Thứ Tư, 11 tháng 10, 2017

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For more infomation >> Migos Type Beat | Rap Beat / Trap Instrumental "Fortune" (Prod. Teflon Kwam) - Duration: 3:26.


I ALSO HAVE A DREAM | Romanian Hub Vlog #2 - Duration: 2:39.

"I have a dream." - Martin Luther King Jr.

Și eu am un vis.

I also have a dream.

Hi. This is Mihnea.

Welcome to Romanian Hub, the Ultimate Romanian Language Learning Portal.

In this episode of Romanian Hub Vlog, I want to briefly tell you about my mission and dreams

here at Romanian Hub.

This topic is an extension of a suggestion by one of you,

who proposed that I open a Patreon page.

As you probably know or, if you're new here, have at least guessed,

Romanian Hub is a Language Learning YouTube Platform where I make

fun, informative, and engaging Romanian Language Videos.

But, why am I doing this?

I have a passion for teaching and languages and I would like to make Romanian, my native tongue,

one of the most popular languages in the world.

The guys at Patreon have made it possible for me to reach out to you

and invite you to be part of this project.

Would you like to join me on my journey and help me make Romanian

the most popular language in the world?

Consider pledging an amount of money so that we can make Romanian Hub the program students,

teachers, and life-long learners want to be a part of.

You can choose the amount of money you want to pledge every month,

and it can be as little as one dollar.

In return, apart from building together the Ultimate Romanian Language Learning Portal,

you will also get rewards from me personally.

As a token of appreciation for your financial contribution I will "reward" you with

one, two, three, or four 1-hour Romanian language lessons with me

via Skype or Google Hangouts every month.

But above all, creating something that will have a direct positive impact

on making Romanian one of the most popular languages in the world,

will be the greatest reward we'll ever get.

Și eu am un vis.

I also have a dream.

Will you join me on this journey and make this dream come true?

If YES, follow the link below and read more about our mission, goals, dreams

and, of course, rewards.

Consider making a pledge.

Together we can make Romanian the most studied language in the word.


This is Mihnea, signing out from Bangkok.

Thank you for your attention.

For more infomation >> I ALSO HAVE A DREAM | Romanian Hub Vlog #2 - Duration: 2:39.


Comments & Questions - Things You Missed After Watching A Video - Duration: 15:41.

we're gonna take a look at some comments questions tips and complaints from

videos that I've done in the past if you've only seen the video in the first

day or two you might miss out on some of the comments and questions that are

asked on the video you know after you take a look at it so I'm gonna go over

some here and we're gonna also do a big THANK YOU also can you see this right

here okay so let's get going with it right now a lot of times whenever you

watch my videos you might be on there the first couple of days and leave a

comment but you don't see all the comments that come after that like a

week after or maybe two weeks after where you might get some valuable

information on what the the video is about unless you go back and watch it

again which I'm not complaining about you can go ahead and and do that but I

have some comments from the power supply video I have some comments about the pr3

video I have some comments about CVS and some good tips on all of these so let's

get started with this right now well the first thing I'd like to do is give a big

THANK YOU to big Bill Graham for the t-shirt I got this a couple of weeks ago

but just open it up recently I've been sick for a couple of weeks and I haven't

done anything so thank you Bill for the t-shirt I'll wear it proudly I got some

comments about on the CVS on a double pole double throw switch on the harness

I did a few comments and tips on the power supply let me see the pr3 right

here soldering and the switch machines so the reason I'm doing this is like I

said before if you're watching the video and you see it in the first couple of

days you might not be able to see all the comments on there unless you go back

and watch it again which I will not complain about you could always do that

and take a look at the comments on there but I'm gonna go over some of the

comments and and some of the tips on these videos here so let me bring up the

first one here this is from Adam Seraphin and this is on the one I did

with the CV's changing the sounds on it I changed out a stock speaker to a

sugar cube and found out the webco horn has reverb built in where the others do

not the stock speaker is the is that bad - where many good sounds cannot be heard

