Thứ Năm, 12 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 12 2017

Yamaha Jupiter Z1 Dyno Setting for Road Race (Pengaturan untuk Balap)

For more infomation >> Yamaha Jupiter Z1 Dyno Setting for Road Race (Pengaturan untuk Balap) - Duration: 2:51.


Labbra vinaccia per un altro makeup autunnale! [ENG SUB] - Duration: 9:08.

Is it filmin? - Yes -

i'a a mess, finally my husband Luciano came back home today,

so he can help me

and then i film the look of yesterday again, even if for you it's the first time

let's start with foundation, NO! wait

first a little bit of primer

with de-slick complexion primer by U.Decay which is my favourite at the moment

i put a bit just around the nose, cause it's my oily area

cause my skin tends to be dry, naturally

so if you're looking for a good primer, i'll suggest you this one

so cool my nails! I've refreshed them the day before yesterday and i like them a lot

I thought were less fluo, but it's fine

next step i'm going to mix Armani Luminous silk 4+6 for my complexion

when i want fresh & dewy feeling on the skin, i go for this foundation

though it's medium coverage, it doesn't give you a plastic effect

the neighbor who's continuosly greeting everything, also yesterday

- Hiii! - who? what?

- to her baby maybe - you think?

when you show the ears, keep in mind to pass the sponge with foundation also here,

to merge them into the complexion

the i let the foundation set itself, also after the concealer application

cause it seems to have a matte finish now, especially when it's not super hot as it is in summer

and i'll put very few amount of powder over this foundation

i'll go with Maybellline anti aging concealer, which as you might know, it's my favourite

a little bit on lips and forehead

i'm going to do a soft baking, which it's not a baking , actually, cause i don't leave the powder there

soft baking exclusively on the eye contour and then i buff it off immediately

always using the beauty blender

the one i'm using it's RCMA

it's white, but it doesn't leave any trace, after

i went to '& other stories' the other day

as you might know, it has one of the best beauty sections, to me, in Milan

it has super minimal-beautiful packaging

i saw they have another beauty/skincare section now, which name is 'Paris atelier'

it's the same brand, though it looks like a separate section

then i bought this powder with such a beautiful packaging

and then this

let's talk about it

it's so beautiful

i love the mirror effect with golden color

if I had to think of something I would do, I would do it this way

of course it already has been done, but it's my style

and inside, it looks like that, it seems super precious

it doesn't cost sooo much

it has an average cost, but it looks luxurious

very few powder

a touch of it, as you can see foundation set itself

i'll set shadows areas, only

For more infomation >> Labbra vinaccia per un altro makeup autunnale! [ENG SUB] - Duration: 9:08.



yo yo yo yo yo what's good with it CPA strength here I wanted to bring you a

video about S corp and things about an escort but it's really it's gonna be how

to save you like 15 grand how to save me some money

S corp also known as a small business corporation it files its own tax return

called 1120s S corp is a pass-through entity which means the income flows over

to your personal tax return or passes through to your personal tax return your

personal tax return is a 1040 okay so if you have an S corp if you incorporate

what so come in a second you would file 1120s

and then say the money you made there let's say you made a hundred grand

profit okay that would flow over to your personal 1040 tax return now the big

thing is without self without self-employment tax the S corp does not

pay self-employment tax when when the income passes through to the 1040 I say

this this is huge this is huge this is the whole this is really the the crux of

the thing and this is going to be you know this is for like a youtuber like

dude if you're a youtuber you're watching this and you got and you're

like you you would see without self-employment tax because you just got

hit for like 30k and self-employment tax and you don't know what to do about that

but you don't like the self-employment tax you can email me at Dorn 954 at I'll help you out I'll take care of you so that's really what this

