Thứ Năm, 12 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 12 2017

today I have three more awesome Illustrator text effects were you guys a

tryout for yourself

what is up people welcome back to satori graphics the home of graphic design

content or right here on YouTube remember to subscribe for weekly graphic

design uploads in Hampton already and to turn on these notifications let's jump

right into these three illustrator text effects in today's tutorial design

tutorial for this first text effect in Illustrator you want to use a sans serif

font I'm using go bold lo+ which you can find online if you want to use it as

well also lower the coning so the lettering is closer together

to turn the tanks into an actual vector shape create the outlines like so from

here grab the pen tool or make triangle shapes that are going to add like shards

of shattered glass for our text effect

I would just show you the technique on two triangles

once Chevy triangles select each one individually and then go to objects path

and divide objects below

do this for all of your triangles one by one once you've done that select

everything and then go to object and ungroup you can then use a selection

tool and hold down shift to select more pieces of a shard at once and change the

positioning giving the illusion of shatter glass for this illustrator text

effect I personally love this vector text effect and I think it looks pretty


this second also illustrator tacks of faith requires a very thick font I'm

using impact to show you guys is tiny expand the appearance of the text like

so another gradient fill change the direction so it's darker the very top

and then use CMYK color mode we want values of 100 zero zero and zero the

other side of the gradient should be white then under the effect section

illustrator locate the halftone option

every single value should be zero apart from the first one which you might have

to play around with until you get a right we then need to expand the

appearance and then open up the image trace window as we need to turn the text

effect into an actual vector path because right now is not one play around

with the threshold and keep black and white selected at the very bottom check

the ignore white option

once you happy go to object image trace and expand now your design is a vector

and you can add color and edit it as you see fit

the last illustrator text effect is going to involve layering vectors over a

text add some texture the font I'm using is called

as we've done before in today tutorial create the outlines of your text and

then open up a Finder window

we need to make sure all of our text is the same base object so use the unite

function in the path line there we now need to open up the transparency window

for the next part of this text effect Hennig widget X selected in the

transparency window choose make mask uncheck the clip option and then

highlight the right-hand side window in the description below or have a link to

these vectors here that you're seeing now we need to ungroup everything twice

to locate a specific shape once you've done that press command or ctrl C to

copy it and then head back to your text and hit command or ctrl V to paste it in

the mask window it may take a while to load because there are multiple shapes

and effects on this vector

once you're happy simply click the left hand side box in transparency window and

then change the color of the text editor

so did you find these three also many illustrator text effects useful let me

know in the description below and subscribe for for weekly graphics and

uploads if you haven't done already have yourself a great weekend when Friday

does spin around and until next time design your future today peace

For more infomation >> 3 AWESOME ILLUSTRATOR TEXT EFFECTS | Satori Graphics - Duration: 6:13.


गर्म पानी पीने के ये फ़ायदे जान कर आप हैरान रह जाएँगे II DRINKING WARM WATER BENEFITS II - Duration: 4:34.

Welcome to health care at home

Often you must have heard saying my, "Don't drink cold water & drinks as they are very harmful"

instead I've asked you to drink warm water as its very much beneficial

So I thought let me share some health benefits of drinking warm water

If you are suffering from acidity, drink a glass of water and you'll have noticeable relief in the acidity

If you are suffering form cough & cold, drink warm water in every 2-3 hour

You can add lemon also but if you'll have warm water daily, then without medicine your problem will be cured

People who suffers from migraine they should regularly consume warm water

If they'll drink 8-10 glass of warm water, they'll start getting relief in migraine

In a particular season viral fever becomes epidemic in India

So whenever viral fever is knocking at your health, start consuming warm water

Drink warm water, cover yourself with bed sheet and sleep

you'll sweat but then back again drink warm water and cover yourself with bed sheet and sleep

You don't need to take any medicine. whenever you are suffering from viral fever consume warm water

With sweating your fever will be in control

Lot of people drink cold water due to heat of fever, don't do this

Drink warm water and try to get rid of the fever, let you body sweat

You'll notice that within 2-3 days you'll get rid of viral fever

Consume warm water if you are suffering from High BP, Cholesterol,

If your cholesterol level is high but with drinking warm water will control your cholesterol level within a month

But make sure to don't consume Fried/Fatty Food

Also if you are avoiding non-veg food,very soon your cholesterol level will be normal

Low & High Both BP are cured with warm water

If you are suffering from Joint Pain, drink warm water and you'll see noticeable relief in this problem

People who are overweight, tummy fat should consume warm water only

Every morning you should drink at least 4 glass warm water

Initially you'll not be able to drink 4 glass instead you'll drink 1-2 cups only

Don't torture yourself instead make your body habitual of this slowly

Get up early morning and drink warm water by sitting in squat position

If you'll finish 4 glass of water in 30 mins then you'll get rid of lot of problems

All types of stomach related problems are cured with warm water

Warm water is also beneficial for people who are suffering form Diabetes & high BP,

For overweight people its a boon to reduce their weight

Those who have poor appetite, drinking warm water helps to improve their appetite

And if your appetite is improved, slowly your weight will increase

Its even beneficial for the people who are suffering from heart blockage

Warm water is actually magical

So today onward stop drinking cold water and cold drinks

Instead consume lukewarm water or warm water and changes in your life

Rest our wish is only that you stay healthy, busy, carefree and be with us.

To meet us you have to subscribe this channel.

Tell to your friends & relatives to subscribe this channel.

Get the health benefits by sitting at home & support us in our motive

Our motive is that maximum number of people should get health benefits at home

So don't forget to share & like our videos as much as you can. Thank you

For more infomation >> गर्म पानी पीने के ये फ़ायदे जान कर आप हैरान रह जाएँगे II DRINKING WARM WATER BENEFITS II - Duration: 4:34.


Unseen Mothers Of South Indian Actress ! 2017 - Duration: 4:11.

Unseen Mothers Of South Indian Actress ! 2017

For more infomation >> Unseen Mothers Of South Indian Actress ! 2017 - Duration: 4:11.


Son Little - Episode 3 "Blue Magic" - Duration: 2:19.

For more infomation >> Son Little - Episode 3 "Blue Magic" - Duration: 2:19.


Thiếu Niên Cẩm Y Vệ 3 | Nhạc Điện Tử Ma Quái Gây Nghiện Hay Nhất | BOONG - Duration: 47:04.

For more infomation >> Thiếu Niên Cẩm Y Vệ 3 | Nhạc Điện Tử Ma Quái Gây Nghiện Hay Nhất | BOONG - Duration: 47:04.


「大丈夫、犬は怖くないよ」と母猫に教えてもらった子猫。でもやっぱりまだドキドキするようで…【癒される】 - Duration: 2:14.

For more infomation >> 「大丈夫、犬は怖くないよ」と母猫に教えてもらった子猫。でもやっぱりまだドキドキするようで…【癒される】 - Duration: 2:14.


Modded Minecraft (MewsCraft) ep 3 - Nekomews + Red - Duration: 3:02:49.

For more infomation >> Modded Minecraft (MewsCraft) ep 3 - Nekomews + Red - Duration: 3:02:49.


How it's made: non-autoclaved aerated concrete - Duration: 10:57.

Aerated concrete is one of the most famous building blocks.

It is known for its strength, light weight and low price.

There are a lot of houses, schools, hospitals, shopping centers built of aerated concrete.

How was invented aerated concrete?

Czech engineer Hoffman is the first one

who gave the concrete a porous structure. He used carbon dioxide

and chloride salts which released gas in a concrete solution.

In 1889, Hoffman received a patent

but the discovery was not applied in practice.

In 1914, Americans Aulsworth and Dyer used aluminum and zinc powders.

Hydrogen was released during the chemical reaction of powders with hydrated lime.

This is how the concrete became porous.

In 1923, Johan Axel Eriksson found another way to make the porous structure of concrete.

He added the aluminum powder to the mixture of quicklime,

siliceous components and cement.

This method went into an industry.

A large production of aerated concrete began in 1929 in the "Ytong"

Engineers took as a basis the technology of autoclaving.

They did not use the cement at all.

In 1934, the Swedish firm

introduced another way of producing aerated concrete - non-autoclave.

The technology is based on mixing the portland cement and the silica component

without a lime.

How do they make the non-autoclaved aerated concrete?

This is a plant for the production of non-autoclaved aerated concrete.

The dozens of such plants are opened every year in Russia.

This is a mixer. Here the production process begins.

The raw material - cement and sand - enters from the top.

From here the sand enters on the vibrating screen.

After sifting it falls onto a conveyor belt.

There, the sand is weighed and falls into the mixer.

The maximum fraction of sand is two millimeters.

Without impurities of silt and clay.

