Thứ Bảy, 14 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 15 2017

[openBVE - Singapore] SMRT C830C [858]: Dhoby Ghaut → Promenade

Doors are closing.

Please do not lean against the train doors.

Next station, Bras Basah.

This train service will end at HarbourFront.

Bras Basah.

Bras Basah.

Please mind the platform gap.

Doors are closing.

Please do not lean against the train doors.

Next station, Esplanade.



Please mind the platform gap.

Doors are closing.

Please do not lean against the train doors.

Next station, Promenade.

This train service will end at HarbourFront.

Change at the next station for the Downtown Line, or train service to Bayfront and Marina Bay.


This train service will end at HarbourFront.

Change at this station for the Downtown Line.

If you are travelling to Bayfront or Marina Bay, please proceed to Platform B.


Please mind the platform gap.

For more infomation >> [openBVE - Singapore] SMRT C830C [858]: Dhoby Ghaut → Promenade - Duration: 5:16.


NAKROTH Feed 1 Mạng Đầu+Mất 2 Rồng+Không Dùng Bản Ngọc Liệu Có Gánh Được Team--Trận Đấu Hài Nhất - Duration: 18:49.

For more infomation >> NAKROTH Feed 1 Mạng Đầu+Mất 2 Rồng+Không Dùng Bản Ngọc Liệu Có Gánh Được Team--Trận Đấu Hài Nhất - Duration: 18:49.


The Devil's Playground ***POETRY*** - Duration: 1:36.

The Devil's playground

Looking at the heavens watching the stars shine bright

Getting showered by the pale moonlight

Trying to see the future but for a moment i almost lost sight,, so do I stay strong fight or flight?

I hear Sirens screaming in the night

Another mother breaks down because your son lost his life needles and bags another Addict getting high

Broken glass from the liquor bottles so we could alter our minds, Prostitute sell their bodies for the right price

So lost and the future doesn't look bright, a kid going tp sleep hungry

Asking God whydid his mom choose to dance with the devil when she picked up the pipe

Demons surrounded us ready for us to believe their lies

jealousy and envy breaking up family ties

blurry lines between wrong and right

Moral start disappearing so respectful for others starts to die untold secrets starting to bury us alive

Living in a world where the blind leads the blind

So here we stand in the devils playground

A place far from what we call paradise

A place far from what we call paradise

For more infomation >> The Devil's Playground ***POETRY*** - Duration: 1:36.


Halt and Catch Fire: 'They're on the Toolbar' Talked About Scene Ep. 409 - Duration: 4:24.

Is the query box fixed?

Or does it still get a null response

if you put a space before the carriage return?

Still on my punch list.

[Foot taps]

Joe, this is still an early beta.

So there's tons of bugs.

We don't know what they're gonna fix,

how they're gonna fix it, how those fixes are gonna affect us.

Guess I should just shut up.

No, but could you just relax?

We've got tons of time.

We've got two days.

Yeah, we have two days.

Okay, here.

That looks worse than it did before.

I know. It's part of the...process.

[Inhales deeply, exhales]

Maybe you shouldn't watch how the sausage is made.

[Notebook slams]

[Pen slams]

[Computer dings]

Are you checking your e-mail?



No, what?

What, am I not taking this seriously enough for you?

I didn't say that.

You didn't have to say it. You're acting like it.

We've got the cheat sheet to the exam.

We've won.

I just don't want to miss another opportunity.

Two days.

Two days. That's all I'm asking for.

Can you just focus long enough

for us to get Comet optimized...

Oh, my God. that it loads perfectly when Netscape ships.

I'm giving you my focus.

Jesus, I'm doing you a favor.

Who's the e-mail from?

[Scoffing] Are you...


Go ahead.

Read it.


Oh, g--

It's the new beta.

Shall I thank her for you, or do you want to compose

something that'll make her feel

like a total (no audio) for helping you out?

Give me a break.

[Computer chimes]


Looks the same as the old one.

Yeah, the skin's the same. Let's see how she runs.

-Whoa. -Uhh...

