Thứ Năm, 12 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 12 2017

Hi guys! Welcome back to "On the go with EF".

I'm Kendra and today I'm on one of my favorite shopping streets in Boston: Newbury Street.

Newbury Street is lined with 19th century brown stones containing lots of cafés and shops.

First, I'm going to meet my friend Chantel from EF.

It's always nice to have someone with you when you shop.

Are you looking for anything special? Definitely. I need something for tonight.

I might need a shirt for the game. I have one, but it's always nice to have something else.

You need some new Boston swag, yes.

But first, I want to go to that store over there. Cool! I've never been there before!

Really? It's one of my favorites. Let's do it.

T-shirt Bakery. Nice. Interesting.

It's so cool!

It looks like there's no store, right? There is no store.

Open up this door, right here, and everything changes.

It's a giant oven. Holy cow! That's awesome.

Let's go in. These are the ovens.

It's Johnny and Cupcakes, so you'd think there would be cupcakes in here,

but there are actually cool t-shirts.

A lot of them are limited, so you can only buy them here.

Really? Nice.

They have tons of other stuff. Look at these. Caps. That's cool.

This is the main event over here.

Instead of having cupcakes in the fridge, there are t-shirts. That's pretty clever.

You can get that one and the hat, and you'll be matching.

Matchy, matchy!

It looks like the Boston Red Sox, but it has cupcakes.

And that one looks like the skyline, but it has cupcakes on it, too.

My goodness. That's super cool.

I think I'm going to take this one. What do you guys think? This one?

Maybe right here?

I think this might be an awesome place to get a prize for one of you guys.

This one's cool because you can put pencils in it.

You can put all your supplies in there. What do you think?

I think this is great. Right?

A pencil case. That's cool. We're going to take this one.

Cool. Sounds good. We'll take this one. Thank you so much!

Thanks guys!

I got it! Nice.

Let's go get some Boston swag.

Yes, I definitely need some. I'm going to the game this week, actually.

I have a super huge head. No!

You see these ones? It's a flex fit. I always have to get the ones with the little band.

Long sleeves. Here we go.

It's got a nice logo on the back. It's not traditional, but still really cool.

Oh, look!

In Boston, sports is maybe number one.

And we've got the Red Sox one if you're interested in that one.

Shall we try it? We shall.

Humongous head!

Got what you wanted? Yep.


Of course, the further you go down Newbury, the more expensive the stores get.

It gets a little posh on one end. What end do you like to shop on?

I like staying in this part.

There are a lot of cool, little eclectic shops,

a lot of really fun things and restaurants to go to.

I do, too.

Now we're at the Public Gardens.

You get greeted by a huge statue of George Washington.

And there's a swan boat!

It might be a little childish, but I do like the little swan boats.

Look! There's one of the swans right now.

Right now, we're at the Public Garden and right next door is Boston Common.

This, of course, is a garden and, next door,

the Common is a grass area where a lot people lay out in the sun.

There are a lot of festivals during the year.

This is actually America's first public garden, so there's a lot of history here.

There's always something to do when you come here.

One of my favorite things to do in the summer, and actually in the fall, too, in Boston,

is to sit here and watch the swan boats.

Our shopping day has come to an end,

but I'd like to know what your favorite shopping street is.

Comment below and the best answer, or the most interesting answer,

will get this prize: the pencil case we picked up earlier.

Do come back next week. Bye!

For more infomation >> On the go with EF #47 – Kendra & Chantel go shopping in Boston - Duration: 5:07.


Diss track on Mr. Viger! - Duration: 1:46.

I'm prepared

I'm going in now

If only you were smart, you are nowhere near as smart as a fart

It's Abdul!

He thinks he is so cool

He's just a a tool

Who thinks he can rule

Stupid team with the name "Snakes"

He got no strength and a punch he can't take

Seems like he is fake

He doesn't deserve any cake

Took him down at school

What a fool


Mr. Viger

I mean Vagina

Needs more luck

Because his youtube channel sucks

Now gotta be honest

It's kind of risky rum

Call me dumb

Not you're mum

Because she already got some

You're not funny

We laugh at you, not with you

You hypocrite who isn't fit

Now sit, retard! Play the victim card

Now diss track me over a cup of tea

For more infomation >> Diss track on Mr. Viger! - Duration: 1:46.


How to Think Like an Engineer in 23 Photographs [ Funny Pictures ] - Duration: 3:24.

For more infomation >> How to Think Like an Engineer in 23 Photographs [ Funny Pictures ] - Duration: 3:24.


【瘋晴開箱】日本口袋零食開箱(ゝ∀・)吃貨們的不專業評比時間(下)feat.珍珠 - Duration: 5:13.

For more infomation >> 【瘋晴開箱】日本口袋零食開箱(ゝ∀・)吃貨們的不專業評比時間(下)feat.珍珠 - Duration: 5:13.


開箱試吃台南暴紅 雙生綠豆沙全餐 ft 金克 JinCOs - Duration: 6:08.

