Chủ Nhật, 15 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 16 2017

11 Things to Know About Loving an INFP Personality Type

Relationships are hard work no matter what your personality type is.

Everyone needs to get certain things out of a relationship to feel satisfied.

And if you're an INFP personality type, you probably have a deep need for harmony

and emotional connection.

INFPs live in a world of feelings, intuition, and personal values, so being in a relationship

with them is a little bit tricky.

In this video I'm going to share with you 11 things you need to know about loving an

infp personality type.

If you find this information is helpful to you, make sure to like this video and subscribe

to this channel so you won't miss any of our interesting updates in the future!


They work with feelings instead of logic.

Most of the decisions they make are based on how the outcome will make they feel.

Don't ask INFPs to explain their logical reasons for choosing something as most of

the time they won't have any.

If it makes them feel good and fits with their personal values, then it's a good decision.


The attach emotion to almost everything.

If they're watching a sad movie or reading a sad book, they may cry.

But that isn't a sign of weakness.

Rather, INFPs tend to be empathic and caring.

They're so in touch with the emotional side of life that they may feel the suffering of

others (including fictional characters).

Trust me, if you empathized with other people's emotions the way they do, you'd cry too!


They may be sentimental about certain objects.

Getting rid of certain things may be hard.

To INFPs, items from their past are not just material objects but symbols that represent

moments in time or pieces of their heart.

They may feel like they're giving away a part of themselves if they have to get rid

of a treasured item.

So, if they keep a birthday card from 15 years ago or that box of stuff from their college

days, you have to understand that.


Even if you don't understand, please honor their decision-making process.

INFPs can have a hard time making decisions because they see many different ways a situation

could go.

As mentioned before, they do things because it feels right and fits with their inner values

and beliefs.

If their partner questions about their motives or puts pressure on them to decide quickly,

they could get defensive.

You need to give them some time and space to "try on" different decisions and see

how they feel.


Learn about their values.

INFPs choose to be true to themselves rather than try to fit in with the crowd.

They don't just follow the traditions of others, instead they explore their own values

and ideas and decide for themselves what seems right.

These values are INFPs very soul and moral compass.

They involve an inner love of certain things and an inner aversion to other things.

Their values allow them to wake up everyday without feeling like the world is going to

crumble around them.

So if you really want to get to know an INFP, take the time to find out what their value.


Don't purposely push the buttons.

Some people think it's funny to hover right around their boundary.

They tease or say shocking things just to see how INFPs will react.

For example, telling them that they have to go to a party right now, then saying, "just

kidding, I just wanted to see what you'd do," it is not okay.

While this might be entertaining for the other person, it's not fun for INFPs.

If they get angry, it can take some time to cool things off.


It can take a while for INFPs to bounce back from negative emotions.

Yes, that's true.

They process emotional experiences at a very deep level.

If something negative happens to INFPs, like fighting with their partner or experiencing

a setback or loss, it can take hours, days, or even weeks for

them to feel better (this of course depends on the severity of the situation).

Don't tell them to just get over with their feelings.

Since you know, feeling are their basic characteristic.


Validate their feelings.

At some point, they're already used to people telling them to "suck it up" or "stop

being so sensitive."

Sometimes they've even been laughed at when they're being emotional.

This may make them believe that what we're feeling is wrong.

In this case, you need to let them know that whatever you're feeling is okay as there

is no right way to feel.


Comfort them when they're sad.

If you notice an INFPs feeling sad, ask if you can just sit with them or if they want

a hug.

They may not want to (or be able to) explain right away exactly what's bringing them

down, but just knowing you're there for them will help.


Know that there will be times when it's difficult for INFPs to compromise.

Because INFPs are guided by their own values, there will be times when compromising goes

against every part of their being.

It may seem like they're being stubborn, but they're really just trying to honor their

own values.

This will happen rarely, but when it does, you need to make an effort to see things from

their perspective.

Try to understand where they're coming from.