is this is if like this is for someone who started getting a lot of money okay

I didn't do anything when they started before they got their first paycheck you

know they don't have a traditional job with weekly paychecks with money getting

taken out every you know week in taxes getting

then they don't have that there are on a 1099 so they've started their job and

and their boss said or whatever said hey can you fill this form out I need your

Social Security and I'm your social security number name and address and I'm

gonna send you a 1099 at the end of the year and you're like yeah whatever cool

so things are things happen to be going good and I used the YouTube as an

example because I'm sure that happened all of a sudden you start doing real

good on the YouTube the Google Adsense money keeps getting direct deposit in

your account so let's say you've made a hundred grand let's say you made a

hundred grand and you didn't do anything means you don't have an S corp you when

you start it when you started your job you know I use YouTube but any job that

gives you a 1099 that means you haven't taken taxes out I have a video about

1099 s I think it's decent but it has a lot of negatives on it so maybe this one

it'll have negatives I don't know I just try to be very broad and get one point

across is that if you don't if you don't know if you don't do anything you're

gonna pay self-employment tax which is 15% so if you make $100,000 and you

don't do anything you're gonna pay $15,000 of self-employment tax if you

make $100,000 and you haven't go into an S corp you do not have self-employment

tax so you save yourself $15,000 and self-employment tax then you say yeah

that dude I need that I mean that's just like with a hundred thousand you know

that's just a hundred thousand dollars I'm basing that on it's 15 percent so if

you make a hundred thousand dollars I'm telling you if you don't have an S corp

you can start an S corp and you will not have to pay self-employment tax and

you'll save yourself fifteen thousand dollars if you make $200,000 or $300,000

you will save yourself fifteen percent so you will save yourself thirty

thousand dollars $45,000 yes this is a no-brainer yes I think

there's gonna be at least someone watching this that's making a lot of

money on a 1099 that's going to his social security number and he's filing a

1040 and he just got popped for self-employment tax on the back end for

fifteen twenty thirty thousand dollars and you don't like it at all

and easily what's going on because that's on top of your normal attacks

let's just say I mean there's 50 so you make a hundred thousand dollars you're

gonna be probably the twenty five percent tax bracket you're gonna pay

twenty five thousand dollars in income tax plus self-employment tax you're

gonna make 100k after give Uncle Sam forty K no no yeah you want to save that

you need to just incorporate you need to incorporate you need to have an S corp I

use if you don't make let's just keep it very general if you don't make fifty

thousand dollars forty to fifty thousand dollars and you get 1099 to a personal

level this incorporating it's probably not for you because it's a lot of hassle

you would have to pay someone like me pretty much you'd have to panic a CPA or

an accountant or whatever what not an EI possibly to do all this and I I don't

want to get into any numbers I don't know it could be a couple thousand dot

two to five thousand dollars I don't know I'm just throwing it out that I

don't know what your account would do this for it's a lot of hassle so what

I'm trying to get at is if you're not if if you're not gonna save more than you

know $5,000 in self-employment tax then you need and I don't thing is that he is

just a waste of time and I mean if you want it so the main thing is the main

thing is you would have your you haven't done anything but you you just gotta

walk you just got whacked on self-employment tax or you don't want to

get whacked in self-employment tax so you're like yeah I'm starting to make

I'm gonna make a lot of money I'm what am I gonna do what do I do I don't

want to have to pay 40% I'd rather pay 25% you would tell the person who paid

who's paying you these checks you know who's paying you this hundred grand you

know it might be multiple people might be one person but whoever's paying you

you tell them hey I want this money to go to this to this business now I want I

wanted to go to not to my social security number I want I want I want the

money to go to my e-i and number my employer identification number and then

you would have an escort now if you do open an escort when I say you have to

you know it costs a lot of money a lot of paperwork there's things like you

know well you would have to start paying yourself payroll how much you know

there's just so much sharing or distributions all this good stuff I just

really wanted to just mainly tell I know there's someone out here that I can just

save fifteen or twenty thousand dollars and that's exciting to me because I love

money that's why I said I love money I love saving money so escort escort no

self-employment tax no self-employment tax self-employment

taxes 15 percent 15 percent tax that's how much it is okay we do not want that

we don't want you to do this and it's like it's that easy yes yeah that's why

I'm confident in putting this up I don't want to get too specific with things and

it's like there's really a loophole in the tax system like that yes I mean I

don't even know if it's a loophole it's not even a secret I don't know it's like

accounting 201 like it's it's pretty it's kind of basic stuff 4c carry so but

uh I mean I do have a skill set like nobody else anyways we're

that we're almost at yo man we saw almost had 30,000 subscribers I can't

believe it I mean I guess when you start putting a lot of time into into YouTube

channel you you hope that it will do good and grow and when it starts growing

like it's growing now it just feels amazing I can speak for myself but it

feels amazing and I'm truly blessed to have all your support anybody who's

subscribed or watched my videos or liked a video or disliked it or commented I

mean my life is changing I'm trying to put it out there for you guys I'm having

the time of my life until tomorrow deuces

For more infomation >> S-CORP 🏢 for SELF EMPLOYED TO SAVE SELF EMPLOYMENT TAX / HOW TO SAVE MONEY - Duration: 9:42.


