Thứ Hai, 9 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 10 2017

11 Things NOT To Do With Narcissists

Different rules apply when coping with people who have unhealthy narcissism.

Here are 11 "Don'ts" in dealing with narcissists:


Don't take them at face value.

Image is everything to narcissists.

They work hard to present a facade of superiority and certainty.

They like to keep others guessing and they don't operate transparently.

It is important to remember that people with narcissism are deeply insecure.

Their flashy facade is designed to hide emptiness within.

We can have compassion for narcissists' pain yet not be taken in by their pretenses.

All that glitters is not gold.


Don't over-share personal information.

The more personal information you give a narcissist, the more ammunition they have to use against


Narcissists need to feel on top.

They may use anything you share to humiliate or manipulate you, particularly when you are

most vulnerable or in need.

Be judicious about what you tell them.


Don't feel a need to justify your thoughts, feelings or actions.

Many narcissists try to make others second-guess themselves.

They may do this by asking pointed or leading questions and acting as though you need to

explain yourself to them.

Recognize this for what it is: an attempt to undermine you.

One helpful self-help mantra is "No JADE," which stands for Justifying, Arguing, Defending,

or Explaining.

You do not need to explain or justify your feelings or thoughts.

Furthermore, arguing with or defending yourself to a narcissist is generally counterproductive.

Narcissists tend to be interested in winning, not listening; they prefer competing, not



Don't minimize their dysfunctional behavior.

Narcissists' self-serving behavior and hunger for attention can suck the energy from those

around them.

Over time, people who are consistently around narcissists may get fatigued or numb and fail

to register how unhealthy the narcissistic behavior can be.

Make no mistake: deceiving, manipulating and humiliating others is unhealthy and wrong.

Sometimes it may be best to let a narcissist's childish or provocative behavior pass without

comment, but that doesn't mean you should fail to make a mental note of how unhealthy

it is.


Don't expect them to take responsibility.

Narcissists take credit and give blame, rarely apologizing or admitting fault.

Narcissists think they have special status, greater stature, and more rights than others.

They have no interest in equality or in owning up to what they do, other than taking credit

for positive things.

Seeking to get narcissists to take responsibility for negative actions can be a waste of time.

If you want to point out their role in a problem, fine, but do so because you need to say it,

not because you expect them to hear or validate your concerns.


Don't assume they share your values and worldview.

If you expect narcissists to have compassion, tell the truth, or share the spotlight, you

may be repeatedly disappointed.

People with narcissism view others as sources of gratification, not as equals.

They use words as tools and weapons more than as truth.

They have a bottomless hunger for attention.

All these come from a shaky sense of self.

Knowing this can free you from false expectations and allow you to set boundaries accordingly.


Don't try to beat them at their own game.

It may be tempting, but remember: most narcissists have spent their lives perfecting their campaign

of self-aggrandizement.

Many narcissists do more manipulative actions in one week than most people do all year.

Narcissists have a mortal fear of losing, feeling inferior, and being exposed or humiliated.

As a result, they devote massive energy to maintaining their image and cultivating sources

of ego-boosting, generally at others' expense.

Trying to best them in a war of words, get even, or otherwise adopt their techniques

is like an amateur going up against a seasoned pro.

It won't feel good and it rarely works.

Instead, play your game and be true to your values.


Don't take their actions personally.

Narcissists take advantage of anybody they can.

They may treat those closest to them especially negatively, but few are immune from a narcissist's

put-downs and manipulations.

If you take what they do personally, you grant them extra real estate in your mind and psyche,

which is exactly what the narcissist wants.

Mistreatment by narcissists is painful and wrong, but narcissists target anyone who happens

across their path.

It's not personal; it's just what they do.


Don't expect empathy or fairness.

Narcissists are generally incapable of displaying or practicing empathy.

Empathy is based on the assumption that others are worthy, equal, and deserve attention and


Does that sound like something a narcissistic person would believe?

Their sense of entitlement leaves them feeling little reason to play fair or reciprocate.

Their grandiosity leads them to see others as inferior and undeserving of compassion.

Rather than expecting equality or reciprocity from a narcissist, focus on respecting yourself.


Don't expect them to change.

People with Narcissistic Personality Disorder or a strong narcissistic style rarely change.

They may alter some behaviors over time, but the underlying dynamics that drive them are

generally there for life.