Sometimes planning stress them out.

INFPs like having a rough idea of what's coming up so they can prepare their energy

in advance.

But excessive planning can be overwhelming and stressful, so they may resist.

For example, if they're going on vacation, they may not want to sort through tons of

websites and make list after list of where they could go.

They'd rather let their heart decide and make a decision based on what inspire them.

All in all, that's all you need to know about loving an INFP personality type.

Really cool information isn't it?

Please share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and watch all our other amazing videos!

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> 11 Things to Know About Loving an INFP Personality Type - Duration: 6:05.


Har jaiz murad puri karne ka wazifa | Har qisam ki takleef se nijat ka wazifa har - Duration: 11:51.

Har jaiz murad puri karne ka wazifa | Har qisam ki takleef se nijat ka wazifa har

For more infomation >> Har jaiz murad puri karne ka wazifa | Har qisam ki takleef se nijat ka wazifa har - Duration: 11:51.



Just speaking Japanese is enough...

thinking that way is actually bad for us.

Wow that's adorable.

That makes me want to protect you!

If we loose our wallets, people will get it back for us.

I like that and it makes me glad I am Japanese.

Is the camera ok?

Hey guys it's Cathy Cat and today we are gonna go and ask Japanese what's good

and bad about being a Japanese person or being born in Japan.

Let's go and ask Japanese.

We are a very closed society. We don't really interact with foreigners.

So you wish there was more interaction? - Yes.

Just speaking Japanese is enough... thinking that way is actually bad for us.

We have so small hands and legs.

Japanese people are so small.

Our faces are so flat. Flat faces.


Our faces are so sad.

What's so sad about your faces???

We don't have long noses like foreigners. Everything is flat.

I think that's a disadvantage of being Japanese.

You said you are so small. How small are you?

I am 144cm tall.

Wow that's adorable. Makes me want to protect you.

We are so small.

I think we Japanese have less chiseled faces.

It is not connected to just being Japanese but it's a shame we don't speak English much.

How good should your English be to be satisfied?

I wish I was able to use it at work properly.

People are so strict here during live performances.


Many places don't allow you to take pictures or videos.

Abroad it seems to be ok to do that.

I envy that.

- You want to have more freedom of taking pictures. - Japan is too strict.


If you ask for the way, people will turn you down.

They will be like "I am busy"

Wow when you are lost, that's tough.

I am under the impression that foreigners are much friendlier than that.

When your eyes meet you will say hi.

Foreigners do that but...

Japanese don't really do that I think.

- So if your eyes meet...? - We're like "What are you looking at?!'

I think so.

I sometimes envy Americans for being so bold and boisterous.

You wanna be more like "Yay!"

Being like that and a bit more "yaay" seems like it's much more fun.

I think there are any bad things about being Japanese.

Foreigners celebrate very loud and boisterous...

we are just more shy in comparison to that.

Would you like Japanese to be a bit more energetic? - Yes that I do.

What makes you glad you are Japanese?

Our food tastes great.

What type of food? - I like our plain white rice.

I am glad I live in a country with white rice.

Okome. Rice.

I am glad I am Japanese because we can wear Yukata kimono at festivals.

On another note, are there social reasons why you are glad you're Japanese?

Japanese are kind.

If I drop my wallet, people get it back to me.

Has something like that happened to you?

I have lost my wallet before.

And someone handed it in for me.

And the contents? - Everything was still there.

Where was that?

I was at a large supermarket.

And I couldn't find it.

When I called the store they said it they had it.

Japan is a very safe place.

For example?

Since I was born I never was in a really big trouble.

Japanese food is tasty.

I like Miso soup.

That's very Japanese.

I am glad I am Japanese because our food is tasty.

Fish are tasty. Sushi is very very tasty.

You said food it good so what do you recommend?

I like seafood bowls. I am glad I can eat so many types of fish and sea food.

They also look luxorious.

I am always really excited when I have one.

