Thứ Ba, 17 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 17 2017

Emptiness is today for me


it is the richness of unknown

to discover.

Before when I didn't have this consciousness I had I have today I was

was very afraid of emptiness I tried to fill up with many activities with

meeting with people doing always a lot

because I didn't knew that if

I stop I will have something much more

than when I am in movement

When I start

to paint from emptiness then I pick up from the canvas

all the unknown

the richness of unknown and I can see it.

So the difference is when I don't paint I don't see it,

but when I paint it's coming up and I can like touch this even if it

is abstract but it exists the form of energy that comes up.

So it helps to wake up

the feeling of the

knowing that emptiness is not empty

is a whole universe

For more infomation >> Emptiness Dana Wislocka Painter - Duration: 1:44.


Landingpage erstellen kostenlos? So gehts - Duration: 5:31.

For more infomation >> Landingpage erstellen kostenlos? So gehts - Duration: 5:31.


History Behind Obamacare - Part 3/5 | The Talk Better Project - Duration: 8:31.

For more infomation >> History Behind Obamacare - Part 3/5 | The Talk Better Project - Duration: 8:31.


Prayer of the day Wednesday, October 18, 2017 - Duration: 11:50.

For more infomation >> Prayer of the day Wednesday, October 18, 2017 - Duration: 11:50.


EASY CAT/LIONESS Halloween Makeup - Duration: 7:09.

hey y'all welcome back to my channel so this is going to be my super easy cute

cat or am I a lion I don't know if I'm a cat or a lion but whatever I am I'm

really cute and I want to show you guys how I did it

before we even start thumbs this video up because I'm cute let's get into it

I'm using sherbert from the self made Anastasia Beverly Hills palette for my

transition color and right on top of that I'm using NYX butterscotch for my

crease I'm using bitter from Urban Decay vice 4 palette then I'm going back to

self made and picking up hot chocolate for the outer V I'm gonna cut my crease with

my concealer which is the LA girl Pro concealer cool tan and use the NYX

glitter primer to make my glitter stick and the good I'm use it is NYX GLI 0-8

with the benefit they're real push-up liner and black I'm going to do my wings

for foundation primary not foundation primer music cover FX illuminated primer

and my foundation is Makeup Forever HD ultra foundation in the color lie 5:05

and I am just blending that out and for a contour I'm using black radiance true

complexion contour palette I'm taking the darkest color which is contour and

I'm really contouring very heavy because I really want it to be bold I'm gonna

contour heavy and highlight bright I'm taking that contour very close to my

mouth which is something you typically should do but you want it to stand out

so that's what we're going to do

now I'm gonna highlight really quick with Cole's head that wasn't enough

obviously so I'm using pure beige and I wanted more yellow so I'm gonna use

creamy beige that's when I noticed that it wasn't light enough so yep creamy

beige right on top and that has more of a yellow tint to it

now I'm gonna do my best to blend this all together it is really bold but you

still want to make sure you blend I want to cut my cheeks with the creamy beige

like I said you want to be very bold so don't hesitate with that that in all of

this with the Laura Mercier translucent setting powder I am gonna set for a

while I think I'll let that sit like ten minutes just because I really wanted to

tip me all right

NIC's milk jumbo pencil I'm gonna use under my eye to give me that light like

bigger effect and then I'm using Nick Smith not next medley Maybelline eye

studio gel liner to make my inner rings a little bit hard but you're just gonna

take your time

then I'm just going to blend everything out and highlight again around my mouth

then I'm going into what makes me online so I'm going straight down my keeping

spell doing some little dots I was gonna do whiskers but I was using a NYX flat

tip whatever it's called it was not working so I just was like this is gonna

be enough and I'm doing my nose with the liner I use for my winged liner I was

looking at pictures of how other people did it just so I could try to copy that

I'm gonna darken up that Cupid's bow line and just fill in the top lip and

the bottom lip I'm going to use NYX butter lipstick which is the lipstick I

use every single day every single video

I'm very harshly contouring my nose with the same contour palette

and roughly filum address in with a black pencil very roughly you don't want

it to be perfect that is too wet in Wow pencil

For more infomation >> EASY CAT/LIONESS Halloween Makeup - Duration: 7:09.