That's way faster than I thought.

-Yeah. -Wow.

Hold on.

What, you can put text in fields before the page fully loads?

Really nice touch.

Okay, so they've got support for JPEG.

The formatting is perfect.

I'm gonna set a call with Jim Clark.

[Gasps] You know what we could do?

We could put a badge on our homepage

saying "Optimized for Netscape."

And the gifs would render smoothly if --

Wait, wait...

What is that? That wasn't there before.

What the hell is Yahoo?

Two guys. Stanford. Used to be called

"Jerry and David's Guide to the World Wide Web."

[Laughing] But...

This sucks. The design's terrible,

there's no image support, they're --

On the toolbar.


They're on the toolbar.

That's it.

They've won.

They're the directory to the Web.

We don't exist.

[Watch beeping]

Oh, God.

Come on.

[Beeping continues]



[Beeping continues]

[Beeping quickens]

[Beeping stops]


For more infomation >> Halt and Catch Fire: 'They're on the Toolbar' Talked About Scene Ep. 409 - Duration: 4:24.


Dragon Ball Super Avance Capitulo 112 (Sub español) (Full HD) | ¡Vegeta se sacrifica por Kyabe! - Duration: 0:20.

For more infomation >> Dragon Ball Super Avance Capitulo 112 (Sub español) (Full HD) | ¡Vegeta se sacrifica por Kyabe! - Duration: 0:20.


癒し系スピリチュアルrelax poem『光と闇』CC:Eng、Cha 、Kor sab - Duration: 0:39.

For more infomation >> 癒し系スピリチュアルrelax poem『光と闇』CC:Eng、Cha 、Kor sab - Duration: 0:39.


Hundreds attend service for Mass. victim of Las Vegas massacre - Duration: 1:23.

For more infomation >> Hundreds attend service for Mass. victim of Las Vegas massacre - Duration: 1:23.


癒し系恋愛relax poem『永遠に』CC:Eng、Cha 、Kor sab - Duration: 0:39.

For more infomation >> 癒し系恋愛relax poem『永遠に』CC:Eng、Cha 、Kor sab - Duration: 0:39.


癒し系恋愛relax poem『その優しさ』 CC:Eng、Cha、Kor - Duration: 0:45.

For more infomation >> 癒し系恋愛relax poem『その優しさ』 CC:Eng、Cha、Kor - Duration: 0:45.


How To Visualize For O.B.E. / Astral Travel / Lucid Dreaming - Duration: 11:19.

I want to talk about visualization today.

Just about all of the early techniques we learn for leaving the physical body consciously,

use something we commonly call "visualization".

Unfortunately, this is a word that often gets misunderstood, and this leads to people thinking

that they can't visualize or they can't meditate, and then trying to modify or combine

techniques in a way that in the end turn out to be not quite as effective.

So, today I want to talk about what is meant by visualization and what is supposed to be

happening when we practice some of these different types of techniques.

And, I also want to broaden the scope a little here, and talk about the progression of visualization

techniques in terms of difficulty, because although we are forced by language to use

words like visualization and imagination these words don't really capture any of the details

that differentiates what happens at the different levels of these techniques.

Let's first talk about why there are different levels or different difficulty levels of techniques.

What we call out of body travel is a really just a byproduct of the increased levels of

lucidity that happen when we loosen the identification between the nonphysical part of us that functions

as the observer, and the various elements of our experience that we call body and mind,

as well as to some extent, the idea about ourselves that we carry with us in the form

of memory.

Because it is ultimately this identification that we are working against, and what we are

trying to do is clear away some of the haze and realize our true nature or realize our

true self, and get a little bit of freedom or space between us and this physical experience,

then what we are doing with out of body travel techniques, is not really different from any

of the other types of practices designed to take us in this same direction.

So, a person that watches their body in a yoga pose, or watches their breath in Vipassana

meditation, or who watches the world with their eyes open in Zazen, or who watches through

the practice of mindfulness as they walk through a park, or any number of other techniques,

is also working to loosen this identification between the observer, and what we call the

"ego" or the assumed identity.

