Thứ Ba, 10 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 10 2017


I have an announcement I would like share with you!!

You remember August's best of video, right?!

Which included Gamer G's best moments during that specific month.

So, Stating with this video

we are going to include some of your own comments on our videos during that month :D !!!

Since we really consider you guys as part of Gamer G top and best moments for each and every month

We are really Grateful for your continuous support

Enjoy the video :)

We are going to present you the world's most horrendous sounds *caution is advised for headphones users*


Music Concerts

The Sound of a Shotgun

A jet Plane

The Menu's background Music in CS GO

Revenge Time

haa, I caught him

he's on the second floor, he's in the corner

he on your left once you go up

he's exactly on your left

This time for sure I will get him. Revengeee!!

Warning: A Missile is heading into your direction

Chill-out Broo

Remember to Subscribe for everything new from the Channel

make sure u hit that "bell" icon to be notified with our new releases

and leave us a "like" if enjoyed the video

For more infomation >> ملخص افضل لحظات Gamer G لشهر 9 – 2017 + تعليقات المشاهدين | Best of Gamer G Highlights 09-17 - Duration: 9:11.


Dirty Bomb: Guardian - Merc Role Call - Duration: 2:52.

Welcome to this Dirty Bomb Merc Role-Call.

Now hiring Guardian, the battle-hardened Korean who keeps the skies clear.

Guardian carries a small robotic companion which she uses to intercept incoming projectiles.

Once deployed the Sky Shield takes a moment to activate, and as soon as it begins hovering

it offers a dome of protection.

Apart from bullets, all enemy projectiles which come

within it's range are immediately neutralized.

Guardian also has the ability to revive fallen teammates with her Bionic Pulse.

Using this revive technology built into her glove, she can revive multiple teammates with

a single activation.

She can also charge the Bionic Pulse.

The longer it's charged, the more health allies will come back from the ashes with.

Guardian's passive ability is the Incoming Detection System, or IDS for short.

This allows Guardian to identify airstrike and artillery locations, giving her time to

deploy her Sky Shield.

Guardian's primary weapon is the Hurtsall 2K.

A mid range, fast firing assault rifle which is great at charging down the enemy.

Her secondary is the Hoigat .224, a low damage pistol, with a really high ammo capacity.

Guardian can equip other weapons via Loadout cards.

Focus on objectives.

Use the Sky Shield to protect EVs, generators and your team from enemy explosives

Try and combine the Sky Shield with Turtle's Shield Generator to amp up your defenses.

You can revive multiple teammates at once with the Bionic Pulse so use it wisely.

And charge your Bionic Pulse while using it so friendlies revive with more health.

The Sky Shield intercepts projectiles, but not bullets.

So shoot and destroy the generator before using explosives. Guardian cannot heal teammates

and only revives them, so be sure to finish off downed enemies.

Guardian's effective at most ranges, but doesn't have a lot of health, so land those headshots

to take her down quickly.

And Guardian can only revive multiple teammates if she has the correct positioning, so wait

for her to come out of cover and then take her down.

Now the only thing left to do is to recruit Guardian, intercept those projectiles

and plaaaaaaay dirty.

For more infomation >> Dirty Bomb: Guardian - Merc Role Call - Duration: 2:52.


Lets Play - TES V: Skyrim | [#004] | Der Fund der Goldenen Klaue ! | Deutsch [HD] Grogon - Duration: 23:00.

For more infomation >> Lets Play - TES V: Skyrim | [#004] | Der Fund der Goldenen Klaue ! | Deutsch [HD] Grogon - Duration: 23:00.


NGƯỢC CHIỀU NƯỚC MẮT TẬP 8 - Duration: 1:25.

For more infomation >> NGƯỢC CHIỀU NƯỚC MẮT TẬP 8 - Duration: 1:25.


Why Turmeric Good For Men, Benefits of Turmeric For Male Enhancement - Duration: 10:13.

