Thứ Bảy, 29 tháng 7, 2017

Waching daily Jul 30 2017

Mere Rashke Qamar_NEHA KAKKAR And RIYA BISWAS | Sa Re Ga Ma Pa Little Champs 2017

For more infomation >> Mere Rashke Qamar_NEHA KAKKAR And RIYA BISWAS | Sa Re Ga Ma Pa Little Champs 2017 - Duration: 4:09.


Kman夾娃娃 誰說彈跳台只能靠運氣!?教你用夾娃娃技巧來打彈跳台,人生第一台金冠小海螺K88,音質真的不錯!#60 - Duration: 3:28.

For more infomation >> Kman夾娃娃 誰說彈跳台只能靠運氣!?教你用夾娃娃技巧來打彈跳台,人生第一台金冠小海螺K88,音質真的不錯!#60 - Duration: 3:28.


X.em video này 5 phút biết Cách Niệm Phật để được linh ứng giúp Bạn bớt đau khổ và vượt mọi khó khăn - Duration: 13:04.

For more infomation >> X.em video này 5 phút biết Cách Niệm Phật để được linh ứng giúp Bạn bớt đau khổ và vượt mọi khó khăn - Duration: 13:04.


Colored Cars and Superheroes Learn Colors for Kids Cartoon song for Kids - Duration: 10:11.

Colored Cars and Superheroes Learn Colors for Kids Cartoon song for Kids

For more infomation >> Colored Cars and Superheroes Learn Colors for Kids Cartoon song for Kids - Duration: 10:11.


Jewish settlers: Why do you attack Palestinians? - Duration: 17:59.

Why do Jewish settlers beat

Dvir Ariel

and destroy the Palestinian's things?

Not for all of them

What? - Not for all Palestinians

No way, of course not

Only those that deserve it... kidding

No, we are against all those kind of things

But it happens, correct?

Just like it happens on the other side

You mean Palestinians who destroy things that belong to Jews

We don't justify either

but on both sides, there are always extremists

that do harm

So what can be done about that?

Explaining, education


if you take a particular community

you will always have the extremists

the radicals that create the problems

What do you do?

It's mostly about education, explanation

That's it

Becky Shomron

Look around at all of my neighbours here

I have been living here 17 years

never in my life have I heard of someone attacking somebody else

That is propaganda

That does not happen here

These are civilized people

we are doctors, lawyers, teachers, social workers

That is not in our agenda, at all

The Rabbi of this Yeshiva was murdered by the Arabs

On the other hand

But I will stick to the question

But there have been, for example in the Nablus area, olive groves were burned

in Duma, there was a family that was killed

What are your thoughts on that?

How many Jews were murdered during...

I asked Palestinians that

I am asking you guys as Jews what do you think

First of all, they haven't found any evidence who actually committed the crimes

We are talking about Duma

I think there is a lot of misinformation and propaganda out there

People buring the trees We don't know who is doing the actions

People believe... Let's rephrase it

You are uncomfortable with the fact that this sounds very one-sided

This is a very one-sided question


That's how a lot of people in the world see Jewish settlers

They see you as stealing Palestinian land

and attacking Palestinians on a day to day basis

That's how Palestinians..

That's what they tell me down there (refering to nearby Palestinian village)

That's what they believe

Speak to that

I think it is misinformation

People want to live their lives People want to live peacefully

People want to live their day to day lives

go to work, come home from their work come home to their families

We are not out looking for violence

People may react occasionally

to a situation that is beyond their control

but I do not think anybody is out there for any reason

wanting to fight and cause harm to anybody else

and we look at the people who cause harm as the minority

most people are nice

are kind thoughtful human beings

that just want to live and exist

Why do settlers attack Palestinians?

Yakir Itamar

Speak on behalf of... - the entire nation?


I don't know

First, do you think it is true?

Do I think that settlers attack Palestinians?

I think there are settlers who attack Palestinians


For the same reason that Palestinians attack Israelis

Because they think

the other shouldn't be here

You understand?

Do you want to say something from the side?

Go ahead

I think that is some settler

decides to attack a Palestinian

or do something (bad) to him

He will look for one

The same if...

