Thứ Tư, 11 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 11 2017

so the other morning I'm down at this bagel shop right on Fairfax right across

from like CBS right on Beverly right and if you're not familiar with the area

it's like a super Jewish neighborhood you know it's like all Jews I said

everyone always you know that takes me for Jewish honey right between the New

York the comedian the hair or the nose right it's like Jew so I go into this

bagel broker and I sit down next to this woman take a look at her amazing she's

covering her lox and bagels with napkins because there's one focaccia fly by the

way I'm also eating LOX and bagels because that's what I was craving so

already I start listening to their conversation they're talking about

sitcoms and someone mentioned something all of a sudden we start talking about

Larry David I'm saying I heard he's so funny she cuz I know he's so funny and

the husband goes he created Seinfeld like oh I know we're going back and

forth right one big little Jew love fest at this point I feel like I can't come

out as a non Jew I'm ashamed to be a Gentile

at one point she says to me do you speak Yiddish I go no I don't but I wanted to

say but I am circumcised keep the mystery alati

anyway I thought you guys would appreciate that I'm constantly doing

things where I seem Jewish but I'm not I am pretend you I am Jew light guys later

For more infomation >> I was ashamed to come out | Jason Farone - Duration: 1:43.


Netflix Gems You Haven't Seen Yet - Duration: 6:07.

With such a huge selection on Netflix, finding a good movie can be a daunting task.

That's why we've gone through the Netflix line-up to find the best little-seen films


From horror to comedy to action, here are the best Netflix gems you probably haven't

seen yet.

The Wraith

Back in the technicolor '80s, there was a wonderful movie called The Wraith.

The idea: a murdered street racer returns from the grave to get revenge on a bunch of

street punks in an undead muscle car.

As far as terrible-but-awesome premises go, this sits somewhere near the top of the stack.

And yet in spite of everything it's got going against it, The Wraith actually works.

It's solid B-movie material elevated to hidden gem status by colorful characters, surprisingly

good special effects, and fun dialogue.

The Wraith knows full well what it is, and it doesn't take itself too seriously.

Kill Me Three Times

Simon Pegg is a modern cult megastar, but this hilarious crime thriller still managed

to fly under the radar on its 2014 release.

With a kinetic style reminiscent of Guy Ritchie's good films, Kill Me Three Times follows three

intertwined stories of ordinary people driven to the brink, all of it linked by one man

with a very hitman mustache.

A Simon Pegg hitman mustache.

At times brutal, touching, and hilarious — sometimes all at once — you won't find a more flat-out

fun movie than Kill Me Three Times.


Who knew a film with a cast of exactly two people could be so enthralling?

Yeah, you might groan at first: if Creep had a downside, it would be the decision to make

it in jerky, handheld, found-footage style.

But Creep pulls it off, and beautifully at that.

In fact, this may be the first film since The Blair Witch Project that couldn't have

been filmed any other way, and arguably the first good one.

Creep switches seamlessly between drama, comedy, and horror thanks mostly to a near-perfect

performance by mumbling maniac Mark Duplass.

Whatever else you take away from it, there's no doubt Creep will give you, well, the creeps.


Back in 2008, before he was a household name, Tom Hardy starred in a bizarre biopic called


In real life, Charles Bronson — whose real name was Michael Peterson before he renamed

himself after the actor — has spent more than 40 years in prison and was dubbed "the

most violent prisoner in Britain" — even though he's never killed anyone.

When Tom Hardy was first tapped to star in the movie, the real Bronson was less than

impressed by the actor.

But after Hardy gained a ton of weight and studied the way the real-life criminal moved,

Bronson changed his tune, saying, "Tom looks more like me than I look like me."

If you were impressed by Bane and Mad Max Rockatansky, don't miss out on Bronson.

It's got its weird moments, but the movie is insanity at its best.

"Ha ha."


There aren't a lot of movies that will make you question your dinner, but from the very

first frame, Ravenous turns rare steak into an entre to be regarded with suspicion.

Starring Guy Pearce and Robert Carlyle, this 1999 gem plays like a horror movie on the

surface, but does so with a heart of comedic black gold.

While it begins as a seemingly straightforward story of an army captain assigned to the remote

Sierra Nevada mountains after the Mexican-American War, Ravenous quickly moves into territory

that's hard to classify.

