Thứ Năm, 12 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 12 2017

Justin Thomas' first approach of the new season…

The player of the year picking up where he left off!

These guys weren't monkeying around!

They certainly were not!

It was a highlight-fest to kick-off the Asia Swing in Kuala Lumpur and the two-time defending

champ had shades of brilliance despite having no off-season and his caddy Jimmy Johnson

bowing out due to heat exhaustion during the round.

But you don't become player of the year without conquering adversity!

JT hit the flagstick on 7 en route to his 2-under-par…

Rookie of the Year, Xander Schauffelle is just one-off the lead and started the chip-in

fest we had on Day 1….

Pat Perez kept it going on the fourth….

But the shot of the day goes to Kevin Na, who, after sinking a monster birdie putt on

15, did this on 16 for eagle to take the lead at the time…

And Si Woo Kim nearly had an eagle hole-out of his own on the exact same hole!...

We "Si Woo, shakin' dat a$$, shakin' dat a$$…"

Oh gosh, that never gets old.

But it is H-O-T, hot, hot, hot in Kuala Lumpur, which can give these guys a bit of a rollercoaster

ride out there.

Leader Cameron Smith had a stellar tee shot on the par 3, 15th…

But then this happened…


Just ask Hall of Famer Davis Love III…

And just think, that was after his 6-straight birdies on his first nine!

As the only tournament in Southeast Asia to award full-FedExCup points – this week's

no-cut event is a hot ticket for players.

Case and point – the defending FedExCup champ has won this tourney the last two years.

So you're going to want to watch this…

Catch up on all the action from Justin Thomas and field after Round 2 ends with me in The


For more infomation >> JT's caddy out, we Si Woo and X-Man chip-in - Duration: 2:44.


Прикольные анекдоты из Одессы. Анекдоты про девушек! - Duration: 0:34.

For more infomation >> Прикольные анекдоты из Одессы. Анекдоты про девушек! - Duration: 0:34.


GALATASARAY | Taner KARAMAN: "Gomis'in Oynadığı Takımda Yasin Olmaz" | Youtube - Duration: 10:08.

For more infomation >> GALATASARAY | Taner KARAMAN: "Gomis'in Oynadığı Takımda Yasin Olmaz" | Youtube - Duration: 10:08.


воздушные акробаты| цирковые акробаты видео - Duration: 2:29.

For more infomation >> воздушные акробаты| цирковые акробаты видео - Duration: 2:29.


Mercedes-Benz: IRONMAN 2017 – Enlarging the ambition - Duration: 1:32.




Is all there is.

Stop yearning for a once in a lifetime experience.

Every moment is golden.

Defeat your greatest enemy.

That is – yourself.

Discover your greatest master.

That is – yourself.

Embrace your courage.

It's a storm

setting all worlds on fire.

It's your mind

that drives all gravity

and all grace.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz: IRONMAN 2017 – Enlarging the ambition - Duration: 1:32.


The Matchmaking Estate Agent - Foil Arms and Hog - Duration: 1:49.

Sorry to keep you waiting

I'm new to all this so you're going to have to

go through it if that's okay?

Relax, I'm going to take care of everything

Why don't you just start by telling me

a few things about yourself.

Well, my name's John,

I'm 30 and I'm recently single.

Hook & Handley are delighted to present

John, this 30 year old development

comes back on the market,

in need of total refurbishment throughout.

Wha what's this?

We double up as an estate agency.

Tell me more?

I'm 5'7"

Single storey

Stocky build

Existing extension.

I'm not really into sports

Has a poor energy rating

And I really like the Rolling Stones

And is in desperate need of modernisation.

Sorry....em... wha..?

Marital status?

Divorced, but it's pending.



I was but now im Jewish.

Easily converted...

Can we not do the whole estate agent lingo thing,

it's not working for me.

I'm sorry John,

how long is it that you've been single occupancy?

Tell me a little bit about what your looking for

Well I've always dated Asians...

And I'm bi-sexual.

Dual aspect,

with a far-eastern orientation.

How would you say you are in bed?

*Awkward laugh*

I dwwaa...




Maybe we don't...

I understand.

This sexual experience

is sure to delight those

new to the market,

as well as those

eager to downsize.


Is this a recent photo?


Viewing strongly advised.

Now John, I'm going to pop this up

in the window outside.

In the window!?

Why don't you come back to us in a week.

Well John the great news is,

there's been a lot of interested parties.

However we have found someone,

and she is very keen to proceed.

Well as long as she loves me for who I am...

Oh no, she's a developer.


She's going to gut you,

restore you,

and then rent you out.


For more infomation >> The Matchmaking Estate Agent - Foil Arms and Hog - Duration: 1:49.


【韓国】ここのマフィン&マカロンが可愛くて美味しい!!(Ri & Bake) - Duration: 9:34.

For more infomation >> 【韓国】ここのマフィン&マカロンが可愛くて美味しい!!(Ri & Bake) - Duration: 9:34.


Почему об этом молчат? Земля вошла в облако астероидов - Duration: 4:12.

For more infomation >> Почему об этом молчат? Земля вошла в облако астероидов - Duration: 4:12.


GALATASARAY | 12 EKİM 2017 | SON SAYFA GS GÜNDEMİ Part 1 | ILGAZ ÇINAR & HALDUN DOMAÇ | Youtube - Duration: 12:05.

For more infomation >> GALATASARAY | 12 EKİM 2017 | SON SAYFA GS GÜNDEMİ Part 1 | ILGAZ ÇINAR & HALDUN DOMAÇ | Youtube - Duration: 12:05.


Trump says his attitude on North Korea is the only one that ultimately matters - Duration: 1:59.

President Trump, meanwhile, says he's the one calling the shots on the North Korea crisis,...

and while he listens to his aides and cabinet members... the ultimate decision lies solely

with *him.

This comes... amid signs of disagreement on North Korea policy within the White House,...

with the president saying the pursuit of dialogue with Pyongyang is a waste of time.

Yu Joonhee has this side of the story.

President Trump has admitted his views on North Korea are "stronger and tougher" than

those around him... but made clear he's in charge of making the final decision.

Speaking to reporters in the Oval Office on Wednesday,... where he was meeting with Canadian

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau... Trump said he will do "what is right" for the United

States... and the rest of the world.

(English) "I think I have a little bit different attitude

on North Korea than other people might have," the president said.

"And I listen to everybody but ultimately my attitude is the one that matters, isn't


This comes amid reports of a growing rift... within the Trump administration,... on how

to deal with North Korea's nuclear and ballistic missile developments.

While State Secretary Rex Tillerson and Defense Secretary James Mattis... have called for

a diplomatic solution... while keeping military options in the back pocket,... Trump has continually

rejected the possibility... of re-opening talks with Pyongyang.

