Chủ Nhật, 15 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 16 2017

Victor, my friend, I know who you are.

Then you know I'm not your friend.

No, but you're not a killer. You're a con man.

You're not one to look a man in the eye and end his life.

Like you tried to do to me?

I admire you.

I do.

Just hand me the gun, Victor.


Just hand me the gun.


Hand me the gun, Victor.



Hey! [Grunting]


[Groans, gasps]

[Both grunting]


[Screams, panting]

[Gun cocks]



[Breathing deeply]



[Blood splashing]


[Gasping softly]


Oh, my God. [Sighs]

For more infomation >> Fear the Walking Dead: 'I Admire You' Talked About Scene Ep. 315 - Duration: 1:47.


'Why Did You Hire Her?' Ep. 7 Teaser | The Deuce | HBO - Duration: 0:31.

Daddy... Vinny.

Did you hire her to sleep with her?



Why I gotta clock and she don't?

She doin' the movies.

Now you're just droppin' the girls off in one of the parlors and killin' time.

We become extraneous in this situation.

That guy's the new C.O.

Captain McDonagh wants a tour of the precinct.

Why am I givin' you this tour?

You are probably on the outside enough to be trusted.

I want the truth.


For more infomation >> 'Why Did You Hire Her?' Ep. 7 Teaser | The Deuce | HBO - Duration: 0:31.


Jupiter MX 135 Drag Bike 300cc Austin Exhaust - Tes Suara Knalpol - Duration: 2:33.

Jupiter MX 135 Drag Bike 300cc Austin Exhaust - Tes Suara Knalpol

For more infomation >> Jupiter MX 135 Drag Bike 300cc Austin Exhaust - Tes Suara Knalpol - Duration: 2:33.


BTS Ep. 6: Why Me? | The Deuce | HBO - Duration: 1:30.

You on the pill? 'Cause these guys don't use condoms.

Yeah, every day.

WOMAN 1: You ready for make-up? WOMAN 2: Yes.


WOMAN 3: Camera ready.

It really requires a lot of bravery

to be able to get out there and do these kinds of things

without it being quote, "sexy."

Without you looking good.

It''s saying, "Okay, now you've got your face between her legs,

then you lift this leg and you show this,

but don't show that.

I mean, it's not about sensuality.

The more you immerse yourself in the business side of it

on every aspect,

it gets down to... choreography.

-(MOANING) -Yeah, enough. Enough of that.

There's gonna be real money in it now.

Imagine watching a movie with American girls

without any hassle from the law.

The mafia had their hands in everything.

From the labs, to distribution,

to the exhibition,

all the way down the line.

They were everywhere.

MICHAEL RISPOLI: The mob was at the height of its power.

The peepshows, the porno shops, and stuff like that.

If you're making money, then everybody's happy.

It's like any other business.

It's commerce, it's the supply and demand.

If you understand your role and everyone else's role,

it's an interesting world.

It's about to be the movies or the ho house.

GEORGE PELECANOS: It never trickled down to the girls.

You know, the people at the bottom

never really profit from this.

And yet, pornography from the prostitution business

could not exist without these women.

For more infomation >> BTS Ep. 6: Why Me? | The Deuce | HBO - Duration: 1:30.


(Ep-3) Lets play The Evil Within 2 - Duration: 3:19:00.

For more infomation >> (Ep-3) Lets play The Evil Within 2 - Duration: 3:19:00.


【鴻麟】Stick Fight: The Game - 火柴人大對決 PART.2 ( 內有不雅言語 慎入 ) - Duration: 10:14.

For more infomation >> 【鴻麟】Stick Fight: The Game - 火柴人大對決 PART.2 ( 內有不雅言語 慎入 ) - Duration: 10:14.


Learn colors, Heads | Play Doh Pop Cake Bottles | Finger Family Song | Nursery Rhymes s - Duration: 2:19.

Learn colors, Heads | Play Doh Pop Cake Bottles | Finger Family Song | Nursery Rhymes s

For more infomation >> Learn colors, Heads | Play Doh Pop Cake Bottles | Finger Family Song | Nursery Rhymes s - Duration: 2:19.


Fear the Walking Dead: 'Proctor John's Surgery' Behind the Scenes Ep. 315 - Duration: 3:52.

Man: Here we go, ready, and action!

We're shooting at the Plaza De Toros,

which is the old bull ring

in Playas de Tijuana, and we've made it into our set for today.

We're actually filming in the original surgery area

that they used for the matadors when they didn't win the fight,

so we've kept the main light that's in there.

That's the original light for the infirmary.

-You set her leg in the field? -Yeah.

Dragged here here to the bull ring.

