Thứ Ba, 10 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 10 2017

If you'd give me time, I'll do whatever it takes,

even if I must sell myself...

To pay it back.

Even if you must sell yourself?

It's fine.

There's no need to pay back that debt.


Han Jiseop.

I will buy you.

(Episode 12)

There's no need to study it.

I begged my daughter-in-law and

got a full checkup,

and both are completely clean.

I need money urgently.

Can you give me $100,000?

Is this old lady joking with me?

You'll be turning 60 soon.

You're way too greedy.

I'm putting my life on the line.

Why else would I do this at this age?

Go elsewhere.

Wait. Fine.

Give me what you can.

Here's the deposit.

I'll give you the rest depending on how things go.


- What's going on? / - Stop right there.

- I need to hurry! / - Hey!

Please let me go. Please let me go.

Please let me go. Please let me go.

I'm not one of them. Please let me go.

Please. I'm not with them. Can't you let me go?

What is it

that you want from me?

Han Jiseop,

sell me 3 years of your life.

3 years?

For the next 3 years,

if you'd live the way I tell you to...

Your family will not have to run from creditors.

Or suffer because of money.


What must I do?

You'll find out slowly.

First, you need to know something.

For those 3 years, you must be dead.

I must die?

The man Han Jiseop

can't exist during the performance of the contract.

The name Han Jiseop must disappear

from this world...

In order for your child, your wife,

and your mother to survive.


you may not see your family.

You can't.

Because you'd be dead anyway.

So that means...

My family must think I'm dead.

Is that it?

I don't understand what you mean.

Let's say we never had this conversation.

I'll pay back the money.

Be wise.

What's best for your family?

After the 3 years,

I'll send you back to your family.

I don't know why you're making

such an outrageous offer...

But if my child and family were to lose me...

It would be worse than any debt.

I'll pay back the money.

Han Jiseop. I guess you aren't desperate enough.


What do we do, honey?

Did I steal? Did I kill someone?

Why can't I do as I please with my own body?

Imagine how desperate I was to do that.

Let me out. Let me out of here!


Why are you in there?

- Why? / - Seora, get me out.

This is unfair.

I did it to help you guys.

What did I do wrong that they locked me up?

Jiseop, don't just stand there.

Go talk to the detective!

Keep it down already.

Trying to sell your organ is a crime.

A crime? Do you people know my situation?

I feel so bad for my kids

that I want to sell my kidney

and pay off my debt. Do you know how I feel?



Please have mercy.

I'm sure she didn't know.

She was too desperate and

didn't realize it was illegal.

It's our fault.

So please have mercy on her.

Please. I beg you.

Listen. I feel for you. I do.

But it isn't up to us.

- Detective. Detective! / - Stop it!

Stop what?

What are you doing, Seora?

Get out there and beg until your hands get raw.

Will you leave me in here?

You need to stop it already!

Why are you yelling at me?

Did I do it to live in luxury?

My only fault

was wanting to better your life and getting scammed!


Jiseop, don't you know anyone high up?

You went to the best college in the country.

You must know a few among your college friends.

Go ask them to get me out. Go! Now!

I don't know anyone. No!

Even if I did, I don't.


I warned you

that if you cause trouble again, I'll disown you.

I've taken as much as I could.

No more.

You don't have a son anymore!

Jiseop. Honey.


You ingrate!

After how I raised you!

Put your hand to your heart and think.

How did you raise me?


Don't do that again.

Let's go.

Why does a parent constantly seek gratitude

for raising their own child?

If you were so upset about raising me,

you should've sent me to an orphanage!

That's right!

I hate myself for it too.

I regret raising you

instead of dumping you at an orphanage.

I'm full of regret!

Mother, please stop.

Jiseop, let's go. Let's go.

Poor me.

This is why you shouldn't take in someone else's child.

I was the crazy fool.

What was I thinking?

Why did I take home a dying baby

and work so hard at raising him?

What's wrong with you?

You know her temper.

Why did you talk like that to her?

Stop it.

Even without you scolding me...

I feel like my heart is going to explode.

What do we do about mother?

We can't leave her there.

Leave her there.

At least she can't get herself in trouble

if she's in there.

How could we do that?

She's your mother.

Hi, Daera.

Where are you?

Why? Is something wrong?

Eat up, boys. Eat up.

- Yes, boss. / - Eat up.

Ma'am! Ma'am!

Our house wasn't enough?

Now they'll camp out here?

Do something, honey.

Look at them.

One false move, and I'll end up six feet under.

I'll come back for the bowls.


You piece of trash. Who orders black bean noodles

at a spicy seafood noodles place?

You should just eat at a Chinese restaurant then.

Why are you doing this at my restaurant?

You're ruining my business!

Are you insane? What are you doing?

She's right. Please stop.

- It's dangerous. / - Seonghae.

Call the police.

I'll have them locked up

for obstructing our business and threatening us.




Stop being so loud while we're trying to eat.

I can't tell how I'm eating my noodles.

Lady, so tell your daughter

and son-in-law to pay back their debt.

Why should they pay back Mihong's debt?

If you want money so badly,

get it from that witch Mihong.