(those that attack) are criminals it is not because they are settlers

Of course

He doesn't need to be a settler

it could be someone who lives in Rehovot

But from the askers perception

in the media, that is what they say

She said that these are criminals

and not connected to being settlers

First of all, they are criminals because they are breaking the law

That it's settlers, then it's settlers

it depends if a settler did it or not

It is like saying Tel Aviv people rape girls

- anyone want something to eat...

I have no response to that

as a person who lives in Tel Aviv

Vered Har Bracha

If I am 40 years old

most of my life

You grew up on Har Grizim

I grew up in Holland, converted then moved to Israel

then to Jerusalem

in that 20 years


Until I was 18, no, until I was 12

and then from Jerusalem to this area

This was in Har Grizim

Most of it, yes

Who is thinking we are?

Who said we are?

a bunch of people named at the beginning of this video

it is a very common perception outside of Israel

It is very...

sexy thing that Jewish people are attacking Arabs here

The truth is I never did it

My kids, my family, never

There are people who have done it


In the US you have people who steal

so are all the Americans thieves? No

Same answer

Batsheva Nofim

They respond

They respond I will tell you why

That was very short I will explain myself

You can take a time segment

and respond only to that

You see the Jew attacking the Palestinian "oh, what's he doing?"

What you don't see are all the things that never hit the headlines

Give an example

I can tell you about numerous times

that Palestinians came up to the hills where we lived

stole cattle, tried breaking into houses

did even worse things

and a lot of those things never hit the news

I can tell you about driving

through Arab villages where just for being Jewish

we were attacked

I personally, sitting in a car with five babies

my babies

we were attacked by Palestinians

and I don't think I look harmful

I don't carry a weapon

neither do my babies

and we were attacked

simply because we are Jewish

I am not justifying attacks

on either side

But I can understand it

So you know from your time living in Itamar

that Jews did take revenge

Yes but I don't...

I don't know from the media what is true and what is not


I can tell you I know of one case

but that case was not of the people of Itamar

It was of a different settlement

What happened there was

a woman drove through an Arab city

she was attacked

she was basically thrown out of her car

and left on her own

in the Arab village

and the fact that she wasn't murdered is

just a miracle, really

So her neighbours

came to the town and

they made a bit of chaos

What do you mean? - I don't know exactly

I think they simply came with their cars made noise

blocked the road for a few hours

They didn't do anything significant

It was more a matter of passing on a message

of "you can't bully us"

"you can't dictate our lives"

a woman should be able to drive home without fearing for her life

Akiva Yizhar

I think

whoever asked that question only saw one part of the video

meaning, look at the broad picture

Who is attacking who?

You tell me

Over the past... since 1982

Thousands of Jews were killed... ok, hundreds were killed, thousands injured

So you look at the specific picture that CNN decides to show you

of a

settler hitting a Palestinian, so called

Just look at the whole picture

It's all cut off by CNN

It's all cut off by all the other media all over the world

and if you will see the whole picture you will see

that because those Arabs have been attacking Jews

sometimes Jews needed to defend themselves

and even if it seems to be a farmer

there have been many many incidents

where those so-called farmers

turned into

terrorists within one second

A relative of mine worked in Gush Katif (Gaza)

in the 1990s

He had a main worker

who worked for him for 17 years

after 17 years, he stabbed him to death

So I can't

trust any Arab

that he is innocent

unless he proves otherwise

That's taking a defensive posture

what about the other day the burning of olive groves?

Palestinian olive groves

Part of defending ourselves

is to make sure that Arabs don't want to deal with us

Simple as that

What does that mean? How is burning the olives groves...

It's turning the defensive into offensive that's all

I have no reason to be defensive if I didn't have to be defensive

So what's the difference between what they (Palestinians) do and what you do?

The difference is that

Aren't they (Palestinians) saying the same thing in their minds?

"I was defensive, now I have to be offensive"

"because it is the only way to get rid of these people"

There are two basic

there is a strategic look and a tactical look

Basically it goes back to the

to what we were talking about earlier

The historic background

Yes, I believe that this is my country

Even though that I believe this is my country

it doesn't mean that every Arab I see that I will kill him

just because it is my country

like we were talking earlier

I will give him three options

Even so

when he

tries to conquer my land

I will defend my land

and by planting those olive trees

he's conquering my land

That doesn't mean...

Isn't that land he owns?

First of all, no

How do you know this?