Narcissists view others as either threats or potential victims and are trapped in an

endless quest for attention and approval.

To hope that they will change is a recipe for failure.

Rather, accept who they are and focus on how to take care of yourself around them.


Don't underestimate the power of narcissism.

Narcissism is a profound distortion of one's sense of self.

A narcissist's life is endlessly about gaining "narcissistic supply:" attention, success,

wealth, power, control, sexual conquest, and more.

They seek to be fed; nothing is more important.

This drive is so powerful that narcissists will betray those closest to them when it

suits them.

This is what you are up against.

We can have compassion for the deep wounds and limitations of people with narcissism.

Yet compassion does not mean allowing others to hurt or use you.

It is your responsibility and right to focus on how to best take care of yourself.

That is not narcissism; that is healthy living.

Well, that's the 11 things not to do with narcissists.

Really cool information isn't it?

Please share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and watch all our other amazing videos.

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> 11 Things NOT To Do With Narcissists - Duration: 7:47.


Easy Homemade Tahini Recipe - Howto Make Tahini Sauce by (COOKING WITH ASIFA) - Duration: 3:17.

Easy Homemade Tahini Recipe - Howto Make Tahini Sauce by (COOKING WITH ASIFA)

For more infomation >> Easy Homemade Tahini Recipe - Howto Make Tahini Sauce by (COOKING WITH ASIFA) - Duration: 3:17.


Unboxing kolam renang anak waterboom mini lucu - unboxing kids swimming pool with water slide - Duration: 7:47.

assalamualaikum hi guys

welcome back to our youtube channel "Mecca Days"

So in this video we are going to...


this is cute little swimming poll

because this swimming pool not suitable for me

so i'm gonna play in another pool

mi little brother still play on it

We adding some ball to make more fun

beside me is our nephew, his name is Fajar


he is came from Dumai


lets get started

i'm going to change my cloth first

we already pump this pool

there is a water slide

playing basketball

there is also water fountain

water came out from the baloon

i'm going to play the water slide

we are going to jump to the pool

that's the video from us

don't forget to like, comment, share, and subscribe



For more infomation >> Unboxing kolam renang anak waterboom mini lucu - unboxing kids swimming pool with water slide - Duration: 7:47.



Hello, you channel Well ka davayka and today we

you're back school cats.

And today, our seals a lesson of good manners.

Now in school while receiving food and lunch for adults

seals have dry food kitiket, and for a small

Murka dry food for kittens.

Bon Appetit everyone.

Thank you!

Thank you Annie, where's Baby for some reason he does not eat?

Hey Kid, we go to dinner with ryzhuley you leave!

Well start good lesson manners.

Murochka and you could not be share with me one


Murochka but I'm so hungry, I want it very much.



Oh please.

I said no, and that means no!

Murka well, if you were not greedy I'm always with you sharing


Well delishsya and that.

So it is possible?

No said the same!

Murka, well, do not be nice greedy.

Not beautiful in someone else's plate poke fingers!

Oh, you're so mean!

Well, all I was mad at you!

Kid and why do you not eat?

I am a true gentleman!

First ladies and kids eat and then the men.

Wow! behavior worthy respect.

See Murka?

Hey, what are you doing this, even from an adult bowls hamster.

Murka, well, that's impudence, you had finished serving

Kid, he's still quite I did not eat.

So Baby, MPD, Anuta urgently collect teacher


That damn schA I will fly, and stop I'm also a teacher

Everything is okay!

Send guys!

In the meantime, seals gather at the appointed place, we

's look the best comments.

Each time I am amazed your kindness.

You write such lovely comments, it seems to me that if we collect

the mantle of the world together explode and become

at the mercy of a clot.

Thank you my favorite!

Well get back to the important feline meeting.

Let's quickly keep up urgent meeting!

Meeting this seriously, I have my mother at all interested

in correcting the situation.

So a meeting about Murka whether?

By the way where is it?

She should not have uslyshat.Ya I think the behavior of Murka

unacceptable for a meal!

MPD, what do you say?

Well, I do not know, do not even understand, where she could see a similar


Aunts MPD, seriously?

Oh my God, it's all my fault.

Murzenka we calm down We solve this problem.

I believe that children should to be better than their parents,

it is not necessary to repeat for parents bad deeds.

We need to try to be better.

That's right baby.

