Thứ Bảy, 14 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 15 2017

[openBVE - Singapore] SMRT C830C [858]: Caldecott → Botanic Gardens

Doors are closing.

Please do not lean against the train doors.

Next station, Botanic Gardens.

Change at the next station for the Downtown Line.

Botanic Gardens.

Change at this station for the Downtown Line.

Botanic Gardens.

Please mind the platform gap.

For more infomation >> [openBVE - Singapore] SMRT C830C [858]: Caldecott → Botanic Gardens - Duration: 4:21.


How to hack the game "Bricks" - Duration: 5:02.

Freeze moves

To subscribe to the channel and the first learn about new hacks

For more infomation >> How to hack the game "Bricks" - Duration: 5:02.


(Ep-2) Lets play The Evil Within 2 - Duration: 3:36:25.

For more infomation >> (Ep-2) Lets play The Evil Within 2 - Duration: 3:36:25.


It's a upload and thats all that matters...i think (Minecraft Skywars) - Duration: 17:57.

For more infomation >> It's a upload and thats all that matters...i think (Minecraft Skywars) - Duration: 17:57.


Lets go enrage with Hatred / 18+ Ultra wide / german gameplay - Duration: 2:39:08.

For more infomation >> Lets go enrage with Hatred / 18+ Ultra wide / german gameplay - Duration: 2:39:08.


Halt and Catch Fire: 'Wrapping Up the Series' Behind the Scenes - Duration: 3:50.

Let me start by asking a question.

Some of the big themes I think we played with are reinvention.

I think to see the characters continuously reinvent

not just what they're working on, but themselves,

you can only reinvent so much before you

have to decide who you are.

You can be more.

You want to be more.

Is this what you saw 10 years ago?

Some of my favorite moments from the series happen

this season and took four years to make.

The scenes where our characters feel like this family of choice,

like the rocket scene.

Blast off!

I think you have to really live with these characters

for four seasons to do scenes like that.



I love Joe's story line over the course of the series.

When we first meet him in the pilot,

he is shamelessly using people.

How the hell did IBM find out about this?

I told them.

This is not the same person

that we saw at the beginning of the show.

He has been changed by the events of this story.

Don't you realize what you have now?!

A big relationship that holds a lot of the story together

is the Clark marriage.

And we see their relationship change so many different ways

over the course of the four seasons.

You're the same person that you always were.

I love that person.

Very few characters get to change as much

as Donna's changed over the years,

and, so, I think all the time

about the Donna we met in the pilot...


...10 years later in the story,

she's an incredibly powerful, self-actualized person.

Thank you all.

What's your name? Cameron.

When we first meet Cameron, we know she has potential,

but there's everything about her character that indicates

she's never gonna be able to realize it.

Davis: She was this damaged orphan at the beginning,

and she ended the show this emotionally evolved woman.


It was a pleasure working with you at Phoenix.

Bos is a guy who's had an incredible journey

over the life of the series.

He has not only a second act, but a third and a fourth act.


I really love and root for Joe and Cameron.

It is always this volatile mess.

Your whole thing, it attracts people,

but it won't keep them around.

And companies and marriages and friendships and business

burned down just is collateral damage to these two

trying to decide how they feel about each other.

Don't you realize what you wrote?

I feel like I've done more discoveries on who I am

as a person through the process of doing this show

than I have of what tech is doing for the world.

This right now is all there is.

Welcome to the future, Joe MacMillan.

Being able to tell a story like this is a true privilege.

Woman: Present. Future.

What does that mean?

And to be able to do it with such esteemed,

gifted colleagues, and I'm gonna treasure the experience

for the rest of my life.

[Cheers and applause]

It's been the best experience of my life.

The people that we made it with are so special and lovely.

I love these people so much.

This crew is so special.

I've been telling you for years that you are a builder.

You need to build.

I know I'm gonna miss it, but I don't think I'll know

how much I miss it until I get to the next one.

[Cheers and applause]

We talk about one of the themes of the show being connection.

What an incredible gift to feel so connected

to so many people in such a vibrant way...

We wanted to leave the stages with an official

Rogers Stage and Cantwell Stage.

...and share this story with everyone, and then,

also, let it go and say goodbye to it.

Let me start...

by asking a question.

