Chủ Nhật, 15 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 15 2017

- On this episode of WMassBiz,

we're going to meet with Shawn Cohen-Sherry

from the Paw Street Barkery.

Let us check out what they're doing to make

some of the finest pet food treats in Western Mass.

(upbeat instrumental music)

Welcome to Episode 22 of WMassBiz.

Today we're visiting with Shawn Cohen-Sherry

from the Paw Street Barkery.

Shawn, thanks so much for being on the show.

- Thank you for having me.

- So tell us a little bit

about the history of this business.

We've officially been in business almost seven years.

We opened the business first.

I really started it back in 2008,

back when there was the Chinese pet food scare.

I had a yellow Lab at the time

and I gave her really good food,

but I was kind of concerned on the treats

that were out on the market.

So I decided I wanted to start baking my own treats for her.

And from there it really grew.

And I had a lot of coworkers who would ask for the treats

and it blossomed from there.

And we opened an online business first,

selling online and through a bunch of retail stores.

Opening our first retail location in 2012

and moving to this bigger location in 2015.

- Awesome, so I see all kinds of treats around here.

You want to tell us some of the different stuff

that you offer?

Do you guys bake it all yourself?

Flavors, et cetera.

- Yeah, we bake it all here in Chicopee.

We have regular biscuits that range

in seven routine flavors from a peanut butter

to a strawberry, Pina Colada for the summer time,

blueberry banana, apple, sweet potato.

There's a lot of different flavors.

And then we have gourmet treats such as

peanut butter cups for dogs.

We have Woofy Pies, which are whoopy pies for dogs

and some Bark Scotty, which are Biscotti for dogs

and then here at our location here

we do everything from the summer time

with frozen yogurt for dogs

straight through to birthday cakes.

We do about 10 to 15 birthday cakes a week.

- What about non edible items?

I see all kinds of different stuff around the shop.

Tell us about some of that stuff.

- So everything here that's edible we bake.

Everything that is not edible, we try to source

from local vendors.

If not, everything here is at least U.S. based.

We try to keep everything, from our toys to collars,

leashes, we have shampoos for puppies.

They are either U.S. made or some are even organic.

Such as what our treats are.

- Okay, do you guys hold any special events here

at the store?

- We do, we try to hold events throughout.

A lot of times, probably for the last three years,

we've done pet pictures with the Easter bunny.

That's a fundraiser for Dighton.

Every year we get about 150 to 200 dogs

that come through here in about a six-hour period

all to get their picture taken with the Easter bunny.

We're looking at pet pictures with Santa.

We do a bunch of other events.

We do anniversary parties, we've done bring your pups in

for different events.

We try to arrange and see what our customer base

is looking for.

- So somebody wants to buy your products?

Where can they get them?

- We sell right here in our store in Chicopee.

It's at 477 Britton Street in Chicopee.

We also have our website which is

And we sell in a bunch of local stores.

So you can find us in some of those local stores.

You'll see our treats pop in,

but the best way to make sure

you get your full selection of treats

is right here at our store or on our website.

- So I know there's a lot of concern

amongst pet owners out there about the quality

of the food that they're providing to their pets,

what do you guys do to ensure the highest of quality?

- Our mentality really is, if you can't pronounce it

and you wouldn't eat it yourself,

don't give it to your pup.

We really try to take very limited ingredients

and put them into the treats and it's really anything

that you could find at the grocery store yourself.

Our blueberry and banana treats are literally,

blueberries, bananas and oats,

so it's something that you would feel comfortable

eating yourself and therefore you're comfortable

giving it to your pet.

- And somebody wanting to find out more about this business,

where can they go?

- They can go and check us out at that website,


We also have a big Facebook following,

so it's

We're located right there and we are on Twitter.

We do Tweet out a good amount of sales

as well as our Facebook page, which will give

a lot of sales and events and things like that.

- Shawn, thanks so much for being on the show.