Why are you so dense? You're frustrating to talk to.

What? My gosh.

Then bring Gu Mihong

before me or something.

Why should I?

You don't like suggestions I make.

That's why we came all the way here.

If it were me, I would pay back my son-in-law's

debt just to get rid of us.

How much would you get if you sell this restaurant?


- Why you... / - Hey!

Who are you to tell us to pay their debt?

Even if my mom says she will,

I'll stop her even if it kills me, so keep dreaming.

- Please, stop. / - Hey.

What was that?

Can't you tell what the sit... What the situation is,

and whether or not it's something you can handle?

Who's the one dreaming?

- What? / - Break everything.

- Don't you dare. / - Mom.

You're really testing my patience today.


You did nothing wrong.

I hated your mom...

And hated you too.

That's enough...

With your revenge.

Stop breaking my heart

and please get up.

Just wait.

I'll give you a chance

to make up...

For the pain you've caused Jaeuk.

You came.

Did you bring your grandfather?


You look terrible.

You should take care of yourself.

Dr. Choi says

it looks the current state will continue.

Okay. Thanks.

You seem very busy.

Business management can't be easy

for someone who always had a scalpel in his hand.

I'm still afraid and lacking.

I have a lot to learn.

But I'll do my best and not cause grandpa or Jaeuk...

Any trouble.

Sure. You should go in.




you made.

Your promise to step down

as chief director whenever Jaeuk wakes up.

- Yes. / - Thank you.

He may be unconscious but

I think he felt your sincerity.

He looks much more at ease.

I'm glad.


I'll go now.


The person you have reached is unavailable...

You won't take my calls anymore?



I'm not a creditor.

You don't need to avoid me.

Just go see Jaeuk.

We're at a hospital.

By Jaeuk's room in the ICU too.

I'm not his wife.

I need to talk to you. Let's go.

Jaeuk's woman sent it.

I thought he had me followed...

But it was her.

Why did she send you this?

Isn't it obvious?

She probably plans to use it

to extort money from me.

You stay out of it.

I'll meet her.

No. She isn't someone you can handle.

She's cheap and low.

If she contacts you, hand her over to me.

The clearer their objective,

the easier they are to handle.

Even better, if money is what she's after.

Go in.

I must be cursed.

Ever since I was little...

If I wanted someone like crazy,

it wasn't meant for me to have.

Like mom...

And you.


I was always by your side.

You're the one...

Who betrayed me.


If Jaeuk hadn't blackmailed me,

I wouldn't have betrayed you.

I was scared.

I was afraid he'd expose me for lying

about the malpractice.

If that gets out, my dad and I are through.

What use is that now?

I was used.

What Jaeuk needed wasn't me...

But what dad had.

He even had a woman.

Jaeuk used me thoroughly.


A week before the wedding...

That jerk became a vegetable.

He made me feel pathetic

and he's sleeping in peace.


I asked you so nicely.

Where are you?

Let's head out.


You don't look cool at all.

I do like your poker face...

But this isn't right.

Open your eyes.


Say something!

Yell at me

for coming and tell me to get lost.


Is Jaeuk not making any progress?

They're giving him a 10% chance of survival.

Even if he wakes up miraculously,

it may be difficult for him to lead a normal life.

His poor mother must be beside herself.

I've already talked to her.

Since we don't know if and when he'll wake up...

We can't tie Haerim down as his fiancee indefinitely.

We could call off the wedding.

You were too rash.

She must be heartbroken already.

Do you still not consider Haerim our family?

If you considered her your daughter,

you should think of her first before Jaeuk.

Naturally, she comes first.

I'm talking about timing.

We should at least make it look like

we waited all we could.

That makes Haerim look better.

Everything is a mess anyway because of Jaeuk.

We should help her move on.

What could I possibly do?

All I can do is free her

from Jaeuk who has no hope.

Haerim is so lucky.

There couldn't possibly be

a more thoughtful father.

The same applies to you too. Thank you...

For returning to Haerim as her mom.

I wish our Yeorim met a father like you...

And is doing well.

Are you still...

It's just...

I think of her once in a while.

You bury a dead child in your heart...

But you can't even do that for a missing child.

But thanks to you,

I'm doing this well.

Do you really think that?

As you can see,

I can't do anything.

I'm too weak to do anything by myself.

It may be different if I could at least walk.

Why don't you get rehab?

Who knows? You may be able to walk again.

I won't cling onto something that

won't happen anyway.

As long as I cling on foolishly...

I'll only be miserable.

Good thinking. I'd like you to be at peace.

I will.

Go to sleep. I'm going to read a little.

Don't stay up too late.

Get her!

What do you mean, hold off on surgery?

If we wait,

it'll be difficult to reattach the severed nerve.

She may be paralyzed for life.

Do as I say.

That may be best for her.

What crazy talk is this?

You know how many times she tried to escape.

If she recovers, she'll escape again.

She'll keep looking for our missing child,

and she'll drag all of us to hell!

Do you understand?



He has a place in Cheongdam for his mistress.

That isn't enough.

Not a jab like that.

Find a bigger punch that will end him

with just one blow.