For more infomation >> Halt and Catch Fire: 'Wrapping Up the Series' Behind the Scenes - Duration: 3:50.


We Are One Voice | SOMOƧ LIVE! | MTV - Duration: 3:01:58.

For more infomation >> We Are One Voice | SOMOƧ LIVE! | MTV - Duration: 3:01:58.


BREAKING: New Clinton Documents Reveal FBI Has Been Lying For Her All Along - Duration: 5:05.

Many Americans are furious at how Hillary Clinton has been able to get away with murder

(quite literally).

If any regular U.S. citizen did a third of what she did, they'd be sentenced to jail

for life.

It seems that the FBI has been complicit in her crimes as well, because it's now been

uncovered that they were hiding 30 pages of documents from the U.S. public.

The documents are related to the June 2016 airport tarmac meeting between Bill Clinton

and then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch, which has caused many to grow suspicious of our

very own government.

FBI lawyers begrudgingly admitted their existence, only after Judicial Watch filed a lawsuit

under the Freedom of Information Act.

The FBI had previously claimed that they "did not have records" related to the meeting,

but apparently this has now been exposed as a lie.

Judicial Watch reports that they expect to receive the documents no later than November

30th of this year.

Judicial Watch was informed yesterday by the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) that the

FBI has located 30 pages of documents related to the June 27, 2016, tarmac meeting between

former Attorney General Loretta Lynch and former President Bill Clinton, and proposes

non-exempt material be produced no later than November 30, 2017 (Judicial Watch v. U.S.

Department of Justice).

The new documents are being sent to Judicial Watch in response to a Freedom of Information

Act (FOIA) lawsuit filed after the Justice Department failed to comply with a July 7,

2016, FOIA request seeking the following:

All FD-302 forms prepared pursuant to the Federal Bureau of Investigation's investigation

of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's use of a private e-mail server during her


All records of communications between any agent, employee, or representative of the

Federal Bureau of Investigation regarding, concerning, or related to the aforementioned


This request includes, but is not limited to, any related communications with any official,

employee, or representative of the Department of Justice, the Executive Office of the President,

the Democratic National Committee, and/or the presidential campaign of Hillary Clinton.

All records related to the meeting between Attorney General Lynch and former President

Bill Clinton on June 27, 2016.

The FBI originally informed Judicial Watch they did not locate any records related to

the tarmac meeting.

However, in a related case, the Justice Department located emails in which Justice Department

officials communicated with the FBI and wrote that they had communicated with the FBI.

As a result, by letter dated August 10, 2017, from the FBI stated, "Upon further review,

we subsequently determined potentially responsive documents may exist.

As a result, your [FOIA] request has been reopened…"

(Surprisingly, the Trump Justice Department refuses to disclose the talking points developed

by the Obama Justice Department to help it respond to press inquiries about the controversial

June 27, 2016, tarmac meeting between Loretta Lynch and Bill Clinton at Phoenix Sky Harbor

International Airport.)

On June 27, 2016, Attorney General Loretta Lynch met privately with former President

Bill Clinton on board a parked private plane at Sky Harbor International Airport in Phoenix,


The meeting occurred during the then-ongoing investigation of Mrs. Clinton's email server,

and mere hours before the Benghazi report was released publicly involving both Mrs.

Clinton and the Obama administration.

Judicial Watch filed a request on June 30 that the U.S. Department of Justice Office

of the Inspector General investigate that meeting.

"The FBI is out of control.

It is stunning that the FBI 'found' these Clinton-Lynch tarmac records only after we

caught the agency hiding them in another lawsuit," stated Judicial Watch Tom Fitton.

"Judicial Watch will continue to press for answers about the FBI's document games in


In the meantime, the FBI should stop the stonewall and release these new records immediately."

There is an incredible amount of controversy surrounding Barack Obama's presidency, and

whether or not he ordered the FBI to stand down on the Clinton investigation.

It wouldn't be surprising if he did, seeing that the Obama administration already granted

numerous immunity agreements to everyone from terrorists to IT workers on private, non-government


Eventually, the truth will come out—and while it may take a little bit longer than

we'd like, we're willing to wait.

President Trump promised us that he would throw Hillary Clinton in jail when he campaigned

in 2016, and now that he's in office we're all waiting for that fateful day.

what do you think about this?