I happen to know it very well

and here in this area (near Nablus, Tul Karem)

you have almost no


How do you say it?

Land deeds, tabu?

Tabu, yes - land deed

There are no official ones like that

the only thing there is here

We are near Tul Karem

are deeds from the Jordanian time (1948-1967)

the Jordanians came

which was in 1966

Not many years ago

and they said we want to take


Taxes from you

Whose land is this?

Ok, this is Mohammad's land

They listed, this is Mohammad's land

This is his

amount of land he has

But that's the way it used to work at some point


We are talking 50 years ago

That's all we are talking 60 years ago

But that is the system we live under

It is not an historic claim

It doesn't matter that is the system we live under

If I own a house in Ottawa or Tel Aviv

I buy it, I have a land deed

We don't live in biblical times

It wasn't bought

meaning that same Arab decided that he wants to claim for that land

the Jordanians will say

"of course, more taxes for us"

so he got the claim that second

It could be he got there that same day and said "this is my land"

meaning it is not an official claim

even so

it doesn't go way back

The most it will go is two generations ago

that's the most

you won't find Arabs...

The tabu or the person?

The person itself

Come on, there are people who... the Husseini (family) are here 1500 years at least

Tell me what percentage of the Arabs here have been here more than a couple hundred years?

I don't know I haven't done their genetic test

Not genetic test Just ask them where they are from

They will claim they are from here

Most of them will tell you that they were refugees that came from Syria

from Lebanon

They came to work

and you will see Look at the maps of land

since the Jews started coming back here

in the late 19th century

or the beginning of the 20th century

the Arabs came along to work here

Most of them weren't here before the 20th century

and Jews were always here

(Jews) were kicked out, exiled

the came back again and again

but this is their land, always

and so many of the Arab towns surrounding us

are called after Jewish towns

that are listed in the Bible

as Jewish towns

Give me an example

Right over here next to Ariel is

Kfil Haris

Kfil Haris in the Bible is called "Haris"

where (Biblical) Joshua was buried

and in Nablus

you have (Biblical) Joseph's tomb inside

That's the original place where Jacob, our forefather

came to...

and so many

and just here, on the other side of Yizhar

there is a place called Farhata

Farhata is listed in the Bible as Faraton

All these places are listed in the Jewish Bible

and the archeology shows that

You have Sebastia

not far away from here

which is the Jewish city

where the Israeli kingdom was

back in Biblical times, in the Temple times

which was Ahab, the king of Shomron, Omri

these are historic places

The Arabs don't go back that long

Since when was Mohammad (the Prophet)

How many years ago?

We are talking about 3500 years ago

They don't go back that long

So are we talking history? This is our land historically

You see the black over here Yes, you were saying

You can even see smoke behind it

Not really, it is all very hazy today

Friday, three weeks ago

Somebody comes over and says there is smoke from there

I run out and see

like they do every year

many times

they torched the fields back there

in order to try to burn my vineyard

So that's your land

My land

Behind, inside the black where you can see

are olive trees

that the Arabs harvest

In that fire, there were 200 olive trees burned By whom?

By Arabs

How do you know that Arabs started your fire and the other fire?

It started way way past where Jews ever go

next to the Arab grove

What will CNN show?

Who burned those olive trees?

Jews obviously

That's what they will claim

But you are saying it is Arabs that burn all of it

Why would they burn their own fields?

Because it is worth it for them

they don't really care about the land

It is worth it for them

to try to burn my vineyard

and burn their olives as well

You are saying it is the same fire

It is the same fire

I thought two different fires

No, they try to

burn my vineyard

and then they started their olives on fire

You can see that the fire

continued all the way under my house

200 volunteers here

fighting the fire

and if they weren't here

it wouldn't stop and my house would burn down

and then when I go down and try to put out the fire

I get stoned by the Arabs

so then I need to run after them

and then they take a film of that

and show me attacking them

You were asking why do we attack Palestinians

Look at the whole frame not at half of it

For more infomation >> Jewish settlers: Why do you attack Palestinians? - Duration: 17:59.


Green Beans and Eggs Recipe - Heghineh Cooking Show - Duration: 12:32.

Green Beans and Eggs Recipe - Heghineh Cooking Show

For more infomation >> Green Beans and Eggs Recipe - Heghineh Cooking Show - Duration: 12:32.