Use whatever measures you need.

He's a greedy man,

so I know there's something bigger.

Yes, ma'am.

Thank you.

We've known each other for years.

Of course, I should help.

Thank you.

Thanks to your faith in our new drug,

we were able to overcome our difficult times.

So as a token of our appreciation,

we put

a tiny gift into your account.

You didn't have to do that.

The truth is, it isn't easy to prove

complications caused by drugs.

It's whatever you call it.

It's all in the eye of the beholder.

Of course.

This is for your wife.


You didn't need to do that.

You need to be smart

if you want to have a mistress on the side.

You're so considerate.

There's no need to worry about things like that.


Darn it.


What was that?

Oh, my nose.

All I did was take a dump but

I feel so much better.

Oh, it's the crazy boy.

We meet again.

Watch it.

Who are you calling crazy?

Whatever then.

Here. It's the deed to the house

and the lease for the restaurant.



We're your parents, but we can't even

help you when you're going through so much.

Use this to put out the fire first.

Mom, how could you?

This isn't right.

We've burdened you enough.

We can't take more.

Just take it already,

before Daera comes home.

Why are you doing this?

After how hard you worked to buy this house...

I can't do it.

Don't say anything.

We can always buy another house,

and work harder to get another restaurant.


I refuse to take it.

No. I can't.

She's right.

We can't take this.

We're glad we could do at least this much.

Put out the fire and breathe.

It's harder for us to see you suffer so much.

Why are you doing this?

How much worse must you make us feel?

I'm sorry.

I'll handle it.

How will you handle it? How?

It's impossible unless a bag of cash

falls from the sky.

Here. Put it away. Go on.



Are you insane?

How could you give this house

and the store to her?

Give that back.

I refuse.

You aren't the only ones living in this house.

Seonghae, Chara and I live here too.

We have a right too!

A right? What did you contribute to

buying this house?

Is Seora your only child?

Chara and I aren't?

What's wrong? You know you can't get worked up.

Let go!

This is ridiculous.

Seora, say something.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry, Daera.

What's all the noise?

Mom wants to use our house as collateral

to pay Seora's debt.

Tell me. Does that make any sense?

That's going a bit far, no?

I understand how you feel...

- But isn't that a bit much? / - Shut it!

It's my house! I'll do with it as I please!

- Who are you to complain? / - Mom!

Mother, still this isn't right.

You should at least consult the family.

- You stay out of it. / - Mother.

Darn it.

He didn't say anything wrong.

Why are you mistreating him?

Daera, don't worry.

I'll never touch this house.

The restaurant either, so don't worry.

How can I trust you?

You act like an angel,

but nagged mom in secret to pay off your debt,

didn't you?


Daera, you know Seora would never do that

better than anyone.

That will never happen, as she said,

so don't worry.

Stop running your mouth...

- And give that back. / - No. I will not!

This belongs to Chara and me.

I won't give it to Seora.

Why should we?

Come on. She's their child too.

Don't be like that.

You're making her feel bad.

She's their child too?

Ki Daera!

You keep talking.

You're the one making me talk!

What do you and dad have?

This house and restaurant are all you have.

But you'll give those to Seora?

I refuse to let that happen. I'll protect them!


You loser.

You inconsiderate witch.

You call yourself a big sister?

Why does everyone pick on me?

Stop it!

For the next 3 years,

if you'd live the way I tell you to...

Your family will not have to run from creditors...

Or suffer because of money.


What must I do?

You'll find out slowly.

First, you need to know something.

For those 3 years, you must be dead.

I haven't seen Gu Mihong around lately.

Go to the police station.

She's in the holding cell.

So sorry,

but I'm not a fan of police stations.

What's wrong with you?

Do you want to talk here and make a scene,

or will go to talk somewhere nice and quiet?

What is it?

What else? Isn't it obvious?

Either bring your mom to us,

or give us our money.

We have to feed our children too.

I told you. Go to the police station.

I told you. I really don't like police stations.

Your daughter's name is Haesol, right?

She's crazy cute, just like your wife.

Don't you dare touch her.

I'll kill you.

I'm shaking in my boots.

What? Are you afraid we'll kidnap her?


You weak little man.

You can't protect your daughter like that.

Hey. We have had it up to here with you.

If you want to see your daughter get married,

pay back our money and be a proper dad.

Darn it.

I didn't want to use my fists.







This isn't right.

This isn't right!

Ambulance. Ambulance!


(The Secret of My Love)

Yes, that's right.

Where's my husband?

Jaeuk, can you stop stalling and leave already?

What is it?

Why are you butting into other people's business?

You won't let me just pass by.

Is someone there?

Who are you?

That burn scar on your leg looks quite old.

Do you know how it feels to be

abandoned on the street?

I won't give up on you.

Why me?

Why must it be me?

For more infomation >> The Secret of My Love | 我男人的秘密 | 내 남자의 비밀 - Ep.12[ENG/CHN/2017.10.10] - Duration: 33:44.


TRIVET - WOOD POT HOLDER - DIY - PALLET (English Subtitles) - Duration: 3:12.

