Thứ Ba, 10 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 10 2017

yo yo yo yo yo CPA strength back with another pattern in five minutes DC ADE LER debit credit asset draw expense liability equity revenue you're gonna

write that down like this DC a blur first thing on your paper and what does

it all mean then you're gonna take it from this and then once you can once you

can write it down detailer then you're gonna write up here a debit debit credit

DC aid asset I put wins it cuz that's the draw asset

draw expense and then on the credit side liability equity revenue

this is a double this is a double entry accounting system as made by Luca Paoli

and like late late 1400s the double entry accounting system which means

there's two and it's a balancing system of balances where the balance sheets the

very biggest thing in in accounting so for every transaction it's either gonna

be a debit or credit okay and neither is good or bad debit is just left credit is

just right neither good or bad that's the first thing

each since we have balance sheets and everything balances around the debits

are always always always going to keep equal the credits always always always

always always so that's very important as well every transaction there's a

debit and a credit and they're always equal every transaction is also going to

be either an asset it's gonna be it or it's going to be a withdraw or a draw

it's either going to be an expense it's gonna be a liability it's gonna be an

equity it's gonna be a revenue so it's going to be one of these six all right

it's going to be either an aid or allure any transaction is going to be one of

these six and it's also going to be either a debit or a credit so a certain

transaction is going to be an asset and a dammit but it can also be an asset

could also be a credit so basically an assets gonna be their

debit or credit and draw a withdrawal team you have an accredited expense

governor credit if they're going up if you have an asset like cash and it is

going up or increasing you would have it on it would be a debit if it was

decreasing you would have it on the credit

so an asset all of these these are all in their positive forms asset and

liabilities are all in their positive forms no liability can be either a

credit for the liabilities going up it's going to be credit same with equity and

revenue if liability equity revenue if these are going up in value you would

credit them if either of these three are going down in value you would you would

debit it so this is the positive side for these three and the negative sign

for these three and vice versa there's a thing called a balance sheet and that's

the that's really the coup d'etat of all this stuff is the the top top balance

sheet assets see equals liabilities plus equity so right here right here

assets equal liabilities plus equity is the balance sheet it's also called the

the accounting equation I guess the basic accounting equation also and so

that balances its left and right side also there is an income statement which

is very important I would say the second most important statement or sheet to the

balance sheet so that is revenues minus expenses and right here and that's the

income statement and come statement so if you can just remember DC abler and

you know maybe watch this video a couple times this is this is how I've thought

of stuff now I made my accounting for beginners number one about two years ago

so I do accounting it every day I live in Breathitt County and it's my life I

try to make it easier for people to understand I love teaching it so I've

come back and this is me two years later trying to teach this again I believe I

did a DCA blur at 50 but I'm always trying to take what you're

and then give something better back I'm trying to be the best teacher I can

possibly be so you can look at my my playlist of videos I have I'm gonna run

this up to a hundred it's going to be my classic series so depending on when when

you see this I'm gonna have a hundred videos of accounting for beginners that

if you watch the whole hundred you're gonna really know a lot of stuff you're

gonna get it I believe it's helped thousands of people and I'm hoping you

know I've helped thousands I'm hoping to reach ten thousands a hundred thousand

so please share the Facebook my markers everything on the road I'm so happy I

love this and I can't wait I can't wait to make my video for tomorrow alright


For more infomation >> Accounting for Beginners #89 / ACCOUNTING in Five Minutes / Balance Sheet & Income Statement - Duration: 5:01.


Série Balancas Ramuza: Como aumentar o metabolismo e emagrecer com saúde - Duration: 4:35.

For more infomation >> Série Balancas Ramuza: Como aumentar o metabolismo e emagrecer com saúde - Duration: 4:35.


Lovers in Bloom | 木槿花开了 | 무궁화 꽃이 피었습니다 - Ep.92 [SUB : ENG,CHN,IND / 2017.10.10] - Duration: 33:25.

Go ahead.

Tell me.

There must be a reason you brought me here.


I'm nothing but your superior now.

I no longer do anything because of you.

So lose the delusion

and shape up.

I'm not your boyfriend anymore.

Why are you saying such mean things?

Have you always been this callous?

Yes, I've always been this way.

So until I leave,

I don't want things to be awkward

between us as colleagues.

(Episode 92)



Did you have a good day?

Yes. Uncle Suhyeok and Aunt Bora just got home.

What are you doing?

Suhyeok made a website for my lunch business.

Wow. It's really well-made.

Whether it's well-made or not,

how can I do this?

It's easy.

I saved you an ID and password,

so all you have to do is log in.

Your ID is "Sunny."

Sunny. That's nice.

I'll post photos of the day's boxed lunch every day.

All you'll do is check the sales

and reply to comments once in a while.

I got it, so go eat.

He did a great job making this.

You should be singing your son's praises,

so why the sighing?

Hey, hear me out.

Am I weird?

I wouldn't be complaining if I'd said

something awful.

All I said in passing was that

maybe because Bora grew up rich,

she doesn't skimp on seasonings and spending

and so forth.


Suhyeok got very serious,

telling me not to badmouth his wife.

My brother is wise.

It'd be petty of him to take sides.

Hey, can't he just take my side?

You're just as useless.

You get out, too.

I don't want to see any of you.


Oh? What are you doing?

Move over. I'll do it.

I'm fine.

I'm not fine.

I don't want my bride's hands to wear off.

Shall we go for a walk after this?


We need to continue our talk.

I thought we were done with that.


Shall I make coffee, too?

Forget it.

You just do as you please.

I'm sorry, but let it slide just this once.

I swear I'll really work my butt off.

That's for doing the dishes.

Can I get that every time?


So will you do the dishes every day?

Every day? I'll do it 10 times a day.

Don't get it on me.



Yes? Do you have something to say?

I need to go shopping for Chuseok food.

I don't think we can wait until tomorrow.

And to shop, I'll need Dad's share

of the household budget.

Mother must not have told you.

I'm managing family finances as of this month.


You shouldn't have to worry about housekeeping,

since you're busy enough with the restaurant.

When Mother said that,

I felt bad about my lack of consideration.

You're late.

Why are you outside?

Did you drink?

Yes, I drank.

Come sit down for a second.