Earlier this month,... Trump posted a series of tweets,... that some say undermined his

top diplomat's efforts... to negotiate with the Kim Jong-un regime.

Soon after,... reports emerged that Tillerson had called the president a "moron",... and

was considering whether to resign,... claims that were later denied by the State Department.

NBC News also reported on Wednesday... that President Trump had asked for a massive expansion

of Washington's nuclear arsenal... a story that Pentagon chief Mattis has described as

"absolutely false" and "irresponsible".

Trump blasted the media outlet on Twitter,... and threatened to revoke its broadcasting

license,... if it continued to propagate "fake news".

Yu Joonhee, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> Trump says his attitude on North Korea is the only one that ultimately matters - Duration: 1:59.


पर्युषण पर्व भाग 1 - Paryushan Parv Part 1 - Duration: 24:20.

Om Shanti !

Today, all of us, Parvadhiraj, the one who teaches us charity,

the one who makes us do charity and also to make us a charitable soul, this festival of Paryushan which comes,

and during this festival of Paryushan, all our attention,

is focused on our spiritual progress,

our life, in the period betweeen life and death,

the time which passes, which we call as life,

so, the time period between life & death, which is called as life,

during this life, whatever, we have got services, actions, duties,

tasks, the love from any family which we have got,

towards them, whatever be our obligations, duties, deeds,

by observing them and also for self progress,

whether it be materialistic, physical, subtle progress,

or it may be spiritual progress. So, in our own way, how much ever any one can do,

they by doing so, moves ahead in their life,

we also know, this, that in life, there is a great importance, for actions or deeds,

we perform actions and the way we do our actions,

we reap the fruits of the actions done,

but, how should our actions be?

What kind of actions do we need to do towards anyone?

How should we make the actions benefit us?

How to get the most elevated fruits from the actions done?

The true understanding of all this is got from spirituality.

This spirituality, we achieve from, in our country India,

but, in the world, whoever, were the religious heads who came,

whatever religion they established,

and they, along with creation of religious philosophy,

and whatever spiritual experiences, they had and their life, great, elevated, inspirational,

and those who surrendered their life, for making the life, of every soul elevated,

such saints and behind such saints, their associates,

followers, who follow them, whoever be the great souls,

though their discourses, gathering for truth, or sacred texts,

or through the books, they reach us,

but, I will now dwell on today's topic and move forward,

today's topic being solution to family problems,

I think, who ever is sitting in this gathering, there is no problem in any house,

I think, there will be no one like that.

If there is someone, then he will be called, as a multi fold times, lucky person,

because the present time, is the period of Iron age,

the name of Age is coming from Iron,

meaning, in this Age, there will be less peace and more peacelessness,

more sorrow and less happiness will prevail,

sins will be more and charitable actions will be less,

so, in such a period of Iron Age, there are no problems, in the family,

this is not possible.

Let us also understand what is called as a family?

The definition, meaning of the word, ' Family,' in very simple words, if I say,

family means, in that place, more than one or two,

people, members, or those whoever belong to us,

whom we have kept along with us as, gentleman,

so where there is a sense of belongingness, or there is a gathering of people,

there is a group, there we mention the word,'Family,'

so this Family of ours, is lokik, physical, social,

and in whichever area we do our work,in the society,

those who are connected with that work,

the group of close members also is called as family.

If we refer to lokik or connected to physical body or social family, when we say,

like mother, father, children, grandparents, maternal and paternal uncle, aunt,

all are there, but, family, in which there are mother, father & children,

brother & sister, this is a small family,

then, that family slowly increases in size,

which all of you know, so, I will not describe it,

in this way, the family keeps increasing,

now, those, who are in any commercial field,

under them or those who are working along with them, the workers,

in whichever post they maybe,

that too, is a small family.

Similarly, the place where we are staying, that society,

all the members of that society,

they too, are like a family,

so, if we see a family, each one according to their terms, in their respective, field, area,

a small family has been created, understood or believed in,

and they perform their task and move ahead,

but, today, we will talk here about our family,

our family means, our lokik, worldy family,

which consists of mother, father, brother, sister,

the sister gets married and goes to her inlaws house,

but, inspite of going to her inlaws house,

there are many situations before her,

which she comes and informs her mother & father,

even if she does not inform, her parents are connected with her, pain & sorrow

then, the child who is son of the family,

he gets married, he has a wife and they have their own children,

so, grand son, grand daughter,

all of them are connected, with those, who are the main members of the family,

main being the father, mother and the maternal & paternal grandparents

they too are connected, so, the members, through blood connection,

who form a group, gathering, so, whatever be their sorrow and happiness,

they are connected with them.

Where do problems arise? Now we will discuss, the present one or two problems,

the present period is one of electronics,

in this electronic age, scientific discoveries, have placed so many electronic gadgets, at the feet of people,

that people being influenced by them,

being attracted to them, and with the same gadgets, as a child plays with toys,

gets entertained and feels happy with those toys,

similarly, in the present period of time, everyone is taking advantage, of the scientific inventions,

are also gaining happiness, but, in an invisible way, in that,

the sorrow, peacelessness, is not known accurately, by them,

they are not able to recognise or feel it,

if he knows about, it, recognises it and also feels it,

he is not clever enough, to use the force of the powers,

and in a intelligent way overcome those problems,

be victorious over them, and use the discoveries, in such a way,

that, the discovery, does not be a cause for sadness, to that person.

or cause peacelessness for him.

Like in the beginning, when the television came, people were so engrossed in watching TV,

and among them, the series, which were being telecast on TV,

different programmes in different channels,

each one wants to see his/her favourite programme,

and the time to watch that programme,

it was time to eat food or time to perform rituals of worship,

so, in this way, initially, in a joint family,

by sitting together and having food & enjoying the food,

enjoying the flavour of food,

that slowly started to decrease,

by decreasing so much, the situation, which science has brought about,today,

I am reminded of a very aged grandmother,

she completed all her duties, of getting all her children married,

to this extent, that her grandchildren too, were married,

daughters children, too were married,

now she was alone in the house, very rich family,

when she was alone, she searched for an occasion, when she could call everyone together,

so that for some time, she could do away the loneliness,

she searched for the occasion and invited everyone to her house,

all children, grandchildren, all of them came,

the entire family came, the children were involved in games,

but the elders of the family, they sat with the grandmother,

but, in everyone's hand, there was that toy,

and all of you know about that toy, now a days, whenever anyone becomes free,

leave alone being free, but, I have seen, while crossing the road, too,

that toy is placed near the ear,

they keep talking, if the toy is not in the hand then, bluetooth,

which is placed in the ear and they keep talking,

once or twice, I felt confused, there was bluetooth, in the ears of one brother and sister,

they had this habit of talking with action,

they used to show action and also express their feelings on the face,

I forgot that, maybe this person has bluetooth, in his ear and is talking with someone,

