Thứ Hai, 9 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 10 2017

we're going to show you our new toy that we bought from tickles. I think

we can buy this one anywhere as well from

any other toy places like toy kingdom And kung kung is very excited! So

we're gonna show you guys.. you're so happy? Ok so we're gonna show you guys how to

play this. this is actually a very common game so this is the... SHARK BITE!!!!

Okay so we're gonna open it come on oh this is reverse hehehe.. Oh what happened to the tail?

Wow! okay so this is how it looks like so we need to open it. open the

mouth. open the mouth first

alright so we're gonna play now! so basically it is like the crocodile bite toy

but this is just a shark toy. So you need to press the tooth one by one until it closes it's mouth and bite

whoever got bitten first, loose

something okay are you ready okay let me do it first me first okay me first

oh my gosh okay kungkung next.

okay it's my turn now oh my gosh okay

you can do it come on show me you're brave

okay so it's papay to the rescue

For more infomation >> Family Plays SHARK BITE! - It Attacks but we had so much fun! - Duration: 5:10.


The Return of Superman | 슈퍼맨이 돌아왔다 - Ep.200 : A Father is His Child's Dream [ENG/2017.10.08] - Duration: 1:29:10.

Seojun and Seoeon, aren't you drowsy?


I found a great place.

A kid's cafe?

Where will you find a kid's cafe here?

A lot of foreigners go there too.

Your favorite Americans?

Did I ever say that they were my favorite?

- Where do you come from? / - I'm from America.

- Will you try? / - I'm scared.

No, no, no. Look at that. Look at that. Look at me.

(Where have they arrived?)

Read this, "Hush. We are currently napping."

Be quiet.

(Hush. We are currently napping.)


A tranquil courtyard of a traditional Korean home.

It's a place to experience a brief nap.

This is a traditional nap experience, okay?

- Hello. / - Welcome.

- Hello. / - Hello.

The first step will be to wash your feet.

Water must be fetched from outside.

Which of you will show deference

to your father and wash his feet?

Seoeon, will you go get water for me?

What should I do?

You have to get water from here and pour it in.

All right.

They team up together to go all out.

It's certainly praiseworthy.

Is this enough?

Yes, it's enough.

It's done.

It's so heavy.

It's heavy.

(I'll give you a hand.)

- Heave-ho. / - Heave-ho.

I think we're going to spill.

We have to be careful.

Let's pour some out if it's too heavy.


One step, two step.

(They walk cautiously.)

Be careful.

Daddy, we brought it.

(There is hardly any water left.)

Good job.

(Still praiseworthy)

But while washing my feet,

tell me one reason why you love me.

I love you because...

I'm so thankful

because you always play with us.

(He's thankful.)


Do you like me playing with you?

You're very handsome.

(You're very handsome.)

(I'm handsome?)

What else, Seojun?

I don't have anything.

Apart from me being handsome, there's nothing?


(I'm going to have to try harder.)

Hey, Seoeon and Seojun, what do you think this is?

This is how old folks long time ago slept.

That's my wife.

It's what I hug to sleep.

Moon Jeongwon.

(Moon Jeongwon is correct.)

- It's an A. / - Is that an A?

- You're right. / - A, B...

A, B,

- C, D / - It's more like a A now.

- You know the letter A? / - Yes.

When did you learn?

A, B, C, D, E, F, G,

H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P.

I think you can all go to school now.

You too, Daddy.

I can't.

Now, you guys have to quiet down and sleep.

(Now, it's really time for a nap.)

Laying down on the cool main floor

induces their eyes to close automatically.

(Red Seoeon)

The Return of Superman, episode 200,

"A Father is His Child's Dream".

(A blissful nap ensues.)

(Hwijae is still in dreamland.)

Seojun wakes up first.

Seoeon is still fast asleep.

But Seojun isn't the one to stay put.

(Seoeon, I'm bored. Let's play.)

Seoeon has opened his eyes

like fish.


Hey, Seoeon. Hurry up. Let's play.

Let's go out now and play at the playground.

Suddenly, something catches Seoeon's eyes.

(He spots his dad's unguarded shoes.)

What are you planning to do with his shoes?

(Daddy is still sleeping.)

Hey, Seojun. Come over here.

Come over, quick.

Let me tell you a secret plan.

Should we hide Daddy's shoes?

(He gesticulates directions for a plan.)


The twins are on the move.

(Seoeon escapes first with the shoes in hand.)

It's flawless teamwork.

(Seojun makes a run for it as well.)

(Mission success)

(A grandpa weaves something out of straw.)

What are you making grandpa?

A flower basket.

- A flower basket? / - Yes.

What's a flower basket?

A kind of bowl to place flowers in.

A flower basket.

It's to place flowers inside.

- You're making a crab? / - Pardon?

You're making a crab?

Meanwhile, Seojun looks...

for a place to hide the shoes.

(Why are there coins inside?)

Hey, Seoeon. There's money in here.

There's money down there.

Did you throw money down there?


(People toss change inside.)

What are you doing?

It says that if you make a wish...

and throw coins down there,

the wish will come true.

(Wishes will be granted?)

Isn't it fascinating?

(Seoeon makes a wish right away.)

Did you make a wish?

A good person.

I want to be a good person.

That's the wish that I made.

Then, how about Seojun's wish?

Please buy me a toy.

Please let him get me the toy in black color.

Please help daddy make money

so he can buy me that.

(An itch in his ear nudges him to rise.)

We're back.

(The twins return after hiding the shoes.)

Your shoes aren't here.

We hid your shoes somewhere.

- Who did? / - We did.

Give us a reward.

You want a reward for hiding my shoes?


You little rascals.

- My feet hurt. / - Isn't it nice and cool?

Is that what you think, you little rascals.

Daddy, it's below this.

- It's not there. / - I fooled you.

- You little... / - You got fooled.

It's on top of the roof.


Made you look.

Where did they hide the shoes?

I want to hide it right here.

- Right behind this. / - Where?

I'm going to hide it right here.


(The place where Seojun hid the shoe...)

Right here.

(Is inside a ceramic pot.)

Hey, Seoeon.

I hid it over there.

(Hwijae struggles to walk.)

- Daddy. / - Yes?

Come over here.

(Seoeon reveals the spot behind Seojun's back.)

- Where is it? / - Over there.

Don't tell him where it is.

It's somewhere around here.

- You told him, right? / - No.

(Feeling nervous)

(He recovers the shoe that Seojun hid.)

(How could you, Seoeon?)

You little rascals.

Who hid this?

- I did. / - Seojun did.

Where's the one you hid, Seoeon?

Hey, come on!

(Hwijae's able to get both of his shoes.)

Hey, come on!

(Seojun takes his revenge immediately.)


It's over here.

(You started it first.)

(Karma comes around.)

That's karma.


Okay, all right. Just hide it again.

Will the twins be all right in the evening?

What is this?

It's soap.

What is this?

We'll turn it off now.

Now, it's not hot.

(This is just right. My head is nice and warm.)

I have to wash my hair.

(Seojun shampoos with bar soap like a true man.)

I'll shampoo my hair.


(Watching carefully)

Raise your head.

(How come?)

Hey, you've got grime.

Look up one more time.

(There's a thick line of grime.)

It's still there.

(He attentively focuses on his neck.)

Who's going to wash my back?

I can't wash my back.

I'll do it for you.


I got your butt.

Can I scrub your butt?

- No. / - I got your butt.

Don't do that.


I'll soap your butt and your back

Scrub, scrub.

(All the world's happiness)

Okay. Now get up.

Are you ticklish?


Hang in there.


I got you there.

(Seojun washes him very thoroughly.)

Let's see how ticklish you are.

Hey, I have to wash you.

Open up!

That side too.

(He's a professional washer.)

Stand still. I have to scrub.

Stand up.

(He washes his hair again.)

Did I clean myself well?


Lift up your neck.

This time, Seoeon looks after Seojun.

Isn't it refreshing?

Yes. Do it one more time.

The twins get along like they never argued.

All done.

(There's still soapy residue.)

Give me the cup, Seoeon.

(He rinses his hair again thoroughly.)

(I feel refreshed.)

(Seoeon comes out after his bath.)

I'm going to go out too after drying.

(He dries his hair himself.)

Seoeon, help me dry my hair.

(There is nothing the twins can't tackle together.)

(Oh, no. The line is too short.)

(My twins are all grown up now.)

Is it dry?

Yes. All done.

Let's apply lotion now that we're done.

Seoeon, help me with my back.

(Sweet brotherhood)

Time to change.

Right away.

Seojun, I'm proud.

You helped each other. It was the best today.

(Hwijae is moved by their cooperation.)

You've grown up a lot. Right on.

Today is exercise day.

Daddy, I want to run now.

You can't run without warming up.

Rotate your ankles.

Yes, rotate your ankles.

All right. Stretch after me.

In 1, 2, 3. Okay.

In 2, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.

Good. Seola, you're good.

In 5, 6, 7, 8.

You need to exercise on rest days.

- All right? / - Yes, sir.

- I'll be watching. / - I'm yelling loudly.

- Yes, sir! / - All right.

Now, let's run.

In 1, 2, 3, 4.

Run in a line. In 1, 2, 3, 4,

5, 6, 7, 8.

(Sian refuses to lose.)

What you're doing is a newbie's marathon.

They just sprint from the start.

Later, they tire out and end up walking.

In 1, 2, 3, 4.

(Sian pushes forward.)

In 1, 2, 3, 4.

(You're no match for me.)

Hey, don't run like a newbie.

I'm going to run faster.


Go. Watch out for the puddle.

Watch out for the puddle.

(A puddle obstacle)

Don't step on it.

- I know. / - In 1, 2, 3, 4.


Get up.

You're all right. In 2, 3, 4.

I told you to be careful.


Come here.

Okay, let's go wash off. Come here.

In 1, 3, 4.

Wash off with the water.

First hand. Okay, now the other.

I think people stepped in that water.

- People stepped in it. / - What?

Well, it's still cleaner than his hands.

It splashed all over your backpack too.

(Feeling sulky)

Hey, Sian. Daddy will teach you to play soccer.

Sian, hurry up.

- I'm hurrying right now. / - Okay.

(His actions don't really match up.)

Come here.

Are you going to become a soccer player?

Sian, Daddy played since the 4th grade.