it is only a half inch speaker with a good enclosure that helps it but

poor choice by Bachmann which a great sounding decoder that is mostly canceled

out with the bad speaker they use this a really good observation whenever you're

going into doing things and changing things out it's a good idea you you know

you could leave your tips there we go does the jmr I read the Seavey's or is

the pr3 that tells you what the CV's are available on the decoder think about

getting a pr3 da-da-da-da-da just wondering since I found doing it that

way I've been in too time-consuming I found CV's available in the budget sound

value decoders that they do not list I was told either the pr3 or jamming can

read them okay now what I have found is in JM RI you can see all the CV values

of it and in the user user's guide that you receive with the locomotive or even

if you go on soundtracks soundtracks has a better one better explanation of it

but even though on the back bachman they have the soundtracks decoders in there

some of those CV values are different the pr3 was designed as an interface for

your computer to your command station and it also is a a sound programmer for

digitrax decoders sound decoders now digitrax has an application and

show it over here where you could use it on the desktop you can create your own

sounds on there with this with the application and the PR 3 so if PR 3 does

not really read the CV's JMRI reads the CV's but the PR 3 can also

be used with the application from digitrax to create sounds and to modify

the sounds and put some sounds on your decoders double pole double throw switch

basic three wire magnetics which is Atlas micro trains how do I connect the

DPDT Center off spring-loaded switch for these type I'm building a Z gauge

and only two switches and I'd like to be switched at the same time by the DPDT

and what I did is I have I found a drawing for him that I sent him through

the email and here it is this is only a single pole double throw switch but it

could be doubled up or both switch machines can be used on the same switch

to operate the turnouts like the video and explanation of

program my question is how do you add bicolor LED to the same setup to show

when power is on or off the program track and what I when I wrote back to

him and I said I don't think you could really use it to on the DCC with the

double pole double throw switch because the the LEDs operate in DC the way that

you get the two different colors on the LED is when the polarity of your DC

current changes from one direction to the other and say like you have your DC

current going one way you'll have red if it's going the other way you'll have

green now DC c is not DC and it's more or less a modified AC it's AC but not

like a sine wave and AC its pulses and they're different length pulses so you

could actually hook it up I've seen where people have hooked up they're led

not a bicolor but just the plain one color LED with the 1k ohm resistor on

the positive terminal of the LED and hooked it between the rails on their

track or program track or whatever track that you want to indicate that you have

power on that track that's the way that I would do it I couldn't see any way

that I could use a bicolor LED other than hooking up more circuitry on there

to get what you are looking for so let's go on to the next one okay to harness

this is for when I was making the digitrax cables did this also work with

NEC systems what happens if your system is working but you have one loco won't

work but it worked before yes you could use it on an NEC system I

don't have an NEC yes you can with the crimping tool and the proper connectors

putting them in the correct order you just have to look at the wiring diagram

for NCE and as far as the the locomotive working and then stops working a lot of

times there are problems with connections and that seems to be the the

biggest problem whether it's your wires going to the track or the tracks are

dirty or the wheels are dirty or the wipers that are touching the wheels are

dirty that's the first place that I would look Ron from Ron's trains and

things I'm far from any kind of literary iceberg help me understand the resistor

connected to one of the red wires will impact the voltage on all the rest of

the outputs from the power supply now I talked about this one before and the

reason that you put the resistor on there is to stabilize the voltage on the

power supply and what it does is it it simulates that there is a computer

hooked up to the power supply you want a constant resistance on there so it will

stabilize the the voltage regulators inside the power

supply and it'll give you a more stable voltage now you might not have liked

exactly at five or exactly at 12 or exactly at 3.3 but it's gonna be really

close and it's not gonna be fluctuating all

over the place and that's the reason for it okay now I just got this one a couple

of days ago from Frank Cullen and from his call letters down there he's a ham

operator so just the five um five watt resistor leads be covered with shrink

tubing to protect from chassis shorts also apply heat sink compound to the

underside of the resistor body for better heat dissipation and I thanked

them for the information and I told them that I always enjoy people putting their

information on there useful tips on the things I don't give you all the details

of everything how you could do things you know because that would make the

video too long and I don't want to get too long on it but I want to thank you

for that comment on there okay I have another one on the power supply

alright now I got this one oh this was a month ago attention you should be really

care while connecting together wires on the same voltage reason is simple if you

get to plus twelve wires that came from two different keys this may give you

plus twelve point a one on one wire and plus eleven point nine nine on the other

now this is you you're gonna run into this problem whenever you have a more

recent power supply that has and they call it rails and what better reason on

a railroad to have rails on it but anyway they'll have two different

sources inside the power supply and this is on power supplies that I don't know

where the cutoff is from the one that why use were you know I opened it up and

I showed you that all the all the wires were soldered in on a common point I

removed the top so you could see the insides and see where the wires

coming from on here and another reason for that is some some computer power

supplies have different rails in them and those are the newer more powerful

powerful ones but there are power supplies that have rails on it where

they have to I would call them power buses now on this whenever you're wiring

it up I would separate those wires that's why I showed you to open it up

and take a look at on there well where the wires are coming from if you see

that on there then whenever you bring your wires out I would bundle those

wires together from the different sources on the power supply now you're

gonna find this on the the higher wattage power supply maybe on like a

gaming unit where they use two plugs on the video card or even use two video

cards in the in the computer so this is what you want to look for whenever

you're opening it up open it up and take a look and see where those wires are

coming from and I'd like to thank you for that tip okay here's one that's a

complaint now I've had these complaints before and

you know whenever you're doing close-ups you know it's kind of hard to position

your camera even even some of the videos that I've done I've put three cameras on

