Thứ Ba, 5 tháng 12, 2017

Waching daily Dec 6 2017

Suti Channel

For more infomation >> Learn Colors with Colorful Christmas Cards Xylophone Soccer Balls for Kids Babies Toddlers - Duration: 4:22.


28 North Korean 'ghost ships' found near Japan in November - Duration: 2:42.

Wave after wave of suspected North Korean fishing boats -- some containing bodies -- have

been washing up on Japan's shores in recent weeks.

Three bodies were found in a fishing boat and at a nearby beach this week,... and the

number of cases in November alone stood at 28,... an average of almost one a day.

So what's behind this sudden rise in so-called "ghost ships" from the North?

Our Won Jung-hwan with more.

The Japanese coast guard said on Monday a Japanese fishing boat picked up a male body

floating off the coast of Sakata in Yamagata Prefecture,... and two more bodies at nearby

beach an hour and half later.

The bodies were heavily decomposed, but one had a lapel pin thought to be North Korean.

More gruesome discoveries were found during November, including eight bodies in a fishing

vessel that was washed ashore in northern Japan.

Several of the bodies were "skeletonized," indicating a long period had passed before

the vessel washed ashore.

The Japanese public broadcaster NHK reported on Tuesday that November was the month with

the most cases of so-called 'ghost boats' found near the Japanese coast.

Twenty-eight such vessels were found in November, breaking the previous record of twenty-one

cases in January 2014.

There have been roughly 60 cases a year since 2013, but a lot of cases were found in the

last months of the year as waters between Japan and the Korean Peninsula are known to

be rich fishing grounds during winter.


"In the winter season, due to its cold water, pollack and many other expensive fish are

found in the waters of the East Sea.

So North Korean fishermen are most active during this season to fish illegally in the


But as North Korean fishing activity increases, the number of ships drifting toward the Japanese

coast increases as well.


"In order to increase the catches, each boat has many fishermen aboard, often exceeding

the ship's capacity.

So food becomes scarce and sometimes they even run out of gas.

When that happens, ships drift away to Japan as winds and currents push the ships toward

Japan's northern coast."

The increase in fishing activity may be related to a campaign pushed by leader Kim Jong-un

to boost fish harvests as a means of increasing sources of protein for the North, which continues

to fall short of food self-sufficiency.

In order to reach their quotas, the North Korean fishermen may be taking more risks

and venturing farther from their usual waters.

Won Jung-hwan, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> 28 North Korean 'ghost ships' found near Japan in November - Duration: 2:42.





Russia banned from PyeongChang Winter Olympics - Duration: 2:10.

The International Olympic Committee has banned Russia from competing at next year's PyeongChang

Winter Olympics in South Korea.

The decision came after the country was found to have engaged in state-sponsored doping

at the 2014 Sochi Games, where Russia finished top of the medal standings.

Ro Aram has the details.

The IOC said on Tuesday that evidence had emerged of what it called an "unprecedented

systematic manipulation" of the anti-doping system.

However, the committee said it will allow some of Russia's athletes to compete as neutrals

if they satisfy strict conditions that show they are clean.

The IOC said they would participate under the tag of "Olympic Athlete of Russia," which

essentially means they will compete under a neutral flag.

The blanket ban follows a probe into allegations of state-sponsored doping at the 2014 Sochi

Games - allegations Moscow denies.

The IOC also ordered Russia's Olympic Committee to pay 15 million U.S. dollars to reimburse

the IOC's costs of investigating the doping scandal.

The ROC's president Alexander Zhukov has had his IOC membership suspended and Moscow's

Deputy Prime Minister Vitaly Mutko has also been barred from attending any future Olympic


IOC President Thomas Bach said the probe results showed an unprecedented attack on the integrity

of the Olympic Games and sport, expressing hopes that the ban would serve as a catalyst

for a more effective anti-doping system.

Russian sports officials lashed out at the decision, with the president of country's

skating union calling it "offensive and unjustified".

The chief of Russia's freestyle wrestling federation added that the Olympic movement

has "discredited itself" and that there will be "fundamental consequences."

Russian state broadcaster VGTRK also said it will not broadcast the PyeongChang Games

if the Russian team is not participating.

