Thứ Ba, 17 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 17 2017

Hello friends, welcome back to my channel Nish Shreya

Today we are going to make Mawa(whole dried milk)

Using only 3 ingredients, fresh and good quality Mawa can be prepared easily at home

Mawa is a basic recipe of lots of Indian sweets

Melt 3 tbsp butter in a pan

Add 1/2 cup of milk

Add 1 & 1/4 cups of milk powder to warm liquid

Mix well to get rid of any lumps

Stir continuously at medium flame till it starts to thicken

Turn the flame low when mixture starts to thicken

Stir continuously

Turn off the flame when it is thick and gets collected together

Take it out in a bowl

Mawa is ready for making Indian Mawa sweets.

Try this recipe and make lots of sweets on occasion of Deepawali

Happy Deepawali to all viewers

Like, share & subscribe

Thanks for watching

For more infomation >> Instant Mawa Recipe In 2 Minutes | Homemade Mawa Recipe| How To Make Mawa From Milk Powder - Duration: 2:05.


Demo für Impffreiheit in Österreich | 17.10.2017 | - Duration: 2:28.

For more infomation >> Demo für Impffreiheit in Österreich | 17.10.2017 | - Duration: 2:28.


EXPRESSÕES QUE SÓ APRENDEMOS NO INTERCÂMBIO | Encontrinho na Irlanda - Duration: 9:16.

For more infomation >> EXPRESSÕES QUE SÓ APRENDEMOS NO INTERCÂMBIO | Encontrinho na Irlanda - Duration: 9:16.


🔴🔵 [Tarraxinha] - Eusébio & Vany-Fox Beat'z - [Instrumental 4] - Duration: 3:11.

For more infomation >> 🔴🔵 [Tarraxinha] - Eusébio & Vany-Fox Beat'z - [Instrumental 4] - Duration: 3:11.


Fallout 4 What Happens If You Travel to Far Harbor BEFORE The Nakano Residence? Lol :D - Duration: 50:34.

Fallout 4 What Happens If You Travel to Far Harbor BEFORE The Nakano Residence?

For more infomation >> Fallout 4 What Happens If You Travel to Far Harbor BEFORE The Nakano Residence? Lol :D - Duration: 50:34.


تحكم في نفسك ◆ غير حياتك ◆ مشهد من محاضرة رائعة للدكتور ابراهيم الفقي - Duration: 15:06.

For more infomation >> تحكم في نفسك ◆ غير حياتك ◆ مشهد من محاضرة رائعة للدكتور ابراهيم الفقي - Duration: 15:06.


Why is there a North and South Korea? - Duration: 8:29.

North Korea is one of the most important news items of today.

But have you ever wondered: Why is there a North and a South Korea?

News from North and South Korea has been dominating our timelines, social media, and TV screens

for years (especially in light of the US's ongoing conflicts with North Korea).

But to fully understand the complexity of our current political moment it's important

that we stop to ask ourselves: why are North Korea and South Korea two separate nations

and how did this divide occur?

Most people focus on World War II and the Korean War, but to really understand this

question, we have to start further back.

By the tail end of the 19th century, imperialism had spread throughout the world as nations

looked to establish their economic and military might as well as their sovereignty, or complete

independence as a country.

At that time Korea was considered a tributary state of China (which is the term for a region

that is under the control of another nation).

The Chinese Qing Empire was dominant in the region, but the Japanese Empire was

working to establish itself and test its military strength.

Because Korea was directly bordered by China to the North and Japan to the south, it became

a significant legal battleground between the two countries during the first Sino-Japanese

War in 1894-1895.

When Japan defeated China, Japanese officials became instrumental in recognizing Korean

independence after the 1895 signing of the Treaty of Shimonoseki.

But if Japan was trying to subsume and control Korea, why would Japanese officials want Korea

to first become independent?

In his book The Great Enterprise Professor Henry Em notes the beginning of Korean sovereignty

on January 7th 1895.

King Kojong of Joseon, ruler of Korea,

swore an "Oath of Independence"

at the behest of the Japanese.

He said:

All thought of dependence on China shall be put away so that the heritage of independence

may be secured.