But you've got time left.

If you start now,

you can go straight to Europe.

Okay? All right.

Try heading like me.

Do it like this with your head.

Like this.

(Will Sian be a soccer natural like his dad?)

How will Sian do?

How cute.

All right. In 1, 2, 3.

In 1, 2, 3.

(Oh, Sian...)

Okay. Good job.

I'll teach you a new technique. Try this.

Rotate your foot around once.

(Will he be able to follow through?)


Great. I got fooled.

Try one more time. Begin.

I got fooled.

Let's go to Europe. You'll be better than Ronaldo.

Score on me.

Shoot a goal past me.

(He scores an impressive goal...)

(like his father.)

(Goal ceremony)

That was great.

(I'm the 2nd generation Lion King, Lee Sian.)

You look great, Sian.

Can you see me with that on?

(Oozing charisma)

We're going to a bathhouse.

(The duo heads to the bathhouse today.)

I used to go here alone.

But let's go together, okay?

- Okay. / - You always followed mom.

Now, it's time to join the men.

- Hello. / - Hello.


I've always wanted to

take him to a bathhouse.

It's the bathhouse that I frequently visit.

I always used to go alone.

It's the kind of place where close people go.

Even between men.

Now that I've become close to Sian...

(They've gotten close over the past 2 years.)

How old are you?

- Four-years-old. / - That's right.

He's not quite 36 months yet.

- He's under. / - He's free-of-charge.

Right? You're in free, Sian.

What brings you here together with Sian today?

- Show her. / - Let me see.

- Show her. / - Let me see.

- I'm handsome. / - Yes, you are.

Where should we go?

This side, or that side?

Which way?

(I'm more used to going to that side.)

- That side? / - That's for women.

- Are you a boy or not? / - I am.

Then, you have to go to the men's side now.

All right? It's for men, okay?

I'm finally at a bathhouse with you.

- Hello. / - Hey there.


Now, undress.

- In here? / - Yes.

(He only puts in the backpack.)

You have to undress.

- This? / - Yes, undress.


- Take it off now. / - I want to keep it on.

How come? You don't want to show your tummy, right?

Is that why?

Let's exercise and head on up.

(They work on their bodies in a hurry.)

All right, Sian.

You lay down and come up to me, all right?

Okay. Get up.

Get up.

Get up.


You don't have any strength in your core.


- Go down again. / - I don't want to.

That's why you have a tummy.

You have to undress.

(A skillful instructor's demonstration)

Watch this.

(A national athlete's 40kg stance)

You're good, Daddy.

You can do it, Daddy.

You're next.

- What? / - It's your turn.

It's too hard for me.

Come here, Sian.

- It's too hard for me. / - No, I'll help you.

- I don't want to. / - I'll help you.

- No, I don't want to. / - I'll help you.

- I don't want to. / - I'll make it easy.

Come here. I'll help you, okay?

- Okay. / - All right.

Grab it.


In one, two...

Put some weight into it. Three,


five. Why am I getting tired?


Okay, eight. All done.

Let's go, Sian. This isn't going to work.

It was for you, but I worked out instead.

After going to the sauna, we have to eat an egg.

Let's eat an egg after, okay?

- Okay. / - Off you go.


Try taking it off yourself, Sian.

Good job.

You have to take off your underwear too.

(There are too many people watching.)


(Donggook reveals Sian's little bottom.)

Take it off.

(What are you looking at?)

Take it off.

Take it off.


Daddy, is going to change over here, okay?

Daddy, why aren't you taking that off?

(Put on the spot)

It'll be considered a broadcasting accident.

Why aren't we going up?

- Pardon? / - Why aren't we going?

Let's go.

(Feeling excited)

This is the men's bath.


(What's with me?)

You'll become like your dad too.

First, you need to shower here.

Then, we'll head to the bath.

It's your first time seeing this, right?


Look at it.

You have to wash your hair first. There you go.

Close your eyes. There you go. Go in now.

(He feels somewhat proud.)

Isn't it warm?

I used to always come here alone.

But it's interesting to come here with you.

It's nice and refreshing.

- Isn't it refreshing? / - It's warm.

When I was young, I used to lay down

and hear my dad say the same thing.

I used to not understand why he said that.

I'm going to say that it's warm.

Is that what you're going to say?

The last time I visited the bathhouse

with your grandfather

was when I was in elementary school.

The last memory of going to the bathhouse

with my father was right before middle school.

It's a bit unfortunate that we couldn't

keep it up for a long time.

Now, I should be the one taking him around.

I feel a bit sorry in that sense.

Will you keep going to the bathhouse with me?

Will you go with me for the rest of my life?

No, I won't.

- You're not going to? / - No.

(It's a joke.)

Sian, can you dive?

With goggles on.

You can with goggles on?


We're going to see who stays down longest.

- It's a bet for milk. / - Okay.


(He doesn't last a second and surfaces.)


(Donggook gets a practical joke ready.)

Daddy, get up. Get up.

Daddy, get up.

Get up.




- Daddy. / - Hey, you can't kick me.

I wanted you to get up.

Is that why you kicked me?



(How come I can't do it?)

(Face my water cannon.)


(Cute kid)

There's water in my nose.

How does the water taste?

(My nose hurts.)

Do you know what this is?

If you put them together, it'll float.

Hold the sides.


That's how we used to swim long time ago.

Oh, no.

(He tastes water for the second time.)

(Pretending not to know)

- I can't do it. / - How come?

I can't do it.

You have to hold onto it tightly.

You have to hold it tight like this.

Get on top.

You got it.

All right.


(Feeling overjoyed)

(He finds his smile again.)

Want to visit the sauna, Sian?

The sauna?

We can talk about a lot of things there.

Everything we kept inside.

Come on. We have to go.

You can talk about everything inside, okay?

You have to resist the heat, all right?

Why? Why do I have to resist?

You can either sing a whole song

or wait for the 10-minute sandglass to go down.

Before then, you can't talk about leaving.

- Got it? / - All right.

What are you going to sing for me?

The "Alligator Song".

All right.

(When you pass by the jungle)

(A congregation of alligators will come out)

What was that? That was too fast.

(Feeling embarrassed)

Try another one. Begin.

(Jingle, jingle, jingle, jingle)

(The spotted dog's bell rings soundly)

It's that dog song.

Is that so?

What is your biggest concern these days?

Seola and Sua's

noses got longer.

Did your sisters lie to you?

- Yes. / - And you didn't do anything

after hearing the lie?

Your nose gets longer when you lie.

Your nose is so flat, so you should lie more.

(Is he messing around again?)

Lie to me once. I'll let it go.

You're great, Daddy.

- That's a lie? / - I like you the best.

I like you the best.

That's a lie?

I like you the best.

- But that's a lie? / - Yes.

The time is up.

Let's see if you have any grime. Let's go.

Look, Sian. Watch.

You have to do this first.

(Feeling startled)

Don't do that! Don't do that!

Don't do it?

You can do that to me too.

(Prepare yourself)

Throw it on me.

In 1, 2, 3.

Don't do that.

(He is forced to drink cold water.)

Okay. I won't do it.

Give it back. Here.

Lift it up

and pour it on me refreshingly, okay?

Hold in. In one, two,

and three.

(I got tricked again.)

Stop it.

Okay, I won't.

All right.

(Living as Donggook's son is a tough job.)

Shall we scrub some grime?

Follow after me. Do you know what this is?

- I don't. / - This is a scrubber.

Only Korea has this. Got it?

(Feeling fascinated)

You'll have grime after living for 3 years.

Okay. Follow me.

All right. Scrub.

Your arm. There you go.

I'll scrub your back. Come here.

- How come? / - Got it.

You can't scrub your back on your own.

You have to do it for each other.

- It requires two people. / - I can

do it.

Do you see grime?

- It's not coming out. / - It's not?

Can you help me now, Sian?


Come here and scrub me.

Give me a scrub.


- Harder. / - Doesn't it hurt?

It doesn't hurt. Do it harder.

There you go. You're doing great.

Do you see grime?

- No. / - It's not coming out?

You don't see the eraser shavings?

Do it harder.

There you go. That spot too.

Use both your hands.

Don't do it with one hand.

(My boy is all grown up.)

This is the picture that I envisioned...

for a father-son relationship.

I'm very glad to have

turned it into reality. I hope these moments

remain with Sian as memories.

I want to take him to a lot of places

while he's still at the age.

When I get older, he'll be able

to take me around.

(Rohui's family is at the train station.)

All right. Let's go.


Are you excited to ride a train?

(She runs forward in happiness.)

Rohui, go slowly. Hold my hand.

In 1, 2, 3. Step on it.

Move forward. There you go.

- I stepped on it. / - You did a good job.


(It was nothing.)

Let's hurry up and go on the train.

Let's hurry up and go on the train.

Do we have seats on the train?

Yes, I made reservations.

(I am reassured.)

Rohui, do you remember riding a train last year?

You do?

In spring last year,

Rohui rode a train for the first time.

(She hit an egg against her head.)

No, don't do that.

(Even then, she was a fairy of eating.)

Shout, "Train".

Do you want me to shout, "Train"? You should do it.


(Rohui is waiting. Come quickly.)

Rohui is waiting. Come quickly.

It will come soon.

Here comes the train, Rohui.

Come here. Here comes the train.

(Is that our train?)

A golden train arrives.

Rohui's eyes went wide.

(They finally board the train.)

Let's go in.

(The interior looks strange.)

Where should we sit?

This is our room.

(Why is there a room inside a train?)

Let's go up.

Rohui, this is a room I reserved specially.

It will be perfect for a trip with children.

There is an ondol room.

This is a room.

What is this room?

The train is departing.

(They see Han River as soon as it departs.)

What is that?

- Sea. / - Is it the sea?

It's not the sea. It's Han River.

Han River travels to the sea.

(She begins to sing.)

(To catch fish)

(Shall we go to a river?)

(There we come)

(Was that correct?)

(Here we come)

Rohui, do you know

why train is called train?

What's my name?

You have two names.

Give me one of the two.

- Ki Taeyoung. / - Ki Taeyoung.

- My last name is Ki. / - Give me tasty food.

(Your story isn't interesting.)

You want tasty good. Okay.

We have tasty gimbap.

It's gimbap I made yesterday.

Take a bite. It's tasty.