there and tried to get the best camera position so you could see everything and

Mike does Amba not a very good video for someone who has never used solder it

would have been helpful if you zoomed in during the process and kept your hands

out of the shots well Mike you know we try our best whenever we're doing these

videos but it's hard to like I said before to get a good position on the

cameras and while you're doing the work you can't be moving the cameras around

you can't be zooming it in most of these I'm taken with either a webcam

my tablet or my cell phone so you know to go in there and work on something and

try to zoom in on something when I'm doing in the in post when I'm editing

the videos sometimes I'll zoom in that way but that's the only way that I can

do it but sometimes you know when you try to zoom in you don't get a good

clear picture of it I'll take a snapshot or something to show it up close or I'll

do a second shot on it but I don't get to do that all the time so thank you for

your comment and I appreciate it okay this is from Kelly I think it is

CSX 8840 CSS Baltimore subdivision his name's Kelly you should let people

know that every one of the DCC concepts which machines are wired different Greg

video thanks for sharing okay as far as the cobalt goes they started out with

just like on the on a tortoise which machine they had the eight pins and so

the wires for the motor went to pins one and eight and then they came out with

the the one that I did the Omega which they moved them around and put the motor

on one and two and added a signal wire for three and then they have the one

with the decoder built into it and that is wired differently also so yes thank

you for that information Kelly okay that's it for now now you could you

could tell my voice isn't that the greatest I still have a lot of

congestion I've been sick for the past two and a half weeks so that's why I

haven't put any videos out and if you have any questions about anything leave

a comment down below if you would like to go back and look at

the videos after a while I mean it helps out that if you know cuz not everybody

comments on it right away and you get some comments and I'll continue to put

these videos out like this to let you know what's going on with the comments

on stuff where it'll give you information that you might need

go take a look at Toms trains and things dot-com I'm gonna put some more stuff on

there also so take care and we'll see you and I'm gonna go over here John

For more infomation >> Comments & Questions - Things You Missed After Watching A Video - Duration: 15:41.


四角モチーフ A-4【かぎ針編み】編み図・字幕解説 Square Motif / Crochet and Knitting Japan - Duration: 14:03.

For more infomation >> 四角モチーフ A-4【かぎ針編み】編み図・字幕解説 Square Motif / Crochet and Knitting Japan - Duration: 14:03.


Retro-electronic gadgets - Auckland, New Zealand - Duration: 5:18.

Hi Everyone

Kubic here


We're going to...

MOTAT Electronics

Let's go!

We're in the Digital World

... which is located on the territory of Auckland's...

... museum of transport and technology

Let's take a look...

Round-shaped TVs

A middle of last century dream


Reel-to-reel tape recorder

Modern kids...

... look onto it like on dinosaurus


Retro cameras

Looks very nice even today

Rotary phones

Could be someone...

... still uses it



A teenager dream...

... in the ends of 90-s

Let's go to the Matrix!


Very powerfull mainframe...


Would you like to have one at home?


This one is the IBM computer which...

... which made PC...

... PC become trully personal

This one is Apple II


The slogan of this place...

"Get Smart"

... or be smart

... as there are...

... a lot of...

... interesting appliances

... which you can play with


Morse code

This is binary calculator


What would be number 37...

... in binary system

It's cool

I really like museum ideas

Helps to get smart

A wave generator!


It's cool

No electronics live without games


Old good friend - Pacman

... and Dig Dug

Very cool place!

Thanks for watching

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... and see you soon


For more infomation >> Retro-electronic gadgets - Auckland, New Zealand - Duration: 5:18.







For more infomation >> HOW TO DRESS UP AS DENISDAILY FOR HALLOWEEN! (Roblox) - Duration: 2:21.


Should You See Blade Runner 2049 In Theaters? (Yes) - Duration: 4:10.

What's up guys, Frazier here for Complex News.

The numbers are officially in and they are low...Blade Runner 2049, the new, 35 year-later

sequel to Ridley Scott's timeless 1982 classic, kind of bricked it at the box office.

The new movie is directed by Denis Villeneuve, who helmed last year's critically adored

Arrival and also Sicario.