Any foreign inclusions in the sand can disrupt the technology.

Therefore, manufacturers of aerated concrete choose raw materials carefully.

Sometimes sand is replaced with dolomite flour or fly ash.

It is a control unit for dispensers and conveyors.

This part is responsible for weighing sand, cement, water volume.

Chemical additives - aluminum powder, caustic soda and sodium sulphate

workers manually weighed.

There is a separate small mixer for the aluminum slurry.

At the same time workers weigh fiber.

This is an optional additive.

It is used to increase the final strength of aerated concrete.

The water of the required volume has already entered the mixer.

The worker closes the tap and put the cement,

then he put the sand.

The mixture is stirred for about a minute.

Mixer works.

Sand, cement and water have already become homogeneous mass.

The worker adds chemical components.

Worker launched a mixer for suspension.

It mixes aluminum powder, water and washing powder.

The powder flushes out the wax from the aluminum powder

so that the slurry reacts with the future aerated concrete mixture.

When the suspension is ready, it is poured into a pitcher with a liter mark.

It helps to control the volume.

The prepared suspension is poured into a large mixer.

The remaining components are mixing for several minutes.

The mixer for the suspension is ready for use again.

In a large mixer, the aerated concrete mix is almost prepared.

In a few seconds it can be turned off.

The worker turns off the mixer and immediately prepares to drain the mixture.

Forms are filled with a solution not completely - about two-thirds.

We need to leave room for the mixture to rise.

The tap for draining the mixture is blocked.

Soon the mixer will be filled again with the raw material for the next pouring.

Forms with aerated concrete mixture are sent to the preheating chamber.

In the warmth, the mixture rises faster.

The molds stand in the preheating chamber for 3-4 hours.

During this time the mixture will rise and solidify.

But not completely - so that the array kept the shape, but easily cut.

The array is ready for cutting.

First, the workers clean the top crust.

They cut it with a string and remove the top layer with a special scraper.

The top crust will be processed and then will be used in production.

Now the array is ready for cutting.

Workers take off and carry the sides.

Fastening of the sides is simple and reliable.

The pallet with an array is rolled up under the cutting unit.

The pallet quickly moves along the rails from a slight push.

The width of the blocks has already been set in the cutting machine

the strings stand at the right distance.

Wide blocks will go for the construction of external walls,

narrow blocks will be used for interior walls.

Strings for cutting quickly move towards each other.

They cut the array quickly and evenly.

Each block will have a smooth facet after the string.

Now the tray with the cut blocks is taken to the heating chamber.

The blocks will remain in the warmth for another 5-6 hours to gain the ultimate strength.

All its way the pallet passes on rails.

It was sent to the camera by an electro-mechanical pusher.

A transfer trolley is necessary to pick up the finished blocks

on the other side of the heating chamber.

The pallet is moved to a trolley. Then workers transport the trolley to the point of parcing the array.

Here is finished blocks.

It gained the strength and can go to a warm warehouse.

Workers put the blocks on a wooden pallets.

A metal tray is prepared to the next fill.

It has been cleaned and oiled so that the solution does not adhere to the mold.

The same will be done with boards.

As soon all parts of mold are cleaned and oiled they are fastened together.

The closed mold becomes absolutely hermetic.

Now the mold can be refilled.

It is delivered to the mixer along the rails, where another portion of the aerated concrete solution is already ready.

Here the whole process will be repeated.

In one day, there are 50-70 such cycles.

Here is the finished goods warehouse.

Blocks are tightened with film and continue to gain strength.

In 2 days the aerated concrete will be shipped to customers.

This volume is enough for 200 square meters of development.

The manufacturer's profit for one day will be about 700$.

For more infomation >> How it's made: non-autoclaved aerated concrete - Duration: 10:57.


Learn Colors with bad baby and Toys Review for Children, Toddlers and Babies! Fun and Education - Duration: 0:57.

Please comment, like, share, and subcribe my channel for more video

For more infomation >> Learn Colors with bad baby and Toys Review for Children, Toddlers and Babies! Fun and Education - Duration: 0:57.



For more infomation >> GALATASARAY | 12 EKİM 2017 | SABAH SPORU GS GÜNDEMİ Part 1 | ÇİĞDEM CEYLAN & TANER KARAMAN | Youtube - Duration: 12:18.


Aiguillette de poulet au lait de coco - Recette SOCOOKING - Duration: 1:59.

Chicken aiguillette with coconut milk and soy sauce

Heat the pan in high heat and put some oil

Put 1 tablespoon of maizena in 400gr of chicken aiguillette

Put 1 teaspoon of curry in the pan

Sauté 400gr of chicken aiguillette for each side

Add some maggi or soy sauce (optional)

Once the chicken brown, lower the heat to medium heat

Add 25 cl of coconut milk and 1 tablespoon of soy sauce

Mix, salt and pepper and put the lid

Let cook during 10/15minutes covered in medium heat

At the end of cooking, put 2 tablespoon of sesame seeds

Mix and that's it!

Recipe written in

For more infomation >> Aiguillette de poulet au lait de coco - Recette SOCOOKING - Duration: 1:59.


BAD Baby cry & Learn Colors with | Colorful Lolipops | Finger Family Song |Today kids TV - Duration: 1:46.

BAD Baby cry & Learn Colors with | Colorful Lolipops | Finger Family Song

For more infomation >> BAD Baby cry & Learn Colors with | Colorful Lolipops | Finger Family Song |Today kids TV - Duration: 1:46.


wrong colors, heads | Talking Tom ,hulk minion | Daddy Finger Family Song Nursery Rhymes song - Duration: 2:11.

wrong colors, heads | Talking Tom ,hulk minion | Daddy Finger Family Song Nursery

For more infomation >> wrong colors, heads | Talking Tom ,hulk minion | Daddy Finger Family Song Nursery Rhymes song - Duration: 2:11.


Christ is not like a snail: Signs and symbols | National Gallery - Duration: 6:15.

For more infomation >> Christ is not like a snail: Signs and symbols | National Gallery - Duration: 6:15.


Coronation Street cast member's life hangs in the balance in car crash scare - Duration: 3:20.

Coronation Street cast member's life hangs in the balance in car crash scare

Coronation Street cast member David the dogs life flashed before his very eyes in what could have been a brutal road accident.

Cathy Matthews was close to squishing David Platts beloved pet pooch when her windscreen wiper fluid was sabotaged by Amy Barlow and her band of followers.

The meddling school kids poured blue paint into Cathys car, which sparked disaster when she tried cleaning the vehicles windows while in motion.

CLOSE CALL: Cathy nearly drove over David the dog.

Brain Packman said: Windscreen is filthy.

Use your wipers. And just as paint splattered across the screen, Cathy almost lost control and veered into David who was sat chilling in the middle of the road.

Luckily, the widower – who was dressed up in 70s gear for a Boney M tribute concert – managed to spot the puppy and slammed the breaks on.

Fans raced to Twitter with their hearts in their mouths as they thought they were about to lose another beloved character.

BRUSH WITH DEATH: David was sat in the middle of the road.

LUCKY ESCAPE: Cathy managed to break just in the nick of time.

Twitter One person tweeted: Omg I would NOT have been happy if anything had happened to David the dog. Poor David the dog! Thank God hes ok, added another.

A third posted: My heart skipped a beat. The Yorkshire Terrier only joined the cobbles in April when he was left to David in an old ladys will who was a regular at Audreys salon.

BELOVED PET: David the dog joined the soap in April.

David the dog has had a tough time of it lately.

Just a few weeks ago he was dognapped by neighbour Yasmeen Nazir.

Someone wrap this woofer in bubble wrap.

Catch Coronation Street on Friday at 7:30pm on ITV.

For more infomation >> Coronation Street cast member's life hangs in the balance in car crash scare - Duration: 3:20.


Jaw Pain Relief (TMJ Treatment) - Duration: 4:13.