Benefits of

turmeric for male enhancement Benefits of turmeric for male enhancement

Benefits of turmeric for male enhancement Benefits of turmeric for male

enhancement Benefits of

turmeric for male enhancement

For more infomation >> Why Turmeric Good For Men, Benefits of Turmeric For Male Enhancement - Duration: 10:13.


Итальянский набор петель для резинки 2х2 - Duration: 14:58.

For more infomation >> Итальянский набор петель для резинки 2х2 - Duration: 14:58.


Pence Walks Out of a Football Game, BlackBerry Motion - Monologue - Duration: 3:30.

For more infomation >> Pence Walks Out of a Football Game, BlackBerry Motion - Monologue - Duration: 3:30.


Great T-54 battle | German Commentary - World of Tanks Blitz - Duration: 4:20.

Welcome to a new Video.

Like you saw on the title it was a pretty good T-54 battle.

Our plan is to drive to the left flank with the other Meds.

This is a Tier 8/9 Battle

Now we are going to drive to the hill to spot.

There are a few. Super Pershing, T-54 and a Pershing.

There he comes. And put one into him.

He managed to pen my side.

It's pretty easy to pen the T-54's side.

Put another one into him and backing up.

Now the Super Pershing is using his gun depression. Good move from him.

T-54 missed me.

It's not worth shooting at the Super Pershing's Turret. So we'll push the Pershing.

He bounced.

Our Centurion bounced.

And he is down.

Activating adrenaline. Because the Super Pershing is a dangerous tank.

There he had pretty much luck with his HP.

There is a WT like you see.

I switched too slow to HE, so he managed to put one into me.

Their T-54 is driving away so i push the WT.

What are you doing in this situation?

Ramming speed.

Here i accidentally loaded Gold.

He missed.

It was a bit confusing with the W,A,S,D. After that i have to switch on AP (1)

He bounced again.

And he is down.

3 heavies remaining.

Gonna drive up the hill.

I can snipe because the VK is standing there at the temple.

We're gonna wait for our chance.

Got him.

2 heavies remaining.

*not important*

E75 and M103.

Now is the question where is the E75?

There is the E75.

Just pushing.

And we got him.

Now we are going to push the M103.

And there he is down.

Great T-54 Battle with 4 Kills and...

i've made...

4696 Dmg.

Sadly no Mastery. Still is a was a great battle!

If you liked this video drop a like.

We're gonna see us im the next video.

Don't wonder what now comes.

Someone wants to know if i can pronounce these words correctly.

For more infomation >> Great T-54 battle | German Commentary - World of Tanks Blitz - Duration: 4:20.



whoo I love Thailand oh what a what are the other flags she says? oh oh she spent

time in madagascar one or two times oh god oh hello out there in the Internet

well it's me it's you homie it's your boy professor gonad got a little couple

of things I want to talk to you today about. As you might know I'm I'm a single

and a buddy a friend of mine told me to get on these apps and try to find

a little bit of pussy for myself so I've been on there been checking it out

checking out the totty so like most guys on there you're probably the

same sometimes when you get a bit of a bonk on you might get on your phone and

start arbitrarily swiping on girls that you wouldn't mind trying to

get a bit of a nut going on with

but in doing this, there's something else that is also very much unavoidable when