- Thank you for having me.

- Guys, if you own a local business

and would like to be featured on a future episode

of WMassBiz, please send us an email


Or hit us up on one of our social media platforms

at Rovithis Realty.

Make sure that you like, comment, and share

so other people can find out about

this great local pet food barkery.

(upbeat instrumental music)

- [Man] (mumbling) right there.

- That's unbelievable.

- It's delicious, isn't it?

Yeah, believe it.

- Just gonna hit record. - This is not chocolate?

Come on!

♫ All we need is just to love

♫ All we need is just to love

♫ All we need is just to love

♫ All we need is just to love

For more infomation >> #WMassBiz Episode 22 - Paw Street Barkery - Duration: 5:26.


THỬ LÀM XOÀI LẮC CẤP ĐỘ BAY VÀ ĂN XEM NTN | Con Trai Tuổi Dậu Channel - Duration: 11:15.

For more infomation >> THỬ LÀM XOÀI LẮC CẤP ĐỘ BAY VÀ ĂN XEM NTN | Con Trai Tuổi Dậu Channel - Duration: 11:15.


Облечете голите, Божия милост - Duration: 12:52.

For more infomation >> Облечете голите, Божия милост - Duration: 12:52.


Photoshop Tutorial for CS6 & later: How to Turn On Automobile Headlights! - Duration: 10:36.

Hi. This is Marty from Blue Lightning TV.

I'm going to show you how to turn on your car's headlights from scratch!

This tutorial is only for versions CS6 and later.

I provided 2 car photos that you can choose to download which are located in my video's

description or project files below.

Or you can use your own photo if you'd like.

The first step is to convert it into a Smart Object, so we can modify it non-destructively.

To do this, click the icon at the upper, right of the Layers panel and click "Convert to Smart Object".

If your photo was taken during the day, you can make it look like evening or even nighttime

by clicking the Adjustment Layer icon and clicking "Color Lookup".

Click "Load 3D LUT" and click "NightFromDay.CUBE".

I think it's a bit too dark, so let's lighten the adjustment layer by reducing its opacity to 60%.

Next, we'll create the basic shape of light illuminating from this headlight.

Click the New layer icon to make a new layer.

Let's name it "Headlight 1".

Open your Pen Tool and choose "Path".

Click outside your document approximately here if you're using the same photo.

Release and click on the top of this headlight.

Release again and click the bottom of the headlight.

Release and click outside your document again approximately here.

Release one last time and click the first anchor point to close the path.

You know a path is closed when you see this small, circle.

Right-click directly on the path to open a fly-out menu.

Click "Make Selection" and the Feather Radius is 0 pixels.

Invert the selection by pressing Ctrl or Cmd + Shift + I.

We'll fill the selection with white, but first, if your foreground and background colors

aren't black and white respectively, press "D" on your keyboard.

Since white is your background color, press Ctrl or Cmd + Delete.

Deselect it by pressing Ctrl or Cmd + D. Next, we'll soften the light the further it is from the headlight.

But first, convert it into a Smart Object, so we can adjust the blur at any time if we want to.

Go to Filter, Blur Gallery and "Field Blur".

Again, you won't see the Blur Gallery in versions earlier than CS 6.

We'll blur the furthest area of the light by dragging the "Field Blur Pin" to the edge

of the light and either dragging the dial inside or by dragging the slider or typing in the amount here.

I'll type in 87 pixels.

The closer the light is to the headlight, the less blurry it should be, so we'll click

on the headlight to add another field blur pin.

Let's type in 23 pixels.

Then, click OK at the top.

Next, we'll make the light less intense the further it is from the headlight.

Click the Layer Mask icon to make a layer mask next to the active layer.

We'll need a little more room, so zoom out by pressing Ctrl or Cmd and the minus key on your keyboard.

Open your Gradient Tool and make sure the Linear Gradient icon is active.