This marked a shift from Chinese oversight as a tributary state, to a form of Westphalian

Sovereignty (or a polity/nation having complete legal authority and control over its own affairs).

But it's important to note that while this declaration of independence from China was

a shift in Korea's status as a nation, it wasn't without influence from the Japanese Empire.

In December of 1894, The Japanese envoy and minister to Korea, Inoue Kaoru

compelled King Gojong to make this speech of independence in order

to make western ideals of sovereignty more widespread in Korea because Japan was interested

in acquiring imperial control over its neighbor.

Professor Em argues that:

First, by declaring itself a sovereign country, Korea began publicly acting under western

law, decreasing aid and oversight from China's Qing Empire.

Second, now Japan could increase control over Korea through a series of treaties designed

to work in favor of Japanese economic interests.

King Gojong became Emperor in 1897 and while on the surface Korea gained a western model

of sovereignty through his declaration, other world powers continued to interfere.

Ok so we've set out some earlier dates for the establishment of Korean sovereignty in

the late 19th century.

But how did North Korea and South Korea emerge as two individual nations?

Well remember those treaties that I mentioned earlier?

They effectively worked to place Korea further and further under Japanese control and influence.

The 1905 Japan-Korea Protectorate Treaty effectively eliminated Korea's sovereignty.

So we see the status of Korea shift from independent nation to a protected state within 8 years.

Interestingly, the 1905 treaty was rumored to be signed without the consent of the Korean government.

Gojong was forced to abdicate the throne in 1907 and independence movements spread throughout

the country.

And Japanese General Ito Hirobumi was assassinated by independence activist An Jung-geun in 1909.

Starting in with the Japan-Korea annexation treaty of 1910, until 1945 Japan ruled over

Korea, and through a series of harsh laws attempted to eradicate Korean cultural practices.

As a result this period was marked by intense conflict, as Korea sought to free itself from

Japanese rule.

One of the big moments was the March 1st Movement in 1919 where activist assembled in Souel

to read the Korean Declaration of Independence they had drafted.

After this the Provisional Government of the Republic of Korea was established as a resistance movement.

It's headquarters, were located in China to evade Japanese oversight.

But no resistance movement is ever unified.

There were other factions that supported different political models and strategies for economic recovery.

One of these was the communist

Northeast Anti-Japanese United Army,

who conducted raids on the

northern border.

And one leader of this communist guerrilla force was Kim Il-sung, the future leader of

North Korea.

But then World War II happens and Japan joins the axis powers.

And because the Japanese still controlled Korea, thousands of Korean men were forcibly

enlisted in the Japanese army and thousands of Korean women were forced into sexual slavery

as "comfort women" for soldiers.

Japanese control over Korea continued until they surrendered to the Allied Forces in August

of 1945 at the conclusion of World War 2.

But the end of World War 2 left a lot of questions as to who would control what in the Pacific Theater.

Allied Forces were interested in occupying defeated regions as part of the terms of Japanese


So even though Japanese rule ended, Korea's status was altered again by agreements drawn

up by the US, Soviet Union, UK, and China.

Only this time we began to see a desire to demarcate the nation internally into two regions:

North and South.

Not unlike the division of Germany into East and West.

At the Moscow Conference in 1945 the US, UK, and Soviet Union agreed to establish the "Far

Eastern Commission and Allied Council for Japan" with the approval of China.

The aim of the commission was to control and "formulate the policies, principles, and

standards" in the region in line with the Japanese Terms of Surrender.

The language of this agreement was couched in the terms of "trusteeship" where the

Soviet Union and the US would assist in the eventual establishment of an independent

Korean state.

So Russia primarily took over the north of the country, with the US controlling the south

with a division along the 38th parallel.

But ultimately Cold War politics got a little...well hot.

As you would expect, the US centered it's occupation on capitalist economic policies

and the Soviet Union's occupation focused on communist policies.

And as the US and Soviet Union's conflicts increased, Korea was again in the middle.

The Korean People's Army lead by Kim Il-Sung, wan an armed force that was built out of a

guerilla movement that stood in opposition to Japanese rule.

They invaded the southern region of Korea in 1950.

When the KPA crossed the 38th parallel they began war with the Republic of Korea Army.