The reason identification is so important, is that it has a lot to do with dictating

the various levels of techniques that we use.

And, we are going to go over some of these categories in just a minute, but the point

I want to make first here, is that if we don't start with basic visualization, then we can

end up making things a lot more difficult for ourselves.

Because if our identity is strongly tied up with the experience of a physical body of

seeing, and hearing, and smelling, and tasting, and touching, through the outward facing physical

senses, then we find that if we just try to power through a separation by trying to stay

alert as we fall asleep, or we just pick a technique at random, then our own system is

likely to work against us.

If we doesn't know some lucidity without the physical body, then when we try to stay

lucid, we also inadvertently seem to support the other experience of physical wakefulness

by holding some of our attention on the physical body.

And, this will make it seem like we are stuck.

We will get a lot of vibrations, or partial separation, or lucid dreams if we are lucky,

or sometimes we won't get anything at all, we just keep ourselves awake for hours and

hours and hours.

So, in the beginning, it is most effective to use a basic visualization technique, and

just let the body fall asleep on its own, and let the separation take place naturally,

and just try to keep our attention focused with a simple method.

Then, as more layers of our experience open up, then we can climb the stairs as it were

and use these new experiences as footholds to our advantage.

So, let's start with basic visualization.

Let's talk about what it is and how to do it.

The first technique I always recommend is always the 4am method and in that we just

visualize a ball of white light about the size of our own closed hand.

In this case, visualizing does not mean that we see a white light with our eyes closed.

As long as our physical body is awake, and our are seeing with our physical eyes, when

we close our eyes, the normal experience is going to be just to see darkness.

With this basic visualization, what we are doing is just imagining.

In fact, the ball of light is actually almost irrelevant.

The purpose is not really to keep the object steady, the purpose is to keep you steady.

When you hold something in your mind, you're simultaneously holding yourself in the position

of the observer.

And, this creates a little bit of space, that slows down the compulsive movement of the

attention, the process that normally just seems to us just like random thoughts arising

out of nowhere.

Also, because the object we are imagining is not associated with the experience of a

physical body, we have an opportunity to allow the body to fall into sleep, while our focus

of attention carries on.

So, with basic visualization, what we are doing is not actually seeing with our eyes

closed, we are just imagining the object, and holding our attention on a fixed point.

And, everyone can do this, it doesn't take any new skills, if you can close your eyes,

and imagine what your friend's face looks like, then you have all the skill you need

hold the imagination of a ball of light for this method.

The second tier of difficulty when it comes to OBE visualization, is what we call tactile


I list these as a higher difficulty level, because they are more effective only after

we have had some progress, and we know what the feeling of the etheric body is and can

distinguish it from the physical sense of touch.

Hopefully we get this experience by having at least a partial separation.

And, with tactile visualization, we imagine sensations rather than just a kind of mental


So, this would be those methods like the rope technique, or the hammock method, anything

where we are going to imagine the sensation of movement rather than just imagining an


So, with these kinds of techniques that involve simulated movement, again, we are just using

our imagination.

Preferably, the way to do this is to first act out the movement physically if we can.

So, like with the rope technique for instance, we would want to physically move our arms

in a climbing motion first, and then lay down and try to recreate that sensation of that

movement again as vividly as possible using our imagination.

This also doesn't take any news skill, until the physical body falls asleep, it is just

a kind of imagination that we use to keep ourselves focused and that will hopefully

alert us when we move into the etheric body.

But, again, I find that these kind of techniques are less effective than basic visualization,

unless we have experienced at least a partial separation and we know that the mind awake

transition into a subtler body - we know what it feels like.

The third degree of difficulty or the third tier of difficulty when it comes to OBE visualization

techniques, are ones that involve actual movement.

I say that these are the highest tier, because you can only really use these when your experience

has opened up to the point where you are actually able to hold onto your lucidity past the point

where your physical body falls asleep and you then find yourself in the etheric body.

Also, in the next video I put up we are going to talk about the difference between the etheric

and astral body in case anyone wondering why I talk about astral projection and astral

travel but always talk about the etheric body when we talk in terms of separation.