There's the horror of cannibalism in the isolated mountains, the action of a spaghetti Western,

a thick smattering of tongue-in-cheek humor, and a pulsing vein of modern satire woven


All of it comes together into an extremely entertaining, offbeat movie experience that

you won't forget anytime soon.

Unfortunately, the film's marketing sent people to theaters expecting a more mainstream, slapstick

comedy, not the violent, black humor they ended up watching.

As a result, Ravenous was chewed to pieces by critics and limped through theaters earning

a measly $2 million—half of which came during its opening weekend.

Beyond the Gates

You could probably get away with calling this movie Jumanji 2: This Time with Demons, but

that wouldn't be entirely fair to Beyond the Gates, a horror thriller about two brothers

who find a VHS board game in their recently deceased father's video store.

Video board games were a real, weird thing in the VCR's heyday, so there's probably a

nostalgia element to Beyond the Gates if you were one of the 30 or 40 people who ever played


But for everyone else, the idea of a video that knows what you're doing lends as much

to the fantasy element of the film as the hellish repercussions the brothers experience

as they fall deeper into the game.

Hellish, in this case, is of course totally literal.

The more the brothers play, the more the game begins to bleed into the real world, turning

their home into the devil's suburban dreamhouse.

It's a fun, twisted film, perfect for a rainy night.

Look Who's Back

This low-key German satire is both unexpected and surprisingly hilarious.

Look Who's Back starts with Hitler waking up in in a park in modern Berlin, still in

uniform, with no idea how he got there.

The first people he meets think he's a crazy hobo, the next ones think he's a Method actor

doing a bit, and before long, Hitler's all over the news as the next big German comedian…and

the people love him.

In fact, it's less a satire on Hitler and more a social commentary on modern-day Germany

as a whole.

On top of all that, it's pretty funny.

Look Who's Back is definitely a weird combo, but it's one that happens to work extremely



If you liked Ex Machina, you'll be right at home with Uncanny, a tight, claustrophobic

movie about a brilliant roboticist named David Kressen who builds the perfect artificial


Or is it?

When the robot's behavior grows more sinister, the programmer and his newfound girlfriend,

a journalist on assignment to write about Kressen's achievements, find themselves trapped

in Kressen's lab with an uncannily human creature who's suddenly become painfully unpredictable.

Beautifully shot and steeped in tension you could cut with a bonesaw, Uncanny is a fantastic

hidden sci-fi thriller.

With incredible performances from everyone involved, you won't be able to look away until

the end.

The Void

In many ways, the John Carpenter horror thrillers of the '80s were a genre unto themselves.

Movies like The Thing and Prince of Darkness reveled in violence and body horror without

leaning on it as a pure shock tactic — and somehow, in 2017, a small sci-fi horror film

slipped unnoticed into that exclusive genre.

The Void is a throwback to those '80s creature features in many ways, from the practical

monster effects to the subdued, foreboding atmosphere, but it also stands on its own

as a bloody good sci-fi creepfest.

Don't miss it.

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Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> Netflix Gems You Haven't Seen Yet - Duration: 6:07.


Chinese Dissident Ai Weiwei Explores the Tragedy of the Refugee Crisis - Duration: 3:31.

This is very tragic.

It's not only tragic to the refugees but rather tragic to humanity,

to our understanding about who we are.

Ai Weiwei is arguably the best known contemporary artist alive today.

Years of beatings, detention, and house arrest by the Chinese government

only fueled his fame in the West.

Now living in exile in Germany,

the artist has shifted focus from the repressions of his homeland

to the global refugee crisis.

My experience shared a lot of similarities.

In the year I was born my father was exiled.

As a poet he was forbidden to write for 20 years.

I grew up in a condition where I was being completely discriminated and being mistreated.

And yeah, it is very similar to a refugee's condition.

The artist's debut feature film, Human Flow, which will be released in the U.S. this week,

was shot in dozens of refugee camps in over 20 countries.

It chronicles the physical and emotional journeys of some of the world's 65 million refugees

as they flee their homelands.

It's going to be a big challenge to recognize that the world is shrinking

and people from different religions, different cultures,

are going to have to learn to live with each other.

Coinciding with the release of the film

Weiwei is unveiling a major public art project in New York.

