Thứ Bảy, 14 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 15 2017

Top 10 Most Popular Asian Actresses | You Didn't Know

For more infomation >> Top 10 Most Popular Asian Actresses | You Didn't Know - Duration: 6:40.


Chase Your Goals Episode IX: Smolensk and Beyond w/ English Subtitles/Русские Субтитры - Duration: 6:36.

Look, when it's time to wash, just press this and that's it

Fuza: It's a very smart invention

Chase: Yes, very convenient

Fuza: You need to make one in the bathroom at home in Brooklyn

Fuza: You can cook soup in there

Chase: It's very beautiful but inside is another story

Chase: There is..

Fuza: Let's show it

Chase: No, don't… don't damn

Chase: That's it, that's it

Fuza: What is it called?

Chase: A hole

Fuza: (Outdoor) Toilet

Chase: (Outdoor) Toilet

Chase: That's it

Chase: Welcome to… where is this?

My name is Chase Winters

I am an agent of change

I make music

I make people smile

Chase: What's the name of the cathedral?

Fuza: Assumption Cathedral

Chase: We are now at the Star fall festival in Smolensk

Fuza: For now only toys are falling

Chase: There will soon be fireworks, it'll be cool

Hey Chase!

Hey! :) What?

Good people are everywhere

I don't know what news or what articles anyone could read that would convince them that there aren't good people everywhere

But make no mistake there are good people in every state, in every country, in every crevice of this world

You just have to find them and open your hearts to them but they are everywhere

Chase: Tell them where we are..

Fuza: Lobnya

Chase: Where?

Fuza: Lobnya

Chase: That's it!

Fuza: And now we show you how much Chase earns off of one of his concerts.

Fuza: Are you going to the strip club with that money?

Hey Chase!

Hey! :) What?

I just bought two boxes of cereal

This is really cool to me

I'm a vegetarian, I shouldn't be eating like this

But it's just so cool to me that they have these flavors in Russia that they don't have in the states

This thing is really cool

I tried it in Siberia when I was there

It's basically like a braid of cheese

Glazed Curd

I tried this in America for the first time

It's super tasty

It's like an ice cream cheese thing, I really like it

I don't really know what this is


It's like this kind of buttery cottage cheese and it's like fruit flavored

I have to ask my friends exactly what that is because I don't really know but it's delicious

I got some butter and some cheese


That's it, about $40 bucks

I think that's pretty regular, that's what I usually pay for this amount of food in America I'd say

Maybe a little bit more

The food industry here in America is quite interesting

It's rather scary that we have so many chemicals, preservatives and additives that are put into a lot of the food that we consume

I've learned recently that a lot of the bread that I ate growing up had high fructose corn syrup in it

It's just really scary because there are a lot of health complications that people go through

Obviously the obesity rate in our country is really high

And it's scary when you go to other countries, you taste the produce, you taste the difference in the food.

We're in Chisinau in Moldova and my message to you in this episode is to have a plan

It's easy to want to do a lot of things and have a lot of goals but if you don't have a plan it's hard to execute and hard to make it happen

So have a plan

And that's it...

Chase your goals

Cheers to happiness!

People say that this looks like the Lourve in London or England

I don't know what the Lourve looks like so it's hard for me to compare

Cinematographer : It's Paris


Cinematographer : It's Paris

It's Paris, ok thanks so let me redo that

But I don't know see that's what I'm saying

So people looks like the Louvre in Paris

Are you sure it's in Paris?

Cinematographer: Yes, It's Paris

People say that this looks like the Louvre in Paris

But I've never seen the Lourve, I've never been to Paris

So I don't know

To me this looks great

It's a good looking pyramid

For more infomation >> Chase Your Goals Episode IX: Smolensk and Beyond w/ English Subtitles/Русские Субтитры - Duration: 6:36.


Guerra Nuclear em Solo & A Trama de Obama com a Coréia do Norte para Desestabilizar a América - Duration: 12:33.

For more infomation >> Guerra Nuclear em Solo & A Trama de Obama com a Coréia do Norte para Desestabilizar a América - Duration: 12:33.