I thought, poor man, what is he depressed about, that he is talking to himself and walking in the road,

then, my attetion was drawn to the bluetooth, in his ear, when the car came close to him,

then suddenly, it struck me, that he is talking in the phone,

many times, inside the house, too, people converse, through the bluetooth, on mobile,

so there is so much misunderstanding, the person who is talking, is behind and we feel he is answering us,

and that person feels he has to answer him,

and similarly, saw a sister, I felt that maybe, this person has too many worries,

that she has lost her balance,

but later realised, that, she has not lost her balance, but she is balanced,

between focus on science and ears,

so they, had their respective toys, in front of their grandmother,

each one started to play with their toys,

some on facebook, some on whatsapp, some on twitter etc etc...

some are checking their emails, each one was engrossed with their toy,

the poor grandmother, was left looking at them, she felt why had she called them? She had called them,

thinking, they will come and share their joy and sorrow in their lives, with me,

some old memories, will be remembered, some childhood memories,

some things will make me happy and some will make them happy,

but, now the definition of happiness has also changed,

the true happiness of family,

everyone has forgotten that reality,

like we have forgotten our true identity,

our existance, which we are trying to prove,

like, now a days, everyone wants their own identity,

in which, there is talk about their position, their fame, their work

if we invite them to such an occasion, where their name is recognised, their photo comes in the paper, they become famous,

we give them a position and then ask them to lecture,

then, they will like that,

because they get a name, respect and also there is a status,

so each one is not concened about their real existance,

but, this false identity, which we have created, which is connected to this body,

the real face which we have forgotten and have worn the mask,

each one has to wear the mask and move,

each one has to work with that mask,

so, this is the fashion today, or whatever you may term it as,

each one is habituated to this,

so the family happiness has been lost,

mother & father feel that the child, when he return from office, come and have food along with us, at least once in a day,

at least, whatever was his routine in the day,

in that daily routine, whatever he had done,

at least he discuss that with us,

but, this hope gets transferred to despair,

so when the days of Paryushan, come, in the present times, it has been seen,

that, the mother & father are so busy in their activities,

in their work, so they are not able to give time to children,

and the children too, in their activities are so busy,

that, they do not see the parents and do not do sewa for them,

in some houses,the parents go away, before the children wake up,

and when they return home at night, the children are asleep,

so the meeting, between the parents and the children is once in 8 days or 15 days,

and when the meeting takes place, if the father is famous,

if he has made a name in his business,

or he is in some high position, whatever area it may be,

in th national level, administrative or educational field,

but in that respective field, he is in a high position,

so he has various meetings to attend,

in which he does not get time, he has his own work,

so does not find time, so children keep longing, for the love of mother & father,

and the mother & father long for the love of the children,

both the ways, there is thirst for each other's love,

we should never make this mistake,

that, only children, need the love of mother & father,

but, no. Parents also require the love of children to the same extent,

more than the children, the parents, have expectations from the children,

when the expectations are not met,

then, the parents, become very unhappy,

and our Indian culture says this,

that if we take the good wishes of the parents,

if we make our parents happy and do sewa for them,

then we have done sewa for God,

if we give sorrow to our parents,

then, we are believed, to be the biggest sinners, in the world,

but, nowadays, our Indian culture and the main religions in this Indian culture,

the main principles of the religions,

the teachings, inspirations, whatever they maybe, which our religious heads, elders,

whatever elevated teachings, of our Indian culture, they have given us,

we, by being completely, deprived, of these cultures,

and are moving in the opposite direction,

the western culture is attracting us towards it,

and the western culture, it is a wonder, that our Indian culture, is influencing it,

they are coming to our country, India,

thr rules, morals, principles, theories, of our Indian culture,

meditation, our spiritual teachings,

the deep secrets of our spirituality,

the great saints, who have attained success,

whoever be the sadhus, saints, the big, big people,

in order to attain something from them, they are coming towards us,

and we, by leaving the elevated status of our culture,

by leaving the splendour and divinity of our culture,

by leaving the greatness which is enriched, we by closing our eyes,

are running behind the western culture.

For more infomation >> पर्युषण पर्व भाग 1 - Paryushan Parv Part 1 - Duration: 24:20.


विजय दशमी मनाओ - Duration: 20:25.

Om Shanti !

Today, is a festival, among the many religious festivals of India,

a very big festival, in which festival specially,

folk dance, Garba,, and specially to worship the goddesses, the powers,

so today, the nine days, of Navratri have been completed,

and today being Dusshera, a very very Happy Dusshera, to all of you and among the subtle bad virtues, ten heads, of Ravan

even if we are able to destroy one or two,

so congratulations to them and those who were successful in destroying the ten heads,

and attained victory, for them too, on the occasion of Vijaya Dashami, Greetings to them also,

the day of Dusshera, is one to be celebrated,

as during Navratri, the women, sisters, mothers,

are praised, they are worshipped,

and hence during the days of Navratri,

specially the girls are invited to our homes,

and they are worshipped,

why only girls, that too, not girls who have become adults or attained puberty,

girls who belong to the smaller age group,

they are praised and worshipped,

because small girls are celibate and pure,

as godesses and Shiv Shaktis too are pure,

so worshipping small girls, is a very charitable action done,

it is believed to be that. Meaning, the worshipping of young girls means,

equivalent to worshipping goddesses,

and during the Dushhera day, those who observe fasting for nine days,

who worship the goddesses in a special form, and also observe fasting,

so, on the tenth day, it is celebrated in a special way,

and while celebrating it, many rituals are performed,

and in the rituals, after completing all of them,

there is a plant, whose leaf has been termed as gold,

specially in Maharashtra, this leaf of gold,

which has two sides to the leaf and it is given to one another,

and while giving that leaf, Greetings are exchanged and gold is also exchanged in this way,

meaning, the world of gold is coming,

because the world of Ravan is destroyed,

Ravan is burnt and he is destroyed,

and so, in happiness, Vijaya Dashami is celebrated,

that Ravan has been destroyed and the kingdom of Ram has once again come,

but, the one which has been established by bodiless Ram,

the kingdom of bodiless Ram,

because it has been referred to as Heavenly world,

which is a golden world, so, gold is exchanged with one another,

Greetings are also exchanged and specially on that day, new clothes are worn,

visit one anothers house, also embrace each other,

and distribute sweets among each other,

or feed one another sweets and many types of food items,

and in this way, Vijaya Dashami is celebrated joyously & happily.