Since we have a way out, that to do, because the decision here

so the floor is not lying.

After correctly.

Although you know I have idea, we have to show Murko

her behavior on the part. let see how ugly

it arrives.

Do you agree?

I agree aunts MPD!

And I agree.

I think it's a great idea.

So we went back to school!

Oh Baby, Mom and where you were?

I am waiting for you here.

Already lesson was about to begin a long time ago.

And I'm here waiting for you.

Mom Let's go faster Anya you go?

Well MPD you have not changed your mind?

Do not changed my mind, let's open it.

It's done, way back no.

Oh Murochka see.

Oh Mom, who released the chickens?

And what they were going to do?

What they are fast.

I do not understand that It is happening.

Hey Miss chicken and you that, going to eat our food?

Of course, and I share whether?

Mom Well tell them that it they allow themselves.

We come eat our means food and even the legs are not washed

before the arrival.

Well, I do not know my daughter.

You're right, this behavior just disgusting.

There are other people's food, and even not share, what a nightmare,

Murka is true.

Mom, how strange it is that you He said, as if she wanted

say something else.

Hey, well, what are you doing, we as we eat of these bowls,

and you get your dirty paws stuck.

Oh sorry, I'm sorry did not want.

Oh well, what is it?

Well, this is too much, even water poured.

Murochka and you that anyone Sound familiar?

Do not share food, eating bowls of others, put their paws

in the plates?

Oh do not be is it really me?

I knew Annie.

Well thanks Murochka for help, you can go back

to yourself.

All perfectly played their all roles are now strew


Do you want us to say anything?

Yes, forgive me, I realized, it is very bad to be greedy

and generally behave this way.

Now I have to answer for their behavior and remove

here all this mayhem.

Good Murka, the lesson went good for you, well, we say goodbye.

Put huskies and all until and see you soon.

For more infomation >> ШКОЛА КОТОВ УРОК ХОРОШИХ МАНЕР для Кошечки МУРКИ! Кот Малыш и КОШАЧЬЯ СЕМЬЯ НА СОБРАНИИ ! - Duration: 5:15.


Lovers in Bloom | 木槿花开了 | 무궁화 꽃이 피었습니다 - Ep.91 [SUB : ENG,CHN,IND / 2017.10.09] - Duration: 33:56.

(Episode 91)

So she's widow of the cop who got killed

in that accident?

What ill-fated ties...

Hi, Dad.

Why are you home so late?

What are you doing?


Do you have something to tell me?

Shall I draw you a bath?

No need.

Get out.

I met with Seonok today.


Now that the kids are married,

what can we do about it?

I told her to let the kids move out so they can

be on their own at an opportune time.

Who told you to do that?


Don't waste your energy.

I'm not leaving Bora in that state.

What do you mean?

Will you force them to get a divorce?

Are you determined never to see Bora again?

Not that family of his!

Just let her be with the man she loves.

They only just got married.

You go see your daughter every other day

to make sure she's okay,

but we are to just leave Bora

to suffer there?


Come with me.

If you're going to drink and be wayward,

move out.

I will.

I was planning to move out anyway.


So you'll live with that girl?

We broke up.

So don't mention marriage to me again,

as I have no desire to marry anymore.

Good night.

Moo Gunghwa, pull yourself together.

He said it was over.

He said he was unsure.

Let's not be clingy and pathetic.


I'm Uri's mom.

What are you doing?

I woke up early for some reason.

Geez. Move. I'll do it.

I know how to cook, too.

Although not as well as you.

I don't want to be the lazy,

despicable sister-in-law.

So let me cook for you today.

Shall we do that then?

Mom is 100% serious about letting you two move out,

so talk it over with Suhyeok.

I don't know what we should do.

Sure you do.

Mom is letting you move out.

Who lives with their in-laws these days?

I wouldn't want to if I were you.

I'll help you.

Oh, wow.

The soup is especially tasty today.

I heard you made it.

Cook more often, okay?

Okay, Moo Suhyeok.

Mind your manners

in front of your sister-in-law.

I knew you'd get chewed out by Mom.

I don't like being scolded in front of Bora.

Suhyeok, hurry up and move out with her.

Don't be flippant.

Like Mom said, I'd like it to be

just Mom, Uri, and me here.

I'm sorry, Bora.

It's not that I don't love you,

but it's a bit crowded in this tiny place.