It stars everyone's favorite contemporary leading man Ryan Gosling, once again sporting

fire outerwear.

And it boasts a supporting appearance from the movie's original star, Harrison Ford.

All the pieces were there to make this a great, buzzworthy film.

Maybe it didn't buzz hard enough: the film only brought in an estimated 36.7 million

at the box office over what's still considered a holiday weekend despite being dedicated

to a piece of shit.

That's well below the opening weekend projections of $50 million and very, very far off from

the budget of $150 million.

But you know what?

What's most important is, all that budget and the talent involved did result in a truly

great film.

Blade Runner 2049 is a spectacle.

If you liked the original, which was something of a cult classic before it ballooned into

widespread acclaim, then you will love this movie.

It's easily in the top 5 of the year so far, and it's more deserving of your $20

than most of the shit that came out recently.

With box office numbers like that, there's no telling how long it'll stay in theaters,

but here's why, if you give a fuck about still seeing things on the big screen you

absolutely should make every effort to see Blade Runner 2049.

Acclaimed cinematographer Roger Deakins, showed his ass in this movie.

All praise to Denis who I've considered an auteur-in-the-making since his 2014 film

Enemy, But Deakins has helped bring some of the most visually striking movies ever to

life in the past few decades, and 2049 is his masterpiece.

Somehow the man has never won an Oscar yet, but this feels like his moment.

Some of the wide shots in this movie look like they belong in the MET, and I don't

care what size TV you have in the crib...nothing is going to do this cinematography justice

the way an IMAX theater will.

This isn't a formal review or anything, but the film is definitely worth the 81 Metacritic

score it has right now.

The cast is stacked: Ryan Gosling does some of his best work as his character unravels

a mystery that only gets more personal and intimate with the more he uncovers.

Harrison Ford is more than a glorified cameo, and brings real pathos to his reprisal of

Deckard...some of the movie's biggest dramatic moments hinge on him and he more than delivers.

Robin Wright is quietly fantastic as Gosling's steely boss and I had no idea who Sylvia Hoeks

was before this but she damn near steals the film as the bad guy.

The rumors are is indeed very long, but it's never boring.

Again, if you liked the OG Blade Runner then you will love this.

The story and themes of identity, humanity and worth are just ramped up and explored

even deeper.

And for the purists, it doesn't turn Blade Runner into a big, loud action blockbuster


There's action sure, but it's restrained and tasteful.

Box office trends and opening weekends and contextualizing ticket sales by season and

year all still matter a great deal.

The numbers are reported on ad nauseum and that data can make or break future choices

in Hollywood.

We owe every bad sequel ever made to box office numbers, and on the flip side, it's kind

of scary to think about Blade Runner actually flopping and how that could influence executives

in greenlighting films like this in the future.

If you're tired of every 9-figure budget movie being reserved for superheroes or a

YA franchise, then we gotta support smart, visually striking thought-provoking blockbusters

like this.

Yes, it's a sequel, but it's very much an intelligent film that's in the rare position

of not being marketed to teenagers first.

So that's my spiel...sure, I saw Blade Runner for free a few weeks ago, but I am definitely

planning to put my money where my mouth is and go support it in theaters.

For Complex, I'm Frazier and and coming November 4th and 5th is the Second Annual

Complex Con, where we bring all things Complex to life.

Catch live performances, score some exclusive fits, take in informative panels, and crush

some delicious grub.

Cop your tickets at now.

For more infomation >> Should You See Blade Runner 2049 In Theaters? (Yes) - Duration: 4:10.


Trump says his attitude on North Korea is one that matters - Duration: 0:40.

(Following up on that report...)

President Trump has revealed that his attitude toward North Korea is different from other

members of his administration,... as he feels the United States should be stronger and tougher

on the regime.

President Trump made the comments during a meeting at the White House with Canadian Prime

Minister Justin Trudeau.

Although Trump stressed he listens to everybody,... he said ultimately it's only HIS attitude

that matters.

He added that he'll do what is right for the United States and the world,... considering

the North Korean issue is a global problem that needs to be solved.

For more infomation >> Trump says his attitude on North Korea is one that matters - Duration: 0:40.


Trump briefed on North Korea options by his top defense officials - Duration: 1:52.

U.S. President Donald Trump has been talking options on North Korea with some of his top

defence officials,... and prior to that meeting, a combined drill involving U.S. B-1B bombers

was carried out over the skies of the Korean peninsula.

Kim Hyun-bin has more.

U.S. President Donald Trump met with his top defense officials on Tuesday to be briefed

on North Korea options.