browsing these tinder etc apps if you're a guy I'm here to help you highlight

what you should be avoiding because if you're basic as fuck as well you still

probably don't even know what to look for for the girls if you stop doing

these things you might actually find a guy who will take you fucking seriously

number one thing to stop doing saying that you're looking for just guy friends

if you're looking for friends why are you browsing the woman looking for men

category the problem with these girls is they like to live in a reality outside

of the actual reality they live in the reality where it's okay to cuck your

boyfriend while you go out looking for a boyfriend upgrade. The truth is when a

normal everyday guy sees a profile like this he's gonna do two things

hey he's gonna swipe yes and B think you're easy as shit because your

boyfriend is obviously not fuckin you properly and therefore you are dying to

get a jolly good rogering as soon as possible and this situation is bloody

perfect that's right you can bang the girl into your headboard as much as you

want and then escape at any moment because she has a boyfriend and it's not

really your fault oh god I felt kind of bad doing that

let's not do it again because you've got a boyfriend maybe should sort that out

the perfect bloody escape! Number two: girls who base their entire existence on

the fact that their parents fucked each other one time and she was born!They say

things like I'm mixed-race. Im half Japanese half Hungarian half English half

Canadian half American Indian my breasts are actually real and they

are actually this big don't ask again. My hair color is totally real I've never had

my hair I never will know my eyes are not blue they're actually a shade of

blue green emerald River Loch Ness monster fucking nobody cares. You do

realize that all of these things all of them all of these attributes were given

to you by your parents they are not skillsets you should not be putting

these in your fucking curriculum vitae and some of these girls even have the

fucking nerve to top off their profile with, "By the way! no ONS!", which to you

laymen's out there, means no one-night stands. So just hold on a fucking second

you've managed to only outline the things that are physically positive

about you yet you don't want anybody to look you as a sex object again any

respectable guy isn't gonna take you seriously and it's probably only gonna

go for the one-night stand anyway and that brings me to point number three

what is the fucking - putting no hookups or no ons in your

profile anyway like you somehow have any fucking control over that situation

whatsoever you do know how online dating works don't - people chatter online then

they meet then they talk and they maybe have a little bit of a good time a

little bit of a wild little bit of a jokey jokey and then the man might

decide at some point during that interaction that he might want to

fornicate with her and then the girl might say hey I want to fornicate with

the guy as well and when they're gonna go and fornicate it's not like the guy

stands back and says by the way this is only gonna be a one-night stand just

letting you know in case you don't want to go ahead with the packet he's not

going to gladly say that is it he's gonna say whatever the hell he wants

he's gonna say whatever he wants to get that fucking nap going he's gonna say

sure this was bloody brilliant I'd love to see you again over a nice cup of

coffee or something make me some crumpets and then when you fornicate

he's gonna bust a load all over your belly and then he's gonna decide when he

wants to see you again or not and he's gonna base it all on how your

personality was how good you have as a whole joy in the meeting including how

good the sex actually was now I fail to see during all of this that you can

control anything that is going on inside his brain regarding whether he is gonna

call you again or whether what happened was in fact a one-night stand or not but

really it's 2017 who fucking cares have a bit of dick enjoy it have a cigarette

afterwards maybe a cup of tea maybe cuddle up watch a movie if you don't see

me yet who gives it's white anyway he's probably a bit of a cunt number four now

this happens more on Facebook and Instagram and it doesn't online dating

apps but it's still fucking annoying as shit and it's girls who have to maintain

this aura of constantly being available even when they're in a relationship with

somebody and it's just so that every time they post a fucking selfie they get

their two hundred white knights running along and saying oh you're so fucking

hot you say beautiful oh god oh god

their relationship status is usually hidden because they're actually cowards

all of their pictures on their profile showed no signs of them being in a

relationship whatsoever that would look something like this this is me having

dinner sure there's a bunch of plates and you can see someone's hand there but

I definitely was eating a loner took this bigger bar behind yourself or this

is me and you're up standing by a beautiful statue who took the picture

well obviously I put my camera on a five timer chop stood in the air and it

turned around and took the picture of me flawlessly I'm definitely not here

fucking some Italian dude that I met on tinder bi my boyfriend's back or this is

me in a club all this don't burn you and I have our ice Oh would you look at that