This sparked the onset of the Korean war which lasted until 1953.

Both the US and the Soviet Union continued their support of South and North Korea respectively.

After that, the division of the two nations became more and more concrete, leading to

the formation of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea aka North Korea and the

Republic of Korea, aka South Korea although the official border has fluctuated.

So, how does it all add up?

It seems that the division of Korea into two separate countries has much less to do with

a natural division and more to do with international powers wrestling over the terms of nationhood,

imperialism, and independence at the turn of the century.

If we follow this rough timeline correctly Korea went from kingdom and tributary state,

to sovereign nation/empire, to protectorate, to annexed region, to falling under US and

Soviet influence in a trusteeship, to independence all within a few short decades.

That's an extremely rapid and varied change in status for a country to go through.

And most of these changes in status are centered around wars Korea wasn't directly waging

and economic negotiations between other larger nations.

So what do you think?

This was a doozy and we only scratched the surface.

And the rest is equally fascinating, so drop into the works cited if you want to learn


We'll see you next week!

Hey guys!

This week we're giving shout outs to followers from the Origin of Everything Facebook and

Youtube accounts!

First one goes out to Kathy Downey on Facebook.

She's happy that high schoolers are learning from our videos and using their critical thinking

skills to engage in respectful debate.

Thanks for watching Kathy!

Jrmorales86 on Youtube recommends that you guys check out the original Mobile Suit Gundam

if you're interested in other anime series that could have parallels to WW2.

Thanks for the recommendation!

Also a lot of people have been dropping messages saying they're inspired to research more

information after watching our episodes.

And that's great!

You can't say everything in 10 minutes or less so please keep reading, researching,

and questioning on your own!

And if anyone has any citations, please drop them in the comments for our fellow history


That's it for today and we'll see you next week!

For more infomation >> Why is there a North and South Korea? - Duration: 8:29.


Trump's Nixonian tone about the press - Duration: 3:47.

President Trump: And it's frankly disgusting the way the press is able to write whatever they want to write.

And people should look into it.

These are truly dishonest people.

The fake media is trying to silence us.

But we will not let them.

Because the people know the truth.

President Richard Nixon: I have never heard or seen such outrageous, vicious, distorted reporting in 27 years of public life.

I'm not blaming anybody for that.

But when people are pounded, night after night, with that kind of frantic, hysterical reporting, it naturally shakes their confidence.

And yet, don't get the impression that you aroused my anger.


You see, one can only be angry with those he respects.

Trump: CNN and others, and others. NBC is equally as bad.

The failing New York Times wrote a big long front-page story yesterday.

It's like the failing New York Times, which is like so bad.

(Crowd cheers and boos)

Or the Washington Post, which I call a lobbying tool for Amazon.

We just took, they're so dishonest, we just took the press credentials away - I love it!

We just took the press credentials away from the dishonest Washington Post.

Trump: That was just fake news by NBC, which gives a lot of fake news lately.

For more infomation >> Trump's Nixonian tone about the press - Duration: 3:47.


Top 10 People CAUGHT Cheating Through Text Message - Duration: 8:37.

You know what they say, once a cheater, always a cheater and to many people, infidelity is


Some relationships might be able to be saved if both people are willing to make an effort

but there are also a bunch of people that are only sorry that they got caught.

So let's take a look at the top 10 people caught cheating through text message.

Ending a relationship in at number 10 is this text message.

Well this person just messed up royally.

Sending a text message to the wrong person is one of the worst things because it is so

hard to cover up.

I mean he could have said Jenny is my cousin but then if things get more serious between

these two she's going to eventually want to meet your cousin Jenny…who doesn't

actually exist.

I think he should just go stick his head in the sand because this relationship is definitely


Breaking hearts in at number 9 is this devastating message.

Ouch, clearly John is playing you and seeing other people.

But on the bright side, he decided to end it with the other girl…yeah that doesn't

make it any better.

And apparently, he still loves her... so I wonder how many other girls he is actually


This girl needs to break things off immediately and delete John from her life.

Busted, in at number 8.

Ok so this text message doesn't exactly tell us that they are cheating…but it confirms

that they are a liar and shouldn't be trusted.