Dom McKay musculoskeletal therapist in this video I'm going to be talking to

you about the jaw and I'm gonna be showing you ways of mobilizing it and

massaging it yourself so if you're getting any of these TMJ type pains like

jaw pain or your you've got neck and shoulder issues that seem to be really

persistent then treating the jaw is a really good way of of releasing a lot of

these pains now the jaw is quite intricately connected with what goes on

in your neck and shoulders so it's it's a part of the puzzle with neck and

shoulder pain that is missed by some practitioners so to work on this jaw

were actually just going to use our fingers we won't be using any tools at

all for this so begin by placing your fingers just on the joint of your jaw

here so where where you feel the movement is so that's where I want you

to find those sort of meaty muscles that are around that area so you if you poke

around a little bit you'll feel the most intense parts and the most areas that

give you the most intense sensation is where you want to hold so you're just

pressing into those points and just exploring through the jaw so I'll turn

slightly to the side here so you can see more easily now you don't need a lot of

pressure for this just needs to be gentle pressure and then what I want you

to do is explore just around the the back of the jaw here now if you poked in

just under the ear you'll find some quite intense sensations there so just

want you to hold a finger in there you might feel pain referring into your head

into your face that means that you've got some good spots there

okay so once you've spent a good couple of minutes exploring through all those

areas that I just explained we can start to do some stretches and some some a

meaty muscle energy technique work on the jaw so to begin with let's um let's

stretch the jaw sideways so what we're gonna do is we're gonna move that door

to the side and then we're going to resist with a counter force against our

hand so pushing the jaw to the side and then pushing it back against our hands

gently and then for about three to five seconds and then just relaxing and

allowing the jaw to migrate further to that side so pushing the jaw to the side

and we resist and relax now you want to do that for a couple of a couple two to

three times each side so we do it on the other side as well so pushing the jaw to

the side resist

and relax and the jaw will already start to feel a little bit looser now the next

thing we're gonna do is opening up the mouth as wide as we can and then placing

the hand on the chin you can put it in your mouth if you really want to get a

good grip placing the hands on the chin and now resist against the force of the

hand and then relax allow the tool to open up and again you can do this for

two to two three times and at the end of this sequence you'll really start to

feel like your jaw has loosened up and that will affect your whole neck and


For more infomation >> Jaw Pain Relief (TMJ Treatment) - Duration: 4:13.


Baikunther Will | Bengali Movie | English Subtitle | Bikash Roy - Duration: 1:47:37.

This is the story of

The name of this village is Babuganj.

Those landlords are absent today and..

..grandeur of their village

..yet the place retains its old name.

The residents of the villagers

..washer men,

..and a handful of families

Baikuntha runs a small

The shop doesn't do good business.

But, he has no means of survival.. Baikuntha Majumdar


It has been very difficult

..for the last few months.

Have you got any

Did you get money or did

..get rid of their

Stop it, Banamali.

Do you think Baikuntha Mazumdar will..

..marry for dowry?

She came to his house is

That's all.

Shop.. it's not so

What do you think your master

Nothing is hidden, sir.

He is just the way he was.

He says the same thing.

He says, "I don't care for troubles,

"God is always there to help me."

"I'll never deprive you of your dues.

Great! Such words sound good.

Well, I'll leave now.

Sir, pay for it.

I'll pay you later.

Mr. Ghosal, come. Come. - I won't sit.

Where is the owner of the shop?

He won't come now.

He promised me to pay

I can't let the dues remain

Why will it be unpaid, Mr. Ghosal?

My master told me that you

..from Babuganj.

Here it is. 75 rupees. - Only 75 rupees?

He still has a huge amount due,

Well, we haven't earned

We'll pay the rest of the dues very soon.

I know that my dues will be paid.

But, Baikuntha,

What's the matter, Chakroborty?

What can happen?

Baikuntha has married the second time.

Baikuntah Majumdar has married again?

What are you saying, Mr. Banerjee?

That's the truth.

It says that people change

Has my brother left his business

This shop is very dear to him.

How can he be busy with this family?

He was not ready to get married.

He was unable to concentrate

..of his young son who

I couldn't tell you I was busy with

I was not sure that

Yet, I took out time from my business.

He is Gokul, my son.

His mother died leaving him motherless.

I didn't think back

I wouldn't have married again.

But when I realized that I can't

..I agreed with lot of fear in my heart.

But, god found out about my problems.

Today I think that

So, I gathered the courage

Do you take his responsibility?

Give me the strength god that I never

Since that day when Baikuntha

Bhabani started taking

When Binod was born two

..realize that she is not

..and his brother is not

Gokul and Binod started growing

Bhabani showers all her motherly

10 years passed by this way.

No. I won't give it.

Look.. look at him.

Baikuntha's elder son is fighting again.

He is always fighting

Hey Gokul.. what's wrong?

He is not returning the marbles.

Those are my brother's marbles.

How can a small boy

Go. Go away.

Binod will cry if he

He will cry?

He isn't even your own brother.

You don't have to show

Go. Go. Go home.


Why did you come home?

The teacher is not good.

He talks rudely with me.

Gokul, don't speak

What did he say?

You must've done some mischief.

I didn't do anything wrong.

That man told that I'm over

He spoke other rough words.

Mother, is step-brother not my own?

Did the teacher say all this to you?

The school teacher.

One day I'll hurt his

Gokul, this isn't right.

You've grown up now.

Don't listen to what others say.

You are Binod's elder brother.

Binod is your younger brother.

You are his 'dada'.

Play with him. Make him study.

You want me to teach him?

You can't avoid your duties.

You must take him

I've lot of work from tomorrow.

I must teach Binod, play with him,

It's going to be great fun, mother.

What's the matter?

Did you hear what your elder son said?

He'll teach Binod from tomorrow.

He'll be responsible

He will definitely do everything for him.

That's why I'm at peace by handing

I'm not a small boy anymore.

I don't pay heed to what others say.

I'm the elder brother of Binod.

I'll take him out to

Well I've lot of work.

I can understand.

You always say the same thing.

You always want me to

Do you know how many

I'll go to the mango

From there I've to go to another place.

Stop worrying about Binod

Or I'll go and tell master.

I can't do it.

The math problems.

You can't solve the problems

Concentrate and you'll be able to do it.

If one maund of oil

..then what is the price

If one maund of oil

Salutations to you,

Situated besides river Ganges.

The vast sky covers your head.

You've small villages full of greenery.

Binod.. you know what happened last night?

What happened, brother?

Last night I dreamt that

..that you've surprised everybody.

It's not easy to get good marks.

Yes, you'll get it.

You'll surely get good marks.

Today is your annual exam.

It's time to test what you've

Let me tell you something.

Our school may be very

Don't adopt unfair means

..or someone else's copy to pass.

I believe that you

Sit down. Sit down all of you.

What happened? Why are you sitting?

Write whatever you know.

Copy from the boy sitting next to you.

Copy from him.

He is a stupid fellow.

Habu's mother, it's late but

The elder one must be busy

They've come.

Go and get food for them.

They didn't eat anything for a long time.

Mother, Binod has

He will definitely stand first.

Don't believe him, mother.

He always exaggerates about me.

Why will I do so?

Stop arguing. Come and eat. Come.

We must pay 250 rupees

Have you arranged the money?

If we don't have to pay

We must clear the dues we

..the oil supplier.

If there isn't enough cheaper price and pay their dues.

Baikunta, are you at home? - Come. Come.

So, you are here.

How is everyone in your family?

Are your sons alright?

How is Bhabani?

By your blessings everyone is fine.

Please be seated and enjoy tobacco.

I don't have time to relax.

It's time for the final

Chakroborty, give me 250

Actually my wife wants to have

Hurry up and give me.

We already owe you money.

Won't you pay for..

Don't worry about

I've already discussed about

Come on hurry up and give me.

I'll take a quick bath before I go home.

The final results of the

Come on, give me quickly.


Did you get the oil free since

Don't pull my leg,

Of course. Why are you worried?

You addressed Majumdar's

You deserve to get things for free.

Gouri Chandra Haldar.

Kishore Ghosal.

Bishnu Charan Poddar.

Haridas Naik. Promoted.

Krishna Charan Mallick. Promoted.

Sricharan Mallick. Promoted.

Batakrishna Pal. Promoted.

Narayan Chandra Ghosh. Promoted.

The names of the students who've

Are you sad because

I heard that Gokul has failed.

He is bound to fail.

He never answered questions in class.

He may not have passed

..has got double promotion.

How many people get double promotion?

Failure. Failure.


What's wrong Gokul?

What happened?

Why are you crying?

Didn't you fare well in the exams?

Didn't you get promoted?

This happens. Don't worry.

One who can face his problems a tough person.

Don't cry. Study well this time.

You'll definitely pass next year.

Mother, I stood first.

He not only stood first

No one in school got

The teachers are surprised

Didn't I tell you that he'll do so well?

Well, I know how Binod did.

How did Gokul do in his exams?

He was busy with his brother.

He didn't get time to study.

Don't scold me.

Gokul will definitely

Come, I'll tell you stories.

Habu's mother, lay a mat for us.

Where is my mother Bhabani?

Mother, you are a very fortunate mother.

You've given birth

Binod stood first amongst so many boys.

He has go double promotion.

Even the head master was

He was stunned.

I've taught so many students

Binod will definitely grow

And look at Gokul.

I was the invigilator in his class.

So many boys opened

..the table and copied from it.