Chọn mua cấu hình máy tính làm video kiếm tiền YOUTUBE Part 2 - Duration: 15:29.

For more infomation >> Chọn mua cấu hình máy tính làm video kiếm tiền YOUTUBE Part 2 - Duration: 15:29.


The Fine Art of Fan Art – Thomas Karlsson, illustratore (IT) - Duration: 5:07.

For more infomation >> The Fine Art of Fan Art – Thomas Karlsson, illustratore (IT) - Duration: 5:07.


Talking Tom and Friends - The Nerd Club | Season 2 Episode 11 - Duration: 11:08.

[party music playing]

Oh, yeah! Oh, yeah!

What? Why are you dancing? You're supposed to be brainstorming ideas

for something to do on the mayor's float at the Founder's Day Parade!

Well, we were brainstorming, but then it turned into...

[music on] ..a dance party!

Like all our brainstorming sessions!

[Tom] Ha ha! Yeah!

[music stops] Guys, this is important.

Tom's the new mayor.

His presentation at this parade will set the tone for the whole year.

Lucky for you, I've prepared something that's really going to impress the crowd.

Hm. "Our cyclical municipal dynamics of..."

[snores] Ben, this is just a boring speech.

B-b-b-boring speech?

It's a detailed summary of the state of the town!

You're the mayor. What are you gonna do? Dance around for people?

Whoa! That's it! My presentation will be a big mayor dance!

Yeah, thanks. [music on]

-Smart brain-thought, Ben. -No, that's not what I--

Yeah, Ben. We are picking up what you are throwing down!

[Tom] I'm feeling the mayor groove!

[drumming, wild animal calls]

OK, this is fun, but if we could just get back to the data.

Oh, yeah. I can work the data in.


Oh! Ow! My knee!

-Aw, man. -Oh, Ben.

Look what you did. How am I going to do my big mayor dance now?

Don't blame Ben. He didn't know his idea was so dangerous!

My idea was fine! You guys just didn't listen to me!

-Didn't we? Thought we did. -Agh!

♪ Wa-oah ♪

I am sorry that you managed to hurt your own leg,

but I have something that can help.

-Will it fix my twisted knee? -No.

It will fix the communication problem that led to your twisted knee.

-What communication problem? -We do not speak at the same level.

Because I am very smart and the rest of you

So, I created the Brainerator!


What does this thing do?

[bleeping] Please describe the functionality of this device.

It takes what I call garage talk and converts it to brilliant Ben-cabulary!

Ben, the problem isn't the way we talk. It's the way you talk.

-What do you mean? -I'm sorry. Let me translate.

[enunciates] The problem isn't the way we talk

it's the way you talk.

[bleeping] The quandary we face is not our lack of vocabulary

but rather your inability to speak in a way that connects with your friends.

Oh! Huh! See? We're communicating already.

[Ben] I just want to have an intellectual conversation once in a while.

-[Xenon] You have them with me, Benbug. -I know, Zeenie-Panini.

But I wish I could have them with Tom and the rest of the gang.

Well, if you're looking for some friends who are as smart as you,

you should join the SMARTIES.

[gasps] The Super Mentally Advanced Really Truly Intellectually Endowed Society?

-Are you a member? -Of course. There's chapters everywhere.

You should go to one of their SMARTIE parties.

Pst, I couldn't help but overhear. Are you looking for a new hat?

No, dummy! This is a computer store. Go away!

Ben, that's SMARTIES secret code.

This one seeks an initiation.

Follow me.






This is impressive-- Oh!

Welcome to the SMARTIE party. We'll need two forms of genius, please.

Uh, let's see. I've got a letter from my high school science teacher.

I always carry it around.

And of course, my new invention, the Brainerator.

-That is a wonderful invention! -Oh, great.

Now if you'll excuse me, I really wouldn't mind some of that red punch.

