Thứ Tư, 11 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 12 2017

Freeze moves

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For more infomation >> How to hack the game "Lost Bubble" - Duration: 0:52.


SF9 - SF9의 랜선여행 #8 - Duration: 14:30.


"SF9 TRIP WITH FANTASY" The morning has come

Good Morning Hyung~

(Half asleep)

[Cha Ni's mom, Ro Woon] Cha Ni, you need to wake up

Let's go eat breakfast!

(Good morning, Fantasy)

SF9 are starting to gather

(What's all this)

(Half asleep)


Did we wake you up too early?

[Throws the truth] May be an hour later

There's food on the table, right?

Scramble for breakfast The members take out blocks That has a number written on it

The person who knocks over the tower Will have to sing and get the score that is written on the block

The judges will give the score and the team That has closest to the target score will win breakfast!

Who will win the delicious breakfast?

[Before it even begins] MiJaeGwi team starts first

(Today's target)

You said you need to take out the bottom..?


(Safety first)

Next is Ro Woon's turn


Ro Woon takes out the middle block

Zero points

Points are from 0-100


Fall over, fall over


Almost was in big trouble

Tae Yang, it's time to show off your high notes

Tae Yang's block is shaky

SF9 Block = Talent show

Talent show instead of high notes


Tae Yang shows off his talent from morning

[Tae Yang's talent] Beatbox (with his raw voice)

Dance DNA inside me

(I'm going to dance too)

Toy soldiers reacting to the beatbox

We have one less person (so we're at a disadvantage)

The middle section is really empty


Feels like Young Bin is the one


[Please just the scores] I think we've failed

Puts it back in


You picked the wrong one hyung

Leader hyung kneeled down out of desperation

Just pull it out! Pull it out!

In Seong is controlling Young Bin

Can't pull it out, can't put it in

Falls over

All blocks fell over

The score is important


Why? What's the score??

It's not bad

Target score is 44 points

[Target score 44 points] Cheongdam-dong Choigang Mimo SISTAR <SHAKE IT>

Two birds are trying to seduce

Ro Woon is showing off his charm

[After Cleopatra game] We're searching for Da Won's lost voice


(So excited)

Mickey Jae Yoon and the cuties Girls' generation <Into the New World>

Ro Woon's taste

Let's get it started!!!!

Unusual performance by MiJaeGwi team


Let's go

Missed the timing

In Seong is singing in the original pitch



(Eyes shook)

They're having so much fun

Jae Yoon is excited

Explosion of joy

Ending with Cha Ni's dance

I heard that our directors really like SISTAR

Staff judges start to give out the scores

Who will be the lucky team that will win this game?

Waiting for the score

Da Won is reserving a song


And passes the microphone to In Seong

Sing it for me hyung

+ Disco beat added

[Last minute talent show] Mimicking Greg from "Superstar K"

Hoohoo Haha

In Seong hyung is so funny

Tae Yang joins the song <보고싶다>

I want breakfast now

Ad-libs from the morning

Cha Ni is sad thinking about the past


End of In Seong's talent show

Finally the scores are out

MiJaeGwi team's score is


They're so generous

MiJaeGwi team's score is 56.2points

[44points] 12.2 points higher than the target score

(Parched lips)

[MiJaeGwi team 56.2 points] CheongChoiMi team wins even with 56.1 points

Wins if they get 47.3 Loses if they get 57.3

[Why do you think that way] It might be 27


It feels like the score is 37.3

The last digit is

CheongChoiMi team gets 47.3points

Is this for real

[Hehe] Why did we win?

You sang worse than us

It feels good to win the game, but sad that we sang badly

It's hard not to sing well

Failed being sneaky

Ron Ssong gave everything but his singing


Breakfast that tastes so sweet


Woah! This person!

Age doesn't matter in front of food

What happened to our breakfast

Let the feast start

We only need five spoons



Wow..They're eating so deliciously


Young Bin is in a dilemma Should he eat this or not

And he decides to put down the sandwich

Why does his smile look so sad?

Our "SF9 TRIP WITH FANTASY" has ended


Thinking about lunch while eating breakfast


So we prepared something

You know us so well

[Last mission] Ask Fantasy

Pick one member to be a straggler!

Mental Breakdown


You are going to upload onto SNS and ask fans to pick a straggler The straggler that's picked

Will take the pretty train

[The straggler] Will have to ride the train by himself

What if you don't have a driver's license

Why do you need a license when you're riding a train

(In Seong hyung is really shocked)

Oh…That's right

[Young Nostradamus] It's going to be between Jae Yoon, Da Won, Cha Ni

[Da Won's thoughts] Person who came late = Ro Woon

Let's take a selfie altogether

We have to look sad

(Look sad)

We have to look really sad

I won't forget to do a finger heart

The dice has been thrown

Trying to pick which comment to look at

How about 10? 10

SF9 + FANTASY = 10


First comment

[Simple] The first name that comes up

Firmly refusing to be a straggler

Firm belief

Cha Ni already saying bye to Da Won hyung

The weather is not helping

The first comment that has a name in it?