The White House said in a statement that Trump was briefed by Secretary of Defense James

Mattis and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Joseph Dunford during a national security

team meeting.

The statement added that the discussion focused on the range of options to better prevent

North Korea from threatening the U.S. and its allies with nuclear weapons.

The White House did not give details of the options but many experts believe that military

options were among the list.

In related news, the U.S. flew two B-1B strategic bombers over the Korean Peninsula late Tuesday

in a show of force against North Korea.

South Korea's Joint Chiefs of Staff say the bombers flew from Anderson Air Force base

in Guam and entered the Korean Air Defense Identification Zone at around 8:50 p.m.

Joined by South Korean F-15K fighters,... the B-1Bs simulated air to ground missile

firing over the East Sea.

The South Korean military added that the regular deployment training is aimed at enhancing

extended deterrence capabilities against North Korea.

Late last month the U.S. flew B-1Bs over international waters close to North Korea's east coast.

A U.S. nuclear submarine also arrived in South Korea last weekend as part of its regional


U.S. Pacific Command said on Wednesday that the USS Tucson made a port call on Saturday

in the southeastern port of Jinhae.

PACOM did not specify when the Tucson will return to its home base of Hawaii.

Kim Hyun-bin, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> Trump briefed on North Korea options by his top defense officials - Duration: 1:52.


DJI — Introducing the Zenmuse X7 - Duration: 4:07.

Deep passion for uncompromised image quality

is the simple philosophy behind the Zenmuse X7.

Together with the Inspire 2

it marks the next evolution in DJI´s aerial imaging technology.

The Inspire 2 has become a standard aerial platform used on film sets around the globe.

The new Zenmuse X7 transforms it into the world's first fully integrated aerial platform,

featuring a Super 35mm sensor for video recording.

The X7 offers a video resolution of up to 6K.

The high resolution not only provides incredible details

but also allows reframing.

The RAW and ProRes codecs integrate seamlessly into industry standard post-production workflows.

14 stops of dynamic range enhance grading flexibility

by preserving details in shadow and highlight areas.

The large sensor also enables filming with a cinematic shallow depth of field and low image noise.

An ISO range of 100~25600

makes it suitable for use in all lighting situations.

The new DJI Cinema Color System consists of two parts:

An updated D-Log curve for extended dynamic range

and D-Gamut RGB color space for preserving maximum color information.

When I first took a look at this X7 footage

it really has the color fidelity there.

So the dynamic range of the colors that it can reproduce

and I can push the grades around pretty hard

and I still don´t get noise with this camera.

The superb picture quality of the Zenmuse X7

is an asset on every film-set.

A new EI mode makes it easy to match with different cameras

used for TV series, commercials and documentaries as well as feature films.

DJI also proudly introduces the world's first aerial lens mount system

The DL-Mount.

The ultra-short flange distance allows a compact lens design.

DJI offers four prime lenses specifically build for the X7

with focal length of 16, 24, 35, and 50 mm

Made with carbon fiber,

they are lightweight and durable.

The advanced optic elements deliver brilliant image quality.

The X7 also captures stunning DNG RAW

or JPEG still pictures with a resolution of 24 megapixels.

With its sturdy build,

the X7 was made for professional cinematography and ambitious aerial stills photographers.

It replaces large and difficult to use aerial solutions even on high end film productions.

When I think of the X7,

I just think of the endless amount of possibilities,

that cinematographers and directors

can craft their movies with shots that weren't thought possible before.

The Zenmuse X7 is a top of the line, professional film making tool,

making it possible for creators to focus on capturing their unique vision of the world.

A world that now looks better than ever before.

For more infomation >> DJI — Introducing the Zenmuse X7 - Duration: 4:07.


GoPro HERO6 - Sheep Dog POV [240fps] - Duration: 1:17.

- What's goin' on guys?

Cooper Morton here, Director of Stoke for Sun Valley Resort

and I am out here standing in a field.

So, it's the trailing of the sheep

or the struttin' of the mutton.

And, luckily, a sheep dog named Mika

volunteered to wear this GoPro HERO6

so we can get some sheep dog footage.

So, let's do this.

(uptempo techno music)

- [Woman] Good dog.

He's a really good dog.

- [Woman] He's awesome.

- [Woman] Yeah.

- [Woman] Ya did good, sweetie.

For more infomation >> GoPro HERO6 - Sheep Dog POV [240fps] - Duration: 1:17.


5 For Good: Relief supplies on their way to Florida Keys - Duration: 0:30.

For more infomation >> 5 For Good: Relief supplies on their way to Florida Keys - Duration: 0:30.


I drove 1 hour to jump scare my brother (PRANK) - Duration: 3:37.