I want Uncle Suhyeok and Aunt Bora here, though.


You're the only one who understands me.

Isn't she getting her stitches removed today?

Oh, yes.

Uri, I'll take you to the doctor today.

You're busy, so why bother?

I can take her.

No. I'm not that busy.

I'll take her.

Uri, let's go together.

Okay, Mom.


let's go on a date today.

Why? What are you going to say?

Just come.

I'll buy you dinner at a fancy restaurant.

Why waste good money?

I'll pack dinner and come to your office.

Man... I wanted to pamper you for once.

Okay, fine.

Is something up with Gunghwa?


She seems a bit off.

I randomly suggested that we three live together,

so it's weird that she's being like this.

I wonder if something happened.

Uri was hurt,

so I'm sure she was anxious.

She probably has a lot on her mind.

Officer Moo, is something wrong?

Pardon? What do you mean?

Women go nuts cleaning

when something is bothering them.

Or get a haircut when they get dumped.

It's nothing like that.

Sir, I'd like to take a couple of hours off today.

Uri is getting her stitches taken out.

Be my guest if it's for something like that.

You're cleaning the station,

so I won't even deduct the hours.

Thank you.

Hello, Inspector Cha.


Officer Moo has made the station

totally dust-free and spic and span.

I'll go get changed.

Inspector Cha, headquarters issued an order for us

to find out residents' desired patrol zones,

so come up with a tailored patrol map.

Yes, sir.

What's that?

We'll put up a neighborhood map

and have residents put stickers

on areas they find unsafe.

Oh, and we'll focus our patrol on those areas?

So what happens if I put a sticker

on pretty Senior Officer Jang's face?

Officer Choi, this is a meeting.

Can't you be more professional?

And Senior Officer Jang is your superior.

I'm sorry.

I was just joking around.

Good job.

I've noticed the lack of discipline lately.

I'm sorry, sir. I won't do it again.

Okay. Meeting adjourned. Dismissed.

Senior Officer Jang, I'm sorry.

As long as you know.

Inspector Cha is particularly testy today.

Good job.

I'd noticed the lack of discipline,

and I was planning to lecture them.

I have something to tell you.

What is it?

Officer Moo and I broke up.

You broke up?

Officer Moo will be worried, as you know about us,

so I ask that you be considerate

so that Officer Moo can work

without worrying.

You heard about your transfer next month, right?

Yes, sir.

They'll be upset that you're leaving,

especially since Park isn't here, either.

Okay then. You can go.


do you see me as the setting sun

and Dohyeon as the rising sun?

Is that why you skip me

and report everything straight to Dohyeon?

I'm sorry, sir.

We upset you a lot, didn't we?

I mean about Bora.

It's over now, though.

No, it's not over.

I'm going to get Bora out of there.


Did you think I'd leave her there?

She can be with him over my dead body.

I'll split them up no matter what.

You'll make them get divorced?

That's right.

And if Bora says she can't stay here,

I'm sending her to the States.

She can't stay with that scoundrel.

But why should I bother telling you this?

I'm sure you've given up on her.

And you wouldn't be hung up on a woman

who's been living with someone else.

Don't bring up the moving issue.

My mind is made up.

Why are you being like this these days?

You'd paced yourself well,

but you've been off lately.


I'm not moving out.

No, I can't.

You said your business was doing well.

And Bora has her cooking classes.

Plus, you're newlyweds.

It'll be nice for you two to live on your own.

Sure, I'd like that.

I know it'd be nice.

So move out.

It's not that I won't. I can't.

You want me to mooch off Bora?

Do you know not know your own son?

So please wait a bit longer,

until I can afford to move us out.

Then I'll leave even if you beg me not to.

I'll leave without looking back,

so just don't cry after me.

I bet Bora thinks differently.

She must be very uncomfortable,

given how she used to live.

We can all adjust gradually.

Adjusting is for two similar parties.

Maybe it's because she's rich,

but she doesn't skimp on sesame oil

and such when she cooks,

and just goes to town.

You need to understand.

Like you said, her background is different.


Does it offend you that I seem to badmouth Bora?

Honestly, it doesn't feel good.

You know very well that Bora has

a lot more good than bad points.

Consider it an adjustment period,

and be nicer to her while you're at it.

I knew it was way too clean in here.

Thank you, Mom.

