Hey guys it's Denise from Loomahat.com and in this video we're doing a basic
basket weave scarf for a list of supplies and more information go to the
website or the description below and I want to thank promise learning and
Shantae styled me for covering the cost of closed caption
alright let's begin we're gonna start by securing the yarn to the anchor peg with
a basic knot and then I'm going to wrap 20 pegs I'm doing this because I'm
making a skinny scarf it's only 5 inches if you want to make it a little wider
use more pegs in fact use the other 4 now we're turning around and we're going
to knit one row using the U-wrap version of the knit stitch and to do a
U-wrap you just half wrap your peg and knit off and then just continue you need
to knit all of your pegs
and your cast on is done
now in order to get a nice stitch every time we turn around we're going to skip
that first peg and knit the next one those two are our edges and then we
start the stitch pattern so one two three four knits and again we're using
the U-wrap version of the knit stitch you can use an e-wrap but it gives you a
bigger stitch and it changes the look of the scarf so that's why I preferred this
one now next part of the pattern one two three four are the purls so we put the
yarn under the loop scoop up our yarn to create a new loop I'm going to take the
old loop off and put the new one on and pull the yarn to tighten it up again put
your yarn under the loop with your hook you're gonna scoop up the yarn and
create a new loop take the old loop off put the new one on and pull your yarn
that was the second and this is your third create that loop take the old one
off pull and here's purl number four same thing and now we're gonna repeat
that pattern we're gonna do four knits just like before again you know using
the U-wrap version of the knit stitch we're gonna do those four so here's knit
number four and now we're gonna do four purls okay so there's your one and
here's your two and three and lastly unless you added four more to your
pattern that's your last purl and then you're going to knit your edge so right
here you're going to knit these two and you're always going to end with knit so
they're your two knit stitches
and now for Row 2 we're turning directions so we're going to skip one
and knit the next one and skip and slip same thing and now we're going to purl
these first four and you guys remember how to do a purl stitch you scoop up the
yarn create a new loop altough new one on and pull and we're gonna do four and
this is exactly where we did the purls previously we're just going to stack
four purls over the last four purls and of course next we're going to knit
four pegs so peg two three and four and now following the same pattern we're
going to purl these four pegs so there's your first second your third purl and I
think I said last time we were getting a nice clean stitch it's a nice clean edge
which is why we slip that first stitch all right and here we're going to do the
last four knits so that's the pattern and then you have the last two which are
your edge and you always knit the last two stitches now you can remove the
working yarn from the anchor peg and we're going to turn around and four rows
three and four you're basically going to repeat rows one and two
when you're done with those we can move on to row five
so roll 5 we're going to start with the edge right here and we're going to skip
the first knit the next peg and then for purls
so here's purl 1 and purl 2 and 3 and lastly here's purl number 4 and
following the pattern the next 4 we're going to knit so here's knit 1 2 3 4 and
so guess what now to repeat that pattern we're going to purl 4 pegs so here's 1 2
& 3 & 4 right here and following four purls we knit 4 so we're going to knit
1 2 3 here is knit number 4 and then the edges
are always to knit so we're done with row 5 and on to row 6
okay time to turn around slip a stitch and knit the next one and then we're
starting the pattern again that's with four knits and we're stacking these
knits right on top of the last knits that we did and after we're done with
those four knits we're going to do four purls so one two the next one will be
three and then purl stitch number four and of course we're going to follow
those four purls with four stitches four knit stitches sorry about that
so one two three and four and then of course we're gonna follow those with
four purls I think you guys figured out this pattern right more or less so
that's purl number two and three and four and we're done with that pattern
we're going to knit the edges and they're always two knits so one and two
and we're done with row six and for row seven and eight we're just gonna repeat
rows five and six
to continue the pattern you're going to repeat rows 1 through 8 until you reach
the desired length for the average scarf which is 60 inches you're going to need
approximately 408 rows
now to cast off we're going to use a modified basic bind off and we're going
to start by wrapping peg 2 you do a knit off
you move your loop from peg 2 over the peg 1 tighten the working yarn and
knit off and then you're going to take the loop from peg 1 and we're gonna
put it on peg 2 now here's where we're going to modify and then we're going to
use both of these pegs we're gonna wrap both of them this is where we modify the
basic bind off knit off and then you're going to move the loop from peg two over
the peg one and you're going to knit off and take that loop from one and put it
on two now we're gonna go to the basic bind off and here you're going to wrap
only peg two which is your basic one and take that and move it over to one and
