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SUBSCRIBE THIS CHANNEL to follow new videos and support me! Many thanks!
WE ESCAPE FROM A SCHOOL?! [Roblox] FR/ENG - Duration: 14:16.Hi Youtubeee
Today we find ourselves for a new video
Me as usual
Yay ! One to the new guest :p
Small dedication to him
I'ts me Morlode
Anyway on ....
on an escape
Of the school
Anyway we go begun :p
As it was back to school
go phoquiie
yeah cool
touch checkpoints xp
oh yeah shit
don't worry
I went fast xp
that is easy
i hate maths
oh a phone
Uh you are where Morlode?
It's hard
I believe that it's the end o_O
Wait me xp
yes yes
I believe that it is ended
this is the last step
oh already
sombody with me
it's the end
I passed
and Morlode?
Already the end :"(
You are where? x)
It's the end of this video
Put a blue thumb it's important
Do not hesitate to subscribe
And to activate the bell
And say we in comment
Which games you want that we make
5 Phương Pháp Giúp Con Người Trường Sinh Bất Tử Hoặc Thanh Xuân Mãi Mãi I Khoa Học Huyền Bí - Duration: 7:43.Hi, it's Mike Chen.
Man is in an endless pursuit to achieve immortality.
For as far as mankind's written history allows us to recall,
humanity has always been fascinated in finding ways to extend our lifespan
in the hopes of slowing, if not putting a permanent stop,
to our body's inevitable biological aging process.
For some, our attempts at prolonging life is limited
to the more conventional method of leading a healthy lifestyle
by eating nourishing food, exercising
and maintaining a positive and tranquil state of mind.
However, at several points in our past,
we find people who have pushed the boundaries of human creativity and imagination
in their attempt to gain eternal youth.
So, in this video, let's talk about some of the most the insane things
people have done throughout history to achieve immortality.
Number 1 - Bathing in Sour Donkey Milk.
Cleopatra came to be known in history as the last Ptolemaic queen of Egypt
and is arguably the most famous member of the Ptolemaic dynasty's royal line.
But other than her role in the Roman political conflicts
that eventually led to the downfall of the last dynasty of ancient Egypt,
she also gained notoriety for her striking beauty and irresistible allure.
As to how she managed to retain her youthful and brilliant glow,
Cleopatra regularly bathed in sour donkey milk.
not just regular donkey milk, sour donkey milk.
In the ancient times,
donkey's milk was used as some kind of chemical peel,
as the lactic acid it contains
peels off the topmost layer of the human skin.
The queen was also believed to be fascinated
with using other means to maintain and enhance her physical appearance
such as utilizing crocodile poop
as a rudimentary form of makeup foundation.
Number 2 – Drinking the Blood of Gladiators.
The Romans were very creative
when it came to coming up with various and sometimes revolting concoctions
in an attempt to improve their health or extend their lifespan.
One example of an unpleasant habit
that the Romans largely practiced for centuries
is drinking the blood of gladiators.
As people who fought to the death for a living,
gladiators were highly-regarded for their bravery, strength and vitality.
And it was believed that those who would want to inherit a gladiator's power
must drink the warrior's warm blood
in order to consume his essence and soul.
In fact, some people who suffered from epilepsy at the time
considered the blood of gladiators
as an effective cure for their affliction.
Their blood was such a hot commodity during this era
that people would rush down into the arena
and sip a vanquished fighter's blood
straight from his arm or throat to absorb his power.
There were also even concession stands
that made a lucrative living by selling the blood of these gladiators
while the blood servings were still warm.
Number 3 – Consumption of Immortality Pills & Elixirs of Life.
The Western world was not the only civilization
interested in finding the answer to attaining eternal youth.
Imperial China's history is also filled with
tales of men or groups of people
who have dedicated much of their life
in concocting immortality pills and elixirs of life
that would grant ceaseless existence,
be it physical or spiritual.
Many Chinese alchemists have dared
to make their own formulas of pills and elixirs
that could supposedly cease
and potentially even reverse the process of human aging.
These efforts were largely supported by several emperors
as well as members of the noble bloodline
who hoped death would not be able
to take away their power, influence and legacy.
The first emperor of the Qin Dynasty, Qin Shi Huang, for example,
was not just known for being the first ruler to unify China;
he was also known for his obsession
in finding the key to immortality.