Please Share this news to let President Trump know you want Hillary Clinton thrown in JAIL!

Scroll down to comment below and don't forget to subscribe top stories today.

For more infomation >> BREAKING: New Clinton Documents Reveal FBI Has Been Lying For Her All Along - Duration: 5:05.


Halt and Catch Fire: 'Phoenix' Series Finale Talked About Scene - Duration: 4:51.

I mean, I can't believe

they spent all this money redecorating

and didn't even change the stupid lock.

Donna: Whoa, carpet. Yeah.

And look at all this glass.

Yeah, this was Comet.

Uh, okay, so Gordon was in your office.

Oh, of course.

And Joe was in mine.

Um, oh.

Gordon rewired the ethernet

so it patched down through the ceiling,

which was really genius.



You remember when, uh, Lev and Yo-Yo

took the fish tank full of sea monkeys

and they moved it over by the fridge? Oh, yeah,

and Carl reached over it

trying to get to the Better Cheddars

and he spilled it all over himself.

Yeah, and he ruined his pants.

He ruined his pants. So he had to strip them off,

and he was wearing -- what was that?

He was wearing that thing. It was like a jock strap.

No, no, no, it was bikini briefs.

Oh, my God. It was like a French cut.

[Both laugh]

[Both sigh]

Didn't he sit, like, right here?

No, Carl, he was over here by Wonderboy.

Cameron: Oh.

Hey, whatever happened to Annabelle?

The mannequin?


Um, [chuckles]


Bodie took mushrooms

and immolated her on the roof

during a lunar eclipse.


Those guys.

You know Bodie has four kids now, right?

Get out.


And, uh, oh, Wonderboy teaches at NYU,

but he teaches, like, video art.

Oh, cool.

What about Carl?


Oh, of course, 'cause the mustache.

No, he --

he hosts it on a website and he charges.

[Laughs] He has a huge house out in Arcadia or somewhere.


What would it be?

If we were to do it all over again?

I'm out of ideas.

Okay, then, how would we run it?


we'd call it, um --

I don't know.


Oh, I like it.


Equal equity.


Equal say in everything. Mm-hmm.

And we'd just grow at our own pace this time.

Like, really enjoy the ride.

What if we did 24 months of pure R&D?

Just focus on ideas way outside the box.


You remember our first week at Phoenix?

Just you, me, and that one guy we hired

out of Cal Poly.

I remember our Series A.

And then we went public.


We had to start making some hard decisions,

maybe a partnership with a bigger company,

and we had to sacrifice some of the culture.

Yeah, but it worked for a while.

But eventually we had to let some people go,

streamline some things.

And still we kept losing ground.

We started arguing about the direction of the company.

I strategized a safe play to keep things afloat.

And I dug my heels in.

We fought about it.

But it didn't destroy us this time.


But still, we were at an impasse.

And then soon enough,

the decision got made for us.


And we walked away friends.




It was a pleasure working with you at Phoenix.


I loved every minute of it.


For more infomation >> Halt and Catch Fire: 'Phoenix' Series Finale Talked About Scene - Duration: 4:51.


海綿寶寶 讓我看清你的想法 (CC字幕) - Duration: 0:13.

For more infomation >> 海綿寶寶 讓我看清你的想法 (CC字幕) - Duration: 0:13.


【衝撃】 新潟在住アイドル・Negicco×ヒャダインが初コラボ!かぜ薬"あるある"を盛り込んだMV「かぜぐすリリック」公開中 - Duration: 4:53.

For more infomation >> 【衝撃】 新潟在住アイドル・Negicco×ヒャダインが初コラボ!かぜ薬"あるある"を盛り込んだMV「かぜぐすリリック」公開中 - Duration: 4:53.


Food allergies: Paying attention to our bodies - Duration: 1:29.

You know a lot of times we find ourselves so focused on the external but

we don't really pay attention to ourselves and we don't tend to pay

attention to how we feel. For example, a lot of people have different food

allergies that they pay no attention to. There are people that are completely

lactose intolerant, yet they're constantly eating all of this milk

cheese and sour cream.

I think part of this happens because we don't really pay

attention to things unless the symptoms get really bad.

I'm a very good example

of that. Just take a look at my forehead. I've got these two big cysts,

which sucks and I know why I got them, because I eat bread,

and I've noticed before that whenever I eat bread it feels as though

I have got sandpaper in my mouth or sometimes my tongue even goes numb.