Alright let's get this in one take

I drove 1 hour to jump scare my brother (PRANK)

jump scare prank, jump scare

eric n gary prank, prank on brother

okay so every since we were kids me and Gary jump scared each other all

the time eventually we stop getting scared of jump scares because we did it

all the time and now we're totally immune to anything scary so this is my

elaborate plan to jump scared Gary me and Gary go to different colleges about

an hour away come home on weekends and that's where we record videos Gary this

is my best friend Mike right now we'll drive to their apartment to set up the

prank to scare Gary hopefully he poops his pants I really hope he does and

he'll never expect me to be at his apartment in our way I'm wearing camo

pants so you will not see me doesn't be like an hour ride so I don't know what

I'm gonna do I also have to miss class because of this I'm sorry mom here we go

oh I'm scary ah I'll practice this whole

time I'll practice my jumps carrying abilities ah okay okay so I'm at Gary's

in Mike's apartment there is gonna be home any minute from the gym follow me

so I'm gonna have the camera set up in this box with a hole in it pointing to

the bathroom I'm gonna be behind this are you Gary open the door open the

light and he's gonna poop his pants oh the toilets right perfect option I'm

currently in the shower waiting for game to come I look at it I'm like what

scratch I stood there for 35 minutes where were you bro I'm almost home

those cheap ice-cream but there was it took me a while because I got scared I'm

like what so I out of nowhere that I have to just bounce give it a second to

breathe it's good cuz like I'm looking down a stream but I mean you scrum twin

oh I have to get this guy I'm tor know Eric has pranked me twice

already if you haven't seen the first one go check it out it's called broken

leg prank something like that shout out to Mike he helped me out with this prank

a lot if it wasn't for him Gary wouldn't freak out and jump and wave if you liked

the video please share it I put so much effort and work into putting this prank

together and the reaction was priceless okay so if you like the reaction if you

like the video show it to your friends post office or something like that and

if you're new you're definitely subscribe until next time

sibling prank, brother prank

best reaction

jump scar prank

funny prank

For more infomation >> I drove 1 hour to jump scare my brother (PRANK) - Duration: 3:37.


Wednesday market wrap - Duration: 1:00.

Now to the closing figures on the markets,...

Wall Street set record highs across the board on Wednesday,... with the Dow approaching

the 23-thousand level... ahead of the release of the minutes of the latest Fed policy meeting.

The Dow Jones Industrial Average went up zero-point-1-8 percent to 22,872-point-8-9.

The S&P 500 picked up the same amount to 2,555-point-2-4,... while the tech-heavy Nasdaq went up zero-point-3

percent at 6,603-point-5-5.

And here in Korea,... also a good day.

The benchmark KOSPI hit a record high, beating the previous record seen in July, adding 1-percent

to close at 2,458-point-1-6.

Wednesday's closing number-- was mainly supported by strong foreign buying,... and positive

sentiment surrounding Samsung Electronics ahead of its upcoming earnings report.

For more infomation >> Wednesday market wrap - Duration: 1:00.


DJI — Riders: Behind the Scenes with the Zenmuse X7 - Duration: 4:03.

We're here at the Atlantic coast of Portugal,

to shoot a short movie about custom motorcycles on the Zenmuse X7 camera.

On this production

we wanted to challenge the image quality of the new Zenmuse X7

by using it together with a high-end cinema camera.

A large Super 35 sensor

allowed us to shoot with a shallow depth of field

and provided a high dynamic range in complex light situations.

To test the X7 low light capabilities

we captured the night scenes at ISO 1600

with an open aperture of 2.8.

The X7 still delivered clean and sharp images.

To bring our story to life we used the new DJI C lenses.

These 4 prime lenses ranging from 16 to 50 mm,

matched seamlessly with the lenses we used on our ground camera.

The DL-mount made switching the focal length on set quick and easy.

The lenses also featured internal focus moto.

On critical close ups with open aperture

we used the DJI focus unit

to remotely adjust and pull focus while shooting.

We even ended up filming most of the carta bike scenes on the X7

by simply holding the Inspire 2 out of the moving car

and remotely controlling the integrated gimbal.

Filming in cinema DNG RAW

enabled us to perfectly match the footage of the X7

with our cinema camera in the final color correction process.

So the X7 camera is fantastic!

I've seen that cut in to one of the movies that I worked on

And I can't even tell what's the difference between that and the camera we used for

the whole movie in general,

which is amazing for a drone camera. the whole movie in general,

which is amazing for a drone camera.

The Inspire 2 platform in combination with the X7

was the key factor for completing this production fast and efficiently.