So, this Dusshera and Navratri tells us, all of us,

should make the meeting of each others nature and sanskaar,

meaning play, like the way you feel happy when you play,

you are not aware of how time passes,

in love, you do not feel the the efforts made,

so how much ever the folk dance ( Garba) you may play,

they do not feel the efforts made,

meaning, when we comply our nature with someone,

then, there is bliss in the life,

and we with laughter and happiness,

in our life, by keeping our companion with us, and also fulfilling that responsibility,

we lead our life, like a festival enriched with happiness,

and in this way, Dusshera and Navratri are celebrated,

so, I extend the Good Feelings towards all of you,

and there is also Good wishes, that, you along with the family members,

or the loved ones, acquaintances or those with whom you interact,

those who are your friends or relatives,

whether they maybe your brother, sister, elderly or small children,

you will love everyone and through that love you will help each other,

and through this loving cooperation,

will give a few happiness, peace,

and also everyone's life should be full of happiness,

with this in mind, you will give support and cooperation,

today, I would like to give some information about Dusshera, specially about Ravan,

Ravan is burnt specially on the day of Dusshera,

either a very big or small effigy is made of Ravan,

and it is burnt, and those who have measured,

and made the statue of Ravan to burn it,

and in the following year, the height of the statue is increased,

in this way, every year, the height of the statue is increased,

and by increasing it, they do make 30 to 40 ft of Ravan,

and for burning that Ravan,

a lots of crackers are put inside that Ravan,

these crackers will keep bursting, as and when the Ravan burns,

the people will become more happy accordingly,

and everyone takes this opportunity to become happy,

now the question which arises, is, does Ravan not burn, inspite of burning every year?

Definitely He does not burn, hence he is burnt every year,

Why is the statue of Ravan made bigger every year?

Surely, as he goes increasing in size, the attitude of Ravan to torment & make you cry,

the demonic attitude, too will increase in nature,

this too, is a reality, which we are seeing in the present times,

that, in this world every day,

in the nature and sanskar of humans,

bad virtues, negativity and demonic virtues,

are increasing day by day,

and for destroying it, the more, the methods to put an end to it,

through different classes of people, an attempt is being made,

but, it is such a thing which is happening,

that the need of the medicine kept on increasing,

as disease keeps increasing, similarly after burning Ravan,

after destroying Him,

he once again becomes alive,

each head of his once again gets attached to his neck,

and once again this Ravan, in front of us human souls,

like a battle of Mahabharat, which he has come to play,

so once again, he battles with us,

and really, practically, humans,

with these bad virtues, negativity, as the arrows pierce, each part of the body of some enemy,

and every part of him, has been destroyed completely,

so much of enthusiasm and passion comes from within,

and to destroy him, there is zeal and enthusiasm,

anger, but that anger is enriched with zeal and enthusiasm,

because only when Ravan dies, will there be some change in their lives,

only then, in their life, what they wish, as they wish,

that peaceful, happiness and cleanliness,

honesty and purity which is filled,

like Ram, they can lead a pure life.

and also connection of Sita, now where Mahabharat, Ramayan,

where there is Sita and to release Sita, the praises of Gita recited by God,

giving the knowledge of Gita and also by teaching us Raj Yoga

Supreme Father, Supreme Soul, bodiless Ram

what did He do? He made us children very strong,

after making us strong, like Hanuman, he made us powerful,

and for releasing Sita's,

to liberate the Sitas,

he sent them to Ashok Vatika

in reality it was not Ashok Vatika,

but, every soul in the form of Sita,

was in deep sorrow in the jail or Vatika of Ravan,

being separated from God,

she was very sad, unhappy and was very tormented by Ravan,

so, Supreme Father, Supreme Soul, by giving us true knowledge of Gita,

and by teaching us Raj Yoga, gave us those powers,

on the basis of these powers, this night, which is present, the night of sorrow,

the night of despair, night of sadness,

peaceless night, night filled with tests and situations, complete darkness,

so the darkness which is present in this night,

that Supreme Father, Supreme Soul, with the light of knowledge,

through the divine powers of Raj Yoga,

the different powers, during the days, of Navratri are praised,

worshipped, from these Shaktis, when we take the powers,

or attain the teachings of Raj Yoga from them,

as these Shaktis became goddesses, similarly, we too, with the weapons,

making us goddess, Supreme Father, Supreme Soul,

by winning over the Demons,by destroying them,

Ravan was not the only one demon,

by the end of Iron Age, there are many different named demons,

among them is Duryodhan, who maligned, Draupadi,

there is Ravan, who kidnapped Sita who was in the forest,

in the same way, like Keechak, who had a bad vision,

demon is also present in this world,

who continue to rape women,

in the same way, gving sorrow to many through their words,

Kans, Jarasangh, Raktvarn etc..

there are many such demons names, those demons, in every house,

to destroy them is very essential,

and it has become necessary, so,

Supreme Father, Supreme Soul, woman of every house,

by giving these powers and every house,

wants to make it heaven like gold,

a world of gold, Ram Rajya, or new world He wants to create,

but before doing this, for Ravan,

meaning the five vices in the man,

and the five vices in the woman,

in this way, inside both of them,

whatever negativities are present, to destroy them,

and after destroying them, to be victorious over them,

and to bring greenary in your life, is taught by Supreme Father, Supreme Soul,

and which is learnt and through Supreme Father, Supreme Soul,

the spiritual significance of different weapons and powers,

is attained, through those weapons and powers,

as the demon, the use of that weapon or power,

and with that weapon, surely the destruction of that demon,

is taking place even today and many sisters, mothers,

the divine knowledge, got through Supreme Father, Supreme Soul,

and attaining the weapon and power of Raj Yoga,

and such demons are being destroyed,

and true, true Dusshera is being celebrated,

so, come along, let's all celebrate Dusshera together,

but remember, by burning his statue,

no Ravan will die,

or by increasing the size of Ravan every year,

he does not become big. But, if we, our habits,

do not change and by imbibing the powers do not transform,

then this Ravan, will never die,

meaning our nature and sanskar will never change,

so this Ravan, in the pyre of Raj Yoga,

forever we need to destroy him,

to the extent, that we need to bury his ashes too,

so that this Ravan, never towards Sita,

have a vision filled with vices,

and also in this world, he should not take, different demonic forms,

and the human souls in the form of Sita, Draupadi,

or those tormented women who are there,

make them unhappy, peaceless,

and in this world spread, unrest

spread terror and give an opportunity to everyone, cry in pain,

so let's celebrate Dusshera, but,

what will we do? We will take a vow,

in front of these goddess, the ones who remove the obstacles, who bless us,

who give us blessings and the destroyer of our bad virtues,

such loving and worship worthy,

Maa, Shri Devi, Lakshmi, Amba, Durga,

Saraswati, Kali, Vaishno,

Santoshi Maa, which which goddesses name should I take?