This was a location we scouted actually last season

when this idea for a trading post came up.

We start to scout around the bull ring,

and we found this surgical theater.

And we're like, "Oh, that's interesting."

And it was grimy and old and messed up,

exactly the way we wanted it.

We did basically nothing to it from a set dressing

or art department standpoint,

and it was just perfect for what we wanted.


M.A. training? EMT?

Was a hospital volunteer since I was a kid,

but no formal training.

Dr. Dasher sees in Alicia someone who may be useful to him

in his surgery that he knows that he's going to have to

perform on Proctor John.

I just need someone to hand me the instruments,

keep the patient occupied.

You're perfect.

Don't worry. You're gonna love it. Great.

It involves removing a tumor

out of his back that's causing a paralysis.


A little lidocaine.

We're trying to, like, figure out all the medical,

technical details,

and we have a physician that's consulting with us

to make sure that we do it in the appropriate manner.

So, you're gonna make the incision right here.

The lidocaine and when you put it in and where you put it in.

So, like this?

Yeah, back further. Yes. That looks better, yeah.

This should take the edge off.

Bernstein: James is amazing. When I read this part,

I immediately thought of him.

He came in and added an element to the scene

we never thought about and made this character come alive.

Shouldn't we put him under?

Nope, not going under. Not safe.


That's what you're here for,

to keep him still while I work.

Debnam-Carey: Alicia doesn't really have much of a choice.

She has to really commit to this role play

to make sure he is okay, because if he's not okay,

I die and we all die,

which I think really then

transforms the scene.

This whole situation is super creepy.

It's a very extreme choice.

She is another form of medication for him.


The way that she does that is by offering a hand.

She keeps him focused on happy memories.

Tell me about Santa Barbara.

And on herself.

Hey, look at me.

Look at me. Hey.

He's not here. I'm here.

I think the fun of it is to keep this alive

and he's doing his thing.

Bernstein: It's interesting to play a scene where you have

such a dynamic actor like Ray McKinnon,

and you don't know what Ray's gonna do

from one take to the next.

It already adds sort of an electricity to the scene.

[Groaning, wincing]

-Are you still operating? -No, I'm done.

Bernstein: We're gonna do one more.

To be believable, I actually have them cut my back open,

and that really helped the believability,

and then I fainted.

Okay, forget all that.

We've got the back.

Thurston: We built a prosthetic back.

All it is is just one piece of foam with a pad in

for the actor so that it's a bit more comfortable.

It's really helped the sequence,

especially with the fact that the actor can do

a lot of the work himself, do the spreading,

and make it look as though he's actually doing a back operation.

We made it relatively lifelike knowing that we weren't gonna be

looking directly into it,

but enough so that we could see the actor working on it.

I can see the tumor.

Get it out, Eddie!

James LeGros and Ray and Alycia all together were magic.

Nearly there.

I think it's gonna be an awesome scene,

gonna be quite a production, and it's gonna be a lot of fun.


For more infomation >> Fear the Walking Dead: 'Proctor John's Surgery' Behind the Scenes Ep. 315 - Duration: 3:52.


What's With Money? (얘네들 MONEY?!) - Full Episode 6 [Eng Subs] | Korean Drama - Duration: 16:34.

Bo Ram!

What are you doing here? Aren't you going to go inside?

I'm condemned. I do not know if it was Hye Ra.

I can't even tell it Hye Ra's mom did it.

I don't know. What should I do, Geum Son?

What's With Money? Episode 6 The Win Starts From Now On

My arm hurts. You don't have a dryer?

It's broken. I better get one from somewhere.

Where would you get it? Just buy one. You miserly scrooge.

You're doing all sorts of things.

What do I do now? How can I pay that money back?

You really don't have any principles either.

Because she gave you money, how can you eagerly take it and spend it all.

But it's true that Hye Ra gave it to me.

Is that Hye Ra's money? It's her mom's.

But I'm right that Hye Ra gave it to me. Then that means it's her money.

You spent someone else's money with no hesitation. Serves you right.

I'm screwed. How can I pay back 3,000,000 won?

You squandered someone else's money. Serves you right.

You are the new queen of squandering.

You don't comfort me but you're egging me on?

I wonder what kind of karma I had in previous life to meet you in this life.

What is he saying?

Write it down.

Write what? A promissory note.

You have money?

This is money I saved $1 and $2 at a time while working at Finance Sharehouse in the past year.

Balance is 3,120,000 won.

What do I do?

How can you spend the money that I take a year to make all in one day?

Me five years from now! The future me in ten years!

Once you fall into the temptation of money, you can never come out!