I thought about your marrying Officer Moo,

and I can't say I'll allow it right away, but...

Didn't Grandma tell you?

We broke up.

So you need not worry about it anymore.

Why, all of a sudden?

Do you really want to know?


In any case, you got what you wanted.

So why are you curious about the reason?

Didn't you even meet with her

behind my back to split us up?

I felt so pathetic.

When I think of the day she came to our house,

it drives me crazy even now.

I couldn't protect her

from the humiliation she suffered.

Do you have any idea

how much I regret

not just marrying her,

no matter what the family said?


Like I told Grandma,

I'm never getting married.

So don't mention marriage in front of me again.

What's wrong?

What is it?

Why are you sighing and not talking?

Taejin broke up with that girl.


Are you serious?

I made the tough decision to tell him

that I'd seriously consider the marriage, but alas.

So that's why Taejin looked so unhappy.

I'd noticed he kept looking worse and worse.

It's for the best.

For what?


Who is this best for?

Is this best for Taejin?

Stick with me to the end, Seo Jaehui.

It's strange, but I trust you more

since you betrayed your feelings.

Now you feel like a friend.

You'd never get angry,

and you were always a yes man.

You got on my nerves,

seeming like a clever money-grubber.

You got on my nerves for doing as you pleased

on the backs of your rich parents.

Now that Bora is married,

it's over for you with Officer Moo, right?


What do you mean, why?

So are you...

Then again, her having a child didn't stop you.

Faltering before an obstacle

is not love. Nope.


Not obsession, or your competitive streak?

Watch it.

I'm talking about Cha Taejin.

You two share unfortunate ties.

I can't deny he's part of it, too.

You're still up, sir?


Where's Dohyeon?

He just got in the shower.

What happened to Spotty,

the punk the cops are after?

It looks like he's lying low.

Are they saying he really did it?

He hasn't been to the club in days,

and he's cut all contact,

so it must've been him, right?

What a headache.

But I heard it was Inspector Cha Taejin

who started sniffing around Spotty.

Got it. Drive safely.


Senior Inspector Hwang, it's me.

Make some time for me.

I need to talk you about that Cha Taejin kid.


Wow, the smell.

It's nice that our food is conveniently delivered,

but it must be grueling for you every day.

We'd go pick the food up if you lived closer.

Oh, please. This is nothing.

I'll consider it an arm workout.

This is yours, sir.

What? What's this?

Why does he get a special one?

Inspector Cha prefers tofu to meat.

Enjoy, sir.

Don't mind me, and just eat.


Let's eat.

- Bon appetit. / - Bon appetit.

Senior Officer Jang, try the meat.

It's really good.

I know it's meat.

Yes, ma'am.

It's been so long since I had such a tasty lunch.

It really was impressive. Impressive indeed.

Romantic Macho Man.

But a single comment doesn't seem like enough.

Should I create another ID?

Spotty hasn't been located yet?

How can it be easy to find a perpetrator

who's determined to elude us?

What about Chairman Jin?

Looks like it's quiet on his end.

Once a wanted bulletin is issued,

it won't be easy for Spotty to stay in hiding.

If he's considering smuggling himself out,

he'll try to gather funds to do that.

They're looking into that as well,

but they haven't found anything yet.

If you find out anything else about Spotty,

let me know right away,

even if it's very trivial.

Huijin. Huijin.

Water. Water. Water.

Why, why, why? What's wrong?


That's good. That's good.

This building has been sold.

What? Really?

But how did it happen so fast?

The right person must've showed up.

What will we do?

We don't know how much

the new landlord will raise the rent.

This is bad.

This is maddening.

Should we ask Dad for help?

How can we? Have we no shame?

We can't worry about being shameless

when we might get kicked out without our deposit.

Where are you going?

I'll go ask Dad.

We can't just sit and wait.

We must do something,

since Mom is in jeopardy, too.

This is really bad.

No matter how busy you are,

you must not skip meals.

We're not young anymore.

I have no appetite.

Is it because of Taejin?

When he was insisting on marrying her,

I was fuming,

but now that they broke up,

I feel bad.

You have to go the market, right?

Yes. I'll go after I tidy up here.

I might get back a little late.

I'm stopping by Juyeong's office.

That's great.

I wanted to visit him, too,

to see his new office.

Let's go together.

Dad, can we talk?

What is it?

Um, Dad...

I really didn't want to you ask you this...

Is this about money?

After raising our lease by $30,000,

the landlord seems to have just sold the building.

The new landlord will undoubtedly demand more,

so I feel bad, but you're the only one I can ask.

If you lend me your severance pay,

I'll pay you back quickly...

- I don't have it. / - Pardon?

But just this spring, you still had...

I had some expenses to take care of.

I feel bad that I can't help you.

It can't be helped.

I'm sorry

for burdening you.


It's me.

Are you free right now?

I have to discuss Taejin with you.


See you there then.

What did Huijin say?

It was nothing.

Why are you just sitting here?

You said you'd come to the market with me.

This is a shame.

Seonghui wants to see me

to discuss something about the kids.

I figured I should let you know.

What can we do?

Are you going somewhere?

Yes, I'm going to the market

and then stopping by Juyeong's office.

That's great.

I was going to tell you.

Invite Juyeong over tomorrow.

That's okay.

No, it's not okay.

We should've invited him a long time ago.

Make sure you tell him.

It's a holiday. The entire family should be here.

Yes, Mother.

Shall I drive you to the market?

I'm fine. It's just a short walk.

I'm off then.

I'm off, too.

What is it?

I think he's caught on to the fact that

Taejin is digging up dirt on him.

Did Chairman Jin say something to you?

Do you know Senior Inspector Hwang?

I do.

What about him?

He called Senior Inspector Hwang,

saying he wanted to discuss Taejin.

Taejin won't be done in that easily.

And he wouldn't be careless, as he isn't rash.

Don't worry too much.

I'll tell Taejin to be careful.

Taejin is one thing, but this puts you

in a difficult position.

Not at all.

I'm putting things in order anyway.

What do you mean, putting things in order?

I think Daegap realized that I'm working on

a division of assets suit.

So I'm going to liquidate what I have for now.

Jin Daegap always says he can't give

even a penny to anyone who betrays him.

He takes care of his people,

but if you turn on him,

there's no telling what he'll do to you.