Mallick's sons who sat next

Gokul will also stand first next year.

What? Gokul will stand first?

Can the sun rise in the west?

He is a shameless boy.

He argues with the boys

..but his brother has stood first.

He also told them that rarely

He is happy that his

Don't criticize him,

Yes, he really loves him.

It's rare to find boys

Let me tell you something.

He'll definitely grow

I'll leave now, mother.

It's time for work. I'll leave.

Everyone copied from

Why didn't you copy?

What happened?

Head master told everyone not to cheat.

He had told everyone.

Why did they copy?

The headmaster told us not to cheat.

Don't scold him.

I've nothing to say.

Your elder son has ashamed me today.

Gokul, you don't have

Come with me.

He won't go to school?

He'll go to the shop with me from today.

What are you saying?

I didn't say anything wrong.

I thought about it throughout

Do anything but I won't

Why are you so angry?

Who is angry? - Who else? You.

Did you ever see me getting angry?

What are you saying?

Children sometimes fail to get promoted.

This doesn't mean that you'll

I never get angry.

Gokul, go.

I'll happily take your

I can't assure you like Mr. Banerjee if..

..your younger son will be a judge.

But I'm sure that you can

I know that.

But Gokul is a very simple boy.

Will he understand

People may cheat him.

Everyone won't cheat him.

But I know some people will.

Let them cheat.

He won't cheat anyone and so

Gokul has managed to overcome

You won't understand

What will people say?

I don't care what people say.

I'll be assured that I'll

..handing over your

Why do you speak such ominous things?

Well, take him with you.

I won't stop you.

Gokul, come with me.

Go to the shop with him.

Seek your mother's blessings.

We'll be able to survive if

Where are you taking your son to,

This fellow couldn't

So, I've decided that he'll

What? You'll ask him to drop

If he has your blessings

Well, you are not wrong.

Business helps a person to earn well.

Did you see what he has done?

So what if his son didn't get promoted?

Why did he take this decision?

He couldn't have done

Why doesn't he ask Binod

His wife will thrash

Young man, you are here. Come. Come.

What brings you here

Gokul will sit in the shop from today.

Train him how to handle

I will do so. He must know

But, why did you ask

I've toiled very hard to

If Gokul can keep this running then.. family will never

Crisis? He should just learn

I've brought Gokul here with

Gokul, never forget my words.

You can't gain anything

It's you who will have

I've gone through lot of hardships.

I've suffered a lot.

But, I didn't bow down before

Please maintain my honor, son.

Here is your due.

Put some more.

We've sold goods worth

We've spent 13 rupees 12 annas.

So, how much do we have with us?

Right. Right. Note it down in the copy.

What do you think of him, Chakroborty?

Is he learning how

He is always busy at the shop.

No one can say that you

Give me salt.

He may not be intelligent

What do you say, Banamali? - Yes.

What have you done master?

You've ordered 10 tons of clarified

It's going to be a grand affair.

You say anything, Chakroborty.

It's my elder son's wedding.

The first family occasion

Don't you think I

Welcome. Welcome.

You are the goddess

Habu's mother, where are all of you?

The gifts from the

Go and inform madam.

They arranged everything

They had arranged a grand feast.

I've never seen anyone

That's not all.

They served at least

..and four pairs of sandesh (sweets).

Come on, pick it up.

The price of lentils has reduced.

Buy the lentils at low price, Mr.

Day after tomorrow is the market day.

I'll send someone and try to get it.

No, don't send anyone.

You must bargain and check

Great! Great! Gokul, you've done so well.

The shop is unrecognizable.

Earlier you had a small shop

By your blessings he is dealing

That's very good.

I bless that you prosper.

Weigh 250 grams of jiggery for me.

Gokul, I had come to ask you something.

How is the health of Baikuntha now?

I heard that he is sick.

He is not well, sir.

He is bed ridden for the past few days.

Baikuntha is such a nice person.

I felt very sad when I

It really disturbed me and I

We can't go against fate.

Consult good doctors and get him treated.

You've got everything because of him.

Have you weighed the jaggery?

I'm taking some jiggery.

Write down the dues against my name.

Mr. Chakroborty.. - Yes.

Binod is busy with

Don't you think you should

I've already sent him

So what? Don't you

He wrote to you few days back for money.

Why didn't you send money to him?

Read his letter and

I sent him good amount of money twice.. the beginning of the month.

I thought he won't need more money.

He won't need more? You don't

You've lost your common sense.

He is studying for MA exams.

You don't know how

Immediately send him a money order.

It's really difficult

You've already sent him money twice and.. you thought you don't


He is working so hard.

How can he continue

What happened?

Well you tell me how many

..who got five gold medals?

Shouldn't we send his expenses on time?

Is there anyone talented

He is an honors graduate.

It's not so easy to be one.

What did you say?

I don't care anyone.

I directly told Bishnu

..but he can never be

That's not possible.

I just pray that his post


Mother, I can't keep

What happened?

Binod asked for money thrice.

But, he didn't think it's

He is just an ordinary shop manager.

How will he know about

He is not a student

He is doing post graduation.

He doesn't know anything

He asked for money and

I've to deal with such stupid people.

Have the medicine.

If only the medicines could

Are you worried about the business?

Gokul is managing everything.

I'm not worried about business.

I'm relaxed after handing

I'm worried about Binod.

He had a long summer vacation


I don't believe he spends

Glory to you!

Glory to the elder

What do you mean?

It's simple.

..boring without your support.

If you didn't have a wouldn't get

Well, let's finalize today's plan.

Let's enjoy.

Let eat, dance and enjoy.

No, Haran da. - Then?

We'll go out and watch theatre. - Oh!

Hello boys! How are you?

We were worried about you.

Let's finalize our plan.

Brother, the final

We will go to the

Who is he?

He has come to meet me.

Haran da, will you go away today?

I'll go today, right now.

What are you saying, brother?

You've come from the village.

Enjoy for some time

What are you doing?

I'm from Darzipara.

Binod has opened an ashram. - Ashram?

So, are you meditating? - mediating?

We just spend. Only spend.

Do you know who in-charge

Ms.. - What's her name?

Forget it. Let's enjoy few pegs here.

Where is the bottle of brandy?

Hopeless. - Forget it.

It's fine that you don't drink.

At least smoke a cigarette. - Ok.

Come on, light it properly. Smoke.

It's very nice. - Drink alcohol

I'll leave now.

Haran da, tell mother that I'm fine here.

I'll go as soon as I get time.

I've seen how you are here;

Will you tell her everything?

Do you think I will tell

I'll go home straight from the station.

I won't reveal anything. - That's great.

Hello uncle Banamali.

Oh! Did you meet Binod?

He is studying hard,

Well, drinking is good for health.

Binod drinks? - Yes.

What are you saying? - That's true.

Don't tell anyone.

He has also opened an ashram. - Ashram?

There's a woman there.

Shame. Shame.

Forget it.

Habu's mother, what's going on?

I just heard that your master's

He doesn't even come home.

Is it true? - God knows the truth.

How can I say anything?

Baikuntha's son Binod

What are you saying, Haran?

That's the truth.

He is spending money all the time.

He is busy enjoying himself.

I can't speak about the

No, doctor. I don't need medicines.

Can you take me away from this village?

Don't get excited.

I don't need medicines, doctor.

It would've been better

But I never imagined that

..about my younger son Binod.

I never imagined I

We haven't been welcomed warmly today.

Do you hear me? We are here.

What's wrong? She isn't speaking.

What can I do for you?

What's wrong? Tell me. - Nothing.

Ok, now I understand.

Hey you wretched fellow,

Apologize to her immediately.

He is a rich man.

No. I know you are angry.

Binod is ignorant,

Why are you so concerned

Binod is my relative.

He is the younger brother

I've taken the responsibility

Forget all that.

What have you done? - Nothing.

He won't speak up now. Didn't

Oh! So, this is the matter.

Ok. Where do you wish to go?

Delhi, Agra, Lucknow, Kanpur?

Anywhere you wish to go.

For the past six months he had

He couldn't even take me there.

Hazaribagh? I thought you

It's nearby.

Well, I'll arrange everything.

I'm from Darzipara. I'll do as I say.

Will you pay me in cash?

Ok. I'll arrange everything.

I'll go through the timetable

There won't be any delay.

Send someone to buy a bottle of alcohol.

How do you feel now? - I'm not well.

I feel uneasy.

It's time for me to leave this world.

Take care of my sons until you join me.

I hand over their responsibility to you.

Don't say such things.

I married you with

But god blessed me with a wife

I wish Binod didn't

I could've died happily.

Don't worry about Binod.

He may be doing wrong

..he'll realize his mistakes.

I can't even die in peace.