Erecting hundreds of symbolic barriers around the city.

It's about territory.

It's about borders.

It's about immigration.

And of course it has something to do with the current condition to limit people,

a travelling ban, or build the new border to limit immigration

or people even to travel.

Government restrictions on the rights of individuals to travel

is a major theme in Weiwei's work and life.

My passport has been in the possession of Chinese government for years.

By refuse to me to have my passport limit my freedom to travel.

As artist I would have shows in world wide institutions I cannot really attend.

So trying to reduce my voice or my possibility for creativity.

In 2015, the Chinese government returned Weiwei's passport, freeing him to leave China.

Recently he's been traveling to promote his film

and oversee the installation of his work in New York City—

a freedom of movement the artist wants none of us to take for granted.

For more infomation >> Chinese Dissident Ai Weiwei Explores the Tragedy of the Refugee Crisis - Duration: 3:31.


Tenali Rama - तेनाली रामा - Ep 66 - 9th October, 2017 - Duration: 21:26.

'The story so far..'

'At the behest of Vamacharya, the 'Vastu' expert'

'Queen Chinna Devi turns the king's throne around.'

'Tathacharya and everyone present in the court'

'are shocked to see Varunmala as Vamacharya.'

'Due to which the king entrusts the responsibility'

'of solving this problem to Tathacharya.'

'The story continues..'


She addressed me by my name!

Moreover, before everyone!

Along with Varunmala

Dhani and Mani, too, have gone mad.

If they appear before me..

Mani, the food is delicious.

Yes, you are right.

We never got to eat such delicious food

when Tathacharya was our master.

Rather, he would devour everything, all alone.

That's true.

Our fate has changed ever since we have got a new master.

You are right!

You are enjoying your meal, are you not?

Indeed! - We are very happy!

Shall I get more savouries for you?

Sure! It must be hot.

Get it soon! We are waiting!


It will be served hot.


Did you both enjoy it?

Or do you want more?

Wretches! Traitors! Cheaters!

You betray your own masters.

My body is frozen.

Why can't I raise my foot?

My 'Dhoti' is slipping off!


What are you doing? Let go off my 'Dhoti'.

'Dhoti'? No, Lord!

I wish to cleanse your feet.

You wish to cleanse my feet!

In the court, you tarnished my reputation.

What about that? - Lord, I was..

'Lord'? What 'Lord'?

I am ignorant Tathacharya, is it not?

You were addressing me by my name, in the court.


Name? Oh, God!

I can't even dream of doing such a thing.

The 'Vastu' expert, Vamacharya, was addressing you by your name.

The same thing again!

You are both of them.

Lord, I am your wife, Varunmala.

And Vamacharya is my other form.

You can discuss your problem with Vamacharya, himself.

I will go mad!

My mind will cease functioning.

Tell me something.

When did you get possessed

by the spirit of Vamacharya?

Lord, you used to be busy with your work.

Then? - So, after completing my chores

I would go to your study

and read your books.

Moreover, while thinking about you.

One new moon night, you had gone out to meditate.

New moon night?


Acharya, meditation!


I found the book based on 'Vastushastra', in a corner.

Then? - Lord, I got so engrossed in the book

that I lost control over myself.

Then? - I closed my eyes.

Then? - I experienced enlightenment.

When I woke up the following morning

then I had acquired knowledge of 'Vastushastra'.

I mean..

Why didn't you tell me about it?

Oh, God!

Telling you about my knowledge

would be like standing before the sun with a lamp.


To be honest, I was scared, my Lord.

So, I hid such an important matter.


Then I visited the palace to meet Queen Chinna Devi.

And then..

'Guruma.. It's been a week'

'since His Highness came to my chamber.'

'He spends all his time with Tirumalamba.'

'And he also eats bitter gourd 'Kheer' there.'

'But he never comes here.'

'All of a sudden..'

I gave my suggestion about 'Vastu'.

And I.. I suggested the queen a remedy.

What remedy?

'My Queen, I hear a voice from within myself.'

'And I am sure'

'that it will surely solve your problem.'

'Tell me at once, Guruma.'

'Without wasting any time'

'get a picture of a pair of swans, into your chamber.'

'It will make your relationship stronger.'

'And he will start loving you more.'