The competition, which starts on February ninth, will now be without one of the powerhouses

of Olympic sport.

Ro Aram, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> Russia banned from PyeongChang Winter Olympics - Duration: 2:10.


U.S. B-1B bombers to take part in Seoul-Washington joint air force drills - Duration: 1:37.

The United States is planning to deploy B-1B bombers to South Korea to take part in bombing


They will arrive as part of the large-scale joint Seoul-Washington 'Vigilant Ace' drills

currently taking place over the Korean Peninsula.

Some 230 fighter jets, including two dozen U.S. stealth fighters, are also participating

in the drills.

Kim Hyun-bin reports.

The U.S. is set to deploy B-1B bombers to the Korean Peninsula to take part in the joint

Seoul-Washington air combat drills.

South Korean military officials said on Wednesday that the bombers stationed in Guam will arrive

today to conduct a bombing drill with South Korea's fighter jets.

The U.S. usually deploys B-1B in pairs after North Korea's provocations in a show of force,

or on routine training missions.

The last deployment of B-1B bombers came in early November ahead of U.S. President Donald

Trump's regional trip.

Seoul and Washington have been conducting a massive air combat drill known as Vigilant


Over 200 warplanes are taking part, including two dozen stealth fighter jets.

Six F-22s and six F-35s have been deployed to the Korean peninsula,... marking the first

time the highly-advanced jets have cruised the skies above South Korea at the same time.

Other U.S. assets include two B-1B bombers and six Growler electronic warfare jets, as

well as dozens of F-15s and F-16s.

South Korea has deployed 90 fighter jets, including its F-15 and FA-50 fighters.

The exercises are scheduled to run through Friday.

Kim Hyun-bin, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> U.S. B-1B bombers to take part in Seoul-Washington joint air force drills - Duration: 1:37.


Former finance minister to appear before prosecutors Wednesday morning - Duration: 0:41.

Representative Choi Kyung-hwan of the main opposition Liberty Korea Party,... who also

headed the finance ministry under the former Park Geun-hye government, appeared before

prosecutors in Seoul this morning.

Choi is facing allegations he received kickbacks from the National Intelligence Service in

2014,... for taking some 90-thousand U.S. dollars in bribes in return for helping secure

the intelligence agency's budget.

Choi had delayed his initial schedule for summoning again on Tuesday, saying he had

to attend a plenary session at the National Assembly for the budget vote.

He also rebuffed previous calls from prosecutors last month,... citing fairness of the judicial


For more infomation >> Former finance minister to appear before prosecutors Wednesday morning - Duration: 0:41.


North Korea's Hwasong-15 photos have been tampered with: expert - Duration: 0:48.

An expert suggests photos of North Korea's recently-launched Hwasong-15 missile may have

been tampered with.

Netherlands-based space expert Marco Langbroek says the constellations in the night sky are

back to front -- citing Orion - which should be in the southeast, and Andromeda - in the


Moreover, he says that, to capture a night launch, photographers need a fast shutter

speed to capture the missile's rapid ascent with a wide-open aperture - which would prevent

stars from showing up clearly.

North Korea has a record of editing photos - and with the latest apparent photoshop,

analysts say Pyongyang may have wanted to make it difficult to geolocate the launch

site... or simply changed the photos to make them look better.

For more infomation >> North Korea's Hwasong-15 photos have been tampered with: expert - Duration: 0:48.


Blue House welcomes passing of next year's budget plan - Duration: 0:33.

Soon after the government's budget for next year was approved, the Blue House expressed

its relief, welcoming the National Assembly's decision.

According to a statement by Cheong Wa Dae's spokesperson, the Presidential Office said

it was relieved the budget bill was passed, albeit late.

It underscored that next year's budget was solely allocated to support job creation and

to improve people's livelihoods.

It pledged that the government would put its utmost effort into making sure the budget

is appropriately executed for the people.

For more infomation >> Blue House welcomes passing of next year's budget plan - Duration: 0:33.


Southern California wildfires force 30,000 to evacuate - Duration: 2:13.

A state of emergency has been declared in parts of southern California as wildfires

are spreading rapidly, forcing around 27,000 residents to evacuate.