For more infomation >> 開箱試吃台南暴紅 雙生綠豆沙全餐 ft 金克 JinCOs - Duration: 6:08.


Рубленые РЫБНЫЕ КОТЛЕТЫ/Как приготовить рыбные котлеты быстро и вкусно? - Duration: 2:45.

For more infomation >> Рубленые РЫБНЫЕ КОТЛЕТЫ/Как приготовить рыбные котлеты быстро и вкусно? - Duration: 2:45.


Learning 2d shapes 3X Speed LetterSchool Handwriting ipad apk review for toddlers New Fun Version - Duration: 4:07.

Learning 2d shapes 3X Speed Letter School Handwriting ipad apk review for toddlers New Fun Version

For more infomation >> Learning 2d shapes 3X Speed LetterSchool Handwriting ipad apk review for toddlers New Fun Version - Duration: 4:07.


Оценка канала youtube. Как оценить свой канал на Ютубе самостоятельно? - Duration: 6:03.

For more infomation >> Оценка канала youtube. Как оценить свой канал на Ютубе самостоятельно? - Duration: 6:03.


Destiny 2 Guiding Sight In-Depth Review! Iron Banner Scout! - Duration: 5:33.

Hi Guardians welcome back for another destiny in-depth review where I review exotics and

legendary gear in order to give you a comprehensive understanding of the gear so you can play

this game as efficient and effective as possible.

Today we are going to review the Iron Banner Scout Rifle the Guiding Sight.

This is a hard hitting slow firing scout rifle that sits in the 150 rounds per minute archetype

similar like the Does not Compute.

The Guiding sight has the High Impact Frame, where this weapon is more accurate when you

are stationary and aiming down sight.

Cleanshot, red dot and the rifle scope, which all increases the handling speed and range

in several ways.

Tactical mag which increases the stability, reload speed and mag size.

Armor piercing rounds, And Pulse monitor which auto reloads parts

of the mag when you are critically wounded.

The Guiding Sight is an high impact scout rifle, which will allow you to one shot low

level enemies in PVE similar like a hand cannon but it can do so at range and it has slightly

more bullets than a typical hand cannon.

It is great for dealing damage when you are in cover at a long range for activities like

strikes or nightfalls where you want to stay at range and not too close to an end boss.

The Guiding Sight has 13 bullets in the mag and with tactical mag this is increased to

14, which is better than other hard hitting scouts which some of them only have 12 bullets

in the mag.

In general I would love all scouts to have between 16-20 bullets, but then again I might

be biased to Destiny 1 scouts which typically has a higher mag size and perks like triple

tap to get more bullets out of your mag.

So 14 bullets is ok , with this you can take down a bunch of adds without feeling interrupted

in your kill streak.

The Guiding Sight has the High Impact Frame which allow you to be more accurate when you

are stationary and aiming down sight.

So this is where Bungie sees its place for scouts, these are long range weapons where

you engage from a far behind cover like a sniper, but then without the zoomed in scope

and you have a higher fire rate than a sniper.

But in Destiny this long range stationary engagement is almost non-existing , in Pve

the public events, strikes , nightfalls and raids are all short to medium range engagements

and these events don't encourage the player to just sit at the far back and just shoot.

In Public events you need to be mobile or engage at a short distance in order to activate

heroic events, in strikes, nightfalls and in the raid there are times where you can

be at the far back and shoot the boss, but then new adds will spawn and the boss will

move around when you take down part of its health.

And the same goes for PvP where the maps are not large, and the engagements are mostly

short to medium range.

Whereas in Pve you can get a away with using a high impact scout, but in PvP you will be

totally over run by faster firing guns, like auto rifles, pulses and faster firing scouts

like the mida.

The high impact scouts has a very slow fire rate and theoretically you can have an optimum

time to kill of 1.2 second with 4 headshots, but because of the quick pace in the crucible

guardians will mostly likely ran for cover after being shot at, and the slow fire rate

of this gun will not likely be able to catch up on that making you likely to miss the other

3 headshots that you need.

The time to kill will decrease to 2 seconds with 6 body shots, I will show the time to

kill of the popular 450 rounds per minute auto rifles just for comparison sake.

But these high impact scouts can do a lot of damage, it will do 52 to the head and 37

to the body, and because of that it is great for team shotting.

And this gun can be a good when you team up with someone else that has a pulse or auto

rifle, where your teammate can start dumping some damage on the opponent and you can finish

it off with only a couple of shots or the other way around.

To conclude the high impact scouts are built for stationary long range engagement but the

truth is that these do not exist in Destiny, in PVE the engagement are mostly short-medium

range and in general you need to be mobile to play this game.

I don't think it is even fun just to sit at the back of the map and just shoot.

The same goes for Pvp where most of your engagements are short to medium range, but due to the

high damage output there is some utility by using an high impact scout as a strategic

component of your team composition.

At this point you might be wondering, I have been talking about scouts during the whole

video but I did not mention the Mida Multi Tool yet.