(Gimbap is perfect for a picnic.)

(Taeyoung takes a bite.)

(This 3-year-old knows how to enjoy her gimbap.)

It's good, right?

All right.


What was that?


(The drink gives her a runny nose.)

What was that?

I am sorry. It must have gotten shaken up

as I was carrying it.

Gosh, that surprised me.

(He opens it again carefully.)

(He quenches his thirst.)

I want a sip.

You will be surprised when you take a sip.

Pour some on the cap.

Do you want me to pour some here?

The train is rocking.

(It will make her throat tingle.)

- Give me more. / - What?

Doesn't it make your throat tingle? Are you okay?

Drink it from the bottle.

No, pour it on the cap.

Okay. You want me to pour it on the cap.

Here you go.

(Take the drink)

Rohui, you are drinking it well.

Pour a lot.

I can't pour a lot in it.

I poured it to the brim.

Doesn't it make your throat tingle?

(It's my style.)

Dad, let's go and take a look around.

Shall we go?

What is that?

Rohui, look at that. What is that?

Look at that.

What is that?

This is a room for foot spa.

- Foot spa? / - Yes.

It's a couple's foot spa room.

I want to give it a try.

You want to give it a try.

Let's go inside. Sit down.

Sit down.

Let's take your shoes off.

Let's take my socks off.

Let's take your socks off. There you go.

Sit up.


Your legs are too short

to reach the water.

(What should we do?)

In that case...

(She stands up to enjoy the foot spa.)

The water is hot.

You can enjoy the foot spa

and the scenery.

Isn't it amazing?

(It's refreshing.)

Rohui, when you put your feet in hot water,

you make this sound. Don't sit down.

(She enters the water after hesitation.)

You make this sound. Don't sit down.

(Her bottom is wet already.)

No, Rohui.

What should I do? She is wet.

Oh, my goodness.

This isn't a hip bath.

This isn't a lower body bath.

Dad, join me.

Come here. Shall I go in?

Dad, I want to take off my clothes.

- Which one? Your pants? / - This one.

- Your top? / - Yes.

You can't take your top off.

It's warm.

(They relax as they enjoy the scenery.)

While they are enjoying their foot spa,

(They reach their destination.)

the train arrives at their destination.

Rohui, let's hurry up.

We arrived.

We arrived!

- Dad, look. / - Okay.

That's a crab.

A crab walks sideways.

- I am a crab. / - Are you a crab?

I am going to walk like a crab.

Are you a crab? Why are you walking sideways?

(They walk like crabs.)

Walking like crabs, they go to Namdang Port.

(She is excited to be at the sea.)

- It's the sea. / - Slow down, Rohui.

Rohui, look to your left. It's the sea.

What are those birds?

- Are they gulls? / - They aren't gulls.

They have long necks and beaks.

- What are they? / - Ostriches.

- Ostriches? / - Yes.

They aren't Ostriches.

Ostriches are much bigger.

Rohui, Mom and I filmed a drama together

before we had you.

That's how the two of us met.

When we filmed the drama,

Mom and I acted at the sea.

I am reminded of that time.

(Taeyoung and Eugene were young in 2009.)

("Creating Destiny" brought them together.)

Shall we recreate a scene?

From now on, you need to focus.

Become absorbed in your emotions.

(Seeing the sunset)

(makes a couple break up.)

Mom's line was,

"Seeing the sunset makes a couple break up."

"Creating Destiny Again". Ready, action.

I think seeing the sunset makes a couple break up.

(She made a small mistake in delivering the line.)

- We are having... / - What is this?

(The female lead ruins the atmosphere.)

It's my turn to deliver the line.

It's my turn to deliver the line.

- What is this? / - It's a patch.

- Take it off. / - I will do it later.

Look at me. Look at me.

Ready, action.

Seeing the sunset

makes a couple take off.

(She really wants to take the patch off.)

"Seeing the sunset makes a couple break up."

Look at me.

Say, "Seeing the sunset makes a couple break up."

- Does it come off? / - Yes, it does,

"Seeing the sunset makes a couple break up."

Look at me and repeat the line.

("Creating Destiny Again", Take 3)

Will they succeed this time?

Seeing the sunset...

makes a couple take off.

Rohui. Rohui.

When Mom and I filmed a drama together,

we didn't know

we would get married and have a beautiful girl.

Had we known,

we would have had more fun together.

Recreating scenes from "Creating Destiny",

they succeed in creating memories.

("Creating Destiny Again")

I think seeing the sunset makes a couple break up.

We are having a great time together.

Why would we break up? That's impossible.

That's impossible.


(You are satisfied now, right?)

This is comedy.

You are hilarious, Rohui.

(Rohui and Taeyoung's sitcom ends.)

(He is climbing the stairs with his strong legs.)

Where is he going up the stairs?

March forward.

It's the last one. Let's go.

- Hello. / - Hello.


(I came to get my hair done.)

Please pick a hairstyle.


- Press harder. / - Do you like that?

(It's hard to decide.)

William, isn't that Uncle?

How about this one?


How about this one?

Do you like G-Dragon's hairstyle?


(I made up my mind.)

(His pick is G-Dragon.)

- Do you like that one? / - There you go.

That's G-Dragon.

William, look at this.

(They are adjusting the height of the chair.)


(Am I trembling?)

What's wrong, William?

He froze up.

Let's see how much your hair grew.

All right.

Your hair grew a lot. Look at this.

Compared to his hair when he was 100 days old,

- there is a difference. / - Your hair grew a lot.

- William. / - His hair is very long.

At this rate, you will have a bob.

(From the side, it looks even longer.)

- He can use a comb. / - Really?

Try it.

(This 14-month-old can brush his own hair.)

- There you go. / - There you go.

You are doing a good job.

You are doing a good job.

(William is the best.)


(Am I doing a good job?)

(She sprays water on his hair.)

Water is coming down.

(What is this?)

What is this?

(I am drawn to it.)

You will look like G-Dragon.

Let's do this.

The important part of this hairstyle...

is this.


- How does it look? / - How cute!

Do you like it? Do you like it?

- Do you like it? / - Do you like it?

- Do you like it? / - Do you like it?

(Can't you see that I am excited?)

Shall we try different hairstyles?

(They try different hairstyles.)

(He pulls off a center part.)

Who are you?

Braiding your hair...

(I will braid your hair nicely.)

will make you look pretty.

Look at the mirror.

(William Longstocking)

My goodness, you look adorable.

How nice!

Who are you?

You don't like this one.

You don't like this one.

I don't think he likes this one.

Now, we will trim his hair a bit.

(William will get his first trim.)

Is it his first haircut?

It's your first haircut at a salon.

Okay, I will spray water once again.

(She sprays water)

(and disappears.)

(I was having fun.)

What is that?

What is that?

(Spray more water. I feel dizzy.)

What is that?

(It's time to get his hair cut in earnest.)

Do you now like it?

(Doesn't William want to get his hair cut?)

(Of course he does.)

I have never seen anyone so excited at salon.

(William is full of good cheer.)

(She begins to cut his hair.)

What a good boy!

He resembles after me.

It looks like he is meditating.

William, you can get hurt if you move too much.

(He doesn't move.)

(He is calm as if he is falling asleep.)

Red sun!

Red sun!

(Did I doze off?)

(Everything was going well until now, right?)

(Here comes the main event.)

(His eyes shift.)

The older boys of the program

have experienced a hair clipper.

How will William do?

(The scary hair clipper)

(How will William do?)

(He is the most gentle boy.)

You are so gentle. You are doing great.

Other babies cry.


- William. / - It's not scary, is it?

Do you want it?

He loves the hair clipper.

I will give it to you when we are done.

- Look over here. / - Look over here.

(They distract him.)

- Here you go. / - Thank you.

You don't know where the sound is coming from.

He has it too.

(Give me the hair clipper.)

All right.

Okay, okay.

William, look forward. I will do this.

It's raining. It's raining.

(I missed this water.)

(It's time to get his hair washed.)

What is this?

It's nothing.

Bubble, bubble.

(The expert's touch is refreshing.)

Is it refreshing?

(I feel like I am in for a treat.)

Who are you?

(He shows off his charms.)

William's transformation is complete.

(He shows off his dandy charms.)

You look cool.

I need to get my hair cut too.

You can wait for Dad, right?

Wait for me, okay?

Wait for me.

Your beard grew a lot.

- Does William like it? / - He loves it.

- Does he love it? / - He loves to touch it.

(William likes snacks more than beards.)

(It's mine.)

Please leave it where it is.

(He can't stop reaching for puffed grain snack.)

(Do you want a taste?)

William will give you a snack.

How nice!

(She seems to like William.)

(She is a cute girl.)

(Hello, William.)


William, give it to her.

Will you take it from him?

(She grabs the snack.)


(She steals the snack in his right hand too.)

(He tries to eat what is left.)

(She grabs it again.)

She tries to eat what's in William's hand.

What will William do?

(He is about to get his snack taken away.)

Dad. Dad.


(He averts the crisis by acting.)

He averts the crisis by acting.

(It was natural.)

(Sam is almost done.)

- Thank you. / - Thank you.

Sam and William look cool now.

Where will they go?

- Hello. / - How cute!

(People recognize him.)

The weather is nice.

(He blows them a kiss.)

Are you blowing them a kiss?

William, we are

at Itaewon.

You lived here when you were in Mom's belly.

(The atmosphere is exotic.)

(Sam spent his youth in Itaewon.)




(They are 3 handsome men with a beard.)

This is Itaewon.




Where are you guys from?

- New York. / - New York.

- Are you here for work? / - Yes.

We will be here for 4 years.

William, do you want to shake their hands?

- All right. / - Boom.



You guys have a good day.

- You too. / - Bye.

- Bye. / - Bye. Bye.


We ate a lot here.

We used to buy beer at this store.

(There is a restaurant he used to frequently visit.)

Sooyoung, Jinyoung,

Hasun, and I once had a drink here.

It's the cleaner's.

(Itaewon is like Sam's hometown.)

"Sugar Daddy".

What does it say? Sam Hammington.

Who is that?

Mom and I used to run a shop here.

Let's go inside.

It looks cool.

(Was this a shop?)

This is cool.


Were you here?

- Hello. / - Hello.

(He makes the best duet songs.)

