Thứ Tư, 18 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 18 2017

It's time for another EXO theory video! Or rather a clear analysis and interpretation of their MVs

I recently analysed the newest EXO MV - Power

It's time to get back to the older vids

I started to analyse them in the 1st part of this serie

The next MV I'm going to analyse is Wolf

It has two versions - a normal one and a drama

Let's start!

When we analyse Wolf, we should also mention the name, the whole wolf concept and the numbers

Both type of numbers - Wolf 88 and their individual numbers

Let's start from the individual ones - Baekhyun has number 4

He wanted to be a singer since 4th degree

But if we multiply 4 by the number of members we get 48

And 4 + 8 = 12

Suho has two numbers - 1 or 7

7 is the number of years he spent as a trainee in SM Entertainment

And 1 with Kris' number 00 gives us 100

Sehun's number is 94 and this is pretty easy

He was born in 1994

Xiumin's number is 99

Math is quite easy here as well because if we get the main number 88 and we add 11

because it's the number of the teaser where we saw Xiumin for the first time

We get 99

Luhan - 7 or 77

And the meaning of it is really original and interesting

It was Cristiano Ronaldo's number when he played in Manchester United

Lay - 10 because he was born in October

And this number also means perfection in China

21 is Chen's number and it refers to his date of birth - September 21st

D.O's number is 12 and he was born on January 12th

and EXO has 12 members

At least, it used to back then

Tao - 68 and 6 + 8 = 14

and it refers to his second teaser

Chanyeol's number is 61

His childhood nickname was Park Chanho

A famous Korean baseball player whose number was 61

Kai's number is 88 and 'H' is the 8th letter in alphabet

It gives us HH - Hip Hop

And if we talk about the number 88 which is also EXO number in Wolf era,

we should look at other meanings of this number

88 in Morse's Code means hugs and kisses

It's a reference to xoxo - EXO's album

The combination of the number 88 and wolf was inspired by the movie Lone Wolf from 1988

It's a story about a not well known rock band that came to a small town Fairview

A full moon happens a few days later

and weird and creepy things start to happen

People start finding dead bodies

At first they apportion blame to wild dogs and later to the rock band

But the truth is different and way more scary

Of course, it turns out that a warewolf is a murderer

But going back to EXO - the combination of Wolf is also a reference to the concept EXO sticks to since their debut

An eclipse and a moon - and wolves howl to the moon

The lyrics can seem easy, a bit senseless and quite stupid

but if we look closely to it, it's a story of a beast loving a human girl

In this case - it's a wolf and each EXO member

they fall in love with a human girl

Because of that they let go of theirselves and they stop being a beast

And they're faithful for this love

And here we have a proof for that:

I can't reject this strong feeling

Fall into it, I let go of myself

It also refers to EXO's situation because after leaving the exoplanet, they stopped using their powers

and they fall in love with mortal, human girls

Wolf MV is a choreography where we can see the tree of life made by EXO and we heard about it in MAMA narration

and then EXO members pretend to be a pack of wolves

The choreography was created by Tony Testa

EXO explained that it has 3 important elements:

A tree, a cave and wolves

I think more interesting thing is a bit controversial

Because the meaning of a Wolf and the number 88 is a little bit different for German and European people

I already mentioned that H is the 8th number in the alphabet

This is why 88 (HH) will symbolize the well known Nazi greeting

The same thing goes with the symbolism of Wolf

It was a cryptonym of the German politician - Hitler, of course

I emphasize the fact that the WW2 has nothing to do with EXO

It has nothing to do with the MV and to anything connected to this group

It's just an interesting fact because there were a few situations when people talked to German EXO-Ls on the street

They were wearing the Wolf 88 t-shirt

and people asked them if they know what it means

Another symbolism of the number 88 is a comparison of two worlds

and they move into opposite directions

It connects with EXO concept and their story about two worlds

and we had the description of it in MAMA narration

Except normal Wolf and Growl MVs, SM released two episodes of music drama

And they're just MVs with a good plot

At the beginning we see Kris saying goodbye to Luhan

If we pay attention to the symbols on their hands, we can say that they are wolves