Not buying a dryer and wearing socks with holes. Is that how you saved every cent?

I was also tempted to use money a lot.

Whenever I've been temped, I was trying to save, even 100 or 200 won. Like looking a hanged redlip croaker. (*looking a redlip croaker: a Korean idiom to describe a people who barely use their money to save)

That's how you save seed money.

I can use that kind of money?

What do you mean use it? I'm lending it to you.

You must pay back.

I understand. I understand, so thanks.

Thank you, Choi Geum Son!

I told you to write it down. A promissory note.

I got it, I'll write it.

Look at your handwriting.

Hey, an elementary school kid would write better than you.

Then you write it!

You don't even know the basics? Write your address and your resident registration number down.

I would know if I had written one before. Where do I write the amount? How much is interest?

Five percent.

Five percent? Why is it so expensive!

Other places ask for more than 20%.

Promissory Note I am 2nd Year Class 3's Na Bo Ram.

Promissory note

Don't beat yourself up too much about making one mistake..

Your future is still in your hands.

In my hands? Where? Here?

Where? There?

Clever clever girl, You're pretending to be naive.

Let's go.

Where are we going? You'll know when we go.

You cried because of money and laughed because of money.

As you've just experienced, nothing has no relationship with the finance.

All of human's emotions-happiness, anger, sadness, joy-are where the money goes.

Got it. I'll study about finance hard, like you.

You still have a chance. The future belongs to a person that's prepared.

No one can block a prepared person.

Customer number 17.

Let's go. To make your future.

This account is very good to save up a lump sum,

this account is aimed for growing youths with a dream.

At this point, instead of a regular savings account, this account aimed for youths with a dream to grow assets will be useful for you.

I am overdrawn. Is overdrawn account an asset as well?

Yes. Debt plus capital is your asset.

Oh, than I am rich in assets.

I guess so.

We'll go with this account.


Hope Bank

What kind of man gets a girl's bank account number, not even her phone number?

You. I memorized your bank account number. Be prepared.

Be prepared for what?

Alright. Now how are you going to pay my money back?


Money. How are you going to pay it back?

First, I'll make a plan. A plan.

- I will put it into action. - Good.

But what plan?

I will become a member of your Finance Sharehouse starting today.

Oh, but you need to take a test for it.

Try it all. Even though I'm like this, I was admitted into Chun Ha Financial School as third place.

Although I'm only 34th right now.

Then we're going for a test.

What test? Quiz test?

What's the topic? You're going to give me a hint, right?

You don't need a hint. It's a test to see how determined you are.

Will test? Nice.

Fine. I will show you how determined I am with my arm strength.

Choi Geum Son. You don't have blood or tears.

You jerk. This is a will test?

A will test is just on organizing heavy books?

Oh my legs. My back.

I should carry heavy books in my head.

I can't carry them around.

But where did this punk go after making me do work?

No.3, International Politics & Economics?

It's Hye Ra.


Na Bo Ram. Come to the small auditorium by nine o'clock.

What is this?

Hye Ra!

You're late?

What am I late for? What are you doing right now?

I don't know. I also received a call and came.

Na Bo Ram, who entered in 3rd place but fell to 34th place currently.

Jin Shi Hwan, rebelling against his father fell from 1st place to 49th place.

Choi Geum Son, who ranks 2nd but finance share score is low.

Even though you're the school president, you make your friends an outcast.

and became a snob, Geum Hye Ra.

The four of you guys will participate life-and-deah survival game.

Handicapped Na Bo Ram and Geum Hye Ra.

I'll split you two up. Na Bo Ram and Choi Geum Son are Team Blue.

Geum Hye Ra and Jin Shi Hwan are Team White.

If Na Bo Ram gets ousted, so does Choi Geum Son.

If Geum Hye Ra gets ousted, so does Jin Shi Hwan.

Elite Choi Geum Son, 1st rank Jin Shi Hwan.

You two must save your teammates.

Why do we have to participate in this game?

Since you have been chosen by me.

2 people make up 1 team. There are only 3 questions in this survival game.

You guys only have 3 chances. Depending on how well you match with each other,

the win is on the line.

Here we go. From now on,

the battle is starting.


What the heck is that?

Ugh, this is so annoying.

What on earth is this game?

Five? What the heck is five?

What does he want us to do?

I know that number.I know the answer.


What I don't know is how to keep you from being ousted and getting that correct.

Oh, what should we do?

Answer me.

What? The highest interest rate.

How much is interest?

Five percent.

Five percent? Why is it so expensive!

It's even higher than 20% at other institutions.

5% per year, it's the highest interest rate for mainstream financial institutions.

The boundary acknowledged as the low interest.