He sent people away to look in different parts of his vast empire
for a "real" Elixir of Life that would grant him eternal life.
He even took immortality pills
which were formulated by his alchemists.
In the end, of course, nothing reallly worked.
and the emperor died young at the age of 39
and the most likely cause of his demise was mercury poisoning,
perhaps from all the immortality pills
he consumed during his brief life.
Unfortunately, the dream of living forever
was not exclusive to Qin Shi Huang.
Many other emperors of China that came after him
also regularly consumed immortality pills and drank elixirs
which contained toxic substances,
and instead of extending their lives,
these pills and elixirs only shortened the duration of their respective reigns.
Number 4 – Self-Mummification.
Mummification is the process which involves the intentional
or incidental preservation of a deceased's skin, flesh and organs.
But not all mummified bodies were preserved after their death;
some people in the past deliberately commenced
the preservation of their body while they were still alive
in order to achieve a superior
and more enlightened state of being.
"Sokushinbutsu" is an ascetic practice
of Buddhist monks largely performed in Japan
which is believed to have started sometime in the 11th century.
This extreme Buddhist practice involved the shunning of all worldly pleasures
to the point that the monks would enter a process
of self-mummification even while they were still alive.
And that thing would actually take a while.
It requires a period of around 3,000 days
or up to ten years before the entire process is completed by devoted monks.
They would have to follow a very strict diet referred to as "mokujikigyo,"
which literally translates to "eating a tree."
This means that the monk could not eat anything more
than the seeds and resins that could be gathered in the mountains,
and must abstain from eating cereals.
Eventually, these monks would fast and meditate for longer periods of time
until they completely starve themselves,
denying their body, even the consumption of liquids.
Even in this weakened condition,
they would continue to be in a state of meditation until they die.
Then, their dehydrated bodies would become naturally preserved mummies
that are still revered by many followers of Buddhism.
Some people today even still regard
these mummified monks as very much alive
although their bodies are said to be in a deep meditative trance.
Hundreds of Buddhist monks in Japan
attempted to achieve this extreme form of meditative state,
but only 24 monks so far
were granted the status of being the "Living Buddha."
Number 5 – Drinking Gold Chloride.
Among the most notable cases of people
who have pursued eternal youth is that of Diane de Poitiers,
the mistress of King Henry II of France.
The king's official wife was Catherine de' Medici
but he found much comfort in having the widow Diane de Poitiers
as his companion even though she was 20 years older than him.
History books wrote of her youthful appearance and her porcelain-like skin
that never seemed to fade even as she grew older.
That's because the mistress took great lengths
to ensure that she maintained her physique.
She kept in shape by swimming daily, horseback riding and hunting.
However, her beauty secret that ensured permanence of her great white skin
is her regular consumption of an elixir
which contained a mixture of gold chloride and diethyl ether.
This concoction was very popular at French court
and was believed at the time to be an effective anti-aging treatment
for its ability to harness the power of the sun
and transfer it to its drinker.
However, her obsession with keeping her youthful beauty
came at a great cost,
as her desire to look forever young
and the remedy she resorted to in order to preserve her appearance
was the one that slowly and eventually killed her.
At age 66,
her daily dose of gold chloride
indeed made her look half her actual age,
but she is also thought to have succumbed
to the secondary effect of the concoction
– that is, chronic gold poisoning.
But hey, 66 is not bad!
Also guys, let me know in the comment below.
If you could take an elixirs of immortality.
Let's say that's true, someone gave it to you for ... a dollar.
And it's the real elixirs of immortality
would you take it?
You know, I think I would,
if it wasn't just the elixirs of immortality,
let's say, it was to elixirs of eternal youth, then I would take it.
Because, just living forever, but you are really old,
I think that would be pretty miserable.
But let me know what you think.
Would you take the elixir, let me know in the comment below.
Thank you all so much for watching this video.
I'll see you later.
GTA V: How To Master The Smooth Blend [TUTORIAL / Rockstar Editor] - Duration: 13:51.Hello there guys and girls,
in this tutorial I would like to get back into the Rockstar Editor.
I have already made a very comprehensive tutorial about this topic but I left out a pretty essential
feature just because I wasn't experienced enough with it at that time.
This is why with this little addendum I would like to share my knowledge about the smooth
blend that I have gained since then.
I will show you some advanced camera techniques and different use cases including examples
on how to create cool tracking shots, quick zooms and complex pans.