I can't be chased out penniless after everything.

You'll come, right?

Ms. Noh insisted that I get you to come.

It'll be nice for you to come

and have rice cakes and meet everyone.

But it'll make me feel uncomfortable.

Juyeong, please.

Okay, fine.

Just take this.

What is it?

What else?

A special Chuseok bonus from your son.

I'm fine.

I don't need it, so you use it.

Then I won't come.

Hello, Ms. Oh.

Congratulations on getting married.

Thank you.

This is Juyeong's mother.

Oh... Hello.

Wow. Suhyeok, you did very well for yourself.

Didn't I?

I wish it'd worked out for Taejin and Gunghwa, too.


Officer Moo and Taejin broke up.

You haven't heard?

Hey, you just...

You deserved to get slapped!

This hussy assaulted me.

Hey, you call yourself a human being?

That's enough!

What's going on?

They're in a relationship, and..

We're not in a relationship.

We broke up ages ago.

She's completely nuts.

Look at this palm print.

Hey, how could I not slap you?

This scoundrel had promised to marry me,

but he was seeing another girl.

Hey! People date and break up all the time.

Are you some kind of leech?

What a pain.

Marry you?

I was insane. I was insane to have

gone out with trash like you.

That's a bit out of line.

You were engaged to her.

Officer Moo.

After all that I've done for you,

you took her on a trip with money I gave you?

I'm going to kill you.

I'll kill you!

Over the chump change you gave me?

You wanted to give it to me.

And without perks like that,

I would've been nuts to date you.


Moo Gunghwa.

Come with me.


Come with me.

You're going to get it from me!

Go ahead. What? What?

Now, now. Take her to the interrogation room.

Quick, quick.

To the interrogation room, please.

Darn it.

Please sit down.

What were you doing?

Didn't you hear that she slapped him?

Still, what he said was out of line.

Is violence justified

if someone says something out of line?

Do you know them well enough to meddle?

But for him to talk like that

to his ex-fiancee...

But it's okay for an adult to lose her temper?

It's a crime to assault someone

because you can't control your feelings.

Dating violence can even lead to murder.

You're a police officer.

If you're a police officer, then act like one,

instead of projecting your feelings

and meddling without knowing anything.


Who's Spotty?

I heard the cops came looking for him.

You didn't know?

Don't worry about it.

Who is it?

I told you not to worry about it.

Man... Okay, fine.

I can't even ask you a question.

What? Why are you here?

You know Bora is as much of a punk as me.

So if she and Suhyeok pay a Chuseok visit,

don't go off on them again.

I said that family will never do, right?


I'll handle the Bora situation,

so don't worry unnecessarily,

and focus on the hotel.

Got it?

This place suits you better.

That room was just awful.

Go ahead with what you have to say

instead of dissing my husband.

Don't come home for holiday greetings and such.

It's not the right time yet.

Come when I tell you it's okay.

Will such a day come?

Won't it be possible by next Chuseok?

Oh. It might be sooner if you have a pretty baby

like Bong Uri.

I have something to ask you.

When Uri almost got hit by a car,

what made you jump in to save her?

I don't know.

I wasn't thinking about anything,

except that Uri was in danger.


Isn't it weird?

I don't know why I'm so fond of her.

Do I love Officer Moo that much?

Is that why I'm so fond of Uri?

I know. I can't believe myself, either.

Who would've known Jin Dohyeon was so romantic?

But how I do I get rid of that Cha Taejin?

They broke up.


Gunghwa and Taejin broke up.

What is this regarding?

I'd like to see you.

I have something to tell you.


Have a good evening.

See you tomorrow.

Are you and Hyeonsu getting along?

Hyeonsu's a nice kid.

Why don't you talk to your mom?

Are you ostracizing her?

Come over with Hyeonsu.

I'll buy you a nice meal.

Thank Officer Moo for me.

I heard you broke up with Cha Taejin.

Man, it felt so good when I heard that.

Can't I even be honest about my feelings?

A powerful rival is out of the game.

Let's just pretend this is alcohol.

I'm sure you probably want a drink.

Make yourself clear if you can't drink.

I'm the only one, right,

who understands how you feel?

I'm moved to tears.


Bottoms up to celebrate your breakup.

Does it break your heart?

Do you want to die?

How did you know?

Geez. Sure, sure. Of course.

This, too, shall pass.

Everything passes.

Couples date and break up.

It's no big deal.

And it wasn't even that serious of a relationship.

People return gifts

and break up even after

having lived together.

Yours was just an office fling.

Don't worry.

I'm not one to bat an eye over this.

This is nothing compared to when

Uri's dad passed away.

He died in a traffic accident

one day out of the blue.

I got through that,

so this is nothing.

So long as I have Uri, I can weather any storm.

It's not like I can never see him again.

I feel better after venting.

Get home safe then.

It's okay to cry.

Even if I can't become your boyfriend right away,

I'll be your friend.

So don't try so hard to pretend you're okay.

Because it shows,

and it makes me angry.

Since you seem to really miss Cha Taejin.

I heard you broke up with Gunghwa.

Gunghwa said she wants to marry

a good dad for Uri over someone who loves her.

I get failing marks in that regard.

He seemed like a great guy.

I think he's caught on.

Jin keeps seeing Hwang,

so there's something there.

Go home.

What about the customers?

Are they all you care about

when a more important guest is coming over?

The fact is, Mr. Cha paid off the $40,000.


What did Dad do?


For more infomation >> Lovers in Bloom | 木槿花开了 | 무궁화 꽃이 피었습니다 - Ep.92 [SUB : ENG,CHN,IND / 2017.10.10] - Duration: 33:25.


Hoa Hậu Hoàn Vũ Việt Nam Võ Hoàng Yến quả quyết Hoàng Thùy sẽ Đăng quang ngôi vị Cao Nhất - Duration: 10:08.

For more infomation >> Hoa Hậu Hoàn Vũ Việt Nam Võ Hoàng Yến quả quyết Hoàng Thùy sẽ Đăng quang ngôi vị Cao Nhất - Duration: 10:08.


BibisBeautyPalace eigener XXL Donut - Duration: 7:29.

For more infomation >> BibisBeautyPalace eigener XXL Donut - Duration: 7:29.