But, this third level or third type of technique, that uses movement, so techniques like the

rollout method, or the vigil method, although it is true that sometimes these are used just

as an imagined movement to keep the mind focused like we did with the earlier tactile visualization

methods, this third type of technique- these are really meant for people who are experiencing

what we call the "mind awake / body asleep" state, where they are able to hold onto their

lucidity past the point where their physical bodies falls asleep.

And because at that point they will no longer be consciously in control of their physical

body, they will be in a subtler body, then these techniques don't actually use an imagined


If the separation has already occurred, and yet you still find yourself in the position

of the physical body, then you are actually able to just use movement the same way that

you would physically.

So the rolling out, or the getting up that happens with the vigil method, these are sometimes

described as a visualization or imagined movement, but in practice, they are actually just ordinary

getting up or rolling out.

It is just that they only become effective after the separation has already happened.

So, that is the gradual progression of what is meant by visualization for OBE practice.

The first type again, is just mental focus on a very basic kind of image, to hold your

focus away from the body as it falls asleep.

The second, kind is tactile visualization, where we imagine sensations of movement (sensations

or sensations of movement I should say) – these seem to work best again after we have already

had some experience with the sensations of the etheric body, hopefully from a complete


And then finally, the third types of technique that involve actual movements, like rolling

out our sitting up, and these are ones that we are going to be able to use after we find

ourselves holding on to lucidity all the way through the physical body falling asleep to

the point where we are taking complete control of the etheric body.

So, that is all I wanted to talk about today.

Thank you again so much for supporting this channel by watching and liking and sharing

these videos.

A special thanks to all of you who are supporting the channel by using the Patreon site – a

few of you are listed here in the credits at the end of this video we just hit another

milestone on Patreon yesterday, on the Patreon campaign so thank you so much.

If you have any questions about this video, please either comment them underneath the

video, or if you are on Facebook, check out the Facebook page and discussion groups.

And if you want to support this channel and help it grow a little bit faster, please head

over and check out the Patreon campaign listed in the description below.

So thank you all, and until I see you for the next video – good luck with your practice.

For more infomation >> How To Visualize For O.B.E. / Astral Travel / Lucid Dreaming - Duration: 11:19.


予中國化埃民進黨1个大 X ➲ TRU # 7 5 - Duration: 0:32.

For more infomation >> 予中國化埃民進黨1个大 X ➲ TRU # 7 5 - Duration: 0:32.


癒し系スピリチュアルrelax poem『約束』 CC:Eng、Cha、Kor sab - Duration: 0:36.

For more infomation >> 癒し系スピリチュアルrelax poem『約束』 CC:Eng、Cha、Kor sab - Duration: 0:36.


癒し系スピリチュアルrelax poem『自分』CC:Eng、Cha 、Kor sab - Duration: 0:42.

For more infomation >> 癒し系スピリチュアルrelax poem『自分』CC:Eng、Cha 、Kor sab - Duration: 0:42.


癒し系スピリチュアルrelax poem『変化』CC:Eng、Cha 、Kor sab - Duration: 0:37.

For more infomation >> 癒し系スピリチュアルrelax poem『変化』CC:Eng、Cha 、Kor sab - Duration: 0:37.


癒し系スピリチュアルrelax poem『自由だった』CC:Eng、Cha 、Kor sab - Duration: 0:47.

For more infomation >> 癒し系スピリチュアルrelax poem『自由だった』CC:Eng、Cha 、Kor sab - Duration: 0:47.


癒し系relax poem『乙女心』CC:Eng、Cha 、Kor sab - Duration: 0:42.

For more infomation >> 癒し系relax poem『乙女心』CC:Eng、Cha 、Kor sab - Duration: 0:42.


Motu Patlu in hindi Baby learn Colors frozen elsa moana anna Finger Family Song Nursery Rhymes - Duration: 2:47.

Motu Patlu in hindi Baby learn Colors frozen elsa moana anna Finger Family Song

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