He is a talented balladeer with a beautiful voice,

Lim Seulong.

What is he doing here?

(The talented balladeer, Lim Seulong)

We made a special relationship.

It was when my wife closed the dessert shop.

I had never even met him at a broadcasting station.

I met him for the first time

when he took over the shop.

(It's nice to meet you, William.)

(His hair looks freshly done.)

Did you get a haircut?

William got his hair cut today.

This place definitely has

a unique charm.

How did you make something like that?

It was hard.

(It became a modern and hip bar.)

It was hard to install it.

It must have been hard.

It took about three weeks.


may I hold you for a second? Come here.

My goodness.

Do you want to face your dad?

You look comfortable.

- Me? / - Yes. With the baby.

- Really? / - You don't look awkward.

Since I recently had my first niece,

I became interested in babies.

- She 2 months old. / - 2 months old.

She will be three months old soon.

(A 2-month-old is still a baby.)

William, do you want some juice?

I don't remember if he has tried it.

Have you had it before?

Is it good? Is it sour?

I can cut the straw short.

He is thoughtful.

(Seulong is thoughtful.)

(Orange juice from Uncle is tastier.)

How cute!

- Ta-da! / - How cute!

(He is excited thanks to Uncle Seulong.)

(He acts cute.)

How cute!

(A big dog appears.)

What is that?

He is my puppy. Well, he is too big.

He is my dog.

- Is he 2 years old? / - Yes.

(Despite the same age, they differ in size.)

- What is his name? / - Grammy.

William, do you like dogs?

- We have two dogs. / - I know.

- I saw on TV. / - He is used to them.

Do you want to see him?

William, say hello to him.

I will hold him.

(It's nice to meet you, my friend.)

Sit down, Grammy.

Give it to him.

(Grammy, eat it.)

Sit down. Sit down.


(That hurts.)

Did it hurt? You are okay.

- You are okay. / - William.

William, you are so small

next to Grammy.

Grammy, paw.


Stay. Sit down.

- Sit down. / - William.

Sit down.

(He walks on his four.)


(Will they share food?)


Paw. High five.

(Sam is good with dogs.)

High five.

Did you see that, William?

This is how you do it.

- How pretty! / - How pretty!

- How pretty! / - How pretty!

He fur is soft, right?



(They became best friends.)

William is acting like Grammy is his dog.

Look at the way they walk side by side.

I know. They are the same age.

That's right.

(He continues to follow William.)

(I will protect you.)

Grammy looks like William's bodyguard.

You are right.

(You are a good friend.)

Do you know what this is?

It's a stone you can use to remove callus.


- It hurts. / - You should walk more.

You don't have any calluses.

Touch my foot.

- Callus. / - Callus.

It's an occupational hazard.

I developed calluses in order to make a living.

- Shall we go in again? / - Do you want to go in?

Let's wash up now.

All right. I will make your hair pointy.

Sian, you look cool.

I look cool.

Wash your neck too.

There you go.

You are doing well.

There you go. Wash your neck.

Wash your neck. There you go.

You should be able to live alone.

Wash your bottom.

- I did that. / - Really?

Make a turn.

(He succeeded in soaping himself.)

You did a good job.

Please soap my back.

Sian is doing a good job.

Donggook must be proud.

(My son has grown up.)

Rinse your body with water

until the soap is gone.

Rinse your body.

There you go.

(Donggook wants to make him independent.)

(Washing his own hair is difficult.)

Close your eyes.

Close your eyes. Don't open them.

Don't open them.


Look into the mirror. There is foam, right?


There is foam, right?

You need to wash it away.

Do it for me.

I won't do it for you. I am washing my own hair.

(I guess I have no choice.)

(Sian rinses his hair without suspicion.)

(He can't stop being mischievous.)

(I am done, right?)


Is there foam on your hair?

(He rinses his hair again without suspicion.)


(It's as suspenseful as a movie.)

Did Sian realize that it's a prank?

Stop it.

Sian is on par with Donggook now.

(A prolonged prank is bound to be revealed.)

All right.

Are you done? What about down there?

Down there.

Did you wash there?

(What is that?)

(Donggook is having fun.)

- Stop it. / - All right.

- All right. / - There is foam again.

I didn't put it there. You need to wash it away.

There is foam again. Did you do it?

No, I didn't.

Come on.

(Sian rinses his hair with his eyes open.)

It's gone, right? I didn't do it.

You washed yourself well.

(Donggook shaves last.)

Close your mouth.

(He shaves with his son.)

You use this to shave.

Watch me.

(Until when do I have to watch?)

I am done. It's your turn.

I will give you a shave.

Your razor is very big.

(Sian's razor is a big comb.)

Donggook is a good dad

who give his son a shave.

Look at the mirror.

Your face is clean-shaven, right?

(I am a man who shaves.)

You took a bath with me today.

It was your first time at the men's section.

I washed here,

here, here, here, and here.

You washed me here.

You washed there.

Don't copy me.

(Don't copy me.)

The way you talk is addictive.

When the waiter comes, say,

"Give us jjajangmyeon and muljjajangmyeon."

What would you like?

- Jjajangmyeon. / - Jjajangmyeon.

All right. What would your dad like?


- Muljjajangmyeon. / - Yes.


Good job. You ordered for the first time.

All right.

I loved jjajangmyeon when I was little.

- Why? / - It's tasty.

However, my parents didn't have much money.

We couldn't eat jjajangmyeon often.

Whenever I had a chance to eat jjajangmyeon,

I practically licked the plate clean.

Were you hungry?

I could eat jjajangmyeon only once a year.

Jjajangmyeon used to be the best for dining out.

I eagerly waited for that day.

(Those days are fresh in people's mind.)

Since I couldn't eat it often,

I cleared the dish.

Here are your dishes.

Sian's jjajangmyeon

and Donggook's muljjajangmyeon are here.

It's a unique dish that is special to Jeonju.

- Thank you. / - Thank you.

Look at me. I am mixing the noodles like this.

Like this.

- Help me. / - I will help you.

This is how you mix jjajangmyeon.

It looks tasty.

Does it look tasty?

Sian, chew well.

(His mouth moves forward.)

Lift it up like this.

You don't have to move your head forward.


(They make an eye contact even when they eat.)


(Sian enjoys jjajangmyeon.)

My mouth is watering.

I should order jjajangmyeon tonight.

You like jjajangmyeon.


why is your jjajangmyeon red?

Because I don't want you to eat mine.

You can't eat mine after you finish yours, right?

You ordered the red one, so I can't eat it?

So is the spicy one cold?

(What is he saying?)

Mine is spicy, and yours is not.


Say that again. What did you say?

Did you order spicy one?

Yes, I ordered spicy one.

Did you order the spicy one,

so I can't eat the spicy one?

You're asking if I ordered spicy one

to keep you from eating mine?

I was just joking.

I ordered this because I wanted something spicy.

But you can't eat this, Sian.

But you ate my sausage though!

- You remember that? / - Yes.

Let's forget about what happened in the past.

Let's start afresh.

- Okay? / - You ate my sausage.

That was my sausage.

You're right.

But I bought you a new one after that.

I'm going to eat yours, Daddy.

Okay. Try this. Here you go.

Do you want to eat it?

(It's spicy even for Donggook.)

Sian, are you going to eat this?

Will you try this?

You can't, can you?

(I'll let you slide just for today.)

When you grow up, you can eat this.

When you are big and strong, you can. Okay?

When I'm big like you, Daddy?

Yes, when you're big like me, you can eat it.

(I'll eat a lot and grow.)

But you need to chew carefully. Got it?

- Daddy is done eating. / - Good job.

I'm done.

Sian, you have so much left.

What should I do?

Should I just have a mouthful?

Eat just a little.

You said I can eat a mouthful.

Eat just a little. Don't eat a lot.

(Donggook lifts a lot of noodles.)

Please only eat once.

Once? Okay. I'm eating it only once.

Is it good?

Is it delicious when you take someone else's food?

Sian, yours tastes great.

Why did you eat so much?

You ate all of it.

- Why? / - How was your dish?

It wasn't spicy. It was delicious.

It wasn't spicy, and it was delicious?

Let's come and have this again next time

- after our bath, okay? / - Okay!

Okay. We'll only have this when we take a bath.

- Yes! / - Promise me.

- You did well today. / - Yes!

Seola and Sua

like jjajangmyeon.

Do you feel sorry now that you're full?

Don't you feel sorry you only had this?


We should buy dumplings

for Seola and Sua. Okay?

- Dumplings? / - Yes.

- Dumplings. / - Dumplings.

(We'll be there soon.)

Let's go and catch webfoot octopuses!

Let's go. Here we go.

Goodness, the boat is so big, Rohui.

(An outing to catch webfoot octopuses)

Rohui, look at the sea. Isn't this beautiful?

The waves are so pretty.

The waves are pretty?

(Beautiful waves gleam in the autumnal sunshine.)

How many webfoot octopuses should we catch?

A lot.

- We should catch a lot? / - Yes.

Okay. So how many? Like 100 octopuses?

- Yes. / - Let's catch 100 then.

- Daddy, look. / - Okay.

(She changes the lyrics of "Go Fishing".)

(To catch a shark)

You changed it to "shark"?

- Yes. / - I see.

(When his daughter sings,)

(he gets ready to dance.)


Should we go...

This is how the shark looks.


This is how the shark moves.

(Rohui makes it official.)

(His hand moves up.)

No, this is how the sharks move.

- I see. / - That's wrong.

(He's happy even when she scolds him.)

- Rohui, look at me. / - My two hands

- We'll fill up the tank / - The tank

(She can pronounce "R" smoothly.)

(When she's done having fun with the song...)

We have arrived. This is Juk Island.

- Really? / - Yes, that's it.

- Let's go fishing. / - Daddy, lift me.

- Are you scared? / - Yes.

- Why? / - The water's deep.

Because the water is deep?

Should we go fishing?

This is semi-automatic fishing rod.

When it hits the bottom, it stops.

- To change... / - I want to try too.

- Press this. / - Press it.

Use your thumb. Okay.

- It's going down. / - It's going down now.

Pull it now. There you go. Great.

- Good job. / - Keep at it.

I think we might catch something.

(She's the youngest master of fishing.)

Did my daughter, Rohui...

Did she catch something for the first time?

(She reels it in.)