ГОЛ ПЯТКОЙ, КОТОРЫЙ УДИВИЛ ЧМ-2018 - Duration: 3:27.



world cup

world cup 2018

For more infomation >> ГОЛ ПЯТКОЙ, КОТОРЫЙ УДИВИЛ ЧМ-2018 - Duration: 3:27.


10 Great British TV Shows to Learn English - Duration: 15:38.

For more infomation >> 10 Great British TV Shows to Learn English - Duration: 15:38.


نورجيكن كل الشوبكنز و صندوق الكنز الجديد ألعاب بنات - Huge Shopkins Collection - Duration: 4:17.

Hello this is Maya and Jasmine from jessytoys911

At last the most requested video to show you our Shopkins collection

look how much they are

shoes, school supplies, food, home stuff and more

we have collected 155 Shopkins

we got today the Jewlery box to decorate it and put all the shopkins inside of it

This box comes with stickers so we can decorate it

it open ups from here and up

We will add the shopkins inside

For more infomation >> نورجيكن كل الشوبكنز و صندوق الكنز الجديد ألعاب بنات - Huge Shopkins Collection - Duration: 4:17.


Drawing Cake How to Draw Cake Coloring Book Fun Painting Colors for Kids to Learn - Duration: 12:37.

For more infomation >> Drawing Cake How to Draw Cake Coloring Book Fun Painting Colors for Kids to Learn - Duration: 12:37.


Franchesca Ramsey: Here's How to Be a Multipassionate Entrepreneur - Duration: 31:42.

In this episode of MarieTV we do have some adult language. So if you have little ones

around, grab your headphones now.

Hey there, it's Marie Forleo and you are watching MarieTV. The place to be to create

a business and life you love. Now, if you've ever wondered how you can take all your passions

and your gifts and your skills, and create a thriving and world-changing career, you

are gonna love today's guest.

Franchesca Ramsey is an actress, comedian, and video blogger with over 29 million views

on YouTube and over half a million followers across Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. Her

videos have been featured on MTV, the New York Times, and the BBC. In 2012, "Shit

White Girls Say to Black Girls" was viewed 5 million times in five days, garnering coverage

on MSNBC, ABC, and Anderson Cooper. Most recently Francesca worked as a writer and contributor

for the nightly show with Larry Wilmore on Comedy Central and as the host of the MTV

web series Decoded.



So damn happy to have you here. I'm so excited. I've been such a fan of

yours for such a long time.

That makes me thrilled.

Back in the brick wall days.

See, this is…

Old school.

Old school. And we can even go like further back from the brick wall – my ass was jumping

around on my couch.

Oh, I remember those.

Like, being so silly.

Yeah.  We still do it now, we just do it like green screen and other stuff.

Oh, yay.

So, you know, you are brilliant in so many ways and we have so many good things to talk

about. But I want to take it back to what inspired you. I know you were blogging in

middle school and then you got on YouTube. What was the impulse to start creating, to

start sharing, to start putting stuff out online?

I am very much an only child. And so I think when you don't have siblings, you need to

find ways to entertain yourself, and the computer was really that for me. And I always wanted

to be an actor, I was always interested in the arts and media, and so the internet was

really a great place for me to combine my interest in technology and also creating content

and media. And as someone that was just struggling to get acting work, YouTube was a really great

place for me for that reason.

So your initial idea was "actor."

Yeah, actor and also like beauty. So when I started – I've had locs for 14 years

and it's really exciting because now the natural hair space is so, you know, vibrant.

There's so many places that you can find things, stores you can buy products for natural

hair. But when I started there – it just did not exist.

And so I was looking for help with my hair and I couldn't find it, so I started making

videos about my hair. But they were funny because that's like my personality, and

so I started expanding into more characters and sketch and really just making things that

I felt needed to be in the world.

Was it ever – like when you were thinking about comedy, like did you have training in

that or was that just your natural personality?

I went to school for acting. I went to a performing arts middle and high school and then I went

to University of Michigan for acting, and then I transferred schools and studied graphic

design. But then I did stand-up for about four years before I got really serious about

YouTube. I like to go to bed early and so stand-up shows always start super late. I

was like, "Do you guys have anything at like 3:00 or like mornings?" And they don't.

So I was like I'm not gonna do this anymore. I'm gonna just stick to YouTube because

I can make my own schedule and meet people and also make a little bit of money, which

I really enjoyed.

Yeah. And one of the things that I love about you, you know, so many people in our community

– I consider them, they consider themselves, multipassionate entrepreneurs. They do a bunch

of things. And I love – first of all, your website is gorgeous.

Thank you.

It's done by our mutual friend Krystle.

Yes, she's so talented.

She's so damn good.


But I loved – it was like actress/ comedian … or actor/ comedian, blogger, graphic designer,

like all the slashes. And I was like yes, yes, yes.

It's funny because there – when I was growing up and when I was in school and I

was interested in all these different things I would constantly run into people in my family

and at school who would say, "You have to pick one." and I thought, "Well, I don't

want to pick one. I like all of these things."

And I very much think that if you have lots of different interests, you should explore

them to the best of your ability. Because you never know how they're gonna interplay

or which one is gonna really take off. And for me, like my graphic design stuff helped

me have a great website and make sure that I had beautiful business cards and help me

edit my videos. My interest in beauty and hair, you know, make sure I look cute when

I go on auditions. Like, all of those things really work together for me.

Yeah. And then it seems like they all – in my life too, they converge at some point.


In the beginning it could almost feel like you're scattered. At least that's how

I felt. All these different things that I wanted to do, but if you have that sense of

courage and the willingness like "I'm just gonna keep going for it."

Absolutely. And even if they don't fit together in a traditional sense, I feel like all the

more reason for you to try and figure out a way to make it work. Because that's gonna

separate you from the pack. You're gonna be able to differentiate yourself and create

a brand that's really unique to you because someone's gonna say, "Huh, I never thought

of fashion and fitness fitting together," but maybe there's a way that you can, you

know, do that that no one else is doing.

Yes. So speaking of multipassionate, because I know what's a struggle for a lot of folks

that are watching, when they do have multiple interests, if things do start to take off,

have you ever had a point whether it's in, you know, the past 10 years or even more recently,

where the multiple passions are almost fighting with each other?