Don't thank me.

I couldn't do anything but take care of

your work studio when you got married.

You wretched thing.

How could you deceive me like that?

I'm sorry.

When will you return to work?

You should do that as soon as possible.

Do you want to be trapped in that tiny apartment?

I was planning to start up again.

And hurry up and move out.

Your mother-in-law hasn't said anything?

I met with her and requested that.

So that's what it was.

I wondered why she suddenly brought it up.

Why did you do that?

Your dad is threatening to bring you home.


It'll be preferable if he causes a scene

at a home with just you two.

Do you want your mother-in-law

and sister-in-law to suffer through him again?

So just move out when you're allowed to.

Your dad is a lot scarier than you think.

You must know, given what he did to your friend.

Bong Uri!

Mr. Tall!

Upsy daisy.

Upsy daisy.

You must've timed it just right.

Aren't you being too confident?

I'm a very busy person.

Wow, but how uncanny that

we'd meet again here and now.

Uri, it didn't hurt?

No. It didn't hurt at all.

The doctor said I was the bravest kid

he treated today.

Oh, he did?

Our Moo Gunghwa Mini Me

certainly is brave.

High five.

But didn't your arm hurt?

It hurt really badly.

Should I blow on it?



And here, too.

Man, it was nice when I was hospitalized.

I could hear your voice when I woke up,

and I could see Bong Uri in front of me.

Mr. Jin Dohyeon.

You won't stop me and Uri from being friends, right?

I didn't stop Suhyeok and Bora, either.

There should be some give and take.

Shouldn't you be working?

You're treating me like a bum again.

I'm very busy, since I entered the hotel business.

But after I see Uri,

my head clears,

and I get great ideas.

That's why I come to see her

despite my busy schedule.

Although today,

I'm being rewarded with a special bonus.

Bora is doing well, right?

Why? Are you worried?

Of course I am,

given what our family has done.

You're not being mean

because you're her sister-in-law, right?

If you are, I won't be able to take it.

Good grief.

Let's go on something else.

It feels good

to sit side by side

and watch Uri play like this.

Don't you think we've gotten closer?

It feels like we're a family.

You don't want us being family.

I don't want it, either.

Mr. Jin Dohyeon.

But what can we do,

if this is our destiny?

What destiny?

For us to be family.

Hello, Ms. Lee.


Wow. It's a triple run today.

I got to see Officer Moo, and you as well.

Shouldn't you go back to the station?

Yes. I was about to, after dropping Uri off.

I'll drive you to the station.

I'm fine.

Uri, I'm leaving.

I'm off.

See you again, Gunghwa!

Ah, can't I call her that now?

Bong Uri!

Mr. Tall!

Were you having fun playing?


One, two.

How is Uri?

She's as good as new.

The doctor said it won't even leave a scar.

So don't worry about her.

She's all well now.

I'm relieved.

We have to go on patrol in 10 minutes,

so come on down.

Yes, sir.

Do you want something?


I'm worried that it'll be grueling for you.

What will be grueling?

Chuseok preparations.

There's a lot to do in our household.

I'll just do it. What's new?

You must still be angry at me.

I don't like talking about her.

I would've told you if it was something pleasant.

How can a couple only exchange pleasantries?


Come on in, both of you.

We need to start preparing Chuseok food.

I was planning to shop tomorrow

and get started.

Take over the household finances this month.


Huijin has Haechan to deal with

as well as the restaurant.

I left Huijin in charge until now,

since you didn't know what was what.

But Huijin is moving out soon.

So you take charge.

It's your household anyway.

Although it'll be a lot of trouble.

Not at all.

I will, Mother.

We might not even make rent this month.

It was to be expected.

We lost a lot in sales

due to the ransacking.

It's Chuseok, so Dad will give us a lot

for household expenses, so we'll need

to manage somehow with that

and Taejin's Chuseok bonus.

I don't know what to say.

It's not your fault.

Dad should give me his share today...

Now I don't get it from him directly,

but I can't ask Ms. Oh for it. Geez.

She'll give it to us in due time.

I should've kept some of the money Mom gave me.

I paid off our loan with it,

since I wanted to stop paying interest.

How is your mom?


She's calling it quits with him.

So she's leaving him?

That's what she said.

It must be bad over there.

Is that why they ransacked our place?

Who knows?