Volcom Latin America Skate Team Hits Costa Rica - Jungle Vacation - Duration: 4:22.

The first day of the tour at the Arena Skatepark demo, it was really cool

as its usual in Costa Rica, people were really cool and the vibe at the skatepark

was great. People treat you good and support the movement so a lot of people came

Its cool that despite the fact Cost Rica is very small, It has a good skateboarding scene.

I've come to Jaco before…

I don't remember how long ago, but I came for another tour a couple of years ago.

I already knew how was it. I remembered I liked it because it's a beach,

I am from the beach too... so cool.

We are going to get some ice for the drinks.

Kolito gets us all stoked with his unusual tricks

It's a different skate, he doesn't do the same tricks we do

he is more of street skate rat

He would do tricks that make you trip

He likes to skate different spots

Not the usual spots. Doesn't do the same tricks you always see people do

He always does a trick, no matter the spot

That's cool. Always something new.

For more infomation >> Volcom Latin America Skate Team Hits Costa Rica - Jungle Vacation - Duration: 4:22.


5 Things Girls Do That Guys Just Don't Get - Duration: 4:55.

Men and women have come a long way towards understanding each other in recent decades,

but there are still some behaviors that can be pretty confounding to members of the opposite


"Don't look up, he'll make you listen to another disgusting joke.

He's such a schmuck."

"She thinks I'm a schmuck?!"

Here are some of the things ladies often do that leave the guys in their lives utterly


Bathroom groups

Guys have their own bathroom-centric quirks, like compulsively spitting into the urinal,

but they still can't wrap their heads around the idea that girls like to go to the restroom

in groups.

Men usually do not want to talk to each other while in the restroom and make serious efforts

to make their public restroom breaks as brief and silent as possible.

But gals are often happy to gab over the sound of their tinkles and while freshening up in

the powder room.

And ladies will also join each other on a bathroom break even when they don't necessarily

have to go themselves.

That's a trend most members of the male sex won't soon understand or emulate.

Signing up for the sads

When it comes to movie preferences, there is no denying that some girls would much rather

curl up with a bottle of wine and a box of tissues for a Nicholas Sparks movie than to

strap on the 3-D glasses for the latest superhero blockbuster.

But for a lot of guys, crying over the tragic deaths of fictional people, or being forced

to reckon with traumatic historical events doesn't sound like a fun Friday night at all.

Teenage girls, in particular, are attracted to sappy romances because they can emotionally

relate to them and these films offer a deeper cinematic experience than ordinary popcorn


Watching tear-jerker death scenes and devastating breakup scenes "brings up a lot of emotion

and depth," the likes of which won't be found in the latest action bonanza.

So, at the end of the day, it's really just about females tapping into the emotions we

want or need to access to prepare for and empathize with real-life situation, while

guys simply aren't interested in reliving someone else's heartbreak, on their screens

or otherwise.

Fitness crazes

For guys, working out is typically divided into two neat categories: strength training

and cardio.

But for women, the fitness options are endless.

There's spin class, pilates, yoga, aerobics, dance, and more.

While some guys might enjoy the occasional activity exercise like these, for those fellas

who've always found themselves on a weight bench or a treadmill, steering clear of the

weight room altogether makes little to no sense to them.

"Please stop you're going to hurt yourself."

Same goes for fad diets.

A lot of guys go the traditional route when it comes to cutting carbs or increasing protein

and lean meats.

"Is butter a carb?"


Diets like Atkins and paleo are pretty universal, but when it comes to approaches like Weight

Watchers or Nutrisystem, the demographic seems to skew female more often than not because

guys just aren't interested.

"But I feel you need to know that your good friend, Miranda Hobbes, has just taken a piece

of cake out of the garbage and eaten it."

Selfie satisfaction

While guys might enjoy snapping a couple of memory photos on special occasions, most men

are probably not prepared for the onslaught of snaps that tend to happen when a group

of ladies have gotten all gussied up.

From finding the perfect backdrop spot to making sure the sun is angled to provide the

best light to re-shooting 'til everyone's eyes are open, there are a lot of factors

that go into securing the perfect picture.