very convenient Liam coincidentally buy every bag that my sugar daddy just

bought for me is positioned right next to the doorbell in yarn oh I'm such a

baller even though I work at Starbucks Monday to Friday and you can barely pay

my fucking rent but in the club I'm a princess go down to the dick shop buy a

jumbo pack of about 1,200 dicks and suck on all of them number five girls who

simply don't know how to fucking read or have the attention span of a fucking

modern internet user typical conversations you have with these girls

might go something like this hello hi how's it going great how about

you oh good just chillin cool so have you

been using this long huh have you been using this long using what long using

the fucking app long you fucking Muppet goddamn trick it number six girls who

are fucking edge lords and by that I mean girls who are generally dressed in

black and most of their pictures are one of the shitty deep English quote at OHS

they might also have in their profile somewhere that they work hard play hard

work hard play hard to you really let me guess that means you go to some

shitty club three or four times a week you get a bit sloshed on a couple of

rotgut vodka redbulls that you didn't pay for take a couple of selfies with

your friend on snapchat also titled work hard play hard all of your extra edgy

work hard play harder number seven girls who write shit like I'm a foodie and I

love traveling what's that you like to put sustenance in your body in order for

you to sustain life well you know fucking say what else is that you like

going to other countries and experiencing unique and fascinating

cultures rather than sitting at a cubicle at work Jesus Christ your next

level but at least you smart enough to find

the fucking emoji button because you've put the emoji flag on every single

country you've ever been to why I don't know nobody knows even more people don't

care because let's face it as I've said everybody's just trying to get a bloody

not going and nobody cares where your fucking bin Straley ah Oh Australia Oh

Italy oh bloody Italy hmm where else has she been Oh Kenya Oh

Oh Kenya Oh Thailand oh I love Thailand Oh what did the other flag say Oh

oh she's been to Madagascar what are two types oh well I guess duh

though they have it the seven top fucking things they're annoying as shit

Oh baby I won't title it that I'm not really sure I'm gonna title it because I

feel the blood rushing to my head and I feel like I might very very soon pass

out from being overly triggered at my own rent I'm sure there are a lot more

things that haven't touched on that you probably know about so please share in

the comments because I really want to read them all so if you like this video

please don't hesitate to hit the subscribe button because I'll definitely

be back with more shit I hope you light a fire with your tinder very soon this

is Professor Guignard signing off it's been wonderful see you next time peace

bimbo bimbo where you gonna go we opened opened Oh whatcha gonna do we open the

bamboo does your mommy know that you're going down the road to see

your little girlie you

For more infomation >> 7 THINGS GIRLS DO ON TINDER THAT GUYS HATE - Duration: 9:09.


Осенняя поделка в детский садик DIY Tsvoric Autumn work in a kindergarten - Duration: 2:20.

Hello everyone, you like autumn I am very

especially if there is no rain

and in good weather to walk in the woods is a pleasure

often walking with her daughter we collect natural materials

not sparing the manicure we collect moss, sand and various twigs

because in the forest there is a lot of material for the realization of your ideas

and all this I store at home in ordinary cardboard boxes

and this time the purpose of our trip to the forest was to create a job in a kindergarten

because you want the child to take part in creating something interesting

but for now I've been glued

daughter poured sand 20 times

broke a fence, changed places to all subjects

and in the end we got here is such a small courtyard

mushrooms are made of foiurane

a tree of wire and glued with moss

pebbles all collected in the woods

do with children because this time spent together is the best

if you liked the video, put it on my channel

and do not forget to click on the bell to be the first to know about the new video on my channel

and do not forget to click on the bell to be the first to know about the new video on my channel

For more infomation >> Осенняя поделка в детский садик DIY Tsvoric Autumn work in a kindergarten - Duration: 2:20.


ВОЙНА С HYPE CAMP ЗАКРОЕМ ШОУ / ЛИЗЗКА СОБОЛЕВ, а ещё ЯН-ГО, МАРЬЯНА-РО КОМКОВ это блоггеры, ок да? - Duration: 8:48.