How to Use YouTube to Improve Your English | English Listening - Duration: 9:44.

Hi guys! Welcome back to English with Max. This is my second video on listening

resources, and in this video I am going to be focusing on YouTube, that is, how to

use YouTube to improve your English listening, and how to improve your

English in general. And no, YouTube is not sponsoring me to do this video...

unfortunately. I'll also recommend a few channels that you might find interesting.

If you haven't yet seen my video in which I talk about how to improve your

English listening fast, I recommend that you first go and watch that. I'll put a

link in the info box and you can also click on the card above. I also suggest

that you first watch this video in which I talk about other free listening

resources online. You can click on the link below again or the link above.

But now let's look at YouTube.

Now obviously you guys know that you can watch English language tutorials

or lessons on YouTube, otherwise you wouldn't be watching my channel.

There are lots of teachers and lessons you can watch, but you can also

improve your English by watching videos that aren't actually English tutorials.

In other words they're just videos about various subjects and normally they are

aimed at native English speakers. But that doesn't mean that they're all super

difficult to understand. Let's take a look.

This channel is a food and cooking channel.

I'm subscribed to it. If you like food and cooking, this might be a good

option for you. Or if you just want to learn some food vocabulary,

you could also just watch a few cooking videos. The good thing about YouTube is

that there are often subtitles. Now you need to be careful though, because there

are the subtitles that the creator can either put in or edit, and then there are

the auto-generated subtitles. I'll show you what I mean.

Now as you could see there, there was punctuation, it was all correct...

That means that the creator has corrected the subtitles.

If we go here and we choose "auto-generated",

those are subtitles that the creator has not edited. And... they're getting better and

better, but there are still often mistakes, so... it's - they can be helpful, but

for learning English they're not the best. Particularly because sometimes the

words are wrong and there is no punctuation.

This is another cooking channel that I'm subscribed to, but I don't think it's as useful

for English learners as Mind Over Munch simply because the subtitles aren't corrected.

Let's have a look.

As you can see the word's supposed to be "feast", but YouTube came up with "feats".

So there are just small mistakes like that, that you get in the auto-generated subtitles.

This channel is on a completely different topic.

This is mainly about entrepreneurship and things like digital marketing. So if you run

your own business, you might find this interesting.

Another good thing is that there are subtitles on most videos. Let's have a look.

Okay, now I find his videos very interesting, but you might notice that he

speaks relatively quickly. However, that's where this function comes in very handy.

You can actually change the speed. Now if you go to 1.25 or higher, you will be

making it faster, and if you go to 0.75 or lower, it will go slower. So let's click 0.75.

Sometimes the people sound a little bit drunk when you

put it on 0.75, but i think that it's still really useful sometimes,

because when you're learning a language, often the problem isn't that you don't

know the words, it's just that you're not used to a certain speed. So when you're

still learning, changing the speed is a very useful thing to be able to do.

Another channel that I think is great for people learning English is TheEllenShow.

Firstly, I don't think Ellen DeGeneres is too difficult to understand.

She's got quite a neutral American accent, she doesn't speak too fast...

In addition, she also interviews a wide range of different people, so you can

hear different accents and hear interviews on different topics.

I've had a look at some of the videos. It seems that the latest ones don't

necessarily have subtitles, but if you go back a day or two, you will - you will get

videos with proper subtitles.

The last channel I want to talk about is by a guy called Thomas Frank.

Ha, "Thomas the Frank Engine" - I just got that.

Anyway, he's a young American guy who mainly talks about study techniques.

He admittedly speaks quite fast, but he's very articulate and his grammar is basically

perfect. Now that might sound strange because I'm talking about a native

English speaker, but as you probably know, some native speakers speak better than

other native speakers. And let's just say he's one of the better speakers.

Another good thing is that he edits his subtitles.

The channels I've showed you are really just some suggestions. Like I've said before,

the most important thing is that you find material that you find interesting.

Maybe you like gardening...

...or makeup.

Remember I watched a lot of makeup videos in Spanish to improve my Spanish.

Perhaps you like cars,

or software development,

or DIY.