I fear everything will

I won't be able to

I'll be in pain even after death.

Please calm down.

That's not all.

I fear that you won't have

..and Gokul may land up in

I can't trust your son.

No one except god knows

Binod may have gone astray

How can I deprive your son?

"Love remains alive in the memories."

"Love remains alive in the memories."

"The heart sings the melodies of love."

"The dusk sheds tears

"The glass is shattered."

"It doesn't quench my thirst."

"The fragrance of flowers

"The fragrance of flowers

"The heart sings the melodies of love."

"Did you make a mistake in love?"

"You exchanged flowers for thorns."

"You light lamps and dress up."

"You light lamps and dress up."

"The heart sings the melodies of love."

"Love remains alive in the memories."

"Love remains alive in the memories."

"Love remains alive."

"The heart sings the melodies of love."

Wonderful! Fantastic!

It's the situation that

I understand everything.

What's wrong with you?

Why didn't you praise such a lovely song?

I don't feel good. - You don't feel good.

I know what's wrong.

Are you kissing home? What do you say?

Why don't you go?

Is everything fine?

I'm not worried about money, Nanda da.

I may do anything but I know something.

As long as elder brother is there

I'll get the money whenever I ask for it.

He has provided my education

He never questioned me anything.

My parents may have doubts.

But, my elder brother

This is the greatest joy in my life.

Give this paper to Nabakestho.

This is my final will.

I, Shri Baikuntha Majumdar,

..district Hoogly.

I have decided in my senses

So, the workers are coming from Kolkata?

Father has left behind a lot of property.

He won't be at peace if

..worthy of him. - Right. Right.

Shambhu. Shambhu.

Come here.

Take these yogurt pots and

Where is Binod? We can't see him.

When will he come?

Don't ask about him.

What are you saying?

You need him too.

He also must perform

Don't ask about the brother

..even after his father's death.

My brother is dead.

Will they keep standing here, mother?

Is she going to lose

I'm responsible for everything.

There is yogurt,

There are so many varieties of sweets.

Gokul has made good arrangements.

That's true.

It's only that..

Stop your nonsense. Stop it.

Don't fight amongst yourselves. - No.

Do you see how she is behaving?

Why? What has happened?

What can happen?

She is not speaking

..when I told her something

The men were standing with

..but she couldn't even tell

Brother-in-law ruined everything.

If he didn't do so it would've been ours.

Is this the way she should behave?

You know everything.

Now tell me if this is the truth or not.

She'll forget anything brother-in-law

You are her step-son.

How can she tolerate

Don't disregard my words.

You must be careful from now on.

If your heart melts every time

Property is very dangerous.

I'm a woman and I can

..of a woman better than men.

Please think about my words.

We can't tolerate brother-in-law's

You've got him educated.

He can take up a job now,

If he thinks that he'll's not acceptable.

He needs to take care of her.

We'll do as much we can for her.

People shouldn't say that

So, what if he is a step-brother?

We won't say such things.

We are not from such a family.

She'll forget anything brother-in-law

You are her step-son.

How can she tolerate

You must be careful from now on.

If your heart melts every time

Property is very dangerous.

Mother, you shouldn't sulk like this.

Your daughter-in-law

Binod is wasting money.

What can I do if father

Will you be angry because of this?

You can't be angry.

I don't want anything, son.

Then don't sulk.

Tell Binod to take up a job.

I can't give him a place in my house.

I know that, Gokul.

Speak about it?

I told mother clearly

Let them do anything they wish to.

What did she say?

What can she say?

I don't care what anyone says.

Yet I want to know what she said.

She agreed that Binod

She said it out of anger.

Mother's heart is still with her own son.

You are her enemy now.

I know that very well.

No one can act smart with me.

Chakroborty, listen to me.

Did you hear something?

I did so much for the family

She sulks and doesn't talk with us.

I'm mistaken?

Habu's mother, come here. Listen to me.

Ask her.

Did you see mother talking to us?

Doesn't she turn her face away?

Did you see what the truth is?

After all she is my step mother.

She is concerned only for her son.

She stops talking to us the

I'm Gokul Majumdar.

I've a family. I must be alert.

Let anyone say anything.

I can't send men to Burdawan

I'm not concerned about them.

If they want to come

Are you doing the right thing, Gokul?

don't know what's right or wrong.

Don't be stubborn about it.

It's not easy to bring

I can't be burdened with loans.

Ok, Gokul. Do what you think is right.

Yes, I must think for myself as

It doesn't matter if I die. I've no one.

I must spend wisely from now on.

I don't have my own mother with me.

I don't understand you.

Yesterday you told me to send

Now you are saying that

You are trying to

People will say that Gokul

Gokul, I don't interfere in anything.

I didn't say anything to you.

Did I ever disobey you,

It won't be good.

Binod left this house angrily.

I'll also go wherever I wish to.

Stay with your property.

Mother, uncle is here.

Let him come.

Why do you want to

When did he come? - Late at night.

What is he doing now?

Himu, listen to me.

What did your granny tell your uncle?

Did she scold him?

Come inside.

Listen to me.

What did granny tell him? - I don't know.

Just now you told me that

Did mother tell you not to tell me?

I won't tell anyone. Tell me.

What did she say? Ok.

Take this, take two rupees.

Did mother tell him to get

What else did she say?

I don't know anything else.

What did your uncle say?

That's not possible.

You don't know? Naughty girl. Get out.

You've done the right thing.

You instigated him against that he hates me right?

I've heard everything.

Warn your son not to come before me.

I'm warning you.

Habu's mother. Habu's mother. Come here.

Do you know that Binod is here?

Yes master, he came home last night.

I know that.

What happened after that?

What did the mother and son discuss?

I think mother must've

Mother didn't get up.

I went and switched

He didn't come out

Why are you trying to cover up?

I heard everything.

Don't say such things.

I did everything for him.

Mother told me to switch on

The poor fellow looks very pale.

That's natural. He didn't get a

Only he knows the

You all know how much he loved father.

What do you say?

He loved his father dearly.

There's no one in this

Come on; show me one

The judge comes to meet him personally.

He is not an ordinary boy.

If you ask about him in Kolkata

..about him.

A person is never given

He never had to go through any trouble.

Forget the will.

Who can stop me?

Did he steal or rob anyone?

Why won't het get

Is there no law?


He'll soon be a judge at the high court.

No one can stop him.

How will we protect our property then?

Shouldn't one think before

If we don't give him equal share now..

..we'll be insulted

No one can stop you

People say that I don't

I can't do anything

How will I do anything

Himu, has your uncle woke up?

What is he doing?

Uncle went to the drawing

He didn't speak to anyone.

Please help me with the list.

Why do you ask me?

The most intelligent person is here.

He knows very well what is to be done.

Go and ask him.

Sleep? How can eh sleep when

Call Habu's mother and ask her.

She told me that it's difficult

He has become pale.

He is sitting alone on the floor.

Who can stop tears when

Yes, that's true. Then I'll..

Well, you know everything.

Why should Binod suffer?

He can't fast in the

I suggest that he eats

If he can't observe the rituals..

How can he do all that.

We are hard working rustic people,

But his case is different.

He is a post graduate, a revered person.

Why do you compare him to me?

No. I can't kill my brother.

I can't make him suffer by

Let anyone say anything.

You are right.

People will criticize?

Do you want me to kill my brother?

You are so stupid, Chakroborty.

Don't disturb him with this list.

Let him eat something and get well first.

Cook, come here.

Go and give a cup of tea to my brother.

Don't say that I sent you.

You all are very stupid.

Listen to me.

Do you know what

He told everyone that he

Your brother knows many tricks.

Why do you think that he knows tricks?

Don't you believe him?

I won't believe him even if

Stop it. You always say the same thing.

Tea for you.

Who told you to get tea for me?

Take it away. Stupid fellow.

Take it away. Throw it away.

Where are you? Where are you Binod?

Where is Binod?



Come. Come inside.

The mishap has already happened.

It was not Baikuntha's wish.

Gokul took care of

He forced Baikuntha to sign the will.

Yes, that's right.

If you had come before he died.

Believe me,

..I would've definitely come.

You would've come. We know it.

A son like you would've definitely come.

Times are not good. Not good.

No one can snatch away

You are right.

Master, the list. The list.

The list.

What are you thinking of?

You said that you'll

Are there lots of people

They went away long time back.

Are you sure that there

So, you are alone now. That's good.

You suddenly left Kolkata

In his last days father..

There were lots of problems.

Just look what you did.

You didn't even send any news.

Forget all that.

..and then I'll donate half

Nothing much will happen.

You'll only spend some money recklessly.

You know how the people

Well father said that his

His last will is not important.

Look, I forget things.