So, lets seek blessings from these Devi's

and after seeking the blessings, we ourselves, like Shiv Shakti, one who destroys the demons,

bestower of blessings and happiness, lets all become like that,

maybe we do not become Devis, but lets be powerful women,

women, an embodiment of the power of Shiv, let's become that,

least of all, within us those powers,

which is merged, within us in the form of energy,

those energy, in the days of Navratri,

let's bring it out or make a promise,

that from today, in every opposite situation,

problem, test or a demonic virtue,

or in front of demonic people,

we will not only use these powers over them,

neither will we use them, nor will we get scared and lose courage,

but, every time, we will become an embodiment of those powers,

and win over those demons,

and will celebrate true, true Vijaya Dashami.

So, towards all of you, this special good feelings, from me,

and good wishes for every mother, sister, woman, girl,

and our brothers who are there for them, also,

that you also emerge the powers or energy within,

the women, mothers and sisters of India,

and young girls be protected through your powers.

and in this way protect them.

Om Shanti !

For more infomation >> विजय दशमी मनाओ - Duration: 20:25.


पर्युषण पर्व भाग 2 - Paryushan Parv Part 2 - Duration: 21:38.

Om Shanti !

The topic for today is,' the solution for family problems,'

the influence of western culture in our families,

it has not only entered but, has created a home for itself,

now when the home has been created, its natural, that she is also one of the members of the family,

so, now that she is one of the members, of the family, so, now for every issue, we have to face struggle,

now a days, parents are not able, to make the children understand, that by spending time on computer, mobile,

how far, you are moving away, from the family,

you are staying alone and a time will come,

when, you will get separated, from the family and become so lonely,

when like a current,you will remember, each member, of the family like a flash,

and it will make you yearn or torment you,

now there is a feeling, that I do not need anyone,

because Google has become their parents,

our religious heads, our favourite deities have become side scenes,

and whenever the children wanted anything, they used to run and come,

to the parents, & used to demand from the mother & father,

that I want this and that, and the parents too, to fulfil the desires and wishes of their children,

they used to be ready even before the children asked,

even before they asked, their desires and wishes were fulfilled,

and had this hope on the children, is there even today,

those children, whom we brought up, by holding their fingers,

we showed them the path, we made them progress,

we made them sit in a position,

but, the same child, today, is not prepared to hold the finger,of the parents,

not ready to keep the parents along with them,

why is there a need to make old age homes?

What is the need for Old Age Homes?

But, children, today, want to stay independent, in their own terms & conditions,

they want to lead a free life,

first, this was the tradition, that, whatever business was done by the parents,

children, also, used to move ahead in the same business,

if the parents are jewellers, then the child will also learn the same business,

if the parents are doing some other business, there are many kinds of business,

but, children of today, whatever business is done by the parents,

they are not interested in that,

they feel, that, there is not enough earnings, in that business,

but, their earnings is in other business,

so they choose a differnt path and the reason for choosing a different path,

they have this feeling, that, when we do the business independently,

then we will get the name, respect and status,

in the olden days, the children,

boys/girls, they had this feeling, that, whatever action I do,

where ever I go whatever business I do,

I should bring fame to my parents' name,

make the name of my parents famous, so, there was this feeling to make the parents proud.

But, now, the parents have become dwarfs and they have become big,

they have made the parents small.

Paryushan, teaches us all these things,

makes us understand, that, how much we discipline ourselves,

the more we become humble,

so, that much we will become great. If we are not disciplined,

if we are not humble and being humble, lovingly, as is said friendship,

brotherhood, these feelings are absent,

then we cannot give love to anyone, nor can we attain love from anyone,

and the family, also has, like, there are rules, laws and morals of action,

similarly the family also has its own laws, rules and decorum,

it has three forms, personal, for the family and from social point of view too,

and every individual has to follow it,

if from among, them, if even one member does not follow them,

then immediately, in the house, there is peacelessness due to that,

if inside the house one person gets angry,

or uses harsh words, then, the atmosphere in the entire house, is one of peacelessness,

that, the peace which existed in the house is gone, and

the peace in everyone's heart, that too is gone,

and in that atmosphere of anger, his wisdom and reasoning is lost,

the strength to take decision, is not present, to identify what is truth & false, is also absent,

but, the family is engrossed, so much in his problems, nature, sanskaar,

that, the family too, is troubled, unhappy & peaceless with that person,

so now what to do? If we go to describe the problems,

there are so many problems in every house,

from small children to elders,

the diseases due to addictions, today, children are so attracted to drugs,

they lie to their parents, children, used to never lie to their parents.

They will lie to everyone, but, with parents, they will always speak the truth,

do right interactions and also do good deeds.

But, now children will first lie to the parents,

later among the friends or with the friends circle,

there, they will speak the truth. Their life style has changed so much,

the way the parents want them to become,

they are not able to make them like that,

they are unable to tell them, that, this is our desire or wish for you,

to tell the desire, too, is an offence for them,

so all these situations, which are created,

whether it is son or from daughters, we feel, that once the girl is married, our worries are over,

only one burden is reduced, that, we have married the girl, in a nice house or in a reputed family,

we have given the daughter, in a recognised family, where she will remain well protected,

but, in that environment what the girl undergoes or does not undergo,

this is a cause for worry, continuously for parents,

if the daughter tells something, then it is fine,

if she does give information, then her request, is not to tell anything in the inlaws house,

or else the issue will worsen,

so we have to see the sorrow of the girl and also teach her to tolerate the unhappiness,

we have to also take and bear the sorrow of the girl,

so there are many problems of the girls, which come before the parents or the family,

and many sorrow, pain, problems of sons,

according to the present times, do come before us,

now the problems are there for sons, daughters, parents and for the entire family,

in the daily chorus of our life, while doing many activities,

the laws, rules, decorum of the society and the traditional family,

which have been determined and are being followed,

and want others to follow it,

and to follow it, is essential and also advantageous,

but neither are they able to follow it, nor make others follow it, or are able to bear, others breaking the laws, rules & decorum,

nor are they able to tolerate it or able to change them,

so what is to be done? Such problems can be resolved through these religious festivals,

which keep coming in between and come every year,

when they come every year they teach us many things,

they enrich us with many powers,

and once again they make us follow the promises made,

and once again, when we are moving on the wrong path,

we get blocked and also understand what is right and what is wrong,

but, understand, think, but there is no strength,

then what to do? Everyone desire,that, during this festival of Paryushan whatever is done,

fasting for 8 days, the penance which is undertaken during these days of Paryushan,

whether physical or spiritual or subtle or from within or from outside,

both kinds of penance, is taught to us by this spiritual austerity,

Paryushan also, teaches us penance, sacrifice, to change,

by individually following the laws, rules, decorum

all this is being taught to us. How to have love for each other, how to develop friendship,

to move ahead with the feeling of brotherhood,

how to not give sorrow to anyone, not to indulge in subtle violence also,

physical violence, is present, which is visible,

beating or killing someone,

to kill someone, that is violence which can be seen,

but, invisible, subtle, violence by hurting someone from inside, how much we do?