Then? - It lead to a miracle in a few days.


'You are great, Guruma.'

'Ever since I have hung the picture of swans'

'His Highness visits my chamber every night.'

'This is a miracle.'

And that very day, Queen Chinna Devi made a request

that I should enlighten everyone with my knowledge.


But how did Vamacharya enter within you?

From the mirror, Lord! Yes! - From the mirror?

Yes, Lord.

When all this happened

I learnt that there's someone within me.


That's wonderful, Varunmala. Very nice!

You are working for the betterment of the people.

Continue doing this.

You have made me very proud.

Really, Lord? - Yes.

Have you forgiven me?

Certainly, Varunmala. Certainly.

But you must continue your work.

As you wish, Lord!

I shall convey your message to Vamacharya.

Mani, he changed all of a sudden.

You are right. He is surely plotting something.

Let us go to him.


Wonderful, Mahakal! Indeed!

I shall seize this chance

and oust Varunmala from my life!

I will prove before His Majesty

that Varunmala is indulging in fraudulence as Vamacharya

and is cheating none other than His Majesty.

Then, His Majesty

will sentence Varunmala to life imprisonment.

And I will get rid of Varunmala, forever!

After that, I will grow closer

towards my true love.


"I am an ascetic standing at your door."

"I am your passionate admirer."

Why do you have a glow on your face?

Look at you! This is how an ideal wife is!

You guessed it in no time.

I have attained enlightenment, Sharda.

That is the reason for this glow. - Really!

'Really!' Not at all!

Does the dust on my face look like radiance to you?

Lady Vamacharya has told that we should always be optimistic.

And not pessimistic. If we are optimistic

the entire universe turns all negativity into positivity.


Wonderful! Indeed!

Hereafter, I will address you as a clever, highly learned

and handsome man.

Is it so? - Yes. - How does it matter?

I am indeed all that. - Yes, I agree.

But what is the harm in addressing you so?

Hail Sage Vamacharya!

This Vamacharya..

Paying heed to Vamacharya has torn many homes apart.

The dust from those homes is smeared on my face.

This is very good news!

Is my face smeared in dust good news to you? - No!

All the citizens are paying heed to Lady Vamacharya.

This is good news. Mark my words.

The entire kingdom will benefit from it!

Take it. - I know. I will take the pail

and go to wash my face. - No, not the pail.

Take advantage of Lady Vamacharya's 'Vastu' knowledge.

Your life will be blessed!

Well, go and freshen up. I have an idea to impress you.

Sharda, you just get rid of your obsession with Vamacharya

I will be pleased. I mean it!

Is it so?

What is this new antic?

Or is it a new remedy by Vamacharya?

I hope, you are not Vamacharya currently. - No, my Lord.

You addressed me as 'Lord.' You are indeed Varunmala.



Go and get rest.

We need to go to the pond before sunrise, right?

In order to bring water.


What an amazing fragrance!

I feel so light.

I feel relaxed, Sharda.

Is it not?

In order to purify the ambience

I have burnt the herbs given by Lady Vamacharya.

Do not mention her in front of me.

If you want to kill me, just poison me!



Sharda, although by chance

you appear very pretty.

What do you mean by 'chance'? Am I not really pretty?

It is not that. I just said 'by chance'

by chance.

You are very pretty.

What are you looking at, My Lord?

Your stupidity.

I mean, your beauty.

You are glowing day by day.


Say it.. Say it again, my Lord.

I cannot believe my ears!


God seemed to have taken His time to create you.

God has created you with a lot of patience..


So real!

I hope, I do not end up fainting, My Lord.

I hope, I do not end up fainting seeing your beauty.

Amazing! What a face!

What a beauty!

You are beautiful from head to toe, my dear Varu.

Varu, do you hear that music?

You are my music, rhythm and everything else, My Lord!

I mean it!

Sharda, be near me. Don't go away from me.

This is the most pleasant moment of my life.

This is the effect of the herbs

which Lady Vamacharya had given.

Do not wake him!

Let him be happily lost in his dreams!

Oh! What happened? What happened?

Good morning! Good morning!

I am going! I am going!

My Lord!

My Lord!


What happened, my Lord?


After having such a beautiful dream

I got scared upon seeing such horrifying faces.

