) (static crackling)

(ice pounding) (dramatic tense music)


- Oh, I thought I was ready.

I am not ready.

- Yeah, I'm not ready for that either.

(yelling) - [James] Okay.

Oh, oh, fuck!

(screaming) (laughing)


- Stop, stop, stop.

Stop pouring more (speaking drowned out by screaming).

Please stop.

(dramatic tense music)

- I do not deserve to be in the bottom tonight.

I didn't sleep for two days,

and I smelled so much E-6000

that my face literally turned yellow.

I worked my fucking ass off, and I've worked so hard

in this competition so far.

But no, I do not deserve to be here.

- Pretty excruciating, it really is excruciating.

- It's more pain than it is, like, cold.

(dramatic tense music)

They're numb. - Oh, yeah.

- [Disasterina] Yeah, they're getting there.

- I can't feel anything.

- The pain has shifted into crippling numbness.

- I thought by winning, I would be safe,

but this is exactly what I deserve.


I feel like a loser and a winner,

and stupid and ugly at the same time.

(dramatic tense music)

But I don't wanna go home,

and I've lost so much to be here,

and I'm not gonna let this stop me.

- Holy fuck, it's like stepping on fucking nails!


- I might have to tap out.

It's really painful.

- That's just ice.

- Stop talking, please!

- [James] Me?

- James, shut up, shut up.

- Yeah, just shut up.

- [James] What?

- I'm telling you-- - Shut your annoying face.

- I'm not even saying anything.

- I'm fucking pissed.

I'm just,

I mean,

this is what I wanna do.

This is my clan, this is my art.

(dramatic tense music)

It fucking sucks.

(dramatic tense music)


- [Swanthula] All right, you guys can step out

and step forward.


- Holy shit!

(tense screeching music) (static crackling)

(water running)

- Oh, yes, it feels so good!

(moans) Yes!


I love the water on me!

(moans) It feels like all that money I stole.

My titties, yes, keep 'em so nice and moist and clean!

I wish somebody else was in here too.


♪ La, la, la, la, la

♪ La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la ♪

(ominous music)

(Disasterina scatting gleefully)


(flesh squelching)


Oh, no!

(groaning dramatically)

(drain gurgling)



(water running)

(drain gurgling) (eerie music)

(drain gurgling)

For more infomation >> Boulet Brothers DRAGULA Season Two: Episode Six - Duration: 50:16.


DC's Legends of Tomorrow 3x10 Promo "Daddy Darhkest" (HD) John Constantine - Duration: 0:21.


This is John Constantine.

Skinny brit in a trench coat.

I am an accomplished warlock, expert on the occult.

Did I tell you I don't like horror movies?

DC's Legends of Tomorrow all new episodes return February 2018 on The CW.

For more infomation >> DC's Legends of Tomorrow 3x10 Promo "Daddy Darhkest" (HD) John Constantine - Duration: 0:21.


What FUNNY PICs you took in JAPAN!? Ask people visiting JAPAN!! - Duration: 11:34.

And they had like, real poop and stuff to make it smell like an actual pen.

It was super weird.

Where was that?!

Left and right, right, left.

In Kyoto, at the Bamboo Forest.

I'm trying to pull it up.

Hi guys in today's, nowadays world

we can take pictures really easy with our mobile phone.

So today I went and asked foreigners here in Japan, on the streets of Japan

what funny pictures they have taken here.

So, let's go and ask foreigners in Japan!

(whispers) And check out their pictures...

Show me a picture.

A really crazy picture you took here, in Japan.

At Namba Gradens, there they were doing like

A skit thing , were people were dressed up as sheep

And they had like, real poop and stuff to make it smell like an actual pen.

It was super weird.

Where was that?!

Namba Gardens. It was like, a mall...

It was Super weird.

In the mall??


They dressed up as sheep and carried around real poop?


And bad...

They sounded like real sheep too, that was impressive.

-Right! -But weird.

That is pretty weird!

I've never heard about it. Very artistic...

What did you think about it?

It's just really weird. I don't know, right? That's about it.

So there was like, a theater or...?

Yeah. It was about, on top of the mall.

In a little patio area.

And they were like... We're doing it for kids.

Like, kids could go up and feed the sheep.

They had lettuce out to give to the sheep.


That is the most random thing I've ever heard of in Japan so far.

And says A LOT!

And they were just like, was it a standing thing all the whole time. For the whole day, or what?