Kim Jong Un to Trump - We will Respond to Any Manner of War! - China No Help - Duration: 2:38.

all brand-new images of North Korean leader Kim jong-un presiding silently

over the Supreme People's Assembly in Pyongyang

the man they call supreme leader sitting beneath giant statues of his father and

grandfather North Korea's too late leaders the

symbolism is clear the third-generation leader like his father and grandfather

before him continues to hold absolute power over North Korea and its growing

nuclear arsenal that arsenal has become central to what many here see as a

potential showdown with the u.s. after a frantic series of North Korean missile

launches this week the u.s. moved warships including the aircraft carrier

USS Carl Vinson off the Korean Peninsula that move prompted an angry response

from the North Koreans overnight hand-delivered to us in Pyongyang

calling the warships reckless acts of aggression the government told us if the

US dares to choose a military option the DPRK is willing and ready to react to

any mode of war desired by the US president Trump responded in turn on

Twitter today writing North Korea is looking for

trouble if China decides to help that would be great if not we will solve the

problem without them USA and in a second tweet I explained to the president of

China that a trade deal with the US will be far better for them if they solve the

North Korean problem blunt words for the Kim jong-un regime and for Chinese

President Xi Jinping who made no promises of specific action against the

North Korean government after meeting trump at mar-a-lago last week China is

North Korea's only meaningful trading partner but it's not clear how far China

is willing to go to rein and Pyongyang or even if economic pressure would work

tensions on the Korean Peninsula at their highest level in years with US

warships off the coast and just days after President Trump ordered a missile

strike on the Syrian government for she's by some inside North Korea as a

thinly veiled threat go about as well this North Korean newsreader saying we

are not intimidated North Korean state media warning of a nuclear strike if


For more infomation >> Kim Jong Un to Trump - We will Respond to Any Manner of War! - China No Help - Duration: 2:38.


Princess Diana: Kate Middleton 'Nothing Like' Princess Diana - Duration: 2:37.

Kate Middleton is nothing like Diana, despite ongoing comparisons of the two, says the author of the most famous book ever written about the Princess of Wales, Andrew Morton.

Morton wrote the explosive 1992 book Diana: Her True Story, exposing for the first time many details of Diana's turbulent private life, including her fraught relationship with Charles, her bulimia and self harm.

But the best selling author has now confirmed Catherine is a very different person to Diana, contrary to reports likening the two, News Corp reports.

"Poor old Kate has always been compared with Diana. She's very different," Morton said.

Catherine's style, warmth and popularity often led her to be compared to her mother-in-law,

who was only a year older than the Duchess of Cambridge when she died in a Paris car crash with boyfriend Dodi al-Fayed in 1997, he said.

Morton, who plans to revise his best selling book 25 years after Diana's death, pointed out that Catherine had been introduced to royal life "very gently"

and almost decade older than Diana, who was only 19 when she married Prince Charles and "thrown in the deep end".

She and Prince William also acted more "as a team" than Charles and Diana, he added.

Even Diana's own bodyguard has written about how he let her endure the panic of being surrounded by a hen party in an airport queue for a little longer than necessary before whisking her away to safety.

At its root, our interest in Di isn't too far from what had viewers flocking to Love Island

We're fascinated by stories of love and loss, relationships and rivalries, the juxtaposition of beauty, idyllic locations, aspirational living and the shadier side of humanity.

Last month, on what would have been Diana's 56th birthday, William and Kate, their children Prince George and Princess Charlotte, Prince Harry and members of the Spencer family

Diana is also symbolically evident in the engagement ring worn by the daughter-in-law she never knew, Princess Kate. "It's lovely," says Spencer. "I love the fact that there's still such veneration inside her immediate family for what she was and what she meant . .

For more infomation >> Princess Diana: Kate Middleton 'Nothing Like' Princess Diana - Duration: 2:37.


Mozzy Type Beat - Sacrifice (Prod. By StackzIsThePlug) - Duration: 3:03.


For more infomation >> Mozzy Type Beat - Sacrifice (Prod. By StackzIsThePlug) - Duration: 3:03.


English for Chinese Speakers 40 - 'She is so fashion' or 'She is so fashionable'? (with subtitles) - Duration: 3:22.