Ah-ah! Punch is for SMARTIES, but you are not a SMARTIE yet.

First, you have to prove that you're not just a... normal.

Activate the Test Tube!

Aagh! Hey, what's going on?

Huh? Wait a minute!

I recognize these numbers. It's the Fibonacci Sequence.

The next number is 987.


A pangolin!

Covalence bonds!




And that is Orion's Belt.

Looks a little tight, if you ask me.

Maybe Orion needs to stop eating so much Crab Nebula!

[SMARTIES laugh]

A perfect score. And one extra point for that delightful pun.

Here's your official headgear.

Welcome to the SMARTIES! [applause]

[SMARTIE] Huzzah!

Finally. My people!

If I can't dance, what am I going to do in the Founder's Day Parade?

[Ginger] Okay. Check out what Hank is doing.

You could impress the crowd by catching food in your mouth.

[Tom] Uh. What does that have to do with the town?

Uh, it's like the popcorn is crunchy and you're a good mayor.

So then, the thing is, I don't know, you figure it out.

-Popcorn me, Hank. -Here it comes.

Yeah. I'm not sure that'll set the exact tone I'm going for as mayor, but thanks.

There's not going to be much you can do with a busted wheel. Hm.

I've got it! What if you sing?

♪ But I'm a terrible singer ♪

♪ Maybe a little higher ♪

You mean like... [higher] ♪ This? ♪

[higher] ♪ No, more like this ♪

Oh... [both] ♪ A-ahh ♪



[Angela and Tom] ♪ Aaah! ♪

-Aah! -Hey, Ben!

W...what is that crazy square thing on your head?

It's not a crazy square thing. It's my official SMARTIES headgear.

You probably have not heard of them -

the Super Mentally Advanced Really Truly Intellectually Endowed Society.

[Hank] Oh. I thought you said they were called the SMARTIES.

Oh, Hank. The gaping chasm between us has never been more apparent.

Oh, I get it now. Ben joined a hat club.

-Good job, Ben. -Ugh!

This is what I was talking about before!

It's like we're not even speaking the same vernacular.

-Or the same language. -But-- That's-- Ugh.

[Angela] Hey, you must be the SMARTIES.

Ah, yes. This is my friend, Angela. She's a singer.

Oh, a vocalist. So what do you sing about?

Mostly love. Oh, and friendship.

[sniggers] Love and friendship. How original!

Are you for or against it?

Let me guess. For!

Definitely for.

[SMARTIES laugh]

[Ben joins in]


[music playing]


Ha ha ha.


[Tom] What?


Ah, I see you've got a hat, too.

Yeah. Parade's today, and I'm going to make this limp work for me

by doing my old prospector character.

[frail voice] Oh, cinnamon and gravy! I done staked my claim out yonder!

Well, that is... horrid.

Do you know who would come up with something a little bit better?

-The SMARTIES. -Yeah.

Maybe they could teach me how to be a jerky know-it-all.

What? They're not jerky.

-They're just smart. -[Angela] Hey, Tom.

You ready to get your parade on? Hey, Ben!

Did you finally ditch those rotten SMARTIES?

Everybody lay off. I like the SMARTIES. They're just like me.

They're not just like you. They're mean and snobby.

You're just jealous I finally have friends that are my intellectual peers.

Ben, we've got a surprise for you.

-It's a surprise for all of you! -A bigger Brainerator.

Usually, we make tech smaller, but you've done the unexpected.

Yes, we reverse-engineered your invention to create the No-Brainerator!

The sun's circumference is more than 4.3 million kilometers

and its core temperature is 15 million degrees.


[Tom's voice, slowly] The sun is big and hot!

-[both laugh] -Delightful!

Whoa, hey, hey! That sounds like me.

Yes, it is you. But I don't want you to feel left out.


[Angela's voice] The sun is big and hot!

-[SMARTIES laughing] -[Hank's voice] The sun is big and hot!

I've got to admit, it's a good impression of me.

-Hank, it's embarrassing. -Only if you care what they think.

Hank, that... that's true. Huh.

I don't care if these guys try to embarrass me.

I know who my real friends are. So have fun with your SMARTIES, Ben.

[as old prospector] I reckon it's time for the parade. I think I saw it over yonder.

-Um, hm-mm? -They were too dumb even to be insulted!