Mani, this haggard hadn't found our faces horrible, last night.

It is quite surprising, Dhani.

You.. You brought water from the pond, is it?

What! - Water from the pond.


Of course! I had got it before sunrise.

I even poured that water.

Lady, he is lying.

Guru has been asleep since last night

holding on to this pitcher.


Varunmala, why are you crying?

Lord, you are not concerned about your life.

At least, think about me.

Imagine how ugly I would look as a widow!

Nothing will happen to me.

No, Lord.

Lady Vamacharya's predictions never fail.

But.. No, no.

She has suggested one more remedy.

One more remedy! - Yes.

Then let's try that remedy.

At least, I will not have to go to the pond before sunrise.

No, Lord. You will have to go to the pond.

But now, you must bring not just one

but three pots of water, everyday.

Sure.. What!

Three pots of water! - Yes.

I have only two hands, how will I carry three pots?

You can carry it on your head, Guru.

Guru, you bear the burden of all of Vijayanagara

on your head.

Can't you carry a single pot of water?


Lady Varunmala, we promise you on his behalf

that he will go to the pond, before dawn

walking all the way.

And will bring four pitchers of cold water

carrying them on his head!


I will carry only three pots!

Do you see, Lady Varunmala?

He has agreed to bring three pots of water.

May God bless you both with a long life.

A guru who has disciples like you

can never get into trouble!


I must get rid of this Vamacharya at the earliest.


Mother-in-law, Lady Vamacharya can do wonders.

Her arrival has benefitted all of Vijayanagara.

Indeed, Mother-in-law, even I want her to visit us.

Hence, I have invited her home.

Why are you so worried, Rama?

Bandhu, I am wondering, if my plight is so miserable

even before Vamacharya's arrival

what will happen when she actually visits?

The same what has happened to the Emperor.

Goddess, what trouble have You got me into!

Should I first save the Emperor

from this disaster called Vamacharya, or my family?

Protect me, God.

For more infomation >> Tenali Rama - तेनाली रामा - Ep 66 - 9th October, 2017 - Duration: 21:26.


やりすぎコージー 都市伝説 2017年秋!「人工知能による超監視社会」 ミスター都市伝説 関暁夫 - Duration: 30:45.

For more infomation >> やりすぎコージー 都市伝説 2017年秋!「人工知能による超監視社会」 ミスター都市伝説 関暁夫 - Duration: 30:45.


Человеческая природа и индивидуальность. Жак Фреско. Проект Венера - Duration: 7:00.

Now what do you mean by living naturally?

Nobody lives naturally. We all live in cities.

When it gets cold out, we turn on the unnatural heat.

And when the Sun's too hot, we turn on the venetian blinds.

What is natural?

Marriage is not natural.

A guy squeezing on a girl's tits is not natural...that's trained.

A girl walking the way she does is not natural...that's trained.

A girl having long hair is trained, not natural.

A girl having no hair is not natural.

Nothing. There is no such thing as 'human nature.' Humans don't have any nature at all.

It depends on the way they were brought up.

If I bring you up with a lot of butch tomboys. Climbing trees, saying, 'fuck you, get out of my goddamn way'

That's the way you would talk. Do you believe that? or are you not sure?

If you were brought up in a certain area in Texas. You would say 'goddamn niggers' and beat the shit out of them.

Now that's the way you might talk. Right?

So what do you mean by 'individuality'? I've never met an individual, yet.

There is no such thing. These are all myths.

They are given to make you feel that you're something special.

And who wants to make you feel that way?

The control group.

All people live under thought control.

That's why those of you that are new here.

Might fear...

That the ideas I talk about might be dangerous.

Well I'm going to tell you something now.

That this organization is called Sociocyberneering.

and it's least apt to succeed.

We're not going to get anywhere...

Cause the ideas are too difficult to accept.

So don't worry about us becoming powerful.

We're not.

And to become powerful..

Would really..

For the first time..

Approximate the nearest thing to what you call freedom.

Cause we believe..

The smarter you are, the richer I am.

The smarter your kids are, the richer society is.

The better fed they are. The healthier they are.

And the more loved they are.

The less trouble in the world.

Does that make sense to you?

I mean, less trouble in the world.

The more miserable people are.

The more suffering.

The higher the probability of war.