Hi again everyone, and welcome to 'One

English Tip in One Minute for Speakers

of Chinese (and its many language

varieties)'. In these videos I discuss, in

detail, each week -- like clockwork -- one

common English mistake made by Chinese

speakers...and this is video number 40.

It's ongoing, it's continuous and

actually it's growing. If you've watched

all these videos, then it's growing. I

think it's a cool thing, I think it's a

smart thing and I think it's a very

practical thing that you are trying to

improve your English. It's cool that

you even speak English in the first

place, especially when you consider how

different English is from Chinese and

its varieties. In these videos, I show you

a slide, and on the slide there are two

sentences: One is the correct way we say

it in English, the other is the wrong way

that many Chinese speakers say it. Your

your job is to decide which one is

correct. Do that now. Read the

sentences, listen to me read the

sentences, pause the video, think about

your answer and I will discuss the

answer in detail after it.

If you answered this

correctly, and with confidence, and you

didn't have to think about it very much,

then good for you. You don't have to

concentrate on this very much. But if,

like millions of other people out there,

you got this wrong -- or you took a wild

guess and happened to get it right -- well

hopefully now you understand. Still,

it means that you have to study more.

To start you off on that process -- and

it's a very simple beginning, I know -- I've

given you three sentences to study from.

Memorize the sentences in their

entirety, review them -- really drill them

into your brain -- and put into practice

what you've learned through speaking or

writing or both. As always -- or as I

often say -- it's good to go outside of

these videos and learn from the vast

resources that are out there.

Okay, just a few things before we finish.

First, if you liked the video I hope

you'll click on the thumbs up below.

Second, I hope you will consider

subscribing to my channel. I think it's a

good idea as these videos come out like

clockwork every hopefully you

will do that. Third, I have an online

course called '50 Common English Mistakes'

and it costs 20 euros...but if you follow

the link in the description box below it

costs 10 euros, so I hope you'll think

about that. Next, I am building up my

website, so I hope you will pay that a

visit. Also, I have a Twitter feed.

My Twitter handle is @epicenglishtips

so please follow me there.

Finally, if there's anything that you

want me to work on -- if there's any

English mistakes that you need help with --

please write it in the comments below

and I will try my best to address it.

Thank you for watching, and see you next


For more infomation >> English for Chinese Speakers 40 - 'She is so fashion' or 'She is so fashionable'? (with subtitles) - Duration: 3:22.


Mobile Photo Studio Tiny House (200 Sq Ft) | Tiny House Design Ideas - Duration: 2:26.


For more infomation >> Mobile Photo Studio Tiny House (200 Sq Ft) | Tiny House Design Ideas - Duration: 2:26.


Mom Varin - There is not success happen easy | Success Reveal - Duration: 5:30.

Success Reveal

Mom Varin

There is not success happen easy

bring to you by Success Reveal

For more infomation >> Mom Varin - There is not success happen easy | Success Reveal - Duration: 5:30.


The Unique Nicknames of Soganji, Lady Ye Jin, and Lovely Gong Hyo Jin HD || Movie Reivew - Duration: 2:23.

The Unique Nicknames of Soganji, Lady Ye Jin, and Lovely Gong Hyo Jin

People love to add a nickname that is unique to their stars.

Because they will easily introduce themselves, just like So Ji Sub who debuted as a model, now he is called by Soganji or super cool and become one of Koreas representative actors.

Ganji is not the Japanese language that has been used in Japan. Ganji meant even though we do not talk about it but the energy of the appearance gives the impression and looks dazzling.

So Ji Sub gets the nickname and becomes famous. He and Son Ye Jin will be playing in a Japanese remake film entitled Now I Will Meet You.

Son Ye Jin has the nickname Lady Ye Jin, and both will work hard together in the film.

Last year Son Ye Jin talked about her nickname, Since I started working tirelessly, I was called So Ye Jin.

I do not feel the name is beautiful, but I feel like I use a good nickname because I do work hard, she said.

There is also another actress whose nickname should not be forgotten. Actress Gong Hyo Jin makes the characters in dramas or movies more visible than the story.

Starting from fashion, make up, to small accessories that stick to her body quickly becomes a trend. Thanks to her senses in fashion and charm, people call her Lovely Gong Hyo Jin.

The appearance and personality of Gong Hyo Jin is a character wanted by the female fans. At the same time, she is also an awarded actress: Queen of Romantic Comedy.