Strong winds are making it difficult to fight the fires, which have already destroyed hundreds

of buildings.

Park Soyun reports.

Only eight weeks since California experienced its last wildwires, which killed 44 people

in the northern part of the state, another set of wildfires have broken out, forcing

tens of thousands of people to evacuate.

The fast-moving fires have burned down large stretches of land in Southern California in

a matter of hours.

One of the fires started on December 4th local time near the small city of Santa Paula in

Ventura County, northwest of Los Angeles.

It is spreading quickly, fanned by gusts of up to 80 km/hr.

Approximately 27,000 people, including students of Thomas Aquinas College, have evacuated

the area.

"It started off as a small fire in Santa Paula and its grown to 45,000 acres.

It was just exponential, huge growth because of the winds, 50 miles per hour were just

pushing it and growing it very very large, very quickly."

Three more fires broke out on Tuesday in Los Angeles County and San Bernardino County.

Wildfires are not typical in California at this time of the year but southern California's

dry winds, which pick up speed as they blow west through California's canyons, have contributed

to the spread of the fires.

"We have extremely high winds and very very low relative humidity and so our fuel conditions

out there are absolutely about as bad as they can be for fire spread, so we are very concerned

about the wind popping up again today and pushing the fire a little bit further towards

the west."

There haven't been any reports of deaths or serious injuries from the fires.

But nearly 180,000 people in Ventura County have lost power and hundreds of homes and

buildings have been destroyed.

California Governor Jerry Brown has declared a state of emergency for Ventura County.

Park Soyun, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> Southern California wildfires force 30,000 to evacuate - Duration: 2:13.


National Assembly passes 2018 budget bill - Duration: 3:05.

Turning to the big budget breakthrough at the National Assembly.

After days of intense negotiations over a number of contentious issues,... the assembly

passed the 2018 budget bill in the wee hours of Wednesday morning.

The green light came despite the main opposition party boycotting the vote.

Kim Min-ji reports.

After days of will they or won't they,... the National Assembly finally passed the 2018

budget proposal on Wednesday,... four days after the legal deadline of December second.

The spending plan worth 428-point-eight trillion Korean won,... or roughly 394 billion U.S.

dollars -- will be directed at creating thousands of new government jobs,... boosting welfare,

as well as cushioning the fallout from a massive hike in the minimum wage.

"Of the 178 lawmakers present, 160 voted in favor of the bill.

Fifteen voted against and there were three abstentions.

I proclaim that the revised bill has passed."

The passage didn't come easy.

The main opposition Liberty Korea Party refused to participate in the vote.

The vote itself was also delayed for hours,... with the conservative party's late attendance

as well as heated debates during the plenary session.

The wrangling came despite a tentative agreement over the budget bill on Monday,... after days

of talks.

While the main opposition was part of those discussions,... it did not endorse the compromise

-- opposing the creation of so many public sector jobs.

The budget will be used to add 9,475 new jobs next year -- although that figure is less

than the ruling Democratic Party of Korea wanted... the conservative party insisted

on further cuts,... saying it would burden future generations.

The plan also sets aside almost three billion dollars as support funds for small companies

in the wake of next year's 16 percent hike in the minimum wage,... and also includes

money directed at offering monthly child benefits to parents with children under the age of

five and a rise in basic pension.

Along with the budget bill.... also passed was a revised tax code bill -- which the main

opposition was also against.

It raises the corporate tax rate to 25 percent... for businesses with taxable profit of more

than 300 million dollars.

The income tax rate on people whose income exceeds 460,000 dollars a year will be raised

to 42 percent,... from the current 40 percent.

The tough passage reaffirmed the hurdles the ruling party faces in the opposition-led parliament,...

but at the same time showed the growing influence of the minor People's Party in legislative

affairs as the party with the deciding vote.

It remains to be seen,.. how the ruling bloc can mend ties with the main opposition party,...

but the budget is expected to pave the way for the Moon Jae-in administration to get

its agenda rolling.

Kim Min-ji, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> National Assembly passes 2018 budget bill - Duration: 3:05.


Temps turn milder, snow and ice to return tonight - Duration: 2:15.