Open your gradient thumbnails and click the Black to Transparent thumbnail.

Click outside your document approximately here and drag your tool to just before the headlight.

Make a copy of it by pressing Ctrl or Cmd + J. Name it it "Headlight 2".

Click the eyeball icon next to the original headlight to temporarily hide it.

To resize and reposition the headlight copy, open your Transform Tool by pressing Ctrl or Cmd + T.

If you see this message, just click OK.

Go to a corner and when you see a diagonal, double-arrow, press and hold Alt or Option + Shift

as you drag it in approximately this much and then drag it so the right edge is

over the other headlight.

Then, press Enter or Return.

Make the original headlight visible again.

To save space in the Layers panel, let's place both headlights into a folder.

To do this, Shift-click the bottom headlight to make IT active, as well, and press Ctrl or Cmd + G.

Name the folder, "Headlights".

Next, we'll add lens flares to brighten the headlights and add light refractions.

Click the New Layer icon to make a new layer and fill it with black.

Change its blend mode to "Screen".

Name it, "Lens flare".

We'll make a composite snapshot of our image to position the first lens flare over this headlight.

To do this, press Ctrl + Shift + Alt + E on WIndows or Cmd + Shift + Option + E on a Mac.

Let's zoom back in by pressing Ctrl or Cmd and the "plus" key on our keyboard.

Go to Filter, Render and Lens Flare.

Make the Brightness 75% and the Lens Type: "Movie Prime".

Drag it as close as you can over this headlight

and then, click OK.

Don't be concerned if the lens flare isn't in the exact position you want it to be.

We'll be able to finesse its position in a moment.

Since Photoshop remembers the exact position we placed the lens flare, we can delete the

composite snapshot by pressing the Delete key on our keyboard.

Press Ctrl or Cmd + F to repeat the last filter in the exact position.

To reposition the lens flare, press "v" to open your Move Tool and drag it directly over the headlight.

We'll confine the lens flare refractions after we apply an additional lens flare to this headlight.

Make a copy of the lens flare and fill it with black.

Go back to Filter, Render and Lens Flare.

Click "105mm Prime".

As you did earlier, drag it directly over the headlight.

We'll place both lens flares into a folder by Shift-clicking the bottom flare to make

it active, as well and pressing Ctrl or Cmd + G. Name the folder, "Lens flare 1".

Go to the Layer Mask icon and Alt-click or Option-click it to make a black layer mask

next to the lens flare folder.

Notice that as soon as you made the layer mask, your colors inverted.

Now, white should be your foreground color.

Open your Brush Tool and Brush Picker.

Make its size: 600 pixels, the Hardness: 0% and the Opacity and Flow: 100% each.

Center your cursor over the headlight and click once to reveal both lens flares through the layer mask.

Make a copy of the lens flare

and open your Move Tool.

Drag the lens flare copy over the other headlight.

I'd like to make the lights emanating from the headlights a little less intense, so I'll

make the Headlights folder active and reduce their opacity to 80%.

Next, we'll add road illumination from the headlights.

Make the top layer active and make a new layer above it.

I'll name it "Road Illumination".

Open your "Elliptical marquee Tool"

and drag an elliptical selection approximately this shape over the lower left corner.

To reposition it, press the Space bar and drag it.

Go to Select, Modify and Feather.

Feather it 50 pixels and click OK or press Enter or Return.

Fill it with white and deselect it.

Change its Blend Mode to Overlay.

This is Marty from Blue Lightning TV.

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> Photoshop Tutorial for CS6 & later: How to Turn On Automobile Headlights! - Duration: 10:36.


Khmer Horoscope, ហោរាសាស្រ្ត ប្រចាំថ្ងៃ ចន្ទ័ ទី​ ១៦ ខែ តុលា ឆ្នាំ ២០១៧, khmer horoscope 2017 - Duration: 11:13.