Keep the keys of the iron safe with you.

The priests have also been invited.

You should decide

..and how we must take care of them.

No one can do this.

I don't have time to

Keep this list with you.

Please don't involve me in these matters.

I won't touch all this.

You won't touch it?

I'm an outsider.

I'm here for a couple of days.

I'll go away after that.

Yes, I have to go.

I don't want to handle money matters.

I'm a poor person.

If something goes wrong

..and get me arrested by police.

What happened? - Nothing.

Be very careful.

A lot is going to conspire now.

Don't pay heed to anything.

Don't do anything before

Father? - Yes,

I wrote him several times to come.

I won't feel at ease without him.

Is your father coming?

Who will manage everything here?

He handles everything in his village.

But, he can't leave his

..during this tough time.

Hand over your shop to him

If anyone says anything tell him that.. are not aware of anything

That's all.

Mother, did Binod leave the

Did Binod keep it or did I misplace it?

There are so many people around.

Mother, Shambu and Darbari

I don't know anything.

Thankfully you told

It's their wish if

We've done our duty.

I'm really surprised to

If you were not in my life then..

Look, I kept the keys with

I've become absent minded.

Keep it with you. - With me?

I may lose it and then land in trouble.

Please don't involve me in this matter.

Keep it with you.

Why will you keep it?

I'll lose the key somewhere

You are not my own or

I'll take care of my belongings.

"My beloved has left this world."

"Why were you taken away?"

"My heart breaks down

"Why don't I die?"

"My beloved has left this world."

Gokul is really great.

Look how grandly he is performing

I've seen such things many times.

Do you remember the last rites

They spent 500 rupees in cash.

Don't you remember?

Why won't I remember?

The Brahmins were given a brass pot,

..and right rupees.

Forget all that.

I assure you that Gokul

Don't talk nonsense.

First learn to count 5000.

Welcome. It's our good

I was busy.

The Kundus of Nimtala

I handle everything there.

They don't want to allow me to go.

I came here for my son-in-law.

My daughter also wrote to me.

So, I had to come here despite problems.

I've brought Nanda with me. - Good.

Be seated.

Gokul, we need the blessings

Of course. Of course.

When you are here to take

..Gokul need not worry about anything.

Hey Shambhu. Hey Darbari, come here.

Give me a luchi.

Luchi? What will you do with it?

Your doll will eat? Go.

Hurry up. People will soon start eating.

What have you done, son?

Why did you have to hurt that small girl?

Go back to work.

I'm from Badripara. If you speak

Wait; let me see what you can do.

Let me see what you can do.

Hey, go back to work. Go.

She always fights.

Come on, hurry up.

I haven't been ill-treated like this.

He is your relative's son

But he misbehaved with me.

Habu's mother, you are like family.

Will you too behave like this?

"I wait for him."

"Friend, I wait for

"The day has ended,

"I don't his news from anyone."

"Listen to my prayers, lord."

"My heart is restless and pensive."

I didn't get any news on time so..

If you got the news then you would've..

Come, son.

Did everything get over properly?

I need not worry about

I need not worry about anything.

Binod, have you got introduced to them?

He is my younger brother, Binod.

I'm really blessed

Binod, why don't you

They are judges., doctors.

Why do you speak to them in Bangla?

What will people say?

No one will criticize.

Bengali is our mother tongue.

Brother, I want to speak to you.

Do you want to throw

If you behave like this

Why, brother?

I told you several times

Won't you spare me?

You'll find graduates like me everywhere.

Shame on me.

Ok, brother.

Shame on me.

Haran da is here.

Have you eaten?

So, you enjoyed the meal? - Yes.

What's that? - Nothing much,

Your sister-in-law couldn't

It's for her.

Why are we waiting? Let's go.

So, you are taking it home?

Monu.. pour water on my

He is not a nice person, let me warn you.

Come son. Come. Come.

Look, I want to say something to you.

If you throw a stone or speak something..

..can you take it back? - No.

That's right.

Both of you requested me

I can help you, I'll do

Do as I say or I won't be able

You are people that

Are you doing the right thing?

Can't you understand

Yes, you are right and

We don't know anything.

Whatever you say will be done.

We won't question you.

That's what I want.

Court cases are very dangerous.

It's a curse to get

You are in trouble now.

I'm experienced and so I'm helping you.

I'll leave only after

I don't care for my loss.

I'll throw each one

That'll be like Nimai Roy of Darzipara.

Sit down, I want to talk to you.

This is the best time to talk.

Do something immediately.

I know that something

Let it happen, I'm not scared.

Be it Jadu or Tarini, the lawyer.

Even big lawyers turn

He is a young boy who

Who are you talking about?

You've surprised me.

What was I talking about all this while?

Father, now you know that I was right.

He is asking whose court

I swear that there isn't

It's natural that brother-in-law

I'm relaxed that you are here.

Or it was definite that we would've

That's right.

Since I'm here you need not worry.

But, I'm worried about Chakroborty.

They keep changing sides.

I'm sure that he'll go and support them.

I can understand the

I know it very well.

I just pretend to be ignorant.

Fire anyone you wish to

We won't say anything.

Don't worry about the expenses.

You must have the witnesses on your side.

The case depends on the

Don't you understand this?

That's why you need to do everything.

Do whatever you need to do tomorrow.

You are asking me to do as I wish but..

We'll discuss everything tomorrow.

Son, go and eat something.

He didn't speak a word.

How can we fight a case without money?

It's not easy to get the

He shouldn't be scared.

He shouldn't shy from the expenses.

Monu, I can't stay away from

I shouldn't back off despite anything.

People will criticize me if I do so.

Where is Gokul and others?

Have they forgotten

..the ritual of feeding

There are enough people

Tell Gokul's father-in-law catch fish from the pond.

Now I know what a step mother can do.

What has happened?

What can happen?

You can do nothing.

Binod is complaining against

I've the support of my father-in-law

Know that he isn't a very simple man.

Who told you that Binod

Everyone knows it.

It's evident that Binod

I don't know. - We'll soon find out.

I can't keep enemies like

It's late in the afternoon.

Should I inform you

That's not what I meant.

The rituals are going on.

So what? Do they own me?

I can't neglect work

I don't care if anyone

Sweet maker Hari hasn't paid

When no one could get the money from him,

Try to understand the business,

This is the reason

Don't worry about that.

Give me the work of the cashier

I heard that you were close

Don't do anything like that here.

I've already made it clear Kolkata but we are enemies here.

Is Gokul at home?

Come. Come.

It's great to see you here.

Will you stay here now?

I couldn't go.

Nimtala's Kundu wrote a letter

I've told him clearly that I this condition.

Mr. Banerjee, I can't desert them.

That's right. Gokul won't be

He can't handle all this.

He needs the help of

I know that I won't be able

I don't find anyone seeking

..except you.

If you please.. - Of course.

Gokul's problem is our problem.

That's all.

You are a learned gentleman.

I'm not scared of anyone

Since you sought my suggestion

The old people.. the old

I'll take care of them.

Give me few days.

Don't remain silent. Answer me.

Why didn't you get the

He would say.. - He would say what?

If I say that you took

..and cheated?

God knows that I..

You cheated me of lot

This won't happen again. I for you. Go.

I've been working here for many years.

Master knew me very well.

Do you think my father

Come on go, don't waste time. Go.

Master, please give me

Yes, that's due and

Stop being so good.

I'm the master now.

What I wish will happen.

You won't get your salary.

Thank god that I didn't

If you speak against father,

..or go away with the

Father, why don't you give Nanda

That's why I brought him with me.

I can't stay here for long.

I came here with much difficulty.

I quarreled with the Kundus

Kundu told me, "Roy, I won't

"..unless you come back."

So, I've planned to go

After all he is my son.

Do that. That's why I..


What is it, mother?

Who told you to take this crazy decision?

Chakroborty has been

He'll work for us as long as he lives.

Give him the accounts book and keys

I'll take the accounts book.

Give me the keys of the safe.

Do you have any sense?

When will you think sensibly?

If you don't have the courage

Why did you get my father

For whom is father doing all this?

For you or for an outsider?

I didn't know that mother

Thank god. I'm free from troubles.

My employer is missing me badly.

I can't stay anywhere for long.

Why should I interfere

Will you tolerate this insult to father?

Won't you speak a word in his favour?

Why should he, Monu?

It's definite that

It's clearly evident.

Don't blame me of not helping you.

I'm not a lenient father.

I don't care if someone

I'm tolerant but the

..I don't care for anyone.

Discuss amongst yourselves and tell me.

Do you hear me?

Did you hear what father

Monu, stop it. Don't request him.

Nanda Dulal.. - Yes. -.. it's 2:30.