Hello! Welcome to another DIY video!

I 'm Vivi and today I'm going to show you how you can build a wooden holder for cookware!

To start with, I'll cut two boards 25 cm long.

In one side of each of them I'll draw and cut a curve.

Next I measure the center of each wooden plank.

From that point I draw two horizontal lines in the thickness of the board

and I remove the upper square from the first board and the nether square from the second one.

If you like, you can decorate the holder by opening holes in the wooden planks, as I've done!

After that, I'll sand them and I'll apply some wood oil on them.

Our project is ready!

It has been done very easily and quickly!

It's stylish enough, so you can use it to a formal lunch.

It's size and shape are convenient and furthermore it's folding and can be easily stored in a drawer.

Thank you for watching this video!

Do not forget to leave your comments, to click "like" and sub to help me! Also click on the bell icon for being kept updated about any new video from me!

See you next week with a new project!

I wish you a pleasant week, take good care of yourself and put your imagination to such good use!


For more infomation >> TRIVET - WOOD POT HOLDER - DIY - PALLET (English Subtitles) - Duration: 3:12.


(ENG SUB)GOT7 - You Are MV reaction [GoToe REACTION] - Duration: 7:40.

Hello. Go-Feet :)

Long time no see

I am GoToe :) nice to meet you

10 days thanksgivingday vacation

was over.....

How was your holiday??

As I known, exam will be start soon

My hometown is Ulsan

So I took a rest in there for whole vacation

and back to my room yesterday

and try to make a video again

I tried to make another video

but I hurt my hand by my mistake

So I will do MV reaction first

and make another one later

It looks like really big hurt

but It doesn't

I was tried to make a cup noodle

and I boiled water to make it

and put them on my right hand

instead of cup noodle

(I think he hurt his brain)

I bound a bondage

because of the blister

That's just a small wound

and It doesn't hurt now

Just use bondage to fix it

You don't need to worry about it

anyway today's video is

GOT7's video who came back with their full members

Name of the album is '7 for 7'

Title song 'You Are'

Let's get it

It looks like

a serious song

(I really love travel)

Where they shoot this??

I think somewhere in Southeast Asia

I think here is HongKong...?

Or what?

Nowadays in Korea,

Those kind of shirts are

really famous in Korean idol

(Most of the goods in shopping mall are shirts)

(I think he listen a song with his nose)

It feels similar with their song 'FLY'

(He got a point choreography)

That is the point

I really like main chorus

I am not sure but

JB composed this song and lyrics


I feel hopeful when I heard this

Really holic

As I known, those apartments are

photozone in that city

I saw lots of pictures in that place

Oh really beautiful

(My travel cell was moving)

I saw this place

in many MVs continuously

(Where is it??)

I think in Korea

So beautiful

I want to go there!!

And you?

Yeah! We saw

GOT7's new album '7 of 7'

title song 'You Are'

My personal opinion is


It really shows well about

typical GOT7's music style

When you listen their songs

like A

Stop stop it

Never ever


Just right

It do not seem to be very different

from the songs I've known so far

It doesn't go so far

I think this song is typical GOT7 style song

Not very powerful

It is moderate

and really comfortable to listen to

That is GOT7's style

and personally I really like

main chorus

It makes me so peaceful

and comfortable

For example,

This song is really good when you walk in a park

It really fit with windy day

I felt everytime when I participated in a event regarding KPOP

of course they are really famous in Korea

but especially, they are

really famous in a worldwide


Popularity in domestic and

international are propotional

especially in

GOT7 and

personally GOT7 and K.A.R.D

are much more famous

in international

I felt it many times

I don't know the reason

Their music style is much more

fit with internationally

This title song 'You Are' is

as I told you before

something different with typical idol group music

like powerful and energetic, strong

It is really comfortable

I really hope

of course they will get a good result in a international market

and of course in a domestic market

I hope they will get a

better result compare to

the previous album

This is the end of this video

and I will

be back with my next video

I don't know when I remove this bondage

(I think It doesn't take a long time)

I will be back soon with my perfect condition

Wait me for a second

See you later

For more infomation >> (ENG SUB)GOT7 - You Are MV reaction [GoToe REACTION] - Duration: 7:40.


Short Story: He stole my sun glasses - Duration: 5:19.

For more infomation >> Short Story: He stole my sun glasses - Duration: 5:19.


Tokio Hotel über das "Boy Don´t Cry"-Video und Bill als Drag - Interview (eng. sub) - Duration: 17:44.

Hello and welcome to and I am here today with Tokio Hotel. Finally!

I´ve been waiting for this for a long time

because it´s really exciting to meet a band that you grew up with

And now I am finally sitting here with you guys

Really? How old are you?

I´m 33

I think I´m older than the oldest member of the group?

Yes that´s true. How old are you again (George)?

31? No. 30?


Okay, so we are almost the same generation.

Now when you look back you are not the same band you used to be

I mean, I´m not even the same person I used to be.

Did you had something like a key moment that changed everything?

Probably when we moved to L.A., right?