First name!

"Jae Yoon, did you sleep well?" Something like this, then you're gone

Jae Yoon is scared

The member's name that comes up first is the straggler

Da Won sends away Ro Woon also

One shot two kills

Nervous moment


Someone needs to go home by himself


Who will be the straggler

I'll see and tell you


"It's not going to be me"

"It's not going to be me"

Straggler has to take the train by himself

Who will be the member to sound the fanfare? To be revealed in Episode 9

For more infomation >> SF9 - SF9의 랜선여행 #8 - Duration: 14:30.


Đi Đánh Cá Bằng Kích Điện - Bắt Được Cá Trắm Khủng | Hồn Quê - Duration: 10:09.

For more infomation >> Đi Đánh Cá Bằng Kích Điện - Bắt Được Cá Trắm Khủng | Hồn Quê - Duration: 10:09.



For more infomation >> ARCANJO GABRIEL - ALINHANDO-SE COM AS NOVAS ENERGIAS - Duration: 2:52.


이달의소녀탐구 #192 (LOOΠΔ TV #192) - Duration: 0:47.

(ODD EYE CIRCLE made a lot of great memories in LA!)

#NowPlaying "LOOΠΔ/ODD EYE CIRCLE - Girl Front"

(A photo shoot in LA is successfully over!) Thank you for your effort!

JinSoul: Good work everyone!

(The three girls are always energetic!) Choerry: Good work everyone!

Kim Lip: But there're... JinSoul: a music video shooting left!

JinSoul: We gonna do it diligently, beautifully, and wonderfully!

Kim Lip: (Team slogan) We've made some slogans~

Kim Lip: Can I show it?

JinSoul: ODD EYE~ Kim Lip: We're ODD EYE CIRCLE!

Kim Lip: This gestures means odd eye~

(But this slogan is never used...) - Hello, we're ODD EYE CIRCLE!

(And the last part is even awkward...) -ODD EYE, fighting!

JinSoul: It feels like a slogan of a soccer team!

JinSoul: Fighting! Kim Lip & Choerry: Fighting!

For more infomation >> 이달의소녀탐구 #192 (LOOΠΔ TV #192) - Duration: 0:47.


Cool overnight forecast - Duration: 3:09.

For more infomation >> Cool overnight forecast - Duration: 3:09.


SF9 - SF9의 랜선여행 #9 - Duration: 14:20.


[Already the last ep.] "SF9 TRIP WITH FANTASY" is heading to an end


So we prepared something

[Last mission] Ask Fantasy

Pick one member to be a straggler!



[The straggler] Will have to ride the train by himself

[Young Nostradamus] It's going to be between Jae Yoon, Da Won, Cha Ni

Taking a selfie to upload on SNS

We have to look sad

(Look sad)

We have to look really sad

I won't forget to do a finger heart

The dice has been thrown

Which comment are we aiming for?

First comment

[Simple] The first name that comes up

I think it's gonna be Da Won hyung

Firmly refusing to be a straggler

Firm belief

The first comment that has a name in it?

First name!

"Jae Yoon, did you sleep well?" Something like this, then you're gone

Jae Yoon is scared

One shot two kills

Nervous moment

Hold on, let me calm down first


Gathered around

Someone needs to go home by himself

Who will be the straggler

I'll see and tell you


"It's not going to be me"

"It's not going to be me either"

Straggler has to take the train by himself

(Hold on)

Everyone cracks up

Who is it…?

It's Cha Ni

Straggler is Cha Ni

So unfair

Cha Ni's back is looking sad

Cha Ni will go home today All by himself

Members are happy but Cha Ni's sad

The first comment is "Cha Ni, I love you…"

It looks even sadder because "…" is added

Cha Ni I love you, too

Cha Ni you're not crying right?

Stronger than any other comments

Cha Ni (19) / The straggler who saw his name

Cha Ni, hyung will make sure to give you a transportation card

Adolescent transportation card just for you

In Seong is comforting Cha Ni

Hopeless at the thought of going by himself

What are you talking about!!

Didn't you take the bus? Didn't you walk?

I took the train when I came up and took the bus when I went back down

Cha Ni, there's no time for this

There's not much time left for the train actually


Is it KTX?