For more infomation >> ВОЙНА С HYPE CAMP ЗАКРОЕМ ШОУ / ЛИЗЗКА СОБОЛЕВ, а ещё ЯН-ГО, МАРЬЯНА-РО КОМКОВ это блоггеры, ок да? - Duration: 8:48.


Senator Cory Booker Is Very Concerned About Trump - Duration: 5:30.

For more infomation >> Senator Cory Booker Is Very Concerned About Trump - Duration: 5:30.


Senator Cory Booker Wants to Close Gun Sale Loopholes - Duration: 2:50.

For more infomation >> Senator Cory Booker Wants to Close Gun Sale Loopholes - Duration: 2:50.


5 faits INCROYABLES sur les continents! - Duration: 2:09.

For more infomation >> 5 faits INCROYABLES sur les continents! - Duration: 2:09.


НОВЫЕ КРУТЫЕ ИГРЫ НА ANDROID И iOS [Сентябрь 2017] - Duration: 10:56.

For more infomation >> НОВЫЕ КРУТЫЕ ИГРЫ НА ANDROID И iOS [Сентябрь 2017] - Duration: 10:56.


Салат из фасоли БЫСТРО ВКУСНО И НЕДОРОГО!/Вкусные рецепты простых салатов/Salad - Duration: 2:25.

For more infomation >> Салат из фасоли БЫСТРО ВКУСНО И НЕДОРОГО!/Вкусные рецепты простых салатов/Salad - Duration: 2:25.


Maurits van der Vooren - Sweet Revolution - Duration: 2:10.

A dessert is perfect if the flavors are good.

You know, it may look super nice ...

...but if you ate it and you think. Well, that was disappointing. That should not happen.

When the dish arrives, you get the wow effect.

And if you ate it and then think, I would actually like another. Then it is perfect.

If I make the chocolate milk girl ...

...I try to do something special with it.

A kind of celebration cake so to speak.

And then I think we have to do something with it. I use real milk chocolate in the dessert.

Vermeer his girl had pearls. These beads are injected with a chocolate drink Amarula.

It is a ball that fades... in your mouth.

The second dessert is based on a volcano.

A dessert with mango and chai tea.

And then on top comes a volcano.

With the volcano the chai tea is first poured into a cup.

Also in the volcano, and that is when you really smell that beautiful scent.

The final dessert, banana, chocolate and piccalilly.

And that dessert has been coming back always here.

10 years ago we had piccalilly ice cream as a small dish.

Just a steak tartare of beef sausage with cream and piccalilly. That matches just very good.

And recently chef said, we if we make a sweet dessert with it?

Try mixing a cream pastry with piccalilly.

What I see in 10 years? Well, it is just getting better and crazier.

More complex also in terms of molds and the like.

They say... you work too much with molds. But it just makes it look good.

Even if I am on the takeaway, I am sure the pastry is still as beautiful...

...when if I am not there.

So yeah, you push it out of the mold.

We put it on the plate. And before it goes to the guest, it is super soft.

It is not a jelly or so.

I will show you... you push it in, and it is just... can not even take it in your hands. It is just that good.

Everything is perfect and more beautiful.

Just do some crazy things.

You also see this on Instagram nowadays. Everyone wants to do crazier things.

And you can do anything nowadays, right.

So yes, you can just give it your own twist.

For more infomation >> Maurits van der Vooren - Sweet Revolution - Duration: 2:10.


Con más conciencia tienes más poder, pero cuidado... (Subtitled / Altyazili) - Duration: 1:12.

I was just thinking

Obviously we don't need to see another proof

To see that all the fascist governments

Use the same methods with the same Tuğçe

Always and everywhere

What I have seen in Barcelona

Is exactly the same thing that happened and is still happening in Turkey

Take a good look at it

It's easy to detect

And once you see it, you are more conscious

And with more consciousness, you have more power

This is what they do not know


You have to be careful

Not to create the same thing with this power

And maybe this is what you don't know

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