Kris is alpha male

and he has to leave his pack for some reason

We get a proof for the fact that Luhan is a wolf in the next scene

because he does some acrobatics

And in the next scene he rescues a random girl from another clan

Luhan attends a new school and he's in class with the rest of EXO and also with the girl he saved before

They become friends immediately and EXO helps him with fighting with a bad clan

but Luhan's wolf nature turns on and he accidentally hits D.O

and because of that, EXO leaves him

This girl seems to know Luhan's true nature

she saw what happened

And in the 2nd episode, when EXO visits D.O in the hospital, Luhan runs away as soon as he's seen by her

Luhan is hurt and the girl helps him

Kai is waiting in front of Luhan's house and he sees a girl going out

He gets mad and we see he's in love with her

One of the members of the bad clan sees Luhan with the girl

They kidnap her as a revange

Luhan rushes to help her but he cannot do it alone

It's a bit shocking but the rest of EXO decide to help Luhan

In the end, he probably loses his power and it also makes Kris (who suddenly came back) mad

'Growl' appears in the 2nd episode of this drama and it's connected with Wolf

Especially the lyrics because 'growl' is definitely a sound made by wolves

The MV is all about the choreography

There is also a 2nd version of this MV but it's also based on the choreography

Wolf and Growl refer to loving a human girl

and this feeling is something new for exoplanet residents

I know that Wolf and Growl don't add anything special to EXO theories

and to the whole supernatural powers thing

but it's worth mentioning so this is it for now

I hope you liked it!

Of course, write your own theories in the comments

and opinions about this serie

If you want us to continue this serie, also let us know!

And see you in the next video!

For more infomation >> EXO THEORIES: Wolf - Duration: 7:47.


Dead Leaf - Cat Brain (Official Video) - Duration: 3:20.

For more infomation >> Dead Leaf - Cat Brain (Official Video) - Duration: 3:20.


С Тобой | Песни о Любви к Женщине, Сергей Трунов - Duration: 3:34.

For more infomation >> С Тобой | Песни о Любви к Женщине, Сергей Трунов - Duration: 3:34.


Episode 3 | Just Dance 2018 Menu and World Dance Floor | RUS/ENG - Duration: 9:01.

Hi! I'm very glad to see you on my channel again!

I didn't think that I will do new episodes, but yesterday something happen

I will make more videos and tell you about Just Dance and ScaryMita life)))

Yesterday I got a code from our JDCommunity and got an opportunity to play JD18 EARLY!

Huge thanks for JD Squad for everything! I feel amazing! And I hope you will be with me tat day! I'll try to stream more.

You can dance with me!

So meet JD18 and let's see what's new together!

Ha! New fanmade is here!

As always we can choose mobile or kinect! New awesome colors and very comfortable menu!

Kids menu and WDF!)

Let's check new songs!

Some songs closed but will open them while dancing!

DANCE LAB! We will try it on stream!

Let's check WDF!

Heh, the same song from beginning of this episode))

So I want to start preparing for today stream and I hope you will be with me today!

Thanks so much for your support! And I'm always happy to communicate with you! So leave your comments)) See ya!

For more infomation >> Episode 3 | Just Dance 2018 Menu and World Dance Floor | RUS/ENG - Duration: 9:01.


Falcon BMS - ICP Tutorial #3 - Botón 1 (T-ILS) y 2 (ALOW) (North) - English Subtitles - Duration: 11:36.