Three hundred.

That's too easy.

What is easy?

The amount I gave Bo Ram. 3,000,000 won.

What about it?

What's with you, first place? Don't you know that?

$3000 is the average income of a company worker.

People think it's easy to pay back this amount.

So you weren't third place for nothing.

Maximum loan amount given out by a third rate financial institution's loan amount made without a collateral.

I'm suffocating, really.

Why on earth are we doing this game? What happens if we lose?




Why are you like that? What about zero?

I have never seen such financial numbers.

What do you mean zero...

That's not asking about knowledge.

Then what?

That number... I don't know.

Choi Geum Son probably doesn't know either.

You have to answer that correctly, Na Bo Ram.


That question is asking about knowledge. I can't get it right.

What am I supposed to do?

What do I do!

Zero sum

Finance could change the present you. That's the power finance has.

I want to do it! I'll work hard! What do I need to do first?


How can this be? I got it right!

Good job.

But what do you mean potential? Why is zero potential?

The correct answer for zero is potential. Beginning and birth of everything.

Na Bo Ram. You're lucky to get this right.

Congratulations on entering Finance ShareHouse.

What do you mean entering Finance Sharehouse? When did I ever want that?

Geum Hye Ra and Jin Si Hwan. You guys will become members of the Finance Sharehouse too.

However, you will start at the 8th level.

The benefits you have enjoyed so far will be removed starting today.

From now on, you will face many obstacles.

I hope that you overcome it and climb to the top.

Life consists of one unexpected events after another.

Until this morning, I didn't know I will participate in such competition.

We are the chosen four. Some are ahead some are behind, that's the reality.

We can turn this place around any time.

I want to live, I want to win, I want to challenge it.

The battle is starting now.

What's With Money?

We thank everyone who has appreciated What's With Money until now.

A quick quiz here! Choi Geum Sohn, Na Bo Ram, Jin Shi Hwan, Geum Hye Ra. Who will form a couple?

If you shoot the Cupid's arrow, for one couple that's been selected,

you'll be able to watch a special epilogue.

Of course, we have plenty of gifts ready too.

Oh! Then you can't see the other couple's epilogue?

You definitely can't. That's the rule.

That doesn't make sense! Show us all of them!

We can't.

Ah, mine is really fun. You'll regret it.

Mine is beyond expectations.

Mine is really touching.

Alright. Everyone, please vote!


Final Credits

Final Credits

Final Credits

Final Credits

Credits Team

For more infomation >> What's With Money? (얘네들 MONEY?!) - Full Episode 6 [Eng Subs] | Korean Drama - Duration: 16:34.


'Therapy Breakthrough' Ep. 4 Teaser | Curb Your Enthusiasm | Season 9 - Duration: 0:43.

I think this is a breakthrough.

No, it's not a breakthrough.

I'm gonna write down "breakthrough."

Writing down "breakthrough" is just a waste of everybody's time.

-"Break..." -That whole pad,

-you might as well throw it-- it does nothing, that pad. -"...through."

Are you vying for the title of the most pretentious man in the world?

-This? -Yes.

I've had this for decades.

It looks like, uh,

the Little Drummer Boy's funeral.

This what he's wearing in the casket.


Hey, hey, hey. Come on, come on. That's way too loud.

-(SOBBING) -MAN: And one day...

-Just whimper. Can you whimper? -(WHIMPERING)

For more infomation >> 'Therapy Breakthrough' Ep. 4 Teaser | Curb Your Enthusiasm | Season 9 - Duration: 0:43.


NFL: 49ers Change Up National Anthem Protest, Fans Give Perfect Response. - Duration: 2:18.

Seven 49ers kneel for anthem, DC fans respond.

Winless heading into Week 6 of the NFL regular season and facing public scrutiny from Vice

President Mike Pence for their national anthem protests, the San Francisco 49ers aren't

exactly in an enviable position.

But perhaps the combination of that internal and external pressure is beginning to affect

some subtle, if minor, changes to the 49ers' stance on national anthem protests.

Seven 49ers players knelt for the national anthem this week, prior to the team's road

game against the Washington Redskins.

Eric Reid, Adrian Colbert, Dekoda Watson, Marquise Goodwin, Arik Armstead, Eli Harold

and K'Waun Williams all knelt.

That's still a stark difference from the past two weeks, when at least 20 49ers players

knelt for the national anthem each week.

Reid, in particular, has been one of free agent quarterback Colin Kaepernick's most

vocal supporters.

Reid was the very first player to join Kaepernick in kneeling for the national anthem last year.