For more infomation >> Khmer Horoscope, ហោរាសាស្រ្ត ប្រចាំថ្ងៃ ចន្ទ័ ទី​ ១៦ ខែ តុលា ឆ្នាំ ២០១៧, khmer horoscope 2017 - Duration: 11:13.


Será - HelpCalleDossis - Duration: 3:01.

For more infomation >> Será - HelpCalleDossis - Duration: 3:01.


RiceGum - Frick Da Police CLEAN (OFFICIAL MINECRAFT PARODY) - Duration: 1:37.

For more infomation >> RiceGum - Frick Da Police CLEAN (OFFICIAL MINECRAFT PARODY) - Duration: 1:37.


Не може да ядем плътта Ти и да пием кръвта Ти - Duration: 1:03:30.

For more infomation >> Не може да ядем плътта Ти и да пием кръвта Ти - Duration: 1:03:30.



For more infomation >> AMORE CAFE ON KARIMUNJAWA ISLAND - Duration: 5:59.


WEIRDEST PHONE CALLS WE EVER GOT | Dolan True Stories - Duration: 11:20.

• From asking about sex toys to threatening to murder a family, the Planet Dolan crew

re-enact some of the best true stories from our subreddit about the weirdest phone calls

we've ever gotten.

I'm Hellbent – or – Melissa and today I'll be your narrator.

Number 10 was submitted by Grogeba Spinalpalm Back when Spinalpalm was in 5th grade, he

answered the phone to some dudes using a nondescript Mediterranean accent, asking about whether

or not his pizza had been delivered.

He was home alone, and he definitely hadn't put in a pizza order.

He promptly let the guys on the other line know.

They started to get upset, saying that he was lying to them and was trying to get out

of having to pay them.

Spinalpalm kept nervously telling them, "I have no idea what you're talking about."

It was then that they began their rant on how seriously they took their work, mentioning

how pizza was a very serious and important part of their lives.

They described in vivid detail how they would gently make the pizza dough, massage I t,

make love to the sauce, rub the pizza all over their bodies, and then sleep with it.

Spinalpalm managed to out weird them with some ridiculous replies and got them to hang


It's still a phone call that he will never truly forget.

Number 9 was submitted by Phyzo Grgak Grgak was going to a local convenience store

to get some superglue for his 3D-Printing business at school.

As he was about to leave his house, some random person called.

He said, "Hello, friend.

Would you like some dildos or sex toys?

Or do you need directions to a nearby strip club?"

Being only 10, Grgak innocently asked, "What's a dildo?"

The man then noticed how young he was and said, "Um...


Then he hung up.

Grgak was confused, so when he got to the store he asked the manager, "What's a dildo?"

She then got a really funny smile on her face and turned bright pink.

She said, "You'll learn later on."

When Grgak got home, he was still really confused, so he looked it up on the computer.

He realized why those guys were being so weird.

Number 8 was submitted by RoyalFlushKing MKyleM Two years ago, MKyleM was sitting at home,

playing games on his phone when it started ringing.

He didn't recognize the number but answered it anyway.

All he could hear was someone breathing into the phone.

MKyleM said, "Hello?"

Whoever it was knew his name, and he could tell it was a prank call so he asked, "Who

is this?"

The person replied with, "I fucked your mom," trying to use a deep voice.

MKyleM said, "What are you talking about?

My mom's dead."

This stopped hi m in his tracks.

He started stuttering, "Wha- wait… uh, n-no she's not ummm"…

Before he could finish replying, MKyleM yelled, "WHAT THE FUCK is wrong with you, you insensitive

piece of shit?

Who the fuck are you?

I'm about to get the police you fucking bastard!"

The man started to panic.

He said, "Wait, WHAT?

Umm… uh, agh… no AGH!"

With that, he hung up and MKyleM never found out who it was, but him and his mom laughed

about it later.