While the women are happy to flash those pearly whites 'til they get it right, most guys are

probably left frustrated after the first or second failure and go off to tap their feet

on the sidewalk until the selfie session is through.

Mean girls

The idea of having a frenemy is a particularly perplexing concept to men.

If there is a member of a predominantly male friend group who isn't well liked, he usually

doesn't last long.

He's either mercilessly bullied out of the group, or simply ignored.

Most guys are direct in that way, for better or worse, but a lot of girls play the passive

aggressive cat-and-mouse game with their frenemies.

"Oh, what are we gonna do?

I don't want to see her."


Let's just cut her out."


Maybe it's to keep the peace with mutual friends or to have a regular source of entertainment

or a lightning rod for gossip.

But are more likely to keep someone they don't truly like in their inner circles.

Which means when you talk to your boyfriend about that pal that's ticked you off 10 times

before, his offered solution will pretty much always be the same: stop talking to her.

Because he simply doesn't understand why you haven't cut her out already, and he probably

never will.

Thanks for watching!

Click the List icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> 5 Things Girls Do That Guys Just Don't Get - Duration: 4:55.


Dramatic 911 calls released after carjacking suspects arrested - Duration: 1:26.

For more infomation >> Dramatic 911 calls released after carjacking suspects arrested - Duration: 1:26.


Project Hausbuch #0 Schulfechten - Duration: 4:14.

Hi there! It's Maciej Talaga again. What's the point you're asking?

Well, the point is we like fooling around with swords obviously.

But we also wanted to make an introductory video to the "Project Hausbuch" module of the blog,

which is focused on exploring the

so-called "Nuremberg Codex", which is one of the most prominent fight books of the Lichtenauerian tradition.

And it is a vast book with lots of material that's often quite obscure so you will notice that we are

ourselves still struggling with much of it. Nevertheless, we'll try to make it as clear and approachable as possible.

And we promise to persist.

At least as long as we don't get fed up with this sick stuff...

But until then:

Enjoy our work.

And here you can see us playing around with two techniques from

Schulfechten or the school fencing section of the manual and these include Pfobenczangel, which in English is the Peacocks Tail,

and Drey Hawen, which is

Three Strikes.

And we decided to combine the two into a single sequence or paired exercise in which one

Fencer threatens with the Pfobenczangel and the other lures out the attack

and counters with the Drey Hawen and they end up in the Speaking Window (Sprechfenster) taken quite literally here.

And to capstone this introduction we have created a short video showing an imaginary

Schulfechten duel. Hope you'll enjoy because we certainly did.

For more infomation >> Project Hausbuch #0 Schulfechten - Duration: 4:14.


Coloring Candy for Kids - How to Draw Coloring Pages - Drawing and Painting Candies for Children - Duration: 2:32.







Coloring Pages

For more infomation >> Coloring Candy for Kids - How to Draw Coloring Pages - Drawing and Painting Candies for Children - Duration: 2:32.



For more infomation >> CÂNCER COM LEVEZA, É POSSÍVEL? | A HISTÓRIA DE ROSANE - Duration: 7:47.


Former Green Beret: NFL anthem protests are causing Americans 'to hate each other' | NFL news - Duration: 3:05.

Former Green Beret: NFL anthem protests are causing Americans 'to hate each other'

Former Green Beret and NFL player Nate Boyer made headlines last year when he wrote an

open letter to Colin Kaepernick about his national anthem protests.

Boyer, 36, is now calling on Kaepernick and President Donald Trump to unite the country

rather than continue to divide it regarding the national anthem.

"I know it sounds crazy, but maybe that's exactly what we need to see," Boyer wrote

in a letter to ESPN.

"Maybe that's how we start to heal.

Two men sit in a room and talk, simple as that."

Boyer's call to action comes as the NFL has seen anthem protests on a wide scale in

all six weeks of the season thus far.

Boyer addressed his most recent letter to "every single American," writing that

he is more hurt now about reactions to the anthem protests then he was last year because

now it seems like "we just hate each other."

"Simply put, it seems like we just hate each other; and that is far more painful to

me than any protest, or demonstration, or rally, or tweet," Boyer said.