Heading to work in the ice and snow wasn't the best way to start the day.

But expect to see readings rise much higher than yesterday.

Seoul will reach 5 degrees Celsius, while Gwangju and Busan will hit 9 degrees.

Expect to see more snowfall in the capital in the evening before it spreads to rest of

the central region.

Parts of Gangwon-do Province could see up to 10 centimeters of snow into tomorrow morning.

So we'll have to drive on icy roads due to the combination of frequent snow and freezing

temperatures... possibly into the weekend.

It's not surprising, but weather-related crashes occur a lot more on snowy days so it's essential

to drive with your headlights on at all times,... while keeping a safe distance to other cars.

With that, let's take a look at the international weather for viewers around the world.

While central regions in South Korea had a winter-wonderland this morning with more snow

in store, some parts of North Korea will also receive snowfall together with icy cold temperatures.

As for major cities in Asia, in contrast to Seoul, hot and sunny summer conditions will

continue in Bangkok and Manila.

Meanwhile, Melbourne will finally get a proper taste of summer with hotter days looming next

week, sunny on Wednesday but a rainy Thursday is in store.

Heading to North America, Santa Paula in California where wildfires broke out are under a high

wind warning... with a very strong wind gusts, making it even harder for firefighters.

As for South America, major cities on the map will be under bright skies on Wednesday.

Taking you to Europe,...

London and Madrid will have a similar weather pattern.

Lastly to Africa, winds will die down in Cape Town, expect to have mostly sunny and warm


That's all the weather update for now.

For more infomation >> Temps turn milder, snow and ice to return tonight - Duration: 2:15.


Sabrina Sato admite ter feito sexo em local público e beijado mulheres - Duration: 4:03.

For more infomation >> Sabrina Sato admite ter feito sexo em local público e beijado mulheres - Duration: 4:03.


North Korea still missing key technologies for ICBM: Seoul's FM - Duration: 0:40.

South Korea's top diplomat says there's no "concrete evidence"... regarding North Korea's

claim that it can deliver a nuclear warhead on a working I-C-B-M.

Foreign minister Kang Kyung-wha,... speaking in an interview with CNN,... said Pyongyang

still hasn't mastered the necessary re-entry and miniaturization technology... to demonstrate

such capability.

She said...

although the regime's weapons development has occurred at a faster-than-expected pace,...

North Korea hasn't reached the "final completion stage" as it claims.

Kang added that North Korea... will never be accepted as a nuclear power,... and that

a peaceful solution to the issue... was the only acceptable outcome.

For more infomation >> North Korea still missing key technologies for ICBM: Seoul's FM - Duration: 0:40.


Korea's defense budget set to rise 7% next year - Duration: 0:51.

And in that budget plan for next year,... the amount allocated for defense is some 39-and-a-half

billion U.S. dollars,... up 7-percent from this year's budget.

In next year's financial plan, military spending will see its biggest hike since 2009,... reflecting

the "grim security reality" of North Korea's nuclear and missile threats becoming more


The liberal government's first budget also underlines the administration's plans to reform

the 625-thousand strong armed forces,... and establish the three-axis defense platform

by the early 2020s.

That platform consists of the Kill chain pre-emptive strike, Korean Air and Missile Defense, and

Korea Massive Punishment and Retaliation schemes.

For more infomation >> Korea's defense budget set to rise 7% next year - Duration: 0:51.


EU names 17 countries, including South Korea, on its first-ever tax haven blacklist - Duration: 1:54.

Our top story this afternoon...

South Korea has been added the European Union's first ever blacklist of tax havens,... along

with 16 other nations.

With sanctions measures likely to be drawn up soon,... the South Korean government is

protesting the decision... calling it a violation of its tax sovereignty.

Yu Joonhee reports.

In an unprecedented move to clamp down on tax evasion,... the EU has named and shamed

17 nations... including South Korea... as offshore tax havens.

The landmark decision follows a series of revelations,... involving tax avoidance schemes

used by some of the wealthiest and most powerful individuals in the world.

In regards to South Korea,... the EU says the country's tax incentives for offshore

companies... to invest in its free economic zones... lack transparency.