Unsurprisingly, Reid was extremely critical of Pence's actions in Week 5 and couldn't

have been that thrilled that so many players opted not to kneel this week.

"He knew our team has had the most players protest," Reid said following the team's

loss to the Indianapolis Colts.

"He knew that we were probably going to do it again.

This is what systemic oppression looks like.

A man with power comes to the game, tweets a couple things out and leaves the game in

an attempt to thwart our efforts.

Based on the information I have, that's the assumption I made."

However, the fans in attendance at the nation's capital were not impressed with the 49ers,

and vocally supported the vice president's stance.

The Redskins fans rained very audible boos on the 49ers as they began kneeling.

And it's a sentiment many Americans agree with.

Nobody really disputes the players' right to engage in social activism.

Many criticize the time and place of protesting during

And with the 49ers unable to eke out a win through five weeks of action, perhaps they

should focus as much on their on-field activities as their off-field activities.

Thank you for watching...

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For more infomation >> NFL: 49ers Change Up National Anthem Protest, Fans Give Perfect Response. - Duration: 2:18.


The National for October 15, 2017 - Duration: 1:04:45.

For more infomation >> The National for October 15, 2017 - Duration: 1:04:45.


Show Me The Curve Flat Earth Midwest Meet up - St. Louis, MO - Duration: 3:35:04.

For more infomation >> Show Me The Curve Flat Earth Midwest Meet up - St. Louis, MO - Duration: 3:35:04.


Fear the Walking Dead: 'Plan to be Persuasive' Season Finale Sneak Peek - Duration: 1:15.


[Indistinct chatter]

What happened?

This was meant to be a knife through butter.

No resistance, you said.

Mea culpa. Someone tipped off the dam you were coming.

It was beyond my control. But all is well now.


There are corpses floating in the water

we're meant to distribute and drink.

And my men, casualties.

A dozen brothers dead.

A dozen dead brothers.

The guards have surrendered.

Please, your men are executing the workers.

I told them to secure the dam, and that's what they're doing.

Meanwhile, I need my dressings changed and a rest, nurse.

[Gunfire in distance]


[Dock creaking]


I'll have a full accounting later of the events

and a grand tour.

Plan to be persuasive.

For more infomation >> Fear the Walking Dead: 'Plan to be Persuasive' Season Finale Sneak Peek - Duration: 1:15.


The Tales of The Chosen: illusion by Matthew Faulkner - Duration: 0:35.

Fool me once shame on Brian

Fool me twice it's an illusion

Who will believe me now?

Who will believe me now?

Will you save Cherry?

An illusion can only last

can only last

for so long

Currently, 40% off!

For more infomation >> The Tales of The Chosen: illusion by Matthew Faulkner - Duration: 0:35.


আজকের খেলার খবর Today Sports News 16 October 2017 Bangladesh Cricket News Eibar Sports News - Duration: 13:02.

eibar sports news

For more infomation >> আজকের খেলার খবর Today Sports News 16 October 2017 Bangladesh Cricket News Eibar Sports News - Duration: 13:02.


Rakshasa Street (镇魂街) - Full Episode 23 [Eng Subs] | Chinese Drama - Duration: 25:03.

Timing and Subtitles brought by The Spiritual Guardians @ Viki

He appeared.

Hurry. Hurry. Run!

Li Xuan Yuan. Li Xuan Yuan!

He's not Li Xuan Yuan anymore.

Hurry. Leave!

Li Xuan Yuan, I'm your spirit host.

I already told you he's not Li Xuan Yuan anymore.

If he's not Li Xuan Yuan, who is he?!

Li Xuan Yuan, do you want to hurt even me?

I'm telling you. I'm not afraid of you!

Li Xuan Yuan...

I'm not your guardian spirit.

For the sake of this body, I'll temporarily spare your life. But others,

I must kill them all.

Li Xuan Yuan, I want you to go back!

Gou'er. Shui'er. Run!

Zhao Xin. Zhao Xin!

You are very interesting.

You're the first person to say I'm interesting.

It's a pleasure to kill you. It'll make up for all the people here.

A dangerous unusual person like you.

If I don't handle you, I'm neglecting my duties.

[Rakshasa Street]

- Episode 23 -

What's going on?

They're fighting. They won't interfere with you and I.

What do you want to do?

What is that? You must have a limit if you want to cheat.

Timing and Subtitles brought to you by The Spiritual Guardians @ Viki

This has no baseline at all!

Don't tell me I will burst to death in this war.

It seems like he has much more in stock.

Eat some more.


Change to another fighting method.

You decide.

After eating, let's talk a bit. Scattering peas into soldiers, I'm sure you're not a spirit host.

I've already explained.