Hi and welcome to Revientor Reborn, thi is Falcon BMS and we´re going to speak about the ICP

starting with the nº1 T-ILS,do not forget see the previous videos to understand all that I am going to speak here

inside the nº1, T-ILS, Tacan / ILs that is what means

you can see this info on the DED, the ILS is off,the scratchpad is there, we can move it in three different places

this is a ICP tutorial not Tacan tutorial, but we can see here the TACAN mode is selected T/R

now is the ground dominance mode

using the seq option, we can change to AA tacan or aid dominance mode

with the AA tacan you know it´s useful to find a tanker know the distance with your wingman...

now where is the scratchpad placed I can set a tacan channel, 126 different tacan channels, then the value 127 is invalid

using recall I set a correct one, and enter, the chan changes immediately, or 111 chanel... you know the tacan can operate in X or Y band,

with those 0 inside the parenthesis, you know how to change it, just use the nº0 and hit enter to change the band

that is all of the tacan from the ICP, you also can use the tacan from other consoles, or MFDs.... balbla

that will be covered in the tacan tutorial

on the right is all of ILS fuctions, on the left just tacan

to activate the ILS you need to go to the consoles of volumes and turn it on, with one click there

now ils is on

if we move the scratchpad to the cmd strg, you can activate or deactivate the ils function to get you plane inside the ils cone following hud references

now in green is activated, you can use the 0 to activate or deactivate

there is the vhf frequency 109.00 is the ILS, you can change it placing the scratchpad in the edit field, in the moment you type 4 number there the system recognize it is a frequency

there you can see the frequency 111.10

and the scratchpad jumps to de course, it´s the runway heading of that ils

the heading of the runway is not perfect, 360, could be 357

and just type the real value of the runway

the zeros on the left is not needed to type it down

the 9999 value is not good because the ils range is frequency is 111.99 and the curse is from 0 to 359

the ils minimal frequency is the 108.00 , the 107.9 is not valid

let´s speak about the number 2, ALOW and there is a N in the button, we´ll see that later

in the ALOW menu, you can see you can manage the current waypoint selected, do not matter where is the scratchpad, just use the prev/next rocker

this is a menu of advisories, the ALTITUDE warnings, cara alow will work only with the radar altimeter on

you can see in the HUD the alow at 300 feet, when the gear is up, under that altitude, you get the altitude warning

the max value is 50000 feet

with the scratchpad goes to MSL FLOOR; this is about the barometric pressure, will be a ALTITUDE warning when you go down in that altitude

the max value is 99999

the transition altitude is in korea 140000 If I do not recall well ...

in that moment you know you need to go to the qnh

TF ADV (MSL) also with ocean reference, barometric, this is only for the TFT, when you want to get the CHECK ALTITUDE warning on the MFDs, below that altitude you will get it

I prefer a higher altitude, 400 is almos nothing

it´s a big red box when you have a very hay bank, if you are over that altitude you will not get that warning

I hope you like it, subscribe if you are not a subscriber, give me a like and comment below all your thoughts, bye bye and be happy

For more infomation >> Falcon BMS - ICP Tutorial #3 - Botón 1 (T-ILS) y 2 (ALOW) (North) - English Subtitles - Duration: 11:36.


Надя Дорофеева: Макияж с подиумов UFW | Макияж в стиле города - Duration: 2:22.

For more infomation >> Надя Дорофеева: Макияж с подиумов UFW | Макияж в стиле города - Duration: 2:22.


The 1 Bitcoin Show- You have elite BTC knowledge when compared to most people so use it! - Duration: 4:49.

hello everyone this is adam meister the bitcoinmeister the disrupt meister

welcome to one of my shows I'm not sure what show this is going to be it might

be today in Bitcoin it might be the 1 Bitcoin show I'm recording it here in

Brussels in the airport on October the 17th 2017 No and so maybe it'll be

tomorrow show maybe the next day show video just be an extra show but I was

thinking on the plane coming from Alby they're coming from Spain a LeConte day

to here on my way to Tel Aviv about Andreas Antonopoulos and what he's out

there he's got so much Bitcoin knowledge and I think a lot of people are somewhat