- We caught nothing. / - You should unwind it.

- Daddy, do it for me. / - Should I do it?

Put this back.

(At that moment,)

(a webfoot octopus is caught right away.)

Rohui, this is the webfoot octopus.

(Nice to meet you.)

What is this?

- It's a webfoot octopus. / - A webfoot octopus.

Rohui, I'll catch one for you.

Is this mine?

I got something.

(Did he get it at his first try?)

I got it.

(Did he get it at his first try?)

This feels right.


I was wrong.

- Daddy, did you lose it? / - Yes.

I was fooled.

The webfoot octopus just touched my fishing line.

(What a bummer.)

(While Taeyoung is fishing,)

(she charms the cameraman.)

(In the sea)

(While she's having fun...)

Did webfoot octopuses go somewhere today?

(If that's the case...)

(Here comes the webfoot octopus)

(Her song sounds more like a spell.)

(Come, webfoot octopuses.)

(Here comes the webfoot octopus)

(The more he hears it, the more pressured he feels.)

Taeyoung, you must feel pressured.

I got it!

(Taeyoung's fishing rod...)

I lost it.

(Meanwhile, others keep catching octopuses.)

I got two!

(He got 2 octopuses with 1 try.)

I'll make sure I catch them today.

(Clenching his teeth)

(He's about to catch even a shark.)

- I got one! / - You got it.

(He catches his first octopus at last.)

- That's all right. / - What just happened?

(The webfoot octopus dropped.)

Oh, my goodness.

Daddy, did you catch it?

I let it live.

- Wait. / - Why can't you catch it?

I'm letting it live.

- Daddy. / - Yes?

This is cold water.

Thank you.

(Drink some water)

(He takes a sip of the water.)

Daddy, you can do it.

Thank you!

- Daddy. / - Yes?

(Feeling more pressured)

Thank you.

(He chews the small walnut cake like it's iron.)

(He thinks about Rohui who has a big appetite.)



(I will catch)

(the webfoot octopuses you'll eat.)

I got it. I got it!

- You caught it. / - I caught it!

- I got it. I caught it! / - You caught it.


I got it. I got it!

- You caught it. / - I caught it!

(He acquires 1 webfoot octopus after 30 minutes.)

Rohui, I got it. Look, I caught one.

Daddy caught one.

Look at this, this is the one I caught.

Daddy, we can eat this?

Yes. Of course, we can.

This is so delicious.

What will they cook with freshly-caught octopuses?

(They're dunked into ramyeon.)

It's ramyeon with webfoot octopuses.

He puts fresh, whole webfoot octopuses.

(Spicy ramyeon)

It's time to enjoy ramyeon.

Please have some ramyeon.

They are eating this right on the sea.

It must be tastier.

Did you cook it with what we caught?

Yes, we cooked it with octopuses we caught.

Who caught this many webfoot octopuses?

We catch 5kg of them. It's about 300 octopuses.

Gosh, you guys are professionals.

Goodness, I want to come back here again.

It was so fun.

- Rabbit. My chopsticks. / - You're good at it.

Try it.

Give her a separate dish.

She can eat ramyeon.

This is her first time eating ramyeon.

- Really? / - Yes.

This is a historical day for you, Rohui.

I can't believe you're eating it on the boat.

It must be your first time eating octopus ramyeon.

- Is it good? / - It's good.

- Eat a lot. / - Yes.

Thank you, captain.

- No problem. / - Yes.

(He has a huge smile.)

- Dad, here. / - You're good at talking.

Yes, thank you.

You're a good eater.

Are you having fun with your dad?

- Yes. / - Good.

You should look at him when speaking with him.

Look at his eyes when you talk.

I'm going to grab a lot.

There you go.

(She's too busy with her food.)

(Dad, let's come back here for the food.)

You're enjoying it.

- Hi. / - Hi.

- High-five. / - High-five.


- Gosh, you're so pretty. / - Hello.

I am William.

I am...

(I'm William.)

Gosh, he's so cute.


Say hello.

Thank you.

(Thank you for the love.)

Let's go.

(My goodness)

I'm a big fan.

Really? Thank you.

I follow you every single day.

- Really? Thank you. / - He's so cute.

William, say hello.

- Hi. How are you? / - Hi.

My gosh, he's so cute.

- Thank you. / - You're

more cute. My gosh.

William, shake her hand. Shake.

(He's shaking his fan's hand.)



Can we take a picture?


(They're taking a picture.)

I'm shaking. My legs are shaking.

Don't be like that. Don't be like that.

I'm so happy I got to see him.

- Say bye. / - Bye.

- William. Bye. / - Bye.

William, they have a lot of big sizes

in Itaewon.

Six X-large is common.

Sam's a regular at this big size store.

(Dad, that place feels familiar.)

It's big, right?


Where am I?

(William loves it.)

What should I wear, William?

(This store specializes in big sizes.)

This one is cool.

(William is picking out Sam's outfit too.)


William, how is this?

It's my style.

(Hey, that looks familiar.)

(He wore it on the day that was most special.)

He wears this shirt on special occasions.

How is it?

It looks so similar.


No? Yes? No?

What should I wear? Hey.

William, how is this? Look.

There are birds.

It's a bird.


(No, not that one either.)


Where are you going? Hold on.

(He's running away.)

William, look.

(Not that one!)

We always buy your clothes.

Let's buy mine today.

William, here I come.

I look different. It's a different style.

How do I look?

(It's somewhat different.)

(Not that one!)


(Try this instead.)

(It's a Hawaiian shirt with a darker tone.)

(That one is nice.)

How is this one? William.

(I don't care about the shirts.)

(I like it if you do.)

Is this it?

(I like it if you do.)

Are you saying this is the best?

Let's go eat, William.


Here? This is a place I go to often.

I came here with Mom too.

There are a lot of foreign food in Itaewon.

(It's a Bulgarian restaurant.)

It's an exotic Bulgarian restaurant.

The owner is from Bulgaria too?

Who could it be?

(Who is the Bulgarian owner?)


- Hey. / - How are you?

- Good, good. / - Hello.

Nice to meet you.

It's him?

(Owner chef and television personality)

He's a public figure. Handsome chef, Mikhal.

(Handsome chef, Mikhal)

You're busy these days, right?

I'm always busy.

It's been 11 years already.

- 11 years? / - 11 years.

How's your business?

- We closed down. / - Really?

- Because of the baby. / - Congratulations.

- I see. / - Thank you.

That means William is the breadwinner.

William is famous.

He's an A star, and I'm a B star.

There's not much to life.

I don't feel bad about my son being more popular.

That's good.

High-five. High five.


William, give me one.

(Will he give Mikhal a high-five?)

See? I'm a nobody to him.

(I'm just kidding, Dad!)

I'm on a diet.

No problem. The usual?

Yes, the usual.

Something for the baby.

- Something for the baby? / - Yes.


Thank you.


Thank you.

(He's saying thank you before the meal.)

Thank you. Thank you.

(The bread is too plain.)

Should we dip it?

Try it.

Dip it. Good.


You ruined your clothes.


I told you to dip just a little bit.

(It's so strong, but I can't stop myself.)

Excuse me.

Here. This is made by Uncle Mikhal.

It's traditional Bulgarian food babies can eat.

Okay? Here.

That's huge.

It's a special salad for Sam who's on a diet.

It's so perfect.

It looks delicious.

It's hot!

It's hot! It's hot!

It's not too hot.

I made it lukewarm.


(Mikhal is cutting a small piece for him.)

You take this and put on some yogurt.

You can eat after you mix it.

- I'll... / - That looks good.

When Koreans go travel

and come back to Korea,

they want kimchi soup.

This is the kimchi soup for Bulgarians.

- Really? / - Yes.

(Mikhal not only cooks, but he'll feed you.)

- Good boy. / - Yum.


(Give me more, please.)

(He's using his spoon.)

You're dropping everything before it reaches you.

(He's going to eat the plate.)

It's delicious.

Good boy.

(He's complimenting William.)

Good job.

(I'm excited.)


Hold on.

(He lost his fork while showing his excitement.)

You shouldn't throw things.

That's wrong.

(Acting cute)

It's not funny.

(It's not funny.)

You can't throw things.


Here, water. Drink some water.

(You need to calm down.)

(It's refreshing.)

(After having some water...)

Try an olive.


Put it down. Now.

(You must eat with a proper posture.)

This is a restaurant.

You have to keep your manners here.


Try it.

(But this is comfortable.)


Take your foot down.


(He's pulling his foot down.)

(Did he succeed in teaching table manners?)


(You little...)

Take your foot down.

(He's firm with William in teaching manners.)

No. No.


You'll bother other people.

(He's being rebellious.)

(I'm watching you.)

(William brought down his foot on his own.)


William, do you know what I hate the most?

I hate people that bother others.

Let's not do that, okay?

(He's not paying attention.)

(He taught William well,)

(but William is mad.)

Give it to me.

Can I move this?

Delicious. My goodness.

- Our... / - Wow, William.

- Look at that, Dad. / - William.

(He's suddenly talking well.)

(He's giving William some yogurt to make up.)

(He won't let Sam take out the spoon.)

My goodness.

He really likes it.

- William. / - Fantastic.

(I want more.)


(He's being fed like a baby bird.)


(I'm happy now.)


Which family is visiting a peaceful countryside?

It's a dog.

Hello, dog.

The dog grew a lot.


It's a big dog.

- Dad, they have chickens. / - Yes?

Chickens? They have goats too.

- There are frogs too. / - Yes, there are frogs.

Dad, doesn't it sound like a grasshopper?

I think it's a cricket.

Cricket. Cricket.

Cricket. Cricket.

We must be the first ones here.

It's a hanok where you can feel the past.

Why are they here?

Today you'll be meeting your friends here.

Do you remember Rohui?

- We went on a swan boat. / - Yes, you did.

It's your first time seeing Sian.


- 1, 2, 3. / - 1, 2, 3.

- 1, 2, 3. / - It's so light, right?

- Yes. / - It's light.


it must stink since you have the feet.


Is it here or there?

(Are they bringing Donggook with them?)


- Hello. / - Hello.


(You must be Sian!)

Did you bring your dad?


(Seungjae is approaching Sian.)

Is it my dad?

No, my dad.

My dad went to play soccer.

This is Dad.

Should we make him stand?