Why couldn't this couple just be honest with each other?

They are both out at a club and didn't tell each other.

That seems really suspicious on both ends.

But it makes things even worse when you say you are in bed about to go to sleep, when

in reality you are out dancing trying to hook up with someone.

Getting caught red handed in at number 7.

Whoa that's really embarrassing.

Clearly this relationship was doomed from the start.

She just can't get enough of Mark even after they paid for therapy sessions.

It's a waste of money and time for both of them.

And I bet you this girl was like, why are you out at a bar with your boss, are YOU cheating

on me?!

Just to try to shift the blame.

Alright things get awkward in at number 6.

Never, I repeat never try to go after your girl's best friend.

It will never work out in your favor.

You will just look like a complete idiot and everyone will hear about it.

Word travels fast through gossip and you won't be able to date anyone in that friendship


You won't even be able to go after the girl's next-door neighbor who doesn't even go to

your school because she will know what you did.

It's just never a good idea.

In at number 5 we have this blabber mouth.

This is just the worst-case scenario.

Like come on, look at who you are sending this text message to.

Clearly, she is careless and doesn't care who she hurts.

And who is this Jared guy?

He clearly knows she's in a relationship and he doesn't even care.

Why would you willing see someone who is in a committed relationship?

I think James dodged a bullet here, thankfully he found out sooner than later and ended things.

This mix up comes in at number 4.


I feel like cheaters had an easier time before the invention of cellphones.

It just seems like so many people are getting caught by sending a text to the wrong person.

It really isn't that difficult.

I mean just look up at the name before you send your incriminating, cheating, lying text.

Things get extremely uncomfortable in at number 3.

I really hope this isn't real.

This is just too much to handle.

This son just found out that his dad has been cheating on his wife and might have herpes.

That's a lot to take in all at once.

But at least his negotiation skills are on point.

I wonder if he got that trait from his cheating dad or his mom.

A potential divorce makes its way into number 2.

Well that's awkward.

I like how he's just like "sorry, wrong person" because he knows he can't save

himself from that mess up.

This guy definitely won't be seeing a dime after his divorce and he's going to have

to shack up with his mistress and see his kids on the weekends and every other holiday

because he messed up so badly.

This life ruining text comes in at number 1.

Well that is an extremely rude awakening for this poor guy.

He just found out that his girlfriend has been cheating on him with

his brother.

I really hope he didn't cheat off of her during that math test because she seems pretty


I mean, what do you do with yourself when you find out that two people you love betrayed


How awkward would that be if the two of them started dating after this…

Well there you guys have it…

For more infomation >> Top 10 People CAUGHT Cheating Through Text Message - Duration: 8:37.


Monster Lands Gameplay Runthrough - Duration: 27:15.

For more infomation >> Monster Lands Gameplay Runthrough - Duration: 27:15.


Las Vegas Mass Shooting Staged And Then Hijacked By NWO Globalist Cabal - Duration: 17:27.

For more infomation >> Las Vegas Mass Shooting Staged And Then Hijacked By NWO Globalist Cabal - Duration: 17:27.


Bedenkliche Organspende-Offensive | 17. Oktober 2017 | - Duration: 2:13.

For more infomation >> Bedenkliche Organspende-Offensive | 17. Oktober 2017 | - Duration: 2:13.


সরাসরি আজকের রাতের সর্বশেষ বাংলা খবর দেখুন একুশে সংবাদ লাইভ ETV News 18 October 2017 - Duration: 13:48.

bangladesh news 24

For more infomation >> সরাসরি আজকের রাতের সর্বশেষ বাংলা খবর দেখুন একুশে সংবাদ লাইভ ETV News 18 October 2017 - Duration: 13:48.


KRACK - Key Reinstallation Attacks: Forcing Nonce Reuse in WPA2 - Duration: 10:04.

A lot of hacking videos on youtube are about Wifi hacking.

They show how you can use various tools, on Kali linux, like aircrack or some deauther

to DoS clients.

But I never wanted to do that, I find it quite boring.

That doesn't mean that I'm entirely not interested in wifi hacking, it's just that

if I would make a video about it, it would be about one specific attack in detail, how

it works, rather than just how to use a tool.