"We're told to pick a side, there's a line drawn in the sand 'are you with us

or against us?'

It's just not who we are, or at least who we're supposed to be; we're supposed to

be better than that, we're Americans.

This doesn't even seem to be about right or wrong, but more about right or left.

"Today it feels like this national divide isn't even really about the anthem, or the

flag, or kneeling, or sitting, or fists in the air.

It's not about President Donald Trump, it's not about Colin Kaepernick, it's not about

the military, or even police brutality.

It feels like it's about winning.

That's what makes America so great, our sheer competitiveness.

We're winners, and we won't quit until victory is ours."

After sitting down with five Special Operations vets discussing the NFL flag protests, the

group agreed that Kaepernick and Trump should be the ones to unite this country.

Boyer said that after he met with Kaepernick prior to the start of last season, when Kaepernick

was sitting for the anthem, the quarterback changed his protest from sitting to kneeling.

Boyer said that's proof that change can happen from healthy, face-to-face conversations.

"That's how it all started with Colin and I, neither of us knew that kneeling would

be the result of our conversation," Boyer wrote.

"Colin wanted to sit, I wanted him to stand, and so we found a common ground on a knee

alongside his teammates.

I believe that progress and real change happens in this world when you reach across the divide,

you build a bridge, you swallow your pride, you open your mind, you embrace what you don't

understand, and ultimately you surrender.

"I would love for these two leaders to have that conversation, but more than anything

I just want us to love one another again.

One great thing about freedom is that you get to choose every day how you treat your


This IS the best country in the world, but we can always do better."

For more infomation >> Former Green Beret: NFL anthem protests are causing Americans 'to hate each other' | NFL news - Duration: 3:05.


Drunk Cooking With Jamie! - Duration: 6:15.

Bring it

bring it?

bring it really?

I have done at least four push-ups in my life

it's Jamie!

It's me! hello Catie's viewers! do you remember me from such thrilling episodes as

I hot-glued a piece of fabric and a button to my face

but we all must suffer for fashion

cheers Cheers!


all right what are we doing today catie?

we are drunk cooking in the vein of Hannah Hart

because you're the one who introduced me to her fabulous channel

Was I really? yes

seems like a thing Morgan would do

so we've got today some edamame shelled soybeans

enjoy life, eat well, great source of protein

are you worried about not having enough protein in your life, Catie?


remember kids, if you don't have enough protein...

you don't have enough protein

sage words [catie laughs] so what are we going to do with these?

we are making soy bean dip because I'm allergic to guacamole

and it's the only substitute that I've tried that I like

that you've tried. how many others have you tried? just this?

just this? just this

alright kids, this is a time-honored and well researched recipe so...

meaning it's all up here and I've made it one time before

and i basically just eyeballed everything then

so we're gonna do the same thing now cause it turned out fine

so we'll have something that'll turn out [sarcastically] fine

can I cut things?

you may absolutely cut things because I hate prep work

[gasps] it's one of the things I prefer to do with my life


actual chef cookery is not...blech

I'd rather peel potatoes than be like

"and I will add the radish daikon dressing to our endive salad"

like, why are you eating endive? alright.

oh we should, we should wash this pepper first

go for it okay

there's a sink right there

what am I doing with these peppers aside from just like, chopping them?

just rough dice, cause they're going to the food processor anyway

no, that's a bad way

yes that was a very bad way, that is how you cut your fingers off

no no my fingers were over here

do you want the entire pepper?

no. god no. that's way too much pepper

oh my god! I don't have the recipe in my head box Catie

okay eyeball about how much pepper do you think should go in this bag

I don't know how peppery you want it

not too peppery cause we have onion and garlic too

while he's doing that I'm just gonna dump the beans into the food processor


awww, dammit!

language, Catie!