(Please take good care of my kids.)

(I almost forgot!)

(Seungjae prepared welcome drinks.)

(Thank you)

(Their friendship grows over a yogurt drink.)

- How old are you? / - I'm five.

Sian is four.

Sian is four. How old are you, Seungjae?

I'm five.

- Are you five? / - Yes.

You're four.

I'm five.

Don't lie.

- How old are you? / - I'm six.

I'm four.

You're four. He's so honest.

- I'm four too. / - Right.

(What a funny guy.)

(I'll show you something funny too.)

Seungjae, look at Sian.

I can do it too.

(Can you do this?)

What's that?

Seoeon, Seojun. Do you remember this?

- No. / - No?

- No. / - Okay.

You guys are the oldest in the group.

You'll meet some of them for the first time.

- Really? / - We met Daebak before.

Yes, Sian. Call him Sian.

- Seola! Sua! / - Sian!

Seola, Sua.

Go welcome them.

(Seungjae is excited to see his friends.)


Seungjae, he's older.

This is Seojun.

(He's meeting the twins for the first time.)

This is Seoeon.

Come in. Come on in.

Hey, it's been a long time.

How many years has it been?

- Have you been well? / - It's been the same.

Have some drinks.

(You should have some too.)

They're thirsty.

- Thank you. / - Give them straws.

(A man doesn't need a straw.)

Come over here, guys.

What about Dad?

Where's your dad, Sian?

- Dad went to play soccer. / - He's playing soccer?

I got a call from your dad.

He told me to take good care of you guys.

You're so disciplined.

Hwijae. Uncle Hwijae.

(Sian is showing off his talent.)

You're a magician.

(He grew so much.)


(I can't take my eyes off.)


Who wants to eat chocolate bread?

Here you go.

(He's sharing chocolate bread.)

I want to eat chocolate.


I want chocolate.

(I want just chocolate.)


Thank you.

(We have all kinds of chocolates.)

I can't open it. Open it for me.


Thank you.

Thank you.

(This is what I wanted.)

(Another family is arriving.)

- Hello. / - Rohui.


Hello. Hello.

Dad, we rode on a swan boat

and oh my goodness, what a surprise!

It was such a surprise.

Is Rohui three?

- Yes, she's three. / - She's three already.

You've grown so much, Rohui.

(Go play with them.)

(Rohui is getting adjusted.)

Rohui, let's play together.

(She's shy since it's been a while.)

(What's wrong?)


(I need time to adjust.)

Rohui, let's play together.


Why won't you play?

Let's play together.

There is a car.

This is me.

It's the same car.

Hold my hand.

Rohui, you're pretty.

Let's go together.

(Sian is grabbing a drink.)


Is Sian giving that to you?

(I'll pass it for you.)

Thank you.

(It's nothing.)

(But I did all the work.)

Sian brought it for you.

Thank you.

(I'm glad you noticed.)

Hey! The owners are here.

- Hello. / - Hello.


We prepared the clothes for the fathers.

Should we go get changed?

Dad, go and get changed.


Dad. Dad.

You have to go and get changed.

(While the dads are gone to change...)

There are desert foxes.

(We're not foxes...)

The cat is sitting down.

(The kids are into the cats.)

It's so cute.

(I want to see too!)

It's so cute.

There are two of them.

Let's play together, cat.


(The cat is running away.)

- There. / - It's there again.

(I want to go down too.)

(Sian is faced with a problem.)

Hold my hand.

(He didn't hear Sian.)


(How will I get down?)

I'm scared.


Let's play together!

Hold my hand.

(Did someone call me?)

Hold my hand.

We'll hold your hands for you.

Let's really hold him.

- Slowly. / - Be careful.

Me too! Me too!

(Seola is so reliable.)

There's a cat!

Cat! There are four.

There are three and four!

(He's full of energy.)

What's with all the noise?

What's with all the noise?

(A charismatic teacher is here.)

Wait, he's...


(Wait, that's...)

(One word from the scary teacher,)

(and the place would fill with waves of tears.)

(This is the place tears and nose run endlessly.)

(The tiger teacher is back.)

What's with all the noise?

What's with all the noise?


It's you guys.

The eight kids are finally together.

"I can do it." Charismatic Sian.

"I'm the neighborhood troublemaker." Seungjae.

You can tell how mature he is.

A man of dignity, Seojun.

And next to him is Seoeon.

The reliable big sister, Seola.

She's so cute, Sua.

(Come hither)

Chic fairy, Rohui.

The baby that makes us swoon, William.

(Cute lad, Will)

William. Hello.

What? No, no.

(Adapting to the village school)

Next week, Chuseok Special of The Return of Superman,

"Wisdom Grows like a Ripening Grain"

will air.

For more infomation >> The Return of Superman | 슈퍼맨이 돌아왔다 - Ep.200 : A Father is His Child's Dream [ENG/2017.10.08] - Duration: 1:29:10.


Kman夾娃娃 史上最硬的爪,這也太難喬爪位了吧,手都要抽筋了。fate 魔槍 Lancer。UFOキャッチャー#132 - Duration: 3:28.

For more infomation >> Kman夾娃娃 史上最硬的爪,這也太難喬爪位了吧,手都要抽筋了。fate 魔槍 Lancer。UFOキャッチャー#132 - Duration: 3:28.


ROBLOX SURVIVAL ISLAND cartoon game for kids New TESTS challenge the Game to Get - Duration: 13:21.

For more infomation >> ROBLOX SURVIVAL ISLAND cartoon game for kids New TESTS challenge the Game to Get - Duration: 13:21.


Called to Go From Glory to Glory with Gloria Copeland and Billye Brim (Air Date 10-10-17) - Duration: 22:15.

(Singing) I know my God has made the way for me.

I know my God has made the way for me.

ANNOUNCER: The story of God's glory is woven all

throughout the Bible. Today on the Believer's Voice of

Victory, learn from Gloria Copeland and Billye

Brim where the glory of God resides and how

it's destined to manifest in these end times.

GLORIA: Hello, everybody. I'm Gloria Copeland. We're

back with more wonderful Words about the Body

of Christ, about the glorious church. Hallelujah. Billye

Brim's with us from Prayer Mountain in the Ozarks,

and she's stirring us up. So don't miss any of these

broadcasts. Tell us, Billye, what we're studying today.

BILLYE: Well, Gloria, you know, I wish everybody had been with

us last week because we talked about the glory of God and how I

came to study it. And when I studied it in depth, I came to

see that the Bible is the story of the glory. GLORIA: Yes, it

is. BILLYE: And that when He made Adam, He crowned him with

glory. And then when God came in the evening--because Adam wore

the glory. The glory of God is the presence of God. GLORIA:

Yes. BILLYE: He wore it as a crown. He wore it as his

clothing. But then when Satan tempted him, he fell from the

glory. Romans 3:23, "For all have sinned, and come short of

the glory." And then when God came walking in the garden, He

said, "Where are you, Adam?" He knew where he was. He said,

"I--we--I hid myself. We hid ourselves." GLORIA: It didn't

work. BILLYE: No. "Who told you, you were naked?" Well, they

weren't naked before. They wore glory. GLORIA: Yeah. BILLYE: But

since man fell from the glory-- GLORIA: Their garment, they lost

their garment. BILLYE: --they can no longer abide God. He can

no longer stand God. God's presence is too much for him.

GLORIA: That's right. BILLYE: So God really had to separate

Himself from His children. And He was separated for more than

2,000 years. And then the glory reappeared, the presence of God.

Moses was out there and he saw that burning bush. And then He

brought the children of Israel out of Egypt under Moses. And He

said, "Now, bring them out here to this mountain. I want to meet

with them." This is as close as He's gotten, because earth's

under a curse. So He cleans him off the top of that mountain.

And I mean fire and lightning spews. And He said, "Now, you

children of Israel, you stand back. Don't come up here close,

you could get hurt." And so then Moses goes up into the cloud. He

gives him the written Word. Thank God. I'd hate to live--

GLORIA: Oh, my-- BILLYE: --before you had the written

Word. GLORIA: --goodness. BILLYE: But then He says to

Moses, first thing, Exodus 25, "Have them bring me an offering.

And what I want to do with the offering is I want to make a

place where I can meet with them. I want to dwell among

them." And it's called the Ohel Moed. It's the Tent of Meeting.

And so Moses--he was told exactly how to do that

tabernacle. He was--he saw the pattern of it, and he did it.

And so we come to this wonderful line, Exodus 40:33, "So Moses

finished the work." Then, when the work was finished-- GLORIA:

Yeah, when it was finished. BILLYE: -- "A cloud covered the

tent of meeting, and the glory of the Lord filled the

tabernacle. And Moses was not able to enter the tent of

meeting, because the cloud settled on it, and the glory of

the Lord filled the tabernacle." GLORIA: Praise God. BILLYE:

Presence of God. GLORIA: Yes, amen. BILLYE: Now, they moved

then from the tabernacle--they have that tabernacle. It's in

Shiloh for 369 years. But then God has always told them there's

a place for it to be that He's going to put His name. And they

discover--David discovers that place, and it is the Temple

Mount. Today, we know it as the Temple Mount, Mount Moriah. Now,

because we are right smack dab in the middle of the Feast of

Tabernacles, and that's when this happened--sukkot, as it's

called, in--by the Hebrews. I'm going to read what happened

exactly this time of year, exactly this week. GLORIA: Hmm.

BILLYE: So now they're going to move the glory. They're going to

move this ark of the presence, it's called "ark of the

presence." And the Shekinah glory was seen over it, you

know, all the time. They're going to move it into the

temple. And so I'm going to read this and-- GLORIA: Carefully,

very carefully. BILLYE: Very carefully. They've learned their

lessons. II Corinthians--Chronn niccleess, excuse me.

II Chronicles 5:1, "Thus all the work that Solomon did for

the house of the Lord was finished." You have to get to

that line, that the house is finished. GLORIA: Yes, amen.