If he drives a car and he can't afford a brake job..

he can kill a car where you can afford a brake job.

So whenever there is poverty, insufficiency..

mental institutions..


We generate behavior.

What i'm trying to tell you is all societies generate behavior.

You go to a middle class..

or a poor Cuban family.

and tell them something new, or how to work venetian blinds.

or air conditioning.

They say, 'aaAAAAAAAAAHhh'

They all say the same thing.


You go to New York and you talk to New York italian kids.

They say, 'O fan' gool!'

In that kind of voice, too.

And you go to a negro community

They say

'Yea righhh, uugghhrrr, you right.'

All the same.

Because if you were brought up by negros..

that's how you'd talk.

If they spoke like that.

And if everybody talked with a

'Say, say, what's new in the world?'

You would talk like that.

So, individuality is a crock of shit..

When we're contacts we've had with others.

Every book you read.

Every movie you saw.

Every symbol they had.

Is little bit of what we are.

But, of course, I feel like an individual.

When I go out and you show me five automobiles and I pick this one.

I feel like I'm making a choice.

I really do.

Like, if I lived five hundred years ago and I thought of buying a nice car for you.

I would buy something like this.

You know, I really would.

I'd make a down payment on it, and I buy the thing.

I have nothing else in my mind.

I don't picture a jet aircraft.

So what do I buy? I buy what exist.

They say, 'you can go to university now and study anything you want to study.'

That's a crock of shit.

Cause in the early days when you go back, say, 500 hundred years ago.

and you went before the king and say, 'I'd like to study something.'

He said, 'Well...'

'You can make flaming arrows.'


'You can hammer out armor, if you have a course in that.'

You know, Armor Smith.

'You can fix charriot wheels.'

You couldn't study anything you wanted to study.

Young american kids, when they go out into the world.

in a park.

you see a baseball field.

or a football field.

Some of you say, 'well that's fine.'

That's shit.

You don't see any chemistry labs.

for kids who love chemistry.

You don't see any area where they go and study aeronautics.

or the earth sciences.

Every goddamn park should have..






How come it's always baseball?

and football?

I'm going to give you the reason for it.

To enhance aggressive behavior.

To get men to grab a ball and take it away from somebody else and knock the other guy over.

In case of a war...

or conflict..

There's generated loyalty to team and aggression.

But a society...that really concerns it self with human beings

never teaches aggression.

When a brother has a sister and she trips and falls..

he helps her up.

He could shove her down the stairs and watch her fall the rest of the way.


There was something in a play called...

..if I could I think of the name of it.


About the death of a salesman.

And in that salesman..


Whatever his name was..

What was his name?


He was a..

He wanted to know how his uncle succeeded.

How he made so much money.

And he was always starving.

One of the uncles said, 'come on son let's go out to the backyard and fight.'

and he's boxing with the kid.

and the kid hits the uncle, light.

and the uncle falls on the ground.

and he says, 'gee, I hope I didn't hurt you'

He says, 'never.. stick your hand out to a man that's down..keep him down!'

That's the theory of business enterprise.

If you don't know that.

To undersell another corporation and break their back.

If you have a supermarket and you know I got 50 thousand in the bank.

If you sell stuff for 5 weeks or 3 months cheaper there.

I go out of business.

So the whole theory of a shrewd businessman

Is to go to some mexican plant and say, 'how much would you charge to turn out these products?'

And she says, '50 cents a piece'

And he says 'make it 30, and I'll order 5,000'

'Make 20 cents a piece

or 15 cents a piece

and I'll order 30,000.'

And she has to hire people for half a buck a day.

So a shrewd businessman..

fucks the existence of other people.

You admire successful people in this country.

They are meanest sons of bitches that ever lived.

If you go out to south Florida and buy 50 acres for $10,00 dollars and later sell them for $70,000.

They'd call you a good businessman.


All the values are twisted!

But, remember it's easier to live with twisted values.

It serves the self-interest.

So if you're really self-interest centered.

This is the philosophy.

You go out into the world

with your finger up everybody's ass and a smile.

and your hand on their shoulder.

But if you understand what i'm talking about..

this offers an alternative.

And the alternatives in the system are quite different.

Now, before I go on. Do you have any questions you want to ask me?

Maybe I've said things that you don't agree with.

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