[Comfort] But it's a pretty train

Cha Ni, we'll be at home~

Call us when you arrive

Cha Ni tries to escape from reality

He sleeps wishing that it was a dream but it's real

Hyungs are waiting for Cha Ni

It would be fun going by yourself, I always wanted to go on a trip by myself

Then go with him

[Trip by myself] I always thought it would be romantic

But I don't actually want to go by myself

Calming depressed Cha Ni

Worried to send the youngest member by himself

State of nirvana


I'll respect your romance

What about you going instead of Cha Ni

I'll just go by myself


Leader hyung is hurting Cha Ni with his words

Hyung will listen to you

It's time to go now


Seeing their youngest member off

Hyungs can't take their eyes off of Cha Ni

I want to go too, I'm so jealous Cha Ni

We can't go too far because we don't have umbrellas

Leader hyung is worried about the youngest

But our destination is the same!

Cha Ni needs to take the car to the train station

Ha.ha.ha It's nice


Am I really by myself?


I'll take off now

Get home safe Cha Ni

He's gone

Bye!! Can he hear me?

Everyone, I'm alone again…

I get to go by myself…


I'll try to have fun without the hyungs


Hyungs were worried about me

They were worried that I would get lost

But I'll never get lost

[When I was young] Had to go from Seoul to Daejeon at a young age by myself

Cha Ni is good at finding the direction

Please watch carefully how Cha Ni goes home by himself

Cha Ni arrives at the train station

I have to get on the 1:10pm train

It's 12:40pm

We have 30 minutes left

I'm hungry because I have 30 minutes left

I have something to say to the hyungs

Breaks down about how they didn't give him any breakfast

Cha Ni's expressing his disappointed feelings

Sadness that made him refuse tomatoes

Enters the convenience store

Make sure you eat eggs…Okay?

Eggs are inconvenient to eat so pass

You have to drink banana milk when you're on a train

I'll get snacks and bread

This kind of looks like a train, It's an actual train


Found his seat

I'm on the subway/train

Look outside

This is the youthful romance Da Won hyung was talking about

Coincidence that the name of the train is "Youth"

Youthful Cha Ni is happy to share his youth with the "Youth"

This feels like long time ago

I ate a lot of things like this a long time ago

[Smell of food] But if you eat too much, it's a nuisance to other people

Important to eat quickly

Eating so fast


Cha Ni found something on the cart


Young Bin hyung told me to eat eggs...


Cha Ni eventually buys eggs

Train Youth has departed

[Relief] The weather got brighter

Poses by himself to take a picture

Young Bin hyung are you watching

Ate two eggs in a second

Cha Ni goes to Seoul by himself

"SF9 TRIP WITH FANTASY" for 1 night & 2 days

It was so good

[Birthday+Trip] Jae Yoon was twice as happy

But the best thing was that

It was a vacation with FANTASY

This trip was more amazing because of that

It was a healing trip we got in awhile



Da Won's representative

[After Cleopatra game] Da Won's voice never came back


Proof of playing passionately

It was so much fun coming on this trip with all the members

And the things that we did were decided by FANTASY

And the ideas were shared by everyone

So it was more meaningful in that sense

A meaningful "SF9 TRIP WITH FANTASY" for SF9 and FANTASY

We came on a trip all together so it was so much fun

Also, I think our members got closer to each other

So I'm really touched

(That's right)


I want it for my birthday too

SF9 TRIP WITH FANTASY. Overseas Version

It was so much fun to be able to play in water during the summer

It was great that all the members were able to come together and have fun

I had so much fun

Also it was so good that we got to communicate with our fans along the trip

Trip for SF9 and FANTASY together SF9 TRIP WITH FANTASY

Hoping it was a new trip for everyone

SF9 will work harder And try to have something like this more often

SF9 TRIP WITH FANTASY - a great success

Please look forward to our next trip

For more infomation >> SF9 - SF9의 랜선여행 #9 - Duration: 14:20.


Marth Cosplay Tutorial: Part 3.1 Armor Strapping - Duration: 3:08.

For more infomation >> Marth Cosplay Tutorial: Part 3.1 Armor Strapping - Duration: 3:08.


Troubleshooting a Faulty Caravan or Motorhome Water Pump - Duration: 4:16.

Hi, it's Craig here from RV World. RV water pumps tend to get a lot of use and will occasionally require maintenance.

In this video. I'll show you how to fault find the most common problems with pressure switch style pumps

so you can get back on the road quickly.

If you have a submersible pump or one which operates by micro switches some of this video won't apply to you.

Let's start with the basics, if your pump is not

operating the first step is to make sure the pumps master switch on and you actually have voltage at the pump.

You can do this with a basic multi meter. If you don't already have one they can be picked up for around ten to fifteen dollars

at a hardware store.

Using your multi meter you want to test for a good supply voltage at the pump - before the pressure switch.

If there's no voltage here, the problems probably not with your pump you may have blown an inline fuse or there could be damage to the

electrical supply cable

If you have good voltage at the pump the next step is to check that the pressure switch is operating correctly.

Open the taps to release the water pressure in the plumbing line. This should disengage the pressure switch and allow voltage to get through.