Yeah, they were doing some promotion for it.

I don't know. It's just some weird theater thing they were doing.

Okay, so where is that?

In a...

Monster kawaii...

-Kawaii Monster Café? -Yeah!

Dining part, right? It's in the dining part.

And it's like a...

Their motive is a...


It has a macaroon.

Yeah... And it's more girly!

Because they have different sides. Like, there's a disco.

-There is a bar something. -Yeah.

They have like, different bar sections, themes.

So you went for the one with the massive lips?

Massive lips!

I believe so.

She was a Superstar there.

Wait, wait, wait.

Oh, you're doing the dance. Yay!

They're all doing the dance!

I didn't meant to go up there and perform!

With the... Kawaii Monster Girls.

-So you went up on the cake? -Yeah, I did that.

You got selected to go on the cake!

-Lucky me! - You're the Chosen One!

Yeah, she was the chosen one!

Yeah, we danced together on stage.

-It was really... -Beautiful!


I need to learn that dance now.

You should!

-It's a cat dance. -How does it go?

Right, left, left and right.

And right, left.

No! It's a dog. I'm sorry.

It's a dog. It's wan wan.

They say, wan wan.

So it's a dog dance.

The dog dance.

-It's a cute dog dance. -Awesome!

Maybe they just ran out of real sleep and made real people stand in.

It's some weird sheep, that's for sure.

-Okay, what deer picture? -It might not be as crazy.

But this is me, petting a deer in Nara.

What's really crazy about it

is that in Nara, there are deer everywhere!

And normally in America, like they would be

combined to like one area for viewing and petting.

No, they wandered the streets

in the buildings, like all over the place!

You got to be careful for like droppings everywhere.

But it was just... It was it was amazing.

You get to pet them and they have bunch of baby deer and they just come right up.

You can have crackers where you can feed them.

They just come on up and...

Our friend... You have to be careful when you go.

But our friend was holding a map for Nara

and the deer just bite it, ate the map right out of her hand!

So you have to be really

don't bring out like paper currency or something, but just be really careful.

But you know, they're cute and they're everywhere.

Literally everywhere.

So I found vending machines interesting.

-Oh, right! -Yeah.

They're next to our apartment, so yeah.

It was the first thing I saw.

Like, oh my god it's so cute. I have to take a picture of it!

I added it in Instagram immediately.

So vending machines, what surprised you the most about vending machines?

They're just... I don't know...

We don't have it in Poland, so.

It's just cool. Yeah.

-And you that they're everywhere. -They're everywhere!

They're everywhere, right? Every 100 meters or so.

What weird picture?

So I took this the other day at a casting.

And basically.

It's just the English, like the English- isms that are on shop fronts.

And some things are really interesting too me

cause sometimes they're funny and sometimes they don't make any sense.


Which is enjoyable.

This one says "all the articles in the shop are photography related things".

And I was like, okay.

Well. I mean, I understand what they're saying.

But I thought it was interesting, so.

Were the articles in the shop actually photography-related things?

It was right next to a photo-like studio.

So they were like, renting out like, objects for like photo studios. Like, to use.

So it was accurate.

So... But I thought it was funny.


I must say, this morning I saw someone carrying a bag

that just said "Poo Shop".

-Really?! -Yeah!

And I looked around the bag and I kept staring at the bag, and just said Poo Shop.

Maybe it was the last syllable from Winnie the Pooh.

But it was probably not the coolest bag if you take that abroad.

What is THE picture that you'd like to show us?

Like, best picture taken so far in Japan.

So I have one that's in Kyoto, at the Bamboo Forest.

I'm trying to pull it up.

And I think it was a pretty good one.

My screen is dirty...

But, it's all the bamboo, and I think it was just really beautiful.

And I love going to the Shinto Shrines into the temples, and it's so peaceful and

That was a really good day, where we got to kind of just wander and see the Bamboo forests in Kyoto.

Yeah! How about you?

The hedgehogs, there we go.

-Ahhwww ❤️ -That's a cute one.

-That's at the Hedgehog café? -At the Hedgehog café, yeah!

Just moments away!

We might go visit them again. But now we have to go visit owls.

We have a reservation at the owl café.

So we're going to leave you!

You're going for ALL the animal cafés?


But we're going to hope to take lots of good pictures in Tokyo today, so...

Yeah, there are one or two of us together that came out really nice.

Oh~! Okay tell us! Explain what's on the picture.