I want to go back by the 3:30 train.

Pack our luggage.

You know that your father

Why are you still standing here?

Go and convince father to stay back.

What are you saying, Binod?

You want to take up a job

I wouldn't have opted for

You have to get a job for me.

Ok, I'll try but why

What will you gain from a job?

Whatever I get will be enough.

You have to help me. - Ok.

I'll try, I'll definitely try.

She broke her doll and went

You are so troublesome.

You are always busy playing with dolls.

Why didn't you tell me?

Don't you get peace if

I don't understand why

Can't her father get a doll for her?

Why does she do anything for her?

Get out. Get out.

What has happened, daughter?

Try to control your granddaughter..

..or we will lose our honor and respect.

Well, there's a saying that

Even you won't understand her plans.

How will a small girl

Your mother-in-law pretends

..Gokul that there is no one

She is planning to break the family.

If you don't understand

If she wants to shower so with her son's family.

Is it right to ruin someone's life?

Whose life have I ruined?

People are talking

We can't stop them.

You get back what you do.

You shouldn't get angry.



I've rented a house.

I'll shift there tomorrow morning.

Take me with you.

I can't bear this insult.

I can't live respectfully

You've been insulted here?

I never imagined that this would happen.

Son, I don't have a place in this house.

I'll adjust to any circumstances.

Just take me away from this house.

Brother, I'm going to a

Rented house?

You rented a house without

Has mother agreed to go?

Great! What will you feed her?

I'll do something. - Great!

So, you've dropped out

You can't do whatever you wish.

Don't we've honor and reputation?

Do you want to become a clerk

Will you be able to face the world?

I've no other option.

The expenses of Binod

Master will be angry

He can't be angry.

I can't stop Binod's education expenses.

I've lot of hopes on him.

We sent money to him few days back.

You are really stupid.

Will you or I ever know the

Send him money today.

He has already passed three exams.

How many exams should he

It'll take time. Isn't it?

I'm an illiterate man. I don't know.

I know that my achievements

So, I've come to seek your blessings.

Master.. mother is calling you.

Did you call me? - Yes, Gokul.

I'll go away from this

Do whatever you wish to.

I haven't kept you captive here.

Go wherever you wish to.

I don't care.

I'll be at peace if you go.

What is it?

Mother is supposed to go.

Go. Go away from here.

Habu's mother,

Today is Dashami. I'm a family man.

If she leaves home today

I can't allow her to go today.

She can go tomorrow if she wishes to go.

I've sent the carriage back.

Listen.. why did you stop her?

It's my wish.

If an elder member of the family'll bring bad luck for our children.

Just look at him.

It's ekadasi on Monday.

One shouldn't go anywhere on Ekadasi.

It's dadasi on Tuesday.

How can one leave after fasting?

It's tryodasi on Wednesday.

It's auspicious to journey on this day.

Let's finalize this day.

This day is believed

To hell with your tryodasi.

Will you harm the

Go back home. Don't trouble me.

Son.. you are not doing the right thing.

What are you talking about?

Sister wants to live with

We shouldn't stop her.

The neighbors will criticize me.

I don't see any reason

I don't think you should worry.

I've a sense of responsibility.

If you really had that then

..instead of worrying

I won't send my mother with anyone.

Let it be very clear.

Let anyone think anything they wish to.

Why are you sending back

I'll take mother with me today.

Don't try to stop me.

She can't go today. - Of course she can.

I'll take her with me immediately.

It's not that easy.

Have you convinced mother?

Mother is ready. - That's not true.

You convinced her.

Don't I've the right to give my opinion?

Father has handed over mother's

I won't send her anywhere. That's final.

If you had taken up your

..mother wouldn't have

Mother, come out.

You are not doing the right thing.

You can't force mother to go.

I'm warning you.

It's not true.

Binod has misled you or you couldn't

You could've never left us. Never.

Isn't this your house?

Haven't you built up this family?

Don't you feel sad

Let Binod believe whatever he wishes to..

..but you can't convince me, mother.

You can't convince me. Never.

You can't leave me and go away, mother.

You can't leave me and go

Father left you in my care

Come on, let's go.

I won't keep any ties with

Don't leave me and go, mother.

Am I not your son?

Didn't you bring me up?

I've lost my father and my mother.

Don't leave me alone and go away, mother.

Don't leave me and go. Don't go.

What are you saying, Banerjee?

He threw out his mother

He even threw her out of the house.

This is the truth.

So, Binod has finally

What do you say?

Mrs. Majumdar has left home with him.

Just look at what Binod has done.

I agree that he had to leave house.

But didn't he get time to

He may have forgiven

But we..

We've a religion that we follow.

We still pray to god.

We must go to Binod and

If he wishes to harm

But, we can't tolerate

Binod, don't worry about anything.

I need money if I want to fight a case.

Will you let go off your

Do we have to tolerate Gokul's injustice?

Is there no other option

I don't understand what you mean, Binod.

Oh! So, you don't wish to file a case.

No, not exactly.

You want to opt for mutual understanding.

Haven't you recognized your brother yet?

His father-in-law won't let

Let me warn you, Binod.

Let's try one last time.

No, Binod.

I've aged. I can't be a laughing stock.

Do something. Seek Haran's

You are unnecessarily feeling sad.

Gokul is happy.

Why do you have to go there all the time?

I don't go there intentionally.

The house comes on the way to my home.

Himu takes me inside

Today she forcefully took me inside.

She told me to go and meet her granny.

Gokul's mother-in-law.

She came the moment she settle her daughter's family.

Actually she has settled down there.

She won't go from here easily.

Did you meet Gokul?

Did he ask about me? - No.

I was sitting on the

He didn't ask me anything.

He made face and went upstairs.

His in-laws have trapped him.

I'm telling you that

Monu, you told me that son-in-law

I don't see any arrangement.

He does it every Sunday.

He may order me soon.

Are you going to the shop?

Why? Anything wrong? - No.

Today is Sunday. You didn't

Everything has ended

Who will cook for them?

Is your mother the only person

Feed your father and brother.

Did you hear how he talks?

It irritates me.

I'm at peace now.

We can concentrate on work now.

I was scared that son-in-law

..after your mother-in-law went away.

There's no such fear now.

He has completely changed.

He is a different person.

Now I can do anything peacefully.

I can't be at peace.

You don't know him.

I never make mistake

You say anything, Monu.

Chakroborty is an idiot.

I wanted to sit in the shop.

Do you know what he told me?

He told me to sit outside

He told me to take the

He told me not to interfere

Did you hear what he said?

How can Chakroborty say such

The salary of employees 152 rupees.

The fare of cow cart

Other expenses 50 rupees.

Tobacco for Nimai Roy 5 rupees.

Nanda's expenses..

Mr. Chakroborty.. - Yes, sir.

Are you the owner of

Who gave you the right

I haven't opened this shop

Who told you to give him the money?

Mr. Nanda forced me.

I couldn't refuse him.

I haven't opened this shop

I can't go against the wishes

I shouldn't see their names mentioned

Ok. Now that I've your permission,

If you permit I won't allow

Yes, do that.

I'll go back as you are busy.

I'm not busy.

There's no use telling you. I'll go back.

What has happened?

What can happen?

He has backed off

It's not easy to file a court case.

He isn't a rich man

He has no power but he

I don't understand your words.

Your brother wants to he is afraid of the expenses.

He called me and told me.

What did he say?

He told me to come

..he can get a share in the

He said that you are illiterate

What? Am I illiterate?

Did Binod say this? Scoundrel.

Go away, Haran. Go and tell Binod that..

..I won't give him a single penny.

He can do whatever he wishes to.

Gokul Majumdar won't

He said that Binod is a scoundrel

How dare Gokul say this?

I'll file a case against him tomorrow.

There's no one as cunning

Look at him.

Binod.. I wanted to say something.

Can you give me some money?

I have nothing left after

I think you must be aware of it.

I've no money so I was

Why do you need money?

Tomorrow is an auspicious day.

I feed Brahmins every year so..

You really surprise me.

I'm toiling hard to run want to feed Brahmins.

I don't have money to waste.

I do it every year so I was just..

If you've money arrange

Refined flour,

What's the occasion?

What's the occasion, Monu?

Today is an auspicious day.

Every year we feed lots

Look at brother-in-law's

Who told you to keep all these here?

Come on, pick them up.

Don't stare at me.

If you waste time here,

You are going to make me mad.

Will they take all this away?

Put these down slowly.

Keep them carefully.

Habu's mother. Habu's mother.

You are strange.

You forgot today's day.

I've invited the Brahmins of

I'll go and send some helpers.

You forget everything.

Where is mother?

Where is she?

Like mother, like son.