-[SMARTIES laughing] -Delightful!

[both laughing]

-Huh? -The No-Brainerator!

Tom was right. You really are a bunch of jerky know-it-alls.

I'm quitting the SMARTIES.

[as old prospector] I stake my claim on this here town.

[crowd booing]

-Ah, the mayor's routine makes no sense! -Boo!

[Angela] Tom, we have to do something else. Maybe we can dance you.


-Whoa! -[crowd cheering]

-Whoa! Huh! -Whoa!

[Tom] Oh, no! No!

-Huh? -Gotcha.


[Tom] Ah.

Is there room on the float for one more... friend?

Are you here to make fun of us again? Because if you are, make it quick.

No, I'm here to help you guys... my real friends.

-If you'll let me. -Hm.

[Tom] Uh... Well...

-Uh... Inherently, Ben. Inherently. -Well, that's not what inherently means.

I think you-- Oh, who cares? Let's move to the mayor's groove!

[party music plays]

[Angela] Yeah! Check it out!

Yeah! Whoo!

[all whooping]

For more infomation >> Talking Tom and Friends - The Nerd Club | Season 2 Episode 11 - Duration: 11:08.


Nghề Nào Nguy Hiểm Nhất Ở Trung Quốc? | Trung Quốc Không Kiểm Duyệt - Duration: 11:15.

On this episode of China Uncensored,

if you think your job is torture, well, just ask this guy

Welcome back to China Uncensored, I'm Chris Chappell.

What do you think is the most dangerous job in China?

Is it construction?

Tall buildings,

tight deadlines,

plus low safety standards are a recipe for disaster.

Or how about coal mining?

Mine collapses, gas explosion and long-term lung disease

kill thousands of workers every year


Okay, how about landmine removal?

I do not want to be this guy.

Or any of these guys,


Well, actually there's one job that's even more dangerous.

It's carried out by those people who are the dregs of society,

the filth with no regard for what their poor mothers might think.

I'm talking about lawyers.

And not even those slimy corporate lawyers

or those personal injury lawyers.

No, no, I'm talking about the lowest of the low,

in the eyes of the Communist Party---

Chinese human rights lawyers

You see, human rights lawyers think the law exists

to protect the Chinese people.

That makes them like the annoying little angel on the Chinese government's shoulder,

always going on and on about doing what's right.

It's like they think they can win against the Communist Party.

What's that Shelley?

Oh, apparently human rights lawyers know they can't win.

That's according to what one human rights lawyer told the New York Times.

We know we can't win,

we can't do anything to make our clients not guilty.

For human rights lawyers,

our job is to meet with them

to encourage them to deliver their message to the outside.

Only lawyers can do this, and so I continue to defend them.

So being a human rights lawyer in China

is kind of like climbing Mount Everest in bike shorts.

It seems impossible

but there's always the hope that someday it can happen.

You know, after Everest collapses due to infighting and corruption.

Two years ago,

starting on July 9th 2015,

the Chinese regime launched a massive crackdown on China's rights lawyers.

More than 300 Chinese human rights lawyers and activists have been targeted.

Most were forcibly detained and questioned.

And a lot of them were tortured.

You may know some of their names.

On August 25th,

I talked about Jiang Tianyong -

he's a human rights lawyer who stood up for other human rights lawyers

that were tortured by the Chinese regime.

And guess what?

He got tortured.

And then appeared on trial on state-run media

saying he totally wasn't tortured.

And all that stuff he said about other human rights lawyers being tortured,

that was all just lies.

And it's because he was brainwashed by evil Western ideas

like, you know, the rule of law.

And funny enough that was the same confession

another human rights lawyer made back in May.

Also after being tortured.

What a coincidence!

And you may also recognize one of China's most famous human rights defenders -

Chen Guangcheng.

Despite his blindness, he taught himself law

and then defended poor people who couldn't afford a lawyer.

Helping people in need, big mistake!

The police put him under house arrest.

But Chen got huge international publicity

when he evaded the Chinese police guarding his house

in the middle of the night,

scaled the wall and fled to the US embassy.

Wait, is he the real daredevil?

But anyway, today I want to talk about human rights lawyer

Gao Zhisheng.

Gao is less known in the West

because unlike Chen Guangcheng,

Gao never made it onto the front page of US magazines.