how much being slave to anger, greed, pride,

how much we give sorrow, how much inside humans,

even among small children, today, there is ego problem,

even a small child, is not free, from it today,

so, how many bondages, are there, in which we are bound,

so all these bondages are problems for us,

now to liberate the self from all these problems, comes,

this Paryushan, religious festival and other religious festivals,

so this Paryushan, once again reminds us,

that what does our religion tell us?

Dharma iti darayati ,

'Dharma' is the other name for inculcation,

to imbibe, to inculcate it in life, is called as to follow the Dharma,

or religious, but, we have taken the meaning of Dharma to be,

I belong to the Jain religion and daily visit the Derasar or Apasray,

follow the ritual of Pratikraman or whatever the rules for doing penance,

which I follow, daily once I do it,

and I consider myself to be a Jain,

or I am an Hindu or belong to this or that,

but Dharma, says, what you imbibe, then you belong to that Dharma,

whatever Jain religion has given information to you

the rules which Jain religion has given you,

the decorum which is given to you by Jain religion,

the penance taught to us by Jain religion,

whatever instructions and commands we have got, do we follow them?

If we are following them, then we can call ourselves as Jain.

But, if we are not following,

then we have no right, to defame, the name of Jain religion,

so, we have to minutely and deeply,

understand the Jain religion, which is very essential,

that our Jain religion, which I propogate to belong to,

so, what has been told to me by the religious texts of Jain religion,

what have I been instructed to follow in my life?

What kind of penance have I been asked to follow?

If we rearrange the word 'tap' to,'pat,' it means to keep the honour,

so how much do we honour the Jain religion,

now daily, we need to see in the mirror,

in the mirror of my heart, that, whatever, be the instructions and commands of the Jain religion, do I follow it?

If I do not follow it, then I am not a Jain.

So, then what do I do? Paryushan says,

that, the eight days which you get,

some follow ten days, the seven days are for disciplined and dedicated spiritual practice,(sadhana)

and the eighth day is for purification,

for seven days, we follow disciplined and dedicated spiritual practice, which means,

we do penance, make efforts,

this is disciplined and dedicated spiritual practice, means, whatever be the daily routine,

more than that, when we follow certain rules,

do some special penance,

so after doing this, is called as disciplined and dedicated spiritual practice,

disciplined and dedicated spiritual practice, which we need to win, meaning till the time we do not achieve success,

with complete determination and tirelessly,

not to become tired, tirelessly, we continue to do it,

and by doing this, we achieve success,

and the one who attains success,

that successful person is praised,

if you do not attain success,

if the disciplined and dedicated spiritual practice, is left in between,

then this unaccomplished efforts, do not allow us to become anyone,

we come down from how much we have gained,

so, this Paryushan, for our spiritual progress and for us to make progress in our life,

helps and teaches us and in these days of Paryushan,

we have to have a firm thought, of doing this, dedicated spiritual practice for seven days,

with a determined thought and firmness,

we need to continue it tirelessly,

if I do not go daily to Derasar or Apashray,

or whatever be the commands of Jain religion, daily,

if I do not follow it, then I should follow them,

while following them, there will be many kinds of obstacles,

problems, I should fight them and face them,

by facing them, I need to be victorious.

So, today, is the first day and on this first day,

you are invited, that whatever changes, you want in your life,

Paryushan is that blessing, those who, in the days of Paryushan,

with a determined thought, whoever, for penance, dedicated spiritual practice or efforts,

and those who follow the penance, rules, laws of decorum,

for seven days regularly, then, it will be included in your disciplined efforts made,

your penance will be rewarded and on the last day, of attaining success, by asking for forgiveness,

you ask everyone to forgive, because,

as we want to forget the past unhappy incidents,

and the happy incidents which happened, why did it happen?

By remembering them, we do the same things,

through which we are happy and other souls, too are happy,

whatever sinful actions and mistakes have happened with each other,

we by asking for forgiveness to each other,

the burden of sins over us,

we liberate the self from this burden,

and also liberate others.

So, Paryushan asks us to do disciplined and dedicated efforts for seven days,

bring about change and on the eighth day of success, celebrate the day of forgiveness,

ask for forgiveness to everyone and do not raise the ego problem,

by being humble and by asking forgiveness to everyone,

from the heart and honestly, not that, as it is day of forgiveness, I have to ask everyone to forgive,

no, from the heart and honestly ask them to forgive us,

and once again that mistake or sin should not be done by me,

we should have a firm determination in our mind.

So, the one who is determined, he is always victorious,

and so, Paryushan, is a festival to make us win,

it is believed to be King of all festivals,

as the King has his kingdom,

similarly, in your life, the empire of peace and happiness,

you by taking this empire in your hands,

you by being the King can lead your life in happiness and peace.

Om Shanti !

For more infomation >> पर्युषण पर्व भाग 2 - Paryushan Parv Part 2 - Duration: 21:38.


विघ्नहर्ता श्री गणेश : Shree Ganesh - One Who Removes All Obstacles - Duration: 33:21.

Om Shanti !