The picture, we're actually in one of the side streets.

-In Asuka... Asaka... Akusa... -Asakusa, Asakusa!

And of course it was like beautiful fashion.

So we decided take a picture, both in our Yukata.

She is wearing a beautiful red Yukata.

And I'm wearing a black Yukata with lots of cherry blossoms on them.

Did you bring those from...?

No, no, we rented them at Sakura Studio.

-So... -Go there!

Yes! The owner is amazing!

She's a wonderful lady.

They speak great English. They have all types of sizes, which was a problem for us.

We were so happy to find a plus-size Yukata.

Yeah, that was great.

And we got a lot of compliments.

They dresses us up with a lot of ornaments we had a lot of pieces

Did our hair, we had the Geta on our feet.

We had the socks. It was great, it really was.

-It's an awesome experience. -It was awesome.

-Sakura Studio, you said? -Yes!

Yes, it was amazing.

Tomo Fuji.

Right! What's happening there?


We came here about...

What? Five o' clock on Wednesday?

And we went to our hotel room.

We were exhausted and then the next morning at 8:30.

We got on the bus to go to Mount Fuji.


So that was interesting.

And we got... It was really clear day...

The Tour Guide said we were very lucky.

And we went to the fifth station, and we got a really cool picture in front of Mount Fuji.

It was a really exciting first full day of Japan.

Really long day, lot of traveling. But it was definitely worth it.

What was your tour called?

It's by...

JTB, the Sunrise course.

One day Mount Fuji Tour, I believe it was.

Good price, and we had lunch included.

We had Japanese lunch.

And we got to up in Sky Railway.

And see Fuji from all different types of points.

We got to see it.

Go go on a cruise on lake Ayashi.

I actually it was real nice. Yeah

Sounds like a pretty decent tour, you got there.

-You're wearing a mask. -I am!

So I got really sick!

Birthday I got here. We think it was allergies.

I was coughing a little bit and I had seen that a lot of locals who were sick, wore masks.

So I thought it'd be a good thing or people would go like, ooowh. You know...

-Don't sneeze om meeee! -Yeah.

So and then it did help with the allergies

I guess it kept the stuff that was making me sick out too! So I was a good thing.

If you're coughing, invest!

It's only a few yen. Yeah, that was good.


Oh right! Where is that?

That was in Kyoto.

So at our place that we stayed


Will come to your room and put your Yukata on for you for you.

For you, in your hotel?!

We had our own tea party that we got dressed up and had a tea party.

That is beautiful!

-But in you room? -In our room.

Because our seating was on the floor.

What's the name of your hotel?

I have a funny one here, were they are trying to eat with chopsticks.

Don't ask me, cause I can't pronounce it.

This one is at this Chinese with Chopsticks.

She said "we're going to make it happen", she saw it and was like "I can't do it".

-Still trying? -Yeah, I'm still trying.

-What is it? Oh! -A monkey from the monkey park.

You went to a monkey park?

Yes, in Kyoto.

Yeah, it was amazing.

Just like, while all these wild monkeys live there. Like, live out and like the woods.

And like, they just come into like

people feed them and like, you can just take their pictures and stuff.

Very cool!

I didn't know about that place. I need to check it out.

Awesome! Those were all the questions.

Thank you so much!

So! Pictures we've recently taken!

Some of the most recent pictures that I have taken

were actually taken by that person behind the camera, over there

the Director of Ask Japanese.

Cause we did a shooting in Shinjuku.

And on the way back to Shinjuku, we really had the back drop of Shinjuku station.

So many people!

Me dressed in Lolita fashion.

And they were really, really good. He's got a very good camera, I'm kinda jealous.

(laughs) So those pictures...

I'm going to put somewhere here, or here...?

Ah... Or here, or here?

Be free to find back the pictures. There's a couple we've took there.

And they shall be on my Instagram.

I'm gonna put some of those on my Instagram as well.

If you're curious about some of the pictures we have take, we have taken.

So I hope you have enjoyed this video.

What is the most recent picture you have taken?

What you're kind of proud of, or is really really funny!

Let us know! Looking forward to reading it.

If you want to show us the picture

please please please, put it on Instagram

mit the hashtag...

"Mit"...? That was German.

WITH the hashtag, Ask Japanese.

Or put in on Twitter with the hashtag Ask Japanese

or just tag me in it.

So we can have a look at your most recent funny picture!

Looking forward to seeing your pictures.