But Gao Zhisheng has a heck of an origin story.

He was born in 1964 in rural China

- in a cave.

But as a boy, he never dreamed of becoming a lawyer.

That's because back, then China had no criminal justice system.

The Communist Party just had,

well, I guess you could call - the Judge Dredd system.

The CCP was the judge, jury and executioner.

Finally, in 1979, three years after Mao Zedong death,

the party had to build a criminal justice system from scratch.

Because Mao had already purged all the lawyers.

And while I know "let's kill all the lawyers" as a memorable line from Shakespeare,

let's remember it was said by a guy named "Dick - the butcher"

a hilarious joke, but maybe not the best advice for building a civil society.

So the party began encouraging people,

anyone, really, to study the law on their own.

And that's what Gao Zhisheng did,

he saw a newspaper article that China needed lawyers.

At the time, he was a soldier and a loyal Communist Party member.

And he decided that becoming a lawyer is what he ought to do to help China.

He studied law on his own, passed the bar exam in 1995

and soon was one of the best, literally.

In 2001, China's Ministry of Justice named Gao Zhisheng

one of the top 10 lawyers in China.

Gao said it was his Christian faith

that drove him to work so hard to bring justice to those who needed it most.

And it turns out that eventually came to include practitioners

of the severely persecuted spiritual practice Falun Gong.

And that's why his good standing with the Ministry of Justice didn't last.

In October of 2005,

Gao published this open letter to China's top leaders

Hu Jintao and Wen Jiabao.

It basically says: "I have faith that you two are good men,

and I hope that you'll stop the persecution of Falun Gong.

And also here's like 20 specific cases of practitioners being tortured

in case somehow you didn't know this was a thing.

I have great faith that you can stop this etc. etc."

But the only thing the CCP stopped

was Gao Zhisheng.

A couple weeks later, they shut down his law practice.

Then Gao publicly renounced the CCP,

saying, "I quit the cruel, untrustworthy, inhumane and evil Party."

The next year, he was arrested and convicted of inciting subversion

State-run media publicized the subversion

but failed to mention that they also tortured the bejesus out of him.

Here's what Gao Zhisheng wrote about it.

"We always hear how strong and stalwart a hero is in the face of torture,

how he refused to utter a sound,

but in my judgment, this is utterly bogus and impossible.

I'm sure that my screams were absolutely hair-raising

and audible for five or six floors in either direction."

And that's when the Communist Party decided to show off a little magic trick

they'd been practicing.

To perform it, all they need is a volunteer, it can be anyone really .

How about, shall we say, I don't know,

Gao Zhisheng.

Watch as the Communist Party takes this grown man

and makes him disappear,

then reappear

then disappear,

then reappear

then disappear again.

Gao's latest disappearance last month is especially worrisome.

His health was already failing over the past three years of house arrest

since they wouldn't let him get medical treatment after all that torture.

His teeth were falling out.

So what I want to get across here

is what this guy has gone through is unimaginable.

If I'd gone through half as much,

let's just say

you'd probably see me making a somewhat different show on China Central Television.

Hi, welcome to China's not censored.

On this episode,

we celebrate the heroic struggle of China's democratic dictatorship

against the American imperialists and their running dogs.

Gao Zhisheng on the other hand,

is like a living motivational poster.

Even though he was under constant surveillance for the past three years,

somehow, he managed to write this 446 page book,

which details his experiences in detention.

And then somehow gets it out of China.

And then on August 7,

he gave a rare interview with US-based NTD television.

In China 1.3 billion people are under house arrest, not just me.

To human nature, human rights, humanity and heaven's mandate, this is a prison.

My greatest wish is to change this evil system so Chinese people can live a normal life

and China can go back to being a normal civilization.

Well the evil system didn't change soon enough

because a few days later, tada, he disappeared again.

So as of now, we have no idea where Gao Zhisheng is or what's happening to him.

You might be thinking, we should do something to get Gao safely out of China.

Well, eight years ago, after being harassed and watched for years by the police,

his wife and kids fled China,

escaping as refugees and finally making it to California.

But as much as Gao Zhisheng wants to see his family again,

he also said he's not ready to leave China.

He considers staying in China and fighting for justice- his mission from God.

This guy is a superhero.

Finding a regime so evil, it makes you feel bad for lawyers.