BILLYE: II Chronicles 5:11, "And it came to pass, when the

priests were come out of the holy place: (for all the priests

that were present were sanctified, and did not then

wait by course." 4,000 of them. "Also, the Levites the singers,

all of them of Asaph, of Heman, of Jeduthun, with their sons and

their brethren, arrayed in white linen, and having cymbals and

psalteries and harps, stood at the east end of the altar, and

with them an hundred and twenty priests sounding with shofars:)

It came even to pass, as the trumpeters and singers were as

one, to make--" GLORIA: Wouldn't it be wonderful, there? BILLYE:

"--one sound to be heard in praising and thanking the Lord;

and when they lifted up their voice with the trumpets and

cymbals and instruments of music, and praised the Lord,

saying, For he is good; for his mercy endureth forever." GLORIA:

Yes. Yes, His mercy endures forever. BILLYE: "For he is

good," they did it over and over, "his mercy endureth

forever," antiphonally. "Then the house was filled with a

cloud--" GLORIA: Praise God. BILLYE: "--even the house of the

Lord; so that the priests could not stand to minister by reason

of the cloud: for the glory of the Lord had filled the house of

God." GLORIA: Praise You, Jesus. The glory filled the house. Oh,

man, what a day. BILLYE: Now, here we are, come down to the

New Covenant, come down to the letters that tell us about the

Church, and here we see, in Hebrews 3:6, "But Christ is a

son over his own house." GLORIA: Oh. BILLYE: "The anointed one is

a son over his own house; whose house we are." GLORIA: Glory to

God. BILLYE: So now there's another house for the glory.

This one isn't-- GLORIA: That's right. BILLYE: --in a

tabernacle. This one isn't in a fixed location of a tent. This

house can walk around. GLORIA: And talk. BILLYE: And talk.

GLORIA: And preach. BILLYE: And preach. GLORIA: Hallelujah.

BILLYE: And this house is made up of new creations. GLORIA:

Yeah. BILLYE: And we are told in the Word of God, I Corinthians

3:16, we are told that we are a house. And I'm going to turn

there. I have part of it down here, but, Gloria, I'm going to

turn back in--to read it out of my Word here. I Corinthians

3:16--actually--yeah, I Corinthians. GLORIA: Yes.

BILLYE: I Corinthians 3:16, "Know you not that you are the

temple of God?" GLORIA: Don't you know? BILLYE: Don't you know

that? GLORIA: Mm-hmm. BILLYE: "And that the Spirit of God

dwells in you? If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God

destroy; for the temple of God is holy--" GLORIA: Yes, amen.

BILLYE: "--which temple you are." GLORIA: Praise You, Jesus.

BILLYE: Sometimes I think this is lost on Westerners. GLORIA:

Yes, I agree. BILLYE: They don't really realize the holiness of a

temple. What is "holiness"? It means set apart. Here we have

strawberries. So if I take this strawberry and set it over here,

I cut it out from those other strawberries. And let's say

we're going to give this one to Ken, Ken Copeland. So this is

cut out and set apart for Ken. The temple of God is holy. We

are the Church. We are taken out of every tongue, every tribe,

and we are separated into an ecclesia-- GLORIA: Yeah. BILLYE:

--an assembly, and we're separate. You're supposed to be

separate. You're not supposed to be in bed with the world. You're

supposed to be knowing, "God lives in me." I'm the temple of

God. The Spirit of God lives in me. Look at the next time that

Paul talks about this, I Corinthians 6. And he's going to

talk about some sin that's come about. We'll start with Verse

15, "Know you not that your bodies are the members of

Christ," the Anointed One? Remember what Ephesians says?

You're bone of His bone, flesh of His flesh. GLORIA: That's

right. That's right. BILLYE: "Know you not that your bodies

are members of the Anointed One? shall I take the members of

Christ, and make them members of a harlot?" You know, he's

talking about, like, sexual sin. "God forbid." Oh, brother. I

just heard of another preacher who's been into some stuff for

years and years that has to do with pornography. Don't you know

that when you're sitting there, if you're really born again, in

front of that television and that computer where you drew it

up, that pornography, the Holy Ghost is in you? GLORIA: That's

right. BILLYE: Paul would say, "What's the matter with you?

Don't you know you're a temple?" I'm telling you, you bring the

wrong things into the temple, you bring the wrong thing into

the Holy of Holies, in the Old Testament, you're dead. So what

happens to you in the new? No power, no glory. He cannot rise

up in you degree by degree. You might still be born again, these

things in your flesh. But you're not going to have the glory and

you're not going to have the power. GLORIA: You're not going

to have the blessing. BILLYE: You're not going to have the

blessing. You can't. God can't bless it. "Know you not that

your bodies are the members of the Anointed One? shall I then

take the members of the Anointed One, and make them the members

of a harlot? God forbid. What?" That's what Paul says, "What?

know you not that he which is joined to an harlot is one body?

for two, saith he, shall be one flesh. He that is joined to the

Lord is one spirit." GLORIA: Yes. BILLYE: "Flee fornication."

That's sexual sin. My daughter, Shelli, always says, "It's hard

to fornicate when you're fleeing." "Flee fornication."

GLORIA: Run, run, run. BILLYE: Run. "Every sin that a man doeth

is without the body; but he that commits fornication sins against

his own body." Now, what's so wrong with this? Here you get

another "What?" from Paul. "What? know you not that your

body is the temple of the Holy Ghost--" GLORIA: Oh, Jesus. Yes,

Lord. BILLYE: "--which is in you, which you have not of God,

you are not your own?" You don't belong to you. GLORIA: That's

right. BILLYE: You are bought with a price. What is that price

that you're bought with? GLORIA: The blood. BILLYE: The blood,

the blood of Jesus on that cross. You're not your own.

"You're bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your

body, and in your spirit, which are God's." You know-- GLORIA:

That's our responsibility. BILLYE: That's our

responsibility. GLORIA: It's our job. BILLYE: It's your job,

Gloria. And you do a good job of it. GLORIA: Praise God. BILLYE:

You do and Ken does. GLORIA: Well, you have to work at it

because it doesn't come naturally. BILLYE: Yeah. GLORIA:

You're turned the other way. But if you--if you follow God and

you listen to Him, you put His eyes--your eyes on His Word, get

it down in your ears, get it down in your heart and set

yourself to do what it says, it works. BILLYE: It works. GLORIA:

It works. BILLYE: And He changes you then-- GLORIA: It changes

you. BILLYE: --from one degree of glory-- GLORIA: Yes, amen.

BILLYE: --to the next-- GLORIA: Yes, amen. BILLYE: --so that you

can have more of God manifest in your temple. GLORIA: That's

right. We grow. We keep growing. BILLYE: And that's what the

world-- GLORIA: If we do it right, we keep growing. BILLYE:

It's written. And the world is looking to see God in men.

GLORIA: That's their greatest need. BILLYE: That's their

greatest need. GLORIA: That's right. BILLYE: They need to see

a glorious Church. They need to see a Church manifesting God.

GLORIA: Yeah, that's right. BILLYE: Bless the Lord. GLORIA:

Praise God. BILLYE: Hallelujah. Now we go to I Corinthians 6,

and we're--no. Now we're going to go to II Corinthians 6.

GLORIA: Okay. BILLYE: These are all kind of in, you know, an

easy order to remember. I Corinthians 3, I Corinthians 6,

II Corinthians 6. So here he's talking about it again and he

says, in Verse 4, "Be ye not--" or is that 14? 14, Verse 14, "Be

ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what

fellowship has righteousness with unrighteousness?" And that

word, "fellowship," means working together as partners,

partakers. So, "What fellowship has righteousness with

unrighteousness? What communion has light with darkness? What

concord hath" the Anointed One--"Christ with Belial? What

part hath he that believeth with an infidel? And what agreement

hath the temple of God with idols?" Bless it. GLORIA: What

in common do we have with idols? BILLYE: Yeah. Absolutely.

GLORIA: Nothing. BILLYE: Nothing. GLORIA: That's right.

BILLYE: "As God has said," in Verse 16, "What agreement hath

the temple of God with idols? for you are the temple of the

living God; as God has said, I will dwell in them, and walk in

them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people."

GLORIA: Amen. BILLYE: So He calls the believer

righteousness. He calls them light. He calls them Christ, the

Anointed One. He calls them the temple of God. And he says that

they have no agreement with idols. And He says, "You are the

temple of the living God; as God has said, I will dwell in them."

Remember God told Moses, "You tell those people I want to

dwell with them"? GLORIA: Yeah. BILLYE: But He got to make a

little tent out there because they're not ready. They haven't

had the blood of Jesus shed for them. GLORIA: That's right.

BILLYE: And so they make a tent, and that Shekinah glory is over

that tent. But now the blood has been shed and God who loves you

so much-- GLORIA: Thank You, Father. BILLYE: --comes to live

inside you-- GLORIA: Praise God. BILLYE: --and changes you from

glory to glory. GLORIA: Praise God. BILLYE: "I will dwell in

them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they

shall be my people." John G. Lake's daughter was a friend of

mine. And John G. Lake was in Africa when the bubonic plague

came. And the people were afraid to bury the dead because they

were afraid they'd get it. So he had a ministry, he and this

black native pastor that worked with him. They would, every day,

bury the dead. One day, they put 30 people in a mass grave. He

told her that they would go into a home and they would take this

one dead child lying next to his sibling who was sick. They'd

take that child out and bury it and come back the next day and

the other child would be sick--dead. GLORIA: Dear Jesus.

BILLYE: And so the British hospital ships came and they

said, you know, "We've got preventatives for this." He

said, "I don't need them." They said, "What?" He said, "No." He

said, "These people are dying of a bloody froth at the mouth.

Just take some of that, put it under your--examine it under the

microscope." They did. This germ activity was just working,

alive. He said, "Now, take--no, take it from their mouth and put

it under the microscope." They did and the germ activity was

working, alive. Now he said, "Take some of that bloody froth

and put it in my hand and examine it under the

microscope." They did. All that germ activity had ceased. They

jumped back, "What is that?" "That, sirs--" GLORIA: Greater.

BILLYE: "--is the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus that has made me

free from the law of sin and death." GLORIA: Praise God.

BILLYE: That is the law of the Spirit of life, law in Christ

Jesus-- GLORIA: The law. BILLYE: --that has made me free from the

law of sin and death. GLORIA: Yes, amen. BILLYE: Lake had all

kinds of miracles which you well know because you got that book

put into print. GLORIA: Yeah. BILLYE: But she told me, that

very morning, her father got up, dressed himself up, cleaned up,

had a full length of mirror--he looked in it, he see that--he

said, "You see that suit of clothes? You see that man in

that suit of clothes? God lives in that man in that suit of

clothes. Everywhere that suit of clothes goes, God goes." So he

was conscious that everywhere he went-- GLORIA: He was reminding

himself that-- BILLYE: Yeah, every day. GLORIA: -- "The

greater One lives in me." BILLYE: Exactly. GLORIA:

"Wherever I go today," he's thinking in his being, "the

greater One's in me, the greater One." BILLYE: Absolutely.