And I'll catch you soon, on Ask Japanese. Bye!

For more infomation >> What FUNNY PICs you took in JAPAN!? Ask people visiting JAPAN!! - Duration: 11:34.


สาเหตุหิวตลอดเวลา | VZMART - Duration: 10:03.

For more infomation >> สาเหตุหิวตลอดเวลา | VZMART - Duration: 10:03.


Mis 7 Canciones Favoritas de Reik - Duration: 5:45.

For more infomation >> Mis 7 Canciones Favoritas de Reik - Duration: 5:45.


Dibujando/Drawing Goku Ultra Instinct | FeLipeArt - Duration: 19:28.

For more infomation >> Dibujando/Drawing Goku Ultra Instinct | FeLipeArt - Duration: 19:28.


Cao Cung Lên - Karaoke - Duration: 5:31.

For more infomation >> Cao Cung Lên - Karaoke - Duration: 5:31.


Interest Coin ICO Review Interest Coin Initial Coin Offering ICO Gold Rush with Anthony Darvill - Duration: 8:07.

hello and welcome to my review of interest coin my name is Anthony Darvill

and I'm going to give you my evaluation if I feel this is a good coin to either

invest in or not the ico has been live since December the first and is ending

on February the 28th between 18 so still about 84 days to go so what it is

there's a social media site they're going to be calling it interest sharing

and obviously raising funds to have it created so why interest coin interest

coin is the first cryptocurrency where you can earn money with just by owning

it even when the value stays the same or drops how our advertisement earnings

will be divided on the interest coins that are sold during the ico period only

you can use the interest coin on our new social media we set interest calm as a

payment currency the interest coin can of course be traded on it cryptocurrency

exchange market so obviously what it's like it said it's going to be a social

media sites as only like one video there you can go through that if you like it's

a bit like the web sites a bit empty so it's not really finished in my view so

the road map is December obviously the study I see a quarter - of 2018 so that

could be between marks well yeah marks or April to June release

of the first beta version I wish their interest so it's not even developed yet

obviously quarter three is does on the wallets and test for balance and lot of

transactions and quarter 1 of 2019 reduction really roll out the platform

and web app for all users so to me in my personal opinion this is a red flag

only a little red flag this is the fact that you had gonna have to be waiting at

least a year for it to come out and it's definitely free going we share interest

icon so we're building a new site so this says nothing even their maid at all

I forgot here of other important notes I've gone over I looked at the team it

doesn't seem to be any advisors whatsoever so that's another red flag

for me and some of these were actually done my own research on Facebook the

tripod on Facebook and I couldn't even walk and find a couple of them but not

all of them so that's another red flag usually you have linking profiles

available readily available for you to do due diligence so no it's not really

for me it's a red flag straight away the fact you got to wait that long

even to have the website even come out there's no way I'd be investing my money

into this but it's up to you each their own but my I definitely don't think I

will be let's just quickly go through the white papers have a look just assume

we've got just saying will that give users all the other social media sites

so I mean they just got up wouldn't even have a fan I like a following it really

like do we need me enough people to even their moaning no not people even test it

out to be honest I mean well yeah well the better okay so the beta is coming

out in March or April between April and June so I'll have about six months but I

mean the following basically so lie around out there going to be able to

kick off you know with a big number like and I say like a Facebook or a Twitter

or some of that so it'd be fifty thousand coins that's

not bad that's a good number actually fifty I mean 50 million but other than

that I mean yes you roll other tests it's like clear all so you're waiting

year so I talked to you I mean to me I wouldn't I plus he wouldn't be waiting a

year to sand the solder reduced price of attract investments and yet anything on

the other thing I'm worried about on this is it's a dollar fifty a piece a

patent a dollar fifty piece where it's about $9 50 a share and it we

should we strive for a minimum of two hundred thousand if the minimum is not

reached long vestments will float back to investors - he had minestrone costs

occurred if the minimum is not reached or funds will be returned on about you

guys there's no way I'd be dying there's a lot better there's a lot better i CEOs