Within minutes from arriving on location

we were already flying and recording.

Flight time of over 20 minutes and battery hot-swapping

meant we were almost flying nonstop,

allowing us to meet the ambitious production schedule.

Working in this gorgeous landscape with the riders and their bikes

was an amazing experience for the whole team.

It was great to see

how seamlessly the X7 integrated into the whole production workflow.

We're excited to see

what film productions from all around the world

will capture on this great camera system.

For more infomation >> DJI — Riders: Behind the Scenes with the Zenmuse X7 - Duration: 4:03.


Dr Hooman Melamed US Spine Surgeon on Fox & Friends - CALL (310) 340-2024 - Duration: 3:40.

Our nation in the grips of a deadly opioid obsession in recent numbers from the CDC revealing

just how deadly it can be.

In 2015 alone, more than 33,000 people died from opioid overdoses.

But, how do we stop this growing epidemic which is clearly a problem.

Well, a new DNA test explores the genetics of addiction and it actually might hold the

key to figure out if you and your family members have problems.

Here to tell us more about it is Dr Hooman Melamed.

He is a spinal surgeon with Marina Del Rey Hospital which is in California

Thank you so much for being with us.

Sure, absolutely.

So tell us about this DNA test.

DNA test is a proof opioid test which assesses a patient's risk of developing an addiction,

abuse to narcotic medications and there is cross reactivity with pshyciatric disorders

such as anxiety, depression, schizophrenia.

And there's a test in genetic area in the brain called brain reward cascade system which

helps to show if the patients can become addicted or have substance abuse issues.

How do you administer the task?

It's very easy, just a swab in your mouth.

Just put a little swab in your mouth and then the test goes off and it goes about 2-3 weeks

later you get the results back.

And you can tell based on the results whether or not someone is going to be proned to an

addiction and you test your patients for narcotics.

Absolutely, the proof opioid test shows basically that what medication works for them.

Wouldnt you want to know if you have like surgery or pain like rather than trying different

medication if this works or doesn't.

You directly go to the medication that actually works for you and the optimum dose and minimizing

side effects.

So, lets say you have a patient and you do the swab and you determine that they're predisposed

to addiction problems.

Do you give them medications?

Because if they are prone to addiction wouldn't they have a higher chance of being addicted?

Absolutely, so exactly what you just talked about.

In the beginning like this is an epidemic problem, we've spent hundreds of million of

dollars and the number one culprit for giving out the opiates is the doctors so knowing

that knowledge that I have, I'm very careful at how much narcotic and I tell the patients

you know Im not here, the narcotics are not here for a man for the pain it's just for

very very short term .

and I don't try to give it more than that and knowing that results yet I'm very careful

become very basically frugal in terms of how much I prescribe medications.

So you operate on people's backs you're a spine doctor but before you administer surgery

you're going to do that swab to determine whether

or not your patients going to be addicted to their pain medicines

Absolutely and receive what the side effects are as far as how much what's the optimum

dosing is and not to give.

It has been amazing some of the patients when you're given the test are like oh my god I

knew I know why this never worked I always knew this medication doesn't work for me.

So why don't all doctors use this?

It seems simple because then you could prevent people from getting addicted.

Well there's multiple reasons for that, I don't think we get the education in medical


I never learn about it in medical school or residency.

We just learned this is the pain, this is the protocol it was a protocol to do, you're

not educated on that so somehow I was like always like to think outside the

box and I somehow I came across this the proof genetic test and the other problem, I hate

to say this but doctors sometimes want a patient to be addicted because the patient keeps coming

back so they can keep writing the medication that's another huge problem that hasn't been

looked into

All right, well thank you so much for being here.

Thank you very much.

Thank you.

For more infomation >> Dr Hooman Melamed US Spine Surgeon on Fox & Friends - CALL (310) 340-2024 - Duration: 3:40.


Korea retains top spot in shipbuilding orders - Duration: 0:36.

Korean shipyards maintained their top position in the world with new orders in September,...

while the order backlog also went up for the first time in nearly two-years.

Clarkson Research Institute says the local shipbuilders clinched new orders worth one-and-a-half

million compensated gross tons,... or CGTs,... last month to build a total of 26 vessels.

CGTs indicate the amount of work needed... to build a ship.

Next was China with 21 vessel orders... while Japanese shipyards had twelve.

For more infomation >> Korea retains top spot in shipbuilding orders - Duration: 0:36.


Camera Inspection Fullerton CA 800-538-4537 Fullerton Camera Inspection - Duration: 1:05.