And so with the recent disclosure for KRACK - Key Reinstallation Attacks on WPA2, I figured,

that's the perfect moment to do exactly that.

"Key Reinstallation Attacks: Forcing Nonce Reuse in WPA2" by Mathy Vanhoef released

around October 2017, is a paper detailing a specific protocol flaw.

And I encourage you to read this paper, because the news around this attack is obviously going

completely insane with sooo much misinformation going around.

And so if you are actually interested in what this attack means, how it works, and what

are the actual threats read it from the source.

I know papers can look intimidating, but it's often enough to read the "Abstract" and

the "Conclusion" to get a good intuition for what this is about.

And then you have all the content in between to go more indepth.

So let's start with that.

"All protected Wi-Fi networks use the 4-way handshake to generate a fresh session key.

[...] However, we show that the 4-way handshake is vulnerable to a key reinstallation


Here, the adversary tricks a victim into reinstalling an already-in-use key.

This is achieved by manipulating and replaying handshake messages.

When reinstalling the key, associated parameters such as the incremental transmit packet number

(nonce) and receive packet number (replay counter) are

reset to their initial value.

Our key reinstallation attack also breaks the PeerKey, group key, and Fast BSS Transition


The impact depends on the handshake being attacked, and the data-confidentiality protocol

in use.

Notably, our attack is exceptionally devastating against Android 6.0: it forces the client

into using a predictable all-zero encryption key"

So, there is a lot of information here and so let's try to dissect the meaning of this.

"All protected Wi-Fi networks use the 4-way handshake to generate a fresh session key".

Figure 2 shows the messages exchanged when a client connects to an access point.

And of course those initial messages are not encrypted.

You see that after the 4-way handshake "encrypted data frames can now be exchanged".

The fresh session key they were talking about is the the PTK (the Pairwise Transient Key),

which is derived here.

The PTK is "generated by concatenating the Pairwise master key, which itself is derived

from basically the password you enter for the Wifi, the Access Point nonce (ANonce),

you see it here being sent from the access point to the client and the client nonce (SNonce),

which is generated by the client and sent to the access point, but that's not all,

also the access point MAC address, and the station MAC address is used in the generation

of PTK.

So using this pre-shared secret (the wifi password) both the client and the server now

know the same Pairwise Transient Key.

And you can already see here what that means generally for the security.

If anybody else also knows the wifi password, and observes these nonces being exchanged

they can derive your Pairwise Transient Key and can decrypt your traffic.

So when you connect to a "secure" wifi in a hotel, you might not be as secure as

you thought you would be.

But that's a different issues.

And then there are different protocols to actually implement the encryption.

For example if TKIP is used then the encryption algorithm is RC4 and that is basically the

same as WEP, and therefore vulnerable to a number of similar attacks.

But another option is "the CCMP protocol, which is AES in

CCM mode (counter mode with CBC-MAC).

[... it is] secure as long as no Initialization Vector (IV) is repeated under a particular


And the IV here is the nonce.

And the nonce is again constantly incremented to make sure it will never repeat.

And basically the same is true for the GCMP protocol, it uses AES-GCM, and is secure as

long as no IV is repeated under a particular key.

If that sounds weird to you, you could watch my video "Breaking ECDSA (Elliptic Curve


Of course ECDSA is very strong but there can be a flaw if it's not properly implemented,

namely if a fixed value is used for a parameter instead of a random one.

So very similar in the sense that the security of a crypto algorithm can be very fragile.

And so for these algorithms, if the IV, the nonce, is reused for the same key it can probably

be broken.

So you can kinda see where this is going.

Let's continue reading,

"[...], we show that the 4-way handshake is vulnerable to a key reinstallation attack.

Here, the adversary tricks a victim into reinstalling an already-in-use key.

This is achieved by manipulating and replaying handshake messages."

Just in case it confuses you what "reinstalling" or "installing" the key, it basically

just means that the protocol decided "this is the key we use".

If we make an analogy how that is implemented in code, it's basically just assigning the

key now to the variable "the_key_we_use".


So radio networks, or any other communication has to handle the case when messages get lost.

And they have to agree how to handle that.

For example retransmitting them.