And this is why being a human rights lawyer is the most dangerous job in China.

They defend the people who are in trouble

for trying to stand up to the Communist Party.

They defend people who are the most disliked and abused by the Communist Party.

The fact that they get tortured for doing their job

shows the world that there is no rule of law in China.

It shows that the call is coming from inside the house,

Chinese people are fighting for their own rights.

It's not something the CCP can blame on hostile Western forces

although they're trying really hard to by torturing lawyers into confessing

that they were brainwashed by Western ideas.

This is an issue that strikes at the heart of the legitimacy of the Communist Party's rule.

By trying to make the system work,

these human rights lawyers are showing that the system is broken.

And in the eyes of the Communist Party, that is the ultimate crime.

So what can we do to help these human rights lawyers?

International attention is the best way to ensure Gao's safety.

So we've created this handy - "Where's Gao Zhisheng poster"

Let's see if we can find him, using the power of social media.

Share with everyone you know using the hashtag

#WheresGao on Facebook Twitter

or whatever other obnoxious social media platform you kids are using these days.

I don't know, Snap Ghost, Periscope.

The point is,

let's get ourselves an answer to "Where's Gao?"

And you know who might be interested in knowing that people are out there looking for Gao?

How about the Twitter and Facebook pages of Chinese state-run media?

We'll put the links in the description below.

Have fun.

Thanks for watching this episode of China Uncensored.

Once again I'm your host Chris Chappell,

see you next time.

You know, I could have done an episode about pandas to get lots of views,

but I covered Gao Zhisheng instead.

You know why?

Because of you.

Yes, a lot of you are supporting China Uncensored

by contributing a dollar or more per episode through our Patreon webpage.

And if you're not supporting China Uncensored yet,

click here to go to our Patreon page now.

I'll see you there.

For more infomation >> Nghề Nào Nguy Hiểm Nhất Ở Trung Quốc? | Trung Quốc Không Kiểm Duyệt - Duration: 11:15.


The Fine Art of Fan Art : Thomas Karlsson, graphiste - Duration: 5:07.

For more infomation >> The Fine Art of Fan Art : Thomas Karlsson, graphiste - Duration: 5:07.





For more infomation >> ТАТУИРОВКИ ФУТБОЛИСТОВ В FIFA 18 - Duration: 5:48.


Kaesong Complex factory owners file official request to visit North Korea - Duration: 0:42.

The owners of South Korean companies that used to run factories at the inter-Korean

Industrial park in Kaesong... filed an official request to visit the complex across the border

to check on their assets.

Their reaction follows North Korean media outlets hinting at unilateral resumption of

operations in the factories.

The Unification Ministry, which handles inter-Korean issues plan to review the request.

However the real challenge is getting the nod from Pyongyang.

The representative of the company owners remain hopeful, and said if approved, such developments

could help mend inter-Korean ties.

The joint park was shut down by Seoul in February 2016 after Pyongyang conducted nuclear and

missile tests.

For more infomation >> Kaesong Complex factory owners file official request to visit North Korea - Duration: 0:42.


ఉప్పు మిరియాల పొడితో పంటి నొప్పి తగ్గుతుందా | Dental Tips | Dental Problems in Telugu | Dental | - Duration: 2:01.


For more infomation >> ఉప్పు మిరియాల పొడితో పంటి నొప్పి తగ్గుతుందా | Dental Tips | Dental Problems in Telugu | Dental | - Duration: 2:01.


Kitni Girhain Abhi hain baki A Woman Story That Tuch Heart Part 3/3 - Duration: 15:38.

Kitni Girhabhiin A hain baki A Woman Story That Tuch Heart

Kitni Girhabhiin A hain baki A Woman Story That Tuch Heart

Kitni Girhabhiin A hain baki A Woman Story That Tuch Heart

For more infomation >> Kitni Girhain Abhi hain baki A Woman Story That Tuch Heart Part 3/3 - Duration: 15:38.


CAŁA PRAWDA O YOUTUBE! - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> CAŁA PRAWDA O YOUTUBE! - Duration: 1:01.


The Fine Art of Fan Art: Thomas Karlsson, artista digital - Duration: 5:07.

For more infomation >> The Fine Art of Fan Art: Thomas Karlsson, artista digital - Duration: 5:07.