GLORIA: We need to be more aware, if we're born again and

filled with the Holy Spirit, that the greater One is in us.

BILLYE: And we're His temple. GLORIA: What does that mean?

"Greater" means that anything you run into, He's greater.

BILLYE: Yes. GLORIA: Glory to God. BILLYE: The greater One--

GLORIA: The great One. BILLYE: --you are the temple-- GLORIA:

Yeah. BILLYE: --that He lives in. But it's not a temple that's

just on a hill. He said, "I will--" GLORIA: That's right.

BILLYE: "--dwell in them, I will walk in--" GLORIA: Yes, there it

is. BILLYE: "--them; I will be their God, and be my people."

Based on that verse, he said, "Wherever this suit of clothes

goes, God goes." That's why he knew he could walk in where the

bubonic plague was and he wouldn't be dead. GLORIA: Did

you read 19? "What? know you not that your body is the temple of

the Holy Ghost which is in you, which you have of God, you're

not your own? You are bought with a price: therefore glorify

God in your body." That's our responsibility now-- BILLYE:

That's right. GLORIA: --to glorify God in our body. Because

these things are true, they've been done. We've been born

again. We've been filled with the Holy Spirit. BILLYE: You

have to keep conscious that--of that. Brother Hagin called it

"being God-inside minded." GLORIA: Yes, I remember that.

Yes, he did. BILLYE: Being God-inside minded. You have to

be conscious of the fact, "I'm a temple of God." Why don't you do

certain things? The Holy Ghost is in me. GLORIA: Mm-hmm, yeah.

BILLYE: I don't want to take the Holy Ghost and set Him down in

front of an X-rated movie. GLORIA: No. Hmm-mm. BILLYE: Now,

He's in there and He's not going to leave you. But He is what the

Bible calls "grieved." GLORIA: Yes, that's right. BILLYE: And

so He'll take--you know, He's grieved by your actions if you

don't walk in love. And what does it mean, "grieved"? It

means that He subsides. He's not in there in the greatest--

GLORIA: That's a good way to say it. BILLYE: --and highest

degree. GLORIA: That's right. BILLYE: He's in there and He

wants you and He loves you, and He wants you to manifest Him. He

wants it so that when you lay hands on the sick, they recover.

GLORIA: That's right. Power. BILLYE: His power, He wants you

to display that power. And His power's called the glory. The

glory of God was in the Old Testament tabernacle, in the Old

Testament temple. And the glory of God is in the glorious

Church. GLORIA: That's right. BILLYE: So when you become born

again, He becomes Christ in you, the hope of glory. What does

"hope" mean? It means, "I don't have it all yet." GLORIA: That's

why believers can lay hands on the sick-- BILLYE: Sure. GLORIA:

--and they'll recover. BILLYE: That's exactly right. You

couldn't do it in your own strength. GLORIA: No, hmm-mm.

BILLYE: It's not anything just you as a person. But it's

because you are the temple of God. GLORIA: That's right.

BILLYE: And then as you read the Word, like the plan says, and

you're looking for the glory of God in there, the presence of

God in all the Scriptures-- GLORIA: Praise God. BILLYE:

--then the Holy Ghost is working on you. Now, the Holy Ghost,

Ephesians 2 says, Verse 19, "Now you are no more strangers and

foreigners, but fellow citizens with the saints, and of the

household of God; you are built upon the foundation of the

apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the

cornerstone; in whom all the building of God fitly framed

together--" GLORIA: Praise God. BILLYE: "--grows unto an holy

temple." GLORIA: Yes, amen. BILLYE: So we are the temple.

And we're all building together. GLORIA: We're not on the outside

anymore. BILLYE: No. GLORIA: Glory to God. BILLYE: And

we--He's in us individually, but then He's in the whole temple.

GLORIA: That's right. BILLYE: He's in all the temple. The Body

congregate. The Holy Spirit is in there to manifest Himself at

your church. When you meet together, you assemble together,

don't forget the assembling of yourselves together. GLORIA:

That's right. BILLYE: So then there--it should be, Gloria--and

it's going to be in the glorious Church, that when somebody walks

in the back door, if they don't have an arm, it's going to grow

on. If they don't have a leg, it's going to grow on. GLORIA: I

can't wait. Oh, yes, I receive that. BILLYE: Hallelujah. And

the glory, the very glory of God on your face is--people are

going to follow you to church to the church assembled because we

are to be a powerful-- GLORIA: Praise God. BILLYE:

--glorious Church. GLORIA: And it's going to be that

way. BILLYE: It's going to be. It's written. GLORIA:

Glory to God. Amen. Billye and I'll be right back.

For more infomation >> Called to Go From Glory to Glory with Gloria Copeland and Billye Brim (Air Date 10-10-17) - Duration: 22:15.


티아라N4_전원일기_Dance ver_ youtube_1080p_4K_60fps_interpolated-muxed - Duration: 4:28.

Come to me Take my hand

Come away with me

why why why why why

Ah, mind your own business

why why why why why

Ah, mind your own business

Blue monday again Sick and tired of it

Day in, day out Why are you picking on me

Please stop nagging me

I'll just get away from this

To the Jeon Won Diary

Come to me Take my hand

Come away with me

Party People

Just enjoy your life

Dance all night

Don't worry about it now

You You You Mind your own business

Turn off the cell phone

Clear your head

Wipe your feet and sleep well


Ting Ting Ting Ting


Ting Ting Ting Ting

Why do you care Oh, god

None of your business

Why do you care Oh, god

None of your business

Leave me alone What's it got to do with you

You know nothing For god's sake

None of your business

I'm doing well on my own You better back off

Look who's talking Find somewhere else

Just once, shush and I don't care

When you're annoyed with the world..

To the Jeon Won Diary

Come to me Take my hand

Come away with me

Party People

why why why why why


Ting Ting Ting Ting


Ting Ting Ting Ting

Why do you care Oh, god

None of your business

Why do you care Oh, god

None of your business

Leave me alone What's it got to do with you

You know nothing For god's sake

None of your business

My heart getting hurt My heart is bruised

You know, we all have broken hearts

Don't worry This cold wind shall pass, too

Mind your own business

Why you hating

Why why you hating

Why you hating

Why why you hating

Why you hating

Why why you hating

Why you hating

Why why why you hating


Ting Ting Ting Ting


Ting Ting Ting Ting

For more infomation >> 티아라N4_전원일기_Dance ver_ youtube_1080p_4K_60fps_interpolated-muxed - Duration: 4:28.



I'm like geez I always lose my keys but it's not even funny

but it was cool let's go for the ride

I drove this for a couple days because she drinks yes

I just picked them up from paint and they look fucking good check these out

I know if you can see it right damn boy I'm excited for these I'm waiting so

long for these finally have the chance to buy it and I got to paint it all

within a week bad lady ba let's go home let's install this shit and then wait

for Sandy to get off and we'll go get a memory card I just got home

dude check out these freaking fenders though my boy Oscar did a great job got

the other ones over here now it's time to install them I have no fucking clue

how installed it looks pretty damn easy so let's go over together all right step

one put a washer on each bolt all right see with all these hardware in the storm

but let's get it going though all right here the bolts we put a washer on each

bolt and Julie

so you take this whatever the fuck they gave us then you stick it under here in

the hole so just stick it in there and then this

piece I think a little bit that goes like this and the screw goes into the

little hole puncher thing okay oh I just show you a nice finished

oh man here to install this on this

so it slides like this

goddammit it's like pay the clock but I just barely got this one left I was just

struggling you know what the hardest part is putting on this damn liner bat -

expecting forever you know easier way than just like put

it on it's a comic let other people know who watch my video

the easier way to do it but I don't have a frickin drill bit that's my face

so I can't even do the back tonight it only can do the front so it's gonna look

bleep but this one should be for quick I'm gonna do it in like ten minutes

stay tuned hold I get is done quicker look at this shape boy oh crap - drop

so if all the fronts there's this little like black trim thing you just screw on

and then after you take these things and these nuts put them together and then

they'll lock into the bottom I'm just

not gonna line perfectly it took me a little bit to get it on but it's on its

plastic do open less but yeah that happy with the

come up back is super easy so what you got to do is on both sides take those

off goes in and then now you're gonna move up the drill holes

yes you don't chicken out


start at like 5:30


For more infomation >> INSTALLING FENDER FLARES ON MY FORD F-150 - Duration: 6:06.


Bollywood Actresses Karwa Chauth Celebrations 2017 | Don't Miss It - Duration: 4:49.

Bollywood Actresses Karwa Chauth Celebrations 2017 | Don't Miss It

For more infomation >> Bollywood Actresses Karwa Chauth Celebrations 2017 | Don't Miss It - Duration: 4:49.


SWEDISH TANKS, Maps & Meatballs - World of Tanks Console - Duration: 0:53.

For more infomation >> SWEDISH TANKS, Maps & Meatballs - World of Tanks Console - Duration: 0:53.


Ein Seemann Ging Zur See | Deutsche Kinderlieder | Vorschulische Lieder | Wiegenlied - Duration: 1:02:38.

A sailor went to sea sea sea

To see what he could see see see

But all that he could see see see

Was the bottom of the deep blue sea sea sea

A sailor went to sea sea sea

To see what he could see see see

But all that he could see see see

Was a big blue whale swimming in the sea sea sea

A sailor went to sea sea sea

To see what he could see see see

But all that he could see see see

Was a pirate ship at the bottom of the sea sea sea

A sailor went to sea sea sea

To see what he could see see see

But all that he could see see see

Was a treasure chest at the bottom of the sea sea sea

A sailor went to sea sea sea

To see what he could see see see

But all that he could see see see

Was the bottom of the deep blue sea sea sea

For more infomation >> Ein Seemann Ging Zur See | Deutsche Kinderlieder | Vorschulische Lieder | Wiegenlied - Duration: 1:02:38.




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