intimidated by that because they feel like well I don't know as much as he

does so I probably can't monetize my Bitcoin or cryptocurrency knowledge and

no you know you probably don't know as much as Andreas Antonopoulos but the

Bitcoin cryptocurrency space is huge there's so many niches out there and you

can be knowledgeable in at one mission and not another and you can find ways to

monetize what you know in this space because on one end we have

the extreme in knowledge which is someone like andreas but then most

people who enter the Bitcoin world they know so little and if you're watching

this most likely and if you understand half the things I'm talking about you

know a lot more than a lot of people in the space currently and all of the

people that are about to enter the space because there's so many new people

entering entering the space every day so if you know how to do something if you

can teach someone how to do something that deals with Bitcoin whether it be

technical or marketing advise someone like you know a lot of people say well

Adam you're not a tactical guy and then they're people who know very well that I

have monetized this quite nicely I mean I've got a YouTube channel

I've got a consultancy you can email me at Adam at trade or help calm I can help

you set up your trays or I can give you also you can ask me all sorts of

questions and I've got clients and it's great and you can do the same thing

don't don't let other people say you can't because the opportunity is out

there because they are so many new people who need guidance in this space

trust me on this so you don't need any remember you don't need any

accreditation or fredda date whatever you don't need a degree you don't need a

gatekeeper to tell you that you're an official Bitcoin

knowledgeable person you just need the knowledge understanding the confidence

and the ability to communicate and spread the word that you're out there to

help people and that yeah you've got you've got some something to give so you

in return would like to be compensated and you can set your own rate but I'm

trying to get people more independent there so because I'm walking around this

place and I see people working in the airport you know work in retail and I

just don't I and I know a lot of you guys are like that you work for someone

else and then I see myself and I'm just walking around the airport I don't even

know how long my layover is now I don't even keep track of like all that stuff

because I'm free I work for myself I don't have a schedule and it's awesome

and I and Bitcoin is something that helps people become independent and I

say that and I'm trying to give an example of how you can use Bigpoint and

your cryptic on because I know if you're watching this you you know something

about this and you can monetize this stuff so don't feel intimidated by all

the super technical people out there you don't need to know what they know trust

me you've got some knowledge monetize it

spread the word you know me I'll give you a shout-out if it's a if it's a

really good thing anyway so that's a little short show of the day we'll see

how that goes i'm adam meister the bitcoinmeister the disrupt meister pound

that like button i forgot to say that remember to subscribe this channel like

this video share this video do check out the notes section below bye bye

For more infomation >> The 1 Bitcoin Show- You have elite BTC knowledge when compared to most people so use it! - Duration: 4:49.


Барби учит КРАСИТЬСЯ👄МАКИЯЖ Барби💄Урок макияжа косметика видео для девочек - Duration: 3:41.

For more infomation >> Барби учит КРАСИТЬСЯ👄МАКИЯЖ Барби💄Урок макияжа косметика видео для девочек - Duration: 3:41.


INDONESIANS VS BULE #2 - Duration: 5:40.

There's a girl whose doesn't understand art

I'm an Art Specialist

so this will be a piece of cake

Ok Andovi?

I'm gonna get her number

Help me out okay



Let me introduce you....

this is my boss

ohhh boss


hello, Jovial


Andovi, his Personal Assistant

please sit down boss

are you alone Niken?

ehh yeah coincidentally

coincidentally, this painting is a work of art by a friend of mine..

ohhh your friend

by Muklay

a close friend

so my boss here is a collector of the very best Indonesian paintings

no don't listen to him

what is this about actually?

so here's the deal Niken

this painting that is put on top of teak wood from pandaigelang...

this is actually about mountains

Mountains symbolizes something big

Mountains....Big.....this is what they truly want

they want this life

this life of money

about raffles for getting shoes that they want

and ummm....

ehh Niken...



For more infomation >> INDONESIANS VS BULE #2 - Duration: 5:40.


Les Brown - When You Feel Like Giving Up (Les Brown Motivation) - Duration: 10:42.