Where you're starting to get stuff – maybe it's rolling in the beauty sense or maybe

it's more people want you to speak on tech or you're like, "Oh, my goodness. But

I have these projects that I want to do and start pitching shows." How have you been

able to navigate some of that?

I am someone who lives by my calendar. So I love making sure that I schedule everything.

Whether it's "I'm gonna be on MarieTV" or "I've got an audition" or even when

it's just like getting coffee with a friend or doing a phone call catch up with someone

I went to high school with, I put it all on my calendar.

And so I really try to stick to that, but also keep myself a personal day. So I really

try to keep Friday as my day that I don't take auditions, I don't take meetings, and

I really stick to that. So that's my day to kind of explore maybe some things that

I didn't get to do during the week or work on some more personal projects. And, you know,

my team knows that if it's on the calendar, that's a time that is blocked off and they

can't have that time. So I think that you kind of have to set those boundaries for yourself.

Yeah. And, you know, you and I share a few things. One, we're both Sag sisters.

I didn't know that!

Yes, fireside. And also the Friday thing. I actually – Fridays I try. I don't have

as strict boundaries as you do, but Fridays, my team knows on the calendar. They're like,

"Oh, that's Marie's kind of off day."

I mean, if something happens and I need it to be an on Friday, it's fine. But I really

try to keep that day for myself. And you need it. I learned that actually from someone that

I worked with years ago and she used to do that at like 6:00. She would have an email

responder that would say "I don't answer emails after 6:00." I don't do that. I wish

I did. But for me I turned it into a Friday thing. So setting those boundaries I think

is really important so that you can explore your passion projects if you're not doing

them elsewhere within your career.

Yeah. So you mentioned in an interview that you were part of YouTube's Nextup program

and that you learned a lot from other content creators, especially when you were first starting

to come up. And one of the things, I believe, that's in your heart now is you want to

be able to pass along some of those lessons because you've learned so much. I mean,

you're out there in such a big way.

For anyone watching who feels like they have something to say but they're not quite sure

how to say it right or how to do it right, what are some of the lessons you would pass

on now?

I think one of the biggest things that I learned was just doing your research. I think a lot

of times people say, "Well, I want to do this thing but I'm not really sure how."

I always say go look at somebody whose career you really admire, somebody that's doing

what you would like to see yourself doing. Maybe not exactly, but there's some element

of it that you kind of feel drawn to, and go look at their very first videos. Go listen

to some podcast interviews. Go comb through their website. You know, that's the cool

thing about social media is you can really learn a lot about someone and their career

trajectory and some of the things that they've done.

And really I love to write lists in notebooks and things. So really make yourself a list

of all the things that they've done that you can learn from, things that they've

done right and things that they've done wrong. And really kind of help use that as

a roadmap for whatever it is that you're working on.

And I also think that's so important because often times you might have a really great

idea and then realize, "Oh, crap. Somebody's already doing that or someone did that and

it failed." Why did it fail? Or what am I doing that's possibly going to lead me

down the path where this will not be successful? So I think that research step is really important.

And then I also just thinking working with other people, you know, you can just learn

so much from other people and you can also kind of help lift each other up. Maybe there's

a skill that they have that you don't have that you can partner in a project together.

And also just you never know who they're gonna meet that you will be perfect for a

project or you might meet someone, and vice versa. I'm so lucky I met so many people

through Nextup who I'm still really good friends with today and have gotten to work

with in a variety of different ways.

That's so cool. You know, one of the things we were talking about off camera while we

were just getting ready was this idea of comparison. You were sharing a MarieTV video.


Let's talk about that – one of your favorite ones from early on.

Yeah, I – it really spoke to me just talking about the downside of comparing yourself to

other people and how especially for entrepreneurs it's hard not to do that. Because there's

so much time where things aren't working out and you're taking this risk and you've

got people around you telling you like, "Is this a good idea?" You're, you know, putting

money into something that doesn't necessarily see an end goal in sight.

And then you see somebody appear, you know, that's doing what you want to do and they're

being really successful, and it's just hard. And that really spoke to me because, you know,

in any creative field there's gonna be times it's just not working yet. And so I really

kind of built on that and I've started saying "stop hating, start studying."

I love it!

Because I've had so many times where I'm like, "Mm, she ain't all that." And

then I was like, "Wait a second, she is all that. She's doing so well." Then instead

of like getting upset and, you know, like going down that Facebook k-hole and looking

at all their pictures and seeing all the stuff that they're doing. I started thinking,

"Let me study this person and see how is it that she booked that job? How is it that

she got that client?" And I think that once I started doing that it's helped me so,

so much. And I think that more of us need to put that into practice, especially because

social media makes it so easy to just hate and consume everything that's going on in

someone else's life.

Yeah. And, you know, we were also talking too about how so much of what's on social

media, it's just kind of bullshit.

Oh, yeah.

Because it's a lot of fakeness.

Yeah, exactly. That's a hefe filter. I know it and I see it. Nobody looks that good all

the time. And so much of it's not real, right? Like think about about how many selfies

you have to take before you get that perfect selfie.

Oh, I am the queen of having my eyes closed.



Right, so you have to take a ton of pictures. Or you have to like jump to get that one flawless

jump picture and you've got all the ones where you're like on the ground, you know,

and your like skirt is up. I think that we look at what's happening on social media

and we think, "Wow, that person's life is perfect," but we don't know about – oh.

A perfect example. I remember I had bedbugs in my apartment.

I've had them too!

You're in New York, right?


And I still had to make videos, and so I had like one area of my apartment that was clean

and the rest of my apartment was like garbage bags. And I was like, "Hey, guys!" And

then like the camera would go off and I was like, "I hate my life!" I was like, "This

sucks!" I'm like climbing over bags. No one knew. I wasn't telling them that. You

know? But my audience is watching thinking like, "Wow, her apartment's so cute."

She's so put together. She's so funny.

And I was like, "No, I'm literally sitting here being like… this sucks." And you

don't realize like what's happening outside of that frame. Right? And so I think the minute

that you start comparing yourself to somebody else, it's a lose-lose no matter – no

matter what. Because you don't actually know the whole story and what you're seeing has

been tweaked and edited to present an illusion.