Are you ready?
Sit straight and listen.
The first thing you need to know about the smooth blend is that oftentimes it will not
behave as you would expect.
You'll notice what I mean in just a bit.
Let's start with an easy example: You wanna follow your character around as he walks through
the city, which could be a nice opening shot to your machinima to establish the protagonist.
The linear blend would only work nicely if the person walked mostly straight ahead.
And how often is that the case?
Almost never.
And it looks boring.
Of course you wanna have some dynamics in your shot which is why you use the smooth
Instinctively you would now create a marker and set it to smooth blend right away.
Don't do that.
Save it for later.
The reason for this is that in the very moment you activate the blend, it will do it's
job when you play the clip, meaning that it tries to transition into the end marker here.
This will just make it more complicated to create a convincing pan.
The right way to do it now is to set the first marker the way you like.
And if you're using letterbox format you should consider the cropping of your shot
while doing so.
You can move your footage up and down later, but not really left and right.
Keep that in mind.
With the first marker you should always make sure to adjust all other settings like depth
of field or shake except for the smooth blend.
This way when you set the next marker all the settings are transferred automatically,
which saves you a lot of time during editing.
You can use that time to find nice camera angles.
Then you move to the next key moment and set up the shot.
Then you go to the next and the next.
This way you can follow the character anywhere around corners or down the stairs or even
if he stops for a second to look at the city.
Once you have set up all the markers, go back to the very first one, navigate to blend mode
and press the left arrow on your keyboard.
Then press the plus key to move to the next marker and press left again.
Rinse and repeat.
This way you can quickly set all the markers you've created to smooth blend.
And you will notice that after some experimentation you will end up with a ton of markers depending
on how complex your camera movements are.
By the way, this trick works with every setting here, so if you wanna apply something to multiple
markers, you should definitely use the keyboard shortcuts.
Now, normally you wouldn't have to set the last marker to smooth blend, because after
all this is where the camera movement ends, right?
The smooth blend will sometimes do this weird speedup towards the last marker which looks
really bad.
So what you do is to just set another marker further back and set this one to smooth blend
as well.
Let the last marker be the out marker which you can't edit anyways.
As opposed to the speedup, the smooth blend takes a long time at the start to get going.
Equivalently you should set up a marker a few seconds before the actual scene starts
so the camera movement can warm up.
Make a habit out of these two things.
After all, you shouldn't feel that this is a nuisance to you because it's always
good to have a few seconds or even frames of flesh at the start and end of each clip.
This will give you more room to experiment in the editing software.
But this also means that you have to make a habit of waiting for a couple of seconds
before you push the action replay button to save your gameplay.
If for some reason you don't have enough material at the beginning of a shot, you can
do the following: Try to use the in marker and then place a marker very closely to that
Move the camera of the second marker somewhere, preferably in a way that with the third marker
the direction of the camera can be continued without making any weird turns.
When you set them to smooth blend now the camera should speed up way faster.
With that knowledge let's now play our first example.
You will notice that the camera seems a little late despite you having placed the markers
at the right moment.
This is another example for the smooth blend behaving differently than you'd expect.
The solution for this is kinda simple, though.
Just move the markers a little to the left so that the camera will arrive on location
When previewing the camera movement you will always have to start watching from the beginning
because the smooth blend will do the slow ease in I've talked about no matter from
where you start the video.
So if you start in the middle, the preview will give you false results.
So let's start at the beginning.
I'm gonna have to move these a little earlier here.
Since he is walking kinda slowly I don't wanna overdo it right now.
Let's preview the clip once again.
Now just add some music and the letterbox format.
Isn't it spectacular that a super lame gameplay clip of a guy walking down the street can
be made to look that cinematic?
And this is basically all there is to the smooth blend.
The rest is just trial and error and a lot of practice.
With this knowledge you can now start working on your own clips.
Still, I would like to show you some neat use cases to give you a feeling for the possibilities.
The next example is gonna be a car chase.
It's the same here.
The gameplay doesn't look that intense.
But the cinematics will.
Repeat it just like the last time and start with the first marker.
I'm just gonna speed this process up right now so you can see in a timelapse.
What I really like during car chases are changes in the camera's rotation.
So when your cam moves left to right and right to left you should try to experiment with
different rotations by pressing the left and right arrow keys.
This might give your shots some more intensity.
But don't overdo it, ok?
Let's look at the first result.