Anyway, I hope she can leave him without incident.

How can anyone be with such a scary man?

It might be better that she's leaving him

before anything worse happens.

This won't do.


I'll go help her with dinner

and feel things out.

Our credit card payment is due tomorrow.

Are you making bean sprout soup?

Isn't it busy at the restaurant?

We have no customers these days.

Things will pick up gradually.

Geez. How will we get through Chuseok?

Anyway, time sure flies.

It feels like New Year's was just yesterday.

You must not like holidays.

Of course not.

I hated holidays ever since I was little.

Maybe it's because it was just my son and me,

but I was envious of big families

all eating together on holidays.

It only looks nice from the outside.

You have to make pancakes all day,

and there are heaps and heaps of dishes...

You also have to cook for days on end.

It can't all be prepared overnight.

You must get an early start.

Right. I'm sure.

Is she okay?


Your mother.

After the state I saw her in,

I've been worried about her.

I think she's going to call it quits.


Soon she's going to leave the man she's with.

But why?

It was nice to see that she was well off.

So what if the guy's rich?

He's not a nice person.

Haechan should be home soon.

She's going to be single?


Wow. It's way more than I expected.

Good job.

Let's really work hard

so that we can move to a much nicer office

where you can sleep comfortably.

I'm fine.

We should be grateful that we have an office.

Oh. It's your first holiday since you got married,

so shouldn't you get Bora a present?

I hear women these days sulk if you don't get them

gifts and such on special occasions.

What do you take my Bora for?

My Bora's not like that.

I let my guard down for a split second

and gave you the chance to sing her praises.

Hurry up and get it.

It must be your Bora.

Hey, Bora.

I have something to discuss with you.

Come on over.

Juyeong is there,

so I'd rather you came here.


This takes me back to the old days.

Give me a break.

This is where my marriage proposal

was pathetically rejected.

It wasn't all bad here.

There were a lot more happy days.

I'm going to start working again.

Okay. You do what you want.

But I don't think that's why you called me over.

Can I speak honestly?

Of course.

I want us to move out.


I've never had a home sweet home.

So I'd like to have a home sweet home with you.

But I'll treat Mother even better.

I'll visit often, too.

Did I upset you by what I said?

No, I feel bad.

You know I don't have the means to move out yet.

If money is the issue,

we can use what I have...

Jin Bora.

You're so old-fashioned, Moo Suhyeok.

Must the man cover all marriage-related expenses?

People even go Dutch on dates these days.

That's right.

So I should pay half.

I swear I'll work my butt off.

So can't you tough it out and consider it

the process of getting to know the family?

I wanted to, but I don't feel as comfortable

around Mother as I did back at my house.

She makes me feel bad about using stuff at home.

Mom's had to manage on very little,

so she may come across as

miserly and stingy to you.

Why put it like that? I didn't mean...

I know you didn't mean anything bad.

But she worked so hard to raise me,

so I can't badmouth her behind her back.

When you put it like that,

I feel ashamed, since it makes me feel

as if I really insulted her.

I'm sorry if I made you feel like that.

If Mom causes you grief,

I'll talk to her.

So no more talk about moving out, okay?

Why are you...

No, no. Watch it.

Zip it, okay?

I'm here on business.

Don't treat me like I'm here on a social call.

Man, those two are being very fishy.

Why would that unlikely pair

always talk behind closed doors?

I heard Inspector Cha is returning to the precinct.


A fellow senior officer just called.

So it was Spotty, not the henchmen,

who killed the owner of the driving range?

That's what his lackeys confessed.

Where's Spotty?

We're trying our utmost to track him down,

but he's nowhere to found.

He must've caught wind of it and gone into hiding.

What is Chairman Jin saying?

Of course he denies knowing him.

Why would he want to get embroiled in this?

I have something to ask you.

I heard you'll be transferred. If it's due to me...

Come with me.

Go ahead.

Tell me.

There must be a reason you brought me here.


I'm nothing but your superior now.

I no longer do anything because of you.

So lose that delusion

and shape up.

I'm not your boyfriend anymore.

We broke up.

Why, all of a sudden?

Do you really want to know?

I'm about to lose it even now.

They broke up.

You probably want a drink.

I can't be your boyfriend,

but I'll be your friend.

Can we have a word?

Dad, if you lend me your severance pay...

I don't have it.


Do you have something to say?