That was about 2010. At the end of 2010/2011 we moved to L.A. for 4 years

We didn´t release a record at that time

But we did not had a break for 4 years. That´s what people use to think. But that wasn´t the case

But we didn´t do much in Europe at that time but did a lot in Latin America and Asia

And it took us quit some time to produce a new album

That was the major changing point for us. It also was a big change in our sound

And we also started to have our own studio and to produce on our own

It was the first time we allowed us some more time

And we started to talk about how we want the sound to be in the future and what we want to do

But we also had some time to relax and to chill of course

Well, that´s important, too!

You´ve been on tour earlier this year

When I release something about you guys on my blog, there are a lot of "old" Fans from the early days

and there are also a lot of new fans

Is it something you notice at your concerts, too?

Totally! It´s really mixed at our shows

The first rows are always people that follow us from the beginning

and you really see faces that you know

and there are also a lot of people that know us from the last two records

Since we released "Kings of Suburbia" after the 4 years a lot of new people started to join us

And those people don´t even know the old songs

They didn´t listen to it when they were young. So it´s different today.

Yes, I mean a lot of people come to our shows because of the good old days

They are like "We grew up with them". So that it also the case

And then there are also people who only know the new material

And they look strange when we play the old songs

But we really play just a few old songs

On tour we mostly play the new material.

And of course the classics

that everyone wants to hear

and its always nice to play them

Like "Monsum". We still play that song everytime

We also always play "Oops...I Did It Again".

and "Baby One More Time"

No, but sure. We play the singles that people know.

But we also play a lot of new material

because we don´t want to get bored after a while

I can Image it´s the same with music like with old clothes.

At some point it doesn´t fit anymore and you don´t like wearing it anymore

I can Imagine that it´s quit difficult to transport the old songs into your todays sound

Do you modify the old songs?

Yes. We modify the songs a bit. But listen...

It´s so difficult because to me it always sucks at a concert

I want to hear the hits like the hits used to sound.

And than there is a never ending remix

Yes and there´s a never ending remix that sucks, but on the other hand some things

don´t fit together anymore. Like the old stuff and the new material.

So we always try to find a way to make the songs sound like they used to be

but also giving it a bit of a new like Tokio Hotel 2017 vibe.

So everyone that want´s to sing along, can still sing along at your shows?

Yes. That´s for sure!

The hooks always stay the same and we just try to modify the sound a little bit.

To make it sound a bit more electronic.

But I don´t want it sound too much like a remix

I think you have to find a right way in the middle

I mean, you hear your songs so many times, so I´m sure it sucks after a while and you need a fresh sound for it?

But I have to say George still can´t play "Monsun" on the bass right

For him it´s a new challenge everyday

Funny, you just answered my last question

But we will come back to that later

I want to talk about something else

I once wrote an article about the fact that people in germany often hype their stars

and as soon as they are on the top we start to destroy them

We did that with Helene Fischer. We all listened to "Atemlos" and then we started to complain that it was too much.

We all watch "Germany´s Next Top Model" but say that we hate Heidi Klum

You guys have been through this, too.

You are like the perfect example for that, because people pushed you to the top

and instead of being proud and saying "these are our german guys up there at the VMAs" ....

But, in our case people really hated us right from the beginning

We had from the start like two camps that were really extrem.

We had the people that really liked us and the people that really hated us

But you are right. It is a german issue.

Thats the question. Is it really a german thing?

Yes it is!

People in America for example really like comeback storys

I have the feeling that it is not the same in Germany

In Germany its more like "your are down on the ground, stay there".

In America they love comebacks

But they also destroy people but like it when people really make it back

They also like it when people change their image and young girls come back as a dance vamp and take off their clothes and... so on

Like Miley Cyrus did it and came back as a sexy vamp.

But yes, german people are not that much into change sometimes

They often stick to what they know or what they are used to

But I have to admin that I am, or we are, very german

I really realize it when we are in America

So you are also really critical with other artists?

Yes thats for sure!

That´s for sure (George)

No, but for example we are always on time

Never missed a flight

completely reliable


But this is what americans like about german people, I have to say

People in L.A. for example love german people

You will always find german people ruling big companys in leading positions

Because they are good, reliable ...

Because it´s always good to work with those kind of people

Yes, exactly!



So we talked about the tour. Let´s talk about the album.

The Single are my favorite songs on the album and now my next favorite song will be the next single

I´m really looking forward to that.

The video is coming soon and I had the pleasure to see it ahead of its release.

And a lot is going in the (Boy Don´t Cry) musikvideo

Most important for my blog is of course your transition in the video

To describe it in a few words:

So you start to shave your face, start to put make up on and transform into a dragqueen that goes into a club

What´s the story behind the video?

...and goes dancing

The song is about being rescued

And that can happen in very different ways

The inspiration of the Song (Boy Don´t Cry) is that we encounter an alien

But you can also been rescued by other people with a positiv vibe or people that get you out of the dark

That´s what it is about and also rescuing yourself

I thing we all know a point when we feel depressed and a lot of things depend of your own point of view

It´s about how comfortable you are with yourself

How confident you are

You can get yourself out of it and that is what the song is about. To be yourself!

And I am playing this character of this guy...