Camera Inspection Fullerton CA. Are you sick of having your drains or sewer line clogged and having to pay a plumber every

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We'll stop your problem at it's source and keep your home safe.

To get a better view of what's going on, our technicians can do an in-pipe camera inspection.

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For more infomation >> Camera Inspection Fullerton CA 800-538-4537 Fullerton Camera Inspection - Duration: 1:05.


Fucking Dildo Flying During A Meeting Caught On Camera + Extra - Duration: 4:50.

For more infomation >> Fucking Dildo Flying During A Meeting Caught On Camera + Extra - Duration: 4:50.


Members Of Congress Could Soon Be Forced To Resign After Mind-Altering Drug Scandal Just Erupted - Duration: 4:58.

The ongoing debate of whether high-ranking government officials should be forced to undergo

drug testing has just been blown wide open.

Several members of Congress were just exposed for being on a litany of mind-altering medications

which a pharmacist to Washington, D.C.'s top politicians just exposed after feeling

guilty about some of the prescriptions he had been providing these officials for months.

He feels that serious conditions these prescribed medications are to treat can and do have some

particularly damning effects on the kinds of decisions these Congress members are entrusted

to make.

Many lower-level federal employees are rightfully forced to undergo random drug testing for

the obvious reason of being in an information-sensitive position.

Since these people need to be of clear mind and judgment just to handle certain paperwork

and processes, shouldn't those who make the really big decisions have to be of more

sound judgement than those beneath them?

Apparently, power has superseded this safety check and allowed many members of Congress

to medicate themselves to dangerous levels which has now caused some pretty serious problems

that the pharmacist to the politicians is feeling bad about.

Mike Kim is the owner and pharmacist of the pharmacy used by many of D.C.'s most famous

politicians and spoke to STAT News' Erin Mershon about an alarming trend he's seen


Not only has he been prescribing members of Congress with Alzheimer's medication, but

he's also been providing treatments for other calamities as well, none of which people

in this immense position of power should probably be suffering from.

STAT News reports:

Mike Kim, the reserved pharmacist-turned-owner of the pharmacy, said he has gotten used to

knowing the most sensitive details about some of the most famous people in Washington.

"At first it's cool, and then you realize, I'm filling some drugs that are for some

pretty serious health problems as well.

And these are the people that are running the country," Kim said, listing treatments

for conditions like diabetes and Alzheimer's.

"It makes you kind of sit back and say, 'Wow, they're making the highest laws

of the land and they might not even remember what happened yesterday.'"

Kim's tiny pharmacy — which, at its busiest, sends as many as 100 prescriptions to members

in a day — is nestled among Capitol Hill's stateliest row houses, less than four blocks

from the Capitol building itself.

Founded in 1867 and named for a previous owner, the pharmacy predates penicillin, the American

health insurance system, and even the Lincoln Memorial.

This is no judgment on people who take medications, as the accessibility to treatment to improve

life is a blessing of living in an age of modern medicine.

This is a matter of recognizing your limitations and acknowledging a condition and not maintaining

a powerful position just for control or any reason that could compromise performance and

decision-making abilities.

These are average expectations of people in lesser capacities of any industry, even outside

of politics that affect the direction of our country.

More importantly, this medication/medical condition situation brings the need for term

limits to the forefront.

As many of our Senators and Congressman are slipping into old age, some of their medications

should be called into question.

If a person gets to an age where they are no longer able to safely operate a vehicle,

family and friends come along side and say enough is enough.

When we elect our leaders we assume they are of sound mind and in good physical condition.

No one is expecting an elected official to run a mile in 5:00 minutes flat, but when

an individual's doctor is having to prescribe medicine to make sure that you are able to

function at a normal level mentally, then it's probably time to take action.

There are multiple Senators and Congressmen who have been in office for over 30 years,

many of these people are in there 70's and 80's and are needing some of the medications

described earlier.

Age and health should be a talking point for term limits, as clearly represented by Senator

John McCain recently.

While undergoing surgery and post-operative treatment for brain cancer, he made some controversial

votes concerning Obamacare repeal and replace.

He continues to suffer from brain cancer he has described as "very serious," yet remains

in office.

It has come to light that many high-level leaders in Washington D.C. are being prescribed

medications to help with Alzheimer's, dementia, and other concerning health and mental health

issues representing a decreased level of mental function, memory and other factors that directly

affect one's ability to perform to capacity on a political position.

These are regular health issues that affect lots of Americans, but shouldn't we be taking

a closer look at government leaders who suffer from these ailments?

It seems that it is time for open honest discussion about these serious issues.

We all rely on our leaders to make sound decisions in sound health.

what do you think about this?

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