Today, sweet, sweet, Benefactor of everyone,

one who is connected with auspicious things and gives happiness and removes sorrow of all,

and the One, who gives the strength to all, to pass through all the obstacles,

Almighty Authority, Supreme Father, Supreme Soul, Shiv Baba,

His unique son or child Shri Ganesh,

on the day of immersion, too, it will be celebrated, like a festival, with great pomp and fervour,

and it is celebrated, as this immersion,

is not an immersion, this should be remembered, by devotees of Ganeshji,

is not immersion of Ganpatiji but Ganpatiji's

whatever, for the past 9 to 10 days his praise were sung,

because he is the treasure of virtues, so, he is praised for his qualities, so much,

as much as he is called a child of Father Shiv,

as, Father Shiv has been praised and His virtues are known,

to be infinite, he being the son of Shiv,

the virtues of Ganpatiji, too, is unlimited, great,

he too is praised in a superior way,

and we all know this, that, Ganpati, means,

god of all gods and goddesses,

gana means, god and goddess, so firstly before, we remember the gods and goddesses,

first, Shri Ganpatiji, is remembered,

He is the one to be worshipped first,

because He has been blessed by Father Shiv, at the time of his birth,

and due to this blessing, he has been enriched with so many powers & virtues,

now, son of Shiv, Ganesh is not only one son

but, Shiv, Supreme Father, Supreme Soul, is the unlimited Father to all souls,

and is the Supreme Father of all the souls,

He is the God of gods and Guru of all Gurus'

Mother of all mothers, Father of all fathers,

and He does not have any mother or father,

yes, those souls in this world, who have taken the human form,

and in this infinite Drama world, on stage,

as actors and actress,

and are playing their role as human soul,

of all these souls, whether they may belong to any caste, any religion,

which they may believe, speaking any language, be a devotee of any deity,

whether they may be theist or atheist, knowledgeable or not knowledgeable,

whether poor or rich, but, Supreme Father, Supreme Soul, point of light, formless,

Benefactor Father Shiv, of all souls, is the only one Supreme Soul,

is the One who is worshiped and is remembered by, all when in sorrow,

for removing the obstacles, people pray to Him,

and in every way, in life, happiness, peace, bliss, love,

purity, and whatever be the problems which come in life,

obstacles, situations, tests,

or adverse coincidences, to face all of them,

in all those situations to tolerate,

or in the world, in the human life, whatever be the vices, which

has taken the form of Maya, and in front of them, by fighting,

in order to be victorious or whatever be the bad virtues or the bad nature,

sanskaar or whatever be the physical or subtle addiction,

or those habits whatever they maybe, which provides unhappiness to the self,

and also gives sorrow to others, so, in order to win over all of them,

in order to be victorious over all of them,

the powers and strength which is required, that Almighty Authority,

Supreme Father, Supreme Soul, Benefactor, formless,ShivBaba

is attained from Him. These powers, since He is son of Shiv,

is present within Ganpati and He is also called as,' Ganpati,'

meaning, he is god of deities and also a treasure of virtues,

and is also called as, 'Ganesh,' meaning, those deities, who are worshipped as favourite deities,

or on the path of devotion, of all of them, the One, who makes us inculcate the qualities,

or the One, who enriches them with virtues, or the One, who is Ishwar, of all these favourite deities,

He is the bestower to them, benefactor and bestower of all virtues and powers to all the deities,

this bestower being, Supreme Father, Supreme Soul, and since He is his Son,

He is called as ,'Ganesh.'

and Supreme Father, Supreme Soul, whoever becomes his child practically,

meaning, those who follow his orders,

and according to the elevated directions given by Him,

those who imbibe the qualities within them,

He is Supreme pure so, like Him,

purity, happiness, peace, bliss, love, whatever be the good virtues,

all these qualities, those who imbibe,

or whatever be the powers, maybe, power to tolerate, power to adjust,

power to discern, power to take decision,

power to pack up or power to face,

or the different kinds of powers which are essential in life,

the power to forget, the power to not remember, some incident which gives sorrow,

the power, to remember those things, which are required to be kept in the memory

all these powers through whom we attain,

his child is not only one Ganpati, whom we see in a different form,

who has a trunk like the elephant,

he has the head of the elephant, but his body is of a human,

but practically, it is not like this, in practical, it is, this,

that whoever, is son of Shiv, Ganesh, within him,

whatever specialities are there, among them, an elephant head, is given,

the elephant head shows us that,

those, who are sons of Shiv, inside them, through Shivji,

how, many kinds of qualities are inculcated,

how much they are victorious over their sense organs,

and every sense organ is very influential and also able to assimilate the virtues,

and able to accumulate the qualities and are positive, meaning,

Ganpati, Ganeshji,means, whoever becomes the child of Father Shiv,Supreme Soul,

all of them have this positive virtues,

powers, to specially influence and they are also very attractive,

and with all this wealth they are also receivers of blessings,

they are benefactors, great donors, meditators,

so in every house, son of Shiv, Ganesh can be seen,

in each person there may be some speciality and special virtue,

in every small and big person, we can see the virtues which are displayed,

in such a way, as the Father, Supreme Soul,

God, can be seen live,

so every human soul,

if its seen are Ganesh only,

and this is the reaon, that in every house Ganpati is worshipped,

if in every house there is positive attitude, intellect,

with positive vision, if the members of the family are seen,

with the same vision, then we can see within them, too,1,2,4,8,10 such qualities,

specialities can be seen, they too are destroyer of obstacles,

they give us support, when in sorrow and destroy the sorrow,

they give us happiness and recognise happiness,

if we observe evey relation, then in these relations, too,

we can see the specialities and virtues.

what I want to say, is that, only for 9 or 10 days, by singing the praises of Ganpati, we should not be happy,

we should not be satisfied with this, that, we welcomed Ganpatiji, very nicely to our house,

we welcomed him, installed him, adorned him and performed Aarti for him,

we worshipped him and did daily Aarti and other rituals for him,

and distributed Prasad to eveyone and also daily, invited everyone to come and see him,

and by seeing him, everyone was also contented,

but also now see towards your mirror,

and in that mirror, look at yourself,

I have made people to come and look at Ganpati,

but, today, at any time, for me,

anyone comes, like in the temple, the ten days of Ganpati,

like within the family or the Ganpati fetival organised, by the society in any place,

and eveyone has been invited to visit and have a vision of Ganpati,

so what scene or vision did we get, seeing the idol of Ganpati,

did we see anger in the idol of Ganpatiji,

did we see any kind of annoyance,

did we see at any time that Ganpatiji's mood is out,

or did we ever see, Ganpatiji, use words which can hurt anyone,

or in his form where he blesses everyone, heard words which curse, or

vibrations of curse, coming out of those hands, did we find anything like that?

No we did not see anything like that. We have always, in a faithful manner performed pooja, worshipped him,

performed Aarti and also praised his virtues,

and the songs of praise was not done by us alone, but all of us together,

by singing the Aarti songs, we praised him and also informed others about it,

so, we, who are the conscient Ganpati, son of Shivji, meaning,

son of Ishwar, who have the right to imbibe the divine qualities,

because we are the son of Ishwar,

we are not the sons of some demonic king,

but the One, who is worshipped by the gods and goddesses, we are His sons,

we are not the sons of some Guru of demons,

we,are sons of that worshipped Satguru, of the gods and goddesses,

we are His sons. So, whatever be the virtues of Mother, Father, the qualities present in the Satguru,

those qualities to come within the children should be natural,

so, looking at the mirror, we should ask ourselves, whether within me, those virtues,are naturally present ,as heir,

I from the spiritual Supreme Father, Supreme Soul, these virtues, powers,

prosperity, the alokik wealth of knowledge, which is a property,

have I attained them?