The truth is, that it first should be played by an actor

But then we decided with the director that I should do it because it´s more fun if I do it

And it´s also more interesting

And I like playing different characters

We already did that in "Feel It All" where I finally had the chance to play a drug addict


Yes, because I always wanted to.

That was the only character Bill didn´t had to play actually

It was Saturday night and I just went to the Set

It was a usual Tuesday night

Well and that´s why I said im going to play this character of this guy

who is trapped in his daily life

and can finally be free and go out and dance as a drag

because that is when he can express himself and feel free

and that´s what the video is about

And personal fulfilment

Also all people on set. We really had a party going on

We drank a lot

It was a real party

Everyone in the video came because they wanted to

they are all friends

and people from clubs that we know from Berlin

And they all came to have a good time

And the song is really inspired by Berlin

It was one of the first songs we wrote in Berlin and has a german word in it

And a lot of people just came to party with us

So it´s not all fake. George was also watching. We had a lot going on on the set.

So there was no option for one of you guys to play the role?

No, George wanted to do it but we thought he looks... we can not do this in front of a camera

George you get dissed today one after another...

Well I´m used to that

Goerge doesn´t have beautiful legs so we thought that would look strange

My first thought was, Bill is becoming Jill.

Did ever thought about what your dragqueen name would be?

What was the name I had?

Didn´t we had a name for me at the end?

People have the illest dragnames

Not so long ago someone said a great name to me, that was "Juwelia"

"Juwelia" yes right

I liked that one

But on set everyone called you "Woman With Style"

No "Woman With Good Taste"

Yes because we did the fitting for the shoot and everyone was like "yes, that is a woman with good taste"

and I just thought, okay that wasn´t the look I wanted to go for but...

But I was the "Woman With Good Taste"

So know that we are talking about it...

it was the same with David Bowie, with Prince, even with Michael Jackson

everytime a male artists express his feminin site people always wonder if he is gay

And you know (Bill) that the media always is wondering about your sexuality

and nevertheless you dress yourself as a drag and you know what they will say

I was like "this boy got nerves" know that the same question will come up again after the release of the video

And you are like: Again, now it´s happening again...(Bill)

Yes but it seems like you love to play with it

I mean is there also a massage behind it?

I think a huge part of your fanbase comes from the LGBT-Community

especially because you show people that they have to break out of those stereotypes

and that a guy in high heels is not gay and a workman is not straight just because it´s a masculine image

Yes, totally.

And I think that it was this way since the day I can think.

also at school. The more people hated my look the wilder I dressed the next day

because I love this kind of freedom.

Also fashion and what you wear.

and what you sing and what I sing in our songs

it´s all quality of living to me

to have this freedom

especially the way people dress

there is nothing worst

then when society or people tell you how what to wear

and you have to fulfill the image of it at the same time

that was something that was always annoying me

And that was always the way how I decided to live

As an artist as well as privat

Freedom! That´s the most important

You can just wish for everyone else to have that freedom as well

Yes and that´s why I am so happy to be a singer

and to be able to dress this way

I mean imagine all the people that always have to be aware of what they wear at work

That must be so hard

And that´s why I thing "lucky me"

So we don´t have much time left

I always do a little game at the end where you have to answer real quick

Before we come to that just tell me: Where is Tokio Hotel at the moment?

Are you producing the next album or are there any tour plans?

We will play a tour. We continue our tour in November 2017

The exact dates you will find on

And we will play ten additional dates in europe

We will play two times in Berlin and also come to Oberhausen

And where else will we be, George?

Italy, France and we will play US and South America next year

And after that we will slowly make a new record

We produce music all the time, I have to say

But know we are not really thinking about the next album

but after the tour

Do we have two more minutes? One minute, okay. Let´s hurry up.

Okay I tell you the questions and you answer as fast as you can

So, Britney Spears invited you to her Vegas Show to cover one of her songs. Which one would that be?


Oh yes, that is your favorite song.

We all agree (Gustav)

I would do "Oops...I Did It Again"

"Slave 4 You" would be nice, too

I was thinking the same (George)

Your record label wants you to add a female singer to your band, like Fergie and The Black Eyed Peas.

Which celebrity female single would be your fifth band member?

Britney Spears

It must be a singer?

No actress?


Only if she can sing


I don´t know


She is in a really good shape right now

Yes thats right and she has got one great song after another

Great songs and ....

You have to answer fast....

Which song are you still afraid to perform live?

From our own songs?


George you gave us the answer already

I don´t have any. Well the opening of the new show is difficult

"Something New" is the most challenging Song

with a huge range and high notes and I am a bit nervous when we play it

But I am not really afraid

But nervous

Now: VMAs, the big kiss between Madonna, Britney & Christina. Who would be who?

I would be Britney because...

are we on?

...because I thing that you see that she is a good kisser

and I think that I am a good kisser, too

But that would mean that you have to kiss Madonna

And that would be George (Gustav)

What? I am Madonna? (George)

Oh okay, I have to kiss George? (Bill)

But I think that George isn´t a good kisser

I don´t think so, either (Tom)


I would take Madonna because I like older women

But then you have to be Britney Spears

You don´t understand the game

Okay I´m Britney Spears

But I´m Britney Spears, too

But we don´t have two Britney Spears´

We are twins, we both can be Britney Spears

Anyway, next question

Imagine there will be a Whitney Houston Tribute Album. Which Song would you cover?