Also Yukata and Kimono...

We can wear them for festivals,

and official events like the coming of age ceremony. I think that's a plus.

I am glad I am Japanese because we have many types of good food.

What food makes you glad you are Japanese?

It would be sushi. I like octopus.

Octopus is the recommendation.

I am glad because I can eat all kinds of Ramen for cheap.

The food in Japan is great.

What exactly?

I like our rice and miso soup.

That's a very Japanese choice. Rice and miso soup. I see.

I love Japanese food. Makes me glad I was born Japanese.

Salty fried foods and such. Japanese people love them.

Thanks so much.

Good and bad things about being Japanese, interesting enough

food came up quite a lot and how friendly the people are.

On the minus side we heard people are very shy or...

Maybe they envy different features that they have seen in other people.

I can see one of the big good things here is

really how safe this place is.

Many of my friends feel safer than in their own countries.

They also have lovely and cute decorations on the street at night

and they can be there because no one thinks

it's fun to just ruin it because you are really drunk and it's really funny

No one does that kind of stuff.

You have better things here because people don't ruin it because they are drunk

or because they think its a great idea to steal it.

That's a good thing I enjoy here as well.

You have a bit more fun with certain things you can enjoy only here in Japan.

On the minus I would say...

Japanese people work A LOT A LOT I have seen it.

with people around me and my friends.

I have seen it even with foreigners who come to Japan.

Japanese companies will make you work a lot.

There are lots of companies that give you unpaid overtime

Which means you work a lot and don't even get paid for it.

There are many things that are trying

that are being changed in the working world here in Japan

to avoid that.

Unfortunately there are many companies still called "Black Kigyou"

which means Black Companies, which kind of abuse people a little bit.

Certain delivery services are known to be bad.

They workers have a hard time.

That's a plus and minus I would add to being Japanese and living in Japan.

Anything else you'd like to add to the list, let us know.

What's good and bad about living in your country?

Looking forward to reading your comments and I catch you soon on Ask Japanese.

For more infomation >> WHAT's BAD & GOOD ABOUT BEING JAPANESE?! ASK GIRLS and BOYS in JAPAN about their OPINIONS - Duration: 7:11.


Comment gérer les commentaires YouTube ? - Duration: 4:39.

For more infomation >> Comment gérer les commentaires YouTube ? - Duration: 4:39.


【ナルト疾風伝】17話『プロローグ~波の国』「白い過去・秘めた想い」 - Duration: 17:21.

For more infomation >> 【ナルト疾風伝】17話『プロローグ~波の国』「白い過去・秘めた想い」 - Duration: 17:21.


Cop Car For Kids Learn Police Vehicle Names With Rhymes Songs For Children Superhero Fun Rhymes - Duration: 1:00:39.

"Let's sing the ABC Song!"

A - B - C - D - E - F - G H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P

Q - R - S - T - U- V, W - X - Y and Z

I just love my ABCs 26 Letters from A to Zee

A - B - C - D - E - F - G H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P

Q - R - S - T - U- V, W - X - Y and Z

Now I know my ABCs Next time won't you sing with me?

A - B - C - D - E - F - G H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P

Q - R - S - T - U- V, W - X - Y and Z

I just love my ABCs 26 Letters from A to Zee

I can see an incy wincy spider!

The incy wincy spider climbed up the water spout Down came the rain And washed the spider out

Out came the sun and dried up all the rain And the incy wincy spider climbed up the spout again

Look at him climb up the baby this time!

The incy wincy spider climbed up the baby's knee The baby cried out loud and made the spider flee

Out came his mom and the baby went to sleep And the incy wincy spider once more climbed up the knee

The spider is climbing up the mansion this time!

The incy wincy spider climbed up the mansion wall Down came the rain and made the spider fall

Out came the sun and dried up all the rain And the incy wincy spider Climbed up the wall again

There the spider goes into the shopping mart!