I need money for this month's household expenses.

Dad, who's Spotty?

He hasn't been located yet?

Senior Inspector Hwang,

I need to talk you about that Cha Taejin kid.

For more infomation >> Lovers in Bloom | 木槿花开了 | 무궁화 꽃이 피었습니다 - Ep.91 [SUB : ENG,CHN,IND / 2017.10.09] - Duration: 33:56.


Rainbow Wheels On The Bus | Kids Video Songs | Kindergarten Nursery Rhymes for Children by Kids Tv - Duration: 1:11:55.

Hey kids!

Do you want a sing wheel on the bus with bob the train..

The wheels on the bus go round and round,

round and round, round and round.

The wheels on the bus go round and round,

All through the town.

The wipers on the bus go Swish, swish,swish..

Swish, swish, Swish, swish,

The wipers on the bus go Swish, swish

All through the town.

The horn on the bus goes Beep, beep,beep..

Beep, beep, Beep, beep,.

The horn on the bus goes Beep, beep, beep,

All through the town.

The windows on the bus go up and down,up and down,up and down..

The windows of the bus go up and down,

All the through the town. .

The wheels on the bus go round and round ,round and round, round and round

The wheels on the bus go round and round..

All through the town.

For more infomation >> Rainbow Wheels On The Bus | Kids Video Songs | Kindergarten Nursery Rhymes for Children by Kids Tv - Duration: 1:11:55.


ベタ足スイングで飛距離アップ!?【ゴルフライブ】 - Duration: 2:53.

For more infomation >> ベタ足スイングで飛距離アップ!?【ゴルフライブ】 - Duration: 2:53.


싱크대 개수대에 절대 버리지 말아야 할 것 9가지 - Duration: 9:52.

For more infomation >> 싱크대 개수대에 절대 버리지 말아야 할 것 9가지 - Duration: 9:52.


Taking Care of Baby Like Chicken | WHAT??? - Duration: 4:48.

Please SUBSCRIBE now

For more infomation >> Taking Care of Baby Like Chicken | WHAT??? - Duration: 4:48.


Silent Letters Part 1 - Duration: 3:09.

Hello everyone, thanks for coming back to our channel Speaklish, Enjoy Learning English.

Today we are going to talk about silent letters in English words

They are really annoying. What they are even doing there. This video is all about English words with silent letters in them.

When do you pronounce those letters and when don't you pronounce those letters?

This is really tricky

I'm going to teach you a few simple rules to help you pronounce the English words correctly

There are a lot of silent letters in English words about

60% of all English words have a silent letter and they can be silent, but not always

Okay, let's start with the letter A. Now the letter A can be silent specially in the words that end in -ally. Like



Musically, Logically. So I'm not pronouncing

romantic-aa- lly

music-aa- lly or logic-aa- lly. Cut the a out




Now there is a rule to remember with letter B. It's always silent when it follows the letter M

for example



Dumb and Plumber

So practice them with me. I'm not pronouncing the B. I'm just pronouncing the M consonant sound. Climb

Crumb, Lamb




The letter B is often silent when it comes before the consonant T

Here are the examples: Subtle, Debt, Doubt

Subtle, Debt, Doubt

Now the letter C can cause some problem. Because it is often silent after the letter S

Like in these very common examples: Muscle


Fascinate, Scene


So that's the silent C

So what about the letter D? Yep, it can be silent, too


Handsome, Sandwich. I'm not pronouncing the letter D. Try with me once more

Wednesday, Handsome, Sandwich. And

a D can be very quite, not silent in the next examples:




Hedge. So in these examples the D and G combined together

Creates the consonant sound jj

Edge, Knowledge, Bridge, Hedge

That's all for part 1 of silent letters. We will be back with part two of silent letters soon.

Thanks for watching the video and don't forget to subscribe our channel.You can check the description for more videos. Thank you!

For more infomation >> Silent Letters Part 1 - Duration: 3:09.


[GLITCHTALE] Your very own HATE - SpeedPaint - Duration: 6:49.

For more infomation >> [GLITCHTALE] Your very own HATE - SpeedPaint - Duration: 6:49.


Baby Car | Tow Truck | 3D Cartoon Video Songs for Kids | Playlist for Children by Kids Channel - Duration: 1:11:10.

Baby car and Tow truck

Baby car and Tow truck

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