I can't wait for my

I have to worry about everything.

Tell mother about all this.

Come on, take these inside.

What's all this, Habu's mother?

Today is the auspicious

You shouldn't have asked

You could've told me.

This is an insult to me.

What else can I serve you?

We don't need anything.

You've made good arrangements.

You are right, Bhattacharjee.

Gokul's arrangements are always good.

Son, come here.

We understand everything.

Did you understand your elder

No. - So you couldn't make out?

You won't win the court case ever.

You've got so many degrees

He has planned to win

The court case depends on her statement.

No, sir. This isn't true.

I haven't come here to

Don't allow him here or

No, daughter.

..he would've never send so

This is an insult to us.

He must understand this.

Son.. you've got us

What shall we do now?

If you ever go to her house again,

She is a cunning woman. - Shut up!

I'll throw you out if you

"Things my mind wishes to have."

"Things my heart wishes to have.."

"Things my heart wishes to have.."

"..I'm unable to get them."

"Things my mind wishes to have."

"Things my heart wishes to have.."

"Things my heart wishes to have.."

"..I'm unable to get them."

"The bird of joy fools

"The illusory chains of captivity.."

"The illusory chains of

"I'm unable to get her."

"Things my mind wishes to have."

"Things my heart wishes to have.."

"Things my heart wishes to have.."

"You gave me hopes

"Gopal cries in the deserted house."

"Gopal cries in the deserted

"Mother Yashomati is not at home."

"The flowers lie in the

"People close to you are not with you."

"Love stretches its hands.."

"Love stretches its hands and calls out."

"People who are dear go away."

Its fine that's he went away.

Chakroborty, you can't help me anymore.

Go away. I don't need your services.

Chakroborty, you are strange.

I told you to go and you are going away?

I'm making mistakes at every step.

Have you forgotten today's date?

Why won't I remover the date?

Today is 12th of Aghrayan

So, you remember the date.

You've forgotten that you get

..on this day.

It's my birthday.

Do I have to remind you

Chakroborty, what's the time?

Binod must've gone out to work by now.

Yes, it's quite late.

Do something. Inform my wife

Don't forget to inform them.

Habu's mother,

No, not yet. - Not yet.

Get a glass of cold water for me.

I'm tired wandering around in this heat.

Habu's mother, where is mother?

She was in the kitchen.

Everything is false.

No one cares for religion these days.

When father died he gave

I'm a nice person or take mother away from me.

Can't I take her with me?

This is the actual will of father.

Few written words don't make a will.

Where is mother?

Did master finish his lunch?

He didn't have lunch here.

He asked for a glass of cold

He went away in haste.

Today is his birthday.

He asked me to inform his family that..

..he'll have lunch at his mother's house.

He won't eat anything today.

Chakroborty, what's the news?

How is everything going

Nimai Roy? He doesn't enter the shop.

Why? I heard that he is guiding brother.

That won't happen

He wanted to usurp everything

But mother's order spoilt his plans.

He tries to cheat him of small amounts.

He doesn't have the

Master scolded me when the expense details.

Master is very simple.

People take advantage of him.

But his love for his

The other day eh said that go against his mother's wishes.

Lot of arguments and tiffs

He follows his father

I get the same respect that I used to.

It's rare to get an

He always takes your name, Binod.

There is no one who

No one is intelligent like Binod.

No one can get a brother like Binod.

People came and told

But he laughed away

..they are jealous of you.

Do they think I'm a

The other day a priest

..for your bright future.

I tried to stop him,

He kept saying,

If Binod completes his post-graduation,

I don't worry for 500 rupees."

I've heard that many people

Joylal Banerjee has taken

He is the cause of all problems.

He took lot of money from him

It's late, Rakhal. Go home.

Make arrangements to send

they've already paid for it. - Ok.

Is Gokul at home? Gokul!

Come. Come. Please be seated.

No. I've not come to relax.

Where is your master?

He doesn't come to the shop nowadays.

What are you saying?

His business is very dear to him.

He can't stay a moment

Is he busy with something else? - No.

He has changed.

He has lost interest in his business.

Oh! We understand his tricks very well.

Has Gokul gone into hiding

Chakroborty, go and call Gokul.

Tell him that sir is

The lawyer is here.

Don't delay.

Where is master? - Go upstairs.

He must be busy thinking

Master. Master.

I'm not well, Chakroborty.

Mr. Banerjee, Mr. Charan have come.

What shall I do there? - I'm not sure.

Mr. Girish from the court

Mr. Girish? - Yes.

Please come.

Binod? - Yes.

Just think of what is going

He won't be able to speak a word.

He'll shiver in fear

So Banerjee, what brings you

We've come to meet Gokul.

He is here.

Please tell him.

Why shall I say it

You know both the parties very well.

It'll be better if you speak.

Ok. Ok. I can't disregard your words.

Let me speak to you clearly.

I hope you won't mind my words.

I hope you agree that Binod

Will Binod get the legal

..or does he have to

I want to be very clear.

Oh! So this brings all of you here.

Go and lodge your complaint.

I won't give a penny to that scoundrel.

Well, he may drink. But you

What is the proof that sign the will in your favour?

What? You think I'm a cheat?

I've cheated him?

Which scoundrel says that I've cheated?

Gokul, please calm down.

Why? Why shall I remain silent?

I'm not scared of any scoundrel.

Well, then Binod will file a case.

Remember something, Gokul.

If a court case is lodged give evidence.

What? You want my mother

Take away, take away everything.

What are you doing?

Please stop. What are you saying?

You want to drag my mother to the court?

I'll go to Kashi with mother.


Come with me. Come. Come.

Mother. Mother.

Come here.

Father is listening to us today.

When father died he told me to give

I've been taking care

I was praying to god to mend

He called me a cheat.

He said that I made a fake will.

Will.. do you know what will means?

Come. Come and stand before mother.

Mother has brought you up as well as me.

I'm holding mother.

Come and touch my feet and

..usurped your property.

Come on, tell me.

Go, Binod. Touch his feet

Why are you scared?

What do you fear? Go and say.

You won't get this chance again.

Yes, I won't get this chance again.

I touch your feet and want to say.

Look, I've touched your feet.

If I touch your feet and call

I can't do that.

I touch your feet and promise

Bless me, brother so that

..I'm your younger brother.

What do you've to say now?

Didn't I say that these

..and so they are

They think I'll believe them.

I'm not stupid that I'll do so.

Mother, I don't know what

Let me warn you.

Never interfere in our matters

..and go away wherever

Well, I don't want to stay

I don't want that.

I'll hold your feet and stay here.

Let me see how you can disregard me.

For more infomation >> Baikunther Will | Bengali Movie | English Subtitle | Bikash Roy - Duration: 1:47:37.


BOT Biên Hòa tuyên bố không di dời trạm và sẽ thu phí trở lại - Duration: 11:17.

For more infomation >> BOT Biên Hòa tuyên bố không di dời trạm và sẽ thu phí trở lại - Duration: 11:17.


WISE Words with Joel Stransky - Staying positive for a better South Africa - Duration: 2:35.

There are issues in the country as you just mentioned, but I think you are the

advocate for positivity in South Africa. I mean if you just follow

you on social media, you really are positive about South Africa.

How can we pass it on to other South Africans to be positive about the country?

Well, I mean we have so much to be grateful for don't we? We may

have issues at senior government level, junior government level, the parastatals,

all the state owned entities, we have major issues, but here we are

sitting and you know the beginning of spring sitting outdoors in a t-shirt

in a beautiful climate in the most beautiful country. We ride our bikes

every weekend and there are issues, but it is still a beautiful place to live,

it's still a great environment. We don't have terrorists trying to, you know,

poisonous and bomb us on our trains, or on our aeroplanes.

We don't have some of those other issues we have a crime issue, but it's

circumstances we live in. So one can't help but be positive, but I think most

importantly we have to somehow be influences to the children,

for the next generation. The future leaders of this country.

The next captains of industry and the next presidents and MPs that

govern our nation, because right now the leadership that is there

is poor, to be quite frank, there and they're in abysmal bunch,

is the only way to describe them and the sooner they get rid of each other

and we get rid of them the better, but most importantly is who's going to fall

those roles, who's going to take over? And I think and I have a charity which

tries to, you know, make a little difference in that space. We focus

very much on the goals of Nelson Mandela and educational goals, previously

disadvantaged children, and we try and you know give education and hope and I

think to your point, what will help take our country forward is if we have

hope, if we stay positive and we, you know, we think of the good side and

get rid of the bad side. and that foundation is called the LumoHawk?

It's called the LumoHawk foundation. We're a small little charity, we fly under the

radar, but you know every now and then we do some nice little things.

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