Not so nice.
You will now notice that the faster your desired object moves, the later the smooth blend will
appear to arrive on it's destination.
So you're gonna have to move the markers way more to the left than with the walking
guy from the beginning.
Trust me, after some trying you will get the hang of it and it will become second nature
to you.
This is the final result of this camera movement.
Of course you could tweak it a little more but this is just for demonstration purposes.
Here's the next key info: If you want the camera to move at a continuous speed It's
always wise to have all the markers distributed quite evenly across the timeline and to make
the distance the camera travels between two markers about the same.
You can make these increments pretty small if you like.
Sudden stops or extreme accelerations of the camera look good only in very few scenarios,
say for comedic effect.
Otherwise these sudden accelerations could be used for slow motion shots where you move
between two cars rapidly.
But this kinda stuff requires a little more practice.
One thing you're gonna wanna practice as well are quick camera turns.
This could be useful for when your character is running at quite a complex path like in
the humane labs.
Usually, the tighter the corner, the faster the camera will have to turn.
You can do this both if the camera is in front and behind the character.
In this example I even included a quick turn of the camera on the spot where we switch
from being ahead to following Franklin.
This super quick turn happens only between those two markers here.
What's most important during such dolly rides is that you always go from one marker
to the other while imagining that there are little rails placed on the ground on which
your camera rolls.
So if you have to change one marker in the middle, you're gonna have to check if it
still works well with the markers surrounding it.
Otherwise you're gonna get jerky cam movement.
Another scenario that can make for cool visuals is a 360 degree shot.
In order to make this work you should have a character or motif in the center of attention.
For training purposes the character will stand still now.
You can then pick the option "look at target" and choose your protagonist.
Move along the timeline and set the next marker.
Now you move the camera about 36 degrees on the imaginary orbit to either direction.
Repeat these steps until you've completed the 360.
Or even do another 90 degrees to have more room for editing later on.
So in the end you will have around 10 to 12 markers.
Now you set all the markers to smooth blend and turn off the Blend Easing.
Now you should get a nice orbit around the center of attention, which for a change isn't
The final result might not be perfect but it's as close as it gets to a circular orbit.
The more markers you set the smoother the orbit will look.
This is because the camera always tries to go for a rather straight connection between
the markers.
This should also work around the camera's own axis.
Let's say you wanna show the descent into a deep mineshaft.
You're gonna need much less markers for that effect compared to the orbital one.
Move the camera forwards without changing the direction it is aiming at.
So keep your fingers off the right mouse button or whatever button it is on console.
Then with each marker rotate the camera about 90 degrees to either direction.
You can measure that by looking at this little scale in the middle.
When you go back to the start and change all the markers into smooth blends without blend
easing again you should get results like this right here.
Add some scary music to increase the effect.
Then I would like to show you how to fake a loss of focus of the camera.
This is especially great for footage that is meant to look handheld or from a mobile
Many smartphones use automatic focus while recording and therefore lose focus sometimes.
If you're on console you can try to create this effect with depth of field setting.
I recommend you to set four markers here.
You have different options for the depth of field now.
The first and last markers should have the DOF setting that you want your clip to have
in order to look good.
For demonstration purposes I just created a focus on Franklin here.
The two markers in the middle are gonna get a manual DOF set at a value that will make
Franklin look blurry.
Now you give all these markers a smooth blend and see how it looks.
Move the markers closely together to get this typical look of a quick focus loss.
Of course you can and should combine this effect with the usual smooth movement I've
shown you before.
Another thing you just noticed now is that weird shake the smooth blend does sometimes.
This is what happens if the camera isn't changing it's position or only moves minimally.
You can't counter that.
The only workaround is to leave enough room at the start so you can cut that shaking out
later in the editing software.
If you're on PC however I recommend to add the blur effect in your editing software as
this will give you more control and precision over the timing and strength of the blur.
Just place a quick blur or gaussian blur on the clip and add four keyframes.
Similarly to the Rockstar Editor the first and last keyframe are at zero percent blur,
the other two at some reasonable value.
Now you can expand or shorten the duration of the blur by dragging either the first two
or the last two keyframes away from the other two.
Another amazing technique are the so called long takes, or if you're a movie insider
like me you call it a "oner".
These are basically shots that are not cut over an extended period of time.
By now you should have realised that you can film quite long scenes without cutting thanks
to the smooth blend.