For more infomation >> The Unique Nicknames of Soganji, Lady Ye Jin, and Lovely Gong Hyo Jin HD || Movie Reivew - Duration: 2:23.


Kaddu Ki Khatti Meethi Sabzi | Sweet And Sour Pumpkin Curry | कद्दू की सब्ज़ी|Homely Everyday Recipe - Duration: 7:12.

For more infomation >> Kaddu Ki Khatti Meethi Sabzi | Sweet And Sour Pumpkin Curry | कद्दू की सब्ज़ी|Homely Everyday Recipe - Duration: 7:12.


Cartoons for children Despicable me 3 Minions Educational cartoons Nursery rhymes Family Fingers - Duration: 2:08.

Cartoons for children Despicable me 3 Minions Educational cartoons Nursery rhymes Family Fingers

For more infomation >> Cartoons for children Despicable me 3 Minions Educational cartoons Nursery rhymes Family Fingers - Duration: 2:08.


Werkzaamheden Vlaardingen Centrum 28 juli 2017 (Hoekse Lijn) - Duration: 12:00.

For more infomation >> Werkzaamheden Vlaardingen Centrum 28 juli 2017 (Hoekse Lijn) - Duration: 12:00.


How Star Wars 8 Director & Actress Created Phasma's Backstory HD || Movie Reivew - Duration: 4:43.

How Star Wars 8 Director & Actress Created Phasma's Backstory

Gwendoline Christie has revealed how she collaborated with Star Wars: Episode VIII – The Last Jedi director and writer Rian Johnson to create Captain Phasma's backstory.

Debuting in 2015's Star Wars: Episode VII – The Force Awakens, the loyal First Order commander was one of the new characters – including Rey (Daisy Ridley), Finn (John Boyega), Poe (Oscar Isaac) and Kylo Ren (Adam Driver) – introduced to usher the resurgence of the epic space opera to a brand new generation.

Already known for her gig on HBO's popular fantasy series, Game of Thrones, many wondered what Christie would bring to the Star Wars franchise. Due to her cool aesthetic, Phasma became one of the most anticipated stars of the J.J.

Abrams' film only for fans to be let down when she was in just a few scenes and didn't even remove her shiny helmet.

So after confirmation that she indeed survived the trash compactor, fans started hoping that they'll finally get to see her in action and take on a bigger role in The Last Jedi.  Fortunately, it appears that will be the case as the much-anticipated saga movie is expected to delve a bit deeper to Phasma's backstory – giving her character more than just cool looking armor.

Related: Star Wars 8: Finn Battles Against Captain Phasma.

Talking to IGN during summer 2017 TV Critics Association press tour, the actress shared how collaborative the process was in crafting her character's backstory with Johnson:.

"Rian and I did have long conversations about this character and who she was, and I was utterly delighted in how willing he was to listen to my ideas and really thrilled to exchange them with him and hear his.

He really is a master writer and director, and I think we've seen that in the films that he's made but I think that we truly will see that in the depths to which he goes in The Last Jedi.".

Further, Christie expressed her excitement for people to learn more about Phasma outside of the Star Wars films especially with the upcoming release of The Last Jedi companion novel centering on the Chrome Trooper written by Delilah Dawson, as well as, a separate comic book about her:.

"It fascinates me to be involved in something that also resonates in other incarnations of books or of merchandise, whatever it is, because people are connecting with the material that's outside just literally watching it.

They're connecting with it in a way that's tactile, that's in their lives, that stimulates different parts of their brain, different part of their soul.".

On the big screen, however, aside from exploring more of her backstory, another big thing fans are eager to see is the culmination of the brewing tension between Phasma and her former subordinate, Finn.

While The Force Awakens did not delve into this specific subplot, there were hints of the two's shared history peppered throughout the film – something that is expected to be revisited and discussed more extensively in Episode VIII.

The unmasking of Captain Phasma is only one of several other narratives that fans can look forward to in Star Wars: Episode VIII – The Last Jedi.

 This includes Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill) finally getting back into the thick of things after his years of isolation on Ahch-To, the possible resolution of Rey's and Supreme Leader Snoke's (Andy Serkis) real respective identities and the reveal of General Leia Organa's (Carrie Fisher) ultimate fate.

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