It doesn´t fit at all but if you would have to...

I would take this Bodyguard Song because it the most challenging

You have to cover it in a very different way

I think that would be the most fun

to make a new version

Last question: Which of your own songs would you like to re-release...give it a second chance?

Maybe because you didn´t like the video...

Ohhh there a couple of Songs...

I mean "Monsun" did a good job, but the video was awful

But videos are always difficult

Actually none


It was all good the way it was

Of course there are some videos that we would do again

but I wouldn´t change the song or release it again

That was what I was thinking in my head

Like, wait, I would like to do a new video for that song but I don´t want to release the song again

So you will shoot a new video for "Monsun" and use the original Song...

We really talked about the fact that it is time to cover "Monsun" someday

And I think if so, we have to do it

Maybe someday a newcomer or youtuber will cover the song

Someone did a cover recently...who was it?

Ahh...Annette Louisan

Oh really?

Yes, for her album

But I think we have to do that, too

Great, I thank you a thousand times

we have talked way too long but it wasn´t my fault. The guys just talk a lot!

Thank you so much. And I will post the "Boy Don´t Cry"-Video on Hollywood Tramp

and the tour dates, too. Of course!

For more infomation >> Tokio Hotel über das "Boy Don´t Cry"-Video und Bill als Drag - Interview (eng. sub) - Duration: 17:44.


フランス人とポーランド料理を食べまくる?Eating in Polish Foods With A French Girl - Duration: 10:04.

Do you know this guy? Kopernikus?

Yea, but why is he here? Is he Polish?

No but.. He lived in the time when Poland didn't exist,

But he was born in a Polish area of today.

-That's why we have his statue. -Ok

What's the white building behind you?


I think that it's a part of university building.

-That's the church I was talking about. - You don't know?

It says "Akademia Nauki"

Means that Academy of Science.

I don't understand Polish that's why you are here.

-Have to translate -See the church?

We can go there.

Where do you want to go? That way?

I don't know.. What's on that side?

-There? -A building

-What? -There's a building

We can just walk

Yuta, who is that guy?


The guys with a......small sword

It says he was born 1763 and died 1813

That's right

He lived though till the 19th century


He died right after Napoleon went to Russia

I think he went there in 1812, right?

-I don't know. -It is!

-And do you knowwhen was the Battle of Austerlitz? -No

-Really? You are french! -Right..

-But I do know where is the Austerlitz Station! -They are not the same thing!

Oh yea? Are you popular in here?

-Have you ever fall into the same girl? -Sometimes


Kind of

-In video -Maybe not the same video..

But it happens sometimes

Reindeer can't be the symbol of Poland

Sure it can.

They are everywhere, in Norway too.


It's like the Canadian flag, "Sugar maple" can be found anywhere

What about this one? "Eagle" is the symbol of Poland.

In Germany as well you know?

Oh you are difficult!

Really nice inside


Polish Pizza

You see? The Vistul river.

-Hi -What can I get for you?

-Cappuccino -On the spot?

Did I tell you that I went to Slovenia this year?

Actually, I went there in July..


What's in it?

Cheese and spinach


-Smells nice as well. -Right?


Really good with butter and garlic

But this is SUPER hot!

I mean it's on the hot plate.

But it's kinda sad that there's no "plat découvert"


So that we can try different pierogis.

Maybe there are too many and they don't know how many..

So you have to decide for yourself.

For more infomation >> フランス人とポーランド料理を食べまくる?Eating in Polish Foods With A French Girl - Duration: 10:04.


Надоел новый дизайн YouTube? Вернитесь к старому интерфейсу YouTube - Duration: 2:31.

For more infomation >> Надоел новый дизайн YouTube? Вернитесь к старому интерфейсу YouTube - Duration: 2:31.


The Greatest Treasure : Learn Punjabi with subtitles - Story for Children "" - Duration: 5:39.

The Greatest Treasure

By: Amit Garg

One day,

Peter found a treasure map.


I'm going to find this treasure

I'm going to find this treasure

and have some adventure!"

Peter set off.

He walked a long way

and finally reached a forest.

and finally reached a forest.

There he met a lion.

"You are strong and courageous,"

said Peter to Lion.

"Will you come with me on a treasure hunt?"

"Will you come with me on a treasure hunt?"

Lion agreed

and joined Peter.

The forest was dense and dark.

The forest was dense and dark.

Peter was afraid,

but with lion by his side,

he made it through.

When the two reached the mountain,

When the two reached the mountain,

they met Eagle.

"You have excellent vision

and can alert us to dangers,"

and can alert us to dangers,"

said Eagle to Peter.

"Will you come with us?

We're looking for a treasure!"

Eagle agreed

and joined them.

The mountains were tall and craggy.

Lion slipped,

but Peter was swift enough

to give him a hand and pull him up.

Eagle, with his sharp vision,

watched every step they took.