That is only limited by the power of your PC or how much footage you can record in one
Since creating a scene in GTA that could carry on for minutes without any cut is quite hard,
too, there are some tricks you can use to hide cuts, which professional movie makers
use as well.
One option is to let an object pass between the camera and the characters.
It needs to be big enough, or basically close enough so it can fill the screen entirely
for at least one or two frames.
In this precise moment you can put an invisible cut.
This could be a truck passing, a tree or a person standing around.
Ideally this object is monochromatic.
Of course the shot that comes afterwards needs to start behind that same object so it transitions
back in there.
You can however also use this method to creatively change to another location like seen here.
In this case it's important to still continue the camera's movement for a little bit.
It just seems more natural.
So yeah, those were about all the creative techniques I wanted to show you.
If you need more inspiration for your camera movements, you should check out Duggy's
videos, especially Phoenix, Cops or the GTA Z series.
He is a true master of the smooth blend.
Of course there are tons more things you can do but I wanna go eat a steak now so don't
bother me okay?
Just leave a like and then leave yourself.
If you have any questions, post a comment.
Thank you for watching, whanowa over
ANNOUNCEMENT - Better When I'm Dancing Collab - Duration: 1:38.What's up, guys, I'm SoToSendoCadu
and today I'd like to invite you
I've already spoken this at my social media, but it's good to remember so everyone can join in
I've passed through some bad moments
or felt I was down
and there're many things that help us
but I thing something that actually helps is dancing
It makes me more relaxed
and I think it makes a lot of people calmer
so, because of that, I decided to do a collab
for Better When I'm Dancing, by Meghan Trainor
to motivate those who enjoy dancing to keep dancing
no matter you feel ashamed
or if you don't think you dance well
the main point is to join in
no matter where you're from, around the world, you can be part of it
and there's something
and I wish Brazilian residents join this collab because
Ubisoft Paris, thank you Sammie and Mouss
sent me some gifts I'll send to three contestants
but the goal isn't the giveaway
the main goal is to all of you to be part of this and to have fun doing it
all rules are on the description down below
there are also in English, for those who need to read them in English
and that's it, I really hope you'll all be sending your videos
and that's all, and have fun
feel better when you're dancing
my sentences are so poor today, but whatever, I'll keep in the video anyway xD
YOU NEED TO SEE THIS FIFA 18 COIN GLITCH TODAY... 😀 - Duration: 10:23.-------------------------------------------
Bad Baby Lightning Mcqueen Cars 3 Fun games for kids animation For Kids Nursery Rhymes - Duration: 5:59.
Bad Baby Lightning Mcqueen Cars 3 Fun games for kids animation For Kids Nursery Rhymes
Egészségügy/1: programelőzetes - XYZ - Duration: 5:23.-------------------------------------------
Farming Simulator 17 SELFMADE WHEELED LOADER SHOVEL - Duration: 20:20.HI GUYS !!!! Welcome to Farming Simulator 17 Mods Channel in this video I will show You Two Mods ( Actually The one works ) You can use to compacting chaff .
SELFMADE SHOVEL For Wheeled Loader Colorable 7.000l Capacity
Woodmeadow Farm Modding Caterpillar D9 Dozer This Dozer did not work for me Cannot move over chaff
So I use only the LIEBHERR L538 AWS Loader and the New Bucket.
If you enjoy watching my videos... Give thumb up SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE And for any question ( or just for say HI!!) LET comment I will be happy to answer you...... bb
Bar adventure in Berlin - Countryballs - Duration: 0:55.So what are you having guys today?
one tea please
one tea coming up
what about you Turkey
Do you? Do you have Ayran?
One Ayran on the way
What about USA?
someone is feeling a little grumpy
hopefully this will cheer you up
and what about my old buddy Russia?
What will you take Russia?
I will take Berlin
I mean... I mean
I mean one vodka please
QUICK LEAN TUTORIAL (IN DEPTH) - Rainbow Six Siege - Duration: 3:29.-------------------------------------------
#GiveAway Results - Rs.550 Paytm Cash Giveaway | 20000+ Subscribers - Duration: 0:08.-------------------------------------------
Vedersela - Expressões do dia a dia - Vídeo n. 12 I Vou Aprender Italiano - Duration: 6:51.-------------------------------------------
Today I will show you how to modify hill climb racing
First I will show you that the app is genuine
It costs £13.99 without the mod
Now download Lucky Patcher the link is in the description.