Number 7 was submitted by Slaveofmycat Doopie While Doopie was working as a clerk in a grocery

store's bakery department, she got a phone call.

The person on the other end couldn't have been older than 6.

The child asked, "Why are y'all's cake prices so high?"

Doopie explained, "The corporation sets the prices, not the individual store."

Then the kid said, "Well, me and my family are going to shop at Walmart from now on."

Not willing to beg a kid to stay, Doopie said, "OK."

Then there was silence for two seconds.

Then, a manly woman yelled, "YEAH, WELL, YOU SOUND LIKE A BITCH!" and immediately hung


Number 6 was submitted by Believe_In_nope Snewpee

Snewpee was at home texting her friend when she got a call from an unknown number.

She answered it, and it sounded like a guy much older than her.

The guy said, "Hey Claire, I wanted to meet up later, when is a good time?"

Snewpee explained to the man he must have the wrong number, and that she wasn't Claire.

He apologized and ended the call.

Three minutes later he called again, but said in a creepy tone, "I'm going to murder you

and your entire family, and then cover you all in shaving cream," Needless to say, Snewpee

hung up and didn't come out of her room for a while.

He kept calling until around midnight, then stopped and never called since.

Number 5 was submitted by KenTheNoun Pringle A few years ago Pringle was sitting in his

room when the phone rang.

It was a number he didn't recognize, but picked it up anyway.

When he answered, a middle-aged sounding woman came on and said, "Hi, who's this?

Is Thomas there?"

Pringle said, "Wrong number," and she hung up

Later on, his phone rang again and it was the same woman asking for "Thomas".

Pringle said, "No, you have the wrong number.

Who is this anyway?"

In an angry tone, she said, "His mother!

Why do you have his phone?"

Pringle sighed and said, "No, this is my phone.

This has been my phone and phone number for at least a year.

I don't even know a Thomas.

You got the wrong number."

She read off the number she thought she was calling to prove her point, and it wasn't

even remotely close to Pringle's phone number.

He told her the number she was actually calling, and then she hung up.

A minute later, she called again and Pringle answered it.

He said, "Me again," hung up, and blocked her number.

Number 4 was submitted by thelegendarytoaster Honeybits

One time, Honeybits saw her sister leave her room and go into the bathroom.

She told her to never touch her phone but, being the child she was, she went into her

room and saw that her phone was vibrating.

Honeybits picked it up and said, "Hello?"

She heard a voice say, "We are going to have so much fun babe.

First, we drink, then we go into my bedroom and… you know."

Honeybits freaked out because if she told her mom, her sister would hate her forever.

So, she never did.

Her boyfriend was drunk and thought her voice was her sister's, so Honeybits hung up and

put the phone back on the bed.

She walked out of the room quickly, having learned a lesson: to never touch her sister's

phone again.

Number 3 was submitted by Pink_Toasters_Please Cid

The weirdest phone call Cid ever got was when a random person called and said, "Hi, this

is Pandora from Pornhub.

Uhmm, you owe us 112 dollars from watching, 'White amateur blonde girl getting brutally

fucked', please put your payment onto..."

But Cid said, "Uhhhmmm, I don't watch porn?"

She said, "Oh, is this CivilSpider?"

He said, "No."

Then she said, "Oh, I apologize for this mix up.

I'm hoping this won't happen again.

Have a good day, sir!"

When the call ended, Cid screamed to his friend, CivilSpider, "Civil, why were you watching


He scared the living shit out of him.

Number 2 was submitted by Beat_da_panda69 Andiemations

After Andie and her boyfriend, Adam, just got done doing the deed, she got a call from

an unknown caller.

He said, "Are you home?"

Andie answered, "Yes."

The caller said, "That was a nice show," then hung up.

About 5 minutes later, a rock crashed through her window.

He called again, but Andie only heard him breathing.

Suddenly, the power went out, and she got yet another call.

The caller said, "I see you."