It's my channel I can swear if I want to

I should chop them smaller

pro tip for those watching at home:

if you have a problem cut it with a knife until the problem goes away

that is bad advice that is good advice

do not take our advice

well it's not our advice, it's Jamie's advice. do not take his advice

I have never been arrested, so how could it be bad advice?

onions! boop! is that plenty? that is plenty

that makes me sad, I love onions

should we cook the onions or is that too much work? I didn't cook them last time

you're the one with the the recipe in your brain box, so

I'm asking for your opinion, Jamie

why would you care about my opinion? I'm just here to look pretty in chop things

please watch where you're chopping

if I watch, it's okay

oh that's a good thing to say out of context

how much clove? one clove an clove

an humungo clove?

yes! if it's humongous it's perfect

and while he's doing that, I'm just gonna put a little salt and pepper in here

holy crap I forgot how fast the salt comes out of the salt shaker

well part of cooking is adapting to things when they go wrong

so...if you accidentally pour too much salt into your edamame dip, just...

just go with it

I was gonna say just go in there with your tongue and lick it out

don't gar-lic it Jamie

catie you can't just make it work

[interupting] I'm going to make this work!

viewers be sure to tweet at Catie #dontgarlicit

hey, now that you mention it, hey guys remember I have a Twitter @catiemolly

you don't have like a huge chefs knife so this isn't as easy as normal

I actually do. I just gave you that one because alcohol and big knifes are a scary combination

you didn't as for one either!

I don't know how well equipped your kitchen is!

do I want chop or mince?

[sarcastically] I don't know, what does the recipe say?

the recipes is in my brain and it says just go for it

turn it into mush?

um... no electricity? [whining] why?

so I forgot that my camera has a recording limit

so I don't know how much of that was actually recorded

anyway I think it turned out all right yeah, I think it turned out alright

considering there was no recipe and no professional training

it's like guacamole but without the allergic reaction

which, you know, is really all you can ask for in these tough economic times

so what the moral of the story Catie?

If you're allergic to something, just don't eat it

good moral, and good life advice

all right for all of us at can't be drinking when I'm trying to do an outro, Catie

do I do outros, Jamie?

I don't know, I don't watch your videos what?

i watch them sometimes

I am hurt and offended

I'm just doing this for the fame

yes all 30 people who watch my videos consistently are going to adore you

from all of us here in Catie's mom's kitchen

to all of you out there watching on your computers in your underwear

stay cooking happy

don't forget to Like share and subscribe

and if you are actually watching this in your underwear, let me know below

because I'm kind of curious now

[finger snaps] bye

For more infomation >> Drunk Cooking With Jamie! - Duration: 6:15.


경수진 나이 학력과 성형전 진실 - Duration: 10:16.

For more infomation >> 경수진 나이 학력과 성형전 진실 - Duration: 10:16.


Baby Doll Toys Play MMS Surprise Toys Kids Playground Balls Colors Ducks Nursery Rhymes BDTKSE - Duration: 3:46.

For more infomation >> Baby Doll Toys Play MMS Surprise Toys Kids Playground Balls Colors Ducks Nursery Rhymes BDTKSE - Duration: 3:46.


Caylib Takes Home a Striking Avenger - Duration: 0:13.

I'm Caylib Micklich,

I'm from Vegreville Alberta,

and I just bought a 2012 Dodge Avenger,

from St. Albert Dodge,

from Matt.

And it was a great experience.

For more infomation >> Caylib Takes Home a Striking Avenger - Duration: 0:13.


How to Use the 2.25mm 1-Step Looper Pliers Tutorial Video - Duration: 1:23.

- [Julie] Hi, welcome to Fusion Beads.

We are looking at the one step looping plier today,

and this one's gonna make a loop

that is 2.25 millimeters for it's inner diameter.

It'll work with wires that are 18 gauge to 24 gauge,

dead soft, or half hard.

And this is actually what the plier looks like.

Let me show you how it works!

So, I have a head pin right here,

and I'm gonna feed a bead on to it.

And I'm gonna take the wire,

and put it through the middle of the plier,

and it's gonna come out the other side.

There's actually a hold there for it.

So, it's a nice guide.

Holding the bead and the wire,

I am just going to squeeze,

and we're gonna form a loop.

And you see, it actually trimmed my wire right there.

So, that wire's done.

And then, I'm just gonna take a pair of chain nose pliers,

and you can just straighten up your loop a little bit,

if need be.

And there, we have a 2.25 millimeter loop,

and we're all set to go.

This pair of pliers, as well as many others,

are available at

(upbeat music)

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