Once downloaded click on hill climb
Now click open menu of patches
If you have root you can TRY to use support patch instead of modified apk but apk is easier
Now you can press InApp and LVL emulation
Now press rebuild the app
This may take up to 10 mins, it depends on the device.
Now click on go to file
Now go to the home screen and uninstall hill climb
Now re-open luckyPatcher and click 'Install', then 'yes'
This may also take up to 10 mins
Now click ok
Next open Hill Climb Racing
Now go to the shop and buy whatever you want
Warning if you buy over the money value will go into -1700000000
Just click yes other apps you may need to click a specific option
I hope you found this video helpful and these sub titles!
CRISPR Cas9 || Breakthrough Junior Challenge 2017 - Duration: 2:17.CRISPR is in the news lately for being revolutionary.
But what actually is it?
In our body, there are trillions of cells. Deep inside these cells, there are genes and DNA.
It's like a very long instruction manual.
It contains every information from our hair color to our behavior.
But sometimes it can have errors, causing many diseases.
But don't worry. There's a solution for that and it is-
But how does it work?
Since the beginning of life, phages and bacterias are fighting.
Phages insert their DNA to attack them,
killing about 40% of the whole population.
Those who survive save a part of the phages DNA in a library type system called CRISPR.
The colorful ones belongs to different types of phages
and the black is from the CRISPR system.
When phages attack again, the RNA polymerase quickly make a RNA copy of the DNA.
The required part is send to a protein called Cas9.
Cas9 keeps it along with tracrRNA.
Now the Cas9 is ready for hunting.
This Cas9 will stroll through the (foreign)DNA and stick to a a thing called PAM and start its inquiry.
Then Cas9 unzips and check it.
If it matches, it cuts the DNA, making it inactive.
Researchers thought of using this same method to cut any gene of any cell.
They jointed the crRNA and tracrRNA together to make a sgRNA.
They also made a a plasmid of the whole thing to insert it into target cells.
A DNA can be repaired in two ways.
After cutting the DNA, it tries to repair itself in a error prone way.
Or you can send a repair template to fix it properly.
Why is it revolutionary?
It takes weeks instead of years,
99% cheaper and more accurate than any other previous method.
It can turn on or off any gene.
It's a hope to cure HIV, cancer and genetic diseases.
It can design babies before birth.
But it can also make mistakes which can cause permanent damage to a species.
So, should we use this powerful but dangerous weapon? Now that's a question to consider.
And thanks for watching.
Ziua Europeană a Limbilor - Duration: 0:20.-------------------------------------------
عــــــــاجل: المغرب يرسل اشارة "قــوية" لأعداءه بهذا الاجراء "غير المسبوق"..!! - Duration: 2:47.-------------------------------------------
Pasta Dinner | Mealtime with Bella & Beans | Encourage Children to Eat - Duration: 14:06.hi Bella what are you doing? I'm just tidying up we have guests soon. Do you mind moving that box into the bedroom for me.
Not at all!
Beans? yes! Is there a problem? no no!
Why haven't you moved the box yet?
I was just about to do it now. Go on then.
is that box too heavy for you yeah okay let me do it
Wait, how did you do that Bella?