out there for starters I mean then you're holding your money let me hold up

for years so if you want more information on how you can evaluate you

know I SEOs without you know I feel like again skiing and pick out the good ones

and the bad ones I've got more information at Osseo Gold Rush what we

do the links in description below obviously so we have our five easy steps

to profit so we have our step one find the icos

step to apply our checklist because you can see how quick I could pick that one

apart obviously your step three is to invest responsibly

step or sell your tokens and Step five is rinse and repeat so obviously once

you've sold two tokens it's take you know invest in the next part the next

ICO you find and what we also have is st. up when you sign up yeah when you do

the course we have like check this video stuff like that so we show you how to

use the actual checklist and over-the-shoulder video for A+

ICA obviously we have a live example using the checklist Chronos here that

has a negative rating we show you how to buy it we're pretty much buy and sell on

all the exchanges and the best thing I feel in this course is the fact that you

we have like a so it's called a slack crew instead of so this is like year so

I'd like a telegram but it's the psycho so it's got different channels obviously

we have everyone that joins the course and partakes in the course is free

access to our psych group says everybody kids everyone at help and ideas and

there's like webinars every Monday I also got the repos you can make it but

it's obviously better to be on the replays

I'm coming our CEOs ICS in exchanges is how to videos the affiliates side of it

obviously and yeah and then we have money back gaurantee obviously but you

have to be to qualify you have to at least purchased Nico in the 12-month

period and that's if you fail some at least

double your money so their full package includes 30 possibilities of content two

hours possible video viewing Osseo check the spreadsheet the masterminds suck

group and the Google Hangouts and the money-back guarantee and we have the

smart contract by pulling so do yourself a favor investing yourself the best

thing you could do especially if you're in programs that meet you know that

programs never last so you're good to have a you know a back like a back up

for if your program disappears or something like that jump on the side you

know have a look at the video don't show it have a good read and if you're

interested or you're needing questions and that contact me on Facebook my link

will be in the description below and it doesn't alleviate that if you know what

my video give it a thumbs up if you want to see more of my route I see a reviews

hit the subscribe button the bell to make sure you get my videos you can

email when it comes on what my comes online and on that leave Akane if you

like this video leave a comment and otherwise we'll see you on my next video

right now sir

For more infomation >> Interest Coin ICO Review Interest Coin Initial Coin Offering ICO Gold Rush with Anthony Darvill - Duration: 8:07.



For more infomation >> MƯỚP ĐẮNG RẤT NGUY HIỂM VỚI NHỮNG NGƯỜI MANG NHỮNG BỆNH NÀY - Duration: 15:08.


រឿង ៖ សិសិររដូវក្នុងបេះដូង ភាកទី14,Sese Rodov Knong Besdoung ep14,Raksmey Hang Meas HD TV - Duration: 25:07.

Thank you for watching and subscribe my channel

Thank you for watching and subscribe my channel

Thank you for watching and subscribe my channel

Thank you for watching and subscribe my channel

For more infomation >> រឿង ៖ សិសិររដូវក្នុងបេះដូង ភាកទី14,Sese Rodov Knong Besdoung ep14,Raksmey Hang Meas HD TV - Duration: 25:07.


Welcome & Introduction - Duration: 2:24.

Hello and welcome to the course! It's wonderful to have you. Thank you so much for being here!

I'm gonna teach you about how to bring more productivity, purpose, and pleasure into your business,

and we're gonna do it in such simple ways.

And I just want you to know that this is information you're not gonna hear anywhere else

Because it comes from my original work. So a little bit about me and my work.

My name is Emily Eldredge.

I am the Creator of the Drawing Out Process and the Discover of emPowers and exPowers.

You may know me from my TED talk "The Truth about Inner Demons".

You may have seen me speak all over the world,

including at the United Nations a couple of times and recently at British Parliament.

I have an online program called "How to Live an emPowered Life"

My purpose is to heal humanity from the inside out,

and the way I do that is by healing people of their deepest inner struggles

and teaching them how to honor their deepest powers.

So what I'm going to teach you in this course is

all about your 3 inner emPowers

and how to integrate them into your business.

This is information that I've taught people all over the world,

and they have experienced huge changes in their lives -

and so I'm excited for you to experience huge changes in your life and in your work as well!

You deserve to be happy.

You deserve to feel fulfilled.

You deserve to have a business and work that bring you joy and pleasure and a sense of purpose

and one that you love to wake up to everyday and get to work on and really make a difference in the world!

You deserve that.

So what will you need for this class?

Really simple: just a journal and a pen. That's it!

So are you excited?

'cause I'm excited to share this information with you.

And I'm excited for you to feel good,

for you to feel inspired,

for you to experience the joys and the magic that come from honoring your inner emPowers.

So thanks for being in this course, and here we go!

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