Han Dynasty is dead. Huang Jinjun is established.

This kind of trashy peace method. You're Zhang Jue.

Zhang Jue? That's nonsense.

This sort of shady skill has exceeded my range of knowledge.

The unsolved mysteries are always like the form of ghosts.

I'm very curious. You've been unusually transformed to this extent.

Why aren't you using the spirit host to restrict your spirit?

Does this overturn your worldview? This is the power of science!

You, a sorcerer, what random science are you talking about?

It's time to let you meet a few familiar people.


Weren't all of you already...


The person is already dead, but there is still hatred.

The resentment between you and I already existed a very long time ago,

when you were a child.

So it was you!

I forgot to warn you these 4 peas are poisonous.

Like I've said before,

if I don't handle a dangerous unusual person like you,

I'm neglecting my duties.


He's my guardian spirit. You can't kill him.

Your guardian spirit?

He has 2 people sharing a body. This one is the villain who was just released.

The good person is named Li Xuan Yuan. He's my guardian spirit. You can't kill him.

If you want to kill him,

kill me first.

Hurry. Get out of the way.

Be careful.

Li Xuan Yuan,

it's me.

You don't remember me?

Don't tell me you've already forgotten.

You told me those old stories.

Also, you made some promises.

Li Xuan Yuan,

come back.

I don't want to be a spirit host without a guardian spirit.

Please continue to protect me.

Share the same life with me. All right?

Li Xuan Yuan,

come back.

♫ Half a soul locked to a devil as half becomes a god ♫

♫ My love will never change ♫

♫ The world turns back thousands of years ♫

♫ I'll only sleep in your arms ♫

Xuan Yuan. Xuan Yuan?

♫ Time is like a book, ♫

♫ which is fully written with my longing to you ♫

Xuan Yuan!

♫ The moon is dark and full again, ♫

Xuan Yuan!

♫ the scenes of the past appear again ♫

Xuan Yuan!

♫ couldn't eliminate the engraved thoughts of you ♫

♫ Break three thousand years of mortal world, remember the oath of the past ♫

♫ Protect you forever ♫

♫ The moon is dark and full again, the scenes of the past appear again ♫

♫ A year by a year, couldn't eliminate the engraved thoughts of you ♫

♫ Break three thousand years of mortal world, remember the oath of the past ♫

♫ Protect you forever ♫

♫ The moon is dark and full again, the scenes of the past appear again ♫

♫ Year by a year, couldn't eliminate the engraved thoughts of you ♫

♫ Break three thousand years of a mortal world, ♫

Li Xuan Yuan, you returned.

♫ Protect you forever ♫

Return to the spirit space.

♫ Protect you forever ♫

Very touching.

What are you doing?

At first, I wanted to kill him.

But I was moved by them.

Let's go.

Nan Yu Fu is still on top.

Miss, that character inside him is very dangerous. You're on your own.

Sister Xiao, we're leaving.

Timing and Subtitles brought to you by The Spiritual Guardians @ Viki

Master Men, do you want to finish him?

Go back.

The fires of hell can't stop burning.

Wait a moment.

I didn't expect that you could do the Warrior Body Breath.

I'm giving you another chance. Hand over the Supreme Fruit and Sacred Pagoda sprout.

I have been preparing this great gift for you for a very long time.


I've said before. The hatred and desire for revenge between us

has long been forged.

Who are you?

Are you asking the skin or spirit?

Shui'er. Guo'er

Miss Xia, long time no see.

Mr. Gui, I knew you couldn't have died that easily.

I'm really sorry. Xiang Kunlun's strength was too powerful.

So I could only play dead to protect myself.

As long as you're all right.

Mr. Gui, can you cure both of them?

I can.

But I can't here.

- Zhao Xin. - General.

Bring these two little girls.


Miss Xia, Cao Yan Bing is dueling with Nan Yu Fu up there.

Do you want to come with us?

Or go look for him?

Sister, go find Brother Cao. My dad is also up there.

If you see him, please tell him,

I will definitely cure my illness and wait for him.

Shui'er, be good.

Guo'er, you two go get your treatment.

Mr. Gui, please.

You are very persistent.

Even after eating poisonous peas, you have made it this far.

How did you do it?

This is the first time I've seen the curiosity of a person

overcome the fear of death.

You human scum!

Who told you I'm human?!

I'm an immortal from the clouds above.

In my eyes,

you guys

are all bugs!


When all of your seven guardian spirits come out,

duel with me.

Xu Chu, Dian Wei, Xiahou Dun, Xiahou Yuan!

Heroes Hall camp's commander

colluded with scum like Nan Yu Fu!

You slowly go back to hell to repent!