Then Andie got a text on Facebook from an unknown user… and it was a picture of Andie

in the dark, with a hand in the corner of the screen holding a knife.

Then she got a call, and he asked, "Wanna play?"

At that point, Andie lost her shit, so she called 9-1-1.

After that, he called again, and said, "Big mistake.

Look out your living room window."

Just then, she heard an upstairs window break.

A few minutes later, the cops arrived but didn't find the guy.

Number 1 – What was the weirdest phone call I've ever gotten?

For more infomation >> WEIRDEST PHONE CALLS WE EVER GOT | Dolan True Stories - Duration: 11:20.


Butternut Squash Noodles with Prosciutto and Sage | Food Network - Duration: 0:56.

For more infomation >> Butternut Squash Noodles with Prosciutto and Sage | Food Network - Duration: 0:56.


President Trump Was Quietly Subpoenaed for 2007 Sexual Assault Allegation - Duration: 1:52.

For Complex News, I'm Hanuman Welch.

While most news agencies around the world are glued to Trump's Twitter account hoping

we quietly haven't begun World War three, the Trump Administration, was quietly served

a subpoena and a legal motion from Summer Zervos and her legal team as part of a larger

lawsuit against Trump.

Zervos was a former contestant on Trump's reality show, The Apprentice.

In October of 2016, Zervos accused Trump of kissing and groping her during a 2007 meeting

at his bungalow at the Beverly Hills Hotel to discuss a potential employment opportunity.

When Zervos' accusations became public weeks before the 2016 election, Trump called the

accusation a lie.

Zervos subsequently sued Trump for defamation, and the aforementioned subpoena requests preservation

all documents it had about Zervos and at least nine other women who have accused Trump of

groping them.

Trump has until October 31 to file a response to the motion.

A copy of the subpoena obtained by Buzzfeed requests the following:

"All documents concerning anyone connected to Summer Zervos, including without limitation

her attorney, Gloria Allred, and/or any of Ms. Zervos's relatives or friends.

All documents concerning any of Donald J. Trump's statements that Summer Zervos fabricated,

created, or lied about her interactions with him, or was motivated to come forward by fame,

money, politics, or pressure from the Clinton campaign, or his statement that he never met

Ms. Zervos at a hotel or greeted her inappropriately."

In 2005, Trump was recorded saying he regularly engages in such sexual assaults while talking

with former Access Hollywood host Billy Bush about women aboard a bus on the set of Days

of Our Lives.

For those on impeachment watch, it would take an act of "treason, bribery, and other high

crimes and misdemeanors" for Trump to be removed from office.

Both the House and Senate would need to find such an act to proceed with articles of impeachment.

No sitting President has been impeached for sexual assault.

That's all for now, for everything else subscribe to Complex on YouTube, for Complex News, I'm

Hanuman Welch.

For more infomation >> President Trump Was Quietly Subpoenaed for 2007 Sexual Assault Allegation - Duration: 1:52.


Breaking Report: Colin Kaepernick Reportedly Files Grievance Against NFL Owners for Collusion. - Duration: 1:50.

Colin Kaepernick Reportedly Files Grievance Against NFL Owners for Collusion.

After remaining unsigned through six weeks of the 2017 NFL season, Colin Kaepernick claims

the league is participating in collusion.

According to Mike Freeman, the former San Francisco 49ers quarterback has filed a grievance

against the owners for collusion under the latest collective bargaining agreement.

Per Freeman, Kaepernick has hired attorney Mark Geragos to help him in the legal situation.

Jason La Canfora of CBS Sports also reported the quarterback's plan to file a grievance.

Kaepernick opted out of his contract at the conclusion of last season with the expectation

he would find a new landing spot but has not gotten a new deal and has received surprisingly

little interest compared to how well he played last season.

He finished the year with 16 touchdowns and only four interceptions in 12 games.

The 29-year-old was notably the first NFL player to kneel during the national anthem

at the start of last season as a protest against racial injustice.