And so, "[...], because messages may be lost or dropped, the Access Point will retransmit

message 3 if it did not receive an appropriate response as acknowledgment.

As a result, the client may receive message 3 multiple times.

Each time it receives this message, it will reinstall the same session key, and thereby

reset the incremental transmit packet number (nonce) [...].

We show that an attacker can force these nonce resets by collecting and replaying retransmissions

of message 3"

"When reinstalling the key, associated parameters such as the incremental transmit packet number

(nonce) and receive packet number (replay counter) are reset to their initial value."

"Depending on which protocol is used, this allows an adversary to replay, decrypt, and/or

forge packets."

And so it's now pretty easy to imagine that if you can keep resetting the key parameters

some crypto stuff will be f'ed up.

And this is a protocol flaw because the official specification tells you that message 3 could

be resent and you have to reset the parameters.

Thus resetting the crypto algorithm parameters.

And thus opening the door for certain crypto attackes depending on which crypto algorithm

is used.

Some are more susceptible than others.

The author also checked the behaviour of different implementations and it turns out iOS and Windows

both don't follow the spec and don't accept the retransmission of message 3.

And the worst implementation is by some linux based systems because there is an additional

implementation bug that resets the key to all zeroes.

So you don't even have to perform this crypto attack, limiting you to maybe "only" decryption,

I don't know.

Because with this flaw you actually now know the key because all the values are set to



There are a lot of technical details and challenges and nuances that you can read about in the


I presented it more simplified but hopefully it's more accurate than some other news


So summarise.

WAP2 uses a 4way handshake where nonces are exchanged and used together with the wifi

password to generate a key.

This key is then used for encrypting packets.

How it is used depends on the actual crypto algorithm being used.

A lot of crypto algorithms are very fragile when certain values are reused.

And the attack presented in this paper is about forcing a reset of these values - specifically

the nonce which would be constantly incremented and thus would always be different.

And thus opening the door to perform certain crypto attacks.

And this is a protocol design flaw.

But additionally, during this research, a very serious software bug was discovered where

on certain implementations the key was not just reset to initial parameters, but was

actually set to 0.

So you actually know the key and you don't have to perform a crypto attack.

But you know what.

Why don't read the paper.

You don't learn hacking when reading security news headlines or use the tool Mathy Vanhoef


Go read the actual research, or at least parts of it.

For more infomation >> KRACK - Key Reinstallation Attacks: Forcing Nonce Reuse in WPA2 - Duration: 10:04.


Капкейки трансформеры тролли. Яркие и волосатые. Открываем первые куклы из новой коллекции. - Duration: 3:01.

Hi everyone ! You are watching Taisiya Kids Show

and today

we're going to open new cupkakes surprises dolls


By the way, if you haven't subscribed to my channel yet

please subscribe right now! the link is down below

they also got hairbrushes!

Yes! They are hairy and hair is messy!

mum: how many are they to collect?


Today we are opening just 3

Here is the hairbrush!

Come on , get out ! Look how gorgeus it is !

such a pretty cupcake!

how gorgeous it is !

come on!

her name is Kookie. Yes, Kookie

look, she's got star in her ear!

her hat is for tidying her hair

I am a beautiful troll

I am sooo beautiful (playing with the doll)

this one got a cool pink hairbrush

in the form of flower

that one had purple one like a leaf

and this one is pink flower brush

this one is green

not sure which one exactly it is

where are you ?

she 's got a heart on her hat

Kikoo got purple lipstick

and Pia , is that right? yes , Pia, she's got piink lipstick

i like more

this one

such brushes we have

twin brushes

this one is like a rainbow

I am making my make up

rainbow colour

she's got purple, yellow, teal

and a whole bunch of hair!

and again heart on her hat. I know which one it is

K i a

Kia , yes she is

come on, come on , get out of there

She is the one!

I was right!

This is Kia! And their hair

looks like a bomb, at spaghetti factory

Thank you everyone for watching my video!

Please like, subscribe and share!

Bye everyone! see ya

For more infomation >> Капкейки трансформеры тролли. Яркие и волосатые. Открываем первые куклы из новой коллекции. - Duration: 3:01.