Soon, they reached the valley below

where they met sheep.

"Will you join us in our search for a treasure?"

"Will you join us in our search for a treasure?"

Peter asked sheep.

"And keep us warm when it's cold?"

Sheep agreed and joined Peter, Lion, and Eagle.

Sheep agreed and joined Peter, Lion, and Eagle.

A cold wind swept across the endless meadow.

A cold wind swept across the endless meadow.

They all huddled against sheep,

who kept them warm and cozy.

The four finally reached the desert,

where they met camel.

"You are called the ship of the desert,"

Said Peter to camel.

"Will you help us get across

and join the treasure hunt too?"

and join the treasure hunt too?"

Camel agreed.

Peter, Lion and sheep mounted the camel

Peter, Lion and sheep mounted the camel

and set off happily across the vast desert,

and set off happily across the vast desert,

and set off happily across the vast desert,

with Eagle enjoying the spectacle from above.

with Eagle enjoying the spectacle from above.

Camel began galloping

and everybody cheered with excitement.

Crossing the desert on camel's back

was thrilling!

The five finally reached the ocean,

The five finally reached the ocean,

Where they met turtle.

"can you help us cross the ocean."

"can you help us cross the ocean."

Peter asked turtle.

"We are on a treasure hunt."

Turtle agreed and joined Peter, Lion,

Eagle, Sheep and Camel.

The rough waves almost drowned the party,

The rough waves almost drowned the party,

But Turtle skillfully transported them across.

But Turtle skillfully transported them across.

They met owl on the other side.

Owl spoke from his ancient wisdom:


you have found the treasure."

"Where is it?"

they all exclaimed in surprise.

"Together you have passed the forest,

climbed the mountains,

dared the valley,

braved the desert,

and crossed the ocean.

You would never have done it without one another.

You would never have done it without one another.

They all looked at each other

and realized that owl was right

and realized that owl was right

– they had found friendship!


they had found the greatest treasure ever!

they had found the greatest treasure ever!

For more infomation >> The Greatest Treasure : Learn Punjabi with subtitles - Story for Children "" - Duration: 5:39.


保田圭 妊活 感動話!「孫がいなくても…」妊活中の保田圭にかけた、母親の言葉とは・・・? - Duration: 8:31.

For more infomation >> 保田圭 妊活 感動話!「孫がいなくても…」妊活中の保田圭にかけた、母親の言葉とは・・・? - Duration: 8:31.


Minha Caixa de Brinquedos Importados | Cegonha Importadora - Duration: 10:47.

For more infomation >> Minha Caixa de Brinquedos Importados | Cegonha Importadora - Duration: 10:47.


Team Hungaw Vines EP2 - Mga Hugoterong Stupidyante - Duration: 6:33.

For more infomation >> Team Hungaw Vines EP2 - Mga Hugoterong Stupidyante - Duration: 6:33.


Camisetas personalizadas #1 Camiseta técnica manga corta con detalles - Duration: 0:55.

For more infomation >> Camisetas personalizadas #1 Camiseta técnica manga corta con detalles - Duration: 0:55.


ПОКОРЯЮ ИНСТИТУТ / ДОКУЧ - Duration: 3:44.

For more infomation >> ПОКОРЯЮ ИНСТИТУТ / ДОКУЧ - Duration: 3:44.


Hamster-Sparrow Photoshop video tutorial - Duration: 28:31.

Hey guys,

I'm happy to share a quick video tutorial with you today

and I'm going to show you how to combine a hamster with a bird in photoshop.

I will use a few simple techniques to unify the photographs and make the image look real.

Have fun, like and share the video and if you have any questions leave a comment.

For more infomation >> Hamster-Sparrow Photoshop video tutorial - Duration: 28:31.


FUNNY CLIP,TRY NOT TO LAUGH.HÀI TRUNG QUỐC.Clip hài hước siêu bựa,ngu người nhất P26 - Duration: 21:18.

For more infomation >> FUNNY CLIP,TRY NOT TO LAUGH.HÀI TRUNG QUỐC.Clip hài hước siêu bựa,ngu người nhất P26 - Duration: 21:18.


Incy Wincy Spider Colour For Kids Children Songs Learn Colors With Rhymes - Duration: 1:04:55.

Look i can see an incy wincy spider.

The incy wincy spider Climbed up the water spout

Down came the rain And washed the spider out

Out came the sun And dried up all the rain

The incy wincy spider Climbed up the spout again

Look at him climb up the baby this time!

The incy wincy spider Climbed up the baby's knee

The baby cried out loud And made the spider flee

Out came his mom And the baby went to sleep

And the incy wincy spider Once more climbed up the knee

The spider is climbing up the mansion this time!

The incy wincy spider Climbed up the mansion wall

Down came the rain And made the spider fall

Out came the sun And dried up all the rain

And the incy wincy spider Climbed up the wall again

There the spider goes into the shopping mart!

The incy wincy spider Climbed up the shopping cart

The shopping lady screamed And ran out of the mart

Out came the cleaners And cleaned from down to up

But the incy wincy spider Ate all the cookies up

That's the insy wincy spider!

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