The media attention is a holdup for several organizations.

As former Tennessee Titans general manager Floyd Reese recently explained to 102.5 The

Game (via Jason Wolf of the Tennessean), "You don't want this circus."

However, Commissioner Roger Goodell has denied there has been any blackballing of the quarterback.

"I believe that if a football team feels that Colin Kaepernick, or any other player, is

going to improve that team, they're going to do it," he said in June, via Alden Gonzalez


La Canfora reported last Sunday that Kaepernick is "not quitting" and is willing to prove

himself as a quality option.

Thank you for watching...

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For more infomation >> Breaking Report: Colin Kaepernick Reportedly Files Grievance Against NFL Owners for Collusion. - Duration: 1:50.


The Academic Word List from the Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary Part 7 - Duration: 5:13.










































































































































For more infomation >> The Academic Word List from the Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary Part 7 - Duration: 5:13.


Máscaras - Code x D'Alessio. - Duration: 3:58.

For more infomation >> Máscaras - Code x D'Alessio. - Duration: 3:58.


[FUN] Không làm gì (Ngọt) - Duration: 2:36.

New channel should be looking forward to everyone subscribing to follow ^^

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To get free tab, please message to fanpage face I Love Guitar 9999 (Link in description)

Have fun and practice successfully ^^ Thanks ^^

For more infomation >> [FUN] Không làm gì (Ngọt) - Duration: 2:36.


What The Cast Of The Lost Boys Looks Like Today - Duration: 6:21.

Packed with a cast of young '80s stars, Joel Schumacher's The Lost Boys all but founded

the idea that vampires could be sexy.

While not without its fair share of cheese, The Lost Boys has aged pretty well — but

what about the cast?

"Bottoms up, man.


While stars Cory Haim, Edward Hermann, Brooke McCarter, and Bernard Hughes have sadly passed

away since its release, Lost Boys boasts a huge cast to catch up with.

Here's what The Lost Boys stars have been up to over the past few decades.

Kiefer Sutherland

Of all the Lost Boys, Kiefer Sutherland has maintained his household name status the best,

even if people don't know that his full name is actually Kiefer William Frederick Dempsey

George Rufus Sutherland.

That was a mouthful…

"Fun, huh?"

He'd previously starred in Stand By Me, but it was his role as David the vampire that

first secured Sutherland's future status in Hollywood.

He quickly went on to appear in a slew of major motion pictures, including Young Guns,

Flatliners, and A Time to Kill.

He also starred as the lead in the mega hit TV series 24.

Most recently, Sutherland returned to the small screen for a similar drama series called

Designated Survivor and will even appear in the Flatliners reboot.

Corey Feldman

In some ways, Corey Feldman never had a childhood.

Known for his roles in Gremlins, The Goonies, Stand by Me, and The 'Burbs, Feldman — like

his Lost Boys co-star and real-life friend Corey Haim — endured tumultuous early years.

He told the Chicago Tribune, "Most people in society are all given equal rights to decide

what their future should be.

I never had that opportunity."

That's been reflected in the tabloid reports that have dogged Feldman as an adult.

In 2013, Vice published a now-infamous firsthand account of a shindig at his crib, dubbed "The

Feldmansion," describing a raucous affair where scantily clad women wearing only lingerie

attend for free, while men can pay for entry and "private angel service," whatever that


He also headlines a zany musical stage act called Corey's Angels and has bitten back

at criticisms of his new professional adventure.

"A lot of people get hate in the beginning because we're doing something new - never

been done before.

It's all about innovation and being artists We can't be afraid to show our art."

Jason Patric

In his breakout role, Jasic Patric played Michael, the handsome protagonist who gives

into peer pressure, chugs some vampire blood, and becomes a sunglasses-wearing blood-sucker

who sleeps all day.