I've now learned my lesson because, obviously my body is just protesting and

it's saying no more of this crap.

I bring this up because, you know a lot

of times we don't pay attention to our bodies and we need to we need to

start paying attention to our bodies, we need to pay attention to what we need

and make sure that we're honoring ourselves.

Well, I hope you're having a great day

and I look forward to chatting again with you soon. Bye!

For more infomation >> Food allergies: Paying attention to our bodies - Duration: 1:29.


Saturdays are boring|Rafey Jawad|Vlog 2 - Duration: 3:41.

I'm asked to take a shower and I'm



I have to get some groceries(why vlogging it then?) and with me is my


,driever and servant(at the same time??)

And he'll accompany me later

Hassan:- Yeh


His name's HASSAN. Look at the camera ,bro.

and btw he's the only person from my house who knows that I'm vlogging

Do you use YouTube? Hassan:- Yeah.I can make videos myself.(lie)

What do you watch on YouTube??

I might not take my camera there

but I can't



I'm not sure if cameras are allowed there

and this has happend a lot of times that the security takes away my camera

and they either give it when I'm leaving or they delete everything in it.

I also deleted my previous vlogging channel

and I don't wanna do it this time

My weekend is really boring because

Sundays have always been boring

and I just showed you(and I'll show more)my Saturdays

I just do some chores and then

I'm completely free

My laptop...

...there was this notification saying that it will stop working

by 4pm. So restart it

or forget it

and without understanding that I actually

and I restarted it

and this is whats going on and I've never seen such thing so I'm a bit worried

I actually planned to play cricket with Hassan but

he has to go somewhere so that means

no cricket

I'm so bored that I can chew all these Tridents at once

it doesn't have anything to do with boredom

I'm so bored

that maybe I'll die with boredom

For more infomation >> Saturdays are boring|Rafey Jawad|Vlog 2 - Duration: 3:41.


「熊熊遇見你短篇翻譯」:森之謎語 The Cave (CC字幕) - Duration: 2:02.

For more infomation >> 「熊熊遇見你短篇翻譯」:森之謎語 The Cave (CC字幕) - Duration: 2:02.


Top 6 Con Giáp Giàu NỨT ĐỐ ĐỔ VÁCH Tiền Rơi Trúng Đầu Trong 15 ngày Tới - Duration: 4:04.

For more infomation >> Top 6 Con Giáp Giàu NỨT ĐỐ ĐỔ VÁCH Tiền Rơi Trúng Đầu Trong 15 ngày Tới - Duration: 4:04.


IFW at Market Ep 4 - Duration: 2:16.

So we need a punchy intro.

What's our punchy intro?

That's not the kind of punchy intro I am looking for!

Come on.

We found a very cool bike as well as a...

Storage ottoman.

Very nice.

Mmm hmm.

Make sure to stay tuned to the end of the video where we have a special guest for you

as well.

Today our picks of the day was a reclaimed bicycle bar.

Now this is one of those some of a kind pieces from the collection from Classic Home Deluxe.

It is a bicycle that has been transformed into a little bar with the acacia wood top

on it.

Very cool

It has these wonderful little stools with color so it's a little pop.

Definitely a conversation piece.

Each one is different.

Just a nice little accent to put in your home for your entertaining area.

What about yourself? What did you find?

I found a storage ottoman.

It was 22 by 42 and it comes in 150 different leathers.


That we carry in store.


It's pretty cool!

So those are our top two picks for the day.


Stay tuned we'll see you in the next video.

Watch the other one that is coming up right after.

Very special occasion!

Donna has a pick of the Market.

Now Donna I know you usually don't get to come onto Facebook too often and share your


But you did find a piece you want to tell everyone about.

I did find a piece.

This was my pick right here.

Love this piece, love the color, love the wood.


Acacia wood. Yeah.

It has these lines in it you were mentioning.

Mmm hmm... it almost looks three dimensional.

Now is there any special functions with this?

Yeah, the doors pop open.

And you have storage.

So you have shelves there?

The shelves look like they are removable as well as adjustable.



So you have metal base. Metal base

Something you can see in your house.

Love it!!!

Nice little piece.

We'll see you in the next video.

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