Yes. Yes, amen. And we were also – I don't spend that much time on social. Like, people…

I wish I didn't.

And I know we do similar things, but, you know, everyone's got their own path. But

for me, I just have so much fun putting the damn phone down. I get so many more things


I know. It's true. It's – for me it's like a double-edged sword because it is work

and play.

And you get to connect with people and there's that beautiful upside, which I do really love.

And then there is – it's like – it's really about I think for me bringing a level

of consciousness and awareness to it.

Yeah, that was one of my New Year's Resolutions was to try and live in the moment more. I

realized I was thinking a little bit too much about capturing things for social media rather

than just actually enjoying them.


Because you're never gonna watch concert snaps. You're just not.

Yeah. No, that's my thing. Like, I have to dial down the Jersey when I go to concerts.

I'm like, okay. Because I'm the person who will want to start maybe yelling like,

"Please put your goddamn phones down! I just wanna see Beyonce!"

And I am so the person that's like on Snapchat that's like, "I'm getting my life."

I know, it's bad. I apologize in advance. I'm getting better.

It's fun stuff though. I love that we're having this conversation.

So one of the things that I – I mean, I admire so many things about you. You're

so brilliant at what you do.

Thank you.

But I love that your work from your perspective, from what you've shared, it's solution-based.

Talk to me about your perspective on creating content around women's issues and social

justice and things that can be – they're tricky paths to walk. And really what I feel

when I watch your work is this sense of wanting to help us understand each other better.

Yeah, absolutely. I mean, I saw this quote that said "you don't know what you don't

know." You know? And so for me, I talk about these issues in a way that I hope will be

easily digestible, because it's hard to talk about social justice. It makes people

feel uncomfortable. People feel guilty. And I found that comedy is a great way to kind

of break that barrier down and make people feel a little bit more comfortable.

I also love talking about pop culture and using myself as an example. I also find that,

you know, often times when we talk about things like privilege, for example, if I can talk

about my own privilege as like a straight cis able-bodied woman, than people realize

like "oh, wait. You're not yelling at me. This is not – I didn't do anything bad."

We all have to kind of deal with this to make a better world for people.


So I really think if more people were open to acknowledging like their own position in

life and also like the mistakes that they've made. So many times when we talk about social

issues very – it makes sense that people get upset. And I think that people are entitled

to those feelings, especially when we're talking about life and death issues. But I

think if more people were open to say, "Look, I've screwed up in the past or I didn't

know about this issue at one time," more people would be open to doing that themselves.

So that's really what I try to do in my work.

You do it so well.

Thank you.

And like I feel like in especially, you know, the amount of wisdom, accurate information,

humor, and warmth that you are able to convey in like the MTV Decoded.

Thank you.

It's like these five minutes. It's brilliant.

Thanks. But, you know, it's similarly to how, you know, you've been on YouTube for

a long time. It's a process, right? Like, you look at your old videos and you think,

"Oh, my goodness. Why did I do that? Like, that did not work." And so I've been on

YouTube for about 11 years, so I have all those old videos up largely because I want

people to see that where I'm at now is not where I started.


And so I've learned a lot over the years and just kind of refined my content and the

way that we approach these issues so that we really have it down to a science that I'm

super proud of.

You should be. And I feel like for all of us, we continue to grow because the world

keeps changing.


And it's like navigating it. And speaking of that, not everyone – and I think this

is so important for people to hear. We've been online a long time, we're creating

a lot of stuff, and naturally not everyone's gonna like or agree with your perspective.

There's like a cottage industry around not liking me. It's – I pay people's bills.

It's wild.

Which is very, very difficult for – I can't even. That's like a whole…

Yeah, but you know what? It is – the same way that I talked about stop hating and start

studying. I feel like people in their process, you are at a place where you maybe see somebody

doing something that you wish that you were doing, or they're doing something that you

feel like you could do better. And for people who don't necessarily have the confidence

to put themselves out there, especially when it comes to media, that can be really hard.

To see somebody succeeding at something that you wish that you could do.

And so I realize because I've been in that place myself to not take it as personally

as I would in the past. Of course, I'm human. Some days you have a bad day and it hurts

your feelings. But I realized that it really is more about them than it is about me.

Has that helped you – I know you've written about like it's really about choosing your


Oh, right.

And I think that is – it's an important thing. I remember, you know, when I first

started even doing online programs, I love education. I love getting people into an experience

where I can hopefully make a positive difference to them. And I just remember like the first

few times someone refunded, and I just – like it's kind of silly to hear myself say this

now, but it just felt like such a punch in the gut. And I took it so seriously. And I

was just like, "Oh, God. I'm horrible person." Like what have I done? But I think

as you hopefully grow and as all of us mature and you get more experience, you do have to

pick your battles.

Oh, absolutely. And the thing is is like everything isn't for everyone.


Like there are some television shows that are super successful that "I'm like I

do not get this show. This sucks. I don't like that movie or that artist or whatever

it is." And there's an audience for that, right? So if someone's not interested in

my content or they ask for a refund, it's not a negative reflection on you all the time.

Maybe it's just you weren't right for that person or that project didn't fit what their

needs were.

But in terms of when it comes to responding to some of those negative comments, for me

I really try to be strategic in that it's usually less about them and more about my

audience. So if I can find a funny and smart way to respond to something negative that

maybe can help my audience have a better way to address that question or comment from their

family member or their roommate or their co worker, then for me it's less about that

troll who said something really ignorant about my work and more about, you know, all my Twitter

followers who are also listening. And they're saying, "Oh, how is she addressing this?

Oh, wow. I'm gonna use that. I'm gonna put that in my pocket."

They're watching from many different perspectives. Do you have a team of people whether it's

like friends or confidants or literal, you know, teams that help you do what you do?

Because none of us do this alone.


Do you ever go out to them and say – because we do this on our team. You know, if someone

comes in with a particular comment or they come in really upset we'll roundtable it,

you know, and say, "Okay, great. What's really happening?" You know, is this a troll,

someone who's just pure hating? Or is this someone who's hurt? And there's a lot

of validity and how can we address this in a way that is full of compassion and also

honesty sharing our perspective.

Yeah, I do think it's important to take a step back because sometimes even though

someone is saying something that is hurtful and maybe it is filled with, you know, curse

words and personal jabs that aren't fair, sometimes there is a grain of truth in there

that you do need to hear.