it's very light beans see look it's really heavy beans you
just need a little bit of strength but how do I get the strength though well
all you need to do is to finish your meals but I always struggle because this
I don't like eating too much well if you eat what's on your plate then you'll be
nice and strong just like me well it is nearly dinnertime so it is okay today
I'm going to finish my meal yay let's see
okay so if you eat all of that you'll grow big and strong
okay I'm gonna finish every bite okay first things first have you washed your
hands yes yes I have good serve have i jigglers and you're going to join us for
dinner oh please do yes okay do you have your cutlery check fabulous do you have
your juice sure and do you have your food double-check
fantastic well Bon Appetit and tuck in oh this is lovely this is pasta with our
secret sauce and extra peas and mushrooms and what's even more exciting
is that it's got special surprises they're little pasta parcels
That's like little presents. Delicious yes it's like it's like a taste explosion in your
mouth when you put it in you just go um getting my damn Tommy mm-hmm did you
sleep all right last night beans well I did better however I was having a little
thing of twinkle twinkle little star a couple of questions go on so stars are
in the sky yes thanks a high up in the sky and when there's no clouds you can
see them at nighttime but where are they they're in space what's in space
planets and stars spaceships and aliens and all sorts of stuff well how many
planets are there well I think in total there's like billions and billions of
planets but do you mean in our solar system
hmm I don't know if I know that one I think I can name some of them yes
giggles do you know any of the planets in our solar system I think there might
be eight planets but I don't know if I can name them all I think I can can I
try go on so there's Mercury mm-hmm then
there's Venus the one that we're on we're on Planet ah I remember that one
then there's Mars Oh like the chocolate yes that's not a planet isn't it oh okay
then there's Jupiter and isn't he the biggest of the planets Jupiter Venus
Venus mercury mercury that's fine okay then we need three more difference do
you know any more that we haven't said um Pluto Pluto no that's not a planet
anymore Oh Oh Neptune like the sea yes I would
never not no me neither wait I did oh I
remember it's the upside-down planet Uranus yes
oh it's so cool it's ticked upside down so they say no we didn't that's the one
with all the ring no you won't because you knew the most planets. Jigglers how
many planets did you know? I wish I could get into a spaceship and fly high up
into the air and go and visit every single planet and every single star
mm-hmm and if I could I would bring a star home for you and for you and one
for cheeks as well I'd like to see what food they have on other planets like is
Mars made of just chocolate. There would be rivers of chocolate There'd be seas of chocolate
yeah there be rain and some pools of guacamole I like guacamole
why not I think it would be really good that sounds so very adventurous means
welcome only and chocolate mm-hmm if I was gonna have chocolate with anything
I'd have it with cheese well you need to first of all eat all that because I'm
not going to take you to space if you're not a strong astronaut I need strong
astronauts in case we get into like into trouble with an alien and we have to run
really fast away from an alien stuff I don't know maybe they wouldn't they can
take take what's T you know space-time I
wonder if we were eating in space would our food be floating
mm-hmm can you imagine what if our peers are floating now this is really nice
yeah I like the peas the most of my past episodes why yeah I love these yeah I
think the peas are really really good for making you strong are they why is
that I think each one of them is packed with lots of little muscles so when you
eat them they go into your muscles and make the muscles bigger I have read them
all I want to be able to lift that box by the end of today we'll be careful
though some of its really hot yes you have to blow on it if it's hot you have
to do a long particulars what are you eating
oh that sounds lovely do you like eating pasta as well
everyone loves pasta well if you're not sure you should definitely try our pasta
Parcells our brand that makes this and it's really really amazing it's like a
rainbow it's just it tastes so good it tastes like a rainbow it tastes if you
could eat rainbows weird it's like a rainbow track the better than the world
did you eat with you did you just talk though no Bella that's so rude excited
about rainbows and I had Custer in my mouth oh I think each color would be a
different flavor mm-hmm so I think red would be strawberry yes absolutely
purple would be great flavor hmm yeah that would be cheese flavor oh geez
that would be my favorite part of them no not the moon
the rainbow what would orange be or in trying to be orange
we're do it I don't want you cheese it could it could be it could be sponge
cake Oh orange sponge cake yeah green could be guacamole pink that would
be marshmallows blue what flavor blue B I think it would be blueberry so we've
got blueberry cheese mmm strawberry orange marshmallow guacamole
great that sounds like a delicious mixture to mean I'm sure we've missed
out some of the rainbow I'm getting quite full now beans. Me too but you have to
eat everything on your plate in my bowl in your bowl
I'm nearly done okay when things are hard to eat when I don't feel like
eating I just imagine that I'm only full up to here and that I still have room up
to here I take a deep breath and then I play the choo-choo game I've never seen
that one before huh that is amazing then I see if I can do it with my last bite
of peas oh no no I'm struggling to get the peas out of the bowl I don't want to
use my fingers do you want me to get your spoon come
here yes thank you Bella what do you say Thank You Bella no
please oh please thank you Bella oh she did confuse me there
I wonder if cheeks is enjoying his meal coz we cooked him pasta as well I hope
so he did take a lot Oh Thank You Bella I like it when you're
polite I'm always polite as mothers I'm happy to do anything for you if you say
please and thank you although I wouldn't give you all of my
guacamole I'd share it with you if you said please but I wouldn't give it all
to you but what if I said can I have all of it please I would say you could have
some of it because you were so polite what if I said but I need a little bit
then I would say what can you share it with me please then I would say yes okay
then mm-hmm I am finished that was delicious
I'm glad you enjoyed it mm-hmm finished yours Chiklis is it tasty Oh yum yum yum
well I'm going to finish mine off right now not mouth full here we go hmm
wasn't that lunch dinner it's just delicious it was dinner I know I get
confused I feel already those powerful Peas working their magic on my muscles
so who do what can I try lifting the box again yes I think you should okay
jugglers let's go and give him some support shall we all right beans you
have finished all of your dinner let's do this special strength test okay drum
roll please
I'm doing it I did it yay oh thank goodness like finish your weapon now I
can pick it up so in future what are you going to do at mealtimes finish all of
my food I'm glad to hear it now put that by captain jigglers it was really lovely
having you over for dinner and I hope that you grow up big and strong too
by eating all of your food until next time
Off the Maul: April 2017 Compilation - Duration: 4:05.(Chuckling) Okay, I see what's happening here
Yeah, you're trying to screw me out of my victory!