FREE AMAZON FBA COURSE - EVERYTHING You Need To Know About Amazon FBA Barcodes and UPC Codes - Duration: 9:43.

what's going on guys how are you guys doing welcome back to a brand new video

on the free Amazon FBA course brought to you guys for free to help you guys man

build your six-figure business anyways today's topic is gonna be it might be a

pretty short video but it's a very important video you guys don't want to

miss this stay all the way to the end to make sure you guys are fully understand

what I'm gonna be talking about here we're gonna be talking about bar codes

how they work what you have to send your supplier what you put into Amazon etc

etc all those important things at the end of this video if you guys did enjoy

and you guys are interested in seeing more of the free Amazon FBA course be

sure to subscribe to the channel guys it really means a lot to me and smash a

thumbs up on this video anyways without further ado let's jump right into D bar

codes though the bar code I sort of touched this on the last video that you

guys probably watch creating a listing if you guys didn't make sure to go check

that out after this video but when you're creating a listing it asks for

you to input a UPC code or product ID I believe it's called it would be right

here product ID right and that is gonna be the actual code that you get and it's

not what you send to your supplier although you're telling you tell your

supplier and for easier terms you talk as if you were selling sending your

supplier the UPC code that's not exactly what you're gonna be selling them so

what you gonna be sending them so I'm gonna show you guys kind of how

everything works so for starters the website I use bar codes

alright bar codes mania is where I get my bar codes from they're cheap they're

reliable you can get a few in bulk which is what I usually do I'll show you guys

that in a second you get them in bulk easy to pay easy to receive it's a lot a

lot cheaper than most of the other places where you can get bar codes from

so just a little bit of a tip anyways um yeah you guys can see already today is

Seoul today it's two twenty nine pm five hundred and seventeen barcodes so we're

going to be using the EAN and UPC numbers

this is the most important this is the one that you have to be using if you're

selling on Amazon USA this is it so one barcode you can see is five

dollars five barcodes is ten dollars ten barcodes is $15 you guys can see that

buying more than one is definitely a hundred percent worth it well I usually

do is I usually buy five barcodes at a time at least that's what I'm doing for

now just cuz that means I have five codes to you instead of paying $25 I

paid 10 save myself 15 and I have five coasties for five products now 10

barcodes is awesome except it's yeah it's a lot of barcodes I don't know how

many of you guys are gonna be launching 10 products at one time so five is

reasonable for you to get like two or three products at once so you guys want

all the barcodes tens a lot of barcodes but by all means if you guys want it go

for it what you guys gonna do to buy it though

you learn it simply just going to click buy quantity one you can proceed to

checkout now over here you can just go as a new customer fill up your billing

address blah blah you'll be placing your order as a person fill out all this

shipping address doesn't really matter because you're gonna be sent it by email

so make sure your emails correct country for most of you guys will probably be us