And for me that person is my husband. You know, he's someone that I – he really

keeps it real with me sometimes when I don't want him to. I'm like, "I really hate

this girl." He's like, "Well, she's not wrong." And I'm like, "Just agree

with me." He's like, "She didn't say something wrong!" You know? And I'm like

"crap. You're right." You know?

So I know that if there's something that really hits me and I think I can't shake

it, I take it to him and he really helps me think about it objectively. And, again, sometimes

it's not the answer I want to hear, but it's the one that I need to hear. And I

think it's really important to surround yourself with people like that. So my manager

is that type of person, my agent is that type of person.

I'm very wary of people who tell me I'm doing great all the time. While it might feel

good in the moment, I realize that I don't know that I can trust them to let me know

when I've gotten it wrong or like when those pants don't fit. Or like – you know what

I'm saying? Your thong is showing. Just tell me. Like, don't tell me I look great.

Just tell me that it's not right so I can change. And that's how my husband is and

that's how all the people that I work with are like that too. So I consider myself to

be very fortunate.

Yeah, well, you helped create that. Because of your open heart and your desire to grow

and your desire to continue. It's freaking awesome.

Let's talk about something that you've shared, and I think there's a lot of people

in our audience who can relate to this. That, you know, you said every day there were people

telling you that you're not successful and that your career is over and that you're

never doing anything, but you knew in your heart that they were wrong. Let's just talk

about that and also the importance for all of us to define success for ourselves.

Yes. Oh, my goodness. That is so huge. And I think for me that's been particularly

relevant for social media, because so much of social media success is around numbers.

And truthfully, I have never had huge numbers. Like, I had a viral video in 2012. I'm so

thankful. It really kickstarted my career. But since that I don't have, you know, 200,000,

300,000 people watching all of my videos. But I know my content is good. Right?

And so the people that I look up to whose careers I've seen, you know, have accomplished

all sorts of things that I would like to accomplish in my career, from Isa Ray to Abby Glaser

and – or, Ilana Glazer and Abbi Jacobson at Broad City, these are women who had web

series that didn't have huge numbers, but they're on HBO and Comedy Central. They're

winning awards.

And so success for me is not necessarily what the number is on my videos. Right? Success

for me is getting a chance to be interviewed by Marie Forleo. Getting a chance to go speak

at a college. You know, getting that call for a really big audition that I wouldn't

have gotten that call for if they hadn't seen the video that I had made that didn't

get hundreds of thousands of views, but it was a good video. Right?

And so for me and for anyone that I feel is kind of wrestling with where they're going

in their career, I ask them to think about, well what is it that you want? You know? And

once you lay that out for yourself I make these lists and I say, "Well, I wanna do

this. I'm gonna do this. I'm gonna do this, and here's how I'm gonna get there."

No one else can tell you like what success is, because you've decided what it is for



So I've had lots of people who've said, "Oh, well, you don't do this and this and

this." And it's like "I don't want to do any of those things. So like I'm totally

okay with that." Like, that's not what my goal is. I've done all these other things

that I would like to do. You know?


And so it's – I get it. It's hard. You know? And for me, I, you know, I try to be

the bigger person, but I'm a little petty sometimes.

Who's not? We're human!

And it's nice when those same people are suddenly like, "I'm so proud of you. You're

doing all this stuff." And I'm like, "Mm, I remember the days. I remember when you said

that I wasn't doing this and this. But I'm gonna let you cook. Thank you." And I keep

it moving. So you have to remember, you know, put that in your back pocket so that when

they come around and congratulate you – because you're gonna get there, it's just gonna

take some time.

Yes. I love – I had a couple of choice people telling me my – it was particularly like

some financial goals. They're like, "Oh, don't set yourself up for disappointment,

Marie." They're like, "I don't think you're gonna be able to do that so fast."

No, aim as high as you want.

I really sat there, I was like, "Do you know who the hell you're talking to? You

just lit a fire under my ass so big, because I will want to be the girl that comes back

and go, 'Can I show you this?'"

Well, and what's so funny, and I'm sure you'd have this too, is like now social

media and especially YouTube has like a level of prestige. Right? Everybody knows I've

gotta have a Facebook. Everyone's trying to do a web series. But 10 years ago it was

like "you make videos in your bedroom? Are your clothes on? What are you doing?" I

was like, "I mean, I'm doing this," thing and like every person I would talk to

was like, "That's really weird." You know? I was like I'm gonna go home and edit

my YouTube videos and they were like "why?" And now everyone's like, "Can you help

me start a YouTube channel?"

And so you have to realize that where you're at right now is not where you're gonna be

five or ten years from now, and so you have to look at that goal and stay focused on it.

Because there's gonna be a lot of people who right now don't know what that five or

ten year goal is and they don't get it. And that's totally okay.

Five years from now they're all gonna be like, "Gosh, I wish I had gotten on that

thing that you had gotten on because you knew where you were headed and why you were working

towards that thing."

You have a really strong sense of intuition, don't you?

I don't know that it's intuition, I just feel – I'm just really driven. And I think

that I'm really fortunate, because my parents have really instilled that in me. They were,

you know, they were always very supportive of whatever it was that I was doing and they

would just say, "Listen, whatever it is that you're doing, just work as hard as

possible and just be the best that you can at it." And so that's what I've always

tried to do. And, you know, sometimes it doesn't work out.


But I'm very much of the mind that things happen the way that they're supposed to.

And over the course of my career I can look back on things that didn't work out and I

realize, "mmm, I was not ready for that thing, or that was a terrible thing and I'm

so glad that it didn't happen." And that's happened enough that now I just kind of trust

it as I go along. If I don't book the gig, if something falls through, then maybe it

wasn't meant to be and something else is gonna come up.

Awesome. So we've gotta end with like the most exciting, incredible. Can we just talk

for a minute about your new pilot with Comedy Central? You are executive producing and co-hosting.

I can't even.

I'm excited.

I'm frickin' excited. It's in development right now, but can you tell us about the vision

for the show, your hopes for the show, anything that you're able to share.