We all heard his dick hit the wall!
So, I have a new strategy, and you're just going to have to trust me on this:
Die for me
Die. For me.
Way to go, Top Score Timmy!
I don't even care if that's your name or not, that's what I'm calling you:
Top Score Timmy!
If you have a problem with that then you're a real dingus
Have you even touched a boob?
Yeah, I was breast-fed
The jury letters are just the top layer
Underneath are my parking tickets and alimony statements
All those bitches can starve!
You just do whatever you want, don't you?
Pretty much, bro
I do what I want, when I want
I wanna watch the Weather Channel
There are tornadoes in the Midwest and I like watching poor people scramble to save what little they have
When I grow up, I'm never gonna call you
I'm gonna be busy with my job and my family
You'll be nothing
Sith are no better than Jedi
Your name's what?
I-it started with a "C", ended with a "T"
(Sighs) Now...
If I were a 200-lb sack of assholes named Francis, where would I hide?
We made a pact that we'd marry each other if we were still single by the time we turned twenty-one
In retrospect, we probably should have set the age a little higher
We take turns being the girl
No, no we don't
Ah, so it works like the holodeck
The what, now?
From Star Trek
Some of us spent the late 80s and early 90s getting laid, Smith
You asleep yet?
Just checking
Kid's got his mother's ass
Lucky son of a gun
We are gonna beat you so bad, you'll think you gave Chris Brown an STD!
Is that what happened?
Alright, that does it, Bill
I'm pretty sure that killing Jesus is not very Christian
Now I'll mostly be hitting on waitresses who are too young and thin
to ever be interested in me
Hitting on them in a kindly, genial way?
No, in a threatening, creepy, "I'm-joking-but-I'm-not-really-joking" way
I found your cigarettes
That's all I'm gonna say
-Where's the milk? -We're out
-No milk? -No
Walk with me
MAUL: I want you to get some milk
-Where? -At the store
-Now? -Right now
-Any store? -Any store
-Bloomie's? -Is that a joke?
-What do you think? -I think we need milk
I think you're right
You know, I never get tired of hearing that
-Should I go get the milk? -Go get the milk
I don't quite know how to tell you this, Mr. Swanson
You're paralyzed from the waist down
I know
Oh, thank God!
Oh God, I was standing out there for like ten minutes!
Woo boy, is that a load off!
Oh, my God
What happened?
You were in a coma, and then I kissed you and you woke up
Like two days later
If you think that I'm gonna masturbate after THIS tonight,
You're right!
Now what's good?
You ready for some prime-time ding-a-ling time, baby?
I-I should try to win those Justin Bieber tickets
just so I can, like, tear them up
or use them to go to the concert
MAUL: Whoa, Chris, look, Mom's naked!
SAVAGE: Where?!
You creep
Ah, dammit, my legs!
I think they're broken!
SIDIOUS: Yay, Joe, now you have a friend!
Not used to holding a tool with that kind of power, Stan?
Ha, I'm kidding, I've seen yours while you were sleeping, it's great
You really gonna kill five people over twenty dollars?!
Are you really asking that to the guy who just last week
killed six people over nineteen dollars?
SAVAGE: Oh, yeah...
God, is she hot
I'd hit that one in the rough, if you know what I'm saying
Who are you kidding, Greg?
You'd pork her for a week and then get tired of her
Yeah, you're right
That's what I do, that's my thing
But a hell of a week, though
Hell of a week
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