If I have attained it, then my nature and sanskaar,

how should it be?

So, ten days remember, that I have seen Ganpati,

worshipped Ganpati, then, with what feelings did I worship?

The feelings which I showed for Ganpati,

kept or showed and made everyone come and see Ganpatiji,

within me, like Ganpatiji, seeing me,

be happy, such qualities, powers and specialities are present within me?

If they are not within me, then I, like Ganpatiji,

or those qualities of Supreme Father, Supreme Soul,

among those virtues, some qualities, should be imbibed within me, in percentage,

and by imbibing them, we too, through those virtues & powers, make others feel happy, seeing us,

meaning who ever meets or comes to meet us,

then, they after meeting us, should go back so happy,

like, when they come back, having a glimpse of God, and that happiness, for our heart,

and happiness attained by our soul, such happiness,

every member who comes to meet me, should also attain the same happiness.

Does it come or when they meet me they go back unhappy?

This we have to look and also note the bad qualities within us,

we should also give attention on those bad virtues, of ours,

and by giving attention, those bad qualities,

which is an obstacle for me, I should try to remove those obstacles,

for ten days, we kept Ganpatiji with us,

meaning we kept Him in our house, close to us,

meaning made him our guest, a guest, whose praises are elevated,

we looked after such a guest in a very nice way,

and tried to make him happy,

so, those who come to meet me, come close to me,

when they come near me, did I, the soul, make them happy?

Do, they feel happy having met me?

If they feel happy after meeting me,

then I am child of God, or else I have no right to be called child of God.

so, do not be happy, that, seeing the Ganpati, in my house everyone praised,

the Ganpati in my house was very nice, my Ganpati was like this & that,

I decorated the Ganpati in my house like this and like that,

made this offering, that offering, gave him this & that to eat,

and the members of the family,in our daily routine, in some way or the other, instead of making them happy,

made them unhappy and the atmosphere, in the house also was one of unhappiness,

because when an angry person shows anger, there is an atmosphere of peacelessness.

in the same way, a proud person, when he shows his pride,

in that pride, the entire atmosphere, becomes polluted,

a person with ego, when he shows his ego,

then there is fight among people,

so every habit, will create a disturbance, inside the house,

and this is the Iron age, so there is an influence of Iron age and then our demonic nature,

sanskaar, their influence and then we towards our qualities,

we are very careless about them, we do not have any value for the qualities,

and those who have those qualities, and values, we insult them,

disregard them and we also defame their virtues,

and by indulging in waste thoughts for others, by not tolerating their specialities,

we also try to stamp a black mark over their virtues,

we should first liberate ourselves from such dirt,

we should libearte the self from such nature & sansakaar, as these are the obstacles, which we have created,

those obstacles which will not allow us to be happy,

they will not allow us to experience peace,

these obstacles, will not allow the members of our family, to experience peace,

the atmosphere in the family & house is one of peacelessness,

the atmosphere in the house is of sorrow and the members of the family, are sad & peaceless,

despair and inspite of having bad virtues, they have this dignity,that

by giving respect & regard to elders, they cannot say anything to them,

and do not say anything. So, Ganpati, may appear small,

but the qualities of respect and regard, how to maintain the self respect,

how to honour someone,

how to honour the people who have given birth,

how much feeling of reverance, should be kept towards them,

who does not know his story, when both the brothers, for Kartik & Ganpati,

was told, who will circumambulate, this world and come first,

eveyone knows, that, Kartik sat on his vehicle and went to circumambulate the entire world,

so he took some time, but, Ganpatiji using his intelligence,

showed the influence of his qualities and in his mother & father, saw the entire world,

and having a reverant and sacred feeling for his parents,

in this way he came first and thus became victorious,

in this way, through his intelligence, he displayed his qualities,

God has given all of us an intellect,

there is not a single person who does not have an intellect,

so we should use our intellect in a proper way,

we should use the wisdom which we have and we are also enriched with good virtues,

each one has some or the other quality and speciality,

and we make use of these virtues and make everyone happy and we too,

try to be happy, or remain happy

be happy and make others happy, so, whatever happiness through qualities and powers,

through the specialities, what we experience,

we should give them to everyone. Ganpatiji is called winner of the sense organs,

so evey sense organ gives us sorrow,

if we are slave to them. So, let us liberate, the self from this big obstacle,

so try to free yourself, from the dependence, on the sense organs,

and with an independent attitude, whatever you eat and drink, but,

eat for living, not live to eat,

to understand everything through the intellect,

think, use the power of reasoning and only then take a decision,

and after that, before performing an action,

be cautious, and do such an elevated action,

that after doing the action, you do not have to repent for that action,

and the punishment for that action, in the form of fruit, before us,

sorow, peacelessness, fights,

violence or in many forms, the disease of the body,

in that form, we should not have to bear it.

So, during the immersion of Ganpatiji, for you devotees of Ganpatiji,

also, those who are not devotees of Ganesh, but, Father of Ganesh,

Supreme Father, Supreme Soul, those who are his children,

towards all of them, today, I have this good feelings and good wishes,

it is not immersion of Ganpati, but son of Shiv, we all children,

who are all Ganpati, try to imbibe the new virtues, within themselves,

new specialities and such amazing powers,

on the basis of which we ourselves, do good actions,

elevated actions and always give benefit to everyone,

and also be benefitted and do every action according to the method,

and also attain prosperity, wealth, opulence,

and Ganpati, who is believed, to be very elevated, in his intellect,

his goddess, whom he worships, Maa Saraswati,

we too, will remember Maa Saraswati, who is epitome of knowledge,

so that our wisdom is good, and whatever is our knowledge, attitude and vision,

is complementing our knowledge, and our Shri Laxmi Devi,

is the goddess of physical wealth and the prosperity, through the Supreme Father, Supreme Soul, the divine qualities,

the powers, the One who bestows them,

through her, all this wealth, both physical & subtle,

this is said to attain prosperity & wealth,

we should attain that from her and in this way,

we should not only remember Ganpatiji,

but, the one who gave blessings to Ganpatiji,

and he began to be worshipped and he began to be worshipped first,

such is his Father, Supreme Father, Supreme Soul

we should remember Him, and we too, from him like Ganeshji,

attain many blessings,

and keep our life happy, and lead a peaceful life,

and in everyone's mind there be happiness and prosperity and health of all of you,

should be strong, this is my good feelings and good wishes extended towards all of you,

and also true good wishes for all of you.

Om Shanti !

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