I have save this for the last in order to give you first a comprehensive understanding

of this gun before we compare it with the Mida.

Everything I said about this gun the Mida or in general the faster firing scouts can

do the same or better.

Without talking about the Mida, because I think it is unfair to compare a legendary

with an exotic, the faster firing scouts in general has a faster time to kill and are

easier to use because their handling is so much faster, and it has more bullets in the

mag which always comes in handy.

I can not think an any scenarios where I would prefer a high impact scout over a faster firing


So based on all of that the Guiding Sight is just another gun that exist and there is

nothing more to it than that, and thus I am going to give it a D.

Thank you so much for watching this review, I hope this review gave you the insights you

need about this gun.

Let me know what your favorite Iron Banner weapon is so far and what kind of drops you

are hoping.

Subscribe to stay up to date on my future videos.

And while you are here have a look at my recommended or latest video in the end screen.

As always I will see you in the next video guardians.

For more infomation >> Destiny 2 Guiding Sight In-Depth Review! Iron Banner Scout! - Duration: 5:33.


Несладкие кексы с сыром и ветчиной - Duration: 2:37.

For more infomation >> Несладкие кексы с сыром и ветчиной - Duration: 2:37.


Taran Killam Does an Impression of Eminem's Trump Freestyle - Duration: 3:03.

For more infomation >> Taran Killam Does an Impression of Eminem's Trump Freestyle - Duration: 3:03.


Growtopia - Making Harvesters + Rubies Items BACK! Ft. Rubie - Duration: 3:18.

For more infomation >> Growtopia - Making Harvesters + Rubies Items BACK! Ft. Rubie - Duration: 3:18.


Kids Nursery Rhymes Song Collection Kindergarten English Rhymes Junior Squad by Kids Tv - Duration: 1:11:45.

Kids nursery rhymes

For more infomation >> Kids Nursery Rhymes Song Collection Kindergarten English Rhymes Junior Squad by Kids Tv - Duration: 1:11:45.


Pequeno Simão | Canções Préescolares | Para Crianças | Música para bebés - Duration: 1:10:09.

"Simple Simon met a pieman going to the fair;

Said Simple Simon to the pieman "Let me taste your ware"

Said the pieman to Simple Simon ""Show me first your penny""

Said Simple Simon to the pieman ""Sir, I have not any!""

Simple Simon went a-fishing for to catch a whale;

All the water he had got was in his mother's pail.

Simple Simon went to look if plums grew on a thistle;

He pricked his fingers very much which made poor Simon whistle.

He went for water in a sieve but soon it all fell through;

And now poor Simple Simon, bids you all "Adieu"

"Simple Simon met a pieman going to the fair;

Said Simple Simon to the pieman "Let me taste your ware"

Said the pieman to Simple Simon ""Show me first your penny""

Said Simple Simon to the pieman ""Sir, I have not any!""

Simple Simon went a-fishing for to catch a whale;

All the water he had got was in his mother's pail.

Simple Simon went to look if plums grew on a thistle;

He pricked his fingers very much which made poor Simon whistle.

He went for water in a sieve but soon it all fell through;

And now poor Simple Simon, bids you all "Adieu"

For more infomation >> Pequeno Simão | Canções Préescolares | Para Crianças | Música para bebés - Duration: 1:10:09.


Ampyx - Holo [Hot Top NCS] - Duration: 3:49.

Ampyx - Holo [Hot Top NCS]

Ampyx - Holo [Hot Top NCS]

Ampyx - Holo [Hot Top NCS]

For more infomation >> Ampyx - Holo [Hot Top NCS] - Duration: 3:49.


Mercedes-Benz: Vans & Drones | The Future of Transport - Duration: 2:17.

The name of the project is "Vans and Drones", and together with our partner Matternet

we develop new transportation systems in combination with vans and drones.

Here in Zurich we have the chance, together with our partner siroop,

to develop and to test our e-commerce use case.

siroop is the first online market place in Switzerland.

What we see is that new delivery services are demanded by the customer.

You must be able to deliver a product when the customer is requesting it.

Once the customer ordered, the parcel got packed at the merchant and then it's mounted below the drone.

The drone will fly autonomously to the landing positions and hand the product over to the van.

And then the last mile transportation is done by the van.

The logistics challenges arise in last mile delivery when vehicles get caught up in city traffic,

and this is what causes delays, unreliability and of course costs.

And these are the challenges we believe we can solve

combining Mercedes-Benz Vans together with the Matternet drones.

We equipped our vans with electronic systems also on the roof of the van.

And this makes it feasible that the drone is able to land autonomously.

The driver can take over the parcel box and can do the last mile and deliver the parcel to the end customer.

Time is a very important issue and with the "Vans and Drones" technology we see the potential

to reduce the delivery time also if the cargo volume is increasing.

We are enthusiastic about this project because this is the first time that such a solution has been developed.

Together we are able to bring all of our experiences in and therefore, I'm sure, we will make this pilot successful.

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