It's normally better if there are proper subtitles, but if you

understand quite a lot, subtitles are not absolutely necessary.

Thanks very much for watching, guys. If you now want to practice your writing,

you can leave me a comment. No, not on my jeans, but in the comments section down below.

I'd really like to know if you already

use YouTube to work on your English and if so, what types of channels you like to

watch. If you liked the video, don't forget to like and subscribe, and to

share it with your friends. See you next time.

For more infomation >> How to Use YouTube to Improve Your English | English Listening - Duration: 9:44.


8 Weird Ways Nintendo Forgot To Censor NES Games - Duration: 7:40.

It's no secret that Nintendo saved the U.S videogame market after the infamous crash

of 1983.

Among other reasons, a flood of bad games during the Atari era destroyed the public's

trust in the gaming industry, but Nintendo managed to rebuild it from scratch, keeping

a steady supply of quality titles at the audience's reach.

In order to maintain their brand's image, Nintendo applied a very rigid set of rules

to third party developers, such as what kind of material they could show in their titles.Nintendo

would not allow things like excessive violence and sexual themes to pervade the NES, in an

attempt to keep its products as family friendly as possible.

But as Censored Gaming covered in the past, once in a while, the company's watch dogs

would drop their guard, and themes otherwise considered objectionable would find their

way intostores without any incident.

Today, we'll talk a little about more about this.

Here are eight licensed games that escaped Nintendo's censorship during the 8 bit era.

Let's start with Acclaim's WWF Wrestlemania, which was released in 1989 and featured some

of the biggest names in sports entertainment at the time.

The game was more of a brawler than a wrestling title, since the action consisted mostly of

button mashing with very few grappling moves.

Characters could replenish health by grabbing items that would randomly cross the ring,

each one of them related to their in-ring persona: For the Honky Tonk Man it was a guitar,

for Andre the Giant, a steak, and for Hulk Hogan, a crucifix.

Nintendo had a strict policy regarding the display of religious symbols in their games,

as well as any mention of gods, but the Hulkster somehow got a pass.

It's possible that Nintendo made an exception in this case, since the catchphrase "say

your prayers and take your vitamins" was as intrinsically connected to Hogan as wrestling


Moving on to Bionic Commando, Capcom's classic action game became infamous for presenting

the audience with one of the goriest moments of the 8 bit era.

In the original story, the hero Ladd Spencer fights against a new Nazi empire, which was

rebranded as "theBadds" for the American release.

All Nazi symbols and references were removed, but the final boss is still an unmistakable

Adolf Hitler, whose head explodes in very graphic detail once he's defeated.

Another game which confronted the player with Nazi enemies was Golgo 13: Top Secret Episode.

Again, due to Nintendo's family friendly censorship policies there are no mentions of Nazism outside

of Japan.

However, as shown here,it's actually still possible to pick up a file with a Swastika

on the cover.

Additionally, the final boss Smirk remains an obvious cyborg version of Adolf Hitler.

But that was just the tip of the iceberg.

Golgo 13: Top Secret Episode is based on a manga by Takao Saito - a series following

Duke Togo, a professional hitman, in stories full of violence and sex.

The videogame successfully duplicated the mystique of the comic book, and while some

content was cut from the original Japanese release, a lot of it arrived in the U.S unscathed.

For starters, in the sniper segments, it's possible to see clear blood spurts every time

the target is hit, something that went completely against Nintendo's stance on blood and gore

at the time.

Top Secret Episode also had scenes were the hero's female companions would undress in

front of him.

The nudity was removed from the western version, but the view from outside their hotel window,

which heavily implied they had sex, remained.

Finally, it's possible to find a pack of cigarettes and regain health by smoking them.

Duke Togo wasn't the only smoker who kept his bad habit while working under Nintendo's


In Metal Gear, a pack of cigarettes is the only item Solid Snake possess at the start

of the game.

At first, they serve no apparent purpose, but if used during the final scene countdown,

they will double the time you have to escape the enemy base before it blows up.

It's actually possible to finish Metal Gear without using them, rendering the item non-vital,

which adds to the mystery of why it was not cut from the game.