Yeah. I mean, for me I'm just really excited to have a chance to kind of explore some issues

that I don't see other people talking about on television. I think talking about identity

and representation is so important to me, and sometimes it's not as overt as actually

like talking about a specific issue, but just highlighting different sorts of voices. And

I've found in my work that I get people who say things like, "Wow, I never saw somebody

with locs on television before." Or, you know, "I never thought about this issue

until you brought on somebody from this community to talk about it." Or just "seeing somebody

that looks like me on Decoded" or, "you know, in one of your sketches has been really

eye opening" and gives people a lot of just like hope and faith in themselves. And that's

really what I want to do, but in a comedic way.


So I'm just excited that I'm gonna get an opportunity to do it on a larger scale.

To think that I started in my bathroom making hair videos, you know, to then go to MTV and

then I was on the nightly show at Comedy Central, and now to have the chance to have my own

show and really kind of use all the things that I've learned to kind of take this next

step and create things that I never could have done on my own is really exciting.

I can't wait to see your show.

Thank you.

It's just – it's incredible. And I don't know, are you able to talk about the book

or are we gonna leave that aside?

Yeah! I can share just a little bit.

Drop us a little hint so we can get excited for that too.

Yeah. I'm excited, because, you know, we talked about how YouTube is in these like

little cute five minute confines, and then, you know, I love Twitter, but you can only

say so much in 140 characters. And there have been so many times I wanted to really deep

dive on a topic or just a personal story from my life and I haven't been able to do that.

And so I've kind of been stockpiling them away and I just started working on this book.

It's a lot of personal stories, but also a lot of advice just about the digital space,

being an activist, a lot of the mistakes that I've made. Because I really think that that's

something more people should be transparent about, especially in activist spaces.

And so I'm excited. I'm really trying to get people thinking, but also get people

laughing and being honest about their own personal journeys and where they want to go.

And I'm just so fortunate that I'm getting an opportunity to do that and that anyone

cares what I think.

Well, you're extremely talented and you work your buns off.

Thank you.

So it's not – your fortune, yes, yes, yes. But you deserve it.

Thank you so much.

You really, really do.

I appreciate that.

Thank you for taking the time to be here. All of us, myself and the whole audience,

we're gonna be cheering you on.

Thank you.

And hopefully you can come back on and we'll be able to talk about even more.

Yeah, I'm – I cannot say thank you enough. This has been so surreal because I've just

been such a fan for so long. You helped me in my career, so it's kind of come full

circle, which is really cool.

Beautiful. Thank you.

Thank you.

Now Franchesca and I would love to hear from you. So why don't you tell us, has there been

an idea you've been harboring in your heart or something that you want to create or express,

but perhaps you've been afraid to do it? If you've got something that you want to

put out into the world, tell us about it in the comments below.

Now, as always, the best conversations happen over at the magical land of,

so go there and leave a comment now. And when you're over there, be sure to subscribe

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Stay on your game and keep going for your dreams because the world needs that very special

gift that only you have. Thank you so much for watching and we'll catch you next time

on MarieTV.

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And so I had like one area of my apartment that was clean and the rest of my apartment

was like garbage bags. And I was like, "Hey, guys!" And then like the camera would go

off and I was like, "I hate my life!" I was like, "This sucks!" I'm like climbing

over bags. No one knew. I wasn't telling them that. You know?

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For more infomation >> Outbreak Company Tập 9 - Thoa Kem Giùm Tôi Được Không ?? - Duration: 24:12.


Farming Simulator 17 Silage Transport With New Volvo Mods - Duration: 17:36.

HI GUYS !!!! Welcome to Farming Simulator 17 Mods Channel in this video I will Transport Silage using Some New Volvo Mods.

VOLVO FH 540 OCEAN RACE 3 Design Setup Colorable Body 540Hp 80Km/h Top Speed

Trinity Belt Trailer Colorable 45.942l Capacity

KST VOLVO EC300 Two Models Short And Long Reach

And Thumb


Long Reach have a collision problem after purchase But if you manage to reach the surface it is works fine

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To plant the poplars I will also use the M82 Coupling frame And Three Modded PL-75 Tree planter

Case IH Quadtrac Forest 3 Engine Setup Colorable Body And Rims??????????????????? 40Km/h Top Speed

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Contrary to what many North Korean watchers anticipated, the regime has not conducted

any provocations.

What's more puzzling is that Kim Jong-un was not seen in the public limelight on the hermit

kingdom's key anniversary.

However, according to our Connie Kim...

South Korea is staying vigilant regardless.

Tension has been mounting on the Korean peninsula as well as the region as North Korea has been

expected to mark October 10, the 72nd anniversary of the regime's ruling Workers' Party, with

another provocation,... but so far, North Korea's leader Kim Jong-un has stayed away

from the public eye and from making another round of global headlines.

The anniversary, an annual public holiday in the secretive regime, was expected to be

marked with a missile launch, as Pyongyang has a track history of commemorating key dates

with provocations of such kind.

Pyongyang carried out its seventh intermediate-range ballistic missile on October 15th last year

followed up by another test four days later.

This time around, speculations of an imminent provocation were further fueled by Russian

lawmaker Anton Morozov who was quoted as saying last Friday,... after returning from a visit

to Pyongyang, that Kim Jong-un intended to launch one more long-range missile in the

near future.

With no apparent signs indicating such event will happen on Tuesday, North Korea has decided

to remain quiet on its public holiday.

However, South Korea is on high alert and stays vigilant on any surprise provocation.

(Korean) "As North Korea has publicly announced an

additional provocation, the South Korean government will closely monitor the possibility of Pyongyang

launching an intercontinental ballistic missile, submarine-launched ballistic missile or a

nuclear test and will maintain a full readiness posture."

And although speculations over a missile launch on its key anniversary have weakened, tension

on the peninsula remains high as the regime carried out a reshuffle at a key meeting of

its ruling party,...and this could represent another chance for Kim Jong-un to focus on

consolidating his power base.

(Standup) "With Pyongyang still leaving the possibility

of another provocation open, North Korea watchers in Seoul are pointing at October 18th as a

highly likely date,... as that's the beginning of China's Party Congress or even in November

when U.S. President Trump is scheduled to visit Asia.

Connie Kim, Arirang News."

For more infomation >> Kim Jong-un stays away from public eye marking regime's public holiday - Duration: 2:25.


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