LES BROWN► the next thing ladies and gentlemen I want to share with you that some of you

already know that it's hard it's not easy it's hard changing your life it was

hard when just over three years ago in the Penobscot Building in Detroit

Michigan where I was operating my business and I fell on some hard times

and I was sleeping in my office it was hard coming into the lobby and

the security said scuse me mr. Brown can we see you for a moment and I said yes

and I walked up to the counter and he gave me an envelope and he said would

you mind reading it here and I opened the envelope and the envelope was from

management that says this is an office tower it's not a hotel please do not

sleep in your office and I said excuse me sir I said I just worked long hours

and creating my business I'm an entrepreneur and right now things are

bad for me but they're not going to be this way always and I just asked for the

opportunity to continue to operate like I'm doing I'm not trying to make this my

home and it was hard coming through the lobby and sometimes they would laugh

there's a guy talking about becoming successful and look at him he's bathing

in the bathroom upstairs on the 21st floor he sleeps on the floor him and two

other dreamers up there look at him it was hard ladies and gentlemen coming

to speak to people and I was facing financial difficulties in my own life I

was behind on my bills and my dreams and I'm saying to them you can live your

dream it was hard ladies and gentlemen it was very difficult to pick myself up

each day believing that I can do it there were times that I doubted myself

and say God why why is this happening to me I'm just trying to take care of my

children and my mother I'm not trying to steal a Rob from anybody how did it have

to happen to me it was very hard and here's what I want

to say to you for those of you that have experienced some hardships don't give up

on your dream no one could have convinced me by holding on by continuing

to push forward by continuing to run toward my dream that one day I would

have my own talk show it's a long shot ladies and gentlemen from Liberty City

an abandoned building Auto floor never knowing my mother or father it's a

long shot being here with you today in this dome

in Atlanta it's a long shot no college training labeled educable

mentally retarded but I kept running toward my dream

don't stop

goats down

don't stop running toward your dream

it's very important as you hold on to that dream there are moments when you're

going to doubt yourself they're rough times are going to come but they have

not come to stay they have come to pass it's very important for you to know that

don't say I'm having a bad day say I'm having a character-building day

it's very important for you to believe that you are the one to make this happen

I remember this high school teacher mr. Leroy Washington at the end of school

one June it was just a few days before we were supposed to leave and I just got

my report card and it indicated that I'd failed history and I'd fail English and

I would have to go to summer school and I was feeling within myself that I was a

failure that I'm slower than most people and getting paperwork and and I was

feeling down on myself and and and very negative and mr. Washington was giving a

speech to the graduating seniors and I was in 11th grade and even though I

wasn't supposed to be in there I went in there because the speech he was giving

that speech was for me and as he talked my heart began to beat fast tears begin

to run behind my eyes and I was in the back just listening to him because he

said and he was a very dramatic man I still talk to him to this day he said as

graduating seniors of Booker T Washington High School I want you to

know that you're blessed and highly favored and that as you go toward the

future begin to know that you have greatness within you and if just one of

you here begin to envision yourselves as being blessed and highly favored to

reach your goals if just one of you capture the essence of what that means

that you have greatness within you in a responsibility to manifest that

greatness that you can make your parents proud you can make your school proud you

can touch millions of people's lives and the world will never be the same again

because you came this way and the students gave him a rousing standing

ovation and as he left the auditorium I ran down the steps and I caught him in

the parking lot I said mr. Washington he said yes I said do you remember me sir

he said no I said uh my name is Leslie Brown my mother she

works in the cafeteria here I'm one of the twins

Leslie Wesley I said mr. Washington but you know you know I got these big dreams

you know I like talking to people I love people have said I want to work with

people and I got this dream about my mom my home could could I do that mr.

Washington he said it's possible mr. Brown and as

he walked away I called him again I said mr. Washington he said what do you want

now I said I'll I'm the one sir

I said I'm the one you you remember me sir I'm miss baby Browns boy I'm the

word I'm the word

and you must feel bad but that's why you're here because you are the one and

I remember when PBS first played one of my specials called you deserve one

Sunday afternoon in Miami Florida I had some friends call him to tell him to

tune in and he watched the program he called me in Detroit and I answered the

phone I said hello he said may I speak to Les Brown please I said who's calling

he said you know who this is I said Oh mr. Washington it's you he said you were

the one weren't you I said yes sir he said and you were so crazy I said I

know but I'm rich now

ladies and gentlemen it's not going to be easy

it was hard laying on the floor of the Penobscot building looking out of the

window daydreaming saying les can you do this can you make this happen

I used to listen to tapes day in and day out about see you at the top my great

friend Zig and and and Denis Waitley and different other motivational speakers

and dr. norman vincent peale and dex are saying don't let nobody steal your dream