Nintendo didn't make the same mistake twice and, when Metal Gear Solid: Ghost Babel was

released for the Game Boy Color in the year 2000, the cigarettes had their name changed

to "fogger" and were described as "a device that emits smoke".

Even though Nintendo tried it's best to keep any type of adult material away from

the NES, quite a few titles were released with instances of nudity on them.

Such is the case with River City Ransom, Technōs Japan's beloved brawler.

In it, players can visit book shops and restaurants to buy items that increase the hero's attributes.

One of the establishments at your disposal is a sauna, where the main character can have

a bath and relax, while inadvertently mooning the audience.

Culture Brain's RPG The Magic of Scheherazade also contained some nudity, but this time

of a more 'otherworldly' nature.

The second boss, Curly, is based on the Hindu goddess of destruction and creation, Kali,

who's commonly represented as a six-armed figure with exposed breasts.

While her name was changed for translation, she is still referred as a female in the game


And in her second form, she transforms, and her naked torso is clearly visible.

It's true that Kali, or Curly, isn't actually human, but Nintendo's censorship policies

extended even to monsters during that era, as seen with the Medusa in Castlevania III,

who had her female features severely lessened.

It's curious that this got a free pass in not only showing a Hindu divinity, but her

bare assets as well.

Next up is Taboo: The Sixth Sense, which is actually not really a game, but a tarot card

reading simulator.

Players would input their name, birthdate and gender at the start, then the cartridge

would "read their luck" using a tarot deck.

One of the arcana is represented bya naked couple seen from the behind, another of a

woman baring her breasts and then lastly is the chimera, which has a lion body and a topless

women sticking out of its back.

Finally, we have the NES version of Maniac Mansion.

The original game was full of double entendre and dark humor, so Nintendo kept the adaptation

under a microscope, and objected to as much content as humanly possible.

As previously covered by Censored Gaming, any sexual innuendo, such as Nurse Edna's

lines when imprisoning the main characters, were removed.

Nintendo also demanded the removal of a nude statue on the second floor of the mansion,

as well as a Playboy poster and a mummy pin-up from the workout room.

Also, in the original game, your character would be killed by the Green Tentacle when

playing "Mating calls", the implication being that the creature killed you by having

sex with you.

No such thing happens in the Nintendo version.

Maniac Mansion also went through some very heavy language cleaning, and words like "kill",

"suck" and "pissed" were entirely removed, not only from the story's dialogue,

but also from the arcade machines in the game room.

The cabinet named "Die, Enemy, Die" was completely removed, while the one called "Kill

Thrill" was renamed to "Muff Diver", and later to "Tuna Diver", since "Muff

Diver" also sounded sexual to Nintendo's watchers.

Considering all the material that was cut from the NES adaptation of the game, it's

mind boggling that Nintendo managed to let one very clear instance of animal cruelty

escape their grasp.

While playing as Syd or Razor, gamers could steal Ed's hamster and microwave it until

the rodent exploded.

Then, it was possible to deliver the remains to his owner, who would promptly kill your


When Nintendo got wind of this, they demanded that such gruesome feature was removed from

any future batch of cartridges.

Curiously, this change only affected the PAL versions, since there wasn't a second run

of the U.S version.

As Nintendo's outrage at the Maniac Mansion hamster scene shows, whilst they tried very

hard to keep their consoles "family friendly" they did still sometimes miss things!

This also perhaps helps explain how some of the other entries on the list were left uncensored.

Whilst Censored Gaming typically takes a look at the things that "did" get censored, videos

like this can be good from time to time, where we instead take a look at the reverse and

things "not" being censored.

If this is something you'd like to see more of then please leave a comment below and hit

that subscribe button and, until next time, thank you for watching.

For more infomation >> 8 Weird Ways Nintendo Forgot To Censor NES Games - Duration: 7:40.


RED BALL RED BALL 4 JELLY BEAR BEARS vs FREDDY 5 NIGHTS #3 cartoon game for kids - Duration: 6:14.

For more infomation >> RED BALL RED BALL 4 JELLY BEAR BEARS vs FREDDY 5 NIGHTS #3 cartoon game for kids - Duration: 6:14.