That person over there is General Cao Yan Ming?

Top 10 knights of the kingdom.

Earl Nora...

Our kingdom and Ghostdom

will have a battle.

[Special Issue - Director part (Shi Yi Yue)]

[Commercial film / Melodrama] Commercial film.

[Audience / Self] Audience.

[Sentimental / Rational] Sentimental.

[Animation / Live-action drama] Live-action drama.

[Low profile / High profile] Very high profile.

[Two dimensional / Three dimensional] Three dimensional.

[Nervous / Excited] I'm both nervous and excited, but more excited.

[Sola Aoi / Scarlett Johansson] Scarlett Johansson.

["The Shawshank Redemption" / "The Wolf of Wall Street"] The Shawshank Redemption.

[Tea / Beer] Tea.

[I / We] We.

[Shooting scene / Post production computer room] Post production computer room.

[Story / Selling point] Story.

[Acting skill / Good-looking] Acting skill.

[Being complained / Being mocked] Being complained.

[Muddle along / Distant] Distant.

[Mild / Impatience] In usual time, I'm mild. At shooting scene, I'm impatience.

[Lines / Actions] Actions.

[Adopt suggestion / Stick to own view] Stick to own view.

[Day / Night] Night.

[Stress / Responsibility] Responsibility.

[Change / Immutable] Change.

[Controversy / Indifferent] Controversy.

When this originated from a comic book,

it developed into an animation, it would definitely bring up a very big controversy.

Because this is two things with two different rules.

From a comic book becomes a live-action drama,

it will definitely bring up a huge controversy, because the difference of the rules is even bigger.

So... So... of course, there will be controversy.

And if there is no controversy, this is not right.

[Continue / Give up] Continue.

The interesting part about "Rakshasa Street" is all of us, including all of us behind the scenes,

actually we are all like the actors, we are having an adventure.

In the drama, actors did something that everyone thought he could never do.

So, I think this process is very interesting.

Because it's not everyone, I mean like ordinary people,

can all do what the main character did in this drama.

Yes, this is what I feel is interesting.

It's also what all of us behind the scenes think is very interesting.

- So, you want to continue. - Yes, have to continue.

Timing and Subtitles brought by The Spiritual Guardians @ Viki

♬ When earth and heaven become blurred, the beautiful becomes demonic, ♬

♬ swallowing the maelstrom of the soul's desires ♬

♬ You ask me why I still persist, ♬

♬ why I don't surrender to the shining, golden shackles ♬

♬ Even when everyone has been reduced to a powerless puppet, ♬

♬ we cannot give up our world to those flashy, hypocritical scum ♬

♬ Throw away your fears and prepare your strength. ♬

♬ Even if the heavens don't distinguish right from wrong, ♬

♬ I vow to forever protect the fortress of our freedom. ♬

♬ Without giving in, I will become a monument of a hero, ♬

♬ Take all of our sins and burn them to ashes ♬

♬ Too many people have already become puppets under their control ♬

♬ Even when everyone has been reduced to a powerless puppet, ♬

♬ we cannot give up our world to those flashy, hypocritical scum ♬

♬ Take all of our sins and burn them to ashes ♬

Rakshasa Street

For more infomation >> Rakshasa Street (镇魂街) - Full Episode 23 [Eng Subs] | Chinese Drama - Duration: 25:03.


Learning in Nature..Forest Kindergarten - Duration: 5:22.

This place has no swings or slides... but children still have lots of fun every day.

The children are in a forest, playing, learning and exploring.

We meet the children of this forest kindergarten.

At 9 o'clock in the morning, we met with 30 kindergarteners at a part in Incheon.

It looks like they're going on a picnic, but they're actually on the way to kindergarten.

(Korean, ) "Whether it rains or snows, the children spend

about 4 to 5 hours in the forest every day, learning in nature."

( 4~5 .)

It is very popular, with a long waiting list for admission.

What makes this school special?

(Korean, ) "I loved the fact that this kindergarten has

no set curriculum.

However, my child still speaks good English and Korean because she's not under pressure."

( . , , .)

(Korean, ) "My child is quite active, so I wanted her

to be in an environment where she can do a lot of physical activities and handle things

on her own."

( .. .)

(SOV) "Let's go to the forest I'll have fun

at kindergarten."

(" .")

There is no official curriculum, and the children spend most of the day learning and developing

socialization skills in the wilderness.

No matter the weather, children are encouraged to play in the forest.

Adult supervision is intended to assist rather than lead; it's the children who decide.

(SOV) "This flower is from weeds."

( .)

(SOV) "I have caught long-headed grasshoppers about

200 times.

Now it's boring."