right and then you continue and the option you get yeah I'm not allowed to

continue without filling this in but the option you get is to pay by card or by

paypal since I use PayPal for a lot of the what I pay for products for my

suppliers at least currently I'm using PayPal it's when I've been using this

whole time I since I've used people I have a PayPal account so it's easier for

me to just pay through PayPal so I use the PayPal option but by all means you

guys can use your card whatever it is I just think PayPal is easy so I pay with

PayPal then what happens is you receive an email with a zip file then that zip

file obviously you open the file and you'll be given your five um your five

barcodes but the important part is you're looking for the numbers at the

bottom so there's going to be a series of numbers

you you guys will see when you get him there'll be a series of numbers actually

maybe we'll be able to see all right so you see these numbers down here all

right let's show the full image here these numbers this is the number you

need you're going to copy this number and you're going to come all the way

over here to when you're adding your product you're gonna paste it here and

you're gonna go UPC right so this is your UPC code you're gonna put this in

then you're gonna hit save and finish which obviously I can't do right now I

haven't filled up any of the information you'll hit save and finish and you'll

have your bar code complete that will be the listing part of it complete now

comes what do you send your supplier right so what you're gonna send your

supplier is then you're gonna go into it when you're in your seller central the

dashboard you're gonna manage inventory right so you'll have all of your

listings that are created you'll have them all there that's where you see all

the listings your going to click Edit right now well you're not gonna click

Edit you're gonna click a little down thing from edit it's gonna give you a

series of options these are the options that they give you right

talk about being prepared I have screenshots of everything so these are

the option that's going to give you we're gonna edit manage images copy

listing add another condition whatever it is Oh

also make sure that you've changed it's fulfilled by Amazon

that's we'll cover that later but that's how you make sure your inventories

fulfilled by Amazon yeah just make sure you do that that's different topic but

still pretty relevant so make sure you change it to fulfill fulfilled by Amazon

but then to get your Ida on your actual bar code that you're gonna send your

supplier you're gonna click print item labels right and then that's gonna give

you a one bar code with it's gonna be your Aysen which is the yeah the digits

for that amazon uses to identify your product gonna be that it's gonna be the

specific bar code and that is all that you're gonna Vince it's gonna be a one

you're gonna send that to your supplier and they're gonna cop there to stick

that there print it and stick it on every unit that

you have right so if you're buying 500 units they're gonna print and sticker at

500 times now some some suppliers are super nice and they'll do this for free

other suppliers might charge you 10 cents

worst case scenario Amazon does it for you for 20 cents a unit right so

suppliers might charge you 10 cents units Amazon does it for 20 cents so if

you get anything under 20 great know with your supplier if not or if they

just don't want to do it then you can get Amazon to do it it's very simple

when it comes to creating a shipping plan you can have them do that I'm gonna

show you guys that in probably the next video I believe let's check what is the

next video ah barcodes work guess creation plans all the way down here but

yeah I guess maybe maybe after this I'll do keywords and then we'll do shipping

plan I guess to see the outline of the course that I have for us I have

everything written down I'm going through bold means I've done write bold

means I've already completed the videos non bold means no you can see I skipped

a few because I've already done one of these um I've already done a video about

this song's gonna add it on to playlist so on the first videos I did now

starting off like three months ago but sorry rambled anyways yes you would

print this you will send this to your supplier they're gonna stick it on every

unit and then that's gonna be what everyone's referring to as your UPC code

that you send your supplier it's not actually the UPC code is your item label

which comes from putting the UPC code in here save fit save and finish hit the

drop-down button print item labels guys hopefully this made a little bit of

sense if you guys still are super confused and have some more questions

please leave them in the comments down below guys I'll go through and make sure

everyone's questions answered I don't want to leave this on confusing terms

but hopefully this did help you guys out on a question a lot and a lot of people

have so yeah I've seen a lot of people mess this up I've seen a lot of people

now do this correctly I see a lot of people get confused and stuck on this

part and I've seen so many questions specifically talking about

this so hopefully this got this cleared this up for you guys if it did and you

guys did enjoy the video again don't forget to leave a thumbs up on the video

and subscribe if you guys are new to the channel guys it would mean a lot to me

hit that Bell icon also so you guys are always notified every time we release a

new course video or just any video in general I said you guys are gonna want

to stay up to date this is definitely gonna help you guys on your journey to

creating your Amazon business and hopefully one day reaching the

six-figure Amazon business that so many of us maybe

even seven-figure that's why I'm going for seven-figure Amazon business but for

now six-figure Amazon business and so that would change so many lives so thank

you guys so much for watching this video I'll see you guys tomorrow again for

another video

For more infomation >> FREE AMAZON FBA COURSE - EVERYTHING You Need To Know About Amazon FBA Barcodes and UPC Codes - Duration: 9:43.


MoneyBagg Yo Type Beat - Earned It - Frytz Beats - Duration: 2:59.

***Music Playing, No Dialogue***

For more infomation >> MoneyBagg Yo Type Beat - Earned It - Frytz Beats - Duration: 2:59.


16 oct. 2017: Actualizare profetică – Titlurile de ştiri ale vremurilor de sfârşit - Duration: 7:48.

For more infomation >> 16 oct. 2017: Actualizare profetică – Titlurile de ştiri ale vremurilor de sfârşit - Duration: 7:48.


DOOM na Nintendo Switch - Duration: 6:02.

For more infomation >> DOOM na Nintendo Switch - Duration: 6:02.


Hilaal bandz - The race (Halalmix) - Duration: 1:55.

One take


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