Paladins Barik Deck Arquitetonico BlacknightBR - Duration: 14:24.

For more infomation >> Paladins Barik Deck Arquitetonico BlacknightBR - Duration: 14:24.


Art Exibition Poster Design Tutorial | Photoshop Tutorial | click3d - Duration: 12:01.

document 2004p* 2761p, resolution 300px, color white

drop this image in your document

copy (ctrl + c)

paste (ctrl + v)

rename as "lady"

now add layer mask

and fill the mask with color black

now use splatter brush

select the same brush as shown

color white

and start painting on the mask as shown

now take a new layer

rename as "splatter / particles "

use splatter brush and paint as shown

now duplicate the "lady" layer

and drop it down below "lady" layer

and rename it as "b & w"

now add new adjustment layer "black & white" to "b & w" layer

apply clipping mask

select "b & w" layer and apply free transform tool

and scale a bit as shown

now paint the mask as show, to refine our output

use the same brush

now take a new layer above all the layers

rename it as "box"

now take a "rounded rectangle tool"

color #181818

and draw as shown

now add text

now duplicate the "art" text layer

place it below "art" layer

rename it as "color"

now double click and open layer styles

add "gradient overlay"

color #ff8400, #00deff, #ffd200

and now move the text to right side as shown

now add another text

now take a new layer

and rename it as "line"

now take a hard brush, color black

and draw a line as shown

now take a new layer above all the layers

rename as "border"

take a "rectangular marquee tool" and draw a selection as shown

fill it with color "white"

now duplicate the same layer

and align it to right side as sown

now press (ctrl + shift + alt + e)

blending mode "linear light"

filter - other - high pass

we are done

For more infomation >> Art Exibition Poster Design Tutorial | Photoshop Tutorial | click3d - Duration: 12:01.


Gucci becomes Fur-Free: Beautiful faux Alternatives - Duration: 0:58.

Italy's Gucci will stop using fur in its designs. Faux Fur Coats/Accessories - After coming under pressure from animal rights activists and changing consumer tastes. saying it would sell off remaining animal fur clothing at charity auction.

For more infomation >> Gucci becomes Fur-Free: Beautiful faux Alternatives - Duration: 0:58.



Hello guys, it's Graisa.

Thank you so much for open and play this video.

It's really glad to be back, after a while

Well anyway, welcome to the Review Corner

As we all know that last week we lost Hugh Hefner

One of the..


He's the only one, I guess

He's the founder and the CEO as well, I assume

of Playboy Magazine

And the owner of Playboy Mansion

This biography book is very related to

life in Playboy Mansion

So, this is the book

A book from Holly Madison

From its cover, we all already know

that the books is about Playboy Mansion (based on former playboy words)

So, I will

just leave it here

Without any further ado

This is it

Let's get rolling

So, for who you don't know who is Holly Madison

Holly Madison was one of model from Playboy Magazine

started her career from 1998

She was chosen to be

one of the best Playboy model back then

and also rewarded to be Hugh Hefner's "girlfriend"

Around 2001 to 2008

The Playboy Magazine was also

published in Indonesia and raised significant controversial

around 2010 if I'm not mistaken

The owner of Playboy Magazine which is Hugh Hefner

build a Playboy Mansion

to be his house

and also

for the chosen Playboy's model

The reason that makes this mansion became famous is

the Midsummer Night Dream Party they always held

which attended by

A-list celebrities



நாம யாரு வம்புக்கும் போறதில்ல,தும்புக்கும் போறதில்ல | 98.99% சிரிப்புதா | Whats App Status Videos - Duration: 1:41.

For more infomation >> நாம யாரு வம்புக்கும் போறதில்ல,தும்புக்கும் போறதில்ல | 98.99% சிரிப்புதா | Whats App Status Videos - Duration: 1:41.


Masha And The Bear | Learn Colors Mermaid Masha | Finger Family Nursery Rhyme for kids - Duration: 2:47.

Masha And The Bear | Learn Colors Mermaid Masha | Finger Family Nursery Rhyme

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