knit off and move the loop from peg one to peg two and so you're gonna continue
to do this basic bind off which again you knit peg two take it over to peg one
tighten your yarn you're going to knit off that peg one and move it to peg two
and you continue to do this until you reach peg nine which is almost the
middle and then we're going to modify so wrap peg nine and peg ten knit off on
peg ten and nine and then move the loop from peg two over to peg one knit off
and then move that peg back over to what would be peg two but it's also peg 10
remember it's worked over two pegs that's why I call them one and two and
now 10 and 11 are your new pegs one and two so you wrap peg two knit off move it
over to pick one and knit off and move the loop from that
peg one over to peg two now I hope that wasn't too confusing all right and now
we're gonna continue with the basic bind off where you knit peg two knit off move
it over to peg one knit off and move that peg that loop back over to the peg
next to it and you're going to continue with the basic bind off until you're in
your second to last peg if this is a bit much for you you can always research a
video for the basic bind off and just do the basic one I prefer this one because
it keeps the edge I'm sorry keeps the end of the scarf
from being too tight this kind of gives it a little loose feeling and it looks
better alright now when you reach peg 18 we're going to modify the bind off again
and we're gonna modify it by wrapping both pegs one and two remember I call
them one and two because we're doing this technique you knit them off you
move the loop from peg two over the peg one tighten knit off and take the loop
off peg one and move it over to peg two now these two are your new pegs one and
two and now we're gonna do the basic so we're only gonna wrap peg two take the
loop move it over to peg one tighten and knit off and you are done with the bind
off I'll give you a link to a video for the modified basic bind off specifically
alright now you can cut your yarn take your hook and you're going to pull that
loop until it releases the loom and now you are done with your cast off and it's
time for you to stretch your stitches so grab the work and
you're gonna go from one end all the way to the other and make sure you stretch
out all of your stitches the scarf will not look right if you don't do this part
it seems like nothing but it needs to be done all right and as you can see it's
nice and stretchy and just keep going make sure you stretch out everything and
you can then go ahead and get a crochet hook we're gonna go ahead and weave in
the ends so take your hook and grab your working yarn pull it through and now
we're going to pull through these little loops right in here right on the reverse
side and just feed them through because the intent is to hide that working yarn
so we just keep pulling it a little bit by little bit until you feel that your
working yarn is secure enough you know you don't have to do this endlessly just
enough so that you hit it and you feel comfortable and at that point I take my
yarn and I do the opposite direction so that you know when you wash the scarf it
doesn't you know come loose so I do it in the opposite direction and then you
can just get your scissors after you feel like you've fed the yarn in well
enough and just cut the excess yarn you'll notice that your edges look
really nice and neat see I just love that bind off it's not too tight and you
have to be careful with this stitch because you don't want that bind off to
be too tight you want it to stretch well all right now the other side does not
look so good it looks pretty funky and there is a way
to resolve this just find the working yarn
that was the cast on and pull on it so you see where it's wrapped here at the
end and just pull that out okay so that it's nice and loose like that and then
go to the other end of your cast on and pull on that loose loop and it'll show
you where the next one is and pull on that one and go to the next one
and you're just gonna continue to pull on this cast on these really loose loops
it can look a little you know difficult but it really isn't and you
don't have to do this if you're comfortable with your loose loops just
leave it like that for me I think it's worth it to take these you know a few
minutes and just clean it up because what I want are two edges that look the
same this is not gonna happen if you don't take the time to pull on
these loose loops and especially with this kind of skinny scarf it's not a big
deal to just pull on it I would tell you to do a smaller project and practice
this technique because it's so it's so worthwhile
look how every now and then you might have one that's a little looser than the
other one so just tighten it up a little bit and then go back where you left off
and just pull on them and you're gonna see that it gives you such a nice clean
edge that you're gonna want to do this with all of your projects I have to say
that I do this on 99.9% of the projects that I make even on small gauge looms so
especially on this one because I don't like to loose loops all right just keep
pulling till you get to the very end and I'm showing you here that that was the
last of it see right there that was the very
the end of your cast on and that's it and you're done now just take the
crochet hook and you're gonna weave in the end just like you did the other side
and you'll see that they match so perfectly you don't have one end that's
bigger than the other see they match perfectly so cool I love
it nice and clean edge you can't even tell
what's the cast on and which one is the bind off right looks great on both ends
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