It cited "harmful taxation policies"... that were discriminatory against local residents

in comparison to foreign investors.

Seoul's finance ministry lodged a strong protest... following the announcement,... saying the

decision was not in line with international standards and agreements.

The ministry says the EU applied a different standard... than the widely accepted, multilateral

OECD guideline... on the exchange of financial information.

Seoul claims the EU has violated its tax sovereignty,... by forcibly implementing its own tax standards...

on a non-EU member nation.

Brussels has yet to agree on the action it will take on the blacklisted countries,...

but specific measures are likely to be drawn up soon.

In addition,... it has also placed 47 additional countries on a watchlist... of countries that

have promised to change their tax rules... to meet EU standards.

Even more countries could be added to the blacklist... which is set to be updated annually...

if improvements aren't made.

For more infomation >> EU names 17 countries, including South Korea, on its first-ever tax haven blacklist - Duration: 1:54.


Korea's national interest top priority when renegotiating KORUS FTA: Finance Minister - Duration: 2:11.

The South Korea-U.S. free trade agreement has been a source of friction between Seoul

and Washington ever since President Trump entered the White House.

Trump has been pushing to renegotiate or terminate the deal altogether,... saying the FTA has

caused America's trade deficit with Korea to double over the last five yeras.

To prepare for the renegotiations, the Korean government has conducted economic studies

and gathered public opinion.

At an economic ministers' meeting Wednesday, the finance minister signaled the direction

of those renegotiations.

Kim Hyesung reports.

Korea's national interest will be the top priority when it comes to renegotiating the

Korea-U.S. Free Trade Agreement.

That's what Finance Minister Kim Dong-yeon said at an economic-related ministers' meeting

Wednesday, insisting Seoul will reflect the interests of the country's industrial and

agricultural sectors while taking the whole economy into consideration.

To come up with a renegotiation plan, the Trade Ministry has conducted economic feasibility

studies on the FTA and has gathered opinion from the agricultural and manufacturing sectors

through two public hearings and 26 rounds of meetings.

According to government data, Korea's trade surplus with the U.S. reached a peak of 25.8

billion U.S. dollars in 2015, but it has been dropping since.

It's expected to fall below the 20 billion dollar mark by the end of this year, a low

not seen since 2012.

The Trade Ministry says the report will be submitted to the National Assembly this month,

finalizing the last domestic legal process to start FTA renegotiations.

This comes after the leaders of South Korea and the U.S. agreed to speed up the process

of amending the trade pact during their summit in Seoul in early November.

But to kick start renegotiations, the Trump Administration has to go through its own domestic


It's required to send a letter notifying Congress that it intends to launch official talks 90

days before the start of renegotiations, hold public hearings and disclose its goal.

Kim Hyesung, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> Korea's national interest top priority when renegotiating KORUS FTA: Finance Minister - Duration: 2:11.


Sanctions and pressure to continue until North Korea gives up nukes: Tillerson - Duration: 1:41.

U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson is once again stressing the importance of international

cooperation in tackling the North Korean nuclear crisis,... saying sanctions and pressure are

the name of the game until Pyongyang abandons its nuclear program.

Park Ji-won reports.

Meeting his EU and NATO counterparts in Brussels on Tuesday,...

U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said international sanctions and pressure on North

Korea will remain the policy until the regime gives up its nuclear program.

This week's NATO Foreign Ministers meeting in Brussels is the first NATO meeting since

North Korea launched its most powerful ICBM to date last week.

Tillerson called for concerted international efforts, saying maximum pressure on Pyongyang

is necessary to achieve a peaceful solution.

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg also slammed North Korea for its ICBM launch,...

saying it's a further breach of multiple UN Security Council resolutions,... and undermines

regional and global stability.

The NATO chief said North Korea's missile launch was "reckless",... and that such a

move "dismisses international security."

He also highlighted the need for the international community to pressure the regime,.. supporting

the Trump administration's efforts in tackling the North Korean crisis.

During the two-day NATO meeting,... the foreign ministers of EU and NATO are to discuss global

security challenges,... including North Korea, and the military alliance's role in projecting

stability beyond borders.

Park Ji-won, Arirang News.

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