The incy wincy spider climbed up the shopping cart The shopping lady screamed and ran out of the mart

Out came the cleaners And cleaned from down to up But the incy wincy spider Ate all the cookies up

That's the insy wincy spider!

For more infomation >> Cop Car For Kids Learn Police Vehicle Names With Rhymes Songs For Children Superhero Fun Rhymes - Duration: 1:00:39.


BAD BABY NINJA TURTLES Steals Candy and Chips Johny Johny Yes Papa Nursery Rhymes Songs - Duration: 4:34.

BAD BABY NINJA TURTLES Steals Candy and Chips Johny Johny Yes Papa Nursery Rhymes Songs

For more infomation >> BAD BABY NINJA TURTLES Steals Candy and Chips Johny Johny Yes Papa Nursery Rhymes Songs - Duration: 4:34.


Quand le robot dépasse le Maître - Duration: 6:10.

For more infomation >> Quand le robot dépasse le Maître - Duration: 6:10.


Markets Next Week, October 15, 2017 - Duration: 7:25.

Markets seems to be quite upbeat about last quarter results which should start trickling in soon

That is showing up in the market sentiment

There is talk of bank recapitalisation

Although it has cooled down, the North Korea problem has not completely gone away

The Catalonian problem is Spain is also impacting global stock markets

So, there are some global issues. Brexit is becoming a bit of a troubled spot for the UK

In India, I don't think that the results of this quarter will be upto expectations

Although the government has watered many of the GST provisions, the effect of GST will start trickling in

There is a festive and Diwali cheer, and people are are hopeful that results will be there

Sooner or later, reality has to sink. People will need to be a little cautious

There are going to be stresses from the telecom sector which are going to get reflected from now

Improving margins through private labels could improve the profitability of the retail business of Reliance Industries

It will be separate revenue and margin generating business which is now not getting reflected in the price

Pains of the telecom industry would start getting reflected in the banks' balance sheet

From this Diwali onwards, we will see some new trends emerging

A lot of the telecom mergers have been triggered off by the huge amount of debt taken by these companies

For more infomation >> Markets Next Week, October 15, 2017 - Duration: 7:25.


Today Kids TV Learn Colors with Basket Balls Xylophone Daddy Finger Family Song Nursery Rhymes song - Duration: 1:46.

Today Kids TV Learn Colors with Basket Balls Xylophone Daddy Finger Family Song

For more infomation >> Today Kids TV Learn Colors with Basket Balls Xylophone Daddy Finger Family Song Nursery Rhymes song - Duration: 1:46.


Q&A Ρωτάτε και απαντάμε #5 - Duration: 2:08.

Hi! New "You ask, we answer". Today ovly twoo questions.

Olga asks; "What do you mean by "wait to see how the rest will look"?

What wiil te rest be like?! Omael must be an angel! Gorgeous!

The wuestion is about "The Treasure at the roots of the Tree of Earth".

As we've already said, the characters are re-designed and behind me you see

those of hem that are already ...ready.

The re-design will be significant. But, worry not!

I've got the best consult! I have my nephew, Zeta. So it's "a-ok".

Now, Chris asks; "A question; about which ERT show you were talking in that old post"?

Chris' question is about a post on facebook about the time were ERT was down,

- also, what was back then "ertopen" was shown "The Treasure at the roots of the Tree of Earth".

So, that connects it to the previous question!

At least, those episodes that were ready at the time.

Yet mainly, what I wanted to say was the work done in "ANIMERT workshop",

a great work, due to which, those who were into animation or really like it

we've entered the ERT megaron under Spyros Siakas, the animator,

and we show how ERT operated on the animation process, the studios etc.

It was a really nice initiative. Unfortunatelly it did continue

as also did other initiatives that should continue.

Those were the questions for this week.

We expect your questions for next Monday and we also aexpect a "like" to this video.


ok. Now we must take down the green screen.

To put off the lights too.

I think we don't have something more...

We've said everything...

There are no more questions...

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