I used to ask myself can I do this and something said within me

you're the one you're the one and let me tell you something ladies and gentlemen

while you're here and before you go back home to your respective cities and

communities write down at least five reasons on why you deserve your dream

and why you won't give up what's going to make you unstoppable why you must be

unreasonable because logical practical thinking says you can't do it today

but if you want to produce unreasonable results in your life like living your

dream in taking charge of your destiny you've got to be an unreasonable person

you've got to be an uncommon person so write down the reasons of why you're

here my first major goal was to buy my mother at home and let me tell you

something ladies and gentlemen what what will reasons do les Nietzsche said if

you know the why for doing you can in do it almost anyhow what do you mean by

that if you know why you're doing something

when the hard times come and they're going to come when the disappointments

and the rejections come and they're going to come by the truckloads your

reasons will be your rod and staff to comfort you

to pick you up once again I got a saying on one of my tapes if life knocks you

down try and land on your back because if you can look up you can get up let

your reasons get you back up

For more infomation >> Les Brown - When You Feel Like Giving Up (Les Brown Motivation) - Duration: 10:42.


Colors Learn spiderman cartoon for kids tv Finger Family Song - Duration: 2:18.

Colors Learn spiderman cartoon for kids tv Finger Family Song

For more infomation >> Colors Learn spiderman cartoon for kids tv Finger Family Song - Duration: 2:18.


Mark Salling ('Glee') intentó suicidarse antes de declararse culpable - Duration: 2:48.

For more infomation >> Mark Salling ('Glee') intentó suicidarse antes de declararse culpable - Duration: 2:48.


Ein Fieser Trick & Pwnhammer Duece ★ Super Mario Bros. X # 12 [ Deutsch ] - Duration: 7:40.

For more infomation >> Ein Fieser Trick & Pwnhammer Duece ★ Super Mario Bros. X # 12 [ Deutsch ] - Duration: 7:40.


Learn Colors with Temple Run 2 Colors Gameplay Songs for Kids Games for Kids Children Baby - Duration: 7:33.

For more infomation >> Learn Colors with Temple Run 2 Colors Gameplay Songs for Kids Games for Kids Children Baby - Duration: 7:33.


The 1st Stelatopia Replenishing Cleansing Wipes | Mustela - Duration: 0:34.

What wipes can I use if my baby has atopic-prone skin?

Mustela innovates and creates

The 1st replenishing cleansing wipes

A formula designed for atopic-prone skin Picto avocado perseose & Sunflower oil Distillate Patented naturel ingredients from responsible supply chains

Clinically proven efficacy Gently cleans in a single step fibers: softer thicker

Safety and high tolerance from birth on picto 0% fragrance, paraben, phenoxyethanol, phathlate picto 97% ingredients of natural origin

2017 Stelatopia innovation: replenishing cleansing wipes

For more infomation >> The 1st Stelatopia Replenishing Cleansing Wipes | Mustela - Duration: 0:34.


My Most Liked Photos, The Making of: How to boost Social Media - Duration: 14:23.

For more infomation >> My Most Liked Photos, The Making of: How to boost Social Media - Duration: 14:23.


O COMEÇO DO FIM! - Duration: 1:59.

For more infomation >> O COMEÇO DO FIM! - Duration: 1:59.


Top 10 edm gây nghiện 2017 ║ Nhạc điện tử hay nhất 2017 🎧 - Duration: 39:15.

For more infomation >> Top 10 edm gây nghiện 2017 ║ Nhạc điện tử hay nhất 2017 🎧 - Duration: 39:15.


Ab de villiers century in 2nd odi against bangladesh ( fastest hundred)2017 - Duration: 0:43.



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