( 200 . .)

Though it's sometimes boring, the children carefully observe the forest.

They have no set schedule apart from lunch and snack time; therefore, the teachers never

hurry them.

The children are surprisingly focused.

This process is also beneficial to their emotional stability.

(SOV) "I'd name it 'Tiger Wasp Spider' "

"Okay, now its name is Tiger Wasp Spider " - " "

- " "

(Korean, ) "I let the children play with what interests

them and then ask them to try certain things together.

Therefore, they lead, and I just follow them."

( ? .)

It took the children a full hour to walk and observe the distance that would usually take

adults about 10 minutes.

(SOV) "I want to go to the ginkgo tree forest.

There are so many insects."

(" )

(SOV) "I like the Spooky Forest.

Frogs are jumping everywhere."

( . .)

(SOV) "We're going to go to the Spooky Forest

" ( )

The children choose what and where they want to learn.

They also name the objects they see in the forest, which is part of the learning process.

(Korean, ) "This is Sesame Oil Road.

If we drop soil, all the natural objects will fall over there and become soil."

( . .)

At the end of Sesame Oil Road is a huge forest seemingly connected to the sky.

It will serve as today's classroom.

The children are going to become spiders.

The teacher gives safety instructions as the children hide their eyes like spiders and

hunt food, relying only on this rope.

After group activities, the children enjoy their free time in the forest.

Commercial toys are replaced by nature, but they still have so much fun.

(Korean, ) "People develop the sense of curiosity during

early childhood.

Nature is full of unexpected surprises and offers an enriched environment that fosters

children's curiosity and creativity.

In this regard, I believe forests and children are very similar, and that this education

is beneficial to them."

( . (or ) ( ) .)

The kindergarten-personnel say that children naturally develop their imagination and creativity

while discovering new objects and creatures in nature.

They also communicate with their friends along the way, which helps them boost linguistic

and communication skills.

(Korean, ) "Children exercise their imaginations and

creativity with natural objects seen in the forest.

Through this process, they naturally develop their creativity, imagination, and concentration.

Also, nature cures or reduces symptoms of a number of allergies over time, including


( , . .)

(SOV) "Goodbye"

The children spent a stimulating day in nature.

Parents seem genuinely impressed by their children's development in this environment,

compared to an ordinary institution.

(Korea, ) "All the parents, including myself, are ecstatic

to see the children return home in dirty clothes because it shows how much fun the children

had in the forest."

( . ( ))

(Korean, ) "My child is becoming more interested in nature.

He physically feels the laws of nature and the changing of the seasons.

It is a true blessing."

( . ( ))

Life is all about discovering and exploring the unknown.

Forest kindergartens help children reach their maximum potential on their journeys of discovery,

as anticipation and interest in this unique education system is growing.

For more infomation >> Learning in Nature..Forest Kindergarten - Duration: 5:22.


😲This Drink Will Help You To Eliminate The Knee And Joint Pain😲 - Duration: 2:25.

Nizar ones of the most important joints in the human body as they promote proper

body posture and they support all movements of the legs while walking

jumping running and standing as we age we suffer numerous injuries and wounds

which loosen the knees moreover this makes the ligaments and tendons less

flexible and mobile as their lubrication is reduced even though this process is

completely natural we must do all that is needed for providing vigour

flexibility of the knees in order to be able to make quick and sharp movements

today we will provide one extremely effective natural method to strengthen

ligaments and tendons and thus enhance the quality of your living it contains

ingredients with powerful anti-inflammatory properties which

alleviate pain including high amounts of vitamin C bra Mellon silicon and

magnesium furthermore these nutrients provide strength and energy to all body

parts and systems ingredients 1 cup of water

0.25 ounces of cinnamon 2 cups of pineapple chunks sliced 1 cup of instant

oatmeal 1 cup of raw natural orange juice 1 point five ounces of crushed

almonds 1.5 ounces of raw honey method of

preparation cook the oatmeal squeeze the juice from the pineapple chunks in a

blender mix the orange juice cinnamon honey and almonds while still on add the

oatmeal and the pineapple juice in the blender blend again until you get a

homogeneous mixture next add several Ice Cube's blend once more and your smoothie

is ready for consumption

For more infomation >> 😲This Drink Will Help You To Eliminate The Knee And Joint Pain😲 - Duration: 2:25.


[FREE] Kodak Black x Young Thug x NBA Youngboy Type Beat 2017 | Free Beat | Rap/Trap Instrumental - Duration: 3:32.

[FREE] Kodak Black x Young Thug x NBA Youngboy Type Beat 2017 | Free Beat | Rap/Trap Instrumental

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