Now test for voltage after the pressure switch. if there's no voltage here. The pressure switch will need to be replaced.

This is an easy DIY job and most pump manufacturers make replacement pressure switches for their pumps.

There is a good level of voltage after the pressure switch being applied to the motor, then the motor has probably burnt out.

At this point I recommend replacing the entire pump.

The next most common problem is the pump losing pressure on the outlet side.

You can identify this by the pump switching on and off for a few seconds every 15 minutes or so.

Inspect your pump and the water lines for a leak. If your toilet uses pressured water from the plumbing system,

make sure water isn't slowly leaking into the bowl. If you can't find any leaks

you'll want to check for a hole in the pumps in turn or diaphragm

which could allow water to backflow through it to the water supply tank. I'll show you how to test for that right now.

Using John Guest Push Fittings

I've made this simple extension with a shutoff valve. By disconnecting your existing plumbing on the outlet of the pump and

attaching this, you'll be able to eliminate all the appliances, pipes and taps in the vehicle.

Switch on the pump and open the shutoff valve for a few seconds to bleed out any air and the extension.

Make sure you have a bucket handy for this. Leave the pump powered for a while.

If the pumps still continue to cycle every now and again it suggests that there is a hole in the diaphragm.

Replacement kits are often available.

If your problem is water spurting out the tap violently or the pump won't turn off properly. There might be air in the system.

Check the strainer is fastened to the pump correctly making an airtight seal.

If your strainer has a transparent screw cap, look for bubbles getting in here or passing through in the water.

A noisy pump is often a common complaint amongst RV owners. Here are some quick low-cost steps you can try to quieten your new pump.

Place a rubber mouse pad between the pumps mounting feet and the floor. This will help isolate the motors vibrations.

Most pump manufacturers recommend at least thirty centimeters of flexible hose on the pumps Inlet and outlet ports.

This helps to ensure that vibrations aren't transmitted to any rigid plastic water pipes

which run through the vehicle. If you happen to find any pipes rattling against cabinets wrap them with foam or fabric.

On a last note if you live in a cold climate where your vehicle is stored in below zero temperatures, you may want to consider

winterizing your plumbing system to stop potential damage from freezing.

I'm not going to go into winterizing now because there are lots of videos already online discussing this.

I hope you found this video helpful. If you're in the market for a new pump,

check out our video "How to Choose a Caravan or Motorhome Pump" where we explain the important things to consider

when choosing a pump for your vehicle.

For more infomation >> Troubleshooting a Faulty Caravan or Motorhome Water Pump - Duration: 4:16.


Milwaukee DPW: It's OK to drive on streetcar tracks - Duration: 1:55.

For more infomation >> Milwaukee DPW: It's OK to drive on streetcar tracks - Duration: 1:55.


อุปกรณ์ซ้อมพัตต์ราคา 0 บาท DVD Hole Drill - Duration: 8:13.

For more infomation >> อุปกรณ์ซ้อมพัตต์ราคา 0 บาท DVD Hole Drill - Duration: 8:13.


Kyrie Irving Says Boston Feels More Like a "Sports City" Than Cleveland. | Top Stories Today - Duration: 1:57.

Kyrie Irving Says Boston Feels More Like a "Sports City" Than Cleveland.

Kyrie Irving spent the first six years of his NBA career with the Cleveland Cavaliers,

but it sounds like he already feels at home with the Boston Celtics as the start of his

first campaign with the reigning Atlantic Division champions approaches.

Speaking to reporters prior to Wednesday's preseason tilt with the Charlotte Hornets

at Spectrum Center, Irving said he's quickly become enamored with Boston since he believes

it's more lively than Northeast Ohio, per Gary Washburn of the Boston Globe:

"It's a really major city.

Coming from Cleveland, the Midwest, where the culture is different.

And then you move to the East Coast — into Boston — and it's so real [and] alive.

An ongoing, thriving city.


No matter what hour throughout the night.

"You would go to Cleveland, and it would be at nighttime, and things would be going on,

but you just see a vast difference in terms of what the Midwest is — Cleveland — and

what Boston is.

Boston, I'm driving in and [thinking], 'I'm really playing in a real, live sports city?'

And a great city."

Boston, of course, has a rich sports history thanks to the Celtics' regular banner-raising

practices in the 1960s and 1980s, as well as sustained excellence throughout the millennium

from the Boston Red Sox and dynastic New England Patriots.

The Cleveland sports scene can't compare in terms of sheer titles, but the Indians' recent

brilliance combined with the Cavaliers' resurgence following LeBron James' return in 2014 can't

be discounted.

And after Irving's comments, the Wine and Gold faithful are likely to let him hear it

when the Celtics travel to Quicken Loans Arena for their 2017-18 regular-season opener next


Thank you for watching...

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