After defeating his real-life friend Kiefer Sutherland on the big screen — and stealing

his real-life fiancée Julia Roberts — Patric went on to nab some other memorable roles.

He played Jim Raynor in Rush, Shakes in Sleepers, Officer Alex Shaw in Speed 2: Cruise Control,

and Dr. Theo Yedlin in Wayward Pines, to name a few.

But Patric's most recent time in the media spotlight has been pretty unrelated to his


He fought a heated custody battle with ex-girlfriend Danielle Schreiber after donating his sperm

to her and fighting for his parental rights to the resulting child.

Shared custody was ultimately ordered for the kid in question, but not before Schreiber

accused Patric of having been physically and verbally abusive to her and prompting another

legal spectacle between them.

For what it's worth, Patric still remembers his time on The Lost Boys fondly.

"It's just nice that all these years later I'm still very good friends with Jamie Gertz,

very good friends with Kiefer, and it was a special time."

Dianne Wiest

Before landing the role of Lucy in The Lost Boys, Dianne Wiest was already fairly well

known for her roles as Vi Moore in Footloose, Holly in Hannah and Her Sisters, and Bea in

Radio Days.

But afterwards, she continued to accelerate her character actress status by appearing

in Bullets Over Broadway, Ron Howard's Parenthood, Edward Scissorhands, I Am Sam, and more.

Despite having an extensive list of credits and pair of Academy Awards for Best Supporting

Actress in her trophy cabinet, Wiest claims her career has been hampered by being typecast

in the type of mother role we see her play in The Lost Boys.

She told the New York Times that the only offers she ever gets is to play "a nice mom

and that's it."

"Has everyone gone crazy here?

What's the matter with all of you?"

Indeed, her current starring role features her as just that in the small screen series

Life in Pieces.

Jami Gertz

Before appearing in The Lost Boys, Jami Gertz had already starred in The Facts of Life and

Sixteen Candles.

However, Gertz's career really took off after playing Star in The Lost Boys.

She immediately went on to play Monica Tomanski in Listen to Me, Toby in Jersey Girl, and

Lily Ruscio in the television series Sibs.

She also appeared as Dr. Melissa Reeves in the blockbuster tornado drama Twister before

landing the recurring roles of Dr. Nina Pomerantz in ER and Kimmy Bishop in Ally McBeal.

Most recently, Gertz starred in the small screen series The Neighbors, along with other

network cameos.

Jamison Newlander

Not every Lost Boys star has been able to break out of the film's shell.

Jamison Newlander is still known for his role as Alan Frog in the film and doesn't boast

as much star power as some of his former co-stars.

He told Collider, "People don't necessarily recognize me right away 'cause I look a little


when they realize that I'm a Frog brother and I was in The Lost Boys, it's exciting."

In addition to playing the less famous Frog brother in the first film, Newlander also

reprised his role for the sequels.

"Back when Joel and Corey and I got together and we were like coming up with these characters

you know something about it really worked.

"it spoke to people."

Billy Wirth

After playing the tall scary vampire who takes an arrow to the chest and gets fried by a

stereo, Billy Wirth has kept himself busy, even if he never quite reached the marquee

status of his other fanged friends.

He appeared in a list of films that includes Body Snatchers and Boys on the Side, while

also making appearances on shows like Sex and the City.

Alex Winter

After playing Marko in The Lost Boys, Alex Winter went on to play another of the most

iconic roles of the '80s as one-half of the title pair in Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure


Though he's done a few other things as well, he'll probably always be best known for that


And Winter doesn't mind it much.

In fact, even he is not ready to retire his goofy time-travelling adventure series just


He told The Next Web that the third installment of Bill and Ted's excellent adventures is

coming soon, saying, "The fun thing about them is that they're ageless.

You play them in terms of who they are spiritually.

Their mannerism and physicality are not tied to age.

We played them like 9-year-old kids.

… It will be funnier because they're older."

"No way."

"Yes way."

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