Vận Mệnh Người Tuổi Tị Tháng 9/2017 Âm Lịch: Sự Nghiệp, Tài Lộc, Tình Cảm, Sức Khỏe - Duration: 10:26.

For more infomation >> Vận Mệnh Người Tuổi Tị Tháng 9/2017 Âm Lịch: Sự Nghiệp, Tài Lộc, Tình Cảm, Sức Khỏe - Duration: 10:26.


22nd Busan International Film Festival begins Thursday - Duration: 0:31.

The curtain rises for this year's Busan International Film Festival.

The annual event runs for ten days through October 21st,... screening nearly 300 films

from 75 countries at cinemas across the nation's Southern port city.

The opening ceremony is hosted by the Korean actor Jang Dong-gun and singer-actress Im


The opening movie for the 22nd BIFF is Shin Su-won's mystery-drama "Glass Garden."

For the first time in its history,... the festival will open and close with films directed

by women.

For more infomation >> 22nd Busan International Film Festival begins Thursday - Duration: 0:31.


Ambas están en pie de guerra contra Kiko Matamoros - Duration: 4:24.

For more infomation >> Ambas están en pie de guerra contra Kiko Matamoros - Duration: 4:24.


Drawing Lips Learn Colors With Coloring Lips Coloring Book Fun Painting Colors for Kids to Learn - Duration: 11:11.

For more infomation >> Drawing Lips Learn Colors With Coloring Lips Coloring Book Fun Painting Colors for Kids to Learn - Duration: 11:11.



guys I just want to bring up like a very important situation that I had noticed I

was watching a video on youtube today and this is a really big youtuber it's

not about exposing a bashing anybody it's just bringing up like a concern

that I have like the concern of people losing themselves when they stop making

money up here on YouTube and I was watching the video and he was talking

about you know a bunch of nothing you know doing what he does best just trying

to keep his you know audience on the video when the fact of the matter is

people are gonna stay on the video or they're not is you know it's just it is

what it is and he just totally forgot to bring up

like what was important and that was that his father was sick and in the

hospital now everybody knows you know who his dad is and his dad is well

respected so for him to wait to the end of a like 20-something minute video to

bring up the most important thing which is family it's really disturbing and I

always say the people that you really should put family first

because after youtube you want to have more to offer than all of this up here

because youtube can be here today and gone tomorrow now I don't think YouTube

is going anywhere anytime soon and it might not go any time that I'm on this

earth or you're on this earth but it is really really important to put your

family first and not get so caught up in the glitz and the glamour and how

relevant you are now because you have made it up here on YouTube and you're

making twenty and thirty thousand dollars a month you know don't forget

you know that when when this is all gone you know you gotta

put your family first even if they mess up you know because like I wouldn't say

that I have the greatest family in the world but this still my family you know

you just don't want to have regrets in your life you just don't want to have I

wish I would have done this or I wish I would have said that you don't want

to have those kind of moments it's not worth it you know and I think that

people get up here and they just get the fame so quickly and in this youtubers

case he didn't get the fame overnight but it came and he's doing okay for

himself and you know I'm proud of him I'm not you know hating on him or

nothing like that but it's just that you know I'm saying to anybody that's up

here because a lot of these youtubers are overnight success they're not

waiting years to make big dollars because see a lot of these kids are in

the era where social media is in the era like my son's era so they know how to

work the social media and they know how to drive traffic to videos and all this

nonsense so they can get the views and the attention and the revenue and

YouTube likes that long as the content is clean you know they're gonna make a

lot of money and they basically stopped making money overnight literally but

don't lose focus of family don't be selfish and just think about your

livelihood and not you know think about what's important you know it's not all

about money all the time and have an audience and being faithful to them you

know sometimes you got to be faithful to to the Creator

because without without him and and then your parents or your family nothing is

possible so keep that in mind when I make videos I don't really care if it's

a video that someone's gonna like it's whatever's on my mind if it's corny you

don't like to hear it don't watch the video I'm not in competition with

anybody I'm not trying to be the world's best prank video channel or the best

challenge video channel I'm just trying to be SL Davis whatever channel and

whatever's on my heart at the time is what I'm going to do and with that all

being said please subscribe share and like this